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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium vlivu organických vláken na požární odolnost betonu / Study of the influence organic fibres on the fire resistance of concrete

Klobása, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on current issues of concrete behaviour under high temperatures. In the theoretical part, a search of knowledge about changes in concrete, which take place when exposed to thermal loads, which simulates the effect of fire, is performed, and summarized. It is also important to summarize the changes in the individual components that are used to produce concrete. This work describes the effect of high temperatures on mechanical and physical properties as well. There is an information about the most used fibres and their function in concrete. Emphasis is placed on describing the possibility of using recycled PET or cellulose fibres due to the positive environmental impact. In the experimental part, recipes with different types and amounts of fibres are proposed. The subject of the research was to determine how individual types and amounts of fibres affect the physical mechanical properties of concrete and their suitability for use at high temperatures. Microscopic scanning and study of changes in the structure of concrete was also performed.

Care and Rest in the Master’s House

Martins, D. January 2023 (has links)
I start by disclosing my position and intentions for this essay. I tell you that I need rest and borrow from Audre Lorde’s (she/her) essay on our inability to dismantle the master’s house with the master’s tools. I introduce Tricia Hersey’s (she/her) work that centers rest as a resistance tool. I then contemplate the overarching structure in which capitalism is itself embedded as an ever evolving organic system, by tracing Hersey’s grind culture to philosopher Byung-Chul Han’s (he/him) Burnout Society and juxtaposing their work with Silvia Federici’s (she/her) historical investigation on the “transition” from feudalism to capitalism. From an organic evolution point of view as opposed to a mechanic one, I re-imagine power as a part of a larger body which encompasses those it exploits as well. I then touch on how care, like rest, has the potential to undermine hegemonic power. I meditate on some of my own artistic processes and struggles within academia, and use my collaborative master’s degree project to reflect on community and collaboration as tools for survival and its potential to dismantle the master’s house. Finally, I briefly conclude this essay with a realization and a final act of self-care. / Quiet Room

Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Koiupanká e Katokinn : resistência e ressurgência indígena no alto sertão Alagoano / The Kalanko, Karuazu, Koiupanka and Katokinn: resistence and resurgence in the High Sertão Alagoano, Brasil

Amorim, Siloé Soares de January 2010 (has links)
Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn e Koiupanka. desde 1998 vem reaparecendo no cenário étnico-político como índios resistentes. Como tais, demandam do Órgão indigenista oficial, a FUNAI, reconhecimento, delimitação e demarcação etnicoterritorial. A forma particular como reapareceram marcou os quatro povos: uma aparição pública coletiva chamada "festa do ressurgimento". Apresentando-se de forma similar, mas em espaço físico e temporal distintos, o reaparecimento étnico dos KKKK tem como pano de fundo o processo hist6rico e a trajet6ria (dispersão e reagrupamento) desses grupos como "rama" e "ponta de rama" (dos Pankararu, seus ascendentes) no Alto Sertão alagoano. A pesquisa de campo desenvolve-se, paralelamente, no registro fílmico-fotográfico desses eventos e na reconstrução de seus etnônimos e observa, em seu conjunto, as relações entre a representação indígena e a imagem "como um retorno a si mesmo" como uma forma de entrever o passado desses povos em imagens do presente, nas quais os indivíduos e suas comunidades compõem sua própria forma de "mostrar-se" ao mundo com "novas" especificidades étnicas, numa tentativa de restaurar também sua memória, o que permite, nesta pesquisa, caracterizar o tratamento hist6rico atribuído aos índios, enquanto que, paralelamente, o registro imagético possibilita também formar arquivos dos mesmos no Brasil. / Since 1998 the Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn and Koiupanka have been reappearing throughout the ethnic-political scene as resistant Indians. As such, they have demanded from Funai, the official indigenist office, their official recognition, as well as the measurement and official establishment of their ethnic territories. The singular way in which they have reappeared has marked the four peoples: a collective public appearance named the reappearance feast". Showing themselves in a similar way, but in distinct physical and temporal spaces, the ethnic reappearance of the KKKK branch has had as backdrop the historical process and journey (breaking up and regrouping) of these groups as "branch" and "end of branch" (from their ascendants, the Pankararu) in the highlands of Alagoas state. Meanwhile, in the same time frame, fieldwork is developed, overall, using filmic-photographic register of these events observing as well the reconstruction of their ethnic-names, including the relationships between indigenous self-presentation and image "as a return upon oneself'. This is a way to see the past of these peoples and the images of their actuality, in which individuals and their communities compose their own form of "showing themselves off' to the world with "new" ethnic specificities, as an attempt to bring back their memories. All of this allows this research to characterize the historical treatment given to the Indians while, at the same time, the imagetic registration also allows the formation of archives about them in Brazil.

Патогеност и филогенетска сродност сојева Staphylococcus aureus изолованих из млека крава са поремећеном секрецијом / Patogenost i filogenetska srodnost sojeva Staphylococcus aureus izolovanih iz mleka krava sa poremećenom sekrecijom / Pathogenicity and phylogenetic relatedness of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from milk of cows with abnormal secretion

Pajić Marija 12 June 2014 (has links)
<p>Staphylococcus aureus је често присутан у вимену крава где може да узрокује појаву субклиничких и клиничких маститиса. Због способности синтезе термостабилних стафилококних ентеротоксина представља чест узрок тровања храном код људи. Многи аутори бавили су се испитивањем патогености сојева Staphylococcus aureus са аспекта здравља вимена, као и испитивањем патогености сојева пореклом из стадних узорака млека или из производа од млека, али постоји мало података о патогености сојева Staphylococcus aureus изолованих из узорака млека узетих из појединих четврти вимена крава, као и о њиховој филогенетској сродности са изолатима пореклом од људи. Због тога, циљ истраживања у оквиру ове докторске дисертације, био је да се испита патогеност изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из појединачних узорака млека и секрета вимена крава и изолата пореклом из брисева гуше људи, као и да се испита филогенетска сродност ових изолата.<br />На 46 газдинстава у централној Србији, Калифорнија маститис тестом идентификоване су краве са поремећеном секрецијом. Са две велике фарме у Војводини узети су узорци секрета из четврти вимена крава са клиничким маститисом. На Институту за јавно здравље Војводине у Новом Саду, узети су и брисеви гуше људи. Из наведених узорака коришћењем стандардних микробиолошких метода за изолацију и идентификацију, као и API Staph теста и доказивањем присуства nuc гена методом ланчане реакције полимеразе (PCR) 86 изолата потврђено је као Staphylococcus aureus. Из четврти вимена крава са субклиничким маститисом изоловано је 62 изолата, из четврти вимена крава са клиничким маститисом изоловано је 13 изолата, а из брисева гуше људи 11 изолата Staphylococcus aureus. За одређивање способности синтезе стафилококних ентеротоксина (SE) коришћен је VIDAS&reg; SET2 тест на принципу ELFA методе. Присуство гена за синтезу појединих SE, присуство гена за синтезу Пантон Валентин леукоцидина (PVL) и гена за резистенцију на метицилин доказано је PCR методом. Диск дифузионом методом по Кирби-Бауеру одређена је осетљивост изолата на антимикробне лекове и то на амоксицилин, амоксицилин/клавуланску киселину, ампицилин, бацитрацин, неомицин, новобиоцин, пеницилин, тетрациклин, триметоприм и триметоприм/сулфаметоксазол. Анализом нуклеотидних секвенци гена за синтезу стафилококног протеина А утврђена је филогенетска сродност изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из млека крава оболелих од субклиничког и клиничког маститиса, као и изолата пореклом из брисева гуше људи.<br />Из 111 узорака млека узетих из четврти са позитивним CMT тестом Staphylococcus aureus изолован је из 62 узорка млека, што износи 55,86%. Од укупно 62 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из четврти вимена крава са поремећеном секрецијом, 5 (8,06%) синтетише стафилококне ентеротоксине и то само SECs, док 6 (54,54%) од 11 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од људи, синтетише стафилококне ентеротоксине и то и SECs и SEB. Присуство гена за синтезу Пантон-Валентин леукоцидина утврђено је код 5 (8,06%) од 62 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из четврти вимена крава са поремећеном секрецијом, као и код 7 (63,64%) од 11 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од људи. Изолати Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из вимена крава резистентни су на мањи број антимикробних лекова од изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од људи на основу испитивања осетљивости на 10 антимикробних лекова. Свих 86 изолата Staphylococcus aureus су сензитивни на новобиоцин и триметоприм-сулфаметоксазол, док је 77 изолата (89,54%) резистентно<br />на бацитрацин, 24 (27,91%) на пеницилин, а 14 (16,28%) на ампицилин. Присуство гена за метицилинску резистенцију утврђено је код 2 (18,18%) од 11 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од људи и код 1 (1,33%) од 75 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом из вимена крава. На основу испитивања филогенетске сродности нуклеотидних секвенци гена за синтезу стафилококног протеина А код 75 изолата пореклом из вимена крава и 11 изолата пореклом од људи, 2 изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од људи могу се сматрати прецима свих осталих изолата. Подаци о нуклеотидним секвенцама изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од крава депоновани су у GenBank и додељени су им приступни бројеви од KJ023978 до KJ024046.<br />Резултати истраживања указују на различита патогена својства изолата Staphylococcus aureus пореклом од крава са поремећеном секрецијом, због чега би њихово што раније откривање могло да има значајну улогу у очувању здравља вимена и у добијању квалитетног и здравствено безбедног млека.<br />Неопходна су даља истраживања како би се у потпуности разјаснио утицај изолата Staphylococcus aureus из вимена крава на безбедност млека и производа од млека, као и на здравље људи.</p> / <p>Staphylococcus aureus je često prisutan u vimenu krava gde može da uzrokuje pojavu subkliničkih i kliničkih mastitisa. Zbog sposobnosti sinteze termostabilnih stafilokoknih enterotoksina predstavlja čest uzrok trovanja hranom kod ljudi. Mnogi autori bavili su se ispitivanjem patogenosti sojeva Staphylococcus aureus sa aspekta zdravlja vimena, kao i ispitivanjem patogenosti sojeva poreklom iz stadnih uzoraka mleka ili iz proizvoda od mleka, ali postoji malo podataka o patogenosti sojeva Staphylococcus aureus izolovanih iz uzoraka mleka uzetih iz pojedinih četvrti vimena krava, kao i o njihovoj filogenetskoj srodnosti sa izolatima poreklom od ljudi. Zbog toga, cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije, bio je da se ispita patogenost izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz pojedinačnih uzoraka mleka i sekreta vimena krava i izolata poreklom iz briseva guše ljudi, kao i da se ispita filogenetska srodnost ovih izolata.<br />Na 46 gazdinstava u centralnoj Srbiji, Kalifornija mastitis testom identifikovane su krave sa poremećenom sekrecijom. Sa dve velike farme u Vojvodini uzeti su uzorci sekreta iz četvrti vimena krava sa kliničkim mastitisom. Na Institutu za javno zdravlje Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, uzeti su i brisevi guše ljudi. Iz navedenih uzoraka korišćenjem standardnih mikrobioloških metoda za izolaciju i identifikaciju, kao i API Staph testa i dokazivanjem prisustva nuc gena metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) 86 izolata potvrđeno je kao Staphylococcus aureus. Iz četvrti vimena krava sa subkliničkim mastitisom izolovano je 62 izolata, iz četvrti vimena krava sa kliničkim mastitisom izolovano je 13 izolata, a iz briseva guše ljudi 11 izolata Staphylococcus aureus. Za određivanje sposobnosti sinteze stafilokoknih enterotoksina (SE) korišćen je VIDAS&reg; SET2 test na principu ELFA metode. Prisustvo gena za sintezu pojedinih SE, prisustvo gena za sintezu Panton Valentin leukocidina (PVL) i gena za rezistenciju na meticilin dokazano je PCR metodom. Disk difuzionom metodom po Kirbi-Baueru određena je osetljivost izolata na antimikrobne lekove i to na amoksicilin, amoksicilin/klavulansku kiselinu, ampicilin, bacitracin, neomicin, novobiocin, penicilin, tetraciklin, trimetoprim i trimetoprim/sulfametoksazol. Analizom nukleotidnih sekvenci gena za sintezu stafilokoknog proteina A utvrđena je filogenetska srodnost izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz mleka krava obolelih od subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa, kao i izolata poreklom iz briseva guše ljudi.<br />Iz 111 uzoraka mleka uzetih iz četvrti sa pozitivnim CMT testom Staphylococcus aureus izolovan je iz 62 uzorka mleka, što iznosi 55,86%. Od ukupno 62 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz četvrti vimena krava sa poremećenom sekrecijom, 5 (8,06%) sintetiše stafilokokne enterotoksine i to samo SECs, dok 6 (54,54%) od 11 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od ljudi, sintetiše stafilokokne enterotoksine i to i SECs i SEB. Prisustvo gena za sintezu Panton-Valentin leukocidina utvrđeno je kod 5 (8,06%) od 62 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz četvrti vimena krava sa poremećenom sekrecijom, kao i kod 7 (63,64%) od 11 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od ljudi. Izolati Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz vimena krava rezistentni su na manji broj antimikrobnih lekova od izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od ljudi na osnovu ispitivanja osetljivosti na 10 antimikrobnih lekova. Svih 86 izolata Staphylococcus aureus su senzitivni na novobiocin i trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol, dok je 77 izolata (89,54%) rezistentno<br />na bacitracin, 24 (27,91%) na penicilin, a 14 (16,28%) na ampicilin. Prisustvo gena za meticilinsku rezistenciju utvrđeno je kod 2 (18,18%) od 11 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od ljudi i kod 1 (1,33%) od 75 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom iz vimena krava. Na osnovu ispitivanja filogenetske srodnosti nukleotidnih sekvenci gena za sintezu stafilokoknog proteina A kod 75 izolata poreklom iz vimena krava i 11 izolata poreklom od ljudi, 2 izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od ljudi mogu se smatrati precima svih ostalih izolata. Podaci o nukleotidnim sekvencama izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od krava deponovani su u GenBank i dodeljeni su im pristupni brojevi od KJ023978 do KJ024046.<br />Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na različita patogena svojstva izolata Staphylococcus aureus poreklom od krava sa poremećenom sekrecijom, zbog čega bi njihovo što ranije otkrivanje moglo da ima značajnu ulogu u očuvanju zdravlja vimena i u dobijanju kvalitetnog i zdravstveno bezbednog mleka.<br />Neophodna su dalja istraživanja kako bi se u potpunosti razjasnio uticaj izolata Staphylococcus aureus iz vimena krava na bezbednost mleka i proizvoda od mleka, kao i na zdravlje ljudi.</p> / <p>Staphylococcus aureus is often present in cow&#39;s udder and may cause the occurrence of subclinical and clinical mastitis. Due to the ability to synthesize thermostable staphylococcal enterotoxins, it is a common cause of food poisoning in humans. Many authors have dealt with the examination of the pathogenicity of strains of Staphylococcus aureus in terms of udder health, as well as examining the pathogenicity of strains originating from bulk tank milk samples or dairy products, but there is a scarce amount of data on the pathogenicity of strains of Staphylococcus aureus originating from individual samples from udder quarters, as well as on their phylogenetic relatedness with isolates from humans. Therefore, the goal of the research within this dissertation was to investigate the pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus originating from individual samples of milk and udder secretions, as well as isolates from throat swabs of people and to examine the phylogenetic relatedness of these isolates.<br />On 46 dairy farms in central Serbia, cows with abnormal secretion were identified using California mastitis test. From two large dairy farms in Vojvodina samples were taken from udder quarters with clinical mastitis. Human throat swabs were collected at the Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. From these samples a total of 86 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated and confirmed by standard microbiological methods for isolation and identification, as well as API Staph test and by detection of nuc gene using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). 62 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from udder quarters suffering subclinical mastitis, 13 isolates were isolated from udder quarters suffering clinical mastitis, and 11 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from human throat swabs. VIDAS &reg; SET2 was used for determining the ability of the synthesis of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) by the ELFA method and PCR method for the presence of respective SE genes. PCR method was used for determining the presence of gene for the synthesis of the Panton Valentine leukocidin (PVL), and the gene responsible for methicillin resistance in strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs was determined by disk diffusion method by Kirby - Bauer to amoxicillin, amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid, ampicillin, bacitracin, neomycin, novobiocin, penicillin, tetracycline, trimethoprim and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Phylogenetic relatedness was determined by analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the genes for the synthesis of staphylococcal protein A between isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from cow&#39;s udder quarters suffering subclinical and clinical mastitis, as well as isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from human throat swabs.<br />Out of 111 milk samples from CMT positive udder quarters, Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from 62 samples, which amounts to 55.86%. Out of 62 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from udder quarters with abnormal secretion, 5 (8.06%) synthesized by staphylococcal enterotoxin and only it was SECs, while 6 (54.54%) out of 11 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from humans, synthesize staphylococcal enterotoxin and they were SECs and SEB. The presence of a gene for the synthesis of the Panton - Valentine leukocidin was determined in 5 (8.06%) out of 62 Staphylococcus aureus strains originating from the udder quarters with abnormal secretion, and in 7 (63.64%) out of 11 strains of Staphylococcus aureus origin of humans. Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from cow&#39;s udder were<br />resistant to fewer antimicrobials than isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from humans on the basis of susceptibility to 10 antimicrobials. All 86 strains of Staphylococcus aureus were sensitive to novobiocin and trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole, 77 strains (89.54%) were resistant to bacitracin, 24 (27.91%) to penicillin, and 14 (16.28%) to ampicillin. The presence of the gene for methicillin resistance was found in 2 (18.18%) out of 11 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from humans and in 1 (1.33%) out of 75 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from the cow&rsquo;s udder. Analyzing the phylogenetic relatedness based on nucleotide sequences of the genes for the synthesis of staphylococcal protein A from 75 isolates from cow&#39;s udder, and 11 isolates from humans, 2 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from humans can be considered to be the ancestors of all the other isolates in terms of gene mutation ratio give at respective period. Data on the nucleotide sequences of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus originating from cows were deposited in GenBank and assigned the accession numbers of KJ023978 to KJ024046.<br />Results of study on diverse pathogenic properties of Staphylococcus aureus originating from cows with abnormal secretion, indicate the importance of their early detection that could have a significant role in maintaining the cow&rsquo;s udder health and in obtaining quality and safe milk.<br />Further research is necessary in order to fully clarify the impact of Staphylococcus aureus from the cow&#39;s udder to the safety of milk and dairy products, as well as human health.</p>

Retrospektive Analyse klinischer Daten von 358 Patienten mit hereditärer Sphärozytose / Retrospective study of 358 patients with hereditary sphaerocytosis

Kreische, Benjamin 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

Solitude and Solidarity:Understanding Public Pedagogy through Queer Discourses on YouTube

Snell, Pamela 17 March 2014 (has links)
Working alongside five queer-identified theatre artists, using critical arts-based participatory action research, this research project worked through a creative process in which the research team identified, deconstructed, and disrupted normative queer discourses on the video-sharing website YouTube. Using notions from queer theory, cultural studies, and anti-oppression education, along with embodied analysis as a deconstructive strategy, the research team used collective theorizing and performance to facilitate an analysis of the online videos. In this thesis, I discuss embodied knowing by analyzing performative moments in the creative workshop undertaken by the research team. I then provide a thematic analysis of the online videos, followed by an analysis of how the research team used collective creation and personal narrative to produce a counter-hegemonic response video. Finally, I conclude with a discussion on how to engage video creation as a form of anti-oppression education that queers public pedagogy.

Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Koiupanká e Katokinn : resistência e ressurgência indígena no alto sertão Alagoano / The Kalanko, Karuazu, Koiupanka and Katokinn: resistence and resurgence in the High Sertão Alagoano, Brasil

Amorim, Siloé Soares de January 2010 (has links)
Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn e Koiupanka. desde 1998 vem reaparecendo no cenário étnico-político como índios resistentes. Como tais, demandam do Órgão indigenista oficial, a FUNAI, reconhecimento, delimitação e demarcação etnicoterritorial. A forma particular como reapareceram marcou os quatro povos: uma aparição pública coletiva chamada "festa do ressurgimento". Apresentando-se de forma similar, mas em espaço físico e temporal distintos, o reaparecimento étnico dos KKKK tem como pano de fundo o processo hist6rico e a trajet6ria (dispersão e reagrupamento) desses grupos como "rama" e "ponta de rama" (dos Pankararu, seus ascendentes) no Alto Sertão alagoano. A pesquisa de campo desenvolve-se, paralelamente, no registro fílmico-fotográfico desses eventos e na reconstrução de seus etnônimos e observa, em seu conjunto, as relações entre a representação indígena e a imagem "como um retorno a si mesmo" como uma forma de entrever o passado desses povos em imagens do presente, nas quais os indivíduos e suas comunidades compõem sua própria forma de "mostrar-se" ao mundo com "novas" especificidades étnicas, numa tentativa de restaurar também sua memória, o que permite, nesta pesquisa, caracterizar o tratamento hist6rico atribuído aos índios, enquanto que, paralelamente, o registro imagético possibilita também formar arquivos dos mesmos no Brasil. / Since 1998 the Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn and Koiupanka have been reappearing throughout the ethnic-political scene as resistant Indians. As such, they have demanded from Funai, the official indigenist office, their official recognition, as well as the measurement and official establishment of their ethnic territories. The singular way in which they have reappeared has marked the four peoples: a collective public appearance named the reappearance feast". Showing themselves in a similar way, but in distinct physical and temporal spaces, the ethnic reappearance of the KKKK branch has had as backdrop the historical process and journey (breaking up and regrouping) of these groups as "branch" and "end of branch" (from their ascendants, the Pankararu) in the highlands of Alagoas state. Meanwhile, in the same time frame, fieldwork is developed, overall, using filmic-photographic register of these events observing as well the reconstruction of their ethnic-names, including the relationships between indigenous self-presentation and image "as a return upon oneself'. This is a way to see the past of these peoples and the images of their actuality, in which individuals and their communities compose their own form of "showing themselves off' to the world with "new" ethnic specificities, as an attempt to bring back their memories. All of this allows this research to characterize the historical treatment given to the Indians while, at the same time, the imagetic registration also allows the formation of archives about them in Brazil.

Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Koiupanká e Katokinn : resistência e ressurgência indígena no alto sertão Alagoano / The Kalanko, Karuazu, Koiupanka and Katokinn: resistence and resurgence in the High Sertão Alagoano, Brasil

Amorim, Siloé Soares de January 2010 (has links)
Os Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn e Koiupanka. desde 1998 vem reaparecendo no cenário étnico-político como índios resistentes. Como tais, demandam do Órgão indigenista oficial, a FUNAI, reconhecimento, delimitação e demarcação etnicoterritorial. A forma particular como reapareceram marcou os quatro povos: uma aparição pública coletiva chamada "festa do ressurgimento". Apresentando-se de forma similar, mas em espaço físico e temporal distintos, o reaparecimento étnico dos KKKK tem como pano de fundo o processo hist6rico e a trajet6ria (dispersão e reagrupamento) desses grupos como "rama" e "ponta de rama" (dos Pankararu, seus ascendentes) no Alto Sertão alagoano. A pesquisa de campo desenvolve-se, paralelamente, no registro fílmico-fotográfico desses eventos e na reconstrução de seus etnônimos e observa, em seu conjunto, as relações entre a representação indígena e a imagem "como um retorno a si mesmo" como uma forma de entrever o passado desses povos em imagens do presente, nas quais os indivíduos e suas comunidades compõem sua própria forma de "mostrar-se" ao mundo com "novas" especificidades étnicas, numa tentativa de restaurar também sua memória, o que permite, nesta pesquisa, caracterizar o tratamento hist6rico atribuído aos índios, enquanto que, paralelamente, o registro imagético possibilita também formar arquivos dos mesmos no Brasil. / Since 1998 the Kalankó, Karuazu, Katokinn and Koiupanka have been reappearing throughout the ethnic-political scene as resistant Indians. As such, they have demanded from Funai, the official indigenist office, their official recognition, as well as the measurement and official establishment of their ethnic territories. The singular way in which they have reappeared has marked the four peoples: a collective public appearance named the reappearance feast". Showing themselves in a similar way, but in distinct physical and temporal spaces, the ethnic reappearance of the KKKK branch has had as backdrop the historical process and journey (breaking up and regrouping) of these groups as "branch" and "end of branch" (from their ascendants, the Pankararu) in the highlands of Alagoas state. Meanwhile, in the same time frame, fieldwork is developed, overall, using filmic-photographic register of these events observing as well the reconstruction of their ethnic-names, including the relationships between indigenous self-presentation and image "as a return upon oneself'. This is a way to see the past of these peoples and the images of their actuality, in which individuals and their communities compose their own form of "showing themselves off' to the world with "new" ethnic specificities, as an attempt to bring back their memories. All of this allows this research to characterize the historical treatment given to the Indians while, at the same time, the imagetic registration also allows the formation of archives about them in Brazil.

Desenvolvimento de uma máquina de impacto por queda de peso para materiais compósitos. / Development of a weight loss impact machine for composite materials

GALDINO JÚNIOR, Francisco. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-25T15:51:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO GALDINO JÚNIOR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEM 2014..pdf: 6213176 bytes, checksum: 50d50ccb2736f335fb4e52475cb149f7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-25T15:51:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO GALDINO JÚNIOR - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEM 2014..pdf: 6213176 bytes, checksum: 50d50ccb2736f335fb4e52475cb149f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / O crescente desenvolvimento de materiais compósitos reforçados nos últimos anos tem propiciado novas alternativas para solucionar diversos problemas acerca da necessidade de novos materiais com combinações de propriedades. Para utilizarmos tais materiais, devemos realizar vários ensaios mecânicos, como: tração, compressão, flexão e principalmente de impacto. Para isso, foram realizados estudos específicos sobre materiais compósitos e impactos em estruturas laminadas. Através desses estudos e de um levantamento do estado da arte acerca do projeto de diversas máquinas de impacto por queda de peso, foi projetada e fabricada uma máquina de impacto por queda de peso para materiais compósitos de simples concepção. A máquina desenvolvida possui um intervalo de energia de impacto entre 20J e 96J, obtida através de variação da massa de queda de impacto. Foi desenvolvido também um sistema instrumentação para aquisição da força de impacto e da energia absorvida pelo corpo de prova, além de um sistema anti rebote eletromecânico. Para a validação do equipamento foram realizados ensaios de impacto por queda de peso em placas compósitas de fibra de vidro com 8, 10, 12 e 14 camadas e analisado os danos causados nas mesmas, através de software de análise de imagem. A partir de um software de análise de vídeo foi possível calcular a velocidade de impacto e a energia de impacto nos ensaios e comparar com o método teórico e o instrumentado. / The increasing development of reinforced composite materials in recent years has provided new alternatives to solve various problems about the need for new materials with combinations of properties. For such materials we use, we conduct various mechanical tests, such as tensile, compression, bending and mainly impact. For this, specific studies on composite materials, and impact on laminate structures were performed. Through these studies and a survey of state of the art about the project in several of drop impact weight machines, is designed and manufactured a machine to drop impact weight for composites of simple design. The machine has developed a range of impact energy of 20J, and 96J, obtained by varying the mass of the drop impact. One instrumentation system for the acquisition of the impact force and energy absorbed by the specimen was also developed, and an anti rebound electromechanical system. To validate the equipment impact tests were performed by weight loss in composite plates with glass fiber 8, 10, 12 and 14 layers and analyzed the damage caused in the same via image analysis software. From a software video analysis it was possible to calculate the impact velocity and impact energy in the tests and compare with the theoretical method and instrumented.

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