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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Znalosti a sítě místních akčních skupin v České republice v programovém období 2014-2020 / Knowledge and networking of Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic in the programming period 2014-2020

Kačerová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with Local Action Groups (LAGs), based on the EU approach LEADER for local development, in the Czech Republic during the programming period 2014- 2020. It focuses on the ability of LAGs to acquire and pass on knowledge and to learn, as well as on their networks. Within this work, the character of acquired knowledge, means of transfer of the knowledge and forms of learning are examined. Furthermore, research focuses on LEADER networks and their internal relations as well as level of communication and trust, in order to determine the efficiency of these networks. Lastly, the institutional thickness of the environment of Czech LAGs is examined that constitutes of non-scientific institutions and technological infrastructure. Cooperation with these two types of institutions leads to creation and implementation of innovations and more effective development of the territory. The theoretical grounding and criteria of this work are based on the Theory of Learning Regions. To obtain the data, a mixed research method was used. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research was carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews and analysis of primary documents.

Hållbar besöksnäring inom geoturism : En fallstudie gällande Geopark Siljan, Dalarna

Torneport, Jessika January 2021 (has links)
Dalarnas län har berikats med Geopark Siljan som är Sveriges första internationella geopark. Med sin spännande historia väcker geoparken ett ökatintresse för naturvärde och geologi hos de som besöker geoparken. Flertalet av besöksmålen i området har en gemensam historia och ett geologiskt värde som skapats efter det meteoritnedslag som inträffade på platsen för nästan 377 miljoner år sedan. Området är ett attraktivt besöksmål som dels skapar ett intresse för geologi, dels medför en vilja till fortsatt bevarande av alla de unika miljöer som återfinns i Geopark Siljan. I området kan en fortsatt utveckling inom geoturism och en stigande besökstrend medföra förutsättningar till ökad ekonomisk vinning för det lokala näringslivet, men även för de regionalt aktiva aktörerna inom turistnäringen. En stigande besökstrend kan också främja samarbeten över landsgränser som utformar förutsättningar för vidare arbete och utveckling. En ökad besöksnäring är oftast önskvärd, men då inte på en bekostnad av naturensresurser, t.ex. i form av markslitage och erosion orsakat av besökande turister. Framtida klimatscenarion spår stigande temperaturer och ökadnederbörd, vilka ytterligare kan förändra förutsättningarna i området runt Geopark Siljan. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på om naturområden i GeoparkSiljan påverkas av ett eventuellt ökat antal turistbesök samt om det tillsammans med prognosticerad klimatförändring kan ge ökat slitage och skador på geoparkens naturområden. Målet med studien är att identifiera vilka faktorer som kan orsaka naturpåverkan vid Geopark Siljan, med fokus på klimatförändring och besöksnäring. Detta examensarbete kan därför leda till nya synsätt för läsaren och användas för framtida skyddsförebyggande arbete inom geoturism samt ge vägledning för anpassning vid ökat antal besökare vid ett flertal besöksmål samt påverkan vid klimatförändringar. / Dalarna County has been enriched with Sweden's first international geopark,which with its exciting history arouses an increased interest in natural valueand geology among those who visit places around Geopark Siljan. Most of the tourist attractions in the area have a common history and a geological value due to the meteorite impact that occurred on the site almost 377 million years ago. The area is an attractive destination that both creates further interest and a desire to continue preserving all the unique environments found in the geopark Siljan. In the area, a continued development in geotourism and a rising visitor trend can lead to conditions for increased economic results for the local business community as well as for the regionally active players in the tourism industry. The rising visitor trend can also promote cross-border collaborations that shape the conditions for further work and development. An increased hospitality industry is usually desirable,but then not at the expense of nature's resources such as the creation of soilwear and erosion created by visiting geotourists. The future rising temperature and increased precipitation may change the conditions in the area around Geopark Siljan. And the purpose of this work is to find out if nature areas as destinations around Geopark Siljan are affected by a possible increased number of tourist visits and if it together with forecasted climate change can give increased wear and damage to the geopark's natural areas. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that cause the natural impact at the Geopark Siljan, where both climate change and the hospitality industry are in focus. This degree project may therefore lead to new approaches and be applied for future protection prevention work as well as guidance for adaptation to tourist-dense visitor destinations in the event of an increased number of visitors and climate change. Changes such as climate and increased hospitality industry concern nature and social impact, which are important aspects for good community planning to work.

Re-Inventing the Past, Defining the Future: Historical Representations and Regional Development in the Russian Northwest

Sorokina, Alfia January 2010 (has links)
This work explores the connections between the constructed representations of places based on local histories, the processes of tradition reinvention and the strategies of regional development in two Russian regions. This analysis also outlines the context created by the external to the regions influences and the associated with them local conditions.

The Impacts of Oil and Gas Developments on Local Economies in the United States

Rajbhandari, Isha January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Faculty Senate Minutes February 4, 2013

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 04 February 2013 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

Infrastrukturförändringar och dess påverkan på den regionala utvecklingen : en studie av områden utmed E4 mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall

Godman, Brent January 2010 (has links)
Under efterkrigstiden har den regionala tillväxten i industriländerna undergått en explosionsartad utveckling. Samtidigt skedde en massiv utbyggnad och förbättring av infrastrukturen. Dessa båda områdes avancemang avslutades abrupt med den globala finanskrisen under 1970-talet. När konjunkturen vände tillbaka och tillväxten tog fart igen var det däremot inte med samma starka stäv som innan krisen. Denna tröga utveckling förbluffade makroekonomerna, som sökte med ljus och lyckta efter möjliga orsaker såsom energipriser, social reglering och regioners näringslivssammansättning. Det fick sin förklaring först när Aschauer bevisade att det fanns ett samband mellan minskade investeringar i infrastruktur i slutet av 1960-talet och en nedgång i den totala produktiviteten strax efteråt, vilket till viss del ledde till finanskrisen. Det har sedan dess publicerats en uppsjö av forskningsartiklar kring ämnet där den sammantagna slutsatsen är att det inte är frågan om infrastrukturen påverkar den regionala utvecklingen, utan till vilken grad, där transportinfrastrukturen anses ha störst betydelse.   Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka till vilken omfattning infrastrukturinvesteringar har på den kommunala och regionala utvecklingen längs europaväg 4 sträckning mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall. Dessutom undersöktes om man skulle kunna implementera alternativa finansieringsmetoder av vägutbyggnadsprojekt, eftersom dessa även skulle leda fram till en ökad regional utveckling. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av enkäter och intervjuer och ett bottom-up perspektiv, vilket möjliggjorde att de tidigare långsiktiga regionala utvecklingsmålen kunde analyseras.   Sammantaget har resultatet visat att studiens arbetsmetod har varit en bra undersökningsform, där gamla resultat bekräftats och nya slutsatser dragits. Analysen har påvisat skillnader bland kommuner och regioner i frågan om vilken omfattning infrastrukturförändringar har påverkat deras utveckling. Däremot ansåg samtliga tillfrågade att alternativa finansieringssätt, som ERUF och PPP borde användas, men att implementeringen skulle bli svår. / During the postwar period, there has been a tremendous variation in regional growth in developing countries. At the same time there was a massive expansion and improvement in infrastructure. The advances in these two areas ended abruptly with the global financial crisis in the 1970s. However, when times changed and the economy began to recover, it was not with the same momentum as prior to the crisis. This slow development stunned macro-economists, who searched high and low after possible causes such as energy prices, social regulations and the economic structure of different regions. It became clear only when Aschauer showed how the decline in infrastructure investment in the late 1960s resulted in a decline in overall productivity shortly afterwards, which, in part, led to the financial crisis. There have since been published a plethora of research articles on the subject in which the overall conclusion is that it is not an issue of whether infrastructure has an impact on regional development, but to what degree, and that the transport infrastructure is considered to be most significant. The aim of this study is to investigate of impact that infrastructure investments were considered to have upon municipal and regional development along the European route 4 between Uppsala and Sundsvall. In addition the possibilities of implementing alternative methods of financing road-building projects were also explored, as these would lead to greater regional development. The study was conducted using questionnaires and interviews and a bottom-up approach, which made it possible for the earlier long-term regional development objectives to be analysed.Overall, the results demonstrated that the method applied was a good way of conducting a survey, where old and new findings were confirmed. The analysis has revealed differences among municipalities and regions with regards to the impact that changes in infrastructure have on their development. On the other hand, the respondents were unanimous in believing that alternative funding methods, such as ERUF and Public-Private-Partnership should be used, but that they would be difficult to implement.

L'Européanisation de la politique de développement régional en Turquie

Ozisik, Fethi Ufuk 27 June 2012 (has links)
La Turquie, pays candidat à l'Union européenne, est confrontée à une pression européenne pour l'adaptation de ses structures administratives et de ses cadres institutionnels aux règles et aux critères européens concernant la mise en œuvre des fonds structurels. A cet égard, dans le contexte de processus de préadhésion à l'UE, l'Etat turc s'amène à reformuler sa politique de développement régional. Dans ce sens, la réforme majeure entreprise par l'Etat turc est celle de la création des Agences de développement dans les vingt-six régions statistiques de NUTS II. Parallèlement, il s'agit de la mise en place d'un processus de décentralisation. En effet, ces réformes renvoient à une européanisation de la gestion publique territoriale. Cependant, les changements qui sont en œuvre ne dépendent pas exclusivement des recommandations de l'UE. De plus, il est nécessaire de prendre en considération la dimension territoriale du processus d'européanisation. Quels sont les différents facteurs et les diverses dynamiques qui déterminent le changement dans les politiques de développement régional ? Dans quelle mesure peut-on imputer le changement à la conditionnalité européenne ? Comment l'Europe procède pour inciter l'Etat turc à reformuler ses politiques régionales ? Quel est le rôle du niveau infranational dans le changement ? Autant de questions auxquelles cette étude essaye de fournir des éléments de réponse / Turkey, a candidate for the European Union, faces European pressure to adapt its administrative structures and institutional frameworks of its rules and European standards concerning the implementation of structural funds. In this respect, in the context of pre-accession process to the EU, the Turkish state is coming to reformulate its policy of regional development. In this sense, the major reform undertaken by the Turkish state is that of the creation of development agencies in the twenty-six statistical regions NUTS II. Meanwhile, it is also the establishment of a decentralization process. Indeed, these reforms refer to Europeanization of territorial governance. However, the changes that are implemented do not depend exclusively on EU recommendations. Morever, it is necessary to consider the territorial dimension of the Europeanization process. What are the different factors and the various dynamics that determine the change in regional development policies? To what extent can we attribute the change to the EU conditionality? How Europe proceeds to urge the Turkish government to reformulate its regional policies? What is the role of sub-national level in the change? These are the questions that this study attempts to provide some answers. So our goal in this work consists on the one hand, to understand the logical adaptation of Turkish state with the recommendations of Europe indicating the junction of different dynamics of change, on the other hand, identify the change through the articulation of different levels of public action, from local to Europe

La gouvernance du développement des territoires ruraux : analyse des dispositifs de coordination et des processus d'innovation institutionnelle / Governance for rural development : analysis of coordination devices and institutional innovation processes

Wallet, Frédéric 30 March 2012 (has links)
Les recompositions à l’œuvre sur les territoires ruraux décrivent une mosaïque de situations soulignant l’importance du rôle des dispositifs de coordination pour expliquer les trajectoires vertueuses ou de déclin. Mais, paradoxalement, les modalités d’intervention publique apparaissent de plus en plus difficiles, soulignant le caractère crucial de la question de la gouvernance territoriale. C’est l’objet de cette thèse, qui traite du rôle joué par la gouvernance territoriale dans le développement territorial, et des dynamiques de changement des dispositifs institutionnels qui composent la gouvernance territoriale. La première partie pose les termes du débat actuel sur les questions de gouvernance territoriale et sa place dans les processus de développement, et présente les principales conceptions et grilles analytiques de la littérature sur cette notion, avant de proposer une grille de lecture originale mobilisée dans des chapitres suivants. La seconde partie met l’accent sur deux dimensions majeures de la gouvernance territoriale, la place des conflits et des processus de négociation, et les mécanismes de changement institutionnel. Enfin, la troisième partie, traite de l’influence des formes de gouvernance sur les modalités de valorisation des ressources territoriales. Les réflexions portent plus précisément sur l’implication des acteurs dans la mise en œuvre des dispositifs de gestion des biens publics à partir de l’exemple des productions sous indication géographique, et sur le rôle des initiatives privées et associatives comme contributrices à la gouvernance des territoires ruraux, illustrées ici par la stratégie des coopératives agricoles. / The reorganization at work in rural areas describes a mosaic of situations stressing the important role of coordination mechanisms to explain territorial virtuous trajectories and situations of decline. But, as a paradox, public interventions appear more and more difficult to define and settle, emphasizing territorial governance as a core issue. This is the subject of this thesis, which deals with this issue through two questions: the role of territorial governance in territorial development, and the forms and changes in institutions devices as part of territorial governance. The first part addresses the terms of the current debate on territorial governance issues and their role in the development process, and presents the main concepts and analytical grids of the literature on this concept, before clearing an analytical grid mobilized in the following chapters. The second part focuses on two major dimensions of territorial governance, the role of conflict and negotiation processes and innovation in institutional devices. The third part deals with the influence of forms of governance on the valuation methods of territorial resources. Reflections relate specifically to the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of management systems of public goods on illustrated by the example of geographical indication devices, and the role of private and community initiatives as contributing to the governance of rural areas, illustrated by the strategy of agricultural cooperatives.

Alto e médio Sapucai: cenários para o planejamento ambiental / Upper and middle Sapucaí: scenarios for the environmental planning

Faria, Helena Mendonça 21 February 2008 (has links)
O estudo das características da Bacia Hidrográfica do Sapucaí em Minas Gerais permitiu compreender que esta região rica em potencial humano e natural deve ser tratada como uma região estratégica, por seu potencial hídrico e paisagístico, por sua riqueza cultural e por sua proximidade às regiões metropolitanas mais significativas do país. Entretanto o modelo de desenvolvimento adotado não tem privilegiado o potencial existente de maneira satisfatória em planos e programas que efetivamente se tornem realidade. Partindo-se de uma discussão ampla da questão ambiental e do papel real e imaginado para o planejamento ambiental, urbano e regional buscou-se um entendimento de quais seriam os caminhos de desenvolvimento mais indicados para a região estudada, entendendo que, neste caso, são pressupostos primordiais a valorização da paisagem, da cultura e do desenvolvimento humano. / The application about the characteristics of Sapucai´s Hydrographic Basin, in Minas Gerais permitted to understand that this region, rich in human potential and natural, must be viewed as strategic, for his hydro and landscape potential, for his cultural riches and for his proximity of the most metropolitan regions of the country. However, the development model used didnt favored the existed potential in a satisfactory manner into projects and programs that effectively made them real. Starting from a discussion about the environmental subject and the real and imagined role for the urban, regional and environmental planning we have looked for an agreement of what would be the most indicated ways of development, understanding that, in this case, the valorization of the landscape, the culture and the human development are prime assumed.

Desenvolvimento regional do território do estado do Tocantins: implicações e alternativas

Oliveira, Nilton Marques de 12 November 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisou a transição do antigo norte de Goiás para criação do território Estado do Tocantins e a sua conjuntura do desenvolvimento regional entre 1990 e 2010. Partiu-se do aporte teórico de Raffestin sobre o conceito de desenvolvimento territorial. Na primeira parte recuperam-se alguns elementos históricos da antiga região norte de Goiás, mormente sobre as condições precárias dos indicadores sociais e econômicos, buscando captar no tempo e no espaço a criação do Estado do Tocantins e sua inserção na economia regional e nacional. Na segunda parte, tratou-se da problemática do desenvolvimento regional o aporte teórico partiu das concepções de Douglass North e complementando a discussão sobre econômica regional, foram trazidos autores como Christaller, Myrdal, Perroux e Hirschman. A metodologia aplicada foi a análise de observação e percepção. Na parte quantitativa, o instrumental utilizado foi a estimativa do Índice de Desenvolvimento Regional (IDR) e o método de análise regional. Permeados por dados secundários do Ipeadata, RAIS, IBGE e PNUD. Na parte qualitativa, utilizou-se a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), por meio de questionários e entrevista dos atores-chaves. Na estimativa do IDR, chegou-se a um resultado que permite ordenar os municípios conforme o grau de dinamicidade. Conclui-se que em todos os períodos analisados, há grandes desigualdades sociais e econômicas entre os municípios do Tocantins. No entanto, vem reduzindo moderadamente a quantidade de municípios de base econômica retardatários. Constatou-se que o grande empregador está vinculado ao poder público estadual e municipal. Todavia, a economia do território Tocantins tem aumentando sua participação na geração de emprego nos setores do comércio, do serviço, da indústria de transformação, da construção civil e do ramo de atividade da agropecuária. Estimando o multiplicador de emprego para o Estado do Tocantins, passou de 4, 76 em 2000, para 5, 11, em 2010, ou seja, o estado vem aumento sua capacidade de gerar emprego no setor básico para o setor não básico da economia do Tocantins. Constatou-se, também, que a rodovia Belém-Brasília (BR-153) se constitui num corredor de desenvolvimento regional. Contudo há grandes disparidades e desigualdades entre os municípios do Tocantins, onde 117 estão abaixo da base de polo de manutenção, dos 22 municípios, 19 têm base de polo de manutenção, de especialização, e apenas 3 (Palmas , Araguaína e Gurupi) apresenta polo de base de diversificação, ou seja, possui mais base de diversificação e difusão. / This research analyzed the transition from the old northern Goiás State, Brazil, to the creation of the Tocantins State territory and its regional development context from 1990 to 2010. This study is based on the theoretical support of Raffestin on the concept of territorial development. In the first part, some historical elements of the old northern Goiás about the precarious situation of social and economic indicators are recovered, seeking to capture in time and space the creation of the Tocantins State and its integration into the regional and national economy. The second part addresses the regional development issues with the theoretical basis on Douglass North conceptions and completion of the discussion on regional economy using the authors as Christaller, Myrdal, Perroux and Hirschman. Analysis of observation and perception were used as methodology. The estimate of the Regional Development Index (RDI) and the method of regional analysis were used for the quantitative part, permeated by the side data of Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea) (Applied Economic Research Institute), Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS) (Annual List of social Information), Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The technique of the Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) (Collective Subject Discourse) was used for qualitative part through questionnaires and interviews with key stakeholders. Estimating the Index of Regional Development (IRD), the result allows us to organize the municipalities according to their degree of dynamism. It is concluded in all analyzed periods that there are great social and economic inequalities among the one hundred thirty-nine municipalities of Tocantins State. However, the amount of stragglers economic base of municipalities is coming moderately reducing. It was found that the major employer is linked to state and local government. Nonetheless, the economy of Tocantins territory has increased its share in employment generation in the sectors of trade, services, manufacturing, construction, and agricultural branch of activity. The employment multiplier for the State of Tocantins increased from 4,76 in 2000 to 5,11 in 2010, i.e., the State has increased its capacity to generate employment in the primary sector to the non-basic sector of the economy. It was found also that the Belém-Brasília highway (BR-153) constitutes a regional development corridor. Nevertheless, there are great disparities and inequalities among the municipalities of Tocantins, considering one hundred and seventeen municipalities below the base maintenance polo; nineteen municipalities have base maintenance polo of specialization, and only three municipalities (Palmas, Gurupi, and Araguaína) present diversification base pole, i.e., they have more diversification and diffusion base.

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