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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literární tvorba Austrálie: Motiv cesty pohledem kulturní antropologie / Writing Australia: The Motif of Journey through the Prism of Cultural Anthropology

Pavlíčková, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This MA thesis is focused on discovering the literary motif of journey in selected works defined by Australia. These works also share the interest in shaping Australian identity. A socio-historical background of colonisation and the first settlement in Australia is provided and the key terms of cultural anthropology are further elaborated on. The thesis depicts traditional Aboriginal culture and focuses especially on its earthbound philosophy. Special attention is paid to the differences among various literary approaches towards the subject matter, to the application of cultural anthropology findings, to the depiction of clashes between different cultures and possibilities of their reconciliation. Furthermore, the works of selected authors are closely characterised from the point of view of their degree of authenticity and the genre specifics. Various treatments of the literary motif of journey are compared and critically analysed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Kulturní relativismus: jeho filosofické kořeny, současné debaty a kritické zhodnocení / Cultural relativism: its philosophical roots, contemporary debates and critical exaluation

RYBOVÁ, Nela January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with topic of cultural relativism. The first chapter is concerned with concept of cultural relativism, its understanding, definitions, its connection with other conceptions of relativism, i.e. ethical and cognitive relativism. The second part concentrates on finding of philosophical roots, which became the fundamental presumptions for origin of cultural relativism, whereas the second part contains the chapter about history of cultural anthropology, which treats of establishment of cultural relativism as the one of the most fundamental concept of cultural anthropology. The third section foreshadows current debates dealing with cultural relativism. The critical perspective is applied to arguments and objections for or contra cultural relativism appearing in the work. And equally there is the treatise of role of cultural relativism in anthropological practises.

Univerzalita a relativita lidských práv z pohledu islámu - případová studie Saúdská Arábie / Universality and relativity of human rights from the perspective of Islam - case study of Saudi Arabia

Tošovská, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I focused on human rights in Islam from the universal and the culture comparative point of view. A goal of my work was to find out, whether it is possible to justify the human rights abuses under the terms of concept of cultural relativism in the Islamic civilisation. The thesis should answer a question if it is possible to apply the principles of cultural relativism in case of human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. This was achieved by analyzing the most important international and regional tools for human rights protection. The thesis is divided into three chapters, which are dedicating to this issue.

Interkulturní komunikace blízkých kultur ve světle česko-polského příkladu / Intercultural communication of close cultures in the light of the Czech-Polish case

Šírová - Majkrzak, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This paper puts the issue of Czech-Polish relationships into a context of the intercultural communication. The culturological approach used for the analysis of the communication between cultures brings a new holistic view. Factors of close cultures, the impact of a conflict as well as the importance of intercultural competences are analysed. Based on the Czech-Polish case, barriers to the intercultural communication are specified and discussed. These barriers rise from language, stereotypes, information, religion and history. A question of comicality and prestige of a language not to say entire culture is articulated. The new Network Theory of Barriers is suggested which introduces a closely related networked set of above mentioned obstacles. New platforms for the intercultural dialogue are outlined that can bring a possibility to step out of the circle of misunderstanding. These platforms consist of improving language skills, international institutions and the Internet.

Postoj současné české společnosti k otázce Desatera / Attitude of the Current Czech Society towards the Issue of the Decalogue

CHOCOVÁ, Blanka January 2009 (has links)
The thesis looks into the relationship of the current Czech society towards the issue of the Decalogue. The first two chapters deal with the theological-anthropological reflection on man in relation to human freedom and corresponding norms. The third part enquires into the problems of the Decalogue as a codex of ethical norms with regard to the biblical rootage, and ethical and catechistic features. Further, the work outlines the level of value orientation and religiousness of the current Czech society with reference to the European context. Following the findings and results of a research carried out at a public secondary school in České Budějovice, the fifth part reflects the position of the Decalogue in the society

Moc jazyka ve výchovné metodě "Respektovat a být respektován" / Power of Language in "To Respect and To Be Respected" educational method

Fialová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the power of language and the relation between language and thought, perception and experience. The topic is viewed through the "Respektovat a být respektován" (To Respect and To Be Respected) educational method. The main assumption of this method is that the way the parent communicates with the child affects educational success as well as the behaviour of the child and the values and attitude he or she will have as an adult. This premise is empirically tested by interviews with parents and observations in families, which show how the specific way of communication (which is based on particular grammatical and pragmatic rules) influences the behaviour and experience of both the child and the parent.

Stíny a otazníky okolo asistované reprodukce / Question rights of the child in the context of the current methods of assisted reproduction

JANOUŠKOVÁ, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at the darker sides of assisted reproduction and it urges us to consider difficult questions related to the value of human life and human dignity. These two mentioned values are the methods of assisted reproduction. Scientific progress in the field of medical science evokes a lot of ethical, social and legal questions.The goal of the thesis is to identify and analyse ethical prolems of assisted reroduction and to present each solution to an ethical decision. The thesis is integral to my own wellfounded way of solution to the chosen ethical problems. This thesis deals with issues of social functioning of infertile couples and social consultancy.

Neviditelní nositelé lidských práv / Invisible subjects of human rights

Svárovská, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
The idea of universal applicability of human rights has been a symbol of hope that peace and justice in the world is possible, since the late 1940s. Although it is a fiction, and anthropology can proof this bringing countless evidence, strong general awareness of this idea still inspires many in their strive for freedom and dignity as well as opposition to violence. The aim of this thesis is to bring two controversial examples, illustrating how and why value-driven struggle for promotion of human rights fails. The aim is nevertheless not to compromise this noble idea but to contribute to its more thorough understanding as well as more effective implementation. A chapter on so called female genital circumcision (also known as female genital mutilation) offers critical analyses of the international campaign for eradication of this practice, led by international feminist movement since the late 1970s. The attention is drawn mainly to manipulation of facts and unfair argumentation, thanks to which the so called female genital circumcision was labelled cruel practice of backward societies serving degradation and control of women, making more structured understanding of reality impossible. A chapter dedicated to abortion tries to see political and cultural influences hidden under the surface of debate on...

Neviditelní nositelé lidských práv / Invisible subjects of human rights

Svárovská, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
The idea of universal applicability of human rights has been a symbol of hope that peace and justice in the world is possible, since the late 1940s. Although it is a fiction, and anthropology can proof this bringing countless evidence, strong general awareness of this idea still inspires many in their strive for freedom and dignity as well as opposition to violence. The aim of this thesis is to bring two controversial examples, illustrating how and why value-driven struggle for promotion of human rights fails. The aim is nevertheless not to compromise this noble idea but to contribute to its more thorough understanding as well as more effective implementation. A chapter on so called female genital circumcision (also known as female genital mutilation) offers critical analyses of the international campaign for eradication of this practice, led by international feminist movement since the late 1970s. The attention is drawn mainly to manipulation of facts and unfair argumentation, thanks to which the so called female genital circumcision was labelled cruel practice of backward societies serving degradation and control of women, making more structured understanding of reality impossible. A chapter dedicated to abortion tries to see political and cultural influences hidden under the surface of debate on...

Der Schutz der Menschenrechte im Lichte von Guantánamo / die Behandlung der Gefangenen und die Begründung von Menschenrechten

Hucke, Matthias Josef 13 February 2008 (has links)
Guantánamo ist zum Symbol des Aufeinandertreffens verschiedener Wertesysteme geworden, bei dem die Frage nach den Rechten des Menschen im Mittelpunkt steht. In der Dissertation werden die komplexen Probleme dargestellt, mit denen das Völkerrecht durch die Herausforderungen des internationalen Terrorismus und speziell des Gefangenenlagers auf Kuba konfrontiert wird. Darüber hinaus wird die Frage untersucht, welche Rechte des Menschen fern der diplomatisch verhandelten internationalen Kodifikationen tatsächlich in den verschiedenen Kulturen der Welt anerkannt und gelebt werden. Zwar legen der Wortlaut und die Verbreitung der Menschenrechtsverträge die Vermutung nahe, dass in den Kulturen der Welt ein Konsens über die Rechte des Menschen zumindest im Kern existiert. Bei näherer Betrachtung zeigt sich aber, dass es verschiedene Menschenbilder - etwa freiheitlich-individualistische, kommunalistische und theozentrische - gibt, die zum Teil diametral zueinander stehen. Ein interkultureller Vergleich offenbart, dass häufig das jeweils andere Wertesystem abgewehrt und auch „die universellen Menschenrechte“ als westlich determinierte Werte mit Distanz betrachtet werden. Welche Begründungen für Menschenrechte in den Kulturen existent sind, welche Aufschlüsse die bisherigen Begründungsmodelle geben und inwieweit daraus ein Kern an Rechten dem Menschen überkulturell als angeboren begründet werden können, sind wichtige Fragen, die in dieser Dissertation behandelt werden. Es werden neue Ansätze untersucht, welche die Begründungsdefizite bisheriger Modelle womöglich auflösen und den rechtlichen Diskurs damit aktualisieren können. Denn kontroverse Menschenrechtslagen, wie die in Guantánamo, sind in Zukunft nur vermeidbar, wenn sich auf der Basis eines fortgeführten interkulturellen Dialoges eine gemeinsame Identität entwickelt und dadurch eine Gewalt zwischen den Kulturen verringert wird, die durch die Differenzen ihrer Werte entsteht. / Guantánamo has become a symbol for the clash of differing value systems. With widespread international concern and criticism of the treatment of the detainees - Islamic terror suspects - as grave violations of universal human rights. The dissertation illustrates the complex problems confronting international law by the aspects of international terrorism and especially the prison camp on Cuba. Furthermore, it examines the question, which rights beyond the international codifications are actually accepted within the cultures. The wording of the international human rights treaties and their dissemination assume a consensus on basic human rights. However differing and sometimes opposing cultural and religious conceptions exist. Some communities attach importance to a liberal and individual understanding, whilst others on the involvement and obligation of the individual into the community. Making it difficult to define and implement core human rights treaties, which can be applied universally regardless of cultural and religious beliefs. Therefore, the examination goes further than an analysis by means of international law. It discusses the question, which justifications of human rights are existing within the cultures, what the contents of the present paradigms of justification - to which also the international human rights refer - are, and how an inherence of a core of human rights can be derived beyond cultural relativity. Rights that would consider equal conditions of human interaction, and examine the correlation of identity, structural violence and the state of need of the human being. The actualization of the justification of human rights is vital in the legal discourse to assimilate the conceptions about the rights of man. Controversial human rights situations like Guantánamo can only be resolved and avoided in the future, with continued intercultural dialogue, understanding of a common human identity, and celebration instead of condemnation of the inherent richness of differing cultural and religious values.

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