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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da obtenção de briquetes autorredutores de minério de ferro e carvão fóssil endurecidos por tratamento térmico. / Development of composite briquettes of iron ore and coal hardened by heat treatment.

Cesar Yuji Narita 10 November 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, novas tecnologias têm sido desenvolvidas para a redução da emissão de gás carbônico, um dos principais causadores do efeito estufa. Na indústria de ferro e aço, grande emissora de gás carbônico, tecnologias para uso mais eficiente de carvão fóssil tem sido desenvolvidas. Uma dessas tecnologias é o produto chamado de CCB (Carbon Composite Iron Ore Hot Briquette), um composto de minério de ferro e carbono briquetado a quente que usa a plasticidade térmica do carvão fóssil como aglomerante para aumento da resistência mecânica do aglomerado. Esse produto tem como vantagens a alta velocidade de reação e alta resistência mecânica a altas temperaturas, diferentemente das pelotas autorredutores que usam aglomerantes inorgânicos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (a) propor um método para a fabricação de aglomerados autorredutores de minério de ferro e carvão fóssil via briquetagem a frio seguida de tratamento térmico; (b) identificar a principais variáveis de processo de fabricação; e (c) estudar o comportamento cinético durante a redução dos briquetes produzidos. Para fabricar os briquetes foram utilizados dois métodos de briquetagem, um em matriz cilíndrica de compressão uniaxial, e outro em prensa de rolos. Foram identificadas as principais variáveis de processo na fabricação dos briquetes: temperatura de tratamento térmico; tamanho de partícula dos componentes da mistura; características do carvão fóssil; pressão de compressão na conformação dos briquetes; proporção dos componentes; e taxa de aquecimento do tratamento térmico. A qualidade dos briquetes foi mensurada por sua resistência à compressão. Foi observado que a obtenção de um briquete autorredutor comparável com os CCBs, deve levar em conta as seguintes condições de fabricação: (a) tamanho de partícula do carvão fóssil entre 0,105 e 0,053 mm (150 e 270 mesh); (b) quantidade de carvão fóssil na mistura entre 25 e 30% em peso; e (c) temperatura de tratamento térmico de 500°C. Além disso, quanto maior a taxa de aquecimento do tratamento térmico, maior a resistência à compressão dos briquetes. A cinética de redução dos briquetes autorredutores tratados termicamente é bastante sensível à temperatura (E = 369 kJ/mol), principalmente quando comparada a pelotas autorredutoras de minério de ferro e carvão vegetal (E 200 kJ/mol). / In recent years, new technologies have been developed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. Innovative energy saving technologies have been developed to improve the efficiency of coal usage, especially in the iron making industry, which emits large amounts of carbon dioxide. One of these technologies is a product known as CCB (Carbon Composite Iron Ore Hot Briquette), a self-reducing carbon composite iron ore that uses the thermal plasticity of coking coals as a binder to enhance the mechanical strength of the agglomerate. This product has advantages such as high reaction rate and high mechanical strength at high temperatures when compared against self-reducing pellets that uses inorganic binders. The objectives of this study are: (a) to propose a method for manufacturing composite briquettes of iron ore and coal hardened by heat treatment; (b) to identify the main process variables of the fabrication; and (c) to study the agglomerate reduction kinetics. Two methods of briquetting have been employed, one using a cylindrical die and the other using a laboratory roller press. The main process variables for manufacturing the briquettes have been identified: the heat treatment temperature; the particle size of the components; the coal characteristics; the briquetting pressure; the proportion of the components; and the heating rate. Compressive strength tests have been performed. It was observed that obtaining a self-reducing briquette as strong as the CCB should consider the following fabrication conditions: (a) coal particle size between 0,105 and 0,053 mm (150 and 270 mesh); (b) coal amount in the mixture between 25 and 30 wt%; and (c) heat treatment temperature of 500°C. Also, higher heating rates showed higher briquette compressive strengths. The self-reducing briquettes reduction kinetics are very sensitive to temperature (E = 369 kJ/mol), especially when compared against self-reducing pellets of iron ore and charcoal (E 200 kJ/mol).

Isolamento e caracterização de bactéria redutora de sulfato: ênfase na degradação de benzoato / Isolation and characterization of sulfate-reducing bacteria: emphasis in the benzoate use

Sidnei Pereira da Silva 16 September 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar a degradação anaeróbia de benzoato por bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS). A primeira fase experimental avaliou essa degradação utilizando como inóculo biomassa de reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) utilizado no tratamento de água residuária de indústria de peróxidos orgânicos. Os ensaios foram realizados em reatores em batelada mantidos em temperatura de 33ºC ±1 e agitação de 150 rpm. Os reatores foram alimentados com meio para BRS e diferentes concentrações de benzoato e sulfato, estabelecendo as seguintes relações: 0,9 (890 mg/L e 970 mg/L), 0,8 (660 mg/L e 870 mg/L) e 0,6 (242 mg/L e 400 mg/L). Após 13 dias verificou-se valores de remoção do benzoato e utilização do sulfato iguais a: (0,9) 71,2% e 98%, (0,7) 97% e 99,9% e (0,6) 91,3% e 15%, respectivamente. Os exames microscópicos revelaram o predomínio de BRS. Na segunda fase experimental foi realizada a purificação celular, utilizando-se técnica de diluição seriada em meio líquido, obtendo-se cultura com predomínio de cocos, gram-negativos, diâmetro médio de 1,8 mm, não formadores de esporos e desulfoviridina positiva. Sendo identificadas como Desulfococcus multivorans através de seqüenciamento do DNAr 16S. As células foram submetidas a testes fisiológicos visando caracterizar o crescimento com diferentes aceptores de elétrons e substratos orgânicos. Nas condições em que predominaram cocos o consumo das fontes de carbono foram melhores quando as fontes aceptoras de elétron eram possuidoras de enxofre. Na terceira fase experimental foram realizados ensaios com a cultura purificada em reatores anaeróbios em batelada submetidos as seguintes concentrações de benzoato e sulfato estabelecendo relações de: (0,3) 600 mg/L e 2000 mg/L; (0,6) 606 mg/L e 1000 mg/L; (1,2) 600 mg/L e 500 mg/L; (1,8) 910 mg/L e 500 mg/L, respectivamente. Após, 13 dias de operação, verificou-se valores de remoção do benzoato e utilização do sulfato, iguais a: 99% e 61,2% (0,3), 99% e 100% (0,6), 99% e 100% (1,2) e 50% e 100% (1,8), respectivamente. A velocidade de crescimento (&#956) e o tempo de geração (Tg) foram respectivamente: 0,010 h-1 e 66,4 horas, para relação 0,6 e 0,011 h-1 e 66,1 horas, para a relação 0,3. / This work was carried out aiming to assess benzoate anaerobic degradation by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The first experimental phase consisted of assessing this degradation using biomass provided from a horizontal anaerobic immobilized bed reactor (HAIB) applied in the treatment of wastewater from an organic peroxide industry. The essays were carried out in batch reactors kept under 33ºC ±1 of temperature and 150 rpm of agitation. The reactors were fed with a specific culture medium for SRB and also with different concentrations of benzoate and sulfate, establishing the following relations: 0.9 (890 mg/L and 970 mg/L), 0.8 (680 mg/L and 870 mg/L) and 0.6 (242 mg/L and 400 mg/L), respectively. After 13 days of operation, benzoate removal and sulfate utilization efficiency values equal to: (0.9) 71.2% and 98%, (0.8) 97% and 99.9% and (0.6) 91.3% and 15%, respectively, were verified. The microscopic exams revealed the domain of SRB. In the second experimental phase cellular purification was carried out using the serial dilution technique in liquid medium, obtaining a culture with the domain of gram-negatives cocci, average diameter of 1,8 mm, nonspore-forming and desulfoviridin positive. These cells were identified as Desulfococcus multivorans through the use of ribosomal 16S DNA sequencing technique. This biomass was submitted to physiological tests aiming to characterize the growth with different electron acceptors and organic substrates. It was possible to verify that in the conditions where cocci took place, the consumption of carbon sources were better when the electron accepting sources possessed sulfur. In the third experimental phase essays with culture purified, the reactors were submitted to the following concentrations of benzoate and sulfate: relation (0.3), with 600.0 mg/L and 2000.0 mg/L; relation (0.6) with 606 mg/L and 1000 mg/L; relation (1.2), with 600 mg/L and 500 mg/L; relation (1.8), with 910 mg/L and 500 mg/L, respectively. After 13 days of operation, benzoate removal and sulfate utilization values were equal to: 99% and 61.2% (0.3), 99% and 100% (0.6), 99% and 100% (1.2) and 50% and 100% (1.8), respectively. The specific growth rate (&#956) and the generation time (Tg) of culture, were equal to: 0.010 h-1 and 66.4 hours for relation 0.6 and 0.011 h-1 and 66.1 hours for relation 0.3, respectively.

Avaliação da comunidade microbiana anaeróbia em reator sulfetogênico utilizando a hibridação in situ com sondas fluorescentes (FISH) / Evaluation of anaerobic microbial community in sulfidogenic reactor using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)

Julia Sumiko Hirasawa 25 April 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a caracterização microbiana anaeróbia de reatores anaeróbios diferenciais horizontais e em batelada, operados sob condições sulfetogênicas e mesofílicas (30ºC). Os reatores diferenciais foram preenchidos com diferentes materiais suportes (espuma de poliuretano, carvão vegetal, polietileno reciclado de baixa densidade e cerâmica porosa à base de alumina) visando a seleção do suporte adequado para otimização do processo sulfetogênico, para a relação DQO/sulfato de aproximadamente 0,67. Os reatores diferenciais foram alimentados diariamente com esgoto sintético, contendo aproximadamente 1000 mg/L de DQO e 1500 mg/L de sulfato, durante 28 dias de operação. A caracterização microbiana foi realizada através da técnica de hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH), microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Foram realizadas quantificações, em termos de porcentagens, de microrganismos pertencentes ao Domínio Bacteria (EUB338), Domínio Archaea (ARC915) e bactérias redutoras do íon sulfato (BRS) da subdivisão delta de Proteobacteria (SRB385). Nos reatores diferenciais, houve predomínio de bactérias em todos os suportes estudados. Os reatores diferenciais operados com espuma e carvão apresentaram maiores porcentagens de BRS, com valores iguais a 57,6% e 69,7%, respectivamente. A cerâmica foi o material que apresentou melhor equilíbrio de bactérias e arqueas metanogênicas, com 59,6% e 40,9%, respectivamente. Os reatores em batelada foram operados com espuma de poliuretano e carvão vegetal com relação DQO/sulfato de aproximadamente 3. As porcentagens de BRS quantificadas pelo FISH foram iguais a 65,3% e 69,1% para espuma e carvão, respectivamente. Em ambos os reatores o carvão vegetal foi o material mais favorável à sulfetogênese. / This research reports an anaerobic microbial characterization of both, a horizontal differential anaerobic and a batch reactors, operated at sulfidogenic and mesofilic conditions at 30ºC. The differential reactors were filled with four support materials (polyurethane foam, vegetable coal, recycled polyethylene of low density and alumin based porous ceramic) aiming the selection of a more appropriated support for optimization of sulfidogenic processes (ratio COD/sulfate of approximately 0.67). Differential reactors were fed daily with synthetic sewage, containing approximately 1000 mg/L of COD and 1500 mg/L of sulfate concentrations, during 28 days of operation. Microbial characterization was accomplished using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), optic and scanning electronic microscopy. It was realized a quantification, in percentages, of microorganisms belong to Bacteria Domain (EUB338), Archaea Domain (ARC915) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of delta subdivision Proteobacteria (SRB385). Differential reactors have shown predominance of bacteria in all the support materials studied. Differential reactors operated with foam and coal presented the greatest percentages of SRB, with values equal to 57.6% and 69.7%, respectively. The ceramic was the material that presented the best equilibrium of bacteria and methanogenic archaea, with 59.6% and 40.9%, respectively. Batch reactors were operated with polyurethane foam and vegetable coal with COD/sulfate ratio of approximately 3. Percentages of SRB quantified by FISH were equals to 65.3% and 69.1% for foam and coal, respectively. In both reactors the vegetable coal have shown to be the most favorable material to sulfidogenesis.

Efeito da enzima transglutaminase na digestabilidade e antigenicidade da ß-Lactoglobulina / Effect of the transglutaminase enzyme in the digestability and antigenicity of the ß-lactoglobulin

Vuolo, Milena Morandi, 1984- 02 February 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Flavia Maria Netto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T11:45:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vuolo_MilenaMorandi_M.pdf: 1172548 bytes, checksum: 0065404d0770c2d788c07526e0f82ae8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O leite bovino contém proteínas que são consideradas antigênicas e capazes de induzir algum tipo de resposta imunológica, dentre elas destaca-se a ß-lactoglobulina (ß-Lg). A utilização da enzima transglutaminase (TG), que catalisa reações de ligação e-(?-glutamina)lisil inter ou intramoleculares, incorporação de aminas e desaminação tem demonstrado eficiência em alterar o potencial antigênico de alimentos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da reação de polimerização induzida pela TG na atividade antigênica da ß-Lg e sua digestibilidade, na presença dos agentes redutores glutationa (GSH) e ácido ascórbico (AA). As modificações da ß-Lg com a TG na presença dos agentes redutores foram realizadas através de experimentos fatoriais 22 nos quais as variáveis independentes foram a relação enzima:substrato (E/S) (0 ¿ 51,6 U TG g -1 de proteína) e concentração dos agentes redutores, [GSH] (0 - 0,67 mmol/L) ou [AA] (0- 0,02 mol/L) e as variáveis dependentes foram grau de polimerização e concentração de IgE. A polimerização foi avaliada por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE), e grau de polimerização (GP) através da determinação de lisinas livres. A avaliação da antigenicidade foi feita por ELISA, utilizando soro de camundongos BALB/c sensibilizados com ß-Lg na forma nativa. A resistência das amostras à ação da pepsina foi avaliada por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida na presença de SDS e tricina (SDSPAGE/Tricina). Os tratamentos realizados com TG e GSH apresentaram polímeros de alta massa molar (MM > 97,4 kDa), exceto para a condição do ensaio 5 (0,34 mmol/L GSH), que não utilizou TG. Os tratamentos com TG e AA também apresentaram polímeros de alta massa molar (MM > 97,4 kDa), exceto para a condição do ensaio 2 (44,1 U de TG g -1 e 0,003 mol/L de AA) e ensaio 5 (0,01 mol/L AA, que não utilizou TG). O GP foi maior para as amostras tratadas com TG na presença de agentes redutores, quando comparadas às amostras tratadas somente com TG ou agente redutor. Os resultados mostraram que a presença dos agentes redutores levou ao aumento da polimerização pela TG ao desnaturar a proteína levando à maior exposição dos aminoácidos lisina e glutamina. Não houve diminuição na antigenicidade da ß-Lg tratada com TG na presença de GSH ou AA, porém houve aumento da antigenicidade de algumas amostras obtidas sob algumas das condições dos ensaios realizados com os agentes redutores quando comparadas à ß-Lg. Os tratamentos realizados com TG na presença dos agentes redutores não aumentaram a digestibilidade da ß-Lg pela pepsina. Os digeridos das amostras obtidas sob as condições relativas aos níveis extremos do planejamento experimental (±1,41) e o ponto central, foram avaliados quanto à sua antigenicidade. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diminuição da antigenicidade da ß-Lg tratada com TG e GSH ou TG e AA., quando comparadas à ß-Lg. A polimerização com TG na presença de agentes redutores GSH e AA não foi capaz de modificar a antigenicidade das amostras digeridas, sugerindo que não houve modificações na proteína capazes de aumentar sua digestibilidade pela pepsina ou modificar regiões de epítopos / Abstract: Cow¿s milk contains proteins which are considered antigenic and able to lead to immune response, among them ß-lactoglobulin (ß-Lg) is the most important. The transglutaminase (TG) is the only enzyme commercially used that catalyses inter or intramolecular cross linking reaction in various proteins and demonstrates efficiency to alter the antigenic potential of food. The current work aimed at studying the effect of the reaction of induced polymerization by TG in presence of the reducing agents glutathione (GSH) as well as ascorbic acid (AA) in the antigenic activity of ß-Lg and its digestibility. The modifications in ß-Lg induced by TG in presence of reducing agents were carried out using factorial experiments 22, in which the independent variables were the enzyme:substrate ratio (E/S) (0 ¿ 51,6 U TG g -1) and concentration of reducing agents, [GSH] (0 - 0,67 mmol/L) or [AA] (0- 0,02 mol/L), and the dependent variables were the polymerization degree and concentration of IgE. Polymerization was assessed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (SDSPAGE), and the polymerization degree (PD) was determined by the free lysine content. The assessment of antigenicity was by ELISA assay, using serum of BALB/c mice sensitized with native ß-Lg. The resistance of the samples to the action of pepsin was evaluated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in presence of SDS and tricine (SDSPAGE/Tricine). The treatments using TG and GSH showed high molecular weight polymers (MM > 97,4kDa), except for a test condition 5 (0,34 mmol/L GSH), where TG was not used. The treatments with TG and AA also showed polymers of high molecular weight (MM > 97,4kDa), except for the test condition 2 (44,1 U TG g -1 and 0,003 mol/L of AA) and test 5 (0,01 mol/L AA, without TG). The PD was higher in the samples treated with TG in presence of reducing agents, when compared to samples treated only with TG or reducing agents. The results showed that the presence of reducing agents led to the increase of polymerization by TG since they denature the protein, leading to increased exposure of the amino acids glutamine and lysine, substrate for TG. The results showed that there was no reduction in the antigenicity of ß-Lg treated with TG in presence of GSH or AA, however an increase in the antigenicity of some modified samples was observed when compared to the native ß-Lg. . The treatments carried out with TG and reducing agents did not increase the digestibility of the ß-Lg by pepsin. The antigenicity of the digested from the samples obtained under the conditions of the extreme levels of experimental planning (±1,41) and at the central point were assessed. The results showed that after digestion with pepsin there was no decrease of the antigenicity of ß-Lg treated with TG in the presence of GSH or AA as compared to digested ß-Lg. Polymerization with TG in the presence of reducing agents was not able to alter the antigenicity of the samples, which suggests that there were no modifications in the protein that would be able to increase its digestibility by pepsin as well as the epitopes regions of the ß-Lg / Mestrado / Nutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de Alimentos / Mestre em Alimentos e Nutrição

Adaptation à la pression hydrostatique chez les bactéries sulfato-réductrices piézophiles du genre Desulfovibrio / Adaptation to hydrostatic pressure in two sulfate reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio

Amrani, Amira 20 October 2015 (has links)
Les bactéries sulfato-réductrices sont largement présentes dans les environnements marins profonds. Ces écosystèmes sont caractérisés par un paramètre physique très important, la pression hydrostatique. Afin de mieux comprendre l'adaptation des bactéries sulfatoréductrices à la pression hydrostatique, la technique RNAseq ainsi que des analyses métaboliques ont été utilisées pour étudier la réponse à différentes pressions de croissance chez deux bactéries piézophiles du genre Desulfovibrio, D. hydrothermalis et D. piezophilus. L’analyse transcriptomique révèle que le métabolisme et le transport des acides aminés, le métabolisme énergétique et la transduction du signal jouent un rôle important dans l'adaptation à la pression hydrostatique chez les souches étudiées. Le dosage du glutamate intracellulaire a montré son accumulation à haute pression hydrostatique, suggérant son rôle de piézolyte chez les espèces du genre Desulfovibrio. Les analyses métaboliques ont montré que la production d'énergie chez ces bactéries est optimisée pour la vie en profondeur et qu’elle est plus efficace à la pression optimale de croissance de chacune des souches. De plus, ces analyses nous ont fourni des informations sur les mécanismes adoptés par la souche D. piezophilus pour modifier son métabolisme énergétique afin de s’adapter à des conditions de haute pression hydrostatique. L’analyse de gènes co-régulés à haute pression chez la souche D. piezophilus nous a permis d'identifier un motif de régulation en amont de gènes essentiellement impliqués dans la production d’énergie et qui serait impliquée dans l'adaptation à des pressions hydrostatiques élevées chez D. piezophilus. / Sulfate-reducing bacteria are widely distributed in deep marine environments These biotopes are characterized by a very important physical parameter, the hydrostatic pressure, which increases by 1 MPa each 100 m depth. To better understand adaptation of sulfate-reducing bacteria to high pressure, RNAseq and metabolic analyses were used to study the response of the piezophilic strains of the genus Desulfovibrio, D. hydrothermalis and D. piezophilus to various hydrostatic pressure growth conditions. The transcriptomic datasets obtained revealed that amino acids metabolisms and transport, energy metabolism and signal transduction are important for adaptation to hydrostatic pressure. Glutamate quantification showed its accumulation at high hydrostatic pressure in both strains, suggesting its role as piezolyte in Desulfovibrio species. Metabolic analyses showed that energy production of those bacteria is optimized for deep-sea life conditions and more efficient at the optimum pressure growth of each strain. Moreover, these analyses provide new insights into mechanism of metabolism pathway modification in response to hight hydrostatic pressure in the strain D. piezophilus. Analysis of hight pressure co-regulated genes in the strain D. piezophilus, allowed us to identify a regulatory motif in the upstream of genes essentially involved in energy production. This motif could be a binding site for a regulatory protein involved in the adaptation to high hydrostatic pressure in D. piezophilus that need to be identified.

Mental Health Stigma-Reducing Education: Trainee Confidence in their Ability to Demonstrate Skills

Barnett, Jessica 09 August 2016 (has links)
Background Mental health stigma-reducing and awareness trainings encourage trainees to talk about mental health with the hope that increased discussions will lead to reduced stigma and increased access to mental health services. This survey study aimed to examine the current levels of confidence among participants, or “first aiders” who completed the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training in their ability to demonstrate the skills that were taught in the training. Additionally, this study examined the difference in levels of confidence between the YMHFA instructors and first aiders in the ability of the first aiders to demonstrate the skills that were taught in the training. We examined differences in levels of confidence among first aiders according to their socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Finally, we explored the ways in which first aiders who completed the course used their knowledge and skills after the training. Methods Seven hundred fifty-seven first aider participants were surveyed post-training and 129 first aider participants were surveyed at follow-up. Fourteen YMHFA instructors were surveyed. Results The data indicated that there was a significant decrease in confidence among first aiders between post-training and follow-up. With the exception of age, there were no statistically significant differences in levels of confidence among first aiders according to the following sociodemographic and personal characteristics: a.) gender; b.) race; c.) reason for attendance; d.) role of use. Survey data also indicated the various ways in which first aiders are currently using their training. Conclusions First aiders’ confidence declined after follow-up even though they reported various ways in which they are using their training. Instructors reported positive perceptions of the training and reported a high level of confidence in the ability of their trained first aiders to demonstrate the taught skills.

New Perovskite Materials for Sensors and Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (LT-SOFC) Applications

Bukhari, Syed Munawer January 2011 (has links)
This work involved the development of new perovskite oxides based on SmFeO3 and testing their performances as sensors for reducing gases (H2, CO & CH4) and as anode materials for dry methane oxidation in solid oxide fuel cells. The new perovskite oxide materials with formula Sm0.95Ce0.05Fe1-xMxO3-δ (M= Co, Ni & Cr) were synthesized by a sol gel method using citric acid as a complexing agent. The resulting materials were characterized by using a battery of techniques including XRD, XRF, XPS, SEM and electrochemical methods. Sensing experiments revealed that both cobalt doped and Cr doped materials can detect H2, CO and CH4 in air at different temperatures including room temperature. The Ni doped materials did not prove good candidates as sensors. However, their reduction treatment studies showed the formation of metallic nanoparticles on the surface which deeply influence their electrical conductivity as well as sensing ability. Consequently, this modification in surface structure and chemical composition enabled them to sense hydrogen gas at 300oC very effectively. The response of sensors based on these reduced materials was measurable and reversible. Some materials were also selected on the basis of their reduction stability and electrical properties, and their electrochemical performances were evaluated as SOFC anodes under dry methane and dry hydrogen fuels separately. The performance tests as SOFC anode revealed that the best anode material for the oxidation of dry hydrogen fuel is Sm0.95Ce0.05FeO3-δ. Furthermore, Sm0.95Ce0.05FeO3-δ proved to be coke resistant anode under dry methane fuel and exhibited reasonably low charge transfer resistance values at temperatures between 600-700oC. The doping of Co and Ni at the B-site of Sm0.95Ce0.05FeO3-δ found to be very effective in further improving its performance as SOFC anode towards oxidation of dry methane fuel at the lower temperatures.

The anthropometric status and dietary intake of adults engaging in bodybuilding programme around Polowane Municipality in Limpopo Province

Masoga, Sylven January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Dietectics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / Introduction: Bodybuilders around Polokwane municipality are adhering to different dietary practices some of which are not evidence based. These practices may predispose these athletes to negative health outcomes sooner or later in life. The aim of this study was to investigate the anthropometric status and dietary intake of bodybuilders around Polokwane Municipality. Methodology: This was a descriptive analytical study where purposive sampling method was used to obtain 51 out of 65 registered bodybuilders within the training gyms around Polokwane. Weight and Height were measured to determine BMI. Four skinfold sites (triceps, biceps, subscapular and suprailliac) were measured using caliper and non-stretchable tape to estimate total body fat percentage. Dietary information was collected using the 24 hour-recall collected for three different days which was validated by the Food Frequency Questionnaire. Results: of the 51 body builders, 94.1% were men and 5.8% women. Few athletes (15.7%) were using ergogenic agents such as powders (13.7%) and tablets (2%). Also, 64.7% of the athletes had normal body weight while 33.3% and 2.0% were overweight and obese respectively. Majority of the athletes (78.4%) had an acceptable body fat percentage. Dietary results showed that majority of the athletes consumed energy (98%) and carbohydrates (100%) below the ISSN bodybuilding recommendations. Conclusion: The dietary intake of the bodybuilding athletes around Polokwane municipality is below the ISSN (2010) bodybuilding recommendations; however, their anthropometric status and body composition is normal.

Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Value-Added Products using Microbial Electrosynthesis Cell

AlQahtani, Manal Faisal 11 1900 (has links)
Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is an emerging biotechnology platform for the conversion of CO2 feedstocks into value-added chemical commodities. In MES, microbial catalysts use the cathode (electrons/ H2) as a sole source of energy for the reduction of CO2. Integrating MES technology with renewable energy sources, such as solar power, to convert CO2 to storable chemicals is an example of a perfect circular economy and a sustainable climate change mitigation strategy. However, many knowledge gaps need to be addressed to scale-up MES as an economically viable chemical production process. Therefore, different in-depth approaches were tested in this dissertation by optimizing the cathode architecture and exploring the saline application to enhance MES performance. A balance between various bio-physicochemical phenomena at the MES cathode, i.e., the three-phase interface between CO2 gas, cathodic-biofilm, and electrolyte, is desirable for efficient microbial electrochemical CO2 capture and utilization. To address this problem, this thesis investigated alternatives to the benchmark carbonbased plane cathode by applying a dual-functioning (cathode as well as a CO2 gas-transfer membrane) electrode architecture on MES performance. High Faradaic efficiencies for CO2 reduction were achieved with this novel cathode architecture. This hollow-fiber electrode architecture was also applied to MES operation in saline conditions (i.e., Saline-MES). Because seawater potentially acts as an endless source of saline electrolyte, and its high electrical conductivity useful to minimize the concentration overpotential losses occurs in MES. However, exploring robust halophilic microbial catalysts with high selectivity towards CO2 reduction to the desired end product(s) is necessary to develop the saline-MES process. Therefore, this thesis investigated natural saline habitats with hyper (Red sea brine pool) and moderate salinity (mangrove and salt marsh sediment) as a source of inoculum. Emphasis was placed on improving new knowledge in the direction of halophilic CO2 reducing communities enrichment using cathode selective pressure in the saline-MES. The fundamental insights demonstrated in this dissertation are useful for further development of MES technology, to bring MES one step closer to full-scale applications, for overcoming the bottlenecks associated with reactor scaling-up related to cathode architecture, strategies for the enrichment of halophilic CO2 reducing microbial communities, and saline-MES process optimization.

Vývoj přísad redukující smrštění navržených pro alkalicky aktivované materiály / Development of shrinkage reducing admixtures designed for alkali activated materials

Šístková, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with development of shrinkage reducing admixtures designed for alkali activated materials based on blast furnace slag. The main task of this work is to select the most suitable shrinkage reducing admixture based on experiments, in which can be observed minimal shrinkage and at the same time it will not adversely affect the properties of alkali activated blast furnace slag. In the experimental part of the work, test beams containing shrinkage reducing admixtures were prepared, in which the shrinkage and loss of weight were measured. Moreover, the mechanical properties of individual beams, such as tensile strength and compressive strength, were measured. Next, the surface tension of individual shrinkage reducing admixtures was measured in a mixture with pore solution. The hydration process of alkali activated materials under the action of reducing shrinkage admixtures was monitored by calorimetric analysis. The microstructure of the prepared samples was observed by scanning electron microscopy.

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