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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Farmakologické modifikace potenciálních signálních systémů regulujících metabolismus adipocytů a hepatocytů a jejich vliv na obezitu / Pharmacological modifications of potential signal systems regulating metabolism of adipocytes and hepatocytes and their influence on obesity

Hodis, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: Thesis abstract: Background and aims: Both obesity and metabolic syndrome form severe health problems in the whole world. Nevertheless the armament of pharmacotherapy for both diseases remains unsatisfactory. We aimed our work to main organs in risk of the mentioned diseases -liver and visceral fat using hepatocytes and visceral adipocytes as model. We detected 3 main metabolic and signalization activities- glycogenolysis, Nitric oxide (NO) production and transcription of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in hepatocytes, lipolysis, NO production and iNOS transcription rate in adipocytes. We directed our interest to combination of peroxisome proliferation activator receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist, antagonist and β3 adrenergic agonist in the culture of epididymal rat adipocytes in the first part of our work. While in the second part we investigated the influence of β and α adrenergic mimetics, adrenergic blockers in the culture of rat high glycogen content hepatocytes. Methods: NO production was detected under the active agents treatments by detection of NO oxidative products NO2 and NO3 in media. Glycogenolysis was measured as free glucose rise released by hepatocytes into the media. NOS transcription level was extrapolated after comparative polymerase chain reaction with reverse...

Perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos de bactérias isoladas de amostras de águas das escolas estaduais de Boa Vista - RR

Ilzo Costa Pessoa 24 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atualmente, uma das maiores preocupações da humanidade é com a disponibilidade e qualidade da água. A exploração inadequada das fontes acarreta a contaminação das águas superficiais e subterrâneas que se tornam um risco para a saúde pública. Dentre as fontes biológicas de contaminação da água, incluem-se as bactérias, que são responsáveis por inúmeras doenças, sendo frequentemente tratadas com antimicrobianos. O amplo uso de antimicrobianos na medicina humana e na produção animal tem resultado no aumento do número de bactérias comensais e patogênicas resistentes a agentes antimicrobianos, fato que nos últimos anos vem se tornando um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. O presente trabalho resulta do interesse pelo estudo da qualidade da água consumida pelos alunos de 20 escolas estaduais da rede pública de Boa Vista RR, bem como obter o perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos de bactérias isoladas a partir de diferentes amostras de águas, coletadas nessas escolas. No período de outubro de 2010 a abril de 2011, foram coletas 40 amostras de águas de torneiras das copas e 40 amostras de águas de bebedouros, as quais foram submetidas à avaliação microbiológica. A determinação dos coliformes totais e termotolerantes foi realizada por meio da técnica dos tubos múltiplos com 3 diluições e série de 5 tubos. Para a detecção de bactérias heterotróficas uso-se o método pour plate, de acordo com as normas preconizadas no Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastwater. O isolamento e a identificação dos isolados bacteriano foi realizada no LACEN-RR utilizando-se a série bioquímica. Para a avaliação da resistência aos antimicrobianos, utilizou-se a metodologia de difusão de disco, seguindo as normas estabelecidas pelo CLSI. Das amostras de águas que recebem tratamento completo, 10% apresentaram resultados positivos para coliformes totais e nas amostras de água clorada, 20% apresentaram resultados positivos para coliformes totais e 2,5% resultado positivo para coliformes termotolerantes, o que as tornam imprópria para o consumo humano. A contagem de bactérias heterotróficas variou de 1,4 x 10 a 3,6 x 102 UFC/mL de água, não ultrapassando o estabelecido pela Portaria 518/2004/MS. Foram identificadas as seguintes bactérias Gram-negativas (66,7%): Acinetobacter spp., C. violacea, Cocobacilos spp., E. aerogenes, E. coli, K. ozaenae, Leptothrix ssp. e Bacilo Gram-negativo não fermentador de glicose, as bactérias Gram-positivas (33,3%), identificadas foram: B. subtilis, Micrococcus spp., S. aureus e Staphylococcus spp. Os resultados dos testes de sensibilidade aos antibióticos revelaram que a maioria das bactérias isoladas foi resistente a ampicilina (68,2%), 27,3% apresentaram resistência a oxacilina e 22,7% foram resistentes a eritromicina e meropenem. As cepas de S. aureus isoladas das amostras de águas apresentaram maior índice MAR (0,61) entre as bactérias Gram-positivas, enquanto que nas bactérias Gram-negativas, as cepas que apresentaram maior índice MAR foram as cepas de E. coli, com índice 0,61. Os resultados comprovam a ocorrência de instabilidade no padrão de qualidade da água fornecida a população de Boa Vista RR seja no tratamento, na distribuição ou no armazenamento da água. Além de constatar a presença de bactérias multirresistentes a antibióticos, o que representa risco à população. / One of the main concerns of humanity nowadays is water: its availability and its quality. An inadequate exploitation of the sources results in the contamination of both superficial and deep waters, which become a public health hazard. Bacteria are one of these biological sources of water contamination, responsible for countless diseases which are treated with antimicrobials. The widely spread use of antimicrobials in human medicine along with animal production had resulted in a steady increase in the number of pathogenic and commensal bacteria resistant to antimicrobial agents, which in recent years are becoming one of the main problems of public health. This paper is a result of an interest in studying the quality of water consumed by the students of 20 state schools of the public school system of Boa Vista RR, as well as trying to obtain a profile of antimicrobial resistance of the bacteria isolated in different water samples collected at these schools. Between October 2010 and April 2011, 40 water samples were collected from taps in lunchrooms, along with 40 samples from drinking wells, and all of them were submitted to microbiological examination. Using the multiple tubes technique, with 3 dilutions and a series of 5 tubes, we determined the total number of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms. In agreement with the rules of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, the pour plate method was used at the CBio UFRR to detect heterotrophic bacteria. Isolation and identification of microorganisms was done at LACEN RR, using the biochemical series. In evaluating the resistance to antimicrobials, disk diffusion methods were used, in agreement with the established rules of the CLSI. In water samples that receive full treatment, 10% tested positive for total coliforms and, in chlorinated water samples, 20% tested positive for total coliforms and 2,5% for thermo-tolerant coliforms, which makes them inadequate for human consume. The counting of heterotrophic bacteria went from 1,4 x 10 to 3,6 x 10 CFU/mL of water, not surpassing what is established in the ordinance 518/2004/MS. The following Gram-negative bacteria (66,7%) were identified: Acinetobacter spp., C. violacea, Cocobacilos spp., E. aerogenes, E. coli, K. ozaenae, Leptothrix ssp. and Gram-negative glucose non fermenting bacillus. The Gram-positive bacteria identified were: B. subtilis, Micrococcus spp., S. aureus and Staphylococcus spp. The results of antibiotic sensibility tests revealed that most of the isolated bacteria were resistant to ampicilin (68,2%), 22,3% showed resistance to oxacilin and 22,7% were resistant to both eritromicin and meropenem. In Gram-positive bacteria, the growths of S. aureus isolated from water samples showed the greatest MAR index (0,61), while E. coli growths were the ones who showed the greatest MAR index in Gram-negative bacteria (also 6,1%). Results prove a great instability in the quality of water provided to the Boa Vista - RR population, being in its treatment, distribution or containment, as well as showing the presence of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics, which is a health hazard to the public.

Propagação de híbridos somáticos de citros e reação à infecção por Phytophthora nicotianae e vírus da tristeza dos citros. / Propagation of citrus somatic hybrids and response to Phytophthora nicotianae and Citrus Tristeza Virus infection.

Rafael Pio 24 May 2005 (has links)
A hibridação somática é uma nova opção em programas de melhoramento de espécies cítricas, obtendo-se híbridos somáticos que podem manter integralmente a combinação genética de ambos os progenitores envolvidos na hibridação. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a propagação e crescimento de combinações parentais de híbridos somáticos com potencial para serem utilizados como porta-enxertos e verificar possíveis resistências/tolerâncias à infecção de tronco e raízes por Phytophthora nicotianae e ao vírus da tristeza dos citros (CTV). Os híbridos somáticos utilizados nos trabalhos foram: limão 'Cravo' + laranja azeda, laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Cravo', laranja 'Caipira' + tangerina 'Cleópatra', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Rugoso', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki', laranja 'Ruby Blood' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Valência' + Fortunella obovata. Na propagação dos híbridos, estacas de 15 cm de comprimento foram retiradas de plantas matrizes dos respectivos híbridos somáticos e submetidas ao enraizamento em câmara de nebulização intermitente por 100 dias. Posteriormente, foram analisadas o sistema radicular das estacas e parte aérea. Em seguida, foram transplantadas para sacos plásticos, conduzidas em haste única e mantidas em casa-de-vegetação por 210 dias, realizando-se avaliações mensais em relação à parte aérea e ao final avaliações do sistema radicular. Para os ensaios de infecção por Phytophthora nicotianae e CTV, foram utilizadas mudas dos respectivos híbridos somáticos oriundos de estacas e ainda a inclusão de plantas testemunhas. Para os testes de resistência/tolerância a P. nicotianae, utilizou-se o método da agulha para o teste de infecção de tronco, sendo as lesões quantificadas após 25 dias da inoculação. Para o teste de podridão das raízes e radicelas, o substrato foi infectado com estruturas do patógeno, sendo analisados a parte aérea das plantas quinzenalmente e o sistema radicular após 60 dias da instalação do ensaio. Para o teste de tolerância dos híbridos somáticos ao CTV, adotou-se o método de união dos tecidos (enxertia), analisando-se a parte aérea das plantas mensalmente em três avaliações. No enraizamento das estacas, os híbridos laranja 'Caipira' + tangerina 'Cleópatra', laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano', limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki' e laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' apresentaram melhores resultados, sendo que os híbridos laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' se destacaram em relação ao desenvolvimento das estacas após o tranplantio. Os híbridos somáticos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, limão 'Cravo' + tangerina 'Sunki', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Ruby Blood' + limão 'Volkameriano', laranja 'Rohde Red' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' apresentaram bons resultados em relação à redução da podridão do tronco e os híbridos somáticos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + limão 'Volkameriano', tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda, laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Volkameriano' e laranja 'Caipira' + limão 'Cravo' apresentaram tolerância a podridão das raízes e radicelas ocasionado por P. nicotianae. Os híbridos tangerina 'Cleópatra' + laranja azeda e laranja 'Valência' + Fortunella obovata apresentaram intolerância ao vírus da tristeza dos citros. / Somatic hybridization is a new alternative in citric species breeding, yielding somatic hybrids which may integrally keep the genetic combination of both progenitors involved in the hybridization. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the propagation and growth of somatic hybrids parental combinations with potential to be used as rootstock and to verify possible resistance/tolerance to trunk and roots infection by Phytophthora nicotianae and citrus tristeza virus (CTV). This work applied the following somatic hybrids: 'Cravo' lemon + sour orange, 'Caipira' orange + 'Cravo' lemon, 'Caipira' orange + 'Cleopatra' tangerine, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Caipira' orange + 'Rough' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine, 'Ruby Blood' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Valência' orange + Fortunella obovata. In hybrids propagation, stem cuttings of approximately 15 cm length were excised from matrix plants of respective somatic hybrids and submmited to rooting in intermitent nebulization chamber for 100 days. Later, the stem cuttings root system and air part were analyzed. In sequence, they were transplanted to plastic bags, conduced in only one hast and kept in greenhouse during 210 days, when monthly evaluations were performed concerning the air part and, in the end, root system evaluations. For the Phytophthora nicotianae and CTV infection essays, plants derived from the respective somatic hybrids originated from stem cuttings were used, as well as control plants. For the resistance/tolerance to P. nicotianae analysis, the needle method for the trunk infection test was applied, being the lesions quantified after 25 days post-inoculation. For the roots and radicels flashening test, substrate was infected with pathogen structures and the air part of the plants was analyzed at every 15 days; roots were analyzed 60 days after the essay implementation. To evaluate the somatic hybrids tolerance to CTV, it was adopted the method of tissues union (grafting), where the air part of the plants was analyzed once a month in three evaluations. On the stem cuttings rooting, the hybrids of 'Caipira' orange + 'Cleopatra' tangerine, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine and 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon presented the best results, with the hybrids of 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon being the top concerning the stem cuttings development after transplanting. The somatic hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Cravo' lemon + 'Sunki' tangerine, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Ruby Blood' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Rohde Red' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon showed good results related to reducing the trunk flashening, and the somatic hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + 'Volkamerian' lemon, 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange, 'Caipira' orange + 'Volkamerian' lemon and 'Caipira' orange + 'Cravo' lemon presented tolerance to roots and radicels flashening caused by P. nicotianae. The hybrids of 'Cleopatra' tangerine + sour orange and 'Valência' orange + Fortunella obovata showed to be intolerant to citrus tristeza virus.

Studium vlivu antiretrovirálních léčiv na transmembránový transport tenofoviru disoproxil fumarátu přes monovrstvu MDCKII-ABCB1 buněk / Study of effects of antiretroviral drugs on transmembrane transport of tenofofovir disoproxil fumarate across MDCKII-ABCB1 cell monolayer

Repeľová, Beáta January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Beáta Repeľová Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of effects of antiretroviral drugs on transmembrane transport of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate across MDCKII - ABCB1 cell monolayer Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) - ester prodrug of tenofovir is considered as one of the most frequently used component of combination antiretroviral therapy. Several ways of application and good patients' tolerability is typical for this compound. TDF is a substrate of dug transporter such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) therefore its efflux activity may limit the bioavailability after oral administration and distribution of TDF. As many of antiretroviral drugs are also substrates or inhibitors of P-gp, drug - drug interactions with TDF at the level of transmembrane transport could be expected. The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe effects of co-administered antiretroviral drugs on transfer of TDF across MDCKII cell monolayer by using bidirectional transport and concentration equilibrium setups. The results of experiments confirmed that TDF is a substrate of P-gp. High values of efflux ratio describing transmembrane transport of TDF across parental cells have been observed. This...

Vliv etherů celulózy na vlastnosti hydraulického vápna / Effect of cellulose ethers on properties of hydraulic lime

Skoupil, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the influence of cellulose ethers on the properties of hydraulic lime mortars. The availability and price of cellulose ethers in the industrial market is very favorable, but we can´t meet with studies using cellulose ethers in building materials, where lime is used as a binder. Cellulose ethers are commonly used as thickening agents in cement-based materials. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to review if cellulose ethers are appropriate for use in hydraulic lime mortars, either as water retention agents that contribute by water retention to better hydration of hydraulic binder components or to affect the properties of mortar in the fresh state. The theoretical part is dedicated to cellulose ethers, especially their production and how they influence the properties of building materials. In the practical part, the thesis deals with the influence of the dose of five different types of cellulose ethers on the properties of hydraulic lime. The properties in the fresh state and the physical-mechanical properties of mortars were monitored over time.

Zkoumání teplotních změn vlastností olověného akumulátoru v režimu hybridních vozidel / Investigation of temperature change in lead-acid accumulator for HEV

Tošer, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The oldest and also most used type of secondary cells is lead-acid accumulator. Basic functional principle stayed same as in foundation time, only operation parameters are still improving (for example one of the most important is lifetime). Significant technical problem is temperature of lead-acid battery and her influence on functionality and running reactions. Master thesis is focused on this section, when is necessary to evaluate new pieces of knowledge in development. The work deals with description existing types of accumulators, further deals with theory of temperature balance and in the end by measured datas and theirs analyzing.

Tepelně-vlhkostní analýza konstrukcí masivních dřevostaveb / Hygrothermal analysis of massive wooden structures

Uherka, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with massive wooden buildings especially with regard to the current approach to their design, assessment and approval. In this thesis are shown future possibilities of development of traditional wooden buildings with regard to current thermal technical requirements. Theoretical considerations are then compared with measurements which were performed on massive wooden wall samples.

Výroba a vlastnosti litin typu SiMo / Manufacture and properties of SiMo cast iron

Abramova, Elizaveta January 2016 (has links)
While using iron castings behind temperature of 500 oC namely at cyclic heat straining, degradation of structure and breaching iron castings. For this purpose introduce cast iron with content of Si and Mo. Focusing on improvement of SiMo51 for increased high-temmperature corrosion-and fatigue life in exhaust-gas temperatures up to 800 oC. Thesis set up survey types alloys, properties, and way of casting production.

Návrh technologie vodopropustných betonů / Technology design watertight concrete

Skřivánek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
My work describes technology design of pervious concrete. The theoretical part contains a research about this kind of concrete usually from foreign authors. In general, I focused on the composition of the PC, aggregate grading curve, behaviour of concrete in fresh state, storing and compaction of concrete. A critical part is the aggregate grading curve – it plays the main role in the final level of water permeability. Further, we will go through the real world scenarios where we can use this type of concrete and also through the associated drawbacks. A substantial part of this work is about development of water-permeability test. The practical part shows variety of recipes with a list of measured and observed characteristics (compressive strength, frost resistence and water-permeability). The conclusion includes evaluation of the results and suggestions for future development in this area.

Farmakologické modifikace potenciálních signálních systémů regulujících metabolismus adipocytů a hepatocytů a jejich vliv na obezitu / Pharmacological modifications of potential signal systems regulating metabolism of adipocytes and hepatocytes and their influence on obesity

Hodis, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce: Thesis abstract: Background and aims: Both obesity and metabolic syndrome form severe health problems in the whole world. Nevertheless the armament of pharmacotherapy for both diseases remains unsatisfactory. We aimed our work to main organs in risk of the mentioned diseases -liver and visceral fat using hepatocytes and visceral adipocytes as model. We detected 3 main metabolic and signalization activities- glycogenolysis, Nitric oxide (NO) production and transcription of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) in hepatocytes, lipolysis, NO production and iNOS transcription rate in adipocytes. We directed our interest to combination of peroxisome proliferation activator receptor γ (PPARγ) agonist, antagonist and β3 adrenergic agonist in the culture of epididymal rat adipocytes in the first part of our work. While in the second part we investigated the influence of β and α adrenergic mimetics, adrenergic blockers in the culture of rat high glycogen content hepatocytes. Methods: NO production was detected under the active agents treatments by detection of NO oxidative products NO2 and NO3 in media. Glycogenolysis was measured as free glucose rise released by hepatocytes into the media. NOS transcription level was extrapolated after comparative polymerase chain reaction with reverse...

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