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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síndrome das pernas inquietas em pacientes com hiperparatireoidismo secundário em hemodiálise pré e pós-paratireoidectomia / Restless leg syndrome in secondary hyperparathyroidism patients on hemodialysis pre and post parathyroidectomy

Roberto Savio Silva Santos 29 January 2016 (has links)
Síndrome das pernas inquietas (SPI) é um distúrbio do sono com alta prevalência entre pacientes em hemodiálise, nos quais o mecanismo é pouco conhecido. Tem sido postulado que alterações do metabolismo mineral e ósseo relacionadasà doença renal crônica, especialmente o hiperparatireoidismo secundário, possam estar relacionadas à patogênese da SPI. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a SPI antes e após paratireoidectomia (PTX). Além disso, avaliamos dados objetivos do sono por meio de polissonografia, com ênfase em apneia do sono. Estudamos prospectivamente 19 pacientes (6 homens, idade 48 ± 11 anos) com hiperparatireoidismo grave pré e pós-PTX. O diagnóstico e o escore de gravidade da SPI foram avaliados de acordo com o Grupo de Estudo Internacional de SPI. Polissonografia pré e pós-PTX forneceu dados de arquitetura do sono, movimentos periódicos de pernas e apneia do sono, medida por meio do índice de apneia-hipopneia/hora de sono (IAH). SPI foi encontrada em 10 pacientes (53%) e se associou com maiores níveis de fosfato (p=0,005) e maior gravidade da dor (p=0,003). Após a PTX, houve redução dos níveis séricos de paratormônio, fosfato e aumento dos níveis de 25-hidroxivitamina D, calicreína-6 e fetuína-A. A PTX reduziu a SPI para 21% (p=0,044), acompanhada por redução nos escores de gravidade e alívio da dor e do prurido. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que o fosfato pré-PTX permaneceu independentemente associado com SPI (OR=7,28; p=0,035), em modelo ajustado para hemoglobina, idade e sexo. Apneia do sono (IAH > 5) foi encontrada em 11 pacientes pré e 14 pós-PTX (63% vs. 74%, p=0,698). Observamos uma correlação entre o IAH e a relação água corporal extracelular/massa magra (r=0,535, p=0,018), assim como correlação com a circunferência do pescoço pré-PTX (r=0,471, p=0,042). Entretanto, não observamos correlação do IAH com o deslocamento de fluidos da perna direita durante o sono (p=0,09), que aumentou significativamente após PTX (p=0,011). Concluímos que a PTX melhora a SPI, com cura completa ou melhora significativa. Se essa melhora está relacionada à diminuição do paratormônio ou do fósforo necessita de investigação adicional. Além disso, o presente estudo confirma a alta prevalência de apneia do sono entre pacientes em hemodiálise, o que não se modificou com a PTX / Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder with high prevalence among patients on hemodialysis, which underlying mechanism is still unknown. It has been postulate that bone metabolism disorder, especially secondary hyperparathyroidism may be implicated in the pathogenesis. The present study aimed to evaluate RLS before and after parathyroidectomy (PTX). In addition, we evaluated objective data through polysomnography, focusing on sleep apnea. We prospectively evaluated 19 patients (6 men, aged 48 ± 11 years) with severe hyperparathyroidism pre and post-surgical treatment, parathyroidectomy (PTX). RLS diagnosis and rating scale were accessed based on the International RLS Study Group. Polysomnography pre and post PTX provided data on sleep architecture, periodic leg movements of sleep and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). RLS was observed in 10 patients (53%), and was associated with higher levels of phosphate (p=0,005) and severe pain (p=0,003). After PTX, there was a reduction of serum parathyroid hormone, serum phosphate, and an increase of 25hydroxyvitamin D, kallicrein-6 and Fetuin-A. PTX improved RLS to 21% (p=0,04), accompanied by a decrease in rating scale, in association with alleviation of pain and pruritus. Logistic regression shows that serum phosphate pre PTX remained independently associated with RLS (HR=7,28; p=0,035), in a model adjusted for hemoglobin, age and gender. Sleep apnea (AHI > 5) was found in 11 patients pre and 14 patients post PTX (63% vs. 74%, p=0,698). There was a correlation between AHI and the relation extracellular water/ lean body mass (r=0,535; p=0,018) as well as a correlation between AHI and neck circumference (r=0,471; p=0,042). However, there was no correlation between AHI and spontaneous rostral fluid shift (p=0,09) that has increased after PTX (p=0,011). We concluded that PTX provided an opportunity to improve RLS. Whether RLS may be improved by reduction of serum phosphorus or parathyroid hormone, merits further investigation. In addition, PTX had no impact on the high prevalence of sleep apnea in this population

Sleep disorders and associated factors in 56-73 year-old urban adults in Northern Finland

Juuti, A.-K. (Anna-Kaisa) 09 August 2011 (has links)
Abstract The prevalence of self-reported obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), habitual snoring (HS), daytime sleepiness (DS) and restless legs syndrome (RLS), and their associations with cardiovascular risk factors and depressive symptoms as well as the natural course and associated factors of habitual snoring and restless legs syndrome over a ten-year period were studied. Two different birth cohorts in Northern Finland were investigated. In the Oulu 35 longitudinal research programme study subjects participated in two subsequent surveys conducted in 1996–1998 and 2007–2008 (61–63 and 72–73 years old subjects, respectively). The Oulu 45 study population was examined in 2001–2002 (56–57 years old subjects). The data were gathered by questionnaires, as well as laboratory and clinical measurements. In the Oulu35 study, of the 831 baseline participants, 593 (73%) participated in the first follow-up in 1996–1998 and 457 (55%) participated in both follow-up studies. In the Oulu 45 study, the target population comprised 1 332 subjects, 995 (75%) of whom participated. The prevalence of OSAS was 8% in the 56–57 year-old population, 4% in the 61–63 year old population, and 3% in the 72–73 year old population. These figures were 31%, 26% and 19% for HS, 16%, 9% and 11% for DS, and 18%, 21% and 15% for RLS, respectively. In a ten-year period, half of those who snored in 1996–1998 stopped snoring, and half of those who suffered from restless legs 3–7 nights/week in 1996–98 suffered from this syndrome less than once a week in 2007–2008. The 10-year incidence of new cases of both HS and RLS was 7%. In subjects aged 56–57 and 61–63, the components of the metabolic syndrome and depressive symptoms associated with OSAS and HS, while in the follow-up study, the role of these associations diminished. Male gender was the strongest predictor of the new cases of HS, while depressive symptoms and waist circumference predicted the permanence or incidence of HS. Depressive symptoms, DS and, weakly, waist circumference were associated with RLS in both the 56–57 year-old and in 61–63 year-old populations. Depressive symptoms were also predictive of the permanence and incidence of new RLS cases. Waist circumference also predicted new cases of RLS in the 72–73 year-old population. Sleep disorders were quite common in 56–73 year-old subjects and their prevalence seemed to diminish as subjects aged. The components of metabolic syndrome associated with sleep disorders in middle-aged subjects, but these associations lost their significance in older age groups. Depressive symptoms predicted incidence of restless legs syndrome. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden, päiväaikaisen väsymyksen ja levottomien jalkojen esiintyvyyttä ja yhteyksiä sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijöihin sekä depressioon. Jokaöisen kuorsaamisen ja levottomien jalkojen luonnollista kulkua ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä selvitettiin 10 vuoden seuranta-aikana. Tutkimusaineisto koostui kahdesta eri-ikäisestä pohjoissuomalaisesta väestöstä. Oulu35-seurantatutkimukset tehtiin vuosina 1996–1998 ja 2007–2008 (61–63- ja 72–73-vuotiaat tutkittavat). Oulu45-poikkileikkaustutkimus tehtiin vuosina 2001–2002 (56–57-vuotiaat tutkittavat). Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla, laboratorio- ja kliinisillä tutkimuksilla. Oulu35-tutkimuksessa 593 henkilöä (73 %) 831 kutsutusta osallistui ensimmäiseen seurantatutkimukseen v. 1996–1998 ja molempiin seurantatutkimuksiin osallistui 457 (55 %) henkilöä. Oulu45 -tutkimukseen osallistui 995 henkilöä (75 %) 1332 kutsutusta. Obstruktiivisen uniapnean esiintyvyys 56–57-vuotiaalla väestöllä oli 8 %, 61–63-vuotiailla 4 % ja 72–73-vuotiailla 3 %. Jokaöisen kuorsaamisen esiintyvyys oli vastaavissa ikäluokissa 31 %, 26 % ja 19 %, päiväaikaisen väsymyksen 16 %, 9 % ja 11 % ja levottomien jalkojen 18 %, 21 % ja 15 %. Kymmenen vuoden seurannassa jokaöinen kuorsaaminen vähentyi puoleen niillä henkilöillä, jotka kuorsasivat v. 1996–1998. Vastaavasti 10 vuoden kuluttua niillä henkilöillä, joilla esiintyi levottomia jalkoja 3–7 yönä viikossa v. 1996–1998, esiintyvyys oli vähentynyt alle 1 kertaan viikossa puolella tutkituista. 10 vuoden ilmaantuvuus sekä jokaöiselle kuorsaamiselle että levottomille jaloille oli 7 %. Metabolisen oireyhtymän osatekijät ja depressiiviset oireet olivat yhteydessä obstruktiiviseen uniapneaan ja jokaöiseen kuorsaamiseen sekä 56–57-vuotiailla että 61–63-vuotiailla. Kymmenen vuoden seurannassa näiden tekijöiden vaikutus näytti kuitenkin vähentyvän. Miessukupuoli ennusti vahvimmin jokaöisen kuorsaamisen ilmaantuvuutta. Myös depressiiviset oireet ja vyötärönympärys ennustivat jokaöisen kuorsaamisen ilmaantuvuutta ja pysyvyyttä. Depressiiviset oireet, päiväaikainen väsymys ja vyötärönympärys olivat yhteydessä levottomien jalkojen esiintyvyyteen sekä 56–57- että 61–63-vuotiaassa että väestössä. Depressiiviset oireet ennustivat myös levottomien jalkojen ilmaantuvuutta ja tilan pysyvyyttä ja vyötärönympärys levottomien jalkojen ilmaantuvuutta 72–73-vuotiaana. Unihäiriöt olivat varsin yleisiä 56–73-vuotiaissa väestöissä, ja niiden ilmaantuvuus näyttäisi vähentyvän iän mukana. Metabolisen oireyhtymän osatekijät olivat yhteydessä unihäiriöihin keski-ikäisillä, mutta vanhemmissa ikäluokissa näiden yhteyksien merkitys väheni. Depressiiviset ennustivat levottomat jalat -oireyhtymän ilmaantuvuutta.

Influence non-circadienne de la lumière sur les comportements : identification des structures impliquées et application clinique / Non-circadian influence of light on behavior : identification of implicated structures and clinical application

Ruppert, Elisabeth 10 November 2014 (has links)
La lumière influence fortement la physiologie et le comportement en exerçant des effets non-visuels de deux types : i) indirects, via la resynchronisation de l’horloge centrale qui est située dans les noyaux suprachiasmatiques (NSC), ii) directs, indépendants du processus circadien, via des mécanismes encore mal compris. Nos travaux chez la souris ont montré que l’influence directe de la lumière constitue un mécanisme majeur de régulation du sommeil, de l’éveil et de l’humeur, au même titre que le processus circadien. Ces effets sont majoritairement médiés par la mélanopsine, un photopigment exprimé dans la rétine, et relayés au niveau cérébral par différentes structures comme les NSCs et le VLPO. Ainsi, le rôle des NSCs ne doit pas être interprété qu’au travers de leur fonction d’horloge. Ensuite, dans une perspective de recherche translationnelle de l’animal à l’homme, nous avons validé Arvicanthis ansorgei, comme modèle d’étude du sommeil afin de pouvoir interpréter nos résultats chez un rongeur diurne. Enfin, de nombreuses données suggérant que les effets directs de la lumière modulent l’activité du système dopaminergique, nous avons évalué l’intérêt de la luminothérapie dans des pathologies dopaminergiques (maladie de Parkinson, syndrome des jambes sans repos, troubles de l’humeur). Ces avancées ouvrent de nombreuses perspectives pour une meilleure utilisation de la lumière dans notre société ainsi qu’en pathologie. / Light influences physiology and behavior through both types of non-image-forming effects: i) indirect, synchronizing the circadian master clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), ii) direct effects, independent from the circadian process though mechanisms poorly understood. Our studies in mice demonstrate that the direct influence of light constitutes a key mechanism of regulation for sleep, alertness and mood and is as important as the circadian process. The direct effects of light are mainly mediated through melanopsin, a retinal photopigment that projects to the different structures of the brain such as the SCN and the VLPO. The SCN, beyond their role as circadian clock are also a relay system for the direct effects of light. Further, we validated Arvicanthis ansorgei as a diurnal model for the study of sleep regulatory mechanisms. This is an important step in the translational approach from animal research to applications in humans. Various data suggest that the direct effects of light interact with the dopaminergic system. In the last part of this thesis, we evaluated the indication of bright light therapy in dopaminergic pathologies (Parkinson disease, restless legs syndrome, mood disorders). These advances open up new perspectives for possible applications of light therapy and may help improving societal lightening conditions.

Opportunistic Scheduling Using Channel Memory in Markov-modeled Wireless Networks

Murugesan, Sugumar 26 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Prévalence et signification fonctionnelle des mouvements périodiques des jambes

Pennestri, Marie-Hélène 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Prévalence et signification fonctionnelle des mouvements périodiques des jambes

Pennestri, Marie-Hélène 09 1900 (has links)
Les mouvements périodiques des jambes sont de courts mouvements involontaires qui surviennent de façon périodique au cours du sommeil ou de l’éveil. Ils sont présents dans certains troubles du sommeil, mais également chez des sujets sans plainte reliée au sommeil. Le premier objectif de cette thèse visait une meilleure description de la prévalence de ces mouvements. Nous avons montré que chez les sujets sans plainte de sommeil, la prévalence des mouvements périodiques des jambes en sommeil augmentait de façon importante à partir d’environ 40 ans, tandis que l’index des mouvements périodiques des jambes à l’éveil évoluait avec l’âge selon une courbe en U. Chez les sujets atteints de narcolepsie, on retrouvait davantage de mouvements périodiques des jambes que chez les sujets témoins, mais leur patron d’évolution avec l’âge était similaire. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse visait l’étude des mouvements périodiques des jambes en relation avec le système nerveux autonome cardiovasculaire. Nous avons non seulement confirmé la présence d’une tachycardie suivie d’une bradycardie lors des mouvements périodiques des jambes durant le sommeil chez les patients atteints du syndrome d’impatiences musculaires à l’éveil et chez les sujets sans plainte de sommeil, mais nous avons également décrit ces mêmes changements de la fréquence cardiaque, quoiqu’avec une plus faible amplitude, chez les sujets atteints de narcolepsie. Finalement, nous avons montré pour la première fois que les mouvements périodiques des jambes en sommeil des sujets atteints du syndrome d’impatiences musculaires à l’éveil et des sujets sans plainte de sommeil étaient aussi associés à des augmentations importantes et significatives de la pression artérielle. / Periodic leg movements are short involuntary movements occurring periodically during sleep or wakefulness. They occur in some sleep disorders, but also in healthy subjects not complaining of sleep problems. The first objective of this thesis was to provide a better description of the prevalence of these movements. In healthy non-complaining subjects, the prevalence of periodic leg movements during sleep increased dramatically from about age 40, whereas the age-related evolution of periodic leg movements during wakefulness followed a U curve. In narcoleptic patients there were more periodic leg movements than in control subjects, but their evolution with age showed the same pattern. The second objective of this thesis was to study periodic leg movements in relationship with cardiovascular autonomic nervous system. We not only confirmed that periodic leg movements during sleep were associated with a tachycardia followed by a bradycardia in restless legs syndrome patients and in healthy non-complaining subjects, but that these heart rate changes were also present in narcoleptic patients, albeit of a lower amplitude. Finally, we showed for the first time that periodic leg movements during sleep in restless legs syndrome patients and in healthy non-complaining subjects were also associated with significant and important rises of blood pressure.

Endokrinní a metabolické aspekty vybraných spánkový ch poruch / Endocrine and Metabolic Aspects of Various Sleep Disorders

Vimmerová-Lattová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Endocrine and Metabolic Aspects of Various Sleep Disorders MUDr. Zuzana Vimmerová Lattová Abstract: Recent epidemiological and experimental data suggest a negative influence of shortened or disturbed night sleep on glucose tolerance. However, no comparative studies of glucose metabolism have been conducted in clinical sleep disorders. Dysfunction of the HPA axis may play a causative role in some sleep disorders and in other sleep disorders it may be secondary to the sleep disorder. Moreover, dysfunction of the HPA axis is regarded as a possible causative factor for the impaired glucose sensitivity associated with disturbed sleep. However, data on HPA system activity in sleep disorders are sparse and conflicting. We studied 25 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients, 18 restless legs syndrome (RLS) patients, 21 patients with primary insomnia and compared them to 33 healthy controls. We performed oral glucose tolerance test and assessed additional parameters of glucose metabolism. The dynamic response of the HPA system was assessed by the DEX-CRH-test which combines suppression (dexamethasone) and stimulation (CRH) of the stress hormone system. Compared to controls, increased rates of impaired glucose tolerance were found in OSA (OR: 4.9) and RLS (OR: 4.7), but not in primary insomnia. In addition, HbA1c...

Barnskrik i Hades? : Attityder till döda spädbarn i antika Grekland. / Screaming babies in Hades? : Attitudes to dead infants in ancient Greece.

Svedlund, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
In Homer’s work Iliad, Achilles is harassed in the sleep by the ghost of his friend Patroclus who demands a burial by him to be able to find peace. From this we get an understanding of how important it was for the ancient Greeks that their dead were given a proper burial for the soul to enter Hades and be able to find peace. If the deceased body was not buried, the soul became restless that harassed and had the power to harm the living. Infants belong to the group of individuals that do not appear to have had any consistent way of how to deal with them after they died. Some of them did not receive anything even close to a burial that a deceased adult would have received. Why infants were handled differently in certain contexts and locations is a mystery and begs the question of whether they were not considered to be people when they died and what was required to be considered worthy of a funeral when being dead. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether infants ended up in Hades or not, with the ancient Greeks' view of death and dead bodies as a theoretical starting point. To fulfill the purpose, the following questions were asked; how were dead infants handled? Were they considered to be 'real' individuals? How do the dead infants relate to the notions of becoming restless dead? To be able to answer these questions, I researched material from three different categories of evidence. The discussion has been divided into archaeological, iconographical, and literary sources. There are many different answers to the questions of this thesis as the different sorts of source material indicate diverse answers and attitudes to infants. It all probably depends on the different geographical places, economy, and status in society. These different answers also generate different attitudes to infants and whether they in fact were a real person. But through this thesis I have displayed factors that can support my theory about infants in Hades and that they – in worst case scenario – could end up like restless dead.

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