Spelling suggestions: "subject:"resistencia""
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Návrh nového designu a výroby komponenty nízkotlakého vývodu / A new design and technology of the low-pressure output partSláma, David January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is make a new design and technology of the low-pressure output part of rail which is made in BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o. company. In the thesis is analyzed in detail the bending test, which is part of the quality control of the low-pressure welding joint. In the next part of the thesis is proposed the process of machining of this component, followed by experimental finding of welding parameters for resistance welding. Then several pieces are welded, which are measured and tested. The results of this tests are compared with customer requirements. Finally, a technical and economic evaluation of the change is made, which will save a considerable amount of money for the company.
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Studium výskytu kolistinu v půdě / Study of the occurrence of colistin in soilVeldamonová, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Colistin is a polypeptide antibiotic used as a "last resort" effective against Gram-negative bacteria. However, increase in its consumption in veterinary medicine in the last 30 years has led to the development of bacterial resistance even to colistin. The application of slurry to soil containing unmetabolized colistin and resistant bacteria poses a risk, because the resistance of bacteria to colistin can be further developed and spread to other components of the environment. Therefore, this work was focused on the creation and optimization of extraction and analytical methods for soil samples containing colistin. Colistin was detected by liquid chromatography in connection with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS and UPLC/MS/MS). Many extraction solutions have been tested in connection with ultrasonic extraction and purification on various SPE columns, yet colistin has not been successfully extracted from the soil. Colistin was successfully detected only in the slurry extract. The reason why colistin was not detected in soil extracts could be the sorption of colistin on soil organic matter or the formation of complexes of colistin with humic substances.
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The work is focused on research and development of a suitable method for creating a selective emitter for the visible and near infrared region so that they are able to work optimally together with silicon photovoltaic cells in a thermophotovoltaic system. The aim of the work was to develop a new method of creating very fine structures outside the current standard, which will increase the emissivity of the base material to meet the needs of a selective emitter for the VID and NIR region. The methods available to us for the creation of structures were chosen, from which we eliminated all unsuitable ones and we introduced the optimal procedure and parameters for their creation for the selected method. In this work, we focused on both ceramic and metallic materials, whose heat resistance and selective properties are key to this work. Part of the development of the emitter structures was also the need for pretreatment of the substrate itself, where great emphasis was placed on the purity of materials and surface roughness. Since ceramic materials cannot achieve a surface roughness so low that the desired structures can be formed, these materials have been purposefully used primarily for the purpose of combining the base material with thin layers of other high temperature material. Their compatibility and suitability were verified in terms of adhesion and subsequent heat resistance. The main material for the formation of fine structures was purposefully chosen tungsten, for which we verified the influence of the formed structure on the emissivity as well as the thermal stability during long-term exposure to high temperatures. The work thus represents not only a new method of creating very fine structures, which are not normally formed in such subtlety, but also opens the way to new possibilities of combining more materials to achieve the required selectivity of the thermophotovoltaic emitter.
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Simulace tepelných ztrát a tepelné zátěže u budovy A1 a analýza opatření na jejich snížení / Simulation of heating and cooling loads of the A1 building and the analysis of energy saving measuresBartoník, Adam January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the heat loss and the heat loads simulation of A1 building in the area of The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology and with the measures of the energy saving. The measures of the thermo-technical charakteristics for the winter and summer operations are provided on the base of the current state simulation. These measures include increasing of thermal resistence (of the building case), the radiation shielding, the sun blinds and the passive cooling by the night ventilation. All the simulation are performed in TRNSYS 16.1 software.
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Tepelné zpracování nástrojových ocelí / Heat treatment of tool steelsTobolík, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the properties of ledeburitic chrome-vanadium tool steel after heat treatment. Theoretical part contains charakterization of ledeburitic steels, the posibility of manufacturing and heat treatment. There are also briefly describes the principles of the test methods, which were used. The practical part is focused on describing the results of 12 sample groups, with different heat treatment. The results are compared in the final discussion.
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Studium možností zlepšení mrazuvzdornosti betonů / Studying the possibility of improving the frost resistance of concreteŠafrata, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to summarize theoretical and practical knowledge of frost resistance of concrete. It suggests, that there are numerous factors affecting the freeze-thaw resistence of concrete. These are especially raw materials, production technology, time and method of curing. The influence of addition, air entrainment and air void structure is complied and evaluated experimentally. The testing method is crucial for the evaluation of durability of concrete. Hence, this thesis includes a research of methods used around the world and practical comparison of some of them. This thesis is valuable because of implementation of the requirement in the standard ČSN EN 206 (2014) for the frost resistence of concrete in exposure classes XF1 and XF3.
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Vznik a první roky Svazu protifašistických bojovníků. Mezi centrem a Benešovskem / The origin and first years of the Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters. Between the center and BenešovPeterková, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
The thesis has the ambition to follow the origin and first years of the Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters and its entry into the public space of Benešov. The research focuses in more detail on the formation of the memory of the citizens of Benešov on the anti-Nazi resistance, in the process of which the SPB played an obvious role. In addition to this federal activity, the work will follow the institutional development of the organization; what kind of people led the union, who could join, which areas of social life were influenced. This thesis maps the period from 1945, when the Second World War ended, when the associations and organizations associating the inhabitants of Czechoslovakia, which participated in the anti-Nazi resistance, until 1969, which determined the restructuring of the association. Key words Union of anti-fascist fighters, second resistence, Benešov, public space, memory policy, identity
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Politický terorismus a guerilla na příkladě odbojové skupiny bratří Mašínů / Political terrorism and guerrilla: example of Brothers Mašín resistance groupKuna, František January 2013 (has links)
The aim of work is to aply theory of political terorism and guerrilla to Brother's Masin resistence group activities. This work offers a new view to research issues of Brother's Masin resistence group. Besides the theory of political terorism and guerila we have to account contemporary context. Each group action will be assign to one of the theory. Masin's father had a great influence to resistence group activity. He has to have his own place in this work. It is also necessary to introduce historical context of the time and give the most important reasons to the group activities. Because it is important to look at the contemporary context we have to describe what Czechoslovakia, East German and West German press wrote about it. In conclusion are the most important facts about theory of political terorism and guerrilla. To this theories will be assigned each resistence group activities. The conclusion provides an overview of Brother's Masin resistence group activities using theory of political terorism and guerrilla.
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Klinisches Erscheinungsbild und zugrundeliegende molekularbiologische Mechanismen der heterozygoten V599E-IGF-I RezeptormutationWallborn, Tillmann 04 July 2012 (has links)
Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass unterdurchschnittlich leichte Neugeborene für zahlreiche Erkrankungen ein erhöhtes Risiko tragen. Beschrieben ist unter anderem das vermehrte Auftreten psychosozialer Probleme sowie metabolischer und kardiovaskulärer Spätfolgen. Inzwischen sind zahlreiche mögliche Ursachen einer intrauterinen und postnatalen Wachstumsretardierung beschrieben worden. Unter diesen Ursachen finden sich auch genetische Veränderungen von Proteinen der endokrinologischen Wachstumsregulierung. So wurden Mutationen im GH1 Gen, in Entwicklungsgenen von GH produzierenden Zellen, im IGF-I Gen und schließlich auch im IGF-I Rezeptor Gen identifiziert. Mutationen im letztgenannten Gen stellen den neuesten Forschungszweig dar und wurden bisher weltweit bei lediglich 19 Patienten festgestellt.
Mit dieser Arbeit wird ein weiterer Patient mit einer heterozygoten IGF-I Rezeptormutation beschrieben. Neben einer ausführlichen klinischen Beschreibung war die Analyse der Kausalzusammenhänge von Mutation und klinischem Bild Hauptziel dieser Studie. Über eine ausgeprägte intrauterine und postnatale Wachstumsretardierung hinaus präsentierte die betroffene Patientin eine mentale Entwicklungsverzögerung. Durch verschiedene molekularbiologische Methoden konnte eine gestörte intrazelluläre Prozessierung des veränderten Rezeptorproteins nachgewiesen werden. Beobachtet wurde eine fehlende Zelloberflächenexpression aufgrund einer Retention von Rezeptorvorstufen im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum. Damit wurde ein neuer Mechanismus der IGF-I Resistenz beschrieben.
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[pt] Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo a atividade filosófica exercida como uma atividade inerentemente política. Ela busca mostrar que a partir da proposta da arte política socrática (tal como é descrita por Platão) nos diálogos Górgias e Apologia de Sócrates, a ética assume uma relação intrínseca com a política e demanda um modo de vida no qual os exercícios de poder no âmbito privado e no âmbito público sejam indissociáveis. Nessa proposta há uma rejeição veemente à pleonexia política. A partir dessa compreensão, depreende-se que o movimento filosófico cínico que surgiu na Grécia entre os séc. V e IV a.C., que foi amplamente reconhecido como herdeiro da tradição socrática, também herdou a sua arte política. O regime da resistência, da frugalidade e dos poucos haveres são alguns dos pontos que o conectam a essa herança. Contudo, o cínico criou uma nova rotina radical, uma prática de resistência e transgressão que difere da proposta socrático-platônica. Destarte, a partir dessa inflexão, considera-se que houve uma radicalização da politização socrática que é materializada no cosmopolitismo de Diógenes (principal filósofo cínico analisado neste trabalho). A proposta cosmopolita cínica, essa que julgo herdeira da verdadeira arte política socrática, e da qual acredito ter encontrado as principais características nos dois diálogos platônicos aludidos, foi indispensável à problematização do filósofo francês Michel Foucault acerca da relação do sujeito com a verdade, os modos de sujeição identitária e os modos dominantes de subjetivação. Ademais, foi fundamental para o debate contemporâneo movido pelo filósofo francês a respeito da militância filosófica, que por Foucault foi qualificada como a mais nobre e mais elevada das políticas, como um chamamento à crítica e à transformação do mundo, principalmente quando interpela as verdades das leis positivas e seus vínculos, como: a família e o Estado, as diferenças de gênero, as diferenças entre livres e escravos e entre fronteiras territoriais. / [fr] Cette thèse a pour objet d étude l activité philosophique exercée comme activité intrinsèquement politique. Elle cherche à montrer que sur la base de la proposition de l art politique socratique (tel que décrit par Platon) dans les dialogues Gorgias Apologie et Socrate, l éthique suppose une relation intrinsèque avec la politique et exige un mode de vie dans lequel les exercices du pouvoir en privé et en public sont inextricablement liées. Dans cette proposition, il y a un rejet véhément de la pléonexie politique. De cette compréhension, il apparaît que le mouvement philosophique cynique qui a émergé en Grèce entre les siècles V et IV a.C., qui était largement reconnu comme héritier de la tradition socratique, a également hérité de son art politique. Le régime de résistance, la frugalité et le peu de possessions sont quelques-uns des points qui le relient à cet héritage. Cependant, le cynique a créé une nouvelle routine radicale, une pratique de résistance et de transgression qui diffère de la proposition socratique-platonicienne. Ainsi, à partir de cette inflexion, on considère qu il y a eu une radicalisation de la politisation socratique qui se matérialise dans le cosmopolitisme de Diogène (principal philosophe cynique analysé dans cet ouvrage). La proposition cosmopolite cynique, que je crois héritière du véritable art politique socratique, et dont je crois avoir trouvé les principales caractéristiques dans les deux dialogues platoniciens auxquels on a fait allusion, était indispensable à la problématisation du philosophe français Michel Foucault sur le rapport du sujet à la vérité, les modes de sujétion identitaire et les modes dominants de subjectivation. De plus, il était fondamental dans le débat contemporain animé par le philosophe français sur le militantisme philosophique, que Foucault a qualifié de politique la plus noble et la plus élevée, comme un appel à la critique et à la transformation du monde, surtout quand il conteste les vérités des lois positives et leurs liens, telles que: la famille et l État, les différences de genre, les différences entre libres et esclaves et entre les frontières territoriales.
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