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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Performance of Memorialization: Politics of Memory and Memory-Making at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys

Robinson, Kaniqua 21 November 2018 (has links)
My study examines how religion operates as a form of social control in the politics of memory and memory making in the case of the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys (1900-2011), a state reform school in Marianna, Florida. Collective memory making is a dynamic process that reflects the social, economic, and political tensions of the present. It is a process most evident during circumstances of reconciliation following conflict, violence, or cases of turmoil resulting in death and in conflicting memories of the experience. Emergence of a dominant narrative about the tragedy or traumatizing event and subjugation of conflicting stories and memories often follows. At this intersection, memory becomes a weapon or reflection of power. Religion has been defined as operating as means of social control, particularly in the face of uncertainty, fear, and conflict. This study explores dynamics of power with respect to memorialization and ways in which religion informs the present and the past through processes of collective memory making. I also explore ways in which Christianity is employed as a means of bringing about reconciliation through public memory making and memorialization efforts as in the case of the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys located in Marianna, Florida. In 2013, a team of anthropologists from the University of South Florida (USF) received approval from the State of Florida to investigate the location of missing children buried at Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys. This research, known as the Boot Hill Burial Ground Project, resulted in the excavation of 55 burials. The Boot Hill Burial Ground Project is integral to the memorialization efforts and processes at Dozier as multiple stakeholders utilize the findings of the project for the construction of collective and public memories. The purpose of this study is to analyze tensions involved in processes of memory making resulting from the discovery, excavation, and identification of bodies at the Boot Hill Burial Ground on the Dozier campus and ways power is expressed within this process.

Informovanost rodičovské veřejnosti o kurikulární reformě / Parent's acquaintance with curriculum reform

Checcacci, Pavlína January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is of a theoretical nature: it does not include any field research. It includes a proposal for an elementary school brochure-guide for parents in Czech Republic, created by the author of this thesis. The thesis summarizes findings on the educational curriculum reform in the Czech Republic, which took place in 2007, and analyses ways in which parents were informed. The text focuses first on the reform itself, its objectives and its basic features. It then analyses the relationship between family and school, stating that parents as a group are of major importance for the successful implementation of the reform. It is therefore crucial to properly understand this group. In connection with the reform and its importance for parents, the text deals with how the informational campaign was conceived in the Czech Republic and in the UK. The 'Guide for Parents of English pupils aged 5 to 7 years' is then described as a source of ideas. Based on this, a proposal for a brochure-guide was created to be used as informational material for parents in the Czech Republic.

The Perceptions Of Teachers And Administrators On The Relationship Between Some Non-curricular School Factors And The Potential Success Of The New Basic Education Curriculum

Vatanartiran, Sinem 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The Ministry of Education of Turkey changed the national education programs in accordance with recent approaches in education as part of the educational reform that covers basic and secondary levels of schooling in 2005-2006 academic year. This educational reform that was proposed to change the formerly traditional, behaviorist, and teacher-centered programs into constructivist and student-centered programs will obviously have effects on millions of students, educators and families. Its long-term influence is expected to be seen on the whole society in coming years. The purpose of this study is to describe how school culture, values on professionalism, perceptions on the new programs, and organizational structure and leadership of schools will ease or impede with the implementation of the new national educational programs. A pure qualitative research design was used to study this problem. Multiple case study was carried out with semi-structured, face-to-face interviews as the method of data collection. The data sources for the interviews were teachers and administrators from four schools of different socio economic regions in Istanbul, one of which was a private school. Some of the official documents of the Ministry of Education were also used as supportive evidence to the data collected through the interviews.

某少年輔育院管教人員角色知覺之探討 / A Study on the Role Perception of Mentors in A Reform School

李嘉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
有感於少年犯罪人數不斷上升,少年犯罪後可能被送到少年輔育院接受感化教育,而管教人員乃實施感化教育之靈魂人物,但目前有關管教人員角色知覺之文獻尚為缺乏。復以,少年輔育院的現有管教人力甚為有限,相對於總是超收的學生尤為見絀。因此,如何在極為有限的人力支應下,協助輔導迷途青少年回歸正軌、重獲新生,進而改善社會治安,著實仰賴管教人員的經驗、智慧與責任感。本研究探討管教人員之角色知覺,望能裨益少年輔育院實施感化教育之成效。 本研究之目的如下: 一、探討少年輔育院管教人員對本身角色的動機、期望與知覺。 二、探討影響少年輔育院管教人員角色扮演的關鍵要素。 三、探討少年輔育院管教人員工作所遇到的困難與因應方法。 四、提出具體可行的建議,使管教人員更能勝任管教工作。 本研究所得重要結論如下: 一、發現 (一)從事管教工作的動機多非出自個人志趣。 (二)管教人員對管教成效大多抱持悲觀保守的態度。 (三)管教人員對本身角色的知覺程度,聘任者為最高,監獄官考試者次之,借調支援者為最低。 (四)具備特定特質為稱職的管教人員的必要條件,能力則為加分要件。 (五)進用方式與穩定性、工作的認同感、管教成效間具有相關性。 (六)管教成效倚賴經驗,經驗漸增,壓力漸減,但可能有副作用。 (七)管教人力配置不足,負責的學生數過多,戒護風險高。 (八)管教職務職責繁重,職缺陞遷誘因不足,造成陞遷序列斷層。 (九)體罰關鍵在於如何實施,而非是否實施。 (十)賞罰分明、處分個別化是管教工作基本原則。 (十一)管教人員間的歧異是管教實務中的風險因子。 (十二)親職教育是管教工作不可或缺的重點。 (十三)感化教育的成敗關鍵,繫於環境的良窳與學生是否具有一技之長。 二、建議 (一)對矯正主管機關的建議 1.重新開放聘任進用管道。 2.改善陞遷誘因,填補正式人力,減少借調支援。 3.增加各班級管教人力配置。 4.遴選管道增加篩選機制。 5.改善同工不同酬問題。 6.訂定體罰實施原則。 (二)對現職管教人員的建議 1.加強學生技能訓練,培養其一技之長。 2.以法治教育為基礎,品德教育為進階,並輔以親職教育。 3.參加法律或心理學相關訓練進修,以減少隔閡或代溝。 4.加強管教人員間的協調一致性、異中求同。 (三)對未來有意任職管教人員者的建議 1.陞任管教職務前,宜整體評估後審慎決定。 2.檢視自身能力,持續提升補強。 3.宜先作好心理建設,配合完整的實務見習與職務歷練。

Ongelmaoppilaat Oulun kansakoulussa vuosina 1874 - 1974

Valta, J. (Juha) 06 September 2002 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this dissertation is to explore the school attendance of problem pupils in the elementary school of the city of Oulu during the years 1874–1974. The explicit focus in this study is laid on the difficulties that were encountered among the pupils, the possible causes of these difficulties, and the teachers' intervention in them. Administratively, the Pohjola Reform School for Boys (Pohjolan Poikakoti) did not belong to the Oulu elementary school system, but it was an important cooperative partner in the attempts to reduce the problems. Furthermore, by investigating the history of the school it is possible to create some sort of an idea of the later phases of the problem pupils' life. This research is concerned with the history of education and aims to describe the changes that have occurred in the education and teaching offered by the Oulu elementary school. With these considerations in mind, the primary sources selected in the study were as many-sided as possible. In particular, the elementary schools of Helsinki, Tampere, and Turku have been employed as a comparative basis for the study. During the entire research period of the years 1874–1974, more attention was paid to the behaviour of illmannered pupils than to the behaviour of pupils of limited intelligence. Two special schools were established for the problem pupils during the research period: a school for retarded children and an observation school. The problems encountered among the pupils were very similar during the entire research period: crimes against property, unauthorized absenteeism, and class disturbance. In many cases the difficulties of children with conduct disorder stemmed from domestic problems. They were generated by alcoholism, lack of means, domestic disputes, and poor housing conditions. These problems were also encountered among children who came from wealthy families. At the core of the problem was that for one reason or other parents did not have time for their children. Various social changes, such as the First and the Second World War, civil war, and depression, had a considerable impact on the lives of families. In the city of Oulu, 235 children were taken to the Pohjola Reform School for Boys in the years 1915–1974. For the most part, the boys came from broken families and their felonies were primarily crimes against property. The teachers played a significant role in reducing the disturbances of conduct and in motivating the pupils. The resources available were crucial for the successful outcome of their work. The disciplinary procedures employed by the teachers were mostly based on penal measures permitted by the elementary school regulations (1866) and the compulsory education law (1921). The penal measures became moderated and less frequent during the research period. More than before, the educational responsibility was assigned to the children's parents. The lack of space in the Oulu elementary schools was a common problem during the entire research period. The curricula were school-specific at first, until the system of the national curriculum was adopted at a later point. The most important didactic doctrines during the research period were Herbartianism and reform pedagogy. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa selvitetään Oulun kaupungin kansakoulun ongelmaoppilaiden koulunkäyntiä vuosina 1874–1974. Erityisesti on pyritty keskittymään heillä esiintyneisiin vaikeuksiin, mahdollisiin syihin ja niihin puuttumiseen. Pohjolan Poikakoti ei hallinnollisesti kuulunut Oulun kansakoululaitokseen, mutta se oli merkittävä yhteistyökumppani ongelmien vähentämisessä. Lisäksi sen avulla pystytään luomaan jonkinlainen kuva ongelmaoppilaan myöhemmistä elämänvaiheista. Tutkimus on kasvatushistoriallinen, ja siinä on mahdollisimman monipuolisen primäärilähdeaineiston avulla pyritty kuvaamaan kasvatuksessa ja opetuksessa tapahtuneita muutoksia Oulun kansakoulussa. Vertailupohjana on käytetty erityisesti Helsingin, Tampereen ja Turun kansakouluja. Koko tarkastelujaksolla vuosina 1874–1974 kiinnitettiin pahantapaisten oppilaiden käyttäytymiseen enemmän huomiota kuin heikkolahjaisten. Ongelmaoppilaille saatiin tutkimusjakson aikana kaksi erityiskoulua: apukoulu ja tarkkailukoulu. Oppilaiden ongelmat olivat varsin samanlaiset koko tutkimusjakson ajan: omaisuusrikokset, luvattomat poissaolot koulusta ja oppitunteja häirinnyt käytös. Monessa tapauksessa käytöshäiriöisen lapsen vaikeudet johtuivat kodin ongelmista. Niitä aiheuttivat alkoholismi, varattomuus, riitaisuus ja huonot asunto-olot. Myös taloudellisesti menestyneiden perheiden lapsilla oli vaikeuksia. Ongelmien ydin oli se, että vanhemmilla ei syystä tai toisesta ollut aikaa lapsilleen. Perheiden elämään vaikuttivat merkittävästi yhteiskunnalliset murrokset, kuten ensimmäinen ja toinen maailmansota, kansalaissota ja pula-ajat. Pohjolan Poikakotiin toimitettiin 235 oululaista lasta vuosina 1915–1974. Suurimmaksi osaksi pojat olivat rikkinäisistä perheistä ja heidän rikkomuksensa olivat lähinnä omaisuusrikoksia. Opettajan merkitys käytöshäiriöiden vähentämisessä ja oppilaiden motivoimisessa oli suuri. Hänen työnsä onnistumisen kannalta oli ratkaisevaa, millaiset resurssit hänellä oli käytettävissään. Opettajien käyttämät kurinpitokeinot perustuivat lähinnä kansakouluasetuksen (1866) ja oppivelvollisuuslain (1921) sallimiin rangaistuskeinoihin. Kurinpitokeinot lievenivät ja vähentyivät tutkimusjakson aikana. Kasvatusvastuuta pyrittiin siirtämään entistä enemmän lapsen vanhemmille. Oulun kaupungin kansakoulujen tilanahtaus oli yleinen ongelma koko tarkastelujakson ajan. Opetussuunnitelmat olivat aluksi koulukohtaisia, kunnes myöhemmässä vaiheessa siirryttiin valtakunnallisiin suunnitelmiin. Tutkimusjakson merkittävimmät opetusopit olivat herbartilaisuus ja reformipedagogiikka.

Education for Girls in the House of the Good Shepherd, U.S. 1940-1980

Phillips, Nancymarie 05 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Three necessary things the Indianapolis Free Kindergarten and Children's Aid Society, 1880-1920 /

Gobel, Erin J. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2010. / Title from screen (viewed on July 29, 2010). Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Anita Morgan, Robert G. Barrows, Daniella J. Kostroun. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-113).

動物介在プログラムの組織的機能に関する評価研究 : ヒューマン・サービス分野を中心事例として / ドウブツ カイザイ プログラム ノ ソシキテキ キノウ ニカンスル ヒョウカ ケンキュウ : ヒューマン・サービス ブンヤ オ チュウシン ジレイ トシテ / 動物介在プログラムの組織的機能に関する評価研究 : ヒューマンサービス分野を中心事例として

中村 智帆, Chiho Nakamura 20 March 2017 (has links)
本論文では、ヒューマン・サービス分野における動物介在プログラムの組織的機能を多角的に評価し、動物介在プログラムを導入することの意義について論じている。 / This paper discusses the significance of introducing Animal Assisted Program by multilaterally evaluating the organizational function of Animal Assisted Program at the field of Human Service. / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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