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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche et étude des premières galaxies

Laporte, Nicolas 23 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'évolution des galaxies est relativement bien contrainte jusqu'au premier milliard d'années de l'Univers. Au delà de cette limite et compte-tenu du faible nombre de sources confirmées à z>6.0, il est difficile de déterminer le rôle joué par les premières galaxies à cette époque. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer l'évolution de la fonction de luminosité des galaxies au cours du premier milliard d'années en se basant sur un échantillon représentatif d'objets à grand redshift (z>4.5) suffisamment brillant pour être observé par les spectrographes actuels. Dans ce but, nous avons réalisé une sélection photométrique ciblée de galaxies à cassure de Lyman dans deux champs de vue : un premier autour de l'amas de galaxies d'Abell 2667 et un second dans un très grand champ vide (le relevé WUDS). L'étude des données prises autour d'Abell 2667 a montré un taux de contamination d'environ 80% de notre échantillon d'objets à z≈8. Nous avons mis en évidence l'existence d'une population atypique de galaxies fortement rougies par la poussière à z≈2, et qui ne peuvent être écartées des échantillons qu'en ajoutant des contraintes dans l'IR lointain. Les observations spectroscopiques ont permis d'identifier un nouveau type de contaminant à bas redshift combinant deux populations stellaires d'âges très différents, et demandant une profondeur photométrique extrême afin de les exclure des échantillons actuels. A partir des échantillons dégagés nous avons pu apporter des contraintes fortes et indépendantes sur la partie brillante de la fonction de luminosité, et ainsi en déduire de façon homogène son évolution au cours du premier milliard d'années de l'Univers.

Relevé polarimétrique d'étoiles candidates pour des disques de débris

Simon, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
Le relevé DEBRIS est effectué par le télescope spatial Herschel. Il permet d’échantillonner les disques de débris autour d’étoiles de l’environnement solaire. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, un relevé polarimétrique de 108 étoiles des candidates de DEBRIS est présenté. Utilisant le polarimètre de l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic, des observations ont été effectuées afin de détecter la polarisation due à la présence de disques de débris. En raison d’un faible taux de détection d’étoiles polarisées, une analyse statistique a été réalisée dans le but de comparer la polarisation d’étoiles possédant un excès dans l’infrarouge et la polarisation de celles n’en possédant pas. Utilisant la théorie de diffusion de Mie, un modèle a été construit afin de prédire la polarisation due à un disque de débris. Les résultats du modèle sont cohérents avec les observations. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire présente des tests optiques du polarimètre POL-2, construit à l’Université de Montréal. L’imageur du télescope James-Clerk-Maxwell passe de l’instrument SCUBA à l’instrument SCUBA-2, qui sera au moins cent fois plus rapide que son prédécesseur. De même, le polarimètre suit l’amélioration et un nouveau polarimètre, POL-2, a été installé sur SCUBA-2 en juillet 2010. Afin de vérifier les performances optiques de POL-2, des tests ont été exécutés dans les laboratoires sub-millimétriques de l’Université de Western Ontario en juin 2009 et de l’Université de Lethbridge en septembre 2009. Ces tests et leurs implications pour les observations futures sont discutés. / The DEBRIS survey, being performed by the space telescope Herschel, is an unbiased sampling of the debris disks candidates in the solar neighbourhood. In the first part of this thesis, a ground-based polarimetric survey of 108 DEBRIS candidate stars is presented. Using the polarimeter, “La Belle et la Bete,” at the Mont-Megantic Observatory, observations were carried out in order to detect polarization induced by the presence of a debris disk. Due to a low rate of detection, a statistical analysis was performed to compare the polarization between stars owning a debris disk with stars without one. Using Mie scattering theory, a basic model was constructed to estimate the level of polarization produced by dust grains in a debris disk. The results of this model are consistent with our observations. The second part of the thesis presents the optical tests of the polarimeter POL-2, built at Université de Montréal. The James Clerk-Maxwell-Telescope imager SCUBA has been upgraded to SCUBA-2, which is more than one hundred times faster than its predecessor with 500 times more pixels. Likewise, the polarimeter follows the improvement as a new polarimeter, POL-2, was installed on SCUBA-2 in July 2010. In order to verify the optical performance of POL-2, tests were completed at the submillimeter laboratories at the University of Western Ontario in June 2009, and the University of Lethbridge in September 2009. These tests and their implications for future observations are discussed.

Conséquences de la mise en place des bandes enherbées sur l'évolution de la flore adventice

Cordeau, Stéphane 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La gestion intensive des populations adventices, liée aux risques de perte de rendement et à la dégradation de la qualité de la récolte, a largement conduit à leur régression dans les milieux cultivés au cours de ces dernières décennies. Ce déclin floristique dans le paysage agricole a conduit à une perte de biodiversité plus large car de nombreux organismes (oiseaux, insectes, mammifères) sont dépendants de la ressource trophique que représentent ces communautés végétales. Pour contrer cette perte de biodiversité et limiter les effets néfastes de l'agriculture sur l'environnement, de nombreuses mesures agro environnementales ont été mises en place à travers l'Europe. En France, des bandes enherbées ont été implantées par les agriculteurs le long des cours d'eau pour limiter la dérive des produits phytosanitaires et limiter l'érosion hydrique des sols. Ces bandes sont principalement semées avec des mélanges de graminées et ne reçoivent ni traitement chimique, ni engrais. En conséquence, leur mise en place généralisée dans le paysage agricole pour de nombreuses années et sans contrepartie financière pour les agriculteurs, suscitent des craintes quant aux risques malherbologiques qu'elles peuvent représenter. A l'opposé, ces espaces peuvent être considérés comme des opportunités pour maintenir, dans des compartiments proches des zones cultivées, des populations adventices dont les services écosystémiques rendus à l'agriculture sont de plus en plus mis en évidence. Ce travail de thèse montre que les bandes enherbées hébergent une grande diversité floristique. Les communautés adventices sont principalement structurées par le type de bordure adjacente à la bande enherbée et par les modes de gestion qui y sont conduits. L'alternance perturbation-compétition générée respectivement par le broyage et la compétition des espèces semées ne permet pas aux espèces annuelles de se maintenir dans cet habitat où elles ne peuvent que difficilement y produire des semences. Les espèces fréquemment rencontrées sont vivaces, mais ne dominent que très rarement sur le couvert semé. Bien que les bandes enherbées hébergent une flore riche, composée majoritairement d'espèces des champs, il apparaît que ces espaces ne favorisent pas la dispersion d'espèces adventices vers la parcelle cultivée. En effet, la mise en place d'un couvert semé à l'endroit même où l'on observait auparavant une transition de la flore des bordures vers la flore des champs, limite l'effet des bordures sur les champs, au moins à court terme. En outre, la mise en place et l'entretien de ce couvert ont un coût pour l'agriculteur raisonnable à l'échelle de l'exploitation agricole. Malgré la crainte émise quant au déclin des mauvaises herbes annuelles, les bandes enherbées sont une opportunité pour la gestion des adventices à l'échelle de la parcelle cultivée comme à celle du paysage. Des études conjointes mettant en relation la flore avec d'autres communautés (microflore du sol, criquets) ont été initiées et pourraient permettre de valoriser d'un point de vue biodiversité la mise en place d'une mesure au départ purement agro-environnementale.

Methodological investigations on vegetation typology and phytogeography of rain forests of tropical Africa

Senterre, Bruno B.M.L. 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata. II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park. The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum. Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand. III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria. Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc. With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine. Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.

Recherches méthodologiques pour la typologie de la végétation et la phytogéographie des forêts denses d'Afrique tropicale

Senterre, Bruno 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata.<p><p>II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park.<p><p>The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum.<p><p>Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand.<p><p>III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria.<p><p>Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc.<p><p>With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine.<p><p>Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.<p> / Doctorat en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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