Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rentabilidad market""
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Landlords in the Private Rental Market in Hamilton, OntarioDiBartolo, Larissa January 2017 (has links)
While several researchers have explored the private rental sector from the tenants’ perspective very little is known about landlords and their experiences. The purpose of this study was to understand more in-depth the nature, motives, and challenges of landlords. A case study of landlords in Hamilton, Ontario, is based on survey research, involving the administration of an online questionnaire and then follow-up face-to-face interviews. A local association of landlords, Hamilton and District Apartment Association, assisted in advertising and promoting this research through their registered email list and on their website. The results of the study show that Hamilton’s landlords are a diverse group with mixed motives. They find many aspects of the job rewarding, including good landlord-tenant relations, opportunities for profit/investment, and the flexibility of the work involved, among other things. In contrast, they reported many concerns regarding responsibilities, tenants, the government, and the negative perceptions of them that are held by tenants, councillors and the general public. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Housing affordability is an enduring issue globally. Disproportionately affected by this trend are renters: those households who do not own their primary dwelling. Rather than being a transitionary phase – a stepping stone to homeownership – as in decades past; renting is becoming a permanent, and often financially draining, state for many households. Housing affordability is significant to the lives of renters, as renters overwhelmingly spend more of their income, as a proportion, on housing than homeowners do. In Canada, renters are not eligible for many wealth subsidies that homeowners enjoy (i.e., the exclusion of capital gains tax on the sale of primary residence), have less autonomy over their living space, and less security of tenure. These concerns, combined with aging multi-unit rental stock, disinvestment of governments from social housing funding, and a funneling of private funds towards condominium developments, has left those in the rental market with increasingly fewer housing options. This dissertation seeks to explore how households renting in the low-cost segment of the housing market gain access to housing and why they move. Special emphasis is placed on the nom-purpose built market, and a tool for better enumerating otherwise undocumented housing units is proposed. Findings suggest that previously undocumented, secondary units play a significant role in local housing markets, particularly within dense 19th century neighbourhoods with good access to amenities and transit. The dissertation also suggests that the social milieu of participants’ lives, including relationships with landlords and property managers, highly influences decisions to move. Lastly, the research finds that informal agreements, as well as units, characterizes entry and habitation of many units within the low-cost segment of the housing market. This dissertation contributes to the field of knowledge on residential mobility and housing geographies by exploring two primarily unexamined areas of local housing markets: informal units and informal agreements. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy / This dissertation examines the role of the private sector in housing individuals living in the low-cost segment of the rental market. Emphasis is placed on non-purpose built rentals and how they contribute to the larger function of local housing provision. Hamilton, Ontario is used as a case-study in all three papers that comprise the thesis. Findings are largely derived from a novel field enumeration technique and qualitative interviews with tenants. Taken together, results from the three papers indicate that the non-purpose built market plays a non-negligible role in providing affordable housing options to tenant households. The presented findings also suggest that amateur landlords and informal rental arrangements highly influence the form and function of low-cost rental units. Lastly, the papers suggest that highly mobile tenant populations are considerably affected by social milieu in the selection of housing units and intra-urban mobility decisions.
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Commercial Real Estate : Different aspects of rent settingEliasson, Karin, Ahlberg, Kristin, Dyvnäs, Malin January 2008 (has links)
Background The Swedish economy is currently in a boom and due to the fact that the commercial rental market is closely correlated with the development in the Swedish economy and its economic indicators, commercial real estate companies are successful. Commercial real estate companies generate their main revenue out of rents from their tenants, therefore the set-ting of rent and the factors affecting the procedure are of great importance. The report will not only examine the commercial rental market but also the composition of the lease con-tracts, factors affecting the rent setting and risks associated with commercial leases. Purpose To analyze the commercial rental market comprising of several different lease contracts. The focus will be to analyze the setting of rents and the factors affecting the procedure. Method A deductive approach and a qualitative research method is used in order to get reliable and valid data to be able to fulfill our purpose. The data is collected from interviews done with three different real estate companies, situated in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The sample include Håkan Hellström representing Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg representing Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson representing Vasakronan. Conclusion As could be expected, the commercial rental market is closely correlated with supply and demand in the Swedish economy. Currently, demand is increasing due to a growing employment rate and a strong GDP growth. Market rents are increasing, since the demand is continuing to accelerate and vacancy rates are falling. The vacancy rates are currently below the natural level since rents are increasing in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. It is shown that the vacancy level is lower in Gothenburg compared to Stockholm. Location is the most important factor affecting the setting of rents apart from supply and demand. Rent for office space is highest in the cities’ Central Business District. Additional factors are attributes that make the premises more attractive and client care that enables for satisfied tenants and long lasting tenant relationships. / Bakgrund Den svenska ekonomin är idag i en högkonjunktur och på grund av att den kommersiella hyresmarkanden är starkt korrelerad med utvecklingen i den svenska ekonomin och dess ekonomiska indikatorer, är kommersiella fastighetsbolag framgångsrika. Kommersiella fastighetsbolags intäkter består till största del av hyror från deras hyresgäster. Därför är hyres-sättningen och dess påverkande faktorer av stor vikt. Rapporten kommer inte enbart undersöka den kommersiella hyresmarkanden, utan även komponenter i kommersiella hyreskontrakt, faktorer som påverkar hyressättning och risker associerade med kommersiella hyreskontrakt. Syfte Att analysera den kommersiella hyresmarknaden bestående av flera hyreskontrakt, med fokusering på hyressättning och dess påverkande faktorer. Metod För att kunna uppfylla vårt syfte och för att få så tillförlitlig och giltig information som möjligt används ett deduktivt synsätt och en kvalitativ forsknings metod. Informationen tillförskaffas genom intervjuer med tre fastighetsbolag, i Stockholm och Göteborg. Urvalet består av Håkan Hellström som representerar Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg som representerar Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson som representerar Vasakronan. Slutsats Den kommersiella hyresmarknaden är som väntat, starkt korrelerad med den svenska ekonomins utbud och efterfrågan. Efterfrågan ökar idag på grund av en ökad sysselsättningsgrad och en stark tillväxt av BNP. Marknadshyrorna stiger eftersom efterfrågan ökar och vakansgraden minskar. Vakanserna är i nuläget lägre än normalt eftersom hyresnivåerna ökar i både Stockholm och Göteborg. Det visade sig att vakansgraden är lägre i Göteborg jämfört med Stockholm. Hyressättningens viktigaste faktor som påverkar hyresnivån förutom utbud och efterfrågan, är läge. Hyran för kontorslokaler är som högst i städernas Central Business District. Hyressättningen påverkas av ytterligare faktorer som gör kontorslokalen mer attraktiv och kundvård som möjliggör långa kund relationer med nöjda kunder.
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Commercial Real Estate : Different aspects of rent settingEliasson, Karin, Ahlberg, Kristin, Dyvnäs, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background</p><p>The Swedish economy is currently in a boom and due to the fact that the commercial rental market is closely correlated with the development in the Swedish economy and its economic indicators, commercial real estate companies are successful. Commercial real estate companies generate their main revenue out of rents from their tenants, therefore the set-ting of rent and the factors affecting the procedure are of great importance. The report will not only examine the commercial rental market but also the composition of the lease con-tracts, factors affecting the rent setting and risks associated with commercial leases.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>To analyze the commercial rental market comprising of several different lease contracts. The focus will be to analyze the setting of rents and the factors affecting the procedure.</p><p>Method</p><p>A deductive approach and a qualitative research method is used in order to get reliable and valid data to be able to fulfill our purpose. The data is collected from interviews done with three different real estate companies, situated in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The sample include Håkan Hellström representing Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg representing Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson representing Vasakronan.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>As could be expected, the commercial rental market is closely correlated with supply and demand in the Swedish economy. Currently, demand is increasing due to a growing employment rate and a strong GDP growth. Market rents are increasing, since the demand is continuing to accelerate and vacancy rates are falling. The vacancy rates are currently below the natural level since rents are increasing in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. It is shown that the vacancy level is lower in Gothenburg compared to Stockholm.</p><p>Location is the most important factor affecting the setting of rents apart from supply and demand. Rent for office space is highest in the cities’ Central Business District. Additional factors are attributes that make the premises more attractive and client care that enables for satisfied tenants and long lasting tenant relationships.</p> / <p>Bakgrund</p><p>Den svenska ekonomin är idag i en högkonjunktur och på grund av att den kommersiella hyresmarkanden är starkt korrelerad med utvecklingen i den svenska ekonomin och dess ekonomiska indikatorer, är kommersiella fastighetsbolag framgångsrika. Kommersiella fastighetsbolags intäkter består till största del av hyror från deras hyresgäster. Därför är hyres-sättningen och dess påverkande faktorer av stor vikt. Rapporten kommer inte enbart undersöka den kommersiella hyresmarkanden, utan även komponenter i kommersiella hyreskontrakt, faktorer som påverkar hyressättning och risker associerade med kommersiella hyreskontrakt.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Att analysera den kommersiella hyresmarknaden bestående av flera hyreskontrakt, med fokusering på hyressättning och dess påverkande faktorer.</p><p>Metod</p><p>För att kunna uppfylla vårt syfte och för att få så tillförlitlig och giltig information som möjligt används ett deduktivt synsätt och en kvalitativ forsknings metod. Informationen tillförskaffas genom intervjuer med tre fastighetsbolag, i Stockholm och Göteborg. Urvalet består av Håkan Hellström som representerar Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg som representerar Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson som representerar Vasakronan.</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Den kommersiella hyresmarknaden är som väntat, starkt korrelerad med den svenska ekonomins utbud och efterfrågan. Efterfrågan ökar idag på grund av en ökad sysselsättningsgrad och en stark tillväxt av BNP. Marknadshyrorna stiger eftersom efterfrågan ökar och vakansgraden minskar. Vakanserna är i nuläget lägre än normalt eftersom hyresnivåerna ökar i både Stockholm och Göteborg. Det visade sig att vakansgraden är lägre i Göteborg jämfört med Stockholm.</p><p>Hyressättningens viktigaste faktor som påverkar hyresnivån förutom utbud och efterfrågan, är läge. Hyran för kontorslokaler är som högst i städernas Central Business District. Hyressättningen påverkas av ytterligare faktorer som gör kontorslokalen mer attraktiv och kundvård som möjliggör långa kund relationer med nöjda kunder.</p>
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The use-value system and deregulation : A study about the January agreement and the reform proposition effect on the rental market / Bruksvärdessystemet och fri hyressättning : Om januariavtalet och reformförslagens inverkan på hyresmarknadenBjöörn, Axel, Croce, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Bostadspolitiken har länge varit en het fråga i samhället. Att det är svårt att få ett boende i form av ett förstahandskontrakt i Sveriges storstadsregioner har nog ingen missat. Efter det senaste regeringsvalet skrev Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Liberalerna och Centerpartier under ett 73-punktsprogram där man bland annat tagit fram reformförslag för hyresmarknaden. Det finns många studier om hur hyressystemet i Sverige har bidragit till den bostadssituation vi har idag. Däremot är förslagen i januariöverenskommelsen nya och därför är syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur och om förslagen som presenteras i punkt 44 i januariöverenskommelsen kommer påverka hyresmarknaden. Arbetet har grundats på följande frågeställningar: Hur ställer sig aktörer på bostadsmarknaden till reformförslagen i januariöverenskommelsen? Kan en friare hyressättning öka byggvolymen av nyproducerade hyresrätter? Behövs det en hyresreform? Uppsatsen tydliggör att det rådande bruksvärdessystemet är illa anpassat för dagens bostadsmarknad och ger upphov till inlåsningseffekter. Av intervjuerna framgår det att alla respondenter är ense om att det råder en bostadsbrist i landet men hur den ska lösas finns det skilda meningar om. Representanter från den privata hyressektorn välkomnar förslagen i januariavtalet, i stort, eftersom man ser det som en möjlighet att förädla produkten (hyresrätten). Samtidigt finns det en tveksamhet till avtalets genomslagskraft bland samtliga aktörer. Det råder en osäkerhet bland hyresgästorganisationer och representanter för det allmännyttiga hyresbeståndet. De menar att förslagen kan göra hyresförhandlingarna snårigare och att hyresgästens roll försämras gentemot hyresvärden. I studien konstaterar vi att en fri hyressättning i nyproduktion med största sannolikhet inte kommer leda till en ökad byggvolym av hyresrätter. Det blir också tydligt i slutsatsen att det är svårt att förutspå vilka effekter förslagen i punkt 44 kommer få. Under tiden den här uppsatsen skrivs är reformförslagen innebörd inte tydligt definierade och under utredning. 5 Fortsatt forskning inom området uppmuntras. Däribland behöver man studera konsekvenserna av förslagen när utredningarna är klara och det inte finns någon osäkerhet i vad punkterna innebär. Det bör också forskas om konsekvenserna av en fri hyressättning i nyproduktions inverkan på det bruksvärdessatta beståndet. / Housing politics has been a hot topic for a long time in the general discourse. No one will have missed that it is currently hard to get a first-hand contract to a rental apartment in the major cities of Sweden. After the last election, an agreement was made between the Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Liberalerna and Centerpartiet consisting of 73 points. The agreement involved propositions to reform the rental market. A lot has been written about the rental setting system in Sweden and how it has contributed to the current living situation. However, the propositions in the January agreement are new and therefore the purpose of this paper is to research how, and if, the 44 th point in the agreement will affect the rental market. The main focus of the project has been to answer the following questions; What are the actors, on the rental market, views of the propositions in the January agreement? Will a deregulation of rents in newly constructed buildings increase building rates? Is there a need for a reformation of the rental system? The paper sheds light on the current "use-value-system" (bruksvärdessystemet) and that it is, in its present adaption, ill-fitted to the housing market and generates lock-in effects. The results held from the interviews show that all actors are in agreement. There is a housing shortage. However, their opinions on how it is best solved differ. The actors representing the private sector welcomes the suggestions. Mainly because it gives opportunity to refine the product or rental property. Meanwhile, there is uncertainty in the impact of the propositions among the actors. Furthermore, there is an uncertainty among the actors representing the tenants and public housing stock. They think the propositions will make the rental negotiations more complicated and the already weak position of the tenants will worsen. Our results show that a deregulation of the new constructions will most likely not increase building volumes. It is also made clear that it is hard to predict what the January agreement will entail since the propositions are not clearly stated. 3 We encourage further research within the subject. Mainly focusing on the consequences of the January agreement, once the ongoing investigation is done and the actual measures suggested, are made clear. Research should also be made on what effect a deregulation of the new construction stock will have on the use-value-stock.
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Agricultural Development in China through the Promotion of Land Rental Markets and Agricultural Cooperatives / 農地貸借市場と農民専業合作社を核とする中国の農業発展Li, Xinyi 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24684号 / 農博第2567号 / 新制||農||1101(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R5||N5465(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 順一, 教授 浅見 淳之, 教授 松下 秀介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Nájemné bytu a faktory, které je ovlivňují ve vybraných lokalitách města Brna / Apartment Rent Rates in Brno and the Factors Affecting themKellnerová, Sabina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the current situation on the rental housing market in selected city parts of the Statutory City of Brno and describes and evaluates the basic factors that influence the rental price. Part of the thesis is a market research in four different locations in Brno, namely Žabovřesky, Bystrc, Líšeň and Bohunice. Market research is conducted for different layouts of apartments, namely 1+1 and 1+kk, 2+1 and 2+kk, 3+1 and 3+kk. All collected data are compared and described in text and graphics. In order to compare the rental market with foreign countries, the thesis also includes a market survey in Bratislava, specifically in the district of Petržalka.
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Nájemné bytu a faktory, které je ovlivňují ve vybraných lokalitách města Brna / Apartment Rent and Factors Affecting it in selected areas of the city of BrnoNováková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes elementary factors affecting real estate rental market. The thesis includes a market research in two different localities in the city of Brno. The result of the research determines a usual rent amount. The collected data is separated by the number of rooms 1+1/kk, 2+1/kk a 3+1/kk and bigger (number of room + the kitchen or a kitchenette) and plot into a map. The usual rent amount defines three levels on each of the groups. The conclusion of the thesis evaluates the research results.
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Nájemné bytu a faktory, které je ovlivňují ve vybraných lokalitách v Brně. / Apartment rent and the factors that influence it in selected locations in Brno.Portová, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the actual market of rental housing in a selected location of Brno. In the begining of the work describes the general view on the rental housing, then it compares the amount of usual rent in particular categories and catastral areas. Next it evaluates which factors have an impact on the amount of rent. The research of the market was made in four categories according to the floor space and disposition. In the conclusion all of the details are compared and described both text and graphic.
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Nájemné bytu a faktory, které je ovlivňují ve vybrané lokalitě v Brně v roce 2016 a 2017 / Apartment Rent and the Influencing Factors in a Selected Location in Brno in 2016 and 2017Matička, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the actual market of rental housing in a selected locations of city Brno. The result of the research determines a usual rent amount. The research of the market was made in four categories according to disposition. In thesis are described elementary factors affecting real estate rental market. In the conclusion all of the details are compared and described both text and graphic.
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