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從Teubner反身法理論檢視台灣行政法之發展 / View from Teubner theory of reflexive development of administrative law in Taiwan林明世, Lin, Ming Shih Unknown Date (has links)
而Nonet 和Selznick在觀察法律發展過程後,提出法律三個發展階段,分別為;壓制型法(repressive law)、自治型法(autonomous law)和回應型法(responsive law),其分析架構最主要是認為,法律既不是經濟矛盾下的併發症,也不是實定法律一般,可以簡單化約為一系列由權力關係、組織結構和專業角色所界定的決策。相反地,其認為法律是一個自主的社會體制,其發展乃是依靠於其本身的內在動力
法律自發生理論(Recht als autopoietisches System)是由德國學者Teubner在一九八三年發表於《法律與社會期刊》(Law & Society Review)的一篇論文“Substantive and reflexive elements in modern law”中逐步所建立出來的一新理論,其理論架構是建立在韋伯的發展理論,整合美國的Nonet 和Selznick,德國的Habermas和Luhmann等人的理論,所提出的一全新理論,該理論最主要是藉由Luhmann的法律系統論與Nonet 和Selznick的「回應型法律」為核心,而提出一種新法律典範:自身法(reflexive law),此一法律顯示一種新形式的法律自制,簡言之,法律不再輕易干預社會過程,而為其結果負責,法律的重心轉移到對自律機制的設計、推動、矯正或重建。
Gunther Teubner認為Nonet 和Selznick的理論核心乃是法律秩序的制度邏輯概念,在回應型法律(responsive law)的陳述,出現了歐洲所謂「形式法律的重新實質化」,法律形式主義面臨危機,所以,新的實質取向的法律形式出現,傳統的法學方法,轉型為「社會政策分析」分法,而且亦有平行的法律參與模式的改變,進而新的法律實質化反應出一種新的體制和組織結構:它要求「管制而非裁決」。回應型法律(responsive law)的理念不但包含實質理性的成分,亦有其他不一樣原則,最主要地是:制度設計(institutional design)的理念,在此理念下法律所關注的焦點,乃在於創造、形成、矯正、以及重新設計社會體制,使其變成具有自我管制功能的系統。
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”... att alltid ge bifall. Slippa avslagen. Men det funkar ju inte.” : Frontlinjebyråkrater och handlingsutrymme / “...to always grant. Avoid refusal. But that won’t work, though.” : A qualitative study into the tone and emphasis of today’s municipal work against homelessness and the reflections of social workers on changeRintamaa, Johan January 2010 (has links)
This investigation aimed to shed light on the terms of the dispensing and the retaining of municipal social benefits granted by Swedish social services, this in regard of a less visible societal subgroup; citizens who cannot attain or retain housing of their own. Through qualitative interviews with six municipal social workers in Skåne, the plight of these citizens is revealed from a policy-making perspective in respect of views on discretion and individual appreciation. How may the applicant impact the application process and how does social subletting operate as a service effort? Further analysis of the accounts of informants’ views on change and the reasons for change, sketched an image of a society where public acceptance and tolerance are crucial factors for citizens hoping to achieve a homestead through means of municipal intervention. In conclusion, flexible attitudes towards job description are of major import to the possibility of offering client support in under-staffed municipal environs. Furthermore, reflexive social workers allying with the applicant throughout the process, from application to intervention are decisive for efficacious, long-term social work.
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Förstaspråksattrition hos vuxna : Exemplet polsktalande i Sverige / Adult First Language Attrition : The Case of Polish Speakers in SwedenLubińska, Dorota January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with adult L1 attrition in the case of highly-educated long-term Polish immigrants in Sweden. The study sheds light on two classical issues pertaining to L1 attrition, namely what happens to a fully developed mature language system in an immigrant context, and why it happens. Specifically we aim to answer the following questions: (1) Are Polish speakers in Sweden different from comparable individuals in Poland with respect to (i) judgement and use of a number of Polish linguistic features (se keywords below), and (ii) hesitation phenomena, i.e. ability to be quick and easy and linguistic insecurity? (2) Is the variation in linguistic results dependent on how often and in what context the Polish language is used and/or which attitudes the individuals have towards it as well as how long they have been living in Sweden? One of the main contributions of the study regards methodology. The data is analysed in three steps: an initial focus on group comparisons shifts to the analysis of individual results in relation to the variation observed in the comparison group, and finally to a holistic view of the attrition effects or their absence. It is suggested that in studies on adult L1 attrition, where the effects are expected to be relatively cosmetic, the range of the linguistic behaviour in the comparison group as a reference point as well as a holistic perspective on individual results gives a more truthful picture of the attrition process. In addition the study shows that attrition effects are present in some individuals (60 %) to a different degree. The most common effect overall is linguistic insecurity followed by the overuse of 1st person pronouns as explicit subjects and to a lesser degree by the overuse of 3rd person pronouns. Surprisingly there is a scanty effect on the other hesitation phenomenon, i.e. the ability to be quick and easy. No or limited effects are observed in other structural areas which basically supports previous findings on L1 adult attrition. Finally, the presence versus absence of the attrition effect can not be straightforwardly related either to language use, attitudes or length of residence, with one exception being linguistic insecurity.
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La collaboration interprofessionnelle vers une transformation des pratiques au sein d’un GMF de deuxième vagueLajeunesse, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
INTRODUCTION : Les soins de première ligne au Québec vivent depuis quelques années une réorganisation importante. Les GMF, les cliniques réseaux, les CSSS, les réseaux locaux de service, ne sont que quelques exemples des nouveaux modes d’organisation qui voient le jour actuellement. La collaboration interprofessionnelle se trouve au cœur de ces changements.
MÉTHODOLOGIE : Il s’agit d’une étude de cas unique, effectuée dans un GMF de deuxième vague. Les données ont été recueillies par des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès du médecin responsable du GMF, des médecins et des infirmières du GMF, et du cadre responsable des infirmières au CSSS. Les entrevues se sont déroulées jusqu’à saturation empirique. Des documents concernant les outils cliniques et les outils de communication ont aussi été consultés.
RÉSULTATS : À travers un processus itératif touchant les éléments interactionnels et organisationnels, par l’évolution vers une culture différente, des ajustements mutuels ont pu être réalisés et les pratiques cliniques se sont réellement modifiées au sein du GMF étudié. Les participants ont souligné une amélioration de leurs résultats cliniques. Ils constatent que les patients ont une meilleure accessibilité, mais l’effet sur la charge de travail et sur la capacité de suivre plus de patients est évaluée de façon variable.
CONCLUSION : Le modèle conceptuel proposé permet d’observer empiriquement les dimensions qui font ressortir la valeur ajoutée du développement de la collaboration interprofessionnelle au sein des GMF, ainsi que son impact sur les pratiques professionnelles. / INTRODUCTION: Primary care in the Province of Quebec has undergone a substantial reorganisation over the last several years, on several fronts. Family Medicine Groups (FMG's), designated medical clinics, regional health boards, and local health networks, are only a few examples of new health care delivery components which have been created during this reorganisation.
METHODS: This is a case study based on a single Family Medicine Group created during a second wave of innovation. Data was collected via semi-directed interviews with the head physician of the FMG, the group of physicians and nurses within the FMG, the nursing director of the FMG, and the director of nursing at the regional health board. Interviews were conducted until all available contacts were exhausted. The author also accessed the clinical guidelines and the documents used for communication within the FMG.
RESULTS: Practice activities in the FMG did evolve over time as a result of mutual clinical and administrative interactions between nurses and physicians. Participants noted a visible improvement in health outcomes as well as increased accessibility to health care by patients. The impact on physician workload, and overall capacity in terms of number of patients followed, after creation of the FMG, were inconsistent.
CONCLUSION: This proposed analytic model allows empiric measurement of the added value of FMG's for the development of inter-professional cooperation, and its impact on professional practices.
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Offrir à l'oeil : une phénoménologie du récit Au Château d'Argol de Julien GracqThibault, Valérie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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The Role of Social Work in Contemporary Colonial and Structurally Violent Processes: Speaking to Aboriginal Social Workers who had Child Welfare and/or Criminal Justice Involvement as YouthWest, Juliana Margaret 22 August 2014 (has links)
As a relatively recent phenomenon, the increasing overrepresentation of Aboriginal persons in both the child welfare and criminal justice systems is of critical importance to the field of social work. As social control systems, how do social workers contribute to or mitigate against overrepresentation as contemporary colonialism? What can social work professionals who themselves have been through these systems add to our social work discourse? A sample of fifteen Aboriginal social workers who had as youth been in either one or both of these systems were interviewed with respect to: what they found was helpful or unhelpful in their interactions as youth with social workers, why they subsequently chose social work as a career, the supports and barriers they encountered along their career path, and the difference their experiences had for their own professional practice. Using structural social work theory, overrepresentation as a contemporary colonializing process was re-conceptualised as structural violence. Institutional Ethnography (IE) and Hermeneutic Phenomenology were used to explore how these neo-liberal ruling relations are produced, maintained, and potentially deconstructed. The findings from this unique population have implications for decolonizing social work practice, education, and research.
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Formbara människor : Högre utbildning och arbete som utsnitt ur läkares och civilingenjörers levnadsbanor / Flexible people : Higher education and work through physicians’ and engineers’ life-trajectoriesAxelsson, Rose-Marie January 2008 (has links)
Fokus i denna avhandling utgör läkares och civilingenjörers kunskaps- och identifikationsprocesser under utbildning och arbete – vilka studeras som utsnitt ur levnadsbanor. Syftet är att beskriva och tolka relationen mellan högre utbildning och arbete, dels utifrån föreställningar i forskning och policy, dels utifrån människors subjektivitet, vardagserfarenheter och liv. Studien baseras på textanalys och intervjuer med läkare och IT-ingenjörer under de första åren i arbetslivet och yrket. Kännetecknande är att processer följs över tid genom en longitudinell design. Den teoretiska ramen struktureras runt tre länkade teman: Kunskap och dynamiker i det samtida samhället; Högre utbildning och arbete; Människors formbarhet. Reflexiv tolkning utgör metodologisk ansats. Begreppen flexibilitet, stabilitet och ambivalens används dialektiskt vid analys av empiriska data. Avhandlingen visar att människors subjektivitet och vardagserfarenheter samspelar med generella föreställningar och sammanhangens reella förhållanden. Utbildnings- och yrkesval kan förstås som uttryck för såväl reflexiva livsprojekt som subjektiva dynamiker. Att formas till civilingenjör och läkare ter sig på vitt skilda sätt. Ingenjörerna formas till generalister och ”spelar med säkra kort” medan läkarna bygger en karaktär och ”spelar med sig själva som insats”. I arbetet använder civilingenjörerna titeln som en flexibel strategi – identifikation är främst bunden till plats, funktion och arbetstid. Läkarnas identifikation med yrket utgör ett konstant tillstånd – läkare är något de alltid är, också på fritiden – yrket är starkt bundet till person. Resultaten indikerar att både ingenjörs- och läkaryrket kännetecknas av livslånga kvalificeringsprocesser. De visar sig stark exkluderande över tid. Relationen mellan högre utbildning och arbetet diskuteras vidare i avhandlingen genom människors levnadsbanor och i termer av såväl formbara som hållbara liv. / The focus of this thesis is the formation of knowledge and professional identification through physicians’ and engineers’ education and work – life-trajectories are the frame of interpretation. The aim is to describe and interpret the relationship between higher education and work, partly by studying ideas in research and educational policy, partly by people’s subjectivity, experiences and everyday life. This study is based on text analysis and interviews with physicians and engineers. The characteristic of this study is that processes are described and interpreted through a longitudinal design. The theoretical framework is built up by three interrelated themes: knowledge and dynamics in contemporary society; higher education and work; the reflexivity of the individuals. An overarching interpretive approach is applied, and the concepts of flexibility, stability and ambivalence are used dialectically in the analysis of empirical data. The study indicates interplay between subjectivity, everyday life experiences and conditions in different practices. The informants’ educational and career choice can be understood as expressions of reflexive life-projects or as subjective dynamics. Becoming an engineer or physician stand out as substantially different processes. The engineers in information technology are becoming generalists and are “playing the game with a safe hand”, while the physicians becoming characters and are “playing the game with oneself as stake”. At work the engineers are using their title as a flexible strategy – identification is confined to place of work, occupation and working hours. The physicians’ identification with their profession is a fixed state of mind – they are always physicians, even in their leisure time – the profession is associated with their personality. The results indicate that both engineers and physicians careers can be characterised by life-long qualification. It appears as a strongly excluding factor. The relationship between higher education and work is discussed as life-trajectories and in terms of formable and sustainable life.
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Biopolitics and Reflexivity : A Study of GMO Policymaking in the European Union / Biopolitik och reflexivitet : En studie av tillkomsten av GMO policy i den Europeiska UnionenJohansson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
The political discourse that has emerged as a consequence of establishing a European regulatory framework for GMOs has not been without problems. This dissertation addresses the political and regulatory challenges created by the development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the EU. The underlying hypothesis in the dissertation is that the emergence of a European policy in the field of GMOs has appeared through new reflexive forms of governance. The aim of this research is to understand how these reflexive forms of regulation have emerged and operate within the EU, with a particular focus on the two GMO directives 90/220/EEC and 2001/18/EC. However, the study scrutinises the regulatory regimes from the 1970s onwards by investigating how the regulatory framework regarding GMOs has been developed and implemented in the EU. This is done through an analysis of the notion of ‘risk’ and the ‘precautionary principle’ since these concepts have been at the forefront of the GMO regulation debate. The empirical approach focuses on how the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council as well as other actors and institutions articulate ambivalence, interpretations and uncertainties in the decision-making processes regarding regulative measures for GMOs, with an accent on risk and the precautionary principle. The main empirical material has been documents concerning the inter-institutional process involved in the regulatory process of making the two directives. The analysis indicates that during the process of implementing GMO regulations, new steering strategies have appeared within the EU’s decision-making institutions when the objective of the regulation has taken centre stage in political and scientific controversies. / Den politiska diskursen som har uppstått som en följd av upprättandet av ett europeiskt regelverk för GMO har inte varit utan problem. Denna avhandling behandlar de politiska utmaningar som alstrats av skapandet och tillämpningen av genetiskt modifierade organismer (GMO) inom EU. Den underliggande hypotesen i avhandlingen är att framväxten av en europeisk politik på området för GMO har uppstått genom nya reflexiva regleringsformer. Syftet med denna forskning är att förstå hur reflexiva regleringsformer har uppkommit och opererar inom EU, med särskilt fokus på de två GMO direktiven 90/220/EEG och 2001/18/EG. Studien analyserar lagstiftning från 1970-talet och framåt genom att undersöka hur lagstiftningen om genetiskt modifierade organismer har utvecklats och implementerats i EU. Detta görs genom en analys av begreppen ‘risk’ och ‘försiktighetsprincipen’ eftersom dessa begrepp har varit centrala för debatten om GMO lagstiftningen. Den empiriska metoden fokuserar på hur Europeiska kommissionen, Europaparlamentet och Europeiska rådet samt andra aktörer och institutioner har uttryckt ambivalens, tolkningar och osäkerhet i beslutsfattandet gällande reglerings åtgärder för genetiskt modifierade organismer, med tonvikt på risk och försiktighetsprincipen. Det huvudsakliga empiriska materialet är dokument gällande den interinstitutionella processen som ägde rum när de två direktiven skapades. Analysen visar att implementeringen av GMO lagstiftningen har skapat nya styrningsstrategier i synnerhet i de fall där ändamålet med lagstiftningen har varit föremål för politiska och vetenskapliga kontroverser.
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Cohomologie de fibrés en droite sur le fibré cotangent de variétés grassmanniennes généraliséesAscah-Coallier, Isabelle 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la cohomologie de fibrés en droite sur le fibré cotangent de variétés projectives. Plus précisément, pour $G$ un groupe algébrique simple, connexe et simplement connexe, $P$ un sous-groupe maximal de $G$ et $\omega$ un générateur dominant du groupe de caractères de $P$, on cherche à comprendre les groupes de cohomologie $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ où $\mathcal{L}$ est le faisceau des sections d'un fibré en droite sur $T^*(G/P)$. Sous certaines conditions, nous allons montrer qu'il existe un isomorphisme, à graduation près, entre $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ et $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L}^{\vee})$
Après avoir travaillé dans un contexte théorique, nous nous intéresserons à certains sous-groupes paraboliques en lien avec les orbites nilpotentes. Dans ce cas, l'algèbre de Lie du radical unipotent de $P$, que nous noterons $\nLie$, a une structure d'espace vectoriel préhomogène. Nous pourrons alors déterminer quels cas vérifient les hypothèses nécessaires à la preuve de l'isomorphisme en montrant l'existence d'un $P$-covariant $f$ dans $\comp[\nLie]$ et en étudiant ses propriétés. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite aux singularités de la variété affine $V(f)$. Nous serons en mesure de montrer que sa normalisation est à singularités rationnelles. / In this thesis, we study the cohomology of line bundles on cotangent bundle of projective varieties. To be more precise, let $G$ be an semisimple algebraic group which is simply connected, $P$ a maximal subgroup and $\omega$ a dominant weight that generates the character group of $P$. Our goal is to understand the cohomology groups $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ where $\mathcal{L}$ is the sheaf of sections of a line bundle on $T^*(G/P)$. Under some conditions, we will show that there exists an isomorphism, up to grading, between $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L})$ and $H^i(T^*(G/P),\mathcal{L}^{\vee})$.
After we worked in a theoretical setting, we will focus on maximal parabolic subgroups related to nilpotent varieties. In this case, the Lie algebra of the unipotent radical of $P$ has a structure of prehomogeneous vector spaces. We will be able to determine which cases verify the hypothesis of the isomorphism by showing the existence of a $P$-covariant $f$ in $\comp[\nLie]$ and by studying its properties. We will be interested by the singularities of the affine variety $V(f)$. We will show that the normalisation of $V(f)$ has rational singularities.
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Samtal, klassrumsklimat och elevers delaktighet : överväganden kring en deliberativ didaktikLarsson, Kent January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to study learning through deliberative dialogue, the social climate of the classroom, and certain aspects of student participation in civic education in upper secondary schools, as well as aspects of deliberative didactics. It takes its theoretical point of departure in John Dewey’s texts on democracy and education. An additional perspective on the social and moral aspects of democratic life is provided by Axel Honneth’s studies on disrespect and a morality of recognition. An empirical study is presented in which students and teachers were interviewed in focus groups about their opinions and experiences, on the basis of the aim of the dissertation and the research questions addressed. The analysis reveals a potential to learn civics thorough dialogue and discussion. A dialogue with deliberative qualities is characterized as one with a clearly defined purpose and relevant knowledge content. In the course of such a dialogue, the participants apply and develop certain abilities, some of which are identified in the study. Regarding the social climate in the classroom, especially during learning through dialogue and discussion, several difficulties and problematic situations were mentioned in the focus group interviews. These were problems related to “disturbing silence” and “troubling speech”. Honneth’s theory of moral recognition is in such situations seen as a basis for teachers’ professional reflections and for deliberative dialogues involving teacher and students. Concerning student participation and the civic education classroom as a form of democratic community and a public sphere, both students and teachers interviewed spoke of a balancing act between many different interests, some of which are discussed with a focus on the formation of interests. Other aspects studied are how a sense of community can be created and how the private and individualistic meet the public and common in civic education. It is concluded that the civic education classroom, considered as a public sphere, can be an arena for deliberation and thus develop a sense of community and a deliberative competence for use in a wider citizenship perspective. In the final chapter it is concluded that deliberative didactics can be seen as a didactic dimension of reflexive cooperation. It is characterized as a reflexive approach whereby the teacher invites the students to deliberate on issues of subject content, ways of working, the social climate of the classroom, and different aspects of participation and common interests. It is also argued that the practical cooperation – the actions and their consequences – following from intersubjective speech are as important as the dialogue itself.
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