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Uma questão de oportunidade: a relação com o saber de estudantes das camadas populares na pós-graduação da Universidade de São Paulo / A question of opportunity: the relation with the knowledge of students of the working classes in the postgraduate course of the University of São PauloAlves, Renata de Oliveira 23 May 2017 (has links)
Na busca por compreender as razões do sucesso e do fracasso escolares em meios populares, Bernard Charlot e sua equipe iniciaram suas pesquisas dedicando-se a analisar as relações e os sentidos que os estudantes estabelecem com a escola e com o saber. Essas pesquisas resultaram na noção de relação com o saber, segundo a qual as experiências individuais e o sentido que o aluno atribui aos seus estudos teriam maior influência no seu desempenho escolar do que sua origem social. Em nosso país, estudantes das camadas populares, estatisticamente, têm poucas chances de acesso ao ensino superior, sobretudo em universidades públicas, e dar continuidade a esses estudos cursando pós-graduação, pode ser um desafio ainda maior. Sendo assim, a pesquisa teve o objetivo de conhecer a relação com o saber desenvolvida por estudantes de pós-graduação oriundos das camadas populares e compreender de que forma ela foi desenvolvida ao longo de suas trajetórias escolares, incluindo a experiência na graduação e na pós-graduação. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com cinco estudantes de pós-graduação, de cada uma das cinco áreas de conhecimento, segundo a divisão utilizada pela CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), a saber: Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Ciências Humanas, Ciências da Saúde, Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e Ciências Biológicas. A dedicação e o empenho dos estudantes, o apreço pelo saber, a importância do hábito de leitura, a referência a professores marcantes e a grande satisfação que o acesso ao conhecimento lhes proporcionou foram aspectos que evidenciaram a existência de uma forte relação com o saber escolar. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o desenvolvimento e o fortalecimento dessa relação com o saber foram possibilitados pelo acesso a uma educação de qualidade e à presença de condições objetivas favoráveis ao estudo em algum momento de suas trajetórias escolares. Dependendo dessas condições objetivas, a relação com o saber escolar pôde ser observada de forma mais ou menos nítida já durante a educação básica nas trajetórias de alguns estudantes. Em todos os casos, entretanto, essa relação tornou-se mais evidente após o ingresso na universidade, na qual todos apresentaram bons resultados, todos fizeram iniciação científica e todos continuaram demonstrando um desejo ainda maior de aprender, o que nos parece ter sido fruto da oportunidade que lhes foi dada dentro desta instituição de ter acesso a um ensino de qualidade e de poder dedicar-se integralmente aos estudos. / Intending to understand the reasons for school success and failure in working classes, Bernard Charlot and his team began their research by analyzing the relationships and senses that students establish with the school and with the knowledge. These researches have resulted in the notion of relation to knowledge, according to which the individual experiences and the sense that the students attribute to their studies would have a greater influence on their academic performances than their social origins. In Brazil, students from the workin classes, statistically, have little chance to access higher education, especially in public universities, and to continue these studies by post-graduation. Thus, the research had the objective of knowing the relationship with the knowledge developed by postgraduate students coming from the working classes and to understand how it was developed along its scholar trajectories, including the experience in undergraduate and post-university graduate. To do this, in-depth interviews were conducted with five postgraduate students from each of the five areas of knowledge, according to the division used by CAPES (Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), namely: Exact and Earth Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences, Applied Social Sciences and Life Sciences. The dedication and commitment of the students, the appreciation for knowledge, the importance of the reading habit , the reference to outstanding teachers and the great satisfaction that the access to knowledge gave them were aspects that evidenced the existence of a strong relationship with school knowledge. The results of the research indicate that the development and strengthening of this relationship with knowledge were made possible by access to quality education and the presence of objective conditions favorable to the study at any moment in their school trajectories. Depending on these objective conditions, the relationship with school knowledge could already be observed in a more or less clear way already during the basic education in the trajectories of some students. In all cases, however, this relationship became more evident after entering the university, in which all the students showed good results, everyone did scientific initiation and all continued to demonstrate an even greater desire to learn, which seems to have been the result of opportunity given them within this institution to have access to quality education and to be able to devote themselves fully to the studies.
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Percalços de uma travessia na relação com o saber: revisitando a escola particular de elite / Troubles in a journey towards knowledge: revisiting the elite private schoolSzterling, Silvia 16 September 2013 (has links)
Aquilo que herdaste de teus pais, conquista-o para fazê-lo teu (FREUD, 1913, 1969, p. 188). Essa espécie de antropofagia simbólica não poupa a pesquisa acadêmica. Todo pesquisador apropria-se de partes do patrimônio cultural criado pelos que o antecederam e fazem sentido nas profundezas do seu Eu para criar, a partir delas, sua própria pesquisa. De modo que acabamos todos por nos repetir um pouco aqui e ali em torno das mesmas duas ou três questões essenciais: criação e repetição, vida e morte, quer procedamos da sociologia, da psicologia ou da psicanálise. A presente pesquisa situa-se a meio caminho entre essas disciplinas, dialogando com elas a partir do conceito de relação com o saber com a qual Bernard Charlot e outros pesquisadores, franceses, sobretudo, ousaram afrontar a rigidez acadêmica, e descendo às salas de aula das escolas populares de periferia, enfrentaram mais uma vez a questão do fracasso escolar. Aqui o conceito é deslocado no tempo e no espaço para abordar uma questão similar: a da relação predominantemente instrumental que adolescentes brasileiros de classe média e alta estabelecem com a escola e com o saber escolar; e com a mesma liberdade interpretativa busca dar continuidade ao diálogo; para concluir pela importância da posição subjetiva assumida por professores e alunos em relação ao seu próprio desejo (de saber), particularmente neste momento em que instituições como a família, a escola e a autoridade da tradição que elas representam se mostram particularmente esgarçadas. / That which you inherited from your parents, seize it to make it yours (FREUD, 1913). The symbolic anthropophagy suggested by Freud does not save us from academic research. Every researcher makes use of parts of the cultural patrimony created by those who came before him which make sense for his deeper self to create his own research. We all end up gravitating around two or three essential questions: creation and repetition, and life and death, regardless of our origin in the disciplines of Sociology, Psychology or Psychoanalysis. This research is at the crossroads of these disciplines, and created with them a dialogue based on the concept of relation to knowledge, with which Bernard Charlot and other French scholars questioned academic stiffness and went down to working-class schools to face once more the issue of academic failure. Here we bring this notion to another time and space to deal with the following issue: the predominantly instrumental relation that Brazilian teenagers belonging to the elites establish with the school and with academic knowledge. Through an interpretative exercise we find that the subjective attitude taken by teachers and students in relation to their own desire to know is crucial in a moment in which institutions such as the family, the school, and the traditions they represent are weakened.
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La fabrique des managers : identités et rapports aux savoirs / The making of managers : identity and relations to knowledgeCristol, Denis 30 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’explorer la fabrique des managers, en tant qu’expérience sociologique. La méthode d’investigation s’appuie sur les récits de vie et de formation de 39 managers et sur une étude en ligne auprès de 563 managers et s’inscrit dans les perspectives macro, méso et micro (A). Cette fabrique se situe dans le contexte d’une managérialisation qui affecte l’ensemble des rapports sociaux. Au cours de ces changements de repères, la « figure » des managers tend à s’idéaliser, se préciser et vient concurrencer la figure française des cadres. Les modalités de fabrique des managers sont examinées au regard de leur éducation, de leur développement par la carrière, par apprentissages organisationnels et par la formation continue. Ces différentes modalités sont insuffisantes pour expliquer le développement des compétences humaines requises par la fonction de manager. C’est essentiellement par des apprentissages informels en situation que les managers développent des pratiques autodidactes et apprennent leur « métier » (B). Les processus, soulignés dans la thèse, relèvent de la fabrique socio-anthropologique, statutaire et rituelle, relationnelle, sociale, bio-historique, axiologique, sociocognitive, identitaire et émotionnelle (C). La thèse étaye l’idée d’un manager qui émerge de processus de maturation plutôt que d’un manager inné, exclusivement doué de capacités singulières. La contribution principale est la mise en évidence des liens entre rapport aux savoirs et identités pour les trajectoires variés de managers issus de l’enseignement supérieur de la formation continue, de formation en alternance ou de la Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (D). / This thesis explores the making of managers, as a social experience. The method of investigation carries on 39 managers’ life and training stories and an online survey with 563 managers and encompasses macro, meso and micro perspectives (A).This making is situated in the managerialization context which affects the averall society. With theses mark changes, the « manager stereotype » tends to idealize itself and make concurrences « French cadre stereotype ». Ways of making managers are examinated with the regard of education, career path, organisational learning, and vocational training. This ways lack to explain human skills development required by a managerial function. Essentially this is by informal training that managers develop self directed learning competencies and learn their job (B).The processes noted in the thesis are relevant of socio-anthropological, status and ritual, relational, social, bio-historical, axiological, socio-cognitive, identity and emotional making (C).The thesis establishes the idea of a manager emerging from maturation processes rather than an inborn manager, exclusively endowed with singular ability. The main contribution is the outstanding of ties between relation to knowledge and identities for various manager paths like initial education, vocational training, apprenticeship or validation of acquired vocational skills (D).
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Percalços de uma travessia na relação com o saber: revisitando a escola particular de elite / Troubles in a journey towards knowledge: revisiting the elite private schoolSilvia Szterling 16 September 2013 (has links)
Aquilo que herdaste de teus pais, conquista-o para fazê-lo teu (FREUD, 1913, 1969, p. 188). Essa espécie de antropofagia simbólica não poupa a pesquisa acadêmica. Todo pesquisador apropria-se de partes do patrimônio cultural criado pelos que o antecederam e fazem sentido nas profundezas do seu Eu para criar, a partir delas, sua própria pesquisa. De modo que acabamos todos por nos repetir um pouco aqui e ali em torno das mesmas duas ou três questões essenciais: criação e repetição, vida e morte, quer procedamos da sociologia, da psicologia ou da psicanálise. A presente pesquisa situa-se a meio caminho entre essas disciplinas, dialogando com elas a partir do conceito de relação com o saber com a qual Bernard Charlot e outros pesquisadores, franceses, sobretudo, ousaram afrontar a rigidez acadêmica, e descendo às salas de aula das escolas populares de periferia, enfrentaram mais uma vez a questão do fracasso escolar. Aqui o conceito é deslocado no tempo e no espaço para abordar uma questão similar: a da relação predominantemente instrumental que adolescentes brasileiros de classe média e alta estabelecem com a escola e com o saber escolar; e com a mesma liberdade interpretativa busca dar continuidade ao diálogo; para concluir pela importância da posição subjetiva assumida por professores e alunos em relação ao seu próprio desejo (de saber), particularmente neste momento em que instituições como a família, a escola e a autoridade da tradição que elas representam se mostram particularmente esgarçadas. / That which you inherited from your parents, seize it to make it yours (FREUD, 1913). The symbolic anthropophagy suggested by Freud does not save us from academic research. Every researcher makes use of parts of the cultural patrimony created by those who came before him which make sense for his deeper self to create his own research. We all end up gravitating around two or three essential questions: creation and repetition, and life and death, regardless of our origin in the disciplines of Sociology, Psychology or Psychoanalysis. This research is at the crossroads of these disciplines, and created with them a dialogue based on the concept of relation to knowledge, with which Bernard Charlot and other French scholars questioned academic stiffness and went down to working-class schools to face once more the issue of academic failure. Here we bring this notion to another time and space to deal with the following issue: the predominantly instrumental relation that Brazilian teenagers belonging to the elites establish with the school and with academic knowledge. Through an interpretative exercise we find that the subjective attitude taken by teachers and students in relation to their own desire to know is crucial in a moment in which institutions such as the family, the school, and the traditions they represent are weakened.
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A formação escolar do trabalhador juvenil no contexto da Lei da aprendizagem (Lei nº 10.097/00) / The relationship of young learners with the knowlegde: the school education of the youth worker and the law of learningMenezes, Marcelo D. Bezerra de 21 March 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa localiza-se no campo temático da formação escolar, na interface com o mundo do trabalho. Assim, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo acerca da relação que os jovens trabalhadores (aprendizes), estudantes do Ensino Médio, estabelecem com os saberes escolares sob a mediação da escola pública estadual paulista. Definiu-se a questão-problema desta pesquisa pela seguinte indagação: como se constitui a relação dos jovens trabalhadoresaprendizes com o saber, num contexto entremeado pela formação escolar de nível médio e o mundo do trabalho? E ainda, de forma complementar: como as perspectivas curriculares oficiais do estado de São Paulo, que informam as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no espaço da escola pública, são interpretadas e ressignificadas por esses jovens em seus processos escolares? Assumiu-se como objetivo contribuir com alguns elementos para o aprofundamento da discussão sobre o problema da formação escolar de massas, em suas articulações, subjetivas e objetivas, com o fenômeno social mais amplo da precarização do trabalho juvenil, no período entre 2008-2015, focalizando a relação dos jovens estudantes aprendizes com os saberes escolares e o mundo do trabalho, a partir da Lei da Aprendizagem, nº 10.097/00. A noção de relação com o saber formulada por Bernard Charlot (2000) embasou a construção do objeto desta pesquisa e funcionou como conceito-guia para interpretar a complexidade das relações de precarização presentes tanto no campo educacional quanto no mundo do trabalho, sob a ótica da juventude que trabalha e estuda. Para analisar as relações entre escola, conhecimento e currículo, foram mobilizados conceitos de autores como Gimeno Sacristán, Michael Young e Dermeval Saviani. Os procedimentos consistiram em análises documentais e bibliográficas, bem como na aplicação de balanço dos saberes e no desenvolvimento de grupo focal. Evidenciou-se nesse processo de pesquisa, que a formação escolar desse segmento social, orientada pela noção de competências, é pautada por uma relação instrumental com os saberes e com a escola, coincidindo em muito com as premissas da formação técnica-profissional, também marcada por uma relação pragmática com os conhecimentos. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa aponta para indícios concretos que confirmam a hipótese inicial, que relaciona essa formação escolar de massas com o fenômeno mais amplo da precarização do trabalho juvenil na contemporaneidade, o que se expressa nas inúmeras dificuldades encontradas por esses jovens para, na escola, acessar o conhecimento que lhes possibilite entender a prática social em sua complexidade. / This research locates in the thematic field of school education, in the interface with the world of work. Thus, a qualitative study was carried out about the relationship that the young workers (apprentices), students of the High School, established with the school knowledge under the mediation of the state public school of São Paulo. The problem-solving question of this research was defined by the following question: how does the relationship between the young workers and the learners constitute in a context interspersed with middle-level education and the world of work? And yet, in a complementary way: how are the official curricular perspectives of the state of São Paulo, which inform the pedagogical practices developed in the public school space, are interpreted and re-signified by these young people in their school processes? The objective was to contribute with some elements to deepen the discussion about the problem of mass school education, in its articulations, subjective and objective, with the broader social phenomenon of the precariousness of youth work in the period between 2008-2015, focusing on the relation of the young apprentices students with the school knowledge and the world of work, from the Law of Learning, nº 10.097 / 00. The notion of relationship with the knowledge formulated by Bernard Charlot (2000) grounded the construction of the object of this research and functioned as a guiding concept to interpret the complexity of precarious relations present both in the educational field and in the world of work, from the point of view of youth who work and study. In order to analyze the relationships between school, knowledge, and curriculum, concepts were drawn from authors such as Gimeno Sacristán, Michael Young, and Dermeval Saviani. The procedures consisted of documentary and bibliographic analyzes, as well as the application of the knowledge balance and the development of a focal group. It was evidenced in this research process that the school education of this social segment, guided by the notion of competencies, is based on an instrumental relationship with the knowledge and the school, coinciding very much with the premises of technical and professional formation, also marked by a pragmatic relationship with knowledge. In this sense, the research points to concrete indications that confirm the initial hypothesis, which relates this mass school education to the broader phenomenon of the precariousness of youth work in the contemporary world, which is expressed in the innumerable difficulties encountered by these youngsters in the school to access the knowledge that could enable them to understand the social practice in its complexity.
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Mobilização na aprendizagem da física escolar : uma análise a partir da relação com o saberMaia, Lucas da Silva 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-28T12:01:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the elements that favor (or not) students’ engagement in learning physics based on the relation to knowledge theoretical framework proposed by the French philosopher Bernard Charlot. In order to that, we characterized students relation to physics knowledge identifying their conceptions about school physics, school, the act of learning, themselves as learners at school and understand how their life and school experiences give light to the phenomena under study. We collected information from a population of 142 high school students from public or private schools at São Carlos. This PhD research was executed in three steps which the previous one oriented the actions implemented of the next one. During the first step, we applied a questionnaire in order to characterize students’ relation to school knowledge in general and students’ relation to physics knowledge
and we analyzed the information collected using content analysis (analysis of categories). During the second step, we elaborated profiles of relation to physics knowledge implementing cluster analysis to a set of categories created in the previous step. During the third step, we interviewed 15 students in order to identify the elements the favors or not students’ engagement in Physics learning. We analyzed interviews contents using content analysis (analysis of themes). We concluded that the elements that favors or not students’ engagement in learning physics are related to physics knowledge itself, to teaching actions in physics classrooms and the effects those actions produce, to others and the relation the subject maintains to his/herself. / Esta tese busca identificar os elementos da relação que estudantes do Ensino Médio mantêm com o saber da Física escolar que favorecem ou desfavorecem sua mobilização para aprendê-la, tendo como aporte teórico a teoria da relação com o saber proposta por Bernard Charlot. Para isso, procuramos caracterizar a relação com o saber da Física escolar dos sujeitos envolvidos nesta pesquisa identificando as concepções sobre a disciplina, a escola, ao estudo, a si mesmos como aprendizes e investigar os aspectos de suas experiências vivenciadas na escola e fora dela que dão inteligibilidade ao fenômeno em estudo. Ao todo, participaram da investigação 142 estudantes que cursavam o Ensino Médio ou que haviam concluído o 3º ano a pouco tempo oriundos de instituições de ensino públicas e privadas da cidade de São Carlos-SP. A dinâmica da pesquisa foi dividia em três movimentos, em que o anterior orientava as ações do posterior. No primeiro, aplicamos um questionário com o intuito de caracterizar a relação dos estudantes com o saber escolar, em geral, e com o saber da Física, em particular, e analisamos as informações coletadas por meio da análise categorial. No segundo movimento, construímos perfis de relação com o saber da Física por meio da análise de clusters a partir das categorias criadas na etapa anterior. No terceiro movimento, realizamos entrevistas com 15 estudantes a fim de efetuar uma análise em profundidade do sujeito para identificar os elementos que nutrem ou desviam sua mobilização na aprendizagem da Física. Utilizamos a análise temática para analisar o conteúdo das entrevistas. As análises realizadas nos levam a concluir que os elementos que favorecem e/ou desfavorecem a mobilização na disciplina, para este grupo, estão relacionados ao próprio saber da Física, às práticas pedagógicas nas aulas de Física, ao outro e à relação consigo.
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Élaboration d’un modèle théorique pour étudier le rapport au savoir en didactique de l’histoire et en éducation à la citoyennetéLeblanc, Jessica 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objet d’étude la notion du rapport aux savoirs historiques des élèves de l’ordre secondaire. Plus précisément, il sera question des relations existant entre la conception qu’entretiennent les élèves de l’histoire et du métier de l’historien, leur conception de l’action humaine dans l’histoire et leur sentiment d’être eux-mêmes, aujourd’hui, des acteurs politiques effectifs. Ce sujet est ancré dans le contexte de l’introduction des prescriptions en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté dans le programme d’histoire de niveau secondaire. Cet ajout a pour conséquence d’introduire de nouveaux objectifs en matière d’éducation à la citoyenneté : l’élève, par l’étude de l’évolution démocratique, doit être amené à comprendre le rôle de l’action humaine dans l’histoire, lui faisant ainsi comprendre la valeur de sa propre participation à la vie sociale et politique.
Cela étant dit, les recherches montrent que les enseignants et les enseignantes tardent à adopter la terminologie propre aux compétences du programme de formation en histoire et éducation à la citoyenneté et perpétuent un enseignement de l’histoire-récit qui fait la part belle aux grands évènements et aux grands hommes (Bouhon, 2009; Moisan, 2011). De plus, les manuels utilisés laissent peu de place aux individus ou aux groupes d’individus agissants et présentent rarement leurs actions de manière à rendre compte de leur efficacité (Éthier, 2001; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Enfin, les recherches montrent que les élèves sont enclins à expliquer les changements à l’aide d’une histoire personnalisante, occupée principalement par les grands hommes et les hauts faits de l’histoire politique et militaire (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998).
En explorant les conséquences complexes de ces différents constats, nous avons ressenti une insatisfaction à l’égard de la capacité d’explication de ce phénomène qu’offrait le champ conceptuel de didactique de l’histoire. Par conséquent, ce mémoire portera sur le transfert de la notion de rapport au savoir au domaine de la didactique de l’histoire à partir de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie. Le modèle théorique proposé a été obtenu grâce à une recherche spéculative qui a été inspirée des méthodes de Martineau, Simard et Gauthier (2001) et de Van der Maren (1996). / This thesis explores the relation to historical knowledge of high school students from the province of Quebec. More precisely, we will discuss the relations between student’s conception of history and of the work of historians, student’s conception of human action in history and student’s feeling of their own capacity to effectively participate in the democratic process. The context of this study is the introduction of the recent history and citizenship curriculum in Quebec’s high school that set new objectives in terms of citizenship education: students must now understand the role of human action in history in order to become conscious of their own value as participatory citizens.
In this regard, researches show that teachers are resisting this new direction and that they perpetuate a way of teaching in which historical narratives and men of influences are predominants (Bouhon, 2009 ; Moisan, 2011). Furthermore, the textbooks they are using give little importance to ¨ordinary¨ individuals and groups of individuals whose actions were politically effective (Éthier, 2001 ; Lefrançois, Éthier et Demers, 2011). Researches also show that students have the tendancy to explain historical change by attributing to single exceptionnal individuals the responsability for this change (Hallden, 1986 ; Carretero, Jacott, Limon, Lopez-Manjon et Leon, 1994 ; Carretero, Asuncion et Jacott, 1997 ; Tutiaux-Guillon et Fourmond, 1998). This situation brings to light the distorsion existing between the prescriptions of the new history and citizenship education curriculum and the reality of the classroom.
While exploring the complex consequences and imbrication of these differents statements, we came upon a sense of insatisfaction towards the concepts and notions that exist in didactic of history. In consequences, this thesis will transfer from sociology and anthropology to our field the notion of ¨relation to knowledge¨ (rapport à l’histoire). The theoretical model that is proposed has been obtained by applying Martineau, Simard and Gauthier (2001) and Van der Maren’s (1996) method of theoretical research.
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L'expérience des enseignants spécialisés avec des élèves "autistes" : une approche clinique / The experience of specialized teachers with students with autism : a clinical approachHélie, Thierry 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, écrite par un praticien qui a l'expérience de l'enseignement avec les élèves autistes, s'inscrit en sciences de l'éducation dans une approche clinique d'orientation psychanalytique. Elle interroge l'expérience des enseignants spécialisés travaillant auprès d'élèves avec des troubles autistiques. L'enjeu pour ces enseignants est de créer un espace psychique et des liens permettant la transmission et l'apprentissage de savoirs. Des transformations accompagnent la posture professionnelle qu'ils ont à construire avec ce public spécifique. En effet, ces élèves, entourés par de nombreux professionnels du soin, de l'éducation et de leurs familles, déstabilisent l'enseignant et les connaissances acquises pendant sa formation. Après un retour sur le cheminement du parcours de recherche, ces questions sont problématisées. Quatre entretiens cliniques réalisés auprès d'enseignants travaillant avec des élèves autistes sont analysés. Des concepts venus des sciences de l'éducation, comme celui de soi-professionnel, et de la psychanalyse, avec certains apports de Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion ou Jacques Lacan, sont mis au travail pour explorer les sens possibles de l'expérience rapportée. Certains résultats se dégagent : les enseignants mobilisent des ressources psychiques variées, présentes et passées, personnelles et professionnelles, pour pouvoir entrer en contact avec ces élèves et soutenir un lien d'enseignement inédit. Il apparaît que cet enseignement s'appuie sur les bases fondatrices d'une relation, constituées par la création d'un « espace transitionnel et potentiel » (Winnicott), pour que des liens et des apprentissages se mettent en place. / The author is both a teacher with a vast experience in teaching autistic pupils, and a student of Paris Descartes University in Science of Education, with on a clinical and psychoanalytical approach. The thesis questions the experience of special educational needs (SEN) teachers, specialised in the teaching of pupils with autism. The challenge is to create a psychologically healthy and supportive place as well as bonds conducive to the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. Changes must be done in the professional attitude teachers must adopt. Indeed, their pupils, cared for by numerous healthcare professionals, teachers, as well as their own families are bound to shake the teachers confidence in themselves and in what they have learnt in their professional training. The research trajectory is first analysed, then the questions raised above are presented as problematics. Four clinical interviews carried out by teachers, all working with autistic pupils are analysed. Science of Education concepts such as the self-professional, and psychoanalysis, as well as the works of Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion or Jacques Lacan, are used to explore the possible meanings of the reported experience. Some results emerge: teachers conjure up varied psychological resources, present or past, personal or professional, to make contact with their pupils and maintain this unique teaching bond. Their teaching appears to rely on the bases of a relationship created by a transitional and potential space (Winnicott), so that bonds and learning can be set up.
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Trajectoire scolaire et sens de l'orientation des collégien(ne)s scolarisé(e)s vers le Dispositif d'initiation aux métiers en alternance (DIMA) : entre expérience scolaire et rapport à l'avenir / School trajectory and orientation meaning of middle school students oriented to a work-based learning program (DIMA) : between school experience and relation to the futureBouzignac, Vincent 18 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser l’influence du sens de l’expérience scolaire et du rapport à l’apprendre sur le sens que les collégiens qui entrent en DIMA accordent à leur orientation. Le sens de l’orientation est étudié à partir du modèle de la socialisation active de Malrieu (2003). La population est composée de 416 collégiens de la région Midi-Pyrénées dont 217 ont été orientés en DIMA et 199 sont scolarisés en classe de 3ème Préparatoire aux Formations Professionnelles (3ème PFP). Tous ont répondu à un questionnaire informatisé dans le cadre d’une passation collective en classe. Une première analyse descriptive, comparative entre les deux groupes d’élèves permet d’étudier les spécificités de la trajectoire et des caractéristiques psychosociales de la population des élèves de DIMA. Une seconde analyse multi variée réalisée uniquement sur les réponses au questionnaire des élèves de DIMA, révèle trois profils d’élèves développant des formes de rapport à l’orientation hétérogènes. Six collégiens représentatifs ont été sélectionnés pour une étude approfondie, par entretiens semi-directifs de recherche. Les résultats montrent que les élèves scolarisés en DIMA, majoritairement issus des milieux populaires, présentent une trajectoire scolaire spécifique marquée par des difficultés précoces dans les apprentissages. Ce sont des collégiens qui ont développé un rapport à l’école souvent à l’opposé des demandes et attentes institutionnelles. Les collégiens ont construit une représentation positive du DIMA et cette orientation suscite une forte adhésion. Si l’engagement vers le préapprentissage s’articule autour du souhait de rupture avec un passé scolaire aliénant, il s’inscrit également dans le désir d’apprendre autrement. Nos résultats montrent l’influence fondamentale de la socialisation familiale et scolaire dans les remaniements du rapport au savoir qui contribuent à donner du sens à cette orientation. Cette dernière apparaît comme une fonction subjective permettant à l’adolescent de palier les antagonismes et les différents conflits construits au cœur des espaces de socialisation. Le DIMA permet à une grande majorité de jeunes de renouer avec une image de soi ouvrant l’espace des possibles et contribuant au « projet de soi ». L’orientation vers le DIMA représente un point d’ancrage entre espace social et sujet étayant le processus de personnalisation de l’adolescent. / The objective of this thesis is to analyse the influence of the meaning attributed to school experience and to the relation to learning on the meaning that the secondary school students who enter a work-based learning program (DIMA) place on their orientation. Orientation meaning is studied after the active socialization model of Philippe Malrieu (2003). The population consists of 416 middle school students from the Region Midi-Pyrénées which 217 were referred to DIMA and 199 were schooled in a Preparatory to Professional Training 9th Grade (G9 PFP). All answered a computerized questionnaire during a collective assessment within classroom. A first descriptive analysis, comparing both groups of students, allowed us to study the trajectory and psychosocial characterizations specificities of the DIMA students. A second multivariate analysis based on the DIMA students’ responses only, revealed three types of students with heterogeneous relations to orientation. Six representative students were selected for further study, based on semi-directive interviews. The results show that DIMA students, who mostly come from the working classes, have a specific academic trajectory marked by early difficulties in learning. They are middle-school students that have developed a relation to school in opposition with institutional demands and expectations. They have built a positive representation of DIMA and this orientation generates strong adhesion and a high satisfaction rate. If the commitment to pre-apprenticeship revolves around the wish to break with school alienating past, it is also in the desire to learn differently. Our results show the fundamental influence of family socialization and school acculturation processes in the modulations of relation to knowledge that help make sense of this orientation. This orientation appears as a subjective function allowing the adolescent to overcome the antagonisms and the various conflicts built at the heart of social spaces. DIMA enables a large majority of teenagers to reconnect with a coherent self-image, broadening the space of possibilities and contributing to a “self-project”. The orientation to DIMA represents an anchor between social space and the subject, supporting the personalization process of the adolescent.
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Parcours de réussite scolaire de jeunes relevant de l’Aide sociale à l’enfance : conditions et modalités d’expression du processus de résilience / The course for a successful scholarity among young people, depending on social child and youth services : conditions and modes of expressing of the process of resilienceLeroux, Élisabeth 17 June 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche explore les conditions d’émergence et d’exercice de la réussite scolaire chez des jeunes relevant de la Protection de l’enfance, au travers d’une approche conjuguant positionnement et dynamique sociaux et relationnels et mobilisation individuelle. Elle a été réalisée, à partir de 2009, sur deux circonscriptions d’action sociale du département de l’Ain et alimentée par deux phases de travail de terrain. La première, quantitative, a été réalisée par questionnaire auprès des adultes (accueillants, travailleurs sociaux référents, enseignants) en charge des 229 jeunes confiés de ces deux zones et a consisté en un recueil de données relatif à leur parcours de placement, leur scolarité, leurs spécificités, leurs liens avec leur famille d’origine. La seconde, qualitative, a pris la forme d’entretiens auprès de ceux que l’exploitation des questionnaires avait permis d’identifier comme étant en réussite scolaire (N=83). Ont ainsi été recueillis 39 entretiens d’adolescents, auxquels ont été adjoints 7 apports d’adultes, « ex-enfants de la Ddass ». Le contenu de ces entretiens a été traité par la méthode Chartier (codage des unités d’informations), complétée d’un travail littéral approfondi autour des stratégies mises en œuvre. Les résultats des analyses quantitatives confirment les soubassements traditionnels de l’adaptation scolaire et, en particulier, l’impact socio-culturel du milieu familial. Ils mettent, de plus, en évidence les ressources que ces jeunes déploient spécifiquement, dans leur parcours inattendu, ainsi que les ancrages et étayages qu’ils expérimentent. Les entretiens permettent d’affiner ces deux atouts. Apparaissent ainsi particulièrement discriminants au regard de la réussite scolaire la personnalité du jeune, marquée par une profonde détermination, une grande maturité, une aptitude à positiver son vécu et à envisager l’avenir avec confiance, le rôle de relations de proximité, entretenues avec un certain nombre de personnes marquantes, la capacité à se distancier d’événements ou de personnes susceptibles d’entraver la progression. Ces traits dessinent des processus et des expériences de résilience, où les fragilités ne sont pas absentes - leurs motivations sont diverses, leurs résultats ne sont pas tous excellents, leur passé ressurgit régulièrement - mais où l’école et le savoir apparaissent comme espaces de perspectives et comme médiateurs à l’expression et à la réalisation de leur reconstruction. / This research explores the emerging conditions and the successful scholastic results of those covered by the Protection for Children, through an approach grouping social and relational position and dynamics, and individual mobilisation. It took place in two sectors of the social action in the Ain department and concerned two phases of field work. The first one, quantitative, was achieved with a questionnaire for adults (the welcoming committee, social workers and teachers) in charge of the 229 youths in these 2 zones and consisted of a recording of facts relevant to their experience of placement, scholarity, specifications and their possible links or ties with their birth family. The second one, qualitative, resulted from meetings with those who appeared to be in academic achievement through the questionnaires (N=83). Thus, we were able to record interviews with 39 adolescents combined with those of 7 adults, themselves "ex-children of the Ddass". The contents of these meetings were analysed using the Chartier Method (a code of information units), in addition to an extensive amount of literal work about the used strategies. The results of the quantitative analysis confirm the traditional foundations of scholastic adaptation and, in particular, the socio-cultural impact of the family. In addition, it brings out the resources which the adolescents specifically use in their unexpected course as well as the anchorages and supports they may experience. These meetings allow us to define both these opportunities. Moreover, this shows in a particularly specific way the personality of the adolescent with successful scholastic results, shown by a strong determination, an increased maturity, an aptitude for positive thinking about his/her life, with a confident outlook to the future, the role of the close environment, looked after by a certain number of influential figures and the ability to distant himself/herself from events or people likely to hinder his/her progress. These specific features shape and form processes and experiences of resilience, where certain weaknesses are present - their motivations are varied, not all results are excellent as their past regularly reappears in their lives - but which above all bring into play learning and knowledge as sources of perspectives and as mediators to express and realise their reconstruction.
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