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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Climate impact of energy retrofitting measures : An analysis of energy and carbon payback times for replacing windows

Rosenkvist, Mari January 2022 (has links)
The European Commission has proposed a “renovation wave” to increase energy efficiency in buildings. Retrofitting can decrease operational energy usage but requires material production. Using the concepts of energy payback time and carbon payback time, this thesis aims to analyse under what circumstances operational energy savings from window replacement compensate for the climate impact of producing new windows. The literature review shows that carbon payback times for energy retrofitting measures are often reported to be merely a few years. In some cases, however, carbon payback time exceeds the service life of the added material. In general, diverging results can be attributed to both case specific circumstances and methodological choices. In this thesis, values for the main parameters determining carbon and energy payback time for window replacement are retrieved from environmental product declarations and scientific literature. The analysis shows that, only accounting for operational energy, energy payback times are within the expected service life of the researched windows for all energy saving scenarios and well within the service life for the midrange scenarios. Taking account of primary energy stretches the span of results. The analysis also shows that carbon payback time for window replacement varies by a factor of 38 for the midrange studied scenarios and a factor of almost 4 600 for the most extreme among the studied scenarios. Divergence stems from all investigated parameters: the embodied climate impact of window production, the amount of saved operational energy and the emission factor attributed to saved energy. In countries with mainly renewable operational energy, case studies may arrive at long carbon payback times for window replacement. The result can be altered if saved energy is considered to come from marginal production techniques, a methodological choice made in some case studies.   This thesis concludes that if energy and carbon payback time calculations are to be used for comparing retrofit alternatives, the research community needs to address methodological issues. Another conclusion is that the analysis of climate performance needs to include the interconnectedness of different societal sectors. It also needs to include more impact categories than energy and greenhouse gases, for example resource depletion.

Poggio Aquilone - Survey and Repurposing in a Medieval Italian Village

Reimers, Philip January 2023 (has links)
The site of this diploma project is the small hilltop village of Poggio Aquilone. The village, situated in the region of Umbria in central Italy, lies roughly halfway between Rome and Florence. The Region of Umbria is one of the least populated in Italy, characterized by its hills, river valleys and historical towns such as Assisi, Terni, Todi, Orvieto and the regional capital of Perugia with its 160.000 inhabitants. It is the only landlocked region in central Italy, bordered by Lazio to the south, Marche to the east and Tuscany to the west and north. Primary industries include agriculture, textile, and steel. Tourism has, historically, been relatively modest in Umbria compared to its neighboring regions. Poggio Aquilone, traces its ancestry centuries back, but similar to countless small villages and settlements across Italy and other rural parts of Europe, Poggio Aquilone’s population is dwindling. The youth, in particular, are migrating to larger urban conurbations such as Perugia or Rome. Within the next few decades, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas, and with urbanization comes large challenges for rural communities. In the specific case of Italy, many of the affected places are of great cultural- and historical value. Old buildings are oftentimes left abandoned and in a state of disrepair, while the rate of new developments and resource waste continue to soar. However, there is a lot of untapped potential in many countryside towns and villages – both social, economic, and cultural – that larger cities lack. The proximity to nature, an affordable cost of living and a peaceful and quiet environment to name a few. An increasing number of city dwellers are missing these valuable factors.  The project strives to explore how architectural strategies can be utilized to strengthen the independence of Poggio Aquilone through means of rural tourism – safeguarding its character and history while improving conditions for long term survival. The project consists of two distinct phases; the first includes an extensive survey and site analysis, the second a proposal for the repurposing of select derelict buildings into dwellings. The survey phase and following processing of the findings are integral parts of this project in their own right, as they have allowed for the exploration of current technology for efficiently and accurately measuring a site, as well as approaching an existing, sensitive environment.


Technische Universität 17 October 2024 (has links)
Der Heizenergieverbrauch in Bestandsgebäuden trägt erheblich zum gesamten Energieverbrauch und den CO2-Emissionen in Deutschland bei. Eine Reduktion dieses Verbrauchs ist essenziell für den Klimaschutz und wird durch energetische Sanierungen und den Erhalt von Gebäuden erreicht. Neben der Senkung der Heizkosten erhöhen solche Maßnahmen auch den Wohnkomfort und die Wertigkeit der Gebäude. Wenn eine Außendämmung nicht möglich ist, etwa aus Denkmalschutzgründen oder bei Sichtmauerwerk, ist Innendämmung eine Alternative, die schon vielfach erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde. Viele erprobte Systemlösungen stehen dafür zur Verfügung. Viele Innendämmmaßnahmen sind unkritisch und können mit Standardlösungen bewältigt werden, manche Maßnahmen erfordern dagegen Fachwissen. Die fachlich komprimierten Leitfäden sollen dabei helfen, kritische von unkritischen Fällen zu unterscheiden. Bei allen Arbeitsschritten unterstützen detaillierte Ablaufschemata. Für erfolgreiche Dämmmaßnahmen ist eine gründliche Begutachtung des Bauwerks notwendig, gefolgt von der Planung und Anbringung des Innendämmsystems. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Leitfadenreihe ‚Bauwerksanalyse‘ wurde deshalb zunächst auf die Bewertung und Zustandsanalyse von Bauwerken eingegangen. Übliche Bauschäden, die für einen langfristigen Erfolg der Sanierung unabhängig von einer Dämmmaßnahme behoben werden müssen, werden im ersten Teil beschrieben. Der zweite Teil der Leitfadenreihe ‚Fassadensanierung und Innendämmung‘ beschreibt die Erstellung eines Sanierungskonzepts und vermittelt ferner, was bei der Planung, Dimensionierung und Ausführung einer Innendämmmaßnahme beachtet werden muss. / Heating energy consumption in existing buildings contributes significantly to overall energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Germany. Reducing this consumption is essential for climate protection and is achieved through energy-efficient refurbishment and the preservation of buildings. In addition to reducing heating costs, such measures also increase living comfort and the value of the building. If external insulation is not possible, for example for reasons of monument protection or in the case of exposed brickwork, internal insulation is an alternative that has already been used successfully in many cases. Many tried and tested system solutions are available for this purpose. Many interior insulation measures are not critical and can be managed with standard solutions, while some measures require specialist knowledge. The professionally summarised guidelines are intended to help distinguish between critical and non-critical cases. Detailed flow charts provide support for all work steps Successful insulation measures require a thorough assessment of the building, followed by the planning and installation of the internal insulation system. The first part of this series of guidelines, 'Analysing buildings', therefore initially deals with the assessment and condition analysis of buildings. Common structural damage that must be repaired to ensure the long-term success of the refurbishment, regardless of insulation measures, is described in the first part. The second part of the series of guidelines, 'Façade refurbishment and internal insulation', describes the creation of a refurbishment concept and also explains what needs to be taken into account when planning, dimensioning and implementing an internal insulation measure.


Technische Universität 17 October 2024 (has links)
Der Heizenergieverbrauch in Bestandsgebäuden trägt erheblich zum gesamten Energieverbrauch und den CO2-Emissionen in Deutschland bei. Eine Reduktion dieses Verbrauchs ist essenziell für den Klimaschutz und wird durch energetische Sanierungen und den Erhalt von Gebäuden erreicht. Neben der Senkung der Heizkosten erhöhen solche Maßnahmen auch den Wohnkomfort und die Wertigkeit der Gebäude. Wenn eine Außendämmung nicht möglich ist, etwa aus Denkmalschutzgründen oder bei Sichtmauerwerk, ist Innendämmung eine Alternative, die schon vielfach erfolgreich eingesetzt wurde. Viele erprobte Systemlösungen stehen dafür zur Verfügung. Viele Innendämmmaßnahmen sind unkritisch und können mit Standardlösungen bewältigt werden, manche Maßnahmen erfordern dagegen Fachwissen. Die fachlich komprimierten Leitfäden sollen dabei helfen, kritische von unkritischen Fällen zu unterscheiden. Bei allen Arbeitsschritten unterstützen detaillierte Ablaufschemata. Für erfolgreiche Dämmmaßnahmen ist eine gründliche Begutachtung des Bauwerks notwendig, gefolgt von der Planung und Anbringung des Innendämmsystems. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Leitfadenreihe ‚Bauwerksanalyse‘ wurde deshalb zunächst auf die Bewertung und Zustandsanalyse von Bauwerken eingegangen. Übliche Bauschäden, die für einen langfristigen Erfolg der Sanierung unabhängig von einer Dämmmaßnahme behoben werden müssen, werden im ersten Teil beschrieben. Der zweite Teil der Leitfadenreihe ‚Fassadensanierung und Innendämmung‘ beschreibt die Erstellung eines Sanierungskonzepts und vermittelt ferner, was bei der Planung, Dimensionierung und Ausführung einer Innendämmmaßnahme beachtet werden muss. / Heating energy consumption in existing buildings contributes significantly to overall energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Germany. Reducing this consumption is essential for climate protection and is achieved through energy-efficient refurbishment and the preservation of buildings. In addition to reducing heating costs, such measures also increase living comfort and the value of the building. If external insulation is not possible, for example for reasons of monument protection or in the case of exposed brickwork, internal insulation is an alternative that has already been used successfully in many cases. Many tried and tested system solutions are available for this purpose. Many interior insulation measures are not critical and can be managed with standard solutions, while some measures require specialist knowledge. The professionally summarised guidelines are intended to help distinguish between critical and non-critical cases. Detailed flow charts provide support for all work steps Successful insulation measures require a thorough assessment of the building, followed by the planning and installation of the internal insulation system. The first part of this series of guidelines, 'Analysing buildings', therefore initially deals with the assessment and condition analysis of buildings. Common structural damage that must be repaired to ensure the long-term success of the refurbishment, regardless of insulation measures, is described in the first part. The second part of the series of guidelines, 'Façade refurbishment and internal insulation', describes the creation of a refurbishment concept and also explains what needs to be taken into account when planning, dimensioning and implementing an internal insulation measure.

Hållbar renovering : En studie avseende social hållbarhet / Sustainable Renovation – A Study on Social Sustainability

El-Kazemi, Bashar January 2011 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING I denna uppsats studerar jag social hållbarhet i djupare bemärkelse i syfte att undersöka och definiera åtgärder och arbetssätt som skulle kunna lämpa NCCs byggkoncept - Hållbar renovering. I min studie utgår jag ifrån akademisk forskning och statliga utredningar (som avser bl a miljonprogrammet) samt bostadsområdet Orrholmen som en inspirationskälla. Mitt empiriska material erhålls från intervjuer med NCC, Karlstads Bostads AB och brunnberg & forshed AB. I min analys fokuserar jag på hållbar utveckling, social hållbarhet, brister och potential avseende miljonprogrammet och dess gårdsmiljö, gemensamma och offentliga rum, blandning av bostäder och verksamheter, olika upplåtelseformer, sociala hållbarhetsåtgärder och förslag på fysisk utformning samt analys av bostadsområdet Orrholmen. Sammanfattningsvis visar erhållna slutsatser att social hållbarhet är en dynamiska och komplex dimension och likaså åtgärderna. Kärnan i social hållbarhet är människan och därtill även främjandet av hennes välfärd. De åtgärder som ämnas komplettera Hållbar renovering, bör väljas och bearbetas med omsorg. Brukarnas deltagande före en totalrenovering i kombination med omhändertagande av de faktiska problemen i bostadsområdena skapar positiva och gynnsamma resultat. De allra viktigaste åtgärderna är blandning av såväl bebyggelse och boendegrupper samt låg skala av bebyggelse och blandning av olika upplåtelseformer. Omätbara värden såsom identitet, platskänsla, skönhet och deltagande skapar mervärde och berikar områden. Omätbara värden ska utgöra riktlinjer för förnyelseprocesser och utformning av såväl bostäder som stadsmiljö. Detta är en av de centrala slutsatserna i denna studie. / Abstract In this thesis I focus on social sustainability in the deeper sense in order to examine and define measures and procedures, which aims to be suitable for the construction company NCC and its concept Hållbar renovering (a concept developed by NCC, focus on sustainable solutions). I base my study on previous academic research, government investigations (including investigations on so called the million program), and also highlight residential area – Orrholmen - as a source of inspiration. I obtain my empirical data from interviews with three different companies within construction sector - NCC, Karlstads Bostads AB and brunnberg & forshed AB. In my analysis, I focus on sustainable development, social sustainability, lack of and potential of the million program, garden, common and public spaces, mix of housing and businesses, various forms of tenure, and measures and design from social sustainability point of view. Furthermore, I analyze the most relevant contributions from Orrholmen. In summary; my conclusions show that social sustainability is a dynamic and complex dimension and also its measures. The core of social sustainability is man, and the promotion of her welfare. The measures which are intended to complement Hållbar renovering should be selected and processed with a genuine care. The participation of residents before the refurbishment, in combination with the disposal of the actual problems in the neighborhoods, creates positive and beneficial results. The most important measures are the mixture of both buildings as residents groups, low-scale buildings, and mix of different tenures. Unmeasurable values such as identity, location, feeling, beauty, and participation adds value and enriches areas. Unmeasurable values should be guidelines for the design and renewal processes for both housing and urban environment, which is one of the key findings in this thesis.

Energy performance of built heritage in the subarctic climate zone of northern Sweden : Applying existing standards and methodologies for improving energy efficiency of built heritage / Energiprestanda hos kulturhistorisk bebyggelse i subarktisk klimatzon i norra Sverige : Applicering av standarder och metodologi för förbättring av energieffektivitet i kulturhistoriskbebyggelse

Vilhelmsson, Petter January 2019 (has links)
In Sweden, as well as in Europe, buildings are estimated to consume 40 % of the total energyuse. Moreover, one third of the European building stock consists of buildings with some sort ofdistinguable cultural or historic significance, and it follows logically that a considerablepercentage of Sweden’s and Europe’s total energy is consumed by this category of buildings –historic buildings. Especially when considering that historic buildings typically have inferiorenergy performance than other buildings. The challenge to improve the energy performance inhistoric buildings while also taking heritage values into consideration is undertaken within thescope of this master’s thesis. The European standard “Conservation of cultural heritage –Guidelines for improving the energy performance of historic buildings” (SS-EN 16883:2017) ispartially applied to a case-building in order to approach the challenge methodically.The energy performance of a building and proposed refurbishment measures is evaluatedthrough the use of computer-generated building energy models. Three different scenarios withsets of refurbishment measures have been simulated; (1) light impact, (2) moderate impact and(3) heavy impact on heritage values. Categorization of the refurbishment measures have beenaccomplished by using an objectivistic approach based on contemporary conservation theoriesand definitions. The theoretical framework is primarily based on conservation practices laid outby the Burra Charter.The light refurbishment package would reduce the heating energy use by almost 11 % whilehaving little to no impact on the building’s heritage values. The moderate package would reducethe heating energy use by 34,5 % without having a major impact on the building’s heritagevalues. The most invasive refurbishment package would, the heavy refurbishment package,would reduce the heating energy use by almost 40 %. This significant energy use reductionwould not come without its drawbacks. This package of measures would infact alter some of theexpressed character defining elements of the building.Improving the energy efficiency of built heritage is a challenge, especially when trying toassess the impact it might have on its heritage values. This master’s thesis can provide someinsight into the act of balancing energy improvement measures and cultural heritage valuesagainst one another, especially for buildings that lack formal protection in the form of legislativedirectives or policies. / I Sverige, såsom i övriga Europa, uppskattas byggnader stå för 40 % av den totalaenergianvändningen. En tredjedel av europeiska byggnader har någon form av kulturell ellerhistorisk betydelse. Detta tyder på att en betydelsefull andel av Sveriges och Europas totala energiförbrukas av denna kategori byggnader – historiska byggnader. I synnerhet när hänsyn tas till atthistoriska byggnader i allmänhet påvisar sämre energiprestanda än andra byggnader. Utmaningenatt förbättra energiprestandan i historiska byggnader samtidigt som man respekterar och beaktarkulturvärden behandlas inom ramen för detta examensarbete. Den europeiska standarden"Bevarande av kulturarv - Riktlinjer för förbättring av energiprestandan i historiska byggnader"(SS-EN 16883: 2017) tillämpas delvis på en byggnad för att på ett metodiskt tillvägagångssättangripa utmaningen.Byggnadens energiprestanda och föreslagna renoveringsåtgärder utvärderas genomanvändning och analys av datorgenererade energimodeller. Tre scenarier, bestående av olikarenoveringsåtgärder med varierande påverkan av kulturvärdena har simulerats; (1) lätt påverkan,(2) måttlig påverkan och (3) stor påverkan av kulturvärden. Kategoriseringen avrenoveringsåtgärderna har uppnåtts genom att använda ett objektivistiskt tillvägagångssätt baseratpå rådande definitioner och kunskap från byggnadsmiljövården. Den teoretiska referensramen ärhuvudsakligen baserad på bevarandepraxis som fastställts i Burra-stadgan.Renoveringspaketet med ”lätt påverkan” skulle minska användningen av värmeenergi mednästintill 11 % samtidigt som åtgärden har liten eller ingen betydande inverkan på byggnadenskulturvärden. Det ”måttliga paketet” skulle kunna minska användningen av värmeenergi med34,5 % utan att ha en alltför stor inverkan på byggnadens kulturvärden. Det mest omfattanderenoveringspaketet som innebär ”stor påverkan” skulle kunna minska användningen avvärmeenergi med nästan 40 %. Denna betydande förbättring kommer inte utan tillhörandenackdelar. Detta paket av åtgärder kan potentiellt skada eller förändra karaktären hos byggnaden.Karaktärsdrag som uttryckligen bedömts vara värda att bevara.Att förbättra energieffektiviteten hos kulturhistorisk bebyggelse är en utmaning, särskilt närman försöker bedöma vilken påverkan eventuella åtgärder kan ha på ovärderliga kulturvärden.Detta examensarbete kan ge viss insikt i hur man kan balansera energibesparingsåtgärder ochkulturvärden mot varandra, särskilt för byggnader som saknar särskilt uttryckta skyddsåtgärder iform av byggnadsminnesförklaring, lagstiftning eller politiska ställningstaganden.

Inhabiting the Image : architecture and social identity in the post-industrial city

Melhuish, Elizabeth Clare January 2007 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis is intended to reveal the layers of social and cultural meaning invested in a building conventionally regarded as a work of abstract aesthetic modernism, and one which has been evaluated, within the framework of a national heritage preservation policy, as an architectural landmark of the post-war era of urban reconstruction. By combining the research methods of architectural history (archival) and of anthropology (ethnographic) I have located and interpreted the architecture of the Brunswick within a larger social story that demonstrates how the lived experience of a particular environment exists in parallel with the more objective official discourse that invests a work of architecture or art with cultural significance. The thesis traces the architectural inception and complex evolution of the building, its critical reception, and the proposals for redevelopment that culminated in a major refurbishment and transformation of the shopping precinct in 2006. It goes on to present an ethnographic account of the Brunswick as a social, as much as an architectural space, and an anthropological interpretation of the relationship between identity and place in terms of the specific qualities of the built environment. It shows that the material environment becomes real and vivid to people as an embodiment of the social dimensions of their lives, and that the boundaries between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ – the private space of the home, and the layered sequence of public spaces extending through the building to the city beyond - are not objectively fixed, but subjectively perceived and negotiated in different ways. Although the Brunswick exerts considerable power as a unique architectural image, its boundaries do not define an integrated social space, nor a unified experience of the place as a living environment. Nevertheless, repeated interaction and sensory experience make it a tangible architectural framework for everyday and domestic life which evidently shapes the view from the inside looking out. The research aims to make a significant contribution to knowledge at a meeting-point between anthropology and architecture, which might help to inform future understanding of the interaction between people and the built habitat in modern urban societies.

Gyvenamųjų daugiabučių namų kvartalų atnaujinimo galimybių tyrimas / Feasibility Study on Refurbishment of Blocks of Flats

Mačerauskaitė, Kristina, Žemaitytė, Lina 28 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – atlikti gyvenamųjų daugiabučių namų kvartalų atnaujinimo galimybių tyrimą, išanalizuoti pasirinktų šalių pastatų kokybės vertinimo sistemų pavyzdžius bei juos pritaikyti Lietuvoje. Tikslui pasiekti nustatomos dabartinės renovuojamų daugiabučių gyvenamųjų namų problemos ir trūkumai Lietuvoje ir jos išsprendžiamos remiantis pateiktais užsienio valstybių reikalavimais. Pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl tokia analizė buvo atliekama – tai noras įdiegti naują ir patikimą pastatų kokybės atnaujinimo ir jos kontrolės įvertinimo sistemą Lietuvoje. Tokios sistemos iki šiol šalyje nebuvimo. Todėl atlikus daugiabučių gyvenamųjų namų kvartalų kokybės tyrimą, buvo nustatyta, kad pastatų atnaujinimas yra būtinas, sukuriant darnią sistemą. Darbą sudaro: įvadas ir užduoties analizė, pavyzdžiai, Lietuvoje ir užsienyje naudojamų kokybės vertinimo sistemų apžvalga ir analizė, jų pritaikymas Lietuvoje, įvertinant daugiabučius namus pasirinktuose penkiuose Vilniaus miesto rajonuose, darbo rezultatų aptarimas ir išvados, informacijos šaltiniai, priedai. / The purpose of the final project is to perform feasibility study on refurbishment of blocks of flats, to analyze examples of total quality assessment systems and to apply them in Lithuania practice. Therefore, actual problems and defects must be determined in renovated buildings using other countries requirements. Then the purpose will be achieved. Other reason of this assessment is to perform a new and reliable quality assessment system of refurbishment and control in Lithuania. Results of this analysis show the need of sustainable system of modernization. The final project is performed by introduction and analysis, some samples, review of quality assessment systems in Lithuania and aboard, application of them in zones of Vilnius in Lithuania, results and conclusions, information data, annexes. The size of the final work: 166 pages without annexes, 30 illustrations, 42 tables, 2 annexes.

Daugiabučių namų modernizavimo galimybių panaudojant saulės energiją įvertinimas / Evaluation of Multi-Storey Buildings Modernization Possibilities Applying Solar Energy

Vaičaitis, Arnoldas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame magistro darbe yra sprendžiama teisės aktais reglamentuoto, tačiau Lietuvoje pasyviai įgyvendinamo daugiabučių pastatų modernizavimo, panaudojant atsinaujinančius energijos išteklius (šiuo atveju saulės energiją), problema. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti maksimalias saulės energijos sistemų panaudojimo galimybes, modernizuojant daugiabučius pastatus, įrodant tokių sistemų tinkamumą esamoms Lietuvos klimatinėms sąlygoms. Susipažinus su esama pasirinktos krypties padėtimi, apžvelgus kitose šalyse įgyvendintus saulės energijos sistemų panaudojimo daugiabučiuose pastatuose sprendimus, galimus tokių sistemų analizės metodus, pasirinktas tyrimo būdas – naujų sistemų modeliavimas. Reikalingų duomenų kaupimas apėmė ne tik literatūros apžvalgą, faktinių duomenų sisteminimą, bet ir realiai veikiančios saulės sistemos stebėseną, parametrų fiksavimą bei jų analizę. Naudojant licenzijuotą modeliavimo programą, tiriamajam objektui, esančiam Birštone, sukurtas energinės analizės modelis, kurio rezultatai vėliau panaudoti ekonominiuose bei pirminės energijos srautų skaičiavimuose. Išanalizavus 7 skirtingus scenarijus, kuriuose tarpusavy derinamos dvi saulės energijos sistemos – saulės kolektoriai ir saulės elementai – pagrįsta tezė, jog saulės energija gali būti sėkmingai, tiek energiniu, tiek ekonominiu požiūriu, naudojama Lietuvos klimatinėmis sąlygomis. Įdiegus šias sistemas į daugiabučius pastatus juos renovuojant ir taip bent iš dalies atsisakant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This final master thesis is dealing with the problem that concerns passive RES (in this case solar energy) application in the multi-storey buildings’ modernization process in Lithuania, although it is regulated by legal acts. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate all the possibilities of maximal possible solar energy gain application in in the multi-storey buildings’ modernization process and to prove, that such systems are suitable for Lithuania’s climate conditions. Based on acquaintance with present situation of analysed area, overview of similar already embodied projects in the other countries, possible analysis methods of solar energy systems, for further analysis modelling of new systems was chosen. Collection of the data, needed for modelling, involved not only overview of literature or processing of actual parameters data series, but also monitoring and analysis of already operating solar energy system with flat-plate solar collectors that is used for domestic hot water preparation. For the object of analysis in Birštonas town, by using licenced program, the model of energy was created. Final modelling results were used in further economic and primary energy related calculations. In total 7 different scenarios, comprising two main active solar energy systems – solar collectors and photovoltaics – were analysed. The results validated the statement, that solar energy can be successfully employed in old multi-storey buildings’ refurbishment in Lithuania based on both... [to full text]

Influences from Building Energy Efficiency Refurbishment on a Regional District Heating System

Lidberg, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Improving energy performance of existing buildings is an important part in decreasing energy use and in turn reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity and the primary energy use. To be able to evaluate how energy refurbishment influences the greenhouse gas emissions and the primary energy use a wider system perspective is needed that puts the building in its context. This thesis deals with energy refurbishment packages performed on multi-family buildings within district heated areas and how they influence greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy use when the district heating use is altered. A simulated building is used to evaluate several energy refurbishment packages. The results are used as input data for models of district heating systems to cost optimize the district heating production. The results from the cost optimization are used to evaluate the impact on greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy use. The results show a difference between measures that saves district heating without increasing the use of electricity and measures that increases the use of electricity while district heating is saved. For example, a building refurbishment package including only building envelope improvements saves the same amount of district heating as a package including only mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. Despite this, the emissions of greenhouse gases and the use of primary energy is to a greater extent reduced in the first package because the use of electricity remains unchanged. Comparing energy refurbishment packages performed on the same building, but within different district heating systems, show the importance of the design of the district heating system. Depending on the fuel types used and to which extent electricity is co-produced in the district heating system, the results of implementing the energy refurbishment packages vary. The largest reduction of greenhouse gases and primary energy use occurs when a refurbishment package is performed on a building in a district heating system with high share of biofuel and no electricity production. / Att förbättra energiprestanda hos befintliga byggnader är en viktig del i arbetet med att minska energianvändningen och i sin tur minska utsläpp av växthusgaser orsakade av mänsklig aktivitet samt att minska användningen av primärenergi. För att kunna utvärdera hur energieffektivisering av byggnader påverkar växthusgasutsläpp och primärenergianvändning behövs ett brett systemperspektiv som sätter byggnaden i sitt sammanhang. Denna avhandling handlar om hur paket av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som utförs på flerfamiljshus inom fjärrvärmeuppvärmda områden påverkar växthusgasutsläpp och primärenergianvändning när fjärrvärmeanvändningen förändras. Resultaten visar på skillnader mellan åtgärder som sparar fjärrvärme utan att öka användningen av el och åtgärder som ökar användningen av el medan fjärrvärme sparas. Till exempel sparar ett energieffektiviseringspaket som endast omfattar byggnadsskalsförbättringar samma mängd fjärrvärme som ett paket som endast omfattar installation av mekanisk ventilation med värmeåtervinning. Trots detta minskar utsläppen av växthusgaser och användningen av primärenergi i större utsträckning i det första paketet på grund av att elanvändningen förblir oförändrad. Vikten av fjärrvärmesystemets utformning visas då en byggnad där olika energieffektiviseringspaket testats, flyttas runt till olika fjärrvärmesystem. Beroende på vilka bränsletyper som används och i vilken utsträckning som el produceras i fjärrvärmesystemet så varierar resultaten. Den största minskningen av växthusgaser uppstår när ett renoveringspaket utförs på en byggnad i ett fjärrvärmesystem med hög andel biobränsle och ingen elproduktion.

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