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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mainstreaming av integration : Om översättning av policy och nätverksstyrning med förhinder inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, 1998 – 2007 / Mainstreaming integration policy : On translation of policy and network governance with a hindrance in Swedish regional development policy,1998-2007

Andersson, Ragnar January 2011 (has links)
Det här är en fallstudie av hur integrationspolitiska mål översätts tvärsektoriellt inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken: i en rad olika sammanhang på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå. I studien beskrivs och analyseras hur idén om integration genom mainstreaming översätts till den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, för att fortsätta med en fördjupad analys av det regionala tillväxtpartnerskapet i Östergötland samt olika lokala kommunala tillväxtpartnerskap. Avslutningsvis jämförs resultaten från Östergötland med utvecklingen i landets övriga 20 regionala tillväxtpartnerskap. I avhandlingen visas att det fanns höga ambitioner om att genomföra en mainstreaming, bland annat med hjälp av nätverksstyrning. Så skedde också i olika målsättningstexter och beslut. Men när dessa målsättningar och beslut skulle omvandlas till aktiviteter, fullföljdes inte mainstreamingen. Man avstod helt från att göra något inriktat mot invandrare eller så genomfördes olika former av säråtgärder för invandrare. Avhandlingen visar dock på stora skillnader mellan olika aktörer och sammanhang. I vissa fall var man nära på att uppfylla kraven på en mainstreaming, i andra valde man att inte försöka. I avhandlingen visas också att hinder för genomförandet varit föreställningar om invandrare och invandrarfrågor som ej bidragande i ekonomiska tillväxtsammanhang, brist på styrningskompetens och resurser samt ett bristande kunnande om hur man skulle mainstreama integration. / This is a case study of how the Swedish migrant policy is cross-sectorally translated into the regional development policy area: at national, regional and municipal levels. The study describes and analyzes first how the idea of integration through mainstreaming is translated into the regional development policy. Secondly it conducts an in-depth analysis of the Regional Growth Partnership in the region of Östergötland as well as various municipality based growth partnerships. Finally, the results are compared with the development of other Regional Growth Partnerships (21 in total) in Sweden. The thesis shows that there were high ambitions for implementing the idea of mainstreaming integration, including the use of network governance. This also was reflected in other objectives and decisions. But when these goals and decisions were to be transformed into activities, the mainstreaming they were not completed. All actors refrained from implementing the proposed mainstreaming model; but some did implement various forms of side-stream measures for migrants. The thesis reveals large differences between different actors and contexts. In some cases, they were close to meeting the requirements of mainstreaming, in others they chose not to try at all. The thesis also shows that hindrances to translations were negatively related to the categorizations of immigrants, lack of management skills and resources and a lack of knowledge about how to mainstream integration of immigrants.

Multi-arenor : Inverkan på turismnäringen- flöden- och symboliska värden / Multi-Purpose Stadiums : Impact on the Tourism Industry- Flows- and Symbolic Values

Napiorkowski, Filip, Högfors, Robin January 2014 (has links)
Idrottsarenor, och för denna uppsats del, ishockeyarenor, har med åren kommit att få större betydelse än bara den betydelsen den skapar för själva idrottsföreningen och laget som spelar där. Allt fler arenor har fått ett så kallat multi koncept och således blivit multi-arenor. Arenor som kan användas till en rad olika evenemang, som exempelvis ishockeymatcher, curling turneringar, konferenser, musikkonserter och andra typer av evenemang. I denna studie, med hjälp av tre studieobjekt, Läkerol arena i Gävle, Löfbergs arena i Karlstad och Cloetta Center i Linköping, avser författarna att belysa och bättre förstå fenomenet med multi-arenor. Främst utifrån vilken betydelse en sådan arena har för besöksnäringen i staden, hur arenan kan skapa nya evenemangsmöjligheter, om den förbättrar stadens image som helhet och om en sådan arena kan fungera som en symbol. För att bättre förstå detta fenomen kommer uppstasen ha ett producentperspektiv, det vill säga att uppsatsen kommer fokusera kring producenterna av arenan och turismnäringen i de aktuella städerna. Genom detta är de metoder som använts i denna studie främst kvalitativa intervjuer med producenter, det vill säga arenaansvariga och kommunföreträdare för besöksnäringen. Vidare har även en innehållsanalys av de aktuella städernas resebroschyrer gjorts, för att se hur arenan används i marknadsföringen och så har även de respektive länens regionala utvecklingsplaner studeras, för att se hur de avser använda sin multi-arena. Den vetenskapsteoretiska ansats som använts för detta är en socialkonstruktivistisk teori, med en hermeneutisk tolkningslära. Dem teorier som främst använts i denna uppstats, för att belysa problemområdet och besvara syftet, är teorier kring evenemang, sportevenemang, multi-arenor, evenemangsplanering, konkurrens, regional utveckling, imageskapande och symboler. Den empiriska insamlingen av data presenteras sedan i tre kapitel (5,6 och 7), där det första av dessa kapitel inriktas mot befintlig marknadsföring och planering, således data från resebroschyrer och regionala utvecklingsplaner, medan de två övriga empirikapitlen fokuserar kring dem intervjusvar som inkommit till denna studie, och har således större fokusering kring producenternas åsikter, förhoppningar och arbetsmetoder för att skapa en attraktionskraftig arena. Sedermera analyserars den insamlade datan mot de tidigare presenterade teorierna i kapitel 8, där även en viss diskussion förs kring de berörda områdena, för att sedermera komma fram till de mer avgränsade slutsatserna som denna studie mynnar ut i. Där de främsta slutsatserna är att de olika arenorna har bidragit till att skapa större evenemangsmöjligheter för de olika städerna, arenorna har även förbättrat städernas image, och kan också i vissa fall fungera som symboler för de olika städerna. Genom detta, möjliggörs det att konstatera att arenorna har haft en positiv inverkan på turismströmmarna till de olika städerna, dock är det fortfarande så att samtliga arenor fortfarande är av störst relevans för de respektive ishockeylagen som spelar där. Det finns också sociala skillnader mellan de tre städerna som medför vissa skillnader dem emellan, men de övergripande dragen är detsamma för samtliga tre studieobjekt. / Sports centers, and in the case of this study, ice hockey arenas, have begun to bear more meaning than just an arena for sporting events and for the local athletic association. More and more stadiums have been developed into so called multi-purpose stadiums, and that means that those stadiums can host more than one form or type of event, whether it is a concert, sports meet or a convention. This study focuses on three different multi-purpose stadiums in three different Swedish cities. These stadiums are Läkerol Arena in Gävle, Löfbergs Arena in Karlstad and Cloetta Center in Linköping. By studying these stadiums, the authors of this study want to examine the phenomenon with multi-purpose stadiums. The authors want to see how much a multi-purpose stadium of this sort affects the tourism in a city that has one such stadium, furthermore if said stadium can be able to create new possibilities for events, if the stadium improves the city’s image and if such a stadium can become a symbol for a city or region. To better understand this phenomenon, this study will follow the producers’ perspective, that is, focus on the different producers that help develop the arena, attract new events as well as the producers of the tourism industry in these cities. This paper will use methods for research that focus on qualitative interviews with different producers, that is, those in charge of the stadiums and those in charge for the tourism industry in each city. This study furthermore includes a content analysis of these different cities’ travel brochures, to see how the stadium is being branded in said brochures. In addition to the brochures, the regional development plans of Gävle, Karlstad and Linköping, have also been studied to see whether or not the stadium in each city is included in their plans for further development. The epistemological approach of this study is of a social-constructivist type with hermeneutic interpretation learning. The various theories used for this paper, help to illustrate the problem area and further answer the aim of this study. These theories have their roots in events, sporting events, multi-purpose stadiums, event planning, competition, regional development, image-making and symbolism. The empiric data is presented further through chapters 5 to 7, where the first of these chapters focuses on existing branding and planning, thus presenting the information gathered from brochures and regional development plans whereas the remaining two chapters present the information gathered from the interviews that where conducted during this study, and thus focus on the producers thoughts, hopes and work methods to create a highly attractive stadium. The last chapters consist of the analysis of the gathered empirical as well as the theoretical material, where a discussion is held about the affected fields, to come to conclusions that mark the ending of this study. The main conclusions being the contribution the various stadiums make towards broader event possibilities for the various cities as well as the improved images of said cities with the help of these multi-purpose stadiums and the symbolic value these stadiums have brought to the cities and regions they are built in. To conclude this, these stadiums have had a positive impact on the tourism flows within their cities. Although, one must remember that these stadiums are most relevant to the hockey teams that play in these stadiums. Furthermore, there are some social differences between the cities of Gävle, Karlstad and Linköping that differentiate these cities from one another, but the overall traits are still very similar between these three study objects.

Räumliche Handlungskonzepte: Ein Blick auf Probleme ihrer Erarbeitung und Umsetzung

Altholz, Vitali 22 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation untersucht auf der Basis der Inhaltsanalyse von 429 deutschsprachigen Konzepten der Raumplanung sowie mit Hilfe von 17 ExpertInneninterviews verschiedene Problemzustände der Planung und Umsetzung räumlicher Entwicklungsmaßnahmen sowie den Umgang mit diesen Problemzuständen seitens der raumplanerischen Praxis und der Raumpolitik in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Dabei wurde – neben allgemeinen Informationen über inhaltliche Schwerpunkte und Ausrichtungen der untersuchten Konzepte, ihre Planungszeiträume und Autoren sowie Entscheidungsverfahren und -methoden – ein differenzierter Katalog unterschiedlicher Problemzustände und kritischer Faktoren erstellt, welcher bei der konzeptionellen Ausrichtung zukünftiger Konzepte als Orientierungshilfe dienen kann. Der Autor diskutiert die heutige Rolle räumlicher Handlungskonzepte und weist eindringlich auf die Problematik der Verdrängung kritischer Zustände im Zusammenhang der Erarbeitung und Umsetzung räumlicher Handlungskonzepte hin.

Exploring the missing links : a critical inquiry into the role of social capital in Australian regional development.

Chiveralls, Keri January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of social capital in Australian regional development. It does so though a case study of one of the most socio-economically disadvantaged regions in Australia, the City of Playford, (perhaps best known as the former City of Elizabeth and home of South Australian Manufacturing). The approach taken involves an examination of the historical roots, more recent academic and political debates, along with the structural political and economic conditions which have inspired the rise of social capital. This is accompanied by an exploration of the application and implications of the social capital approach to development in the City of Playford. Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in social capital theory. Of particular interest to policy makers has been the suggestion that there is a link between social capital and economic development. This argument has lent support to the idea that inequality in regional economic development can be tackled by building social capital in disadvantaged regions. In this thesis I take a critical approach to both the concept ‘social capital’ and the link between social capital and economic development. I suggest that the popularity of social capital may be due more to the political and academic environment in which the concept was spawned, than its ability to address issues of inequality in regional development. The results of the case study in the City of Playford highlight the continuing importance of issues of class and structural inequality in Australian regional development. I argue that contemporary applications of social capital in regional development are not only unable to adequately address such issues, but may also be contributing to their exacerbation. Having drawn attention to the inherently problematic nature of the concept, I then discuss the implications of the research findings for the future of social capital in both policy and social theory. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1345130 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2008

Exploring the missing links : a critical inquiry into the role of social capital in Australian regional development.

Chiveralls, Keri January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of social capital in Australian regional development. It does so though a case study of one of the most socio-economically disadvantaged regions in Australia, the City of Playford, (perhaps best known as the former City of Elizabeth and home of South Australian Manufacturing). The approach taken involves an examination of the historical roots, more recent academic and political debates, along with the structural political and economic conditions which have inspired the rise of social capital. This is accompanied by an exploration of the application and implications of the social capital approach to development in the City of Playford. Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in social capital theory. Of particular interest to policy makers has been the suggestion that there is a link between social capital and economic development. This argument has lent support to the idea that inequality in regional economic development can be tackled by building social capital in disadvantaged regions. In this thesis I take a critical approach to both the concept ‘social capital’ and the link between social capital and economic development. I suggest that the popularity of social capital may be due more to the political and academic environment in which the concept was spawned, than its ability to address issues of inequality in regional development. The results of the case study in the City of Playford highlight the continuing importance of issues of class and structural inequality in Australian regional development. I argue that contemporary applications of social capital in regional development are not only unable to adequately address such issues, but may also be contributing to their exacerbation. Having drawn attention to the inherently problematic nature of the concept, I then discuss the implications of the research findings for the future of social capital in both policy and social theory. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1345130 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2008

Analýza programovacího období 2007 - 2013 v zemích V4 / Analysis of the programming period 2007 - 2013 in V4 countries

HRONKOVÁ, Věra January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to analyse the disbursement of funds the European Union on the territory of Visegrad countries within the programming period 2007 2013. Primarily the work deals how much was been reached from expected financial allocation resources and the resulting drawdown of funds divided into areas in which the finance income in countries and whether there really to fulfilled the commitments made by the country in the operational programs at the beginning of the programming period 2007 2013.

Analýza podmínek podnikatelského sektoru města Písek / Analysis of business and entrepreneurship sector policy in the town Písek

KOSTOHRYZOVÁ, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse business and entrepreneurship sector of the town Písek and positive attitude of the local municipality towards private business sector operating on the largest industrial zone in South Bohemia. Theoretical part concentrates on description and explanation of the basic terms and relations dealing with the topic of regional development. Afterwards, I focus on description of public and private sectors and possibilities of providing financial subsidies from both national and EU funds. The first section of practical part concentrates on detailed description of the region Písek from various viewpoints social, demographic, economic, industry sectors and competitiveness. Furthermore, I describe and analyse business and entrepreneurship conditions within the industrial zone lying on the edge of the northern part of the town Písek focusing on the past, present and future. I also describe clusters and evaluate success rate and effectiveness of the town Písek in obtaining financial subsidies from both national and EU funds. The last part uses the findings to compare the industrial zone in Písek with a similar industrial zone in Vodňany. Finally, I summarise and evaluate all findings. I outline the possibilities of further development of the industrial zone Písek and ways to obtain financial subsidies for development of business and entrepreneurship sector in the town Písek from accessible European funds.

Vliv letecké dopravy na regionální rozvoj / The impacts of aviation on regional development

NOVOTNÝ, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis is aiming to problematics of air transport and its impacts on regional development. First part of this thesis is dedicated to theoretical studying of aviation, aviation´s history, its impacts mainly on economics and environment. Next part of theoretical studying examines regional development, theoretical basis of regional development, how is it measured and which tools are being used for influencing regional development. Practical part is aiming on the importance of air transport for selected region, then it informs about similar airports. This is helpful for making an opinion how airport can influence a region. In the next part the program of regional development of selected region is analyzed and there are identified the most important points which are analyzed in the last part. The last part is trying to respond to the objectives of the thesis, which are evaluation of the impacts of aviation on regional development in selected region and quantification of these effects.

Přeshraniční spolupráce EU a vybraným státem / The Cross-border co-operation EU and chosen state

CHROMÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is The Cross-border co-operation Czech Republic and Germany in the framework of programme INTERREG IV in period 2007-2013 Emphasis is placed on analysis, and subsequent comparison of the cooperation between the two countries. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part is devoted to the European Union, regional policy in the European Union, cross-border cooperation in general and the history of the European territorial cooperation. In the second part of the thesis is an analysis of crossborder cooperation within the Programme Cross-border Cooperation of Czech Republic and Saxony and analysis of cross-border co-operation within the Programme Cross-border Cooperation of Czech Republic and Bavaria. In the last part of this thesis is the comparison of both operational programs and Euroregions, which are part of a subsequent evaluation of the results and their possible contribution to removing regional disparities.

Zona Franca de Manaus : um estudo sobre a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo

Oliveira, Jofre Luís da Costa January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho avalia a renúncia tributária dos entes federativos e os benefícios socioeconômicos gerados pelo modelo da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM). Nosso objetivo foi mensurar os custos sociais do modelo por intermédio da desoneração tributária ou gastos tributários dos Entes e confrontá-los com os benefícios locais que foram medidos pelos diversos indicadores socioeconômicos. A plataforma teórica tem como sustentáculo a teoria dos pólos de Desenvolvimento e a Teoria da Base Exportadora. Diversos aspectos da ZFM foram abordados, notadamente: a legislação pertinente, os principais incentivos envolvidos, o histórico, as atualidades, os resultados alcançados, as origens dos principais insumos, as principais dificuldades e as perspectivas do modelo. Além disso, foi dado ênfase na arrecadação dos Entes, principalmente na arrecadação tributária da Receita Federal no Amazonas e na arrecadação tributária do Estado do Amazonas; e a desoneração tributária do Governo Federal. No âmbito da arrecadação, foi comprovada que a arrecadação Federal no Estado é expressiva, aproximadamente 64% de toda arrecadação da segunda região fiscal da Receita Federal; no tocante à receita tributária Estadual, mostrou-se que vem aumentando nos últimos anos e que, em 2009, alcançou cifras de R$ 4,6 bilhões, sendo que a maior parte desta tem origem no ICMS. A arrecadação proveniente do PIM é expressiva uma vez que a arrecadação da indústria corresponde, aproximadamente, a 50%. Além disso, dos 10 maiores arrecadadores do tributo cinco são empresas que pertencem ao PIM. No que concerne ao gasto tributário, cujo estudo foi concentrado nos gastos federais, constatou-se que as desonerações previstas para a Região Norte são relevantes, mas estão distantes das apresentadas por outras regiões, principalmente as das regiões Sul e Sudeste (62,30% do total). Em relação aos gastos tributários com a ZFM, contatou-se que: R$ 3,3 bilhões correspondem a 16,3% do total da função industria; e na função orçamentária comércio e serviços R$ 8,8 bilhões correspondem a 27,7% do total. A criação da ZFM proporcionou pontos positivos (6° PIB do Brasil) e negativos (concentração de 80% do PIB do Estado) para Manaus. O PIB do Amazonas acompanhou o crescimento do PIB brasileiro e foi muito superior ao PIB da Região Norte. Entretanto, se fizermos uma análise tomando como base o ano de 2003, notaremos que o PIBpm per capita amazonense cresceu 61% em 2007, superior ao da Região (58%) e do Brasil (52%). Os resultados finais da pesquisa chegam à conclusão que as desonerações tributárias são expressivas, mas distantes de outras existentes em outras regiões do País e que, apesar das isenções fiscais, a arrecadação tributária no Estado é elevada. Sendo assim, os indicadores nos mostram que os custos sociais para manter os incentivos fiscais são menores do que os benefícios socioeconômicos usufruídos pelo Estado do Amazonas em decorrência da existência do PIM. / This thesis assesses the government´s tax resigns and the socioeconomics benefits created to Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM). Our objetive was measure the social cost of model ZFM have represented for public’s entities tax bills and to compare it with local benefits to established several socioeconomics indicators.The revision of literature focused on the theory of growth in industrial poles and export base theory. Were addressed various aspects of the ZFM, mainly: the legislation, the main incentives, the historical, current affairs, the achievements, the main difficulties and prospects of the model. Moreover, we focus on the collection of entities, especially, the tax collection of federal revenue in the amazon’s state and tax collection in the state of amazon; and the government´s tax resigns. As part of the collection, we proved that the collection is a significant Federal-state, approximately 64% the entire collection of the second fiscal region. regarding the state tax revenue, we show that has increased in recent years and in 2009 reached figures of R$ 4.6 billion, with most of this stems from the ICMS (Value Added Tax on Sale and Services). The collection proceeds from the PIM (industrial pole of Manaus) is significant since the collection of the industry corresponds to approximately 50%. In addition, the 10 biggest taxpayers are 05 companies that belong to the PIM. Regarding the expenditure tax, whose study focused on federal spending, we proved that the tariff reductions or tax resigns planned for the northern region are significant, but are far from those given by other regions, mainly in South and Southeast (62.30% of total ). Regarding tax bills with the ZFM, contact: R$ 3.3 billion, representing 16.3% of the total light industry, and commerce and in the civil service budget R$ 8.8 billion, representing 27.7% of total.The creation of the ZFM gave positive points (6º of GDP in Brazil) and negative (concentration of 80% of State GDP) to Manaus. The Amazon’s GDP has followed growth of Brazil's GDP and GDP was much higher than the Northern Region. However, making an analysis based on year 2003, we note that GDP pm "per capita" Amazon grew 61% in 2007, higher than the Region (58%) and Brazil (52%). The final survey results come to the conclusion that the tax bills are significant, but far from existing in other regions of the country and that despite the tax exemptions, tax collections in the state is high. Thus, the indicators show us that the social costs to keep tax incentives that are lower socio-economic benefits enjoyed by the city of Manaus, since there's PIM.

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