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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intégration des technologies [TIC] dans la formation des enseignants égyptiens de langues étrangères : Quelles compétences et quelle formation? / Integrating ICT in teachers of language’s training : Which skills and what kind of training?

Othman, Sophie 29 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude relève du domaine de la didactique du français langue étrangère [FLE] et de l’usage des TIC. Elle s’intéresse à la formation des enseignants aux TIC et cherche principalement à trouver des pistes adéquates pour l’intégration des TIC dans la formation des enseignants dans un contexte précis, le contexte égyptien. Sous un angle interdisciplinaire, nous tenterons de proposer une formation permettant aux enseignants égyptiens d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences à la fois pédagogiques, linguistiques et technologiques, appuyées sur la réflexivité. / This study lies within the field of teaching French as a Foreign Language [FLE] and the use of ICT. It focuses on the training of teachers by ICT and seeks primarily to find ways appropriate for the integration of ICT in teacher training in a specific context, the Egyptian context. From an interdisciplinary angle, we shall attempt to propose training which would enable Egyptian teachers to acquire new skills wich are, at the same time, pedagogical, linguistic and technological, supported on reflexivity.

Proměny tendencí v sebereflexivním vyprávění: kontrastivní studie. / Changing Tendencies in Self-Conscious Narratives: A Contrastive Interpretation

Sedláček, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Thesis Abstract The present thesis investigates correlations between a selection of metafictional texts and narrative theory. The selection consists in two sets of self-reflexive texts. The first one explores metafictional tendencies in the 17th and 18th century novels. To achieve this, the selection largely ignores their provenience. In addition to Henry Fielding's Tom Jones and Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy, it also examines Cervantes's Don Quixote. The latter set of texts focuses on post-War American metafictions (John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse, Donald Barthelme's Snow White, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five). These represent a coherent body of works from a particular period. Metafiction is generally understood as fiction about fiction. The present thesis challenges those assumptions and suggests interpreting metafiction within the framework of Michel Foucault's epistemes. Metafiction is not conceived of as a separate genre of literature but in the context of broader cultural tendencies in the understanding of representation. Representation is a key concept in metafiction and the increasing degree of narrative self-awareness is viewed in this light. The thesis emphasizes this contrastive and interdisciplinary approach. The text is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is a theoretical...

Concepção docente da formação crítico-reflexiva na área da enfermagem / Professor s conception about critical reflexive learning process of Nursing Courses

Alves, Aidê de Melo 29 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO_ Magda - 21-08-2011- corrigido.pdf: 261390 bytes, checksum: bf65ea71c7183f69a860d08fb178272d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-29 / The present study focuses on professor s conception about critical reflexive learning process of Nursing Area. Nowadays, one of the great challenges in Nursing Courses is to prepare the graduating students for professional practice with a critical-reflective profile as recommended by the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate in Nursing - November 2001.The research method chosen to carry out the investigation was case study with a qualitative approach and aimed investigate the strategies used by the nurse-professor for the training of critical reflexive nurse professionals. The methodological procedures involved: data collection, semi-structured interview with six nurse-professors randomly selected in a Nursing College Graduation of Presidente Prudente/SP, data analyses and discussion of finding were realized through interpretation of answers of nurse-professors. The results indicated that professors perceived the basic needs in order to develop more critical reflexive professionals; the most commonly used strategies were lectures, group work and reading texts. It is recommended the combination of teaching strategies for the enrichment classes. This allows you to meet the individual differences among students, providing an exchange of experiences between professor and student. / O presente estudo enfoca a concepção docente da formação crítico-reflexiva na área da Enfermagem. Um dos grandes desafios da Enfermagem, nos dias atuais, é o de formar profissionais com um perfil crítico-reflexivo, como recomendado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem de novembro de 2001. Este trabalho, desenvolvido em uma abordagem qualitativa, especificamente do tipo estudo de caso, tem como objetivo investigar as estratégias utilizadas pelo professor enfermeiro para a formação de profissionais crítico-reflexivos. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram: coleta de dados realizada por meio de entrevistas, com roteiro semiestruturado aplicado em seis professores enfermeiros, selecionados de forma aleatória, do Curso de Enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior particular de Presidente Prudente/SP; análise e discussão dos dados obtidos, trabalhados pela interpretação do significado das respostas apresentadas pelos sujeitos, as quais foram separadas por eixos e categorias e relacionadas com os objetivos propostos na pesquisa. Os resultados apontaram que os professores concebem os requisitos básicos para a formação do profissional crítico-reflexivo, utilizando predominantemente aulas expositivas, trabalho em grupo e leitura de textos. Recomenda-se a combinação de estratégias de ensino para o enriquecimento das aulas. Isso permite atender as diferenças individuais dos alunos, proporcionando uma troca de experiências entre professor e aluno

Théorie descriptive des ensembles et espaces de Banach / Descriptive set theory and Banach spaces

Ghawadrah, Ghadeer 16 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la théorie descriptive des ensembles et de la géométrie des espaces de Banach. La première partie consiste en l’étude de la complexité descriptive de la famille des espaces de Banach avec la propriété d’approximation bornée, respectivement la propriété π, dans l’ensemble des sous-espaces fermés de C(Δ), où Δ est l’ensemble de Cantor. Ces familles sont boréliennes. En outre, nous montrons que si alpha<omega_{1}, l’ensemble des espaces d’indice de Szlenk au plus \alpha qui ont une FDD contractante est borélien. Nous montrons dans la seconde partie que le nombre de classes d’isomorphisme de sous-espaces complémentés des espaces d’Orlicz de fonctions réflexive L^{\Phi} [0.1] est non dénombrable, où L^{\Phi} [0.1] n’est pas isomorphe à L^2 [0,1]. / This thesis deals with the descriptive set theory and the geometry of Banach spaces.The first chapter consists of the study of the descriptive complexity of the set of Banachspaces with the Bounded Approximation Property, respectively π-property, in the set ofall closed subspaces of C(∆), where ∆ is the Cantor set. We show that these sets areBorel. In addition, we show that if α<ω_1, the set of spaces with Szlenk index at most α which have a shrinking FDD is Borel. We show in the second chapter that the numberof isomorphism classes of complemented subspaces of the reflexive Orlicz function space L^Φ [0,1] is uncountable, where L^Φ [0,1]is not isomorphic to L^2 [0,1].

Barnets bästa - eller nationens? : Tingsrättens överväganden i adoptionsärenden där barnet inte har svenskt medborgarskap / In the best interest of the child - or in the best interest of the nation? : -The district court´s considerations in adoption cases regarding children without Swedish citizenship

Sjunneryd, Sofia Soraya January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Svensk migrationslagstiftning har sin grund i en äldre rättsordning som uppkom i och med nationalstatens grundande. Efter andra världskriget växte en ny rättsordning fram baserad på mänskliga rättigheter. Barnets bästa är ett begrepp som har vuxit fram utifrån barns särskilda skyddsbehov och har sedan 1980-talet i ökande omfattning varit del av svensk lagstiftning. Sedan lagändringar i föräldrabalken 2018 ska barnets bästa ges största vikt vid alla frågor som rör adoption av ett barn. Dess-utom ska oftare begäras in ett yttrande från Migrationsverket. Migrationsverket bedömer om en adoption kan vara ett försök att få stanna i landet på ogiltiga skäl. Detta innebär att tingsrätten i beslutsfattandet samtidigt ska förhålla sig till, och resonera kring barnets bästa, och till misstanken om att adoptionen kan vara ett försök att kringgå gällande lagstiftning. Syfte: Att ge kunskap om hur tingsrätten förhåller sig till ett motstridigt område i rättsordningen där mänskliga rättigheter står mot nationens syn på medborgarskapet genom att ställa frågan: Hur resonerar tingsrätten runt barnets bästa i adoptionsärenden gällande barn som inte är svenska medborgare? Metod: Kritisk reflexiv metod och teori som den beskrivs av Alvesson och Sköldberg (2017). Material: Samtliga tingsrättsbeslut i adoptionsärenden från Södertörns tingsrätt under tidsperioden 1 september 2018 till 1 april 2020, gällande barn under 18 år som inte har svenskt medborgarskap. Urvalet resulterade i 16 ärenden. Resultat: Tingsrättens avvägningar och resonerande kring barnets bästa var inkonsekvent. Det tydligaste mönstret var att relationen mellan barn och sökande innan adoptionen avgjorde hur tingsrätten förhöll sig till barnets bästa. Utifrån denna skillnad skapades två resultatkategorier. När det saknades en relation mellan barn och sökande innan adoptionsprocessen utmärktes besluten av kort text med få argument. När en redan etablerad relation fanns mellan barn och sökande, eller då barnets behov var startpunkten för adoptionsansökan, var protokollen till stor del referenser till socialtjänstens och migrationsverkets yttranden. Tingsrätten redogjorde och resonerade både kring barnets bästa och migrationslagarna i större utsträckning, och kunde uttrycka tvivel om adoptionens syfte. Trots att tingsrättens bedömning av barnets bästa ska utgå från det individuella barnet så gjordes detta till stor del utifrån andra faktorer. Diskussion:  Utifrån det individuella barnets bästa borde inte relationen före adoptionsansökan vara avgörande för vare sig omfattningen av tingsrättens utforskande av nationella omvårdnadsmöjligheter eller risken för människohandel. Slutsats: I tingsrättens överväganden, i dessa internationella adoptionsärenden, vägde nationens bästa genomgående tyngre än barnets bästa. Detta tyder på att de nyare rättsordningarna med mänskliga rättigheter och barnets bästa med universella idéer, som det ser ut nu, både domineras av och används som rättfärdigande av den äldre rättsordningen om medborgarskap kopplat till nationalstaten. / Background: The best interests of the child (Sw. barnets bästa) is an expression that has arisen from children's special protection needs and has been a part of Swedish law since the 1980s. Since 2018 the best interests of the child should be given the largest concern in all adoption matters. Furthermore, in more cases an opinion should be received from the Swedish Migration Authority with an assessment if an adoption is an attempt to stay in the country on invalid grounds. This means the court in its judgement at the same time must consider and reason about the best interests of the child, and that the adoption could be an attempt to circumvent current immigration legislation. Purpose: To bring knowledge regarding how the district court reason about a conflicting area in current legislation where human rights stand against the nation's view on the citizenship by asking the question: How does the court reason about the best interests of the child in adoptions cases regarding children who aren't Swedish citizens? Method: Critical reflexive method and theory as described by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2017). Material: 16 district court rulings in adoption cases from Södertörns District Court between 1 September 2018 and 1 April 2020, regarding children under 18 who does not have Swedish citizenship. Results: The district court's reason about what constituted the best interests of the child was inconsistent. The clearest pattern was that the relationship between the child and the applicant(s) before the adoption decided how the court treated the child's best interests. When there was no relationship between the child and the applicant(s) before the adoption process, the decisions in general had short text with few arguments. When there was an established relationship between the child and the applicant(s), or when the child's need was the basis of the adoption application, the protocols was in large references to the Social Service Administration's and the Migration Authority's opinions. The District Court reported and reasoned both to a greater extent about the child's best interests and the migration laws and could express doubts about the purpose of the adoption. Although the district court's assessment of the best interests of the child should be based on the individual child, this was largely based on other factors. The scope of reasoning increased with the child's age, and decreased with the status of adults, respectively. When the applicant had Swedish citizenship, less reason was raised about the best interests of the child. In addition, patterns of gender stereotyped assessments of the applicant's parental ability were shown. Conclusions: In the district court's considerations, in these international adoption cases, the nation's best consistently weighed heavier than the child's best. This suggests that the newer human rights legal systems and the best interests of the child with universal ideas, as it now appears, are both dominated by and used to justify the older legal system of citizenship linked to the nation state.

Podmínky pro reflexivní praxi pracovníků oddělení sociálně právní ochrany dětí / Conditions supporting reflexive practise in child welfare agency

Řeháčková Pecharová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The present diploma thesis focuses on the reflective practice in the context of Social and Legal Protection of Children. The purpose of this work, which​'s ​design is empirical, is to respond the following research question: in what way the reflecting practice is applied by the social workers in the field of Social and Legal Protection of Children, what external resources can the social workers take advantage of and what obstacles are blocking their reflective practice. The research study part of this thesis aims to provide the description of the environment of the social work in this domain and, consequently, to define the term reflective practice for the research purposes. The following research is designed as a qualitative case study which identificates the forms of reflection used by the social female workers, its supportive factors as well as the restraining ones. In the final part of this thesis, based on the results of the case study, the recommendations for development of the reflective practice in the Social and Legal Protection of Children institutional departments are formulated.

Professional Education and Practice: Ottawa Police Service Officer and Educator Perceptions of Use of Force Education and Experiences

Jubril, Annette 12 May 2022 (has links)
In the last 20 years, the number of incidents involving police use of force (UOF) has nearly doubled in Canada (Marcoux & Nicholson, 2018). There have been at least 460 documented fatal police encounters across Canada between the years 2000 and 2017 and at least 1,860 police UOF investigations specifically in Ontario (Dunn, 2018; Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2018). According to a 2019 annual report by Ottawa Police Service (OPS, 2019), a municipal police service in Ontario, between the years 2018 and 2019, OPS reported a 21% decrease (from 767 to 607) of applications of force among officers and a 15% increase (from 529 to 609) of UOF reports. Although the latter data is relevant to Ottawa, to better understand and potentially minimize negative police-civilian encounters, both specifically and on a larger scale, this Canadian-focused study centers on policing as well as the context at OPS and explores the extent to which professional education (PE) influences professional practice (PP). It does so by reviewing OPS’s UOF training and gathering perspectives from patrol officers and UOF educators. Using a qualitative instrumental case study (QICS) research design, the study analyzes the UOF training materials that OPS used to certify and recertify officers between the years 2010 and 2021. It also incorporates semi-structured interviews with officers and educators to gather insights on how participants define UOF, their perspectives on their pre-service and in-service training, as well as how they relate their PE to their police-civilian encounters, particularly when they used or did not use force. A document analysis of the data revealed that OPS’s UOF training uses both traditional as well as progressive and collaborative approaches to educate and relate to officers. Such approaches also aim to promote appropriate communication and de-escalation skills. At the same time, the learning objectives found in the lesson plans lack the detail needed to signify that officers have achieved the intended goal of the training. Among the important themes that emerged from the interviews were 1) the differences in priorities, between the officers and educators, concerning UOF training, 2) the value that officers place on their instructors’ experiences, 3) the challenges that educators face while adhering to provincial expectations, and 4) the integral role that training and life experiences play during police-civilian encounters. The relevance of social media was another significant theme that emerged within the study, particularly considering the participants’ views on the current social climate of policing (i.e., how the public perceives the police as well as the contentious debate about defunding the police). With limited research on police perspectives and issues specific to policing in Canada, the present study, by virtue of access to OPS’s training materials, patrol officers and UOF instructors, seeks to initiate rich and meaningful discussions about PE and PP. It also aims to encourage reflection among educators, policy-makers and society so as to address and deepen our understanding of issues related to education.

Pojem tradice v kontextu teorie reflexivní modernizace / The Concept of Tradition in the Context of the Theory of Reflexive Modernization

Kondrátová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Concept of Tradition in the Context of the Theory of Reflexive Modernization" deals with the phenomenon of the tradition and its influence on the construction of the social order and the construction of individual biographies in the modern era. The thesis rests on the theory of reflexive modernization which is well- known in sociological theory thanks to Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens. The present reinterpretations of their papers quite often lead to the incorrect explanation of the current reality. Then, the reality is claimed to be detraditionalized. Using the concept of relativization I reject considering the actual state as the state without tradition. The aim of the concept of relativization, which is supported by the principle of sociological imagination, is to dispute this radical statement. The postulate of relativization is demonstrated on the example of the traditional social forms, such as nuclear family. In a wider perspective the aim of the thesis is to declare the continuing tendencies in social sciences to emphasize only the selected aspects of social reality.

Governance of Nature-based Solutions for stormwater management in Stockholm : A Social-Ecological-Technical Systems Perspective / Politisk styrning och planering av naturbaserade lösningar för dagvattenhantering i Stockholm : ett socio-ekologiskt-tekniskt systemperspektiv

Rasmusson, Fredrika, Estreen, Toini January 2021 (has links)
Increased urbanisation and climate change are negatively affecting the water cycle and are increasing floods and creating concerns for the built environment and human wellbeing. This has created a need to research sustainable water management in cities. Nature-based solutions (NBS) can offer more sustainable ways of water management, but conventional systems are still favoured in governance. Hence, the aim of this thesis is to identify opportunities and challenges of implementing NBS at Årstafältet in Stockholm and the related governance processes from a Socio-Ecological-Technical system perspective in order to bring a holistic view on sustainable urban stormwater management. The methods used in triangulation for this case study are interviews, a site visit, and desktop study of associated planning documents. The collected data is analysed with an analytical framework that investigates the Social-Ecological-Technical System (SETS) dimensions, in relation to governance. The results show that the implementation of NBS at Årstafältet has been largely successful, due to contextual factors, as well as an adaptive and reflexive governance approach. However, identified system dynamics, interrelations and tensions have shown that there is room for improvements. By increasing transdisciplinarity in early stages of the process to overcome rigid governance structures and techno-centricity. The application of the SETS framework has proved to be successful in identifying dynamics, interrelations, and tensions but there are issues related to uncertainties in how to categorise system components. Nevertheless, the SETS perspective has been useful for identifying challenges and opportunities related to governance and planning processes of implementing NBS.

Analýza užívání pasivních konstrukcí v češtině a švédštině a jejich překladu / Analysis of the passive voice in the Czech and Swedish language and its translation

Braná, Marie January 2022 (has links)
We distinguish two types of passive voice in Swedish, namely: s-passive and periphrastic passive, the use of s-pasivum being applied much more frequently. In Czech, periphrastic passive is used as well as reflexive passive, which is traditionally considered as a type of passive voice, although various linguists may not unequivocally agree to classify it as such. Periphrastic passive is rather found in literature and is less frequent while the reflexive passive, being more common, is regarded as neutral passive structure. Swedish fictional literature employs passive voice approximately twice as much as the Czech one. When analyzing the translation options, we distinguish three types of passive structures, since both subtypes of periphrastic passive in Swedish - vara-passive and bli-passive - do differentiate in meaning. The analysis proves that there is a significant tendency to translate passive constructions into active; this is a similarity shared between s-passive and bli-passive.Vara-passive, which, on the contrary, has a rather stative meaning, is translated into verbonominal predicate in most cases. The second most used translation variant of all three types of passive is a periphrastic formulation. This is not a homogenous category, given that it comprises all the translation options that...

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