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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Snížování energetické náročnosti obytného objektu / Reducing the energy performance of a residential building

Drápal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the calculation of the heat loss of a family house, possible ways of reducing the heat loss and impacts of replacing an existing heating source with a gas condensing boiler or heat pump. The research is focused on the individual ways of reducing the heat loss and possible choices of heating sources for the chosen subject. In the next part, there is the house described and its heat loss is calculated according to ČSN EN 12831. Subsequently, arrangements are proposed to reduce the heat loss and return on investment is calculated. The last part is focused on replacing the existing heating source by a gas con-densing boiler and heat pump. Regarding to low price of 1 GJ of heat, reducing heat loss without the subsidy program “Nová Zelená Úsporám”, would not be interesting. However, if we replace an existing source with a gas condensing boiler or heat pump, then the reduction is a must.

Přizpůsobený filtr / Matched Filter

Dvořák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to study methods of reducing BER and suggest possible resolution of matched filter. In the first part, the methods are theoretically analyzed and subsequently their function models are sugested in the computer programme Matlab Simulink. On these models, the behaviour for different input values is simulated and on their basis, the output depending on probability of the false income on SNR for each of models is worked out. In the second part, the design of the laboratory preparation with a view to the matched filter is described. This suggestion is divided into the parts which are subsequently described and outputs from the implementation of the suggested resolution are added. Thereinafter, the implementation of the proposed resolution and the results achieved at measurement of the realized produkt are closely described. This product is to be made for educational and laboratory purposes in terms of lessons The Theory of Communication.

Nové trendy v ukládání RaO / New trends of disposal of radioactive waste

Vohralík, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The main point of my diploma thesis is accession the questions of disposal of radioactice waste and related proceeding with it. The thesis is engaged in estimation of the current disposal site in the Czech republic and analysis of the particular technological ways of the procces with radioactice waste.The thesis is engaged in real possibilities of maximum minimization radioactive waste in the Czech republic in the context of raising quantity radioactive waste. It is taken up new trends in disposal of radioactice waste and technology of the modification of radioactice waste before storing.

Reproductive needs of men and women living with HIV: implications for family planning counselling

van Zyl, Cornelia January 2013 (has links)
This research explored the reproductive needs of people of low socio-economic standing living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and attending public health facilities in South Africa. A qualitative research design based on the theoretical framework of critical realism using grounded theory was employed in revealing the dominant unobserved underlying mechanisms, powers and structures that influence their reproductive decision-making. HIV-positive men, HIV positive pregnant women and HIV positive non-pregnant women were recruited by HIV counsellors from the Ante-Natal Clinic and the Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinic at the Kalafong Hospital. Individual interviews were used to explore participants’ reproductive needs. Focus group discussions were employed to holistically explore the HIV counsellors’ attitudes and perceptions regarding their clients’ reproductive needs and future family planning. Parenthood was an important factor to all participants in establishing their gender identities. Different cultural norms existed for men and women realising their reproductive needs. Society expects of women to be mothers, yet at the same time negatively judges HIV-positive women who choose to become pregnant or refuse to abort an existing pregnancy. Consequently, most women choose not to disclose their status and continue to live as if they are not HIV-positive. Having children is so important to these reproductive-aged PLWHA that they will risk their own health, the health of their partners and their babies. Emancipatory transformation of current HIV counselling services is needed and can be established by improving counsellor knowledge through training as well as giving PLWHA access to accredited HIV risk reducing services. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / lk2014 / Psychology / PhD / unrestricted

Effective Strategies Employed by Retail Store Leaders to Reduce Employee Turnover

Beato, Alexandro 01 January 2017 (has links)
Employee turnover affects retail organizations in the form of lower productivity, decreased profitability, and reduced sustainability. In 2014, organizations lost over $11 billion in tangible and intangible assets as the result of employee turnover. High employee turnover rates have an adverse effect on productivity, which lead to unsustainable business practices. The number of retail employees who quit their jobs each month increased from 432,000 in December 2016 to 464,000 in January 2017, which indicates that some managers lack strategies to reduce employee turnover. Using the transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this single case study was to explore effective strategies used by retail store managers from El Paso, Texas to decrease employee turnover. Participants were purposefully selected because of their experience implementing effective employee turnover reduction strategies; they reduced employee turnover from 24% in 2012 to 15% in 2016. Data were collected via face-to-face semistructured interviews with 10 managers and the review of organizational documents on employee turnover. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases, word frequency searches, and theme interpretation. Three themes emerged: supportive leadership reduced employee turnover, managing personnel scheduling decreased employee turnover, and competitive compensation reduced employee turnover. Reducing employee turnover contributes to social change by providing retail store managers with valuable insight that can lead to enhanced sustainability, improved organizational growth, and increased profitability, which might promote prosperity for local families and the community.

Réduction d’un problème thermique par sous structuration modale. Application à la modélisation d’ensembles électroniques complexes / Reducing a thermal problem by the modal sub-structuring method. Application to the modeling of complex electronic packages

Grosjean, Sébastien 11 December 2018 (has links)
Un composant électronique dissipe de la chaleur. L'optimisation « thermique » de la conception des systèmes électroniques ainsi que leur durée d'activation ou de désactivation devient alors nécessaire pour limiter les températures. Il faut donc pouvoir prédire finement et rapidement l'évolution thermique d'un composant pris dans son environnement pour différents scénarios d'utilisation. Les simulations classiques types éléments finis étant trop coûteuses en temps de calcul pour des ensembles complexes, il est nécessaire de réduire la taille du modèle. Les méthodes modales consistent à rechercher la solution sous la forme d'une somme pondérée de champs élémentaires, ces derniers étant appelés modes. Ces modes sont calculés en résolvant numériquement un problème aux valeurs propres. Si ces méthodes ont fait leur preuve pour des composants élémentaires, elles se révèlent inopérantes pour des systèmes comportant plusieurs dizaines de composants placés sur un circuit imprimé.La méthode de sous-structuration modale est une extension des méthodes modales classiques permettant de dépasser ces limitations. Il s'agit de décomposer le système en entités élémentaires (les sous-structures), de calculer les modes de chacune de ces entités, puis de les rassembler pour résoudre le problème d'origine. Des travaux préliminaires ont montré que cette approche est pertinente au premier niveau (composant électronique). On envisage lors de cette thèse d'étendre ces principes aux niveaux supérieurs.La finalité industrielle du présent travail est de simuler à l'aide d'un modèle réduit le comportement thermique d'une carte électronique (circuit imprimé et plusieurs composants implantés). Ce travail peut ouvrir la voie pour l'industriel à la modélisation de systèmes multi-modules. / An electronic component heats. Thermal optimization of the design of electronic packages and of their activation and de-activation duration is essential to cap the temperatures reached. Thus we have to be able to finely and quickly predict the thermal evolution of a component set in its surroundings for multiples scenarios of use. Classical simulations, like finite elements ones, ate too costly in terms of computing time for complex packages, we have to reduce the size of the model. Modal methods consist in seek the solution as a weighted sum of elementary fields, labelled modes. These modes are computed by solving eigenvalue problems. But these methods don't work for packaging containing dozens of components on a printed circuit board.The modal sub-structuring method is an extent of classical modal methods used to overcome their limitations. The principle is to disassemble the system into elementary entities (the sub-structures), to compute the modes of each of these entities and to reassemble them to solve the original problem. Preliminary work has shown the relevance of this method on the first level (electric component). The thesis is aimed to extend these principles to superior levels. The industrial purpose of this work is to simulate, thanks to a reduced model, the thermal behavior of an electronic card.Beside the industrial aspect, this work raises fundamental issues like the definition of the junction conditions between the sub-structures in the modal space and the adaptation of the reducing technique of the sub-structures in view of their pairing.The thesis will give answers to these questions using an electronic card as a study support.This work could pave the way of the industrial for the modeling of multi-modules systems.

Koldioxidbudget 2021-2045 för Tranemokommun : En granskning av potentiella vägar till en fossilfri kommun

Axengren, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Antropogena utsläpp av koldioxid och andra växthusgaser har orsakat en ökning avden globala genomsnittliga yttemperaturen över förindustriella nivåer. Samhället stårdärför inför en klimatomställning på en global, nationell och lokal nivå. Den globalakoldioxidbudgeten motsvarar den totala mängd antropogena koldioxidutsläpp som ärtillåtet för att hålla sig inom ramen av de uppsatta målen inom Parisavtalet. Studienbryter ner den globala koldioxidbudgeten på lokal nivå för att åskådliggörapotentiella vägar för Tranemo till att bli en fossilfri kommun. Studien bygger därförpå en datainsamling av territoriella och konsumtionsbaserade koldioxidutsläpp inomkommunens geografiska område samt inom kommunens förvaltningsorganisation.Studien analyserar vidare hur den framtida utvecklingen av klimatarbetet påverkarkoldioxidutsläpp med hjälp av scenariotekniker baserat på suveränitetsprincipen.Utsläpp orsakade från industrisektorn, transporter och utrikesflyg motsvarar de trestörsta utsläppskällorna i det geografiska området. Det beskrivna önskvärda scenariot,Best case scenario, budgeterar 602 KT CO2 mellan åren 2021-2045 därutsläppsminskande åtgärder från en av kommunens största industrier är avgörandeför att hålla sig inom ramen av budgeten. Studien visar att om samhället fortsätter attproducera och konsumera i samma takt som tidigare år kommer budgeterade utsläppvara förbrukad vid år 2027. Studien speglar den nationella och globala bilden av industrisektorn som endominerande utsläppskälla. I kontrast till identifierade konsumtionsbaseradeutsläppsminskande åtgärder är industrisektorn är en aktör som skapar en avgörandeeffekt i klimatarbetet för att reducera koldioxidutsläppen. Slutsatser dras attkoldioxidbudgeten som ett politiskt styrande dokument betraktas som ett effektivtstyrmedel om kommunen har större handlingskraft och rådighet över utsläppen somsker. Samverkan mellan offentlig och privat sektor betraktas därför som enframgångsfaktor. Kommunens utmaning för att möjliggöra klimatomställningen är attföra en kraftfull klimatpolitik och vidta åtgärder i ett tidigt skede. Vidare slutsatsersom dras i studien är därför vikten av ett strategiskt utvecklingsarbete för attmöjliggöra klimatomställningen. / Carbon dioxide emissions together with other greenhouse gases emitted byanthropogenic activities have caused an increased global average surface temperatureabove pre-industrial levels. The society is therefore facing a challenge to limit theenvironmental and societal risks associated to a global warming below 2 ° C, with theambition of 1.5 ° C. The global carbon budget determines the total amount ofanthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions that are allowed to likely limit a globalwarming of 2 ° C. By breaking down the global carbon budget at a local level,highlights this study hypothetical ways for the municipality of Tranemo to become afossil free municipality by using scenario techniques according to the principal of“grandfathering”. The study therefor maps out historical territorial and consumptionbasedcarbon dioxide emissions that are caused within the municipality’sgeographical area, and within the municipality’s administrative organization, in orderto further identify and propose climate actions.The study points out that emissions caused by the industrial sector, transportationsector, and international flights generate the greatest impact in the geographical areaof Tranemo. The desirable scenario, Best case scenario, accounts 602 KT CO2 betweenyear 2021-2045 where an emission reduction action from one of the municipality’slargest industries is crucial to stay within the budget. The study illustrates that thebudget will be spent by the year 2027 if the society continues to produce and consumein the same pace as previous years. The industrial sector is a dominant polluter at a national and global level. The studyconfirms that industrial sector is also a dominant emission source at a local level forthe geographical area of Tranemo. Climate actions within the industrial sector aretherefore crucial. The identified consumption-based climate actions are consequentlynegligible in contrast to emissions caused by the industrial sector. The studyconcludes that the carbon budget as a political document is regarded as an effectivetool if the municipality has a greater leverage and resourcefulness of the overallgenerated emissions. Cooperation between public and private actors is considered tobe a factor for success. The study clarifies the importance of strategic developmentwork, and influencing factors connected to it when it comes to transforming oursociety towards a sustainable development. / <p>2020-06-05</p>

Evaluating the Impact of a Mindfulness-Based Anxiety Intervention With Therapy Dog Support in High School Students

Kegley, Erin 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Model Predictive Control for Ground Source Heat Pumps : Reducing cost while maintaining comfort

Bokne, Isak, Elf, Charlie January 2023 (has links)
Today, the control of heat pumps aims to first and foremost maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. This is primarily done by deciding input power based on outside temperature. The cost of electricity, which can be rather volatile, is not taken into account. Electricity price can be provided on an hourly rate, and since a house can store thermal energy for a duration of time, it is possible to move electricity consumption to hours when electricity is cheap. In this thesis, the strategy used in the developed controller is Model Predictive Control (MPC). It is a suitable strategy because of the ability to incorporate an objective function that can be designed to take the trade-off between indoor temperature and electricity cost into account. The MPC prediction horizon is dynamic as the horizon of known electricity spot prices varies between 12 and 36 hours throughout the day. We model a residential house heated with a ground source heat pump for use in a case analysis. Sampled weather and spot price data for three different weeks are used in computer simulations. The developed MPC controller is compared with a classic \textit{heat curve} controller, as well as with variations of the MPC controller to estimate the effects of prediction and model errors.  The MPC controller is found to be able to reduce the electricity cost and/or provide better comfort and the prioritization of these factors can be changed depending on user preferences. When shifting energy consumption in time it is necessary to store thermal energy somewhere. If the house itself is used for this purpose, variations in indoor temperature must be accepted. Further, accurate modeling of the Coefficient of Performance (COP) is essential for ground source heat pumps. The COP varies significantly depending on operating conditions and the MPC controller must therefore have a correct perception of the COP. Publicly available weather forecasts are of sufficient quality to be usable for future prediction of outside temperature. For future studies, it would be advantageous if better models can be developed for prediction of global radiation. Including radiation in the MPC controller model would enable better comfort with very similar operating costs compared to when the MPC controller does not take radiation into account.

Identifications of Different Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Mechanisms and MIC Mitigation Using Enhanced Biocide Treatment

Wang, Di 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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