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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

There and Back Again: Generating Repeating Transfers Using Resonant Structures

Noah Isaac Sadaka (15354313) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Many future satellite applications in cislunar space require repeating, periodic transfers that shift away from some operational orbit and eventually return. Resonant orbits are investigated in the Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CR3BP) as a mechanism to enable these transfers. Numerous resonant orbit families possess a ratio of orbital period to lunar period that is sufficiently close to an integer ratio and can be exploited to uncover period-commensurate transfers due to their predictable periods. Resonant orbits also collectively explore large swaths of space, making it possible to select specific orbits that reach a region of interest. A framework for defining period-commensurate transfers is introduced that leverages the homoclinic connections associated with an unstable operating orbit to permit ballistic transfers that shuttle the spacecraft to a certain region. Resonant orbits are incorporated by locating homoclinic connections that possess resonant structures, and the applicability of these transfers is extended by optionally linking them to resonant orbits. In doing so, transfers are  available for in-orbit refueling/maintenance as well as surveillance/communications applications  that depart and return to the same phase in the operating orbit.</p>

Dynamical Flow Characteristics in Response to a Maneuver in the L1 or L2 Earth-Moon Region

Colton D Mitchell (15347518) 25 April 2023 (has links)
<p>National security concerns regarding cislunar space have become more prominent due to</p> <p>the anticipated increase in cislunar activity. Predictability is one of these concerns. Cislunar</p> <p>motion is difficult to predict because it is chaotic. The chaotic nature of cislunar motion is</p> <p>pronounced near the L1 and L2 Lagrange points. For this reason, among others, it is likely</p> <p>that a red actor (an antagonist) would have its cislunar spacecraft perform a maneuver in</p> <p>one of the aforementioned vicinities to reach some cislunar point of interest. This realization</p> <p>unveils the need to ascertain some degree of predictability in the motion resulting from a</p> <p>maneuver performed in the L1 or L2 region. To investigate said motion, impulsive maneuvers</p> <p>are employed on the L1 and L2 Lagrange points and on L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbits in the</p> <p>model that is the circular restricted three-body problem. The behavior of the resultant</p> <p>trajectories is analyzed to understand how the magnitude and direction of a maneuver in</p> <p>said regions affect the behavior of the resultant trajectory. It is found that the direction</p> <p>of such maneuvers is particularly influential with respect to said behavior. Regarding both</p> <p>the L1 and L2 regions, certain maneuver directions yield certain behaviors in the resultant</p> <p>trajectory over a wide range of maneuver magnitudes. This understanding is informative to</p> <p>cislunar mission design.</p>


Alexander Estes Hoffman (15354589) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Secondary payloads have a rich and successful history of utilizing cheap rides to orbit to perform outstanding missions in Earth orbit, and more recently, in cislunar space and beyond. New launch vehicles, namely the Space Launch System (SLS), are increasing the science opportunity for rideshare class missions by providing regular service to the lunar vicinity. However, trajectory design in a multi-body regime brings a host of novel challenges, further exacerbated by constraints generated from the primary payload’s mission. Often, secondary payloads do not possess the fuel required to directly insert into lunar orbit and must instead perform a lunar flyby, traverse the Earth-Moon-Sun system, and later return to the lunar vicinity. This investigation develops a novel framework to construct low-cost, end-to-end lunar transfer trajectories for secondary payload missions. The proposed threephase approach provides unique insights into potential lunar transfer geometries. The phases consist of an arc from launch to initial perilune, an exterior transfer arc, and a lunar approach arc. The space of feasible transfers within each phase is determined through low-dimension grid searches and informed filtering techniques, while the problem of recombining the phases through differential corrections is kept tractable by reducing the dimensionality at each phase transition boundary. A sample mission demonstrates the trajectory design approach and example solutions are generated and discussed. Finally, alternate strategies are developed to both augment the analysis and for scenarios where the proposed three-phase technique does not deliver adequate solutions. The trajectory design methods described in this document are applicable to many upcoming secondary payload missions headed to lunar orbit, including spacecraft with only low-thrust, only high-thrust, or a combination of both. </p>


Juan-Pablo Almanza-Soto (15341785) 24 April 2023 (has links)
<p>The last decade has seen a significant increase in activity within cislunar space. The quantity of missions to the Lunar vicinity will only continue to rise following the collab- orative effort between NASA, ESA, JAXA and the CSA to construct the Gateway space station. One significant engineering challenge is the design of trajectories that deliver space- craft to orbits in the Lunar vicinity. In response, this study employs multi-body dynamics to investigate the geometry of two-maneuver transfers to Earth-Moon libration point or- bits. Zero-Momentum Points are employed to investigate transfer behavior in the circular- restricted 3-body problem. It is found that these points along stable invariant manifolds indicate changes in transfer geometry and represent locations where transfers exhibit limit- ing behaviors. The analysis in the lower-fidelity model is utilized to formulate initial guesses that are transitioned to higher-fidelity, ephemeris models. Retaining the solution geometry of these guesses is prioritized, and adaptations to the transition strategy are presented to circumvent numerical issues. The presented methodologies enable the procurement of desir- able trajectories in higher-fidelity models that reflect the characteristics of the initial guess generated in the circular restricted 3-body problem.</p>

Transfer design methodology between neighborhoods of planetary moons in the circular restricted three-body problem

David Canales Garcia (11812925) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<div>There is an increasing interest in future space missions devoted to the exploration of key moons in the Solar system. These many different missions may involve libration point orbits as well as trajectories that satisfy different endgames in the vicinities of the moons. To this end, an efficient design strategy to produce low-energy transfers between the vicinities of adjacent moons of a planetary system is introduced that leverages the dynamics in these multi-body systems. Such a design strategy is denoted as the moon-to-moon analytical transfer (MMAT) method. It consists of a general methodology for transfer design between the vicinities of the moons in any given system within the context of the circular restricted three-body problem, useful regardless of the orbital planes in which the moons reside. A simplified model enables analytical constraints to efficiently determine the feasibility of a transfer between two different moons moving in the vicinity of a common planet. Subsequently, the strategy builds moon-to-moon transfers based on invariant manifold and transit orbits exploiting some analytical techniques. The strategy is applicable for direct as well as indirect transfers that satisfy the analytical constraints. The transition of the transfers into higher-fidelity ephemeris models confirms the validity of the MMAT method as a fast tool to provide possible transfer options between two consecutive moons. </div><div> </div><div>The current work includes sample applications of transfers between different orbits and planetary systems. The method is efficient and identifies optimal solutions. However, for certain orbital geometries, the direct transfer cannot be constructed because the invariant manifolds do not intersect (due to their mutual inclination, distance, and/or orbital phase). To overcome this difficulty, specific strategies are proposed that introduce intermediate Keplerian arcs and additional impulsive maneuvers to bridge the gaps between trajectories that connect any two moons. The updated techniques are based on the same analytical methods as the original MMAT concept. Therefore, they preserve the optimality of the previous methodology. The basic strategy and the significant additions are demonstrated through a number of applications for transfer scenarios of different types in the Galilean, Uranian, Saturnian and Martian systems. Results are compared with the traditional Lambert arcs. The propellant and time-performance for the transfers are also illustrated and discussed. As far as the exploration of Phobos and Deimos is concerned, a specific design framework that generates transfer trajectories between the Martian moons while leveraging resonant orbits is also introduced. Mars-Deimos resonant orbits that offer repeated flybys of Deimos and arrive at Mars-Phobos libration point orbits are investigated, and a nominal mission scenario with transfer trajectories connecting the two is presented. The MMAT method is used to select the appropriate resonant orbits, and the associated impulsive transfer costs are analyzed. The trajectory concepts are also validated in a higher-fidelity ephemeris model.</div><div> </div><div>Finally, an efficient and general design strategy for transfers between planetary moons that fulfill specific requirements is also included. In particular, the strategy leverages Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) maps within the context of the MMAT scheme. Incorporating these two techniques enables direct transfers between moons that offer a wide variety of trajectory patterns and endgames designed in the circular restricted three-body problem, such as temporary captures, transits, takeoffs and landings. The technique is applicable to several mission scenarios. Additionally, an efficient strategy that aids in the design of tour missions that involve impulsive transfers between three moons located in their true orbital planes is also included. The result is a computationally efficient technique that allows three-moon tours designed within the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. The method is demonstrated for a Ganymede->Europa->Io tour.</div>

Navigating Chaos: Resonant Orbits for Sustaining Cislunar Operations

Maaninee Gupta (8770355) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The recent and upcoming increase in spaceflight missions to the lunar vicinity necessitates methodologies to enable operations beyond the Earth. In particular, there is a pressing need for a Space Domain Awareness (SDA) and Space Situational Awareness (SSA) architecture that encompasses the realm of space beyond the sub-geosynchronous region to sustain humanity's long-term presence in that region. Naturally, the large distances in the cislunar domain restrict access rapid and economical access from the Earth. In addition, due to the long ranges and inconsistent visibility, the volume contained within the orbit of the Moon is inadequately observed from Earth-based instruments. As such, space-based assets to supplement ground-based infrastructure are required. The need for space-based assets to support a sustained presence is further complicated by the challenging dynamics that manifest in cislunar space. Multi-body dynamical models are necessary to sufficiently model and predict the motion of any objects that operate in the space between the Earth and the Moon. The current work seeks to address these challenges in dynamical modeling and cislunar accessibility via the exploration of resonant orbits. These types of orbits, that are commensurate with the lunar sidereal period, are constructed in the Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP) and validated in the Higher-Fidelity Ephemeris Model (HFEM). The expansive geometries and energy options supplied by the orbits are favorable for achieving recurring access between the Earth and the lunar vicinity. Sample orbits in prograde resonance are explored to accommodate circumlunar access from underlying cislunar orbit structures via Poincaré mapping techniques. Orbits in retrograde resonance, due to their operational stability, are employed in the design of space-based observer constellations that naturally maintain their relative configuration over successive revolutions. </p><p dir="ltr"> Sidereal resonant orbits that are additionally commensurate with the lunar synodic period are identified. Such orbits, along with possessing geometries inherent to sidereal resonant behavior, exhibit periodic alignments with respect to the Sun in the Earth-Moon rotating frame. This characteristic renders the orbits suitable for hosting space-based sensors that, in addition to naturally avoiding eclipses, maintain visual custody of targets in the cislunar domain. For orbits that are not eclipse-favorable, a penumbra-avoidance path constraint is implemented to compute baseline trajectories that avoid Earth and Moon eclipse events. Constellations of observers in both sidereal and sidereal-synodic resonant orbits are designed for cislunar SSA applications. Sample trajectories are assessed for the visibility of various targets in the cislunar volume, and connectivity relative to zones of interest in Earth-Moon plane. The sample constellations and observer trajectories demonstrate the utility of resonant orbits for various applications to sustain operations in cislunar space. </p>

MASCOT Follow-on Mission Concept Study with Enhanced GNC and Propulsion Capability of the Nano-lander for Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB) Missions

Chand, Suditi January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, implementation and analysis for a preliminary study for DLR's MASCOT lander's next mission to Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB). MASCOT (Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout) is a nano-lander that flew aboard Hayabusa2 (JAXA) to an asteroid, Ryugu. It is a passive nano-spacecraft that can only be deployed ballistically from a hovering spacecraft. Current research focusses on optimizing similar close-approach missions for deploying landers or small cubesats into periodic orbits but does not provide solutions with semi-autonomous small landers deployed from farther distances. This study aims to overcome this short-coming by proposing novel yet simple Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) and Propulsion systems for MASCOT. Due to its independent functioning and customisable anatomy, MASCOT can be adapted for several mission scenarios. In this thesis, a particular case-study is modelled for the HERA (ESA) mission. The first phase of the study involves the design of a landing trajectory to the moon of the Didymos binary asteroid system. For a preliminary analysis, the system - Didymain (primary body), Didymoon (secondary body) and MASCOT (third body) - are modelled as a Planar Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (PCR3BP). The numerical integration methodology used for the trajectory is the variable-step Dormand–Prince (Runge Kutta) ODE-4,5 (Ordinary Differential Equation) solver. The model is built in MATLAB-Simulink (2019a) and refined iteratively by conducting a Monte Carlo analysis using the Sensitivity Analysis Tool. Two models - a thruster-controlled system and an alternative hybrid propulsion system of solar sails and thrusters - are simulated and proven to be feasible. The results show that the stable manifold near Lagrange 2 points proposed by Tardivel et. al. for ballistic landings can still be exploited for distant deployments if a single impulse retro-burn is done at an altitude of 65 m to 210 m above ground with error margins of 50 m in position, 5 cm/s in velocity and 0.1 rad in attitude. The next phase is the conceptual design of a MASCOT-variant with GNC abilities. Based on the constraints and requirements of the flown spacecraft, novel GNC and Propulsion systems are chosen. To identify the overriding factors in using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) for MASCOT, a market survey is conducted and the manufacturers of short-listed products are consulted. The final phase of the study is to analyse the proposed equipment in terms of parameter scope and capability-oriented trade-offs. Two traceability matrices, one for devised solutions and system and another for solutions versus capabilities, are constructed. The final proposed system is coherent with the given mass, volume and power constraints. A distant deployment of MASCOT-like landers for in-situ observation is suggested as an advantageous and risk-reducing addition to large spacecraft missions to unknown micro-gravity target bodies. Lastly, the implications of this study and the unique advantages of an enhanced MASCOT lander are explored for currently planned SSSB missions ranging from multiple rendezvous, fly-by or sample-return missions. Concluding, this study lays the foundation for future work on advanced GNC concepts for unconventional spacecraft topology for the highly integrated small landers. / <p>This thesis is submitted as per the requirements for the Spacemaster (Round 13) dual master's degree under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree Programme. </p> / MASCOT team, DLR

Stretching Directions in Cislunar Space: Stationkeeping and an application to Transfer Trajectory Design

Vivek Muralidharan (11014071) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<div>The orbits of interest for potential missions are stable or nearly stable to maintain long term presence for conducting scientific studies and to reduce the possibility of rapid departure. Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs) offer such stable or nearly stable orbits that are defined as part of the L1 and L2 halo orbit families in the circular restricted three-body problem. Within the Earth-Moon regime, the L1 and L2 NRHOs are proposed as long horizon trajectories for cislunar exploration missions, including NASA's upcoming Gateway mission. These stable or nearly stable orbits do not possess well-distinguished unstable and stable manifold structures. As a consequence, existing tools for stationkeeping and transfer trajectory design that exploit such underlying manifold structures are not reliable for orbits that are linearly stable. The current investigation focuses on leveraging stretching direction as an alternative for visualizing the flow of perturbations in the neighborhood of a reference trajectory. The information supplemented by the stretching directions are utilized to investigate the impact of maneuvers for two contrasting applications; the stationkeeping problem, where the goal is to maintain a spacecraft near a reference trajectory for a long period of time, and the transfer trajectory design application, where rapid departure and/or insertion is of concern.</div><div><br></div><div>Particularly, for the stationkeeping problem, a spacecraft incurs continuous deviations due to unmodeled forces and orbit determination errors in the complex multi-body dynamical regime. The flow dynamics in the region, using stretching directions, are utilized to identify appropriate maneuver and target locations to support a long lasting presence for the spacecraft near the desired path. The investigation reflects the impact of various factors on maneuver cost and boundedness. For orbits that are particularly sensitive to epoch time and possess distinct characteristics in the higher-fidelity ephemeris model compared to their CR3BP counterpart, an additional feedback control is applied for appropriate phasing. The effect of constraining maneuvers in a particular direction is also investigated for the 9:2 synodic resonant southern L2 NRHO, the current baseline for the Gateway mission. The stationkeeping strategy is applied to a range of L1 and L2 NRHOs, and validated in the higher-fidelity ephemeris model.</div><div><br></div><div>For missions with potential human presence, a rapid transfer between orbits of interest is a priority. The magnitude of the state variations along the maximum stretching direction is expected to grow rapidly and, therefore, offers information to depart from the orbit. Similarly, the maximum stretching in reverse time, enables arrival with a minimal maneuver magnitude. The impact of maneuvers in such sensitive directions is investigated. Further, enabling transfer design options to connect between two stable orbits. The transfer design strategy developed in this investigation is not restricted to a particular orbit but applicable to a broad range of stable and nearly stable orbits in the cislunar space, including the Distant Retrograde Orbit (DROs) and the Low Lunar Orbits (LLO) that are considered for potential missions. Examples for transfers linking a southern and a northern NRHO, a southern NRHO to a planar DRO, and a southern NRHO to a planar LLO are demonstrated.</div>

Characterization of Quasi-Periodic Orbits for Applications in the Sun-Earth and Earth-Moon Systems

Brian P. McCarthy (5930747) 17 January 2019 (has links)
<div>As destinations of missions in both human and robotic spaceflight become more exotic, a foundational understanding the dynamical structures in the gravitational environments enable more informed mission trajectory designs. One particular type of structure, quasi-periodic orbits, are examined in this investigation. Specifically, efficient computation of quasi-periodic orbits and leveraging quasi-periodic orbits as trajectory design alternatives in the Earth-Moon and Sun-Earth systems. First, periodic orbits and their associated center manifold are discussed to provide the background for the existence of quasi-periodic motion on n-dimensional invariant tori, where n corresponds to the number of fundamental frequencies that define the motion. Single and multiple shooting differential corrections strategies are summarized to compute families 2-dimensional tori in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP) using a stroboscopic mapping technique, originally developed by Howell and Olikara. Three types of quasi-periodic orbit families are presented: constant energy, constant frequency ratio, and constant mapping time families. Stability of quasi-periodic orbits is summarized and characterized with a single stability index quantity. For unstable quasi-periodic orbits, hyperbolic manifolds are computed from the differential of a discretized invariant curve. The use of quasi-periodic orbits is also demonstrated for destination orbits and transfer trajectories. Quasi-DROs are examined in the CR3BP and the Sun-Earth-Moon ephemeris model to achieve constant line of sight with Earth and avoid lunar eclipsing by exploiting orbital resonance. Arcs from quasi-periodic orbits are leveraged to provide an initial guess for transfer trajectory design between a planar Lyapunov orbit and an unstable halo orbit in the Earth-Moon system. Additionally, quasi-periodic trajectory arcs are exploited for transfer trajectory initial guesses between nearly stable periodic orbits in the Earth-Moon system. Lastly, stable hyperbolic manifolds from a Sun-Earth L<sub>1</sub> quasi-vertical orbit are employed to design maneuver-free transfer from the LEO vicinity to a quasi-vertical orbit.</div>

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