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Development of an Infrared Direct Viewer Based on a MEMS Focal Plane ArrayBlocher, Garth M 02 July 2014 (has links)
"Thermal infrared (IR) imaging systems are widely used in medical, industrial, and defense applications. IR imaging systems utilize a lens to focus IR radiation onto a focal plane array (FPA) of IR detectors, which transduce the IR radiation from the scene into signals that can be further processed. In conventional IR imaging systems, electronic readout integrated circuitry (ROIC) is used to read out the information from the FPA, and computer signal processing allows for an IR image to be displayed on an electronic screen. However, the ROIC decreases the thermal isolation and sensitivity of the IR detectors in the FPA, and the computer processing and electronic display increase the cost, weight, and complexity of the IR imaging system. This thesis focuses on the development of an IR direct viewing system that does not require any ROIC, computer signal processing, or electronic display. This is accomplished through the use of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) uncooled IR imaging detectors, which consist of arrays of bimaterial thermomechanical cantilever structures that tilt as a function of IR radiation from a scene. Other members of the WPI-ME/CHSLT group have previously shown that an interferometric optical readout mechanism based on digital holography and computer processing can eliminate the need for ROIC and be used to measure the nanometer scale tilt of the structures in a MEMS-based IR imaging system that was found to have a responsivity of 1.5 nm/K. However, these previously demonstrated results required significant computer processing and an electronic display. The hypothesis of the current work is that an optomechanical readout mechanism can be used to realize an IR direct viewer without the use of ROIC, computer signal processing, or an electronic display. Three optical readout mechanisms were identified for transducing the nanometer scale deformations of the MEMS structures in the FPA into a directly observable visible light image. Two of these, one using live holography and the other using Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC), were based on interferometry, while the third, using reflectometry, was based on geometrical optics. The identified optical readout mechanisms were analytically evaluated based on the performance and perception of the human vision system (HVS), and preliminary experimental results were obtained using optical setups constructed for all three readout mechanisms. Based on the analytical and experimental investigations, reflectometry was selected as the most suitable readout mechanism for a direct viewer. A visible light camera was used with custom software to determine a temperature sensitivity of 137 mK for the reflectometry readout, and thermal images of scenes at human body temperature were demonstrated using limited computer processing. A false color, direct view, live IR imaging system was then demonstrated based on a two color reflectometry readout and the output was characterized with respect to the color differentiation sensitivity of the HVS. The system temperature sensitivity, based on the theoretical color differentiation sensitivity of a human observer, was found to be on the order of 10 K across a measuring range of roughly 400 °C, and objects with a temperature as low as approximately 150 °C were distinguishable. The advantages and limitations of the developed IR imaging system are identified and recommendations for further developments and future work are provided."
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Diagnostic des défauts de réseaux électriques filaires par la réflectométrie / Fault diagnosis of wired electric networks by reflectometryOumri, Mohamed 16 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au diagnostic de défauts de réseaux électriques filaires à l'aide de la réflectométrie. Pour concevoir des algorithmes de diagnostic, nous avons étudié le problème direct (simulations numériques des réseaux électriques) et le problème inverse (détermination de certaines propriétés d’un réseau à partir des mesures de réflectométrie). Concernant le problème direct, nous avons développé une méthode de calcul du coefficient de réflexion d’un réseau sous forme d’arbre qui est basée sur la résolution successive d’équations différentielles de Riccati. Nous avons également généralisé l’équation de BLT pour des réseaux électriques composés de branches non uniformes et automatisé la méthode de sa résolution. La thèse a apporté deux nouveaux résultats concernant le problème inverse. Le premier résultat porte sur l’estimation des longueurs et des coefficients de pertes des branches d'un réseau électrique sous forme d’étoiles via une méthode itérative. Le deuxième porte sur l’identification, au moins partiellement, des matrices d’admittance des branches d’un réseau électrique modélisé par l’équation de BLT. Les méthodologies et les formalismes proposés dans la thèse sont validés soit par des simulations numériques, soit par des mesures réelles. / This thesis focuses on fault diagnosis of wired electric networks using reflectometry. To develop diagnostic algorithms, we studied the direct problem (numerical simulations of electrical networks) and the inverse problem (determination of certain properties of a network from reflectometry measurements). For the direct problem, we developed a method for the computation of reflection coefficients. This method is based on the successive solving for a Riccati differential equation. We also generalized the BLT equation for the nonuniform electric networks and automated the resolution of this method. The thesis has made two new results concerning the inverse problem. The first result concerns the estimation of lengths and loss coefficients of the branches of a star network via an iterative method. The second focuses on the identification, at least partially, of the branches admittance matrices of a electric network modeled by the equation of BLT. The methodologies and formalisms proposed in this thesis are validated either by numerical simulations or by real measurements.
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Problèmes inverses pour le diagnostic de câbles électriques à partir de mesures de réflectométrie / Inverse problems for diagnosis of electric cables from reflectometry measurementBerrabah, Nassif 08 November 2017 (has links)
Les câbles électriques sont présents dans de nombreux produits et systèmes où ils sont utilisés pour transmettre des données ou transporter de l'énergie. Ces liaisons sont la plupart du temps installées pour des durées d'exploitation longues au cours desquelles elles doivent subir l'usure du temps, ainsi que celle résultant d'un environnement parfois agressif. Alors que les câbles électriques assurent des fonctions essentielles et dans certains cas critiques, ils sont aussi sujets à des défaillances qui découlent des contraintes qu'ils endurent. Ceci explique la nécessité de surveiller leur état, afin de détecter au plus tôt les défauts naissants et d'intervenir avant qu'ils ne dégénèrent en dommages dont les conséquences peuvent être préjudiciable et économiquement lourdes. L'entreprise EDF est particulièrement concernée par cette problématique dans la mesure ou elle exploite des longueurs considérables de câbles pour le transport et la distribution d'électricité sur tout le territoire bien sûr, mais aussi au sein des centrales qui produisent l'électricité, pour alimenter les différents organes, et acheminer commandes et mesures. L'entreprise, attentive à ce que ces câbles soient en bon état de fonctionnement mène plusieurs travaux, d'une part pour étudier leur vieillissement et modes de dégradation, et d'autre part pour développer des méthodes et outils pour la surveillance et le diagnostic de ces composants essentiels. Le projet EDF CAIMAN (Cable AgIng MANagement) commandé par le SEPTEN (Service Etudes et Projets Thermiques Et Nucléaires) traite de ces questions, et les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont été conduits dans ce cadre et sont le fruit d'une collaboration avec Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique). Partant du constat que les méthodes de diagnostic de câbles existantes à l'heure actuelle ne donnent pas pleine satisfaction, nous nous sommes donné pour objectif de développer des outils nouveaux. En effet, les techniques actuelles reposent sur différents moyens dont des tests destructifs, des prélèvements pour analyse en laboratoire, et des mesures sur site mais qui ne permettent pas de diagnostiquer certains défauts. Parmi les techniques non destructives, la réflectométrie, dont le principe est d'injecter un signal électrique à une extrémité du câble et d'analyser les échos, souffre aussi de certaines de ces limitations. En particulier, les défauts non-francs restent encore difficiles à détecter. Toutefois les travaux qui se multiplient autour de cette technique tentent d'en améliorer les performances, et certains obtiennent des résultats prometteurs. Les chercheurs de l'Inria qui travaillent sur le sujet ont développé des algorithmes pour exploiter des mesures de réflectométrie. En résolvant un problème inverse, les paramètres d'un modèle de câble sont estimés et servent alors d'indicateurs de l'état de dégradation du câble testé. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étendre ces méthodes pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'EDF. Un des principaux défis auquel nous avons apporté une solution est la prise en compte des pertes ohmiques dans la résolution du problème inverse. Plus spécifiquement, notre contribution principale est une méthode d'estimation du profil de résistance linéique d'un câble. Cette estimation permet de révéler les défauts résistifs qui produisent souvent des réflexions faibles dans les réflectogrammes habituels. Une seconde contribution vise à améliorer la qualité des données utilisées par cette méthode d'estimation. Ainsi, nous proposons un pré-traitement des mesures dont le but est de gommer l'effet de la désadaptation des instruments aux câbles ou celui des connecteurs. Ces travaux apportent de nouveaux outils pour l'exploitation des mesures de réflectométrie et des solutions pour le diagnostic de certains défauts encore difficiles à détecter aujourd'hui. / Electric cables are ubiquitous in many devices and systems where they are used for data or power transmission. These connection links are most often installed for long periods of operation during which they are subject to aging and sometimes exposed to harsh environments. While electric cables fulfill important and sometimes even critical functions, they might fail due to the hard constraints they have to endure. This motivates the need for monitoring tools, in order to detect early faults and to intervene as soon as possible, before they mutate into heavier damage whose consequences can be detrimental and expensive. EDF company is very affected by this problematic insofar as it operates significant lengths of cables for energy distribution, but also in power plant for power supply of the diverse apparatus, to route data and to transmit measurement. The company has been leading several studies regarding cable aging, cable faults, and wire diagnosis methods. The CAIMAN project (Cable AgIng MANagement), sponsored by the Engineering Department of Nuclear and Thermal Projects (SEPTEN), deals with these questions. The work presented in this dissertation were led in this context and results from a collaboration with Inria (French National Institute for Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences). Starting from the observation that existing cable diagnosis methods do not offer full satisfaction, we targeted the goal of developping new tools to improve the state of the art. Existing techniques rely on a range of tests, some of which are destructive or involve in-lab investigations, but these still cannot detect some kind of faults. Among major techniques, reflectometry has the most promising results. This technique consists in the same principle as a radar. One sends a wave down a cable from one end. Then the reflected signal is analysed searching for signs of faults. Yet, this method also suffers some limitations and soft faults remain hard to detect. Researchers and industries multiply the investigations in the domain of reflectometry-based techniques, and some get interesting results. Scientists from Inria developped algorithms for cable parameter estimation from reflectometry measurements, following an inverse-problem approach. The goal of our work was to extend these methods to meet the specific needs of EDF. One of the main challenges we coped with was to take into account electric losses in the resolution of the inverse problem. Our main contribution is a method to estimate the per unit length resistance profile of a cable. This estimation reveals resistive faults that most often only produce weak reflections in reflectometry measurements. Other contributions concerns the improvement of the method based on pre-processing of the data whose role is to erase the effect of impedance mismatches. This work breaks new grounds in the domain of reflectometry-based wire diagnosis techniques.
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Etude et développement d’une nouvelle source ECR produisant un faisceau intense d’ions légers / Study and development of a new ECR source creating an intense light ions beamNickees, Sébastien 21 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse entre dans le cadre de l’étude et la conception d’une nouvelle source ECR d’ions légers au sein du LEDA (Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Développement des Accélérateurs – CEA Saclay), nommée ALISES (Advanced Light Ions Source Extraction System). Dans un premier temps, la conception magnétique, électrique et mécanique de la nouvelle source est décrite. Ensuite, des simulations ont été effectuées afin de déterminer la réduction du grossissement d’émittance en tenant compte de la réduction de la longueur de la LBE (Ligne Basse Energie) apportée par la source ALISES. Cette source permettant aussi de réaliser une étude sur les dimensions de la chambre plasma cylindrique, des simulations ont été effectuées afin de mieux comprendre l’interaction entre l’onde radiofréquence et le plasma. Par la suite, les expériences réalisées sur la source ALISES ont permis de mettre en évidence, de comprendre et de résoudre les problèmes de décharges Penning dans le tube accélérateur. Les mesures réalisées sur le plasma ont permis de dégager l’hypothèse que les électrons sont chauffés à l’entrée de la chambre plasma puis thermalisés sur toute sa longueur afin d’atteindre une énergie correspondante au maximum de la section efficace d’ionisation du dihydrogène. / This thesis is in the context of study and design of a new ECR light ion source on LEDA (Laboratory of Research and Development of Accelerators - CEA Saclay), named ALISES (Advanced Light Ions Source Extraction System). As a first step, the magnetic, electrical and mechanical design of the new source is described. Then, simulations were performed to determine the reduction of emittance growth taking into account the reduction of the length of the LBE (Low Energy Beam Line) provided by the source ALISES. With this source, it’s also possible to realize a study on the dimensions of the cylindrical plasma chamber. Simulations were performed to better understand the interaction between radiofrequency wave and plasma. Subsequently, experiments on the source ALISES helped highlight, understand and solve problems in the Penning discharges inside the accelerator column. Measurements performed on the plasma have yielded the assumption that the electrons are heated at the entrance of the plasma chamber and thermalized along its entire length to achieve an energy corresponding to the maximum of the ionization cross section for hydrogen.
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Avaliação de uma sonda TDR helicoidal para a estimativa do teor de umidade de solos em campo e laboratório / Evaluation of a helicoidal TDR probe to estimate the soil water content in laboratory and in situAssis, Cleber Decarli de 09 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a avaliação de uma sonda TDR helicoidal para estimar o teor de umidade dos solos, em diferentes profundidades, através da técnica da reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR). Essa sonda, desenvolvida especificamente para esse fim, foi devidamente calibrada em laboratório para diferentes tipos de solo. O processo de calibração consistiu na determinação da constante dielétrica aparente (Ka) e condutividade elétrica volumétrica (ECb) de um mesmo solo com diferentes teores de umidade. Posteriormente foram buscadas correlações entre Ka e o teor de umidade gravimétrico (w), obtido em estufa. São propostas correlações entre w e Ka, entre w e \'KA POT. 1/2\' e entre teor de umidade volumétrico (\'teta\') e Ka. Também foram consideradas as correlações propostas por Yu e Drnevich (2004), visando estimar também a massa específica seca dos solos. Foram realizados ensaios de campo para a validação das equações de calibração. Os valores dos teores de umidade estimados através da técnica da reflectometria no domínio do tempo, tanto em laboratório como em campo, foram comparados com os valores de teor de umidade obtidos com o método da estufa. Com base nos resultados foram determinados os erros referentes às calibrações. Nos ensaios de campo, os teores de umidade obtidos através da correlação entre w e \'KA POT. 1/2\' apresentaram melhores resultados, quando comparados com aqueles estimados com as outras correlações. Pelos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a técnica TDR é uma alternativa viável para a estimativa em campo do teor de umidade em grandes profundidades. / In this work is presented the evaluation of a recently developed helicoidal probe used for estimating the soil water content through the time domain technology (TDR). This probe has been calibrated in laboratory for different types of soils. The calibration process consisted in assessing the values of the apparent dielectric constant (Ka) and the bulk electric conductivity (ECb) of a specific soil at different levels of water content (w). Subsequently, correlations between the apparent dielectric constant and the water content have been established. The same has done with the bulk electric conductivity. Correlations between Ka and w, \'KA POT. 1/2\' and w, \'teta\' (volumetric water content) and Ka have been proposed. Also, the correlations proposed by Yu and Drnevich (2004) have been considered. To validate the proposed correlations, tests using the helicoidal probe were performed in the field. Estimated values of field water content, using the TDR technology have been compared to the correspondent oven water content values. Based on these comparisons, errors regarding the calibrations have been calculated. In the field tests, the correlations between \'KA POT. 1/2\' and w have presented more accurate results than those obtained with the other correlations. Experimental results have shown that the TDR technology for estimating water content at different depths in the field is feasible and expedite.
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Analyse de composants photoniques par réflectométrie à faible cohérence sensible à la phasePalavicini Cham, Carlos Alberto January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
L'émergence des amplificateurs à fibre et l'inévitable accroissement du débit ont drastiquement augmenté la complexité des systèmes de transmission optiques, imposant une évolution des composants photoniques. Des techniques de caractérisation fiables et précises sont alors indispensables pour mener une analyse appropriée des caractéristiques et des performances desdits composants. La réflectométrie à faible cohérence sensible à la phase est une technique bien adaptée à la détection, localisation et quantification des discontinuités d'indice dans les composants optiques et photoniques. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, elle a été appliquée à l'analyse de différents composants photoniques innovants, tels que les réseaux de Bragg à fibre, les fibres optiques spéciales et les lasers à semi-conducteurs soumis à une injection optique. Les résultats obtenus situent cette technique comme un véritable outil d'investigation qui s'avère très performant pour l'assistance et l'aide à la conception des nouvelles générations de composants photoniques.
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Amorphous, Nanocrystalline, Single Crystalline: Morphology of Magnetic Thin Films and MultilayersLiebig, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
Properties of magnetic thin film devices cannot be understood without detailed knowledge of their structure. For this purpose, a variety of thin film and multilayer systems have been studied. Both reciprocal space (low energy electron diffraction, reflection high energy electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and reflectometry) and direct space (transmission electron microscopy) as well as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry have been applied. To gain understanding of an oxidation procedure for the growth of magnetite layers, thermal stability of iron layers on molybdenum seed layers has been investigated. Following the mosaicity and the out-of-plane coherence length over different ratios between the constituting layers allowed a deeper understanding of the limits of metallic superlattices. This, together with an approach to use hydrogen in the process gas during magnetron sputter epitaxy, opens routes for the growth of metallic superlattices of superior quality. A non-isostructural multilayer/superlattice system, Fe/MgO, has been investigated. In turn, this gave more understanding how superlattice diffraction patterns are suppressed by strain fields. As an alternative route to single-crystalline superlattices, amorphous multilayers present interesting opportunities. In this context, crystallization effects of iron/zirconium layers on alumiunium oxide were studied. Understanding these effects enables significant improvement in the quality of amorphous multilayers, and allows avoiding these, growing truly amorphous layers. Both the substantial improvement in quality of metallic superlattices, approaching true single-crystallinity, as well as the improvements in the growth of amorphous multilayers give rise to opportunities in the field of magnetic coupling and superconducting spin valves.
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Colloidal particle-surface interactions in atmospheric and aquatic systemsChung, Eunhyea 04 April 2011 (has links)
Colloidal particles suspended in a liquid or gas phase often interact with a solid-liquid or solid-gas interface. In this study, experimental data through atomic force microscopy and neutron reflectometry and theoretical results of colloidal particle-surface interactions were obtained and compared. Atmospheric and aquatic environments were considered for the interactions of microbial colloidal particles and nano-sized silica particles with planar surfaces. Spores of Bacillus thuringiensis, members of the Bacillus cereus group, were examined as the microbial particles, simulating the pathogens Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis which are potentially dangerous to human health. Model planar surfaces used in this study include gold which is an electrically conductive surface, mica which is a highly charged, nonconductive surface, and silica.
In atmospheric systems, the interaction forces were found to be strongly affected by the relative humidity, and the total adhesion force of a particle onto a surface was modeled as the addition of the capillary, van der Waals, and electrostatic forces. Each component is influenced by the properties of the particle and surface materials, including hydrophobicity and surface roughness, as well as the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. In aquatic systems, the interaction forces are mainly affected by the solution chemistry, including pH and ionic strength. The main components of the interaction force between a microbial colloidal particle and a planar surface were found to be the van der Waals and electrostatic forces.
The results obtained in this research provide insights into the fundamental mechanisms of colloidal particle interactions with environmental surfaces in both atmospheric and aquatic systems, contributing to the understanding of the phenomena driving such interfacial processes as deposition, aggregation, and sedimentation. Thus, the results can help us describe the behavior of contaminant colloidal particles in environmental systems and subsequently devise better means for their removal from environmental surfaces.
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Polyelectrolyte adsorption on oppositely charged surfaces - Conformation and adsorption kineticsEnarsson, Lars-Erik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna avhandling presenterar experimentella studier av polyelektrolytadsorption på motsatt laddade ytor, där substrat av både kiseloxid och blekt barrsulfatmassa har använts. Ett huvudsakligt syfte med denna forskning var att karaktärisera konformationen hos adsorberade skikt av katjonisk polyakrylamid (CPAM) i jämförelse med katjonisk dextran (Cdextran) och relatera denna information till inbindningskapaciteten av kolloidal kiselsyra. Ett andra syfte i denna avhandling var att studera kinetiken för sekventiell adsorption av polyamidamin epiklorhydrin (PAE) och karboxymetyl cellulosa (CMC) på massafibrer och att bestämma adsorptionsisotermer för deponering av polyelektrolyter skikt för skikt på massafibrer.</p><p>Adsorptionen av CPAM på kiseloxidytor studeras med stagnationspunkts-reflektometri och kvartskristalls-mikrogravimetri för att bestämma adsorptionskinetiken och mättnadsadsorptionens beroende av polyelektrolytens laddningstäthet, pH och NaCl koncentration. Konformationen hos adsorberade skikt av CPAM och Cdextran bestämdes både före och efter sekundär tillsats av kolloidal kiselsyra (CS) och adsorptionen av CS kvantifierades också som funktion av yttäckningen av polyelektrolyt.</p><p>Resultaten indikerar att laddningstätheten hos CPAM kontrollerar den adsorberade mängden på kiseloxidytor vid låga NaCl koncentrationer. Både adsorptionen av CPAM och Cdextran på kiseloxid visades vara effektiv i NaCl koncentrationer upp till 1 M, vilket indikerar ett signifikant bidrag av icke-jonisk interaktion mellan polyelektrolyterna och kiseloxid. Adsorptionen av CS var högre på föradsorberad CPAM än Cdextran. Konformationen hos de adsorberade skikten efter tillsats av CS sågs expandera signifikant för skikt baserade på CPAM medan skikt av Cdextran vid låga salthalter verkade återta sin konformation efter en temporär expansion.</p><p>I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerades sekventiell adsorption av PAE och CMC på massafibrer. Adsorptionsisotermer skikt för skikt på avkryllad massa visade att PAE adsorberade i större mängd än CMC, både i hänseende av massa och laddning. Adsorptionen av PAE var signifikant långsammare än CMC och adsorptionstiden till 90% av mättnadsadsorptionen bestämdes till 3 respektive 1 minut. Zetapotentialen för kryll bestämdes för adsorption av de två första polyelektrolytskikten och resultaten tydde på att kryllmaterialet omladdade inom en minut efter tillsatserna av polyelektrolyt. Reflektometriförsök inom sekventiell adsorption av PAE och CMC på kiseloxid antydde att den låga molekylviktsfraktionen av PAE störde uppbyggnaden av polyelektrolyt-multiskikten.</p> / <p>This thesis presents experimental studies of polyelectrolyte adsorption on oppositely charged surfaces, where substrates of both silica and bleached softwood kraft pulp were used. A major aim of this research was to characterise the conformation of adsorbed layers of cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM), in comparison to cationic dextran (Cdextran), and relate this information to the binding capacity of colloidal silica. A second aim in this thesis was to study the kinetics of the sequential adsorption of polyamide epichlorohydrine (PAE) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on pulp fibres, and to determine the adsorption isotherms for the layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes on pulp fibres.</p><p>The adsorption of CPAM on silica surfaces was studied using stagnation point adsorption reflectometry and quartz crystal microgravimetry to determine its adsorption kinetics as well as the dependencies of polyelectrolyte charge densities, pH, and NaCl concentration on saturation adsorption. The conformation of adsorbed layers of CPAM and Cdextran, analysed in terms of amount of water and layer thickness, was determined both before and after the secondary adsorption of colloidal silica (CS), and the adsorption of CS was also quantified as a function of the surface coverage of the polyelectrolyte.</p><p>Results indicate that the charge density of CPAM controlled the amount of the polyelectrolyte adsorbed on silica surfaces at low NaCl concentrations. The adsorption of both CPAM and Cdextran on silica was shown to be effective at up to 1 M NaCl concentrations, which indicates that non-ionic interactions between the polyelectrolytes and silica contribute significantly. CS adsorption was higher on pre-adsorbed CPAM than on Cdextran. The conformation of the adsorbed layer after CS addition was seen to expand significantly in CPAM-based layers, while the Cdextran layer appeared to restore its conformation after a temporary expansion at low salt concentrations.</p><p>In the second part of the thesis, the sequential adsorption of PAE and CMC on pulp fibres was determined using the polyelectrolyte titration technique. Layer-by-layer adsorption isotherms derived on fractionated pulp showed that PAE adsorbed in higher amounts than CMC did, both in terms of adsorbed mass and adsorbed charge. The adsorption of PAE was significantly slower compared to CMC, and the adsorption times required to reach 90% of the saturation adsorption were 3 and 1 min, respectively. The zeta potential of pulp fines was determined for the adsorption of the two first polyelectrolyte layers, and data indicated that the fines recharge within one minute after the polyelectrolyte additions. Reflectometry experiments regarding the sequential adsorption of PAE and CMC on silica indicated that the low-molecular-weight fraction of PAE disturbed the formation of polyelectrolyte multilayers.</p>
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Möglichkeiten der prozessbegleitenden Charakterisierung von Fleisch auf Basis der dielektrischen ZeitbereichsreflektometrieHerm, Cornelia 27 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Da die dielektrischen Eigenschaften eines jeden Materials, also auch von Fleisch, charakteristisch sind und von Faktoren wie beispielsweise dem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt und der chemischen Zusammensetzung sowie der physikalischen Struktur abhängig sind, gibt es bereits seit einigen Jahren verschiedene Forschungsansätze im Bereich der dielektrischen Messmethoden. Ein neu entwickeltes Messverfahren für die Be-stimmung der Qualitätsparameter Lagerdauer und eventuell erfolgter Gefrierprozesse bei Fisch basiert auf der dielektrischen Zeitbereichsreflektometrie. Die Klärung der Frage, in wie weit dieses Verfahren auch bei Frischfleisch angewendet werden kann, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation.
In Vorversuchen wurde zunächst die generelle Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens im Fleischbereich anhand verschiedener Lager- und Gefrierversuche geprüft. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen gliederten sich die experimentellen Untersuchungen in fol-gende Abschnitte: Ermittlung der Lagerdauer von SB-verpackten Minutensteaks vom Schweinelachs (MAP) sowie von Hähnchenbrustfilets, Erkennung von Gefrierprozes-sen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets und Schweinelachsen, Gefrierlagerdauerbestimmung verschiedener Fleischsorten (Schweinelachs, Schweinebauch und Rinderbugstück) bei drei unterschiedlichen Gefriertemperaturen und Erkennung von Fremdwasserzu-sätzen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets.
Die Vorversuche zeigten eine generelle Eignung des Verfahrens zur Untersuchung von Lagerzeiten und Gefrierprozessen bei Fleisch.
Im Bereich der Lagerdauererkennung ist eine Anwendung, auch für SB-verpackte Produkte (in Schutzatmosphäre), denkbar, das Verfahren muss hier allerdings bezüg-lich der zu Grunde liegenden linearen Auswertungsmodelle noch optimiert werden (Kurvenanpassung notwendig). Ebenso konnten gute Ergebnisse in der Gefrierlager-dauerbestimmung erzielt werden, auffällig waren die Fleischsorten-übergreifend bes-seren Ergebnisse der Messungen an vor dem Einfrieren einige Tage gelagerten Pro-ben. Gute Ergebnisse erbrachten auch die Messungen bezüglich der Gefrierprozess-erkennung (Proben frisch, einmal-gefroren und doppelt-gefroren). Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens ist besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich denkbar und angesichts der ge-setzlichen Bestimmungen für Geflügelfleisch (keine Fleischzubereitungen aus gefro-rener und aufgetauter Ware) auch überaus wünschenswert. Die besten Ergebnisse lieferte das Verfahren bei der Fremdwassererkennung an Hähnchenbrustfilets, was auf Grund des starken Dipolcharakters von Wasser bei einem auf Dielektrizität beru-henden Messverfahren auch erklärbar ist. Selbst die zusätzlich mit Geflügelfleisch-Proteinhydrolysatpulver versetzten Proben konnten (bedingt durch die Strukturverän-derungen im Probenmaterial) eindeutig von den unbehandelten Proben abgegrenzt werden, was mittels laborchemischer Analyse über das Wasser-Protein-Verhältnis nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens für diese Anwendung
erscheint besonders sinnvoll, um der Überwachung und Qualitätssicherung ein ge-eignetes Instrument für die schnelle Feststellung von Wasserzusätzen (bei unverän-dertem Wasser-Eiweiß-Verhältnis) geben zu können.
Vor dem praktischen Einsatz dieser Messmethode müssen größere Validierungsver-suche durchgeführt werden, um geeignete Kalibrationssätze für die Anwendung an unbekannten Proben, besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich, zur Verfügung zu haben. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens zur Qualitätsbestimmung im Fleischbereich ist generell möglich und wäre auf Grund der schnellen Ergebnislieferung und einfachen Handha-bung der (mobilen) Messeinrichtung für Überwachung und Qualitätskontrolle
wünschenswert. / As the dielectric properties of each material, thus also for meat, are characteristically and depend on factors as for instance humidity and the chemical composite as well as physical structure there are existing different research approaches in the array of dielectric measurement methods already for many years. A new developed meas-urement method for the estimation of the quality parameters storage time and option-ally occurred freezing processes on fish is basing on the dielectric time domain reflec-tometry. The clarification of the question how far this method can also be used for fresh meat is the intention of the present graduate thesis.
In preliminary tests initially the general applicability of the method in the meat sector by means of different storage and freezing examinations was reviewed. Basing on these results the experimental examinations were divided into the following parts: evaluation of the storage time of packaged minute steaks from the pork chop (MAP) as also of chicken breast filets, estimation of freezing processes of chicken breast filets and pork chops, freezing storage time recognition of different meat varieties (pork chop, pork belly and beef bow pieces) with three different freezing temperatures and evaluation of added water in chicken breast filets.
The preliminary tests indicated a general ability of the method for the recognition of storage times and freezing processes on meat.
In the array of storage time evaluation an appliance, also for MAP-packaged products (in controlled atmosphere), is thinkable, however the method has to be optimized concerning the underlying linear evaluation models (curve fitting is necessary). As well there could be aimed good results for the freezing storage time recognition, the meat variety comprehensive better results for measurements on pattern which were stored some days previously were flashy. Good results were also adduced by the measurements concerning the freezing process recognition (pattern fresh, once- and double-frozen). An application of the technology is notably thinkable for the poultry meat sector and, in the face of the legal requirements for poultry meat (no preparation of frozen and thawed material allowed) also exceedingly desirable. The best results were carried out using the method for the recognition of added water in chicken breast filets, what is explainable by reason of the strong dipole character of water within a measurement method based on dielectricity. Even the pattern additionally glazed with poultry hydrolyzed protein powder could definitely be differentiated from the untreated pattern, what could not be realized with the water protein percentage using a laboratory chemical analysis. After all an appliance of the method for this application seems particularly reasonable, as a suitable instrument for the fast recognition of added water (with an unmodified water-protein-ratio) could be given to the monitoring and quality assurance.
Before starting the practically application of this measurement method there have to be accomplished larger validation examinations, to have suitable calibration kits for the application on unknown pattern at one´s disposal, especially in the poultry meat sector.
The assignment of the method for quality evaluation in the meat sector is generally possible and would be desirable for the monitoring and quality control by the reason of its fast result delivery and easy handling of the (mobile) measurement arrangement.
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