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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otimização de sistemas hidroenergéticos. / Hydropower systems optimization.

Lopes, João Eduardo Gonçalves 29 May 2001 (has links)
A dissertação trata da aplicação de técnicas de programação não linear para otimização da operação de sistemas hidroenergéticos. Foi analisado o desempenho de diferentes funções objetivo para a otimização energética, assim como de regras para deplecionamento de sistemas hidroenergéticos com configurações em paralelo e em série. Neste caso, foi utilizado um sistema hipotético de reservatórios para permitir maior adequação do sistema aos conceitos que foram testados. O sistema Paranapanema foi escolhido como caso de estudo. Para esta bacia discutem-se aspectos ligados às séries hidrológicas, que constituem o principal dado de entrada do processo de otimização. A aplicação ao sistema Paranapanema foi efetuada com otimização de períodos de até 20 anos. Foram definidas novas regras baseadas na observação dos resultados da otimização de longo período e também apresentados padrões de variação da geração e dos volumes dos reservatórios. Foram feitas comparações com a operação real observada. Apresentou-se uma aplicação à operação de tempo real, que define políticas de operação para curto prazo. Essa aplicação tem horizonte de 12 meses, partindo-se do mês atual e considerando cenários futuros baseados em prognósticos climáticos. Os resultados mostram que a partir das regras definidas é possível ter um entendimento do processo de otimização. Os padrões de variação da geração e dos volumes auxiliam na elaboração de políticas de operação. Dessa forma se tem uma visão abrangente da otimização de um sistema hidroenergético considerando os resultados da otimização dentro de um ciclo sazonal conjuntamente com as implicações da otimização de longo período. / An application analysis of nonlinear programming is developed for hydropower systems optimization. The Paranapanema system is chosen like case study and treats aspects tied to hydrological series, that constitute the main input of optimization process. Different objective functions performance are analyzed for the hydropower optimization. It analyzes rules for emptying of hydropower reservoirs with configurations in parallel and in series. In this case a hypothetical system is used to allow larger system adaptation to the concepts that are tested. An application to the Paranapanema system is made, working with periods optimization of up to 20 years. New rules are defined based on the observation of the results of long period optimization. Also variation standards of power generation and reservoirs volumes are introduced. Comparisons with the observed operation are made. An application to real time operation is made, that defines operation policies for short term. This application has horizon of 12 months, departing of the current month and considering future scenarios based on climate prediction. The results show that is possible to have an optimization process understanding from the defined rules. The generation and volumes variation standards assist in the operation policies elaboration. Thus it has a general vision of hydropower system optimization, considering the results of optimization inside seasonal cycle jointly with the optimization long period implications.

Aplicação da tríade de qualidade do sedimento em análise espacial no reservatório do Guarapiranga (SP, Brasil) / Sediment quality triad approach applied to Guarapiranga reservoir (SP, Brazil) in a spatial analysis

Fernanda Lage 14 August 2013 (has links)
Com o intuito de conhecer o histórico da comunidade bentônica no reservatório do Guarapiranga para futuro estudo sobre a influência das diferentes formas de poluição na represa sobre o zoobentos, este trabalho foi desenvolvido a fim de coletar dados históricos da fauna de fundo e se houve variação na estrutura da comunidade ou não. Foram analisados quatro trabalhos realizados no período de inverno em quatro regiões médio-profundal do reservatório (Guarapiranga, Embu-Mirim, Embu-Guaçu e Parelheiros) ao longo dos anos, 1939, 1976, 1996 e 2010. A riqueza de dados presentada nos trabalhos refletiu a evolução do conhecimento em estudos limnológicos no Brasil e no mundo. A densidade de Oligochaeta apresentou aumento ao longo dos anos, assim como a de Chaoboridae. Por outro lado, Chironomidae que apresentava 30% em 1974 é pouco representativo em 2010. O ambiente mostrou forte e crescente enriquecimento orgânico em todos os pontos ao longo dos anos e isso colaborou para uma maior diversidade de grupos detritívoros (Tubificinae e Naidinae - Oligochaeta), por exemplo. Os níveis de oxigênio dissolvido no fundo diminuíram ao longo dos anos em todos as regiões. Chama-se a atenção para a necessidade de biomonitoramento nas 4 regiões da represa, utilizando inclusive os macroinvertebrados bentônicos e análises físicas e químicas do sedimento e a adoção de uma nova forma de gerenciamento deste manancial / With the purpose to know the history of the benthic community in Guarapiranga reservoir for future study about the influence of different sources of pollution in the reservoir over zoobenthos, this study was conducted to collect historical data of benthic fauna and variation in community structure. Four studies conducted during winter in four regions of the reservoir medium-profundal (Guarapiranga, Embu-Mirim, Embu-Guaçu and Parelheiros) over the years, 1939, 1976, 1996 and 2010 were analysed. The best richness of data presented in the works reflected the evolution of knowledge in limnological studies, in Brazil and worldwide. The density of Oligochaeta had an increase over the years as well as the Chaoboridae. On the other hand, Chironomidae presented 30% in the 70\' community and was not representative anymore in 2010. The environment showed strong organic enrichment for all regions along the years, and this has contributed to a greater diversity of detritivorous groups (Tubificinae and Naidinae - Oligochaeta), for example. The dissolved oxygen levels at the bottom declined over the years in all regions. Attention is called to the necessity of biomonitoring in 4 regions of the reservoir, using benthic macroinvertebrates and physical and chemical sediment analyses and the adoption of a new way of managing this system

Previsão de demanda de consumo em tempo real no desenvolvimento operacional de sistemas de distribuição de água. / Sem título em inglês

Kamel Zahed Filho 10 December 1990 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta uma descrição da estrutura de um sistema de controle de reservatórios em tempo real e as diversas formas de controle existentes, mostrando a necessidade de otimização e automatização do controle. São descritas as experiências de controle operacional baseado em computador obtidas da bibliografia. É apresentado o estado da arte na modelação da operação, no que diz respeito a simulação, otimização e previsão de demandas. E apresentado o sistema adutor metropolitano de São Paulo e descrito o seu sistema de controle operacional. São discutidos dois modelos alternativos propostos para a previsão de consumos em tempo real, baseados em ajustes polinomiais e harmônicos das séries de dados. Analisam-se os resultados de aplicação prática destes modelos quanto a precisão de resultados e a confiabilidade de operação. / This work describes the structure of a reservoir system control in real time. Several usual types of control are shown, focusing on the need for optimization and automation of real time operations. Experiences on operational control based on computer referred in literature are described. The state-of-art of operation modeling concerning to simulation, optimization and demand forecasting is presented. The Metropolitan System of Water Distribution of São Paulo and its operational control system are described. Two proposed models for water demand forecasting in real time are discussed. The first one is based on the concept of polynomial adjustement to water consumption data. The other one uses an harmonic representation of the observed values. Results of practical application of these models are analyzed, in respect of numerical precision and confidence on operational decisions.

Modelo de planejamento da operação de sistemas hidrotérmicos de produção de energia elétrica. / Operation planning model of electrical energy hydrothermal systems.

João Eduardo Gonçalves Lopes 13 April 2007 (has links)
Esta tese trata do desenvolvimento de um modelo de otimização para planejamento da operação de sistemas hidrotérmicos de produção de energia elétrica, chamado SolverSIN. São abordados ao longo do texto os seguintes itens: a estruturação do problema de planejamento da operação hidrotérmica, o reservatório equivalente de energia potencial, o balanço hidroenergético, o balanço de energia e o balanço de intercâmbios entre sistemas de produção de energia. O modelo foi testado e avaliado no Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica (SIN), o sistema hidrotérmico brasileiro, um dos mais complexos do mundo. Foi feita a caracterização da operação histórica do SIN para determinação das funções de perdas e das funções de custo térmico, fundamentais para viabilizar o equacionamento proposto. O modelo \"SolverSIN\" foi escrito em duas linguagens computacionais, um em Planilha eletrônica e outro em linguagem GAMS. A principal contribuição desse modelo é dar suporte à tomada de decisão operacional, envolvendo sistemas hidrotérmicos com eficiência, transparência e precisão. A eficiência do modelo está associada à proposta metodológica, baseada no balanço de energia entre fontes de produção de energia elétrica e as equações de balanço hidroenergético aplicadas aos reservatórios equivalentes de energia potencial. A otimização é feita empregandose a Programação Não Linear (PNL) com utilização das rotinas SNOPT, CONOPT e MINOS. A transparência do modelo é também uma propriedade muito importante, isso fica evidente com processamento do SolverSIN, pois ele permite ao decisor observar claramente o comportamento das variáveis envolvidas no processamento, tanto em situações de simulação, como nas de otimização. A propriedade da precisão é essencial e ela fica evidente com as aplicações apresentadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o equacionamento proposto é adequado para emprego no planejamento da operação de sistemas hidrotérmicos. O SolverSIN é um modelo viável para emprego no planejamento operacional em tempo real de qualquer sistema hidrotérmico. / This thesis treats of development of an optimization model for operation planning of hydrothermal systems for electrical energy production. Discus the problem structure of hydrothermal operation planning, the potential energy equivalent reservoir, the hydro energetic balance, the energy balance and the interchange balance between energy production systems. An optimization model for operation planning is presented and is discussed a case study application with the Brazilian Electrical System. The characterization of historical operation of Brazilian System is done for lose functions determination, needed for the optimization model proposed. Thermal function coasts are also defined. The model entitled \"SolverSIN\" is presented in electronic sheet (Excel) version or GAMS program and is done applications with result analysis. The main contribution of this model is decision maker support on operational hydrothermal systems with efficiency, transparency and precision. The model efficiency is associated with methodological proposal, based on energy balance of electrical sources and hydro energetic balance equations applied to potential energy equivalent reservoir. The optimization process is solved by Non Linear Programming (NLP) with commercial solvers SNOPT, CONOPT and MINOS, with reliable on international technical community. The model transparency is also a property very important. The SolverSIN model runs allow that the decision maker clearly observe the involved variables, either on simulation, or optimization. The precision property is essential and gives evidence with presented applications. The results show that the SolverSIN model is proper for any hydrothermal systems operation planning.

Introdução de espécies, estrutura dos habitats e padrões de diversidade da ictiofauna em ecótonos do reservatório do Broa, SP / Introduction of species, habitats structure and diversity patterns of the Broa reservoir ichthyofauna in ecotones

Carlos Eduardo Marinelli 23 August 2002 (has links)
A influência da estrutura ambiental sobre os padrões de diversidade da ictiofauna de ecótonos são analisados para o reservatório do Broa, bacia do rio Tietê (22º10\'S; 47º54\'W). Paralelamente, são avaliadas as alterações na composição dessa comunidade entre 1985 e 2000. Constituída por 24 espécies (sete ordens e 12 famílias de peixes) e com um alto nível de diversidade (1,99 bits./ind.), a ictiofauna estudada não apresentou variação espacial ou temporal na abundância de suas espécies. Os padrões de baixa captura e freqüência das quatro espécies introduzidas, parecem não evidenciar risco potencial de impacto negativo aos estoques hospedeiros. Determinadas principalmente pelo fluxo d\'água e estado trófico, as variáveis ambientais evidenciaram as alterações estruturais a que ecótonos estudados vêm sendo submetidos. Apesar da ausência de variação significativa entre a estrutura da ictiofauna de zonas de transição e bancos de macrófitas, perante a sazonalidade, essas taxocenoses apresentaram distintos padrões de composição, estabilidade e variação estrutural. Bancos de macrófitas tornam a área alagada mais heterogênea, constituindo comunidades com maior riqueza e diversidade de espécies, sendo drasticamente afetadas pela sazonalidade. Entre as espécies constantes, 90% estiveram ordenadas junto aos bancos de macrófitas, onde variações na disponibilidade de recursos críticos (p.e. alimentação e abrigo) segregam nas sazonalmente, enquanto fluxo d\'água e estado trófico são os gradientes determinantes dos habitats de abundância predominante das espécies. / The influence of environmental aspects on diversity patterns for the ichthyofauna of ecotones were analyzed for the Broa reservoir, Tiete river basin (22º10\'S; 47º54\'W). Alterations in the ichthyofauna composition have also been analyzed considering the period from 1985 and 2000. This fauna constituted by 24 species (seven orders and 12 families) and a high diversity (1,99 bits/ind.), showed no spacial or temporal variations in species abundance. The pattern of low capture and frequency of four species introduced in inchangeable, not pointing out to the risk of a potential negative impact over the native species. Determined mainly by the inflow and trophic condition, the environmental variables show clearly the structural alterations that these ecotones studied have been undergoing. Although there was no significant seasonal variation between the ictiofauna structure of the transitional zones and macrophytes banks, these taxocenoses presented a distinct composition pattern, stability and structural variation. Macrophytes banks increase the environmental heterogeneity of wetland areas, resulting communities with high species diversity, being drastically affected by seasonality. Between the constant species 90% ordained along macrophytes banks, variations on the availability of critical resources (f.e. food and shelter) cause for the seasonal segregation of these species, inflow and trophic condition were the determinant gradients on the principal habitats occupied by the species.

Distribuição espacial e mudanças temporais da comunidade fitoplanctônica no Reservatório do Lobo (Itirapina - SP) / not available

Davi Perez de Carvalho 14 February 2003 (has links)
O Reservatório do Lobo, inserido no APA de Corumbataí, Município de Itirapina, faz parte do sistema Jacaré Guaçú. Este sistema, nas últimas décadas, tem sofrido impactos antrópicos significativos. Apesar deste fato, o trabalho desenvolvido (coletas mensais em nove estações no Reservatório do Lobo), com coleta de dados a respeito das variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas, entre os meses de junho de 1999 a maio de 2000, demonstrou que este sistema ainda apresenta uma comunidade fitoplanctônica semelhante à observada em trabalhos anteriores. As mudanças nesta comunidade estão ligadas às funções de forças físicas que atuam no sistema, principalmente a temperatura e aos regimes hidrológicos. O reservatório pôde ser caracterizado em dois compartimentos: o inferior (mais profundo, com a coluna d\'água mais homogênea) e o superior (entrada dos principais afluentes, com bancos de macrófitas). A Bacillariophyceae Aulacoseira distans predominou nos três primeiros meses (junho a agosto de 1999), favorecida pela transparência e mistura da coluna d\'água. A espécie Aphanocapsa delicatissima (Cyanophyceae), nos meses posteriores (setembro a dezembro de 1999) substituiu em densidade aquela espécie, devido ao aumento da temperatura na coluna d\'água, às estratificações e à diminuição da concentração de nutrientes (especialmente fósforo). A espécie Cyclotella stelligera (Bacillariophyceae) predominou junto de Aphanocapsa delicatissima, em densidade (janeiro/2000), devido ao fato de ser eficiente competidora. A classe Chlorophyceae predominou em densidade no período chuvoso (fevereiro a março de 2000), representada pelos táxons Coelastrum reticulatum e Chlorela vulgaris. A Cyanophyceae Aphanocapsa delicatissima voltou a predominar em densidade nos dois últimos meses (abril a maio de 2000), em relação à densidade, devido ao aumento da insolação e, conseqüentemente, à ocorrências de períodos de estratificações durante o período de estudo. As espécies Aulacoseira distans, Coelastrum reticulatum e Aulacoseira granulata var. granulata foram os táxons predominantes em relação ao biovolume. Os táxons predominantes no período de estudo apresentaram a seguinte composição, quanto às suas estratégias de sobrevivência: R (Aulacoseira ditans) &#8594 CS (Aphanocapsa delicatissima) &#8594 CR (Cyclotela stellygera e Coelastrum reticulatum) &#8594 CS (Aphanocapsa delicatíssima) /CR (Coelastrum reticulatum). Essas estratégias indicam um ambiente em constante transição entre períodos de estratificação e mistura. Ao se analisar a composição fitoplanctônica por grandes grupos, a seqüência de transição destes mostra um ambiente tipicamente mesotrófico. / The Reservoir of the Lobo inserted in APA (protection environmental of area) of Corumbataí, Municipal district of Itirapina, is part of the system Jacaré Guaçú. This system, in the last decades, it has been suffering impacts significant antropics. In spite of this fact, the developed work (monthly collections in nine stations in the Reservoir of the Wolf), with collection of data regarding the physical variables, chemistries and biological, among the months of june of 1999 to may of 2000, demonstrated that this system introduces a community observed similar phytoplankton her in previous works. The alterations in the community are linked to the functions of physical forces that act in the system, mainly temperature and cycles hidrologics. The horizontal distribution was verified forming two compartments; the inferior (deeper and homogeneous) and the superior (the flowing principal entrance, with macrófitas banks). Aulacoseira distans (Bacillariophyceae) it prevailed in the first three months (June to August of 1999), favored by the transparency and it mixes of the column of water. Aphanocapsa delicatissima (Cyanophyceae), in the subsequent months (September to December of 1999) it substituted in density that species, due to increase of the temperature in the column of water, beddings and the decrease of nutritious (specially match). Cyclotella stelligera prevailed Aphanocapsa delicatissima near in density (January of 2000), should be this species efficient competitor. The class Chlorophyceae prevailed in density in the rainy period (February to March of 2000), represented by the taxon Coelastrum reticulatum and Chlorella vulgaris. Aphanocapsa delicatissima prevailed in density in the last two months again (April to May of 2000) in relation to density, due to the increase of the heatstroke and, consequently, to periods of beddings. During the study period, Aulacoseira distans, Coelastrum reticulatum and (Continuing) Aulacoseira granulata were predominant taxons in relation to the biovolume. The predominant taxons in the study period, presented the following composition, with relationship to your survival strategies: R (Aulacoseira distans) &#8594 CS (Aphanocapsa delicatissima) &#8594 CR (Cyclotela stellygera and Coelastrum reticulatum) &#8594 CS (Apahnocapsa delicatissima) /CR (Coelastrum reticulatum). These strategies indicate atmosphere in constant transition among bedding periods and it mixes and when analyzing the composition phytoplankton for great groups, the sequence of transition of these, display environmental typically mesotrophic.

Geological risk and reservoir quality in hydrocarbon exploration

Xia, Changyou January 2018 (has links)
In the next 20 years, the global demand for oil is forecast to grow by 0.7% every year, and the demand for natural gas will increase by 1.6% annually. But as we continue to produce oil and gas, the resources of our current oilfields are depleting. To meet the rising global energy demand, it is essential that we can keep discovering more petroleum resources in the future. The primary aim of this PhD project is to deepen our understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs and enhance our ability to explore. The first project looked at the geological risks in hydrocarbon exploration. It reviewed and statistically analysed the data of 382 unsuccessful boreholes in the UK offshore area. The results suggest that the most significant risk for an exploration well is encountering a thin or absent target reservoir. This risk happened to 27 ± 4% of the past unsuccessful wells. The following most common risks are low-porosity reservoirs (22 ± 4% of all cases) and the lack of a closed trap (23 ± 4%). The probability of a target reservoir having a leaky caprock is 5 ± 2%. The study has calculated the probability of occurrence of all the geological risks in exploration, and this risk data can be applied to predict the potential geological risks in future exploration. One challenge in developing saline aquifers as CO2 storage reservoirs is the lack of subsurface data, unless a well has been drilled. Drawing on the experience of hydrocarbon exploration, a potential CO2 storage site identified on seismic profiles will be subject to many uncertainties, such as thin or low-porosity reservoirs, leaky seals, which are analogue to the geological risks of an undrilled hydrocarbon prospect. Since the workflow of locating CO2 storage reservoirs is similar to the exploration for hydrocarbon reservoirs, the risk data of hydrocarbon exploration wells can be applied to infer the geological risks of the exploration wells for CO2 storage reservoirs. Based on this assumption, the study of Chapter 3 estimated that the probability of a borehole encountering a reservoir suitable for CO2 storage is c. 41-57% (90% confidence interval). For reservoirs with stratigraphic traps within the UKCS, the probability of success is slightly lower, at 39 ± 10% (90% confidence). Chapter 4 studies the porosity and diagenetic process of the Middle Jurassic Pentland Formation in the North Sea. The analysis data come from 21 wells that drilled and cored the Pentland Formation. Petrographic data suggest the content of detrital illite is the most important factor affecting the porosity of the Pentland Sandstone - the porosities of the sandstones with more than 15% of illite (determined by point-count) are invariably low (< 10%). Quartz cement grows at an average rate of 2.3 %/km below the depth of 2km, and it is the main porosity occluding phase in the deep Pentland Sandstone. Petrographic data shows the clean, fine-grained sandstones contain the highest amount of quartz cement. Only 1-2 % of K-feldspar seems to have dissolved in the deep Pentland Sandstone (> 2 km), and petrographic data suggest that K-feldspar dissolution does not have any substantial influence on the sandstone porosity. There is no geochemical evidence for mass transfer between the sandstones and shales of the Pentland Formation. Chapter 5 investigates the high porosity of the Pentland Sandstone in the Kessog Field, Central North Sea. The upper part of the Kessog reservoir displays an anomalously high porosity (c. 25 %, helium porosity) that is 10 % higher than the porosity of other Pentland sandstones at the same depth (c. 15 %, 4.1 - 4.4 km). Petrographic data show these high porosities are predominantly primary porosity. The effects of sedimentary facies, grain coats, secondary porosity and overpressure on the formation of the high porosity are considered to be negligible in this case. Early hydrocarbon emplacement is the only explanation for the high porosity. In addition to less quartz cement, the high-porosity sandstones also contain more K-feldspar and less kaolin than the medium-porosity sandstones of the same field. This indicates that early hydrocarbon emplacement has also inhibited the replacement of K-feldspar. The last chapter studies the potential mass transfer of silica, aluminium, potassium, iron, magenesium and calcium at sandstone-shale contacts. The study samples include 18 groups of sandstones and shales that were collected from five oilfields in the North Sea. The interval space between the samples of each group varies from centimetres to meters. The research aim is to find evidence of mass transfer by studying the samples' variation of mineralogy and chemistry as a function of the distance to the nearest sandstone-shale contact. The sandstones are mostly turbidite sandstones, and the shales are Kimmeridge Clay shales. Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical data do not provide firm evidence for mass transfer within any group of the samples. The result indicates that the scale of mobility of silica, aluminium, potassium, iron, magenesium and calcium in the subsurface may be below the scale of detection of the study method, i.e. < 5 cm.

Geometry and geobody extraction of a submarine channel complex in the Sable Field, Bredasdorp Basin

Stoltenkamp, Razeen January 2015 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Sable Field constitutes a Basin Floor Channel (BFC) complex (E-BD reservoir) and a Basin Floor Fan (BFF) complex (E-CE reservoir). The reservoir sands were deposited during early-drift sedimentation in the Bredasdorp Basin. Paleo-current flows from the west, filling the basin with sediments that are eroded off the continental shelf (Agulhus Arch) and deposited on the base of the continental slope and basin floor. Turbidite flows off the Agulhus arch have deposited the Sable Fields reservoirs, where the larger channelized reservoir body takes an 80° bend off the continental slope and flows onto the basin floor. This 3-D reservoir highlights the reservoirs internal heterogeneity and complexity at the well bore and away from the well bore. Well tops tie wells to the 3-D seismic cube for; reservoir location and delineation, velocity modelling and subsequent conversion of the mapped surfaces from time to depth. Core and petro-physical analysis were used to outline the depositional facies within the investigated wells namely: E-BD5, E-BD2, E-BD1 and E-CE1. Correlation of depositional facies at the well bore with their corresponding seismic facies, allows for extrapolation of facies away from the well bore. The internal heterogeneity of the reservoir is outlined using an integrated methodology, which is based on log scale depositional features (channels, sheets, lobes) that are extrapolated to field scale (sand rich complex) using corresponding top and base reservoir seismic responses. The investigated thick region of sediment accumulation on: the continental slope, the base of the continental slope and basin floor is deposited on the 13AT1 early drift unconformity. The reservoir is outlined from the up-dip to the down-dip reaches of the field. Well E–BD5 has tapped into the proximal region (up-dip), with reservoir comprising of amalgamated channel sands that are deposited by laterally switching and stacking channelized sand bodies. Channel meander facies are seen in the upper portion of the reservoir, with massive channel fill in the lower parts. The channel fill constitutes a high net to gross with little to no lateral facies variations. This confined environment is dominated by amalgamated massive sands (on-axis) that are thinner bedded towards the banks of the channels (off-axis). A high degree of channel amalgamation has been interpreted in both up-dip wells E-BD5 and E-BD2. This channelized reservoir is at least 2km wide and 6km long, before the larger channel makes a rapid 80° change in paleo-current direction. This is possibly the result of basin floor topography and the stacking of previously deposited sand complexes which alter local sea floor topography. The vertical and lateral continuity of the channelised reservoir is generally excellent due to the high degree of channel amalgamation. The stacked channel complex constitutes a gross thickness of 76.2m (68.5m Net sand) in well E-BD5, and a gross thickness 25m (23m Net sand) in well E-BD2. Channel sands in well E-BD5 have an average porosity of 15% while the average porosity of channel sands in well E-BD2 (further down-dip) is 17%. This up-dip channelised region results in high amplitude reflections due to hydrocarbon charged sand juxtaposed against hemipelagic muds and silty levee facies. Well E-BD1 has tapped into a relatively confined sand complex deposited at the base of the continental slope. The amalgamated lobe and sheet sand complex is entirely encased in hemi pelagic mud. These reservoir sands are interpreted to be deposited in the Channel Lobe Transition Zone (CLTZ), thus the reservoir sands are interpreted to have a transitional depositional style (generally channelized sheets). The CLTZ region is thus dominated by both channel complex and lobe complex elements. The E-BD1 reservoir constitutes a number of amalgamated elements that result in a reservoir zone with an average porosity of 16.4%. These include: amalgamated thick bedded sheet sand (lobe axis) associated with deep depositional feeder channels; thin bedded sheet sands (off lobe axis), broad thin amalgamated lobe elements, layered thick bedded sand sheets and deep broad depositional channels. The low sinuosity broad depositional-channels and elongate lobe elements are expressed as lobate amalgamated sheets of sand which is up to 2-3km wide, 5km long and 30m thick (29.7m nett sand) at the well bore. Well E-CE1 has intersected 50m thick reservoir sand (50m nett sand) which constitutes the axis of a lobe complex where the reservoir zone has an average porosity of 14%. The sand rich complex is deposited on the unconfined basin floor. This reservoir complex constitutes amalgamated thick bedded lobe architectural elements which are massive in nature. The laterally continuous hydrocarbon charged lobe elements result in bright parallel seismic reflections. The amalgamated lobe complex is more than 5km wide. Sub-parallel horizons are attributed to the thin bedded off axis portion of the lobe complex where the net to gross is considerably less than the highly amalgamated axis of the lobe complex. The lobe complex has a moderate to good net to gross of 40-60%. The high aspect ratio of the lobe complex severely impacts the reservoirs vertical permeability, however horizontal permeability is quite good due to the extensive lateral continuity of good quality sheet sands. Based on the nature deep water architectural elements observed in this study, the internal heterogeneity of the Basin floor Fan and Basin floor channel complex’s may constitute an entire sand rich reservoir zone. All the sands may be in hydraulic communication if they are genetically related. These sands and stretch from the up-dip (wells E-BD5 & E-BD2) through to the transitional (E-BD2) and pinching out in the distal regions (E-CE1) on the basin floor. The seal constitutes a prominent shale horizon T13PW3 (8-10m thick) which is draped over the entire reservoir complex. This top seal is extrapolated from all the wells and correlated with seismic facies, thus outlining the lateral continuity and thickness variations of the top seal. This draped shale horizon exposes the thick axial portion of the amalgamated channel complex and amalgamated lobe complex.

Facies Analysis, Sedimentary Petrology, and Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Triassic Sinbad Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation, Central Utah: A Synthesis of Surface and Subsurface Data

Powell, Kristopher Michael 01 February 2017 (has links)
Lower Triassic strata in the Wellington Flat and Tully cores reflect a lateral transition from shallow water strata (Wellington Flats core) to strata that indicate deposition on a relatively more distal, storm-dominated ramp (Tully core). The Sinbad Member, along with the upper part of the underlying Black Dragon Member and the lower part of the overlying Torrey Member (Moenkopi Formation), are composed of ten carbonate, siliciclastic and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic facies deposited on a west-facing ramp/shelf that reached maximum flooding during Smithian time. Individual beds and facies display a large degree of lateral homogeneity and regional persistence in the study area. The Wellington Flats core contains the three units characteristic of outcropping Sinbad Limestone: a basal skeletal unit, a middle peloidal unit, and an upper, oolitic dolomite unit. The more offshore Tully core is composed of skeletal grainstone, with fewer shallow-water carbonate and siliciclastic deposits. Discontinuity surfaces (hardgrounds, firmgrounds, and change surfaces) are common and indicate that sedimentation was punctuated by short-lived hiatuses accompanied by cementation, scour, and/or encrustation of the sediment-water interface. The Black Dragon, Sinbad, and lower Torrey Members represent at least one 3rd-order depositional sequence bounded below by the Tr-1 unconformity and above by lowstand deposits in the middle Torrey Member. Amalgamated fluvial channels in the middle of the Black Dragon Member may represent an additional 3rd-order sequence boundary that separates a Greisbachian sequence (lower Black Dragon Member) from the Smithian sequence (upper Black Dragon through lower Torrey members), but this is unsubstantiated by biostratigraphic data at present. Diagenesis is strongly controlled by facies. Diagenetic elements include marine fibrous calcite cements, micritized grains, compaction, dissolution and neomorphism of aragonite grains, meteoric cements, pressure dissolution, and dolomitization. The paragenetic sequence progresses from marine to meteoric to burial. Marine and meteoric cements occlude much of the depositional porosity, which ranges from 0 to 10 % in the sample interval. The best reservoir qualities in core (1.0 md) occur in grainstones and quartz-siltstones. Although its relative thinness precludes it from being a major producer, the Sinbad Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation bears potential for modest future oil production.

Reservoir Sedimentation: The Economics of Sustainability

George, Matthew William 01 June 2016 (has links)
Despite mounting demand for a more sustainable worldwide water supply system, available reservoir capacity is relentlessly diminishing due to sedimentation. This fact, coupled with a decrease in the rate of dam construction, indicate an impending water supply dilemma. In the future, dams should be designed following a life cycle management approach rather than the typical short-sighted design life technique.Neither sustainable reservoir lifespans nor intergenerational equity is achieved through conventional cost-benefit analyses (CBA), which render all benefits and costs projected to occur more than several decades into a project as negligible. Consequently, future expenditures, including dam decommissioning or retrofitting with sediment management facilities, are regarded as non-factors in an analysis. CBAs have also historically failed to account for the impacts of sedimentation on infrastructure and the environment over time.Alternatives to the traditional application of the CBA do exist, however. These include dam owners establishing retirement funds or insurance policies, beneficiaries paying for rehabilitation or maintenance, and economists incorporating infrastructure damages and potentially declining discount rates into their analyses.To analyze the disadvantages of not managing sediment, a case study of costs caused from sedimentation impacts at Gavins Point Dam was performed. Impacts from sedimentation at Gavins Point Dam include, among many others, upstream municipal flooding and downstream bank stabilization and sandbar construction. The financial analysis considered the time value of money and showed that the value of expenditures to resolve sedimentation impacts is equivalent to 70% of the original construction cost. Including the costs of additional impacts would amplify this result. Design and operations decisions at Gavins Point Dam could have been drastically different, leading to a more sustainable project, if these expenditures from sedimentation impacts had been included in the initial economic analyses.It is recommended that multidisciplinary discussions occur at multiagency levels to consider changes to traditional CBAs for long-term water supply projects. These discussions should investigate the creation of funding to address sediment management at existing dams. The frequency of bathymetric surveys should also be increased, which would lead to a better understanding of the condition of our infrastructure. By pursuing these recommendations and integrating the aforementioned alternatives to the CBA, economic studies for reservoirs will be more accurate, reservoir lifespans will be more sustainable, profits will be extended indefinitely, and the economic burdens passed to future generations will be lessened.

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