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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Investigations of Bassoon Acoustics / Experimentelle Untersuchung der Akustik des Fagotts

Grothe, Timo 19 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The bassoon is a conical woodwind instrument blown with a double-reed mouthpiece. The sound is generated by the periodic oscillation of the mouthpiece which excites the air column. The fundamental frequency of this oscillation is determined to a large extent by the resonances of the air column. These can be varied by opening or closing tone-holes. For any given tone hole setting a fine-tuning in pitch is necessary during playing. Musicians adjust the slit opening of the double-reed by pressing their lips against the opposing reed blades. These so-called embouchure corrections are required to tune the pitch, loudness and sound color of single notes. They may be tedious, especially if successive notes require inverse corrections. However, such corrections are essential: Due to the very high frequency sensitivity of the human ear playing in tune is the paramount requirement when playing music. This implies, that embouchure actions provide an important insight into a subjective quality assessment of reed wind instruments from the viewpoint of the musician: An instrument requiring only small corrections will be comfortable to play. Theoretical investigations of the whole system of resonator, reed, and musician by use of a physical model nowadays still seem insufficient with respect to the required precision. Therefore the path of well-described artificial mouth measurements has been chosen here. For the separate treatment of the resonator and the double-reed, existing classical models have been used. Modifications to these models are suggested and verified experimentally. The influence of the musician is incorporated by the lip force-dependent initial reed slit height. For this investigation a measurement setup has been built that allows precise adjustment of lip force during playing. With measurements of the artificial mouth parameters blowing pressure, mouthpiece pressure, volume-flow rate and axial lip position on reed, the experiment is fully described for a given resonator setting represented by an input impedance curve. By use of the suggested empirical model the adjustment parameters can be turned into model parameters. A large data set from blowing experiments covering the full tonal and dynamical range on five modern German bassoons of different make is given and interpreted. The experimental data presented with this work can be a basis for extending the knowledge and understanding of the interaction of instrument, mouthpiece and player. On the one hand, they provide an objective insight into tuning aspects of the studied bassoons. On the other hand the experiments define working points of the coupled system by means of quasi-static model parameters. These may be useful to validate dynamical physical models in further studies. The experimental data provide an important prerequisite for scientific proposals of optimizations of the bassoon and other reed wind instruments. It can further serve as a fundament for the interdisciplinary communication between musicians, musical instrument makers and scientists.

Možnosti kódového zabezpečení stanic s kmitočtovým skákáním / Possibilities of Error Controls in Frequency hopping Stations

Pust, Radim January 2012 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with design of coding for frequency hopping stations in band with intensive jamming. In digital modulations erroneous determination of the modulation state occurs due to jam at the receiver side. The result is erroneously transferred symbols of the message. Errors created during the transmission can be eliminated by using error control systems. It is also possible to prevent these errors by using algorithms (techniques) of frequency hopping which select the appropriate channel. Appropriate communication channel is a channel with a lower probability of erroneous symbol in the message. The main contribution of this thesis is to design a new frequency hopping technique with collision avoidance (FH/CA). The station with FH/CA technique measures signal levels in the considered several channels before every jump. Based on the measurements the most appropriate channel with the lowest value of measured signal level is selected. Therefore, it is more probable that a jump to an unoccupied channel with a transmission will occur. Using a mathematical model, the performance of the newly proposed FH/CA technique is compared with the currently used techniques FH and AFH. Comparison criteria are the probability of a collision between an FH/CA communication system and a static (device transmitting continuously at a fixed frequency) or dynamic jammer (i.e. other FH or AFH systems). By comparing the values of the probability of jammed transmission, indisputable theoretical advantages of the new FH/CA technique were found, compared to the currently used FH and AFH techniques. The FH/CA technique always has better or equal results compared with the FH technique in the case of interference by static and dynamic jammers. The FH/CA technique in a band with static and dynamic jammers usually has better results than the AFH technique. A significant contribution of the FH/CA technique can be seen in the case of dynamic jammers. On the other hand, in the case of static jammers the FH/CA technique is in certain situations worse than the AFH technique. The accuracy of the mathematical models were successfully verified on a simulation model that was created as a part of this thesis in the MATLAB environment. Based on the obtained data from the model there was designed coding for frequency hopping stations with the new technique of frequency hopping FH/CA which is designed for small-volume data transfer in a band with intensive jamming.

Distributed P2P Data Backup System / Distributed P2P Data Backup System

Mészáros, István January 2013 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce představuje model a prototyp kooperativního distributivního systému zálohování dat založeném na P2P komunikační síti. Návrh systému umožňuje uživatelům přispět svým lokálním volným místem na disku do systému výměnou za spolehlivé úložiště jejich dat u jiných uživatelů. Představené řešení se snaží splnit požadavky uživatelů na ukládání dat, zároveň však také řeší, jak se vypořádat s mírou nepředvídatelnosti uživatelů  ohledně poskytování volného místa. To je prováděno dvěma způsoby - využitím Reed - Solomon kódů a zároveň také tím, že poskytuje možnost nastavení parametrů dostupnosti. Jedním z těchto parametrů je časový rozvrh, který značí, kdy uživatel může nabídnout předvídatelný přínos do systému. Druhý parametr se týká spolehlivosti konkrétního uživatele v rámci jeho slíbeného časového úseku. Systém je schopen najít synchronizaci ukládaných dat na základě těchto parametrů. Práce se zaměřuje rovněž na řešení zabezpečení systému proti širšímu spektru možných útoků. Hlavním cílem je publikovat koncept a prototyp. Jelikož se jedná o relativně nové řešení, je důležitá také zpětná vazba od široké veřejnosti, která může produkt používat. Právě jejich komentáře a připomínky jsou podnětem pro další vývoj systému.

Experimental Investigations of Bassoon Acoustics

Grothe, Timo 03 June 2014 (has links)
The bassoon is a conical woodwind instrument blown with a double-reed mouthpiece. The sound is generated by the periodic oscillation of the mouthpiece which excites the air column. The fundamental frequency of this oscillation is determined to a large extent by the resonances of the air column. These can be varied by opening or closing tone-holes. For any given tone hole setting a fine-tuning in pitch is necessary during playing. Musicians adjust the slit opening of the double-reed by pressing their lips against the opposing reed blades. These so-called embouchure corrections are required to tune the pitch, loudness and sound color of single notes. They may be tedious, especially if successive notes require inverse corrections. However, such corrections are essential: Due to the very high frequency sensitivity of the human ear playing in tune is the paramount requirement when playing music. This implies, that embouchure actions provide an important insight into a subjective quality assessment of reed wind instruments from the viewpoint of the musician: An instrument requiring only small corrections will be comfortable to play. Theoretical investigations of the whole system of resonator, reed, and musician by use of a physical model nowadays still seem insufficient with respect to the required precision. Therefore the path of well-described artificial mouth measurements has been chosen here. For the separate treatment of the resonator and the double-reed, existing classical models have been used. Modifications to these models are suggested and verified experimentally. The influence of the musician is incorporated by the lip force-dependent initial reed slit height. For this investigation a measurement setup has been built that allows precise adjustment of lip force during playing. With measurements of the artificial mouth parameters blowing pressure, mouthpiece pressure, volume-flow rate and axial lip position on reed, the experiment is fully described for a given resonator setting represented by an input impedance curve. By use of the suggested empirical model the adjustment parameters can be turned into model parameters. A large data set from blowing experiments covering the full tonal and dynamical range on five modern German bassoons of different make is given and interpreted. The experimental data presented with this work can be a basis for extending the knowledge and understanding of the interaction of instrument, mouthpiece and player. On the one hand, they provide an objective insight into tuning aspects of the studied bassoons. On the other hand the experiments define working points of the coupled system by means of quasi-static model parameters. These may be useful to validate dynamical physical models in further studies. The experimental data provide an important prerequisite for scientific proposals of optimizations of the bassoon and other reed wind instruments. It can further serve as a fundament for the interdisciplinary communication between musicians, musical instrument makers and scientists.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Scientific Approaches to Woodwind Musical Instruments 3 1.3 Organization of the Thesis 6 2 Acoustical Properties of the Bassoon Air Column 7 2.1 Wave propagation in tubes 7 2.1.1 Theory 7 2.1.2 Transmission Line Modeling 8 2.1.3 Implementation 18 2.1.4 Remarks on Modeling Wall Losses in a Conical Waveguide 19 2.2 Input Impedance Measurement 23 2.2.1 Principle 23 2.2.2 Device 23 2.2.3 Calibration and Correction 24 2.3 Comparison of Theory and Experiment 27 2.3.1 Repeatability and Measurement Uncertainty 27 2.3.2 Comparison of numerical and experimental Impedance Curves 32 2.4 Harmonicity Analysis of the Resonator 35 2.4.1 The Role of the Resonator 35 2.4.2 The reed equivalent Volume 35 2.4.3 Harmonicity Map 36 2.5 Summary 38 3 Characterization of the Double Reed Mouthpiece 41 3.1 Physical Model of the Double-Reed 41 3.1.1 Working Principle 41 3.1.2 Structural Mechanical Characteristics 42 3.1.3 Fluid Mechanical Characteristics 44 3.2 Measurement of Reed Parameters 49 3.2.1 Quasi-stationary Measurement 49 3.2.2 Dynamic Measurement 50 3.3 Construction of an Artificial Mouth 52 3.3.1 Requirements Profile 52 3.3.2 Generic Design 53 3.3.3 The artificial Lip 54 3.3.4 Air Supply 55 3.3.5 Sensors and Data Acquisition 57 3.3.6 Experimental setup 59 3.4 Summary 59 4 Modeling Realistic Embouchures with Reed Parameters 61 4.1 Reed Channel Geometry and Flow Characteristics 61 4.1.1 The Double-Reed as a Flow Duct 61 4.1.2 Bernoulli Flow-Model with Pressure Losses 65 4.1.3 Discussion of the Model 68 4.2 Quasi-static Interaction of Flow and Reed-Channel 72 4.2.1 Pressure-driven Deformation of the Duct Intake 72 4.2.2 Reed-Flow Model including Channel Deformation 75 4.2.3 Influence of Model Parameters 76 4.2.4 Experimental Verification 78 4.3 Effect of the Embouchure on the Reed-Flow 81 4.3.1 Adjustment of the Initial Slit Height 81 4.3.2 Quasi-static Flow in the Deformed Reed-Channel 83 4.3.3 Simplified empirical Model including a Lip Force 85 4.4 Summary 93 5 Survey of Performance Characteristics of the Modern German Bassoon 5.1 Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis 95 5.1.1 Description of the Experiment 95 5.1.2 Time Domain Analysis 97 5.1.3 Spectral Analysis – Period Synchronized Sampling 98 5.1.4 Spectral Centroid and Formants 99 5.1.5 Embouchure parameters 100 5.2 Observations on the Bassoon under Operating Conditions 105 5.2.1 Excitation Parameter Ranges 106 5.2.2 Characteristics of the radiated Sound 110 5.2.3 Reed Pressure Waveform Analysis 115 5.2.4 Summarizing Overview 118 5.3 Performance Control with the Embouchure 120 5.3.1 Register-dependent Embouchure Characteristics 120 5.3.2 Intonation Corrections 123 5.3.3 Sound Color Adjustments 127 5.3.4 Relation to the acoustical Properties of the Resonator 129 5.4 Summary 137 6 Conclusion 139 6.1 Summary 139 6.2 Outlook 141

Blue Growth : Applications and properties of biochar made out of reed / Blå Tillväxt : Tillämpning och egenskaper hos biokol gjort på vass

Karlsson, Axel, Fagerström, Pinthira January 2021 (has links)
The climate on earth keeps getting warmer where heat waves, eutrophication, rising sea levels, extreme weather like flooding, droughts and wildfires are an expanding problem. The focus of this bachelor thesis is to determine the potential of mitigating eutrophication and while contributing to blue growth by harvesting and make use of reeds like Phragmites australis and Arundo donax. Reeds have the ability to quickly absorb nutrients from aquatic environments and there are opportunities to use them as a feedstock for producing biochar to be potentially used in areas such as soil improvement, fodder additive and carbon sequestration. Additionally, optimal biochar properties for the observed applications gets analysed. The thesis is based on a systematic literature review and an interview with Niclas Anvret at the non-profit organisation “Race for the Baltic”.  Results show that biochar produced according to parameters such as heating rate, biomass species and especially, different temperatures, results in varied characteristics that change the biochar's adsorption abilities, nutrient retention, alkalinity, stability, surface area and porosity volume. The different applications of biochar are, however, not easily determined. This is because of the fact that certain biochar properties, that are prominent in entirely different pyrolysis conditions, could both be beneficial for the same application. Additionally, the different attributes sometimes influence each other which gives rise to unclear patterns affecting use potential. To overcome these issues, more research is needed to clarify the correlations between attributes of the biochar and to determine which characteristics of biochar are best suited for each application.  In terms of how large-scale harvesting of reed could affect the ecosystem is also unclear, there is not enough research regarding the question to be able to draw clear conclusions. The reasoning behind this is that there are knowledge gaps, geographical differences, different unit measuring and methodology. The potential for biochar in the coal market is high and the demand in Sweden has risen over the past couple of years. There is also interest in using biochar as a soil amendment, to make use of nutrient content as well as applying organic matter to soils to potentially achieve long-term carbon sequestration. However, the production cost of biochar out of reed is relatively expensive, and it cannot compete with coal or other fertilisers/soil amendments on the market, with feedstock management usually being the most expensive part of production. Lastly, there is currently no harvesting method that can measure the amount of reed that needs to be harvested to be able to produce biochar on a large scale. / Klimatet på jorden blir allt varmare och värmeböljor, övergödning, stigande havsnivåer, extrema väder som översvämningar, torka och bränder är ett stigande problem. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka potentialen att mildra eutrofiering och samtidigt bidra till blå tillväxt genom att skörda - och använda sig av vass som Phragmites australis och Arundo donax. Vass har en framträdande förmåga att absorbera näringsämnen. Det finns därför möjligheter att använda dem som råvara för att producera biokol som potentiellt kan användas i områden såsom jordförbättring, fodertillsatser och kolbindning. Utöver detta undersöks optimala egenskaper för biokol enligt de observerade applikationerna. Kandidatuppsatsen bygger på en systematisk litteraturstudie och en intervju med Niclas Anvret på den ideella organisationen ”Race for the Baltic”.  Resultaten indikerar att biokol, producerad i pyrolys enligt parametrar som uppvärmningshastighet, biomassa och i synnerhet olika temperaturer, resulterar i varierande egenskaper som förändrar biokolets absorptionsförmåga, bibehållande av näring, alkalinitet, stabilitet, ytarea och porositetsvolym. De olika tillämpningarna av biokol är emellertid svåra att avgöra på grund av vissa biokolegenskaper. Dessa egenskaper är framträdande under helt olika pyrolysförhållanden men kan samtidigt vara fördelaktiga för samma typ av applikation. Dessutom påverkar de olika attributen ibland varandra vilket ger upphov till komplexa trender som påverkar användningspotentialen. För att kunna dra tydliga slutsatser behövs mer forskning för att klargöra sambandet mellan biokolens attribut och för att bestämma vilken samling egenskaper hos biokol som passar bäst för varje applikation.  Hur storskalig skörd av vass kan påverka ekosystemet är fortfarande oklart. Det finns inte tillräckligt med forskning kring frågan för att kunna dra tydliga slutsatser. Detta beror på att det finns kunskapsluckor, geografiska skillnader, olika måttenheter och metoder för de studier som gjorts inom detta område. Potentialen för biokol på kolmarknaden är hög och efterfrågan i Sverige har ökat de senaste åren. Det finns också intresse för att använda biokol för jordförbättring, dels för att använda näringsinnehållet men också för att applicera biokol i jorden för att potentiellt uppnå långvarig kolbindning. Dock är produktionskostnaden för biokol gjort på vass mycket kostsam och kan därför inte konkurrera med fossilt kol eller andra gödselmedel jordförändringar på marknaden. Detta beror främst på råvaruhanteringen som är den dyraste delen av produktionen. Slutligen finns det för närvarande ingen skördemetod som kan mäta den mängd vass som behöver skördas för att kunna producera biokol i stor skala.

Untersuchungen zur Molekularpathologie des Hodgkin-Lymphoms / Klonierung des I kappa B epsilon Gens und Mutationsanalyse in Einzelzellen

Theurich, Sebastian 24 July 2006 (has links)
Hodgkin und Reed-Sternberg (H/RS) Zellen sind die Tumorzellen des klassischen Hodgkin-Lymphoms (cHL) und stammen in den meisten Fällen von Keimzentrums B-Zellen, sehr selten von T-Zellen ab. Als einen zentralen Mechanismus für die zelluläre maligne Transformation und Apoptoseresistenz von H/RS Zellen konnte eine deregulierte, konstitutive Aktivität des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-kappaB (NF-kB) in H/RS Zellkernen nachgewiesen werden. Die transkriptionelle Aktivität von NF-kB wird durch spezifische Inhibitoren, IkB-alpha, IkB-beta, IkB-gamma und IkB-epsilon, reguliert. Jüngst konnte ein Defekt des IkB-alpha Gens im Primärmaterial eines Patienten mit cHL und in zwei Hodgkin Zellinien nachgewiesen werden. IkB-epsilon als ein weiterer wichtiger Regulator der NF-kB Aktivität hat in murinen Zellen eine hohe Affinität zur NF-kB Untereinheit p65, welche in H/RS Zellen insbesondere als Heterodimer p50/p65 vorkommt. In dieser Arbeit wurde das humane IkB-epsilon Gen kloniert und auf Mutationen in primären Tumorzellen untersucht. Das Primärmaterial stammte aus denselben sechs Patientenfällen, die schon zuvor auf Mutationen des IkB-alpha Gens untersucht worden waren. Das IkB-epsilon Gen liegt auf dem kurzen Arm des Chromosom 6 (6p21.1) und ist strukturell eng mit den anderen IkB Molekülen verwandt. In primären H/RS Zellen eines Patienten wurde eine homozygote Mutation an der 5´- Splicesite des Intron 1 gefunden. Diese Mutation war spezifisch für H/RS Zellen dieses Falls, und normale reaktive Lymphozyten wiesen ausschließlich den Wildtyp auf. In Zusammenschau mit den bisher identifizierten Defekten des IkB/ NF-kB Systems zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass dysfunktionelle NF-kB Inhibitoren bei einem Teil der cHL Fälle zu einer Fehlregulation von NF-kB führen können und damit für die zelluläre Pathophysiologie von Bedeutung sind. / The pathogenesis of Hodgkin-Lymphoma (HL) is still unclear. Previous investigations have demonstrated constitutive nuclear activity of the transcription factor NF kappa B (NF-kB) in Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells as an important prerequisite in protecting these cells from apoptosis. As a molecular mechanism leading to constitutive NF-kB activity in HRS cells, mutations of the NF-kB inhibitor I kappaB-alpha have recently been identified in classical (c) HL-derived cell lines in a patient with cHL. In this work, the NF-kB inhibitor I kappaB-epsilon has been analysed for somatic mutations in the same group of six patients already studied for I kappaB-alpha mutations, as well as in cHL-derived cell lines. In the HRS cells of one patient, a hemizygous mutation affecting the 5-splicing site of intron 1 of the I kappaB-epsilon gene was found, most likely leading to misspliced mRNA products. Other work of our group showed a hemizygous frame-shift mutation of the I kappaB-epsilon gene in one cHL-derived cell line (L428), generating a pre-terminal stop codon resulting in a severely truncated protein. These results, in combination with recently described I kappaB-alpha mutations, indicate that defective NF-kB inhibitors appear more frequent than previously thought and might explain the constitutive nuclear activity of NF-kB in a significant proportion of cHL cases.

Le roseau commun (Phragmites Australis) influence-t-il la composition spécifique et le développement larvaire d'amphibiens?

Perez, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
Les plantes envahissantes sont considérées comme l'une des plus grandes menaces sur les espèces, mais leurs impacts sur les amphibiens demeurent peu connus. L’objectif de ce projet est de déterminer l’effet de l’établissement du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) sur la répartition des amphibiens et sur leur développement larvaire. Il est présumé que cette plante s'accapare l'espace et les ressources disponibles en produisant une importante biomasse, qu’elle peut modifier l’hydrologie des marais et la structure des communautés d’amphibiens. J’ai évalué les facteurs influençant la répartition des amphibiens selon les caractéristiques des étangs et du paysage dans 50 sites envahis ou non à divers degrés. Des expériences ont également été menées afin d’étudier les répercussions de trois densités de roseau sur des têtards de la Grenouille des bois (Lithobates sylvaticus) et sur la qualité de son habitat. Mes résultats suggèrent que le roseau à forte densité ralentit le développement larvaire de la grenouille des bois et influence les assemblages phytoplanctoniques. Cependant, il n’y a aucune relation entre la densité de la plante et la survie, la morphologie des têtards et les caractéristiques biotiques et abiotiques de l’eau. Dans notre aire d’étude, le paysage autour des étangs a une plus grande influence sur la répartition des amphibiens que l'établissement du roseau. Toutefois, la probabilité d’assèchement est plus élevée lorsque la plante est établie en grande quantité, ce qui, si l’envahissement s’intensifie, aura un effet néfaste sur la survie des têtards et mettra en péril la persistance des populations. / Invasive plants are considered one of the greatest threats to species, but their impact on amphibians is still poorly understood. The objective of this project is to determine the effect of the establishment of common reed (Phragmites australis) on amphibian distribution and larval development. It is thought that this plant monopolizes space and resources by producing a large biomass, and may alter wetland hydrology and amphibian community structure. I evaluated the factors influencing amphibian distribution according to the characteristics of ponds and the surrounding landscape in 50 sites invaded or not by reeds to varying degrees. Experiments were also conducted to study the impacts of three reed densities on wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) and the quality of their habitat. My results suggest that high reed density slows wood frog larval development and influences phytoplankton assemblages. However, there is no relationship between, plant density and survival, tadpole morphology and water biotic and abiotic characteristic. In our study area, the landscape surrounding ponds has a greater influence on amphibian distribution than does reed establishment. However, the desiccation probability is higher when the plant is established in high quantities, which, if the invasion intensifies, will have an adverse effect on tadpole survival and therefore population persistence.

Effet de la salinité sur la compétition entre le roseau (Phragmites australis) et les quenouilles (Typha spp.)

Paradis, Étienne January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Lutte intégrée au roseau commun : prévention, confinement et éradication

Karathanos, Sam 09 1900 (has links)
Les plantes envahissantes menacent la biodiversité ainsi que les activités humaines. Afin de les maîtriser, la pulvérisation d'herbicides est une méthode fréquemment employée en Amérique du Nord. Cette approche ne fait pas toujours consensus et est même parfois interdite ou restreinte, ce qui justifie le recours à d'autres options. Les alternatives peuvent toutefois s'avérer rares, comporter d'importantes limitations ou sont peu documentées. Cette étude vise à tester l’efficacité de méthodes permettant de maîtriser et de prévenir les invasions de roseau commun (Phragmites australis), l'une des plantes envahissantes les plus problématiques sur le continent nord-américain, tout en limitant au minimum l'utilisation d'herbicides. Le potentiel de quatre méthodes de lutte aux petites populations de roseau bien établies a d'abord été évalué : l’excavation avec enfouissement sur place, le bâchage, l’excavation avec enfouissement sur place combinée au bâchage, et la fauche répétée. Les résultats ont montré que l'excavation avec enfouissement sur place, avec ou sans bâchage, a entraîné une élimination presque totale des populations visées, ce qui est comparable ou supérieur à l'effet généralement obtenu avec la pulvérisation d'herbicide. Le bâchage avec des toiles opaques, maintenues pendant un an, a pour sa part entraîné une maîtrise partielle du roseau, suggérant qu'une application prolongée serait nécessaire pour l'éradication de la plante. La fauche répétée, exécutée à raison de cinq fauches par été pendant deux ans, a fourni une efficacité mitigée. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que la fauche pendant plusieurs années contribue à affaiblir la plante, ce qui pourrait aider à son confinement. Une méthode additionnelle a été expérimentée afin de traiter les tiges éparses de roseau tout en limitant les risques d'effets hors cibles, soit le badigeonnage manuel d’herbicide. Suite à ces tests, les résultats ont montré une diminution importante de la densité des tiges, ce qui suggère que la méthode est efficace afin d'éliminer les repousses après un traitement initial, et pourrait également être employée sur de jeunes populations clairsemées. L'effet d'un ensemencement préventif de plantes herbacées sur l'établissement de semis de roseau a également été étudié, suite à des traitements sur de vastes parcelles de sol nu. Les résultats suggèrent que la méthode est efficace afin de limiter la propagation du roseau par semences et qu'un suivi périodique suite à l'intervention serait suffisant afin de maintenir l'effet préventif. / Invasive plants threaten biodiversity as well as human activities and in North America, attempts to control them often rely on the spraying of herbicides. This approach does not always achieve consensus and is sometimes forbidden or restricted, encouraging managers to consider other options. Alternatives can however prove to be rare, involve serious limitations or be poorly documented. This study aims at testing the efficiency of methods for the control and prevention of invasions by common reed (Phragmites australis), one of the most problematic invasive plants on the North American continent, all while reducing herbicide use to a minimum. The potential of four methods for the control of small, well established stands of common reed has first been evaluated: excavation and on-site burial, covering with heavy-duty tarps, excavation and on-site burial combined with covering with heavy-duty tarps, and repeated cutting. Results have shown that excavation with on-site burial, followed or not by covering with heavy-duty tarps, led to an almost complete elimination of the populations targeted, which is comparable or superior to the effect typically obtained with herbicide spraying. Covering common reed with opaque heavy-duty tarps, held in place for one year, lead to partial control of the plant, suggesting that holding the tarps in place for a longer period would be necessary to foresee the eradication. Cutting, repeated five times per summer for two years, gave mixed results. The results suggest, however, that cutting during multiple years contributes to weakening the plant, which could help to its confinement. An additional method, the hand-wicking of common reed stems with herbicide, has been tested to treat scattered stems while limiting off-target effects. Following these tests, the results have shown an important reduction of the density of reed stems, which suggests that the method is effective to control common reed regrowth after an initial treatment, and could be used on young stands. The effect of seeding herbaceous plants on the establishment of common reed seedlings has also been evaluated, following the sowing of vast plots of bare soil. The results suggest that the method is an efficient way of limiting the propagation of common reed through seed dispersal. Results also suggest that periodic follow-ups to eliminate seedlings would be sufficient to maintain the preventive effect.

Ecosystem Recovery in Estuarine Wetlands of the Columbia River Estuary

Kidd, Sarah Ann 08 June 2017 (has links)
In the restoration of tidal wetland ecosystems, potential drivers of plant community development range from biotic controls (e.g. plant competition, seed dispersal) to abiotic controls (e.g. tidal flooding, salinity levels). How these controls influence the success of tidal wetland restoration are only partly understood, but have important implications for wetland habitat recovery. Specifically, the extent to which the existing native and non-native seed banks in tidally reconnected wetlands interact with these controls is not clear, yet the potential success of passive restoration methods depends upon this understanding. For a 54-year chronosequence of eleven tidal wetland restoration sites in the Lower Columbia River of western Oregon, USA, it was hypothesized that native plant species and soil properties would show trends approaching reference levels within 3 to 20 years post-restoration and that lower elevation wetland areas within restored sites would exhibit a greater native species abundance and similarity to reference sites, compared with restored high elevation wetland areas. Results indicated that plant species richness, soil organic matter, bulk density, pH, and salinity conditions among the restoration sites reached reference wetland ranges within 3-6 years post-tidal reconnection. The mid-low marsh elevation zones (<2.5 m) recovered native plant cover within 3-6 years post-tidal reconnection, while high marsh elevation zones (>2.5 m) remained dominated by nonnative species Phalaris arundinacea and Juncus effusus subsp. effusus. To investigate the mechanisms driving these non-native plant invasions, it was ii hypothesized that native and non-native wetland plant community distributions would be reflective both of their abundance in the seed bank and of their germination tolerance to wetland tidal flooding and salinity conditions. Using a factorial study design of three tidal conditions by three salinity levels, these hypotheses were tested in the greenhouse. Overall, non-native seeds were found to significantly outnumber native seeds in both seed banks. In the greenhouse, P. arundinacea and J. effusus were found to germinate more readily out of the seed bank under freshwater high-marsh flooding (1 hour a day) treatments as compared to oligohaline (3 ppt) mid-low marsh flooding (3-6 hours twice a day) treatments and to brackish salinity (10 ppt) treatments. Dominant native wetland species, Carex lyngbyei and Schoenoplectus lacustris, germination were not found to vary significantly among the treatments (p > 0.10). These results indicate that the salinity and flooding gradients within these restored marshes suppress germination of the non-native species in the low-mid marsh but not in the high marsh, where they are likely able to outcompete the native species due to their dominance in the seed bank. The implications of these results for passive tidal wetland restoration efforts are that both seed bank composition and species-specific tolerances to restored tidal flooding and salinity gradients are key mechanisms driving native and nonnative plant community development and resilience.

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