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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einsatz und Bewertung komponentenbasierter Metadaten in einer föderierten Infrastruktur für Sprachressourcen am Beispiel der CMDI

Eckart, Thomas 02 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Einsatz der Component Metadata Infrastructure CMDI im Rahmen der föderierten Infrastruktur CLARIN auseinander, wobei diverse konkrete Problemfälle aufgezeigt werden. Für die Erarbeitung entsprechender Lösungsstrategien werden unterschiedliche Verfahren adaptiert und für die Qualitätsanalyse von Metadaten und zur Optimierung ihres Einsatzes in einer föderierten Umgebung genutzt. Konkret betrifft dies vor allem die Übernahme von Modellierungsstrategien der Linked Data Community, die Übernahme von Prinzipien und Qualitätsmetriken der objektorientierten Programmierung für CMD-Metadatenkomponenten, sowie den Einsatz von Zentralitätsmaßen der Graph- bzw. Netzwerkanalyse für die Bewertung des Zusammenhalts des gesamten Metadatenverbundes. Dabei wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die Analyse verwendeter Schema- bzw. Schemabestandteile sowie die Betrachtung verwendeter Individuenvokabulare im Zusammenspiel aller beteiligten Zentren in den Vordergrund gestellt.

Produtividade científica e infraestrutura tecnológica / Scientific productivity and technological infrastructure

Borges, Renata de Lacerda Antunes 23 June 2015 (has links)
O Sistema de Inovação (SI) brasileiro é caracterizado por um estágio intermediário de desenvolvimento e pela forte participação do Setor Público, refletindo assim em seus grandes dispêndios em C&T. O SI é considerado, no cenário atual, como determinante ao desenvolvimento e crescimento econômico das economias modernas. Porém, há poucos estudos sobre o papel desempenhado pelas características dos pesquisadores e das infraestruturas de P&D sobre a produção científica e tecnológica. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar os efeitos de tais características sobre a produtividade científica individual dos coordenadores pertencentes às 1.756 infraestruturas de pesquisa no Brasil. Para tal, o trabalho utiliza um mapeamento inédito das infraestruturas nacionais realizado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em parceira com o CNPq e o IPEA, e a extração das características individuais dos pesquisadores por meio da Plataforma Lattes. As infraestruturas de pesquisa foram agrupadas por meio da Análise de Cluster, o qual gerou três clusters que se distinguem pelo escopo de suas atividades, áreas científicas e composição do capital físico e humano. Os pesquisadores com maiores produtividades são àqueles presentes no cluster 2 (multiatividades, Engenharia e Ciências Biológicas, estrutura organizacional piramidal), em detrimento aos presentes no cluster 1 (pesquisa e desenvolvimento de tecnologia, Multiárea) ou 3 (intensivos em pesquisa, Engenharias e Ciências Exatas e da Terra, estrutura organizacional horizontal). Os resultados dos modelos de regressão, OLS e Tobit, estimados indicam que quanto maior o número de estudantes bolsistas, maior a produtividade do coordenador, bem como a relação capital-trabalho da infraestrutura. Por fim, o presente estudo contribui ao preencher uma lacuna de informação sobre o sistema brasileiro de C&T e após exercícios econométricos foi possível concluir que as dimensões do SI nacional, relacionando capital humano, independente da qualificação, e físico, são determinantes aos níveis de produtividade dos coordenadores. / The Brazilian innovation system (IS) is characterized by an intermediate stage of development and the strong participation of the public sector, reflecting its large share in expenditure on S & T. The IS is considered, in the current scenario, a key factor to development and economic growth of modern economies. However, there are few studies on the role played by the characteristics of the researchers and research infrastructure on scientific productivity. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of these characteristics on individual scientific productivity of the coordinators belonging to 1,756 research infrastructures in Brazil. To do this, the work uses a unique mapping of infrastructure in Brazil by the Ministry of ST & I in partnership with CNPq and IPEA, and the extraction of the individual characteristics of the researchers through the Lattes Platform. The research infrastructure were characterized by the Cluster Analysis, which generated three clusters distinguished by the scope of its activities, scientific areas and composition of physical and human capital. Researchers with higher productivity were present in cluster 2 (multi-activities, Engineering and Life Sciences, pyramidal organizational structure) rather than those present in the cluster 1 (research and development of technology, multi-area) or 3 (research intensive, Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences, horizontal organizational structure). OLS and Tobit regression models results indicate that the larger the number of scholarship students and capital-labor ratio of the infrastructure the better the productivity of the coordinator. Finally, this study contributes to fill an information gap on the Brazilian system of S & T and after econometric exercise was concluded that the dimensions of the IS, relating human capital, regardless of qualification, and physical, are crucial to the productivity levels of the coordinators.

Produtividade científica e infraestrutura tecnológica / Scientific productivity and technological infrastructure

Renata de Lacerda Antunes Borges 23 June 2015 (has links)
O Sistema de Inovação (SI) brasileiro é caracterizado por um estágio intermediário de desenvolvimento e pela forte participação do Setor Público, refletindo assim em seus grandes dispêndios em C&T. O SI é considerado, no cenário atual, como determinante ao desenvolvimento e crescimento econômico das economias modernas. Porém, há poucos estudos sobre o papel desempenhado pelas características dos pesquisadores e das infraestruturas de P&D sobre a produção científica e tecnológica. Portanto, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é avaliar os efeitos de tais características sobre a produtividade científica individual dos coordenadores pertencentes às 1.756 infraestruturas de pesquisa no Brasil. Para tal, o trabalho utiliza um mapeamento inédito das infraestruturas nacionais realizado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em parceira com o CNPq e o IPEA, e a extração das características individuais dos pesquisadores por meio da Plataforma Lattes. As infraestruturas de pesquisa foram agrupadas por meio da Análise de Cluster, o qual gerou três clusters que se distinguem pelo escopo de suas atividades, áreas científicas e composição do capital físico e humano. Os pesquisadores com maiores produtividades são àqueles presentes no cluster 2 (multiatividades, Engenharia e Ciências Biológicas, estrutura organizacional piramidal), em detrimento aos presentes no cluster 1 (pesquisa e desenvolvimento de tecnologia, Multiárea) ou 3 (intensivos em pesquisa, Engenharias e Ciências Exatas e da Terra, estrutura organizacional horizontal). Os resultados dos modelos de regressão, OLS e Tobit, estimados indicam que quanto maior o número de estudantes bolsistas, maior a produtividade do coordenador, bem como a relação capital-trabalho da infraestrutura. Por fim, o presente estudo contribui ao preencher uma lacuna de informação sobre o sistema brasileiro de C&T e após exercícios econométricos foi possível concluir que as dimensões do SI nacional, relacionando capital humano, independente da qualificação, e físico, são determinantes aos níveis de produtividade dos coordenadores. / The Brazilian innovation system (IS) is characterized by an intermediate stage of development and the strong participation of the public sector, reflecting its large share in expenditure on S & T. The IS is considered, in the current scenario, a key factor to development and economic growth of modern economies. However, there are few studies on the role played by the characteristics of the researchers and research infrastructure on scientific productivity. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of these characteristics on individual scientific productivity of the coordinators belonging to 1,756 research infrastructures in Brazil. To do this, the work uses a unique mapping of infrastructure in Brazil by the Ministry of ST & I in partnership with CNPq and IPEA, and the extraction of the individual characteristics of the researchers through the Lattes Platform. The research infrastructure were characterized by the Cluster Analysis, which generated three clusters distinguished by the scope of its activities, scientific areas and composition of physical and human capital. Researchers with higher productivity were present in cluster 2 (multi-activities, Engineering and Life Sciences, pyramidal organizational structure) rather than those present in the cluster 1 (research and development of technology, multi-area) or 3 (research intensive, Engineering and Exact and Earth Sciences, horizontal organizational structure). OLS and Tobit regression models results indicate that the larger the number of scholarship students and capital-labor ratio of the infrastructure the better the productivity of the coordinator. Finally, this study contributes to fill an information gap on the Brazilian system of S & T and after econometric exercise was concluded that the dimensions of the IS, relating human capital, regardless of qualification, and physical, are crucial to the productivity levels of the coordinators.

LabChain: an Interactive Prototype for Synthetic Peer-to-Peer Trade Research in Experimental Energy Economics

Johanning, Simon, Retzlaff, Nancy, Lämmel, Philipp, Dittwald, Benjamin, Bruckner, Thomas 20 October 2023 (has links)
Blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity markets received considerable attention in the past years, leading to a rich variety of proposed market designs. Yet, little comparability and consensus exists on optimal market design, also due to a lack of common evaluation and benchmarking infrastructure. This article describes LabChain, an interactive prototype as research infrastructure for conducting experiments in (simulated) P2P electricity markets involving real human actors. The software stack comprises: (i) an (open) data layer for experiment configuration, (ii) a blockchain layer to reliably document bids and transactions, (iii) an experiment coordination layer and (iv) a user interface layer for participant interactions. As evaluation environment for human interactions within a laboratory setting, researchers can investigate patterns based on energy system and market setup and can compare and evaluate designs under real human behavior allowing alignment of intentions and outcomes. This contributes to the evaluation and benchmarking infrastructure discourse.

Défis techniques, problèmes éthiques : repenser l'éthique de la recherche en génomique humaine à l'ère des infrastructures de recherche / Technical challenges, ethical issues : rethinking the ethics of genomics research in the age of research infrastructures

Soulier, Alexandra 13 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le champ de la recherche en génomique, comme dans d'autres domaines très informatisés, les bases de données et les biobanques sont organisées en infrastructures. Ce nouveau modèle organisationnel doit permettre de soutenir l'effort technique et collaboratif requis pour traiter des Big Data, c'est-à-dire des jeux de données trop volumineux et complexes pour être traités en utilisant les méthodes classiques. L'établissement de ces nouveaux environnements constitue un véritable défi technique et philosophique. Il requiert, pour être opérationnel, des cadres réglementaires adaptés, ouverts à la fois à l'internationalisation et à des perspectives de long terme, mais certains de ces changements ne sont pas compatibles avec les procédures éthiques courantes, notamment la procédure de consentement éclairé. L'éthique de la recherche en génomique doit donc être repensée. Faut-il puiser dans la technique les nouvelles solutions de gouvernance de la recherche ? Ou bien est-il plus juste de répondre à ces évolutions en analysant les situations de tension morale suscitées par de nouveaux développements et en décidant de les traiter en fonction de ce à quoi nous tenons collectivement ? L'enjeu de ce travail, qui relève d'une approche pragmatiste, consiste à cultiver une attitude réflexive à propos des changements en cours dans la recherche en génomique. Cette tâche suppose d'expliciter le rôle des biobanques et des bases de données dans la production, la validation et la publication de la recherche génomique. Il est également nécessaire de rendre compte des tensions auxquelles le développement de ces dispositifs donne lieu lorsqu'ils sont incompatibles avec les procédures actuelles. On peut alors examiner si les dispositifs tels qu'ils sont conçus sont désirables dans les contextes où ils sont développés, soulignant ainsi la dimension politique de l'éthique de la recherche. Cette thèse repose sur l'analyse de situations concrètes issues de projets de recherche dans lesquels nous avons été impliquée. Nous utilisons aussi plusieurs disciplines étudiant la science telle qu'elle se fait (philosophie, anthropologie, sociologie et histoire). Au cours de cet examen, l'idée régulatrice de personne-membre est proposée, pour favoriser la prise en compte des appartenances sociales et politiques du sujet de l'éthique de la recherche en génomique. / In genomic research, as in other highly computerised scientific fields, databases and biobanks are today (re-)organised into infrastructures. This new organisational model should support the technical and collaborative effort needed to deal with Big Data, that is, data sets that are too large and too complex to be treated with conventional methods. Establishing these new environments is an actual technical challenge that requires, in order to be operational, appropriate regulatory frameworks that are both open to internationalisation and long-term prospects. But some of these changes are not consistent with current ethics procedures, including the informed consent process. The ethics of genomics research must therefore be reconsidered by asking whether it is in technology that we must draw new solutions for the governance of research or whether we must respond to these evolutions by proposing a political treatment to clarify what we value collectively. This work, which is based on a pragmatist approach, intends to cultivate a reflexive attitude on the changes being made in genomic research by describing situations of moral tension. This requires elucidating the role of biobanks and databases in the production, validation and publication of genomic research; accounting for the conflicts of values to which the development of these devices can give rise when they are incompatible with the current procedures and thus to examine whether the devices as conceived are desirable in the contexts where they are developed. This thesis is based on the analysis of concrete situations, resulting from research projects in which we have been involved or from studies of science in practices (philosophy, anthropology, sociology and history). During this examination, the regulatory idea of a person-member is proposed, in order to favor the consideration of the social and political affiliations of the subject of ethics to research in genomics.

As infraestruturas de pesquisa no Brasil e o perfil de financiamento da FINEP

Silva, Luciana Bittencourt da 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Bittencourt da Silva (lu_bittencourt@msn.com) on 2017-12-07T20:33:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Luciana Bittencourt da Silva.pdf: 2252834 bytes, checksum: 2751e025163c6a9797baefa53c5cddfb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2017-12-11T15:39:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Luciana Bittencourt da Silva.pdf: 2252834 bytes, checksum: 2751e025163c6a9797baefa53c5cddfb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-26T13:40:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Luciana Bittencourt da Silva.pdf: 2252834 bytes, checksum: 2751e025163c6a9797baefa53c5cddfb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / The main objective of this study is to characterize the country's research infrastructures and to analyze the financing contribution of Finep to the construction of a modern and competitive research infrastructure. To achieve this objective, the database of the national mapping of the national infrastructures carried out by the IPEA (2016) was used, which contains information on 1.760 research infrastructures in the country, of which 238 reported receiving financial support from Finep. In this sense, the sample was divided in two categories - infrastructures financed by Finep and infrastructures not financed by Finep - to describe the frequency of occurrence as to its central tendency, mainly the average, of the following variables: economic aspects, general conditions, activities developed and scientific production of research infrastructures. Based on the analysis of the infrastructure, the following results could be presented: (i) Finep has supported the infrastructure of higher value and has larger equipment; (ii) the infrastructures financed by Finep are more modern and advanced - compared to the best infrastructures in the country and also those observed abroad; (iii) the infrastructure financed by Finep shows a higher percentage of cooperation with companies, national and international institutions, and also a higher percentage of technology and business services, and (iv) the average number of articles produced in infrastructure financed by Finep is about 20% higher than in infrastructures not financed by Finep. One of the limitations of the study is the difficulty in specifying the monetary values of the main sources of financing of the infrastructures, so it was considered as proxy if the infrastructure had received resources from Finep or not and, we characterized the infrastructure as "with Finep support" and "without Finep support". Another point relates to the temporal aspect, since the survey was fixed in a certain period, more precisely, in the year 2012, so that similar studies can be developed at another time with the same sample and achieve different results. Finally, it is worth mentioning the limitation of this study regarding the analyzed sample, which may present selection bias, endogeny and causality. This study aimed to analyze the country's research infrastructures in the context of the National System of Innovation and the contribution of Finep to its strengthening, given the intrinsic need to have results that offer society information on the return of the public investments applied by Finep in the country's research infrastructures. / Este estudo tem como principal objetivo caracterizar as infraestruturas de pesquisa do país e analisar a contribuição de financiamento da Finep para a construção de uma infraestrutura de pesquisa moderna e competitiva. Para cumprir tal objetivo, utilizou-se o banco de dados do mapeamento inédito das infraestruturas nacionais realizado pelo IPEA (2016), que contém informações sobre 1.760 infraestruturas de pesquisa do país, das quais, 238 informaram receber apoio financeiro da Finep. Nesse sentido, a amostra dividiu-se em duas categorias - infraestruturas financiadas pela Finep e infraestruturas não financiadas pela Finep - para descrever a frequência de ocorrência quanto a sua tendência central, principalmente a média, das seguintes variáveis: aspectos econômicos, condições gerais, atividades desenvolvidas e produção científica das infraestruturas de pesquisa. A partir da análise das infraestruturas, os seguintes resultados puderam ser apresentados: (i) a Finep tem apoiado as infraestruturas de maior valor e que possuem equipamentos de maior porte; (ii) as infraestruturas financiadas pela Finep são mais modernas e avançadas – em relação às melhores infraestruturas do país e também às observadas no exterior; (iii) as infraestruturas financiadas pela Finep apresentam maior percentual de cooperação com empresas, instituições nacionais e internacionais e também maior percentual de prestação de serviços tecnológicos e para empresas, e, por fim, (iv) a média de publicação de artigos produzidos nas infraestruturas financiadas pela Finep é cerca de 20% maior do que nas infraestruturas não financiadas pela Finep. Uma das limitações do estudo diz respeito a dificuldade em se precisar os valores monetários referente às principais fontes de financiamento das infraestruturas, dessa forma, considerou-se como proxy se a infraestrutura havia recebido recursos da Finep ou não e, a partir disso, se caracterizou a infraestrutura como “com apoio Finep” e “sem apoio Finep”. Outro ponto, diz respeito ao aspecto temporal, visto que o levantamento foi fixado em determinado período, mais precisamente, no ano de 2012, de modo que estudos semelhantes podem ser desenvolvidos em outro momento com a mesma amostra e alcançar resultados distintos. Por fim, cabe destacar a limitação desse estudo quanto à amostra analisada, que pode apresentar viés de seleção, endogenia e causalidade. Este trabalho se propôs a analisar as infraestruturas de pesquisa do país no contexto do Sistema Nacional de Inovação e a contribuição da Finep para o seu fortalecimento, tendo em vista a necessidade intrínseca de se dispor de resultados que ofereça à sociedade informações sobre o retorno dos investimentos públicos aplicados pela Finep nas infraestruturas de pesquisa do país.

Einsatz und Bewertung komponentenbasierter Metadaten in einer föderierten Infrastruktur für Sprachressourcen am Beispiel der CMDI

Eckart, Thomas 29 July 2016 (has links)
Die Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Einsatz der Component Metadata Infrastructure CMDI im Rahmen der föderierten Infrastruktur CLARIN auseinander, wobei diverse konkrete Problemfälle aufgezeigt werden. Für die Erarbeitung entsprechender Lösungsstrategien werden unterschiedliche Verfahren adaptiert und für die Qualitätsanalyse von Metadaten und zur Optimierung ihres Einsatzes in einer föderierten Umgebung genutzt. Konkret betrifft dies vor allem die Übernahme von Modellierungsstrategien der Linked Data Community, die Übernahme von Prinzipien und Qualitätsmetriken der objektorientierten Programmierung für CMD-Metadatenkomponenten, sowie den Einsatz von Zentralitätsmaßen der Graph- bzw. Netzwerkanalyse für die Bewertung des Zusammenhalts des gesamten Metadatenverbundes. Dabei wird im Rahmen der Arbeit die Analyse verwendeter Schema- bzw. Schemabestandteile sowie die Betrachtung verwendeter Individuenvokabulare im Zusammenspiel aller beteiligten Zentren in den Vordergrund gestellt.

Multi-hazard analysis of steel structures subjected to fire following earthquake

Covi, Patrick 30 July 2021 (has links)
Fires following earthquake (FFE) have historically produced enormous post-earthquake damage and losses in terms of lives, buildings and economic costs, like the San Francisco earthquake (1906), the Kobe earthquake (1995), the Turkey earthquake (2011), the Tohoku earthquake (2011) and the Christchurch earthquakes (2011). The structural fire performance can worsen significantly because the fire acts on a structure damaged by the seismic event. On these premises, the purpose of this work is the investigation of the experimental and numerical response of structural and non-structural components of steel structures subjected to fire following earthquake (FFE) to increase the knowledge and provide a robust framework for hybrid fire testing and hybrid fire following earthquake testing. A partitioned algorithm to test a real case study with substructuring techniques was developed. The framework is developed in MATLAB and it is also based on the implementation of nonlinear finite elements to model the effects of earthquake forces and post-earthquake effects such as fire and thermal loads on structures. These elements should be able to capture geometrical and mechanical non-linearities to deal with large displacements. Two numerical validation procedures of the partitioned algorithm simulating two virtual hybrid fire testing and one virtual hybrid seismic testing were carried out. Two sets of experimental tests in two different laboratories were performed to provide valuable data for the calibration and comparison of numerical finite element case studies reproducing the conditions used in the tests. Another goal of this thesis is to develop a fire following earthquake numerical framework based on a modified version of the OpenSees software and several scripts developed in MATLAB to perform probabilistic analyses of structures subjected to FFE. A new material class, namely SteelFFEThermal, was implemented to simulate the steel behaviour subjected to FFE events.

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