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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logistika a logistické řetězce v kontextu rozvoje dopravní infrastruktury v České republice se zaměřením na silniční infrastrukturu / Logistic and logistic chains in the context of transport infrastructure development in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on road infrastructure

Svoboda, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The transport infrastructure facilitates the development of national economies not only in Europe but all over the world. Stagnating transport network development, along with stagnating modernisation of such networks caused by a lack of funds and associated with the absence of modern approach and technology within the construction and operation, has a fatal impact on the advancement of trade, industry and, ultimately, the development of the state itself. The dissertation thesis aims to describe and verify the way the heavy road infrastructure development supports the economy of the whole country, regions and economic entities. At the same time, the thesis strives to examine whether the construction completion accelerates the development and building of logistic centres in the vicinity of such big highways, and the manner the commissioning of such buildings is reflected in traffic intensity changes inland and at the borders.

Potenciál veřejných logistických center v železniční dopravě v ČR / Potential of public logistics centres in rail transport in the Czech Republic

Svatoň, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
In times when capacities of roads are starting to run out, it is necessary to search for any alternatives with environmental protection in mind. One of the options is to move some of the road freight transport to railways. One of the possible ways to achieve it is by using Public logistics centres. This concept is already in use in Western Europe and the demand for building terminals of combined transport is growing in the Czech Republic as well. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the potential of PLC and its influence on the regional development based on information from other countries. In the thesis, theoretical aspects of infrastructure investment and predicted effects of localization into targeted regions are assessed. Outcomes of this research are weaknesses and suggestions for potential implementation of this concept in the Czech Republic.

Územní dopady operačního programu Podnikání a inovace / Regional Impacts of Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation

Piskač, David January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on regional impacts of Operational programme Enterprise and Innovation. Theoretical part sums up history of structural funds of the EU and gives a brief description of Operational programme Enterprise and Innovation. Practical part analyzes this programme from a perspective of Czech regions.

Le développement régional comme fonction principale de la région

Nabil, Hassan 11 December 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour objet d'étudier la contribution de la région dans le développement régional. En s'appuyant sur une argumentation financière et juridique, et en faisant appel à des approches historique, comparative et prospective, cette thèse étudie le développement en tant que fonction principale de la collectivité territoriale régionale. Le rôle peut-être résumé dans la primauté régionale en matière de développement économique, consacrée par le législateur à travers la reconnaissance à la région du rôle de coordination et de chef de file. Ces configurations sont pour autant entravées par un contexte financier qui rend le rôle de la région particulièrement complexe. / This thesis is intended to study the contribution of the region to regional development. Based on the financial and legal analysis, referring to historical, comparative and perspective approaches, the thesis examines the development as a major function of administrative territorial structures. The nature of this function can be summarized in the regional primacy in economic development, dedicated by the legislature through the recognition of the role of regional coordination and leadership. In the meantime, these configurations are hampered by a financial context which makes the region's function of a particularly complex nature.

Posouzení schopnosti ROP NUTS II Střední Morava naplňovat priority Zlínského kraje / Appraisal of aptitudes of ROP NUTS II Middle Moravia to fulfil priorities of Zlin's region

Sachrová, Vendula January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on strategic documents concerning the development of Zlín's region and their mutual compatibility. As first the theoretical part is concentrated on a general definition of regional policy and also Czech regional policy. Next, there are described individual strategic documents on the national and regional level and their mutual relations. In the practical part the thesis deals with particular documents of Zlín's region, i.e. Program for development of the Zlín's region territory, Development strategy of Zlín's region, Regional innovation strategy and above all Regional operational program NUTS II Middle Moravia. For each document there is described its vision and targets and there are indicated relations to other documents. The main part is focused on the Regional operational program NUTS II Middle Moravia and its relations to the other discussed strategic documents of Zlín's region based on its priorities and targets that are demonstrated through schemes. Finally, there is an evaluation of ability of ROP NUTS II Middle Moravia to fulfil priorities of Zlín's region.

Kulturní památky a jejich úloha v regionálním rozvoji / Cultural Monuments and their Role of Regional Development

Křížková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The cultural relics represent an integral part of the tourism that has become a global phenomenon in the recent years. The influence of the the cultural monuments over the region can be examined through the tourism. Every year a large amount of money is spent on the restoration and care of the cultural monuments therefore a part of the thesis deals with the development of the funds provided by the Vysočina Region during 2004 - 2009. The thesis is particularly focused on the current state analysis of the cultural relics situated in the Jihlavsko microregion. The analysis is implemented from the perspective of the town Jihlava citizens and the mayors of selected member municipalities situated in the Jihlavsko microregion. The town Jihlava takes pride in a large number of religious monuments therefore especially a cognitive tourism prevails here. The questionary survey examined the satisfaction of the town Jihlava citizens with the cultural monuments state and the services related to the tourism. The graphic and verbal comments were used by the evaluation of the survey. The thesis also includes the analysis of the strategic document called "The Microregion Jihlavsko Strategy of Development".

Analýza hospodaření Kraje Vysočina se zaměřením na nástroje financování regionálního rozvoje kraje / The analysis of economic performance of the Vysočina Region with the focus on the means of financing of regional development

Beránková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyzes economic performance the Vysočina Region, while the main focus is on the means of financing of regional development. The work is dividend into two parts. Theoretical section discusses significance and functioning of a local government in the Czech Republic and basic aspects of implementation of regional policies within international, national and regional context. The analytical part of the thesis overviews economic performance of Vysočina Region in the 2010 -- 2012 period, which was characterized by budget surpluses due to conservative budgetary policy. Secondly, the section is devoted to Vysočina's Development Programme, whereby support for regional advancement is being secured. Last but not least, it is commented on matters restraining regional advancement, such as weak services sector, thin presence of so-called high-tech industries, low proportion of college-educated population etc.

Role kultury v procesu regenerace post-industriálního města / The Role of Culture in the Process of Regeneration of Post-industrial City

Milatová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The main subject of thesis The Role of Culture in the Process of Regeneration of Post-industrial City is to introduce the theoretical concept of regeneration of former industrial cities through culture and evaluate the impact of culture on the regeneration of post-industrial city. The first part is aimed at general issues of culture in regional development and attractiveness of the city, there are mentioned basic concepts related to the issue and defined trends in the development and regeneration of post-industrial cities through culture. The second part is aimed at the process of transformation of the city of Ostrava and contains an analysis of the current situation in the city. The City of Ostrava has prepared a strategic document presenting the revival of city through culture as a factor of improving its external image, but also a source of regional identity and the cultivation of the community. Empirical verification of the contribution of current policies to the regeneration and development of Ostrava city through culture is conducted through a questionnaire survey. The results show that the citizens of the city noticed visible changes towards the improving the quality of life in a city, however, if the city intends to continue in its successful strategy of regeneration, emphasis should be placed on citizen participation, their feedback and utilization of previously completed cultural investments should be improved by connection of existing cultural infrastructure.

Význam Programu západního rozvoje ČLR pro tibetskou ekonomiku / Significance of the Western China Development Programm for Tibet Autonomous Region

Beran, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Theme of the diploma thesis is development and the results of Western China Development Programme in Tibet Autonomous Region. Main Goal of the paper is to assess present results of the programme in the region. The paper consists of three chapters. First chapter deals with different theories of regional development that are relevant with regards to the topic. Also, possible means of measuring development efforts are described. Second chapter describes how Tibet developed economically from the Qing era till implementation of the Western China Development. The final chapter firstly describes means of economic policy in Tibet and its last part analyses results of the development programme and compares it with the theoretical background from the first chapter.

Využití předpokladů cestovního ruchu ve vybraném území / Use of Prerequisites Tourism in a chosen Territory

Zhorná, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the prerequisites tourism and the tourism potential in the defined area of the Pelhřimov district. The theoretical part focuses on the basic terminology of tourism, regional development and theoretical determination of preconditions for tourism development. In the practical part, the prerequisites of the defined area are analyzed and evaluated from the tourism point of view. This is followed by the evaluation method of tourism potential. Based on the analyses, several recommendations for the use and connection of local attractions are suggested with the aim to promote local tourism in the defined area.

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