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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐碧芸, Hsu, Pi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
世界工業化國家和地區在其工業化過程中無一不靠對外貿易的超常規發展來牽動國民經濟的發展。鑑於對外貿易特別是出口對一國產業成長的貢獻,出口鼓勵政策就成為世界各國普遍採用的政策。而在出口鼓勵政策中,出口退稅是廣泛採用而又行之有效的政策。 由本論文的研究發現,出口退稅制度在促進中共對外開放、對內經濟發展、完善外貿體制及儘快加入世界貿易組織等方面有很大的貢獻,並且出口退稅制度本身亦隨著中國大陸市場經濟的發展和外貿體制的改革有了進一步的完善和規範。尤其是在亞洲金融危機時,中國大陸的出口企業經營發生困難,對中共外貿出口造成影響,當時,面對這一形勢,中共可採取的策略有調整人民幣匯率或降低利率、提高出口退稅率,但是,當時中共已經多次明確指出人民幣匯率不貶值,調整匯率已不可能;利率在連續降低四次之後,1998年7月1日又第五次下調,下調空間有限;而出口退稅率在數次降低之後,採取出口退稅率某種程度調高的可能性增加,故當時便採取調高出口退稅率的方式來刺激出口,截至目前為止已多次調高出口退稅率來挽救大陸的外貿企業,由此可見出口退稅制度在中國大陸的重要地位。 出口退稅制度的推行,首要工作,就是對出口退稅適用的對象作一規範,舉凡適用的企業及貨物等。中共核准辦理出口退稅的企業可劃分為兩大類,即有進出口經營權的企業與特准出口退免稅企業;至於可辦理出口退免稅的貨物,則須同時具備以下三個條件,即屬於增值稅與消費稅徵收範圍內的貨物、必須報關離境、必須在財務上作銷售處理。其次,與申請退稅企業息息相關的程序與規定,則屬出口退稅的計算、出口企業的登記、退稅的申報、稽核、審核、退稅,以及出口企業違法的處置。 中共出口退稅制度實行至今,所面臨到最主要的問題有徵稅與退稅脫節、中央財政負荷過重、出口騙退稅,以及出口退稅進度緩慢進而佔壓企業資金,形成企業經營壓力,並影響企業出口積極性。中共對於這些問題可採取的措施有:改革財稅制度、嚴厲打擊騙稅活動、加快退稅進度等。 至於針對中共出口退稅制度中的徵退脫節與出口騙稅等問題,法國的做法可作為借鏡。首先,法國出口貨物零稅率機制的一個重要特徵就是將出口貨物零稅率納入該國增值稅的常規管理之中,實現徵稅、免稅、抵扣稅、退稅一體化,這就從機制本身封住了徵退脫節問題的缺口。而中共現行出口退稅辦法最大的弊端正是出口退稅脫離了增值稅的常規管理,人為地造成了徵退稅環節的脫節。其次,中共現行出口退稅機制中徵稅和退稅分別由兩套機構來運作,退稅款全部由中央財政負擔,並且只需審核幾張單證就可以從國庫中提取巨額退稅款,如此巨大的利益驅動使出口退稅成為滋生出口騙稅的溫床。而法國實行的免稅購買辦法則無稅可騙,採用免、抵、退辦法需從國庫中直接退款的金額則相當有限。 就整體而論,大陸在出口退稅制度之下滋生甚多流弊,似乎應儘速予以改革或廢除,但因出口退稅制度對於商品的外銷能力及經濟成長的貢獻,確有不可忽視的效益,尤其對一般廠商之經營心理,具有莫大的鼓勵作用,況且在今日國際社會間,保護主義抬頭之時,各國為保護本國之產業,無不殫精竭慮,利用各種措施,以善盡保育之責,故中共為保護其產業的繼續成長與發展,應善加運用出口退稅制度所具有之精神。

Dynamic Pricing with Early Cancellation and Resale

An, Kwan-Ang 12 February 2003 (has links)
We consider a continuous time dynamic pricing model where a seller needs to sell a single item over a finite time horizon. Customers arrive in accordance with a Poisson process. Upon arrival, a customer either purchases the item if the posted price is lower than his/her reservation price, or leaves empty-handed. After purchasing the item, some customers, however, will return the item to the seller at an exponential rate for a full refund. We assume that a returned item is in mint condition and the seller can resell it to future customers. The objective of the seller is to dynamically adjust the price in order to maximize the expected total revenue when the sale horizon ends. We formulate the dynamic pricing problem as a dynamic programming model and derive the structural properties of the optimal policy and the optimal value function. For cases in which the customer's reservation price is exponentially distributed, we derive the optimal policy in a closed form. For general reservation price distribution, we consider an approximation of the original model by discretizing both time and the allowable price set. We then present an algorithm for numerically computing the optimal policy in this discrete time model. Numerical examples show that if the discrete price set is carefully chosen, the expected total revenue is nearly the same as that when the allowable price set is continuous. / Master of Science

Vracení daně z přidané hodnoty podnikatelským osobám ze Společenství a ze třetích zemí / Refund of VAT to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries

Procházková, Aneta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with refund of VAT to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries. The first part makes the reader familiar with the legislative conditions which are set by the EC guideline and by the Value added tax law. The process of filling in the VAT refund application and the tax administrator process of considering an application are analysed in the second chapter. The third chapter compares legislative conditions and the VAT refund processes to entrepreneurs from European Communities and from the third countries. Also there is mentioned an evaluation of the identical and the different elements.

O impacto da co-produção na satisfação através do controle percebido

Pacheco, Natália Araújo January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal investigar o papel da co-produção como antecedente do controle percebido e a influência deste na satisfação. Informação e escolha de reembolso também são investigadas como potenciais antecedentes do controle percebido, uma vez que co-produção, informação e escolha são consideradas, respectivamente, formas de controle comportamental, cognitivo e de decisão. O controle comportamental refere-se a uma influência direta do indivíduo no ambiente. O controle cognitivo refere-se à interpretação de um indivíduo sobre um evento e tem o ganho de informação como um subtipo de controle. O controle de decisão representa a oportunidade de escolher entre diferentes tipos de ação. Esses três tipos de controle são considerados capazes de aumentar a percepção de controle dos consumidores. Acredita-se que o aumento de controle percebido, por sua vez, é capaz de elevar os níveis de satisfação dos consumidores. Sugere-se ainda que a auto-eficácia e o desejo por controle poderiam influenciar a relação entre controle percebido e satisfação, implicando em maiores níveis de satisfação quando consumidores apresentam maiores níveis de auto-eficácia e de desejo por controle. Dois estudos experimentais de desenho fatorial e intersujeitos foram conduzidos para testar as hipóteses formuladas no capítulo de fundamentação teórica. O primeiro estudo contou com a participação de 97 estudantes de uma universidade brasileira, manipulando co-produção e informação na oferta de uma viagem de férias, enquanto que o segundo contou com 90 estudantes de uma universidade francesa, manipulando co-produção e escolha de reembolso na oferta de uma escrivaninha. A análise dos resultados mostra que co-produção, informação e escolha de reembolso influenciam positivamente a percepção de controle e que esta, por sua vez, afeta de maneira positiva a satisfação. Os estudos não apresentaram suporte para as hipóteses envolvendo moderação da auto-eficácia e do desejo por controle na relação entre controle percebido e satisfação. Esses resultados possuem implicações gerenciais e acadêmicas que são discutidas no capítulo de considerações finais, abrindo espaço para futuras pesquisas sobre o tema. / The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of co-production as an antecedent of perceived control and the latter’s influence on satisfaction. Information and refund choice are also investigated as potential antecedents of perceived control since coproduction, information, and choice are considered as behavioral, cognitive and decisional control, respectively. Behavioral control refers to an individual’s response which may directly influence the environment. Cognitive control refers to an individual’s interpretation of an event and it presents information gain as a control subtype. Decisional control represents the opportunity to choose among different courses of action. It is considered that these three types of control may enhance consumers’ perception of control. The increase in perceived control, in turn, is capable of raising consumers’ satisfaction levels. Moreover, self-efficacy and desire for control could influence the relationship between perceived control and satisfaction, such that higher levels of satisfaction when consumers exhibit higher levels of self-efficacy and desire of control. Two experimental studies with factorial between subject design were conducted in order to test the hypotheses formulated in the theoretical background chapter. The first study had the participation of 97 students from a Brazilian university, manipulating co-production and information on a vacation travel’s offer, while the second study had the participation of 90 students from a French university, manipulating co-production and refund choice in the offer of a writing desk. Results show that co-production, information, and refund choice positively affect the perception of control, which, in turn, positively affects satisfaction. The studies do not support the hypotheses related to the moderation roles of selfefficacy and desire for control on perceived control and satisfaction relationship. In the last chapter, we discuss managerial and academic implications, making room for future research on the theme.

O impacto da co-produção na satisfação através do controle percebido

Pacheco, Natália Araújo January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal investigar o papel da co-produção como antecedente do controle percebido e a influência deste na satisfação. Informação e escolha de reembolso também são investigadas como potenciais antecedentes do controle percebido, uma vez que co-produção, informação e escolha são consideradas, respectivamente, formas de controle comportamental, cognitivo e de decisão. O controle comportamental refere-se a uma influência direta do indivíduo no ambiente. O controle cognitivo refere-se à interpretação de um indivíduo sobre um evento e tem o ganho de informação como um subtipo de controle. O controle de decisão representa a oportunidade de escolher entre diferentes tipos de ação. Esses três tipos de controle são considerados capazes de aumentar a percepção de controle dos consumidores. Acredita-se que o aumento de controle percebido, por sua vez, é capaz de elevar os níveis de satisfação dos consumidores. Sugere-se ainda que a auto-eficácia e o desejo por controle poderiam influenciar a relação entre controle percebido e satisfação, implicando em maiores níveis de satisfação quando consumidores apresentam maiores níveis de auto-eficácia e de desejo por controle. Dois estudos experimentais de desenho fatorial e intersujeitos foram conduzidos para testar as hipóteses formuladas no capítulo de fundamentação teórica. O primeiro estudo contou com a participação de 97 estudantes de uma universidade brasileira, manipulando co-produção e informação na oferta de uma viagem de férias, enquanto que o segundo contou com 90 estudantes de uma universidade francesa, manipulando co-produção e escolha de reembolso na oferta de uma escrivaninha. A análise dos resultados mostra que co-produção, informação e escolha de reembolso influenciam positivamente a percepção de controle e que esta, por sua vez, afeta de maneira positiva a satisfação. Os estudos não apresentaram suporte para as hipóteses envolvendo moderação da auto-eficácia e do desejo por controle na relação entre controle percebido e satisfação. Esses resultados possuem implicações gerenciais e acadêmicas que são discutidas no capítulo de considerações finais, abrindo espaço para futuras pesquisas sobre o tema. / The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of co-production as an antecedent of perceived control and the latter’s influence on satisfaction. Information and refund choice are also investigated as potential antecedents of perceived control since coproduction, information, and choice are considered as behavioral, cognitive and decisional control, respectively. Behavioral control refers to an individual’s response which may directly influence the environment. Cognitive control refers to an individual’s interpretation of an event and it presents information gain as a control subtype. Decisional control represents the opportunity to choose among different courses of action. It is considered that these three types of control may enhance consumers’ perception of control. The increase in perceived control, in turn, is capable of raising consumers’ satisfaction levels. Moreover, self-efficacy and desire for control could influence the relationship between perceived control and satisfaction, such that higher levels of satisfaction when consumers exhibit higher levels of self-efficacy and desire of control. Two experimental studies with factorial between subject design were conducted in order to test the hypotheses formulated in the theoretical background chapter. The first study had the participation of 97 students from a Brazilian university, manipulating co-production and information on a vacation travel’s offer, while the second study had the participation of 90 students from a French university, manipulating co-production and refund choice in the offer of a writing desk. Results show that co-production, information, and refund choice positively affect the perception of control, which, in turn, positively affects satisfaction. The studies do not support the hypotheses related to the moderation roles of selfefficacy and desire for control on perceived control and satisfaction relationship. In the last chapter, we discuss managerial and academic implications, making room for future research on the theme.

HOT Lanes with a Refund Option and Potential Application of Connected Vehicles

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Priced Managed Lanes (MLs) have been increasingly advocated as one of the effective ways to mitigating congestion in recent years. This study explores a new and innovative pricing strategy for MLs called Travel Time Refund (TTR). The proposed TTR provides an additional option to paying drivers that insures their travel time by issuing a refund to the toll cost if they do not reach their destination within specified travel times due to accidents or other unforeseen circumstances. Perceived benefits of TTR include raised public acceptance towards priced MLs, utilization increase of HOV/HOT lanes, overall congestion mitigation, and additional funding for relevant transportation agencies. To gauge travelers’ interests of TTR and to analyse its possible impacts, a stated preference (SP) survey was performed. An exploratory and statistical analysis of the survey responses revealed negative interest towards HOT and TTR option in accordance with common wisdom and previous studies. However, it is found that travelers are less negative about TTR than HOT alone; supporting the idea, that TTR could make HOT facilities more appealing. The impact of travel time reliability and latent variables representing psychological constructs on travelers’ choices in response to this new pricing strategy was also analysed. The results indicate that along with travel time and reliability, the decision maker’s attitudes and the level of comprehension of the concept of HOT and TTR play a significant role in their choice making. While the refund option may be theoretically and analytically feasible, the practical implementation issues cannot be ignored. This study also provides a discussion of the potential implementation considerations that include information provision to connected and non-connected vehicles, distinction between toll-only and refund customers, measurement of actual travel time, refund calculation and processing and safety and human factors issues. As the market availability of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) is prognosticated by 2020, the potential impact of such technologies on effective demand management, especially on MLs is worth investigating. Simulation analysis was performed to evaluate the system performance of a hypothetical road network at varying market penetration of CAVs. The results indicate that Connected Vehicles (CVs) could potentially encourage and enhance the use of MLs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2018

O impacto da co-produção na satisfação através do controle percebido

Pacheco, Natália Araújo January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal investigar o papel da co-produção como antecedente do controle percebido e a influência deste na satisfação. Informação e escolha de reembolso também são investigadas como potenciais antecedentes do controle percebido, uma vez que co-produção, informação e escolha são consideradas, respectivamente, formas de controle comportamental, cognitivo e de decisão. O controle comportamental refere-se a uma influência direta do indivíduo no ambiente. O controle cognitivo refere-se à interpretação de um indivíduo sobre um evento e tem o ganho de informação como um subtipo de controle. O controle de decisão representa a oportunidade de escolher entre diferentes tipos de ação. Esses três tipos de controle são considerados capazes de aumentar a percepção de controle dos consumidores. Acredita-se que o aumento de controle percebido, por sua vez, é capaz de elevar os níveis de satisfação dos consumidores. Sugere-se ainda que a auto-eficácia e o desejo por controle poderiam influenciar a relação entre controle percebido e satisfação, implicando em maiores níveis de satisfação quando consumidores apresentam maiores níveis de auto-eficácia e de desejo por controle. Dois estudos experimentais de desenho fatorial e intersujeitos foram conduzidos para testar as hipóteses formuladas no capítulo de fundamentação teórica. O primeiro estudo contou com a participação de 97 estudantes de uma universidade brasileira, manipulando co-produção e informação na oferta de uma viagem de férias, enquanto que o segundo contou com 90 estudantes de uma universidade francesa, manipulando co-produção e escolha de reembolso na oferta de uma escrivaninha. A análise dos resultados mostra que co-produção, informação e escolha de reembolso influenciam positivamente a percepção de controle e que esta, por sua vez, afeta de maneira positiva a satisfação. Os estudos não apresentaram suporte para as hipóteses envolvendo moderação da auto-eficácia e do desejo por controle na relação entre controle percebido e satisfação. Esses resultados possuem implicações gerenciais e acadêmicas que são discutidas no capítulo de considerações finais, abrindo espaço para futuras pesquisas sobre o tema. / The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of co-production as an antecedent of perceived control and the latter’s influence on satisfaction. Information and refund choice are also investigated as potential antecedents of perceived control since coproduction, information, and choice are considered as behavioral, cognitive and decisional control, respectively. Behavioral control refers to an individual’s response which may directly influence the environment. Cognitive control refers to an individual’s interpretation of an event and it presents information gain as a control subtype. Decisional control represents the opportunity to choose among different courses of action. It is considered that these three types of control may enhance consumers’ perception of control. The increase in perceived control, in turn, is capable of raising consumers’ satisfaction levels. Moreover, self-efficacy and desire for control could influence the relationship between perceived control and satisfaction, such that higher levels of satisfaction when consumers exhibit higher levels of self-efficacy and desire of control. Two experimental studies with factorial between subject design were conducted in order to test the hypotheses formulated in the theoretical background chapter. The first study had the participation of 97 students from a Brazilian university, manipulating co-production and information on a vacation travel’s offer, while the second study had the participation of 90 students from a French university, manipulating co-production and refund choice in the offer of a writing desk. Results show that co-production, information, and refund choice positively affect the perception of control, which, in turn, positively affects satisfaction. The studies do not support the hypotheses related to the moderation roles of selfefficacy and desire for control on perceived control and satisfaction relationship. In the last chapter, we discuss managerial and academic implications, making room for future research on the theme.

Analýza změn v procesu vracení daně z přidané hodnoty osobám ve Společenství / Analysis of changes in the process of refund of VAT to persons in the Community

Kohlertová, Alžběta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the system of the value added tax refund to the businesses in the Community and to focus on the main changes in this area. In the thesis we find the answers to the question if the system was succesfully modernize, speed up and whether changes in the tax refund brought relief on the applicant and tax administrator.

Uma análise conforme a Constituição Federal do artigo 166 do CTN e sua incidência

Marquezi Junior, Jorge Sylvio 09 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jorge Sylvio Marquezi Junior.pdf: 929553 bytes, checksum: 7ef80f1c031b0a31c6f27743f5c731d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-09 / Given to the introduction of the article 166 of the National Tax Code, which occurred simultaneously with the advent of the same Codex in 1966, several discussions have been waged such as the constitutionality of the legal norm, the materiality of its incidence and, surely, the factual substance that give grounds to its application. As a result of these clashes, many interpretations emerged from the article in question. Unfortunately, most of them, although supposedly made within the bounds of our legal system, have pointed out with concepts from other branches of scientific knowledge, especially the financial one. This verity has restricted, as said by several doctrinaires, the interpretation of article 166 based on the concepts of direct and indirect taxes, as well as legal and taxpayer-in-fact. We are firm in saying that this nowadays understanding, indeed, is unconstitutional, although we see a possible analysis governed by the Federal Constitution. Believing that the existing interpretations were not sufficient to bring relief to the infamous legal device, mainly by the fact that carries by its side other branches of scientific knowledge, we propose in this work a brand new look, making a very clear and restricted methodological cut to the legal system and still, taking other paradigms for its analysis. We shall not only consider the tax view s itself, but also the taxpayers obligation, since he will assume the role of the subject to the unduly paid rule, exactly the time that the legal application s norm shall appear. For such analysis, we have as a foundation the Federal Constitution, with great emphasis on the principles of legality and property, which, in our understanding, are indispensable for the correct measurement of cases in which article 166 of the National Tax Code may appear. In short, grounded on the principles abovementioned and looking also to the taxpayer, we will explicit what is the correct interpretation of the article 166 by the terms of the Federal Constitution / Desde a introdução do artigo 166 do Código Tributário Nacional, que ocorreu com o próprio advento do Códex em 1966, inúmeras discussões têm sido travadas, contrapondo-se desde a constitucionalidade do dispositivo normativo até minucias de sua incidência e, especialmente, as ocorrências fáticas que subsumiriam à sua hipótese. Em decorrência destes embates, várias interpretações surgiram tendo como suporte físico o artigo em questão. Infelizmente, a maior parte delas, muito embora supostamente efetivada dentro do sistema do direito, se valeu de conceitos de outros ramos do conhecimento científico, especialmente o ramo da ciência das finanças. Este fato acabou por sedimentar e restringir, em grande parte da doutrina, a intepretação do artigo 166 com base nos conceitos de tributos diretos e indiretos, bem como dos conceitos de contribuinte de direito e de fato. Estamos firmes em dizer que a intepretação que hoje é dada ao artigo 166 pela jurisprudência e parte da doutrina, de fato, é inconstitucional, mas vislumbramos uma interpretação possível e conforme a Carta Magna. Acreditando que as interpretações existentes não foram suficientes para trazer alento ao famigerado dispositivo legal, especialmente pelo fato de se valerem de outros ramos do conhecimento científico, propomos no presente trabalho uma revisitação do tema, efetuando um corte metodológico muito claro e restrito ao sistema do ordenamento jurídico e, ainda, tomando outros paradigmas para sua análise. Não nos valeremos, pois, apenas da observação do tributo para dizer se há repercussão jurídica ou não, permitindo ou não a incidência do artigo 166, procuraremos verter nossos olhos também para a figura do sujeito passivo da obrigação tributária, posto que será ele a assumir o papel de sujeito ativo da regra-matriz da repetição do quanto indevidamente pago, momento em se questiona sobre a aplicação do dispositivo legal em pauta. Para tal análise, como não poderia ser diferente, teremos como alicerce a Constituição Federal, com grande ênfase nos princípios da legalidade e da propriedade, os quais, em nosso entendimento, são imprescindíveis para a correta aferição dos casos em que o artigo 166 do Código Tributário Nacional poderá incidir. Em suma, amparados nos princípios acima e olhando também para a figura do sujeito passivo da exação, procuraremos explicitar qual é a interpretação do artigo 166 conforme a Constituição Federal

The mediating impact of monetary incentives : A study on consumers’ willingness to recycle sWEEE

Lindholm, Emil January 2022 (has links)
E-waste is a growing problem across the world. With a higher living standard comes an increase in electronic product usage and subsequently discarding, which leads to negative environmental and human impact when discarded incorrectly. This improper discarding of E-waste is most prevalent in the small equipment category. Based on earlier research on reducing improper disposal of E-waste and characteristics of inducing behavioural change, this study examines the mediating impact of monetary incentives on people's willingness to recycle small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE) through a deposit-refund system (DRS). The study uses an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to examine the mediating effect of monetary incentives and aims to examine which of the influencing factors of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control has the biggest impact on willingness to recycle sWEEE using a DRS. Data was collected through a quantitative method with a survey that was shared on social media. A sample of 152 was realised and the data was analysed by means of structural equation modelling, employing a partial least squares method using SmartPLS. The results showed that attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control did not have a significant impact on willingness to recycle sWEEE using a DRS. Furthermore, the mediating effect of monetary incentives showed that monetary incentives decrease willingness to recycle, which in turn impacts recycling behaviour. As the results are contrary to extant research, the findings warrant further research into the area.

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