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Educação e responsabilidade social: um estudo aplicado no Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão IESMA/UNISULMA / Education and social responsibility: an applied study at the Institute of Higher Education South of Maranhão - IESMA / UNISULMALuciana da Luz Rodrigues 03 June 2016 (has links)
O cenário nas empresas vem mudando, gradativamente, em razão das transformações sociais, econômicas e culturais apontadas no ambiente educacional pelo processo ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse contexto, a temática deste estudo versa sobre a responsabilidade social e as instituições de ensino superior particulares da cidade de Imperatriz (MA). Essas instituições desenvolvem atividades de extensão universitária, buscando atender às necessidades da comunidade frente às políticas públicas, estabelecendo uma relação com o ensino principalmente no sentido de oferecer ações ao seu entorno, em prol do desenvolvimento social. A proposta foi estudar os projetos e programas de extensão desenvolvidos e implantados pelo Instituto de Ensino Superior do Sul do Maranhão, IESMA/UNISULMA, face aos parâmetros do Plano Nacional de Extensão (2011/2020) como indicativos de responsabilidade social, pois historicamente, a extensão universitária é considerada uma atividade de menor valor acadêmico, apesar de conquistas legais no sentido de equiparação com as áreas de ensino e pesquisa. Diante dessa constatação, propôs-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar a opinião dos graduandos que participam da Extensão Universitária em relação à relevância dessa atividade acadêmica na sua formação, ou seja, verificar se ela contribui, de fato, para sua formação. Apresenta, também, um estudo analítico sobre a importância das teorias aplicadas em sala de aula com as práticas dos acadêmicos na elaboração, desenvolvimento e execução de atividades de extensão, promovendo o desenvolvimento mútuo com a sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e comparar os projetos desenvolvido pela Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) com as diretrizes do PNExt, apontando os possíveis indicativos de responsabilidade social apresentados em suas atividades sociais. A pesquisa, quantitativa, tem caráter descritivo, documental, com estudo de campo. O instrumento utilizado na coleta de dados é o questionário, direcionado para discentes e docentes da IESMA/UNISULMA, que possibilitou verificar os trabalhos realizados na cidade referentes ao tema exposto, além de fornecer informações acerca de duas importantes variáveis: a satisfação e o conhecimento dos entrevistados em relação aos projetos de responsabilidade social. Os resultados obtidos mostram a importância do papel social das instituições de ensino superior. Compreende as mudanças, oportunidades e desenvolvimento gerados com a implantação de projetos de cunho social, executados por atividades de responsabilidade social que proporcionam um elo entre universidade e sociedade, interna e externamente. / The scenario in companies has been changing gradually, because of social, economic and cultural transformations outlined in the educational environment for teaching-learning process. In this context, the theme of this study deals with social responsibility and private higher education institutions in the city of Imperatriz (MA). These institutions of university extension activities, seeking to meet the front community needs public policies, establishing a relationship with the teaching mainly towards offering shares to its surroundings, in favor of social development. The proposal was to study the projects and developed outreach programs and implemented by the Institute of Higher Education South of Maranhão, IESMA / UNISULMA, given the parameters of the National Extension Plan (2011/2020) as social responsibility indicative because historically, university extension is considered an activity of lesser academic value, although legal achievements towards assimilation with the areas of teaching and research. Given this finding, it is proposed in this research, evaluate the opinion of the students participating in the University Extension on the relevance of this academic activity in their training, that is, verify that it contributes, in fact, for their training. It also presents an analytical study of the importance of the theories applied in the classroom with the practices of scholars in the design, development and implementation of outreach activities, promoting mutual development with society. The objective of this work is to identify and compare the projects developed by the Higher Education Institution (HEI) with pNext guidelines, pointing out the possible social responsibility indicative presented in their social activities. The research, quantitative, has descriptive, documentary character, with field study. The instrument used for data collection is the questionnaire, directed to students and teachers of IESMA / UNISULMA, which enabled us to verify the work carried out in the city concerning the above subject, in addition to providing information about two important variables: the satisfaction and knowledge of interviewed in relation to social responsibility projects. The results show the importance of the social role of higher education institutions. Understand the changes and development opportunities generated by the implementation of social projects, executed by social responsibility activities that provide a link between the university and society, internally and externally.
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Judicialização da saúde e a efetivação do acesso a medicamentos em Imperatriz - MA / Judicialization health and effective access to medicines at Imperatriz - MARayssa Gabrielle Pereira de Castro 14 September 2016 (has links)
A dignidade humana é diretamente proporcional ao direito à saúde e este princípio está constitucionalmente previsto pelo Estado brasileiro. Alia-se a este direito, o acesso a medicamentos como itens indispensáveis à saúde e que não devem ser negados. Como objetivo do presente estudo, buscou-se caracterizar o perfil das demandas judiciais em Imperatriz-MA, especialmente no tocante ao acesso aos medicamentos e Política de Assistência Farmacêutica, conhecendo para tal, as decisões judiciais datadas no período de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2014, ajuizadas contra a Secretária Municipal de Saúde em Imperatriz-MA, identificando os medicamentos e programas alojados dentro da Política de Assistência Farmacêutica, alvos em maior grau de demandas judiciais e apresentando as principais negativas ao acesso de medicamentos no âmbito da Assistência Farmacêutica. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se em uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, aliadas a um levantamento bibliográfico, abordagem quantitativa e pesquisa documental. Realizou-se um levantamento documental em busca da caracterização de 673 demandas ajuizadas contra o Sistema Único de Saúde de Imperatriz-MA e das caracterizações das demandas ajuizadas por medicamentos, que totalizaram 257 apresentações farmacêuticas. Os resultados demonstraram que sobre os tipos de demandas, aquelas por medicamentos e leitos de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva representaram os principais motivos de tutela judicial. As crianças, adolescentes e idosos, representaram a população mais defendida por meio das demandas e quando o foco passou a ser apenas os medicamentos, foi possível identificar que entre as 257 apresentações identificadas e judicializadas, 102 (39,3%) não estavam inclusas em nenhuma das listas do SUS, 111(43,2%) inclusos na Relação Nacional de Medicamentos e apenas 44 (17,1%) na Relação Municipal de medicamentos. Visualizou-se ainda que o componente da Assistência Farmacêutica que mais sofreu judicializações foi o Básico (60,3%), seguido de 37,8% do Componente Especializado e apenas 1,8% do Estratégico. Notou-se também a tendência de prescrições pelo nome comercial de fármacos, bem como solicitações por medicamentos sem registro sanitário no Brasil, com prescrições equivocadas ou uso off label, cujo não possuem registro no Brasil, ou não têm comercialização autorizada. Conclui-se, que a partir destes conhecimentos, novas estratégias e modelos de gestão, ou novos canais de diálogos que envolvam Poder Público, Judiciário e população, possam ser criados e/ou reformulados, tendo como bases maiores a diminuição das demandas judiciais em Imperatriz-MA, a melhoria das Políticas Públicas de Saúde e a ampliação do direito constitucional ao acesso à saúde e a todos os outros direitos que este vier a incluir. / Human dignity is directly proportional to the right to health and this principle is constitutionally provided by the Brazilian government. Joins this right, access to medicines and items essential to health and should not be denied. The objective of the present study, we sought to characterize the profile of litigation in Imperatriz-MA, especially regarding access to medicines and Pharmaceutical Care Policy, meeting for such judgments dated from January 2012 to December 2014, filed against the Municipal Health Secretary in Imperatriz-MA, identifying drugs and programs housed within the Pharmaceutical Care Policy, targets a greater degree of process and presenting the main negative to access medicines under the Pharmaceutical Services. The methodology is based on an exploratory and descriptive research, combined with a literature review, quantitative approach and documentary research. We conducted a documentary survey seeking the characterization of 673 lawsuits filed against the National Health System Imperatriz-MA and characterizations of claims by drugs, which totaled 257 pharmaceutical presentations. The results showed that on the types of demands, those for medicines and beds Intensive Care Units represented the main reasons of judicial protection. Children, adolescents and the elderly accounted for the population most defended by the demands and when the focus became only medicines, were identified that among the 257 submissions identified and judicialized, 102 (39.3%) were not included in none of the lists of SUS 111 (43.2%) included in the National List of Medicines and only 44 (17.1%) in the Municipal Register of medicines. It is also envisioned that the pharmaceutical services component that suffered most was the judicialization Basic (60.3%), followed by 37.8% of the Specialized Component and only 1.8% of Strategic. It was noted also tend to prescriptions for brand-name drugs, as well as requests for drugs without health registration in Brazil, wrong prescriptions or off label use, which not formally registered in Brazil, or have authorized marketing. It follows that from this knowledge, new strategies and business models, or new channels of dialogue involving government, judiciary and population, can be created and / or reformulated, with the largest bases the reduction of litigation in Imperatriz -MA, improvement of Public Health Policies and expansion of the constitutional right of access to health and all other rights to this were to include.
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho e valores do trabalho : percepções dos trabalhadores da indústria da construção civil de Campos do Jordão / Quality of life at work and work values: perceptions of workers in the construction industry in Campos do JordãoMaria Madalena de Souza Santos 26 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva verificar a percepção e correlacionar as possíveis relações entre a qualidade de vida no trabalho e os valores do trabalho em profissionais da construção civil da cidade de Campos do Jordão (SP). A amostra é composta por 20 engenheiros e/ou arquitetos, 57 empreiteiros e/ ou construtores e 136 operacionais. A pesquisa é descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa e correlacional. Os resultados da caracterização sociodemográfica apontam que a maioria dos operacionais tem idade inferior a 35 anos e o grupo com o menor grau de instrução é o dos empreiteiros/ construtores. A falta de qualificação dos profissionais também foi confirmada. As médias dos fatores da qualidade de vida no trabalho apontam que os trabalhadores estão parcialmente satisfeitos. Os resultados em relação à escala de valores ao trabalho, na percepção dos profissionais, são extremamente importantes. No grupo dos engenheiros/ arquitetos e no dos operacionais há uma relação consistente entre os fatores ambientais e comportamentais. O grupo dos operacionais apresentou também relação consistente para os fatores organizacionais e comportamentais. No grupo dos empreiteiros/ construtores também se observa uma relação consistente entre os fatores realização no trabalho e estabilidade dos valores relativos ao trabalho. A correlação entre os fatores da qualidade de vida no trabalho, valores relativos ao trabalho e as variáveis de caracterização sociodemográfica, segundo a percepção dos profissionais entrevistados, demonstra que esses fatores devem ser tratados de forma independente e cautelosa. Conclui-se que mesmo com resultados favoráveis para a qualidade de vida no trabalho e valores do trabalho há muito o que fazer para os profissionais dessa indústria de Campos do Jordão. Pesquisas, ações e projetos com enfoque na qualidade de vida no trabalho e valores do trabalho devem ser trabalhados com esses profissionais em busca da satisfação laboral. / This study aims at verifying the construction workforces perception of quality of life at work and work values in the city of Campos do Jordão (SP), in addition to determining a possible correlation between them. The sample consisted of 20 engineers and / or architects, 57 contractors and / or industry entrepreneurs and 136 operational workers. The research was descriptive with quantitative and correlational approaches. The results to the social-demographic characterization reveals that most of que operational workers are less than 35 years old and the group with the lowest level of education includes the building contractor/builder. The lack of qualification from professionals was also confirmed. The average of the factors of quality of life at work pinpoint that workers are partially satisfied. The results in relation to the Scale of work values in the perspective of professionals are extremely important. It was observed in the engineers/architects and operational workers that there is a consistent relashionship between the environmental and behavioral factors and the operational staff group showed consistent relashionship between organizational and behavioral factors. In the building contractors/builders group the consistent relashionship was observed between realization at work and stability of the values related to work factors. The correlation between the factors of quality of working life , work values and the variables of social- demographic characterization according to the perception of professionals in the construction industry in Campos do Jordão, shows that this factors must be dealt in a independence and cautious fashion. We concluded that even with favorable results to quality of life at work and work values, there is a lot to do to professionals of this industry in Campos do Jordão. Researches, actions and projects with emphasis on quality of life at work and values relating to work must be applied alongside with these professionals, pursuing labor satisfaction.
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Hållbar utveckling i Skåne? En kritisk diskursanalys av Region Skånes tre regionala utvecklingsprogram 1999–2016Christensson, Joanna January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöktes regionala policydokument utifrån ett fokus på hållbar utveckling och förhållandet mellan hög tillväxt och förbättrad miljö. Det empiriska material utgjordes av Region Skånes tre regionala utvecklingsprogram, vilka behandlar hur myndigheten såg på regionens utveckling åren 1999–2004, 2004–2009 och 2009–2016. Studiens mål var att studera den diskursiva omdefinieringsprocessen av begreppet hållbar utveckling, genom att analysera hur detta relateras till och används i programmen. Metoden som användes var kritisk diskursanalys. Studien syftade till att synliggöra programmens diskursiva sammanhang och utveckla en förståelse för vilka synsätt och föreställningar som kan ses ligga till grund för dokumentens innehåll och utformning.Studien kom fram till att det fanns ingen tydlig förståelse kring hållbar utveckling i programmen utan det förekom yttringar av både starka och svaga hållbarhetsdiskurser. Resonemang kring ekologisk modernisering är dominerande, baserade på föreställningar om att miljöproblem kan lösas utan några stora samhällsförändringar. Denna diskurs presenterar attraktiva lösningar på eventuella motsättningar mellan hög tillväxt och förbättrad miljö, vilket möjliggör policydokument med visionära målbilder tillsammans med breda lösningar där målkonflikter och eventuella avvägningar inte belyses nämnvärt.Studiens teoretiska ramverk och metoden kritisk diskursanalys gav möjlighet att lyfta fram och belysa hur ekologisk moderniseringsdiskursen inkorporerar resonemang från tillväxtkritiska hållbarhetsdiskurser samtidigt som den marginaliserar och tar udden av dem. På så vis kan studien bidra till en vidare diskussion om olika sätt att förhålla sig till hållbar utveckling och konsekvenser av den ekologiska moderniseringens diskursiva dominans. / This study investigates regional policy documents with a focus on sustainable development and the relationship between high economic growth and an improved environment. The study’s empirical material is based on Region Skåne’s three regional development programs which put forward how the authority viewed development in the region for the years 1999–2004, 2004– 2009 and 2009–2016. The objective was to study the discursive process of redefining the concept of sustainable development by analysing how it is referred to and used in the programs. The method utilised was critical discourse analysis. The study aimed towards exposing the2programs’ discursive context and developing an understanding of the viewpoints underlying the documents’ contents.The study concluded that there was no clear understanding around sustainable development in the programs and there were statements of both strong and weak sustainable development discourse. Goal conflicts and eventually trade-offs were not particularly highlighted. Ecological modernisation was the dominating discourse as per the reasoning that environmental problems can be solved without any major societal changes. This discourse presents attractive solutions to potential conflicts which enables the policy document to provide visionary goals along with broad solutions. The study’s theoretical framework and the method critical discursive analysis allowed for the bringing forward and highlighting of how ecological modernisation incorporates reasonings from sustainable discourses critical of economic growth, at the same time marginalising and neutralising them. As a result, this study can contribute to the discussion of different ways of achieving sustainable development and the consequence of the domination of ecological modernisation discourse.
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Posouzení možností bydlení v Praze a v Brně / Assessment of housing opportunities in Prague and BrnoSýkorová, Dana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with possibilities of living in two biggest cities in the Czech republic, which are Prague and Brno. In the first part is stated definition of investment, structure of local self-government, regional policy and regional development. This serves as the background for better understanding of linkage between different regions, definition of territorial units, and means how regions are developed. In the next part of this thesis are mentioned basic indicators for the whole Czech republic, including trend in prices of properties, which is important for assessment of living possibilities. This is the background for evaluation of chosen locations against Czech Republic. In the next chapter is analysis focused on chosen locations, based on data of whole Czech Republic as well as data focused only on these two locations and its surroundings. The conclusion is that Prague has special position in Czech Republic. There are broad working opportunities, high incomes, but also high living expense. Brno is not as high as Prague in evaluated indicators, but in comparison of whole Czech Republic is still on the top. It is necessary to take into account higher living expenses in both Prague and Brno but on the other hand compared to other regions, offered possibilities and services are on high level.
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Strategie rozvoje území ve vazbě na stavební výrobu / Territory development strategy in relation to construction productionMecová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with comparison of regions of the Czech Republic between national economy in terms of construction production and selection of region with the greatest potential for development of construction production. In the theoretical part is defined the term region, which is followed by regional economics and politics. Another topic addressed is regional development territorial development strategies and indicators that capture the differences between regions. The practical part deals with the characteristics of the national economy and construction in individual regions, which is folloved by a draft strategy dealing with problems in the field of construction. The last part of the thesis, regions are compared according to the given indicators and the regions with the greatest potential for the development of construction production are indentified.
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Přeshraniční spolupráce Jihomoravského kraje / Cross-border cooperation of the South Moravian RegionVrbasová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of cross-border cooperation of the South Moravian Region. The theoretical part deals with the definition of terms such as region, regional economics, regional policy, and regional development. It also deals with the regional structure of the Czech Republic, NUTS regions or regional policy institutions. The last chapters of the theoretical part are devoted to the possibilities of financing development strategies and cross-border cooperation. The following is a part of the description of standard-specific research called Real estate market analysis in cross-border regions and the designation FAST-S-19-5899 based on which the topic of this work was selected. In the practical part, it characterizes the South Moravian Region and the village Mikulčice specifically described the selected project and its financing. The conclusion is a theoretical proposal of other financing options and an evaluation of the impact that the project has on the development of the region.
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Schriftenreihe des Forschungsverbundes KoReMiHolländer, Robert 19 September 2014 (has links)
An den Universitäten Leipzig und Halle-Wittenberg ist ein Forschungsvorhaben mit dem Titel 'Ziele und übertragbare Handlungsstrategien für ein kooperatives regionales Flächenmanagement unter Schrumpfungstendenzen in der Kernregion Mitteldeutschland' (KoReMi) angesiedelt. Vor dem Hintergrund demographischer Transformationsprozesse werden Leitbilder und Instrumente der Regionalentwicklung auf ihre Anwendbarkeit unter Nachhaltigkeitsgesichtspunkten untersucht und modifiziert. Das Projekt ist eingebunden in das Forschungsfeld 'Forschung für die Reduzierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme und ein nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement (REFINA)' des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und
Forschung (BMBF). Mit der Schriftenreihe des Forschungsverbundes KoReMi soll fortlaufend sowohl über das Projekt und seine wesentlichen Arbeitsergebnisse als auch über weiterführende Erkenntnisse der Fachdisziplinen berichtet werden. Die Kommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis sowie auch zwischen den einzelnen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die sich aus ganz unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln mit den Problemen nachhaltiger Entwicklung von Regionen unter dem Vorzeichen von demographischer Transformation beschäftigen, soll mit dieser Schriftenreihe forciert und intensiviert werden.
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Porovnání regionu Střední Morava a švédského regionu Västra Götaland v oblasti rozvoje informační společnosti a regionálních inovačních strategií / Comparison of the region Střední Morava and the Swedish region Västra Götaland in area of information society development and regional innovation strategiesŠnajdarová, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
ŠNAJDAROVÁ, Dagmar. Comparison of the region Střední Morava and the Swedish region Västra Götaland in area of information society development and regional innovation strategies. Prague, 2013-08-09. 89 p., 4 p. attachment. Diploma thesis (Mgr.). Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship. Abstract The main purpose of the master thesis is to highlight a development state of information society and innovation in Střední Morava region, to compare the Czech region to the Swedish Västra Götaland region, and to find factors influencing the regions development. A developed information society and a well functioning innovation environment are indicators of population wealth-fare in a region. Strategic documents, statistical data and projects are taken into account. The documents, the data and the projects are closely connected with development of information society and innovation environment in the chosen regions. Activities like regional innovation strategies and strategies for development of information society enforced on regional level allow better usage of local potential and specific region conditions. The efficiency of the strategic behaviour is based on collaboration of all regional parties, in effective human and financial resource allocation, and in...
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Role státu v regionálním rozvoji: aplikace současných teorií regionálního rozvoje na případ vybraných podpůrných programů / The role of the state in regional development: application of contemporary regional development theories in the case of selected support programsHána, David January 2014 (has links)
The state plays a prominent role in the process of regional development. State interventions might bring radical influences into the entire socioeconomic system, to which the other actors of regional development have to adapt. Importantly, the state administrates a large amount of funds, creates large numbers of jobs, and it is led by "elites" which might influence the other people's opinions. The need for studying of the role of the state and the expenditure side of its budget for an understanding of the mechanisms of regional development is recognized by many authors. However, deep discussions of the function of the state could be hardly found in regional development theories. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to contribute to understanding of the role of the state as one of major actors in regional development via investigation of the regional impacts of public support programs. To provide concrete scrutiny, parliamentary grants (so-called "pork barrel") were depicted through which deputies annually sent large sums of money from the state budget during its approval process in the Chamber of Deputies on projects with local impact. The topic of parliamentary grants is a traditional topic for international studies within the concept of the so-called pork barrel politics, which includes all activities...
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