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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europos Sąjungos transporto politika: ekonominis pagrįstumas ir poveikis Lietuvai / Common European Land Transport Policy: Economic Consistency and Impact on Lithuania

Steponavičienė, Guoda 09 June 2005 (has links)
The disertation investigates a crucial factor, determining decisions on development of Lithuanian transport system - Common European transport policy in the field of road and railway and provides comprehensive answers to the following questions: (1)are the EU solutions in transport development field economically consistent and feasible, (2)what are the means, suitable for its’ implementation, (3) what effects it will cause for Lithuania’s transport system as well as the whole economic and social life.

Kreditorių daiktinių teisių apsauga bankroto ir restruktūrizavimo procesuose / Protection of the rights in rem of the creditors in processes of bankruptcy and restructuring

Jakubauskas, Ernestas 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama daiktinės teisės koncepcija ir jos įsitvirtinimo Kontinentinėje teisėje priežastys, pateikiamas daiktinės teisės apibrėžimas, savybės, daiktinių teisių objektų genezė, autorius kritikuoja materialaus daikto koncepciją. Antrajame darbo skyriuje apžvelgiamas konkrečių daiktinių teisių turinys, šių daiktinių teisių turėtojų apsauga vykdymo procese ir nemokumo procesuose. Darbe analizuojamos nuosavybės teisė bei daiktiniai prievolių vykdymo užtikrinimo būdai – hipoteka ir įkeitimas. Poskyriuose apie hipoteką ir įkeitimą analizuojamas kreditorių daiktinių teisių apsaugos turinys ir mechanizmas vykdymo procese bei apsaugos turinio transformacijos įmonių bankroto bei restruktūrizavimo procesuose, apžvelgiamos naujovės priverstinės hipotekos reglamentavime Lietuvos Respublikoje, pateikiama absoliučiai privilegijuotos kreditorių–įkaito turėtojų padėties kritika, remiantis ekonominio efektyvumo, rizikos paskirstymo bei socialinio teisingumo kriterijais. Trečiajame darbo skyriuje analizuojamas Rusijos Federacijos teisės aktuose įtvirtintas kreditorių daiktinių teisių apsaugos teisinis reglamentavimas vykdymo procese bei nemokumo procesuose. Analizuojamos Rusijos Federacijos Civilinio Kodekso, Įstatymo dėl įkeitimo, Įstatymo dėl nekilnojamojo turto įkeitimo (hipotekos) bei kitų įstatymų nuostatos. Ketvirtajame darbo skyriuje analizuojamas kreditorių daiktinių teisių apsaugos mechanizmas esant nemokumo situacijai, kuri išeina už vienos Europos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyses the concept of rights in rem, the circumstances of their establishment in the legal systems of Continental Europe. The author gives a brief description of rights in rem, emphasizes the features of them, investigates the genesis of objects falling under the definition. The author criticizes the concept of a material thing as an obsolete and unsuitable for the needs of a modern legal system. In the second section of the thesis, the author examines a substance of specific rights in rem, the protection of the right holders in the executory process and in the processes of bankruptcy and restructuring. The thesis is concentrated upon the law of property, mortgage and pawn. In the subsections regarding the latter two, the matters and mechanisms of right holders protection are being analyzed: firstly in a context of executory process, secondly - their transformations in the processes of insolvency. The insights concerning recent novelties in the regulation of compulsory mortgage in the Republic of Lithuania are given. The author considers a soundness of the exclusively privileged position of the secured creditors in the insolvency with regard to economic efficiency, risk–sharing and social equality. In the third section of the thesis the author analyses the right holders protection in Russian Federation: the research is based on the Russian Civil code, the Law on pawns, the Law on mortgages and other relevant laws. The fourth section of the thesis is dedicated to... [to full text]

Determining the effects on residential electricity prices and carbon emissions of electricity market restructuring in Alberta

Jahangir, Junaid Bin Unknown Date
No description available.

Omorganiseringer – hva koster de? : En sammenstilling av omkostninger i forbindelse med en omorganisering; tidsbruk til frustrasjoner, møter etc, sykefravær, og rene utbetalinger / Restructuring in organisations – what is the price? : A compound of expenses connected to organisational restructuring such as; time used in frustration, meetings etc., turnover and ordinary expenses.

Cuenoud, Helen Catherine January 2007 (has links)
Hensikt. Mange kommuner har over år hatt svært stram økonomi.  Mange av kommunene har som endel av tiltakene for å få økonomien i balanse foretatt omfattende omorganiseringer.  Generelt sett har det vært lite fokus på hva omorganiseringene koster i form av tidstap, frustrasjoner og stress, økt sykefravær og rene utgifter i form av konsulenter etc. Metode 14 ansatte på alle nivå i organisasjonen ble intervjuet om deres opplevelser i forbindelse med omorganisering.  Dette ble satt sammen med vurderinger av sykefravær statistikk og omkostninger som skulle komme frem i regnskapene. Resultat De ansatte som ble intervjuet var meget opptatt av ikke å stipulere for stor bruk av tid.  Da lot de heller være å angi tid.  Likevel ble resultatene av brukt tid til samtaler, møter og frustrasjoner formidable.  Det var i denne kommunens sykefraværs statistikk ikke mulig å kunne si noe om økt sykefravær på grunn av omorganisering.  Derimot fortalte de ansatte selv om at de hade blitt syke på grunn av prosessene. Kostnadene til omorganisering var ført i  ordinært driftsregnskap. Mye av de faktiske kostnadene var derfor ikke mulig å finne tilbake til i etterkant. Konklusjon:  Omorganiseringer koster svært mye i medgått tid.  Ansatte blir syke av økt stress  og mangel på kontroll, økt arbeisbyrde, press og usikkerhet.  Kostnader i form av for eksempel konsulenter, flyttinger og innkjøp av nytt utstyr må tas med i en helhet.  For å vurdere innsparingene ved en omorganisering må man se det opp mot omkostningen med omorganisering.  Det har til nå ikke blitt tatt tilstrekkelig hensynt til. Det anbefales å gjøre videre forskning på omorganiseringer og de totale omkostningene. / Aim  The municipalities in Norway have for the last decades been given a lot of new tasks and the economy has been poor.  In order to reduce costs many municipalities  has chosen to restructure the organisation.  There has been little attention given to what a reorganisation really costs in terms of loss of time, frustrations, stress, increased sick leave and actual expenditures. Method 14 employees from all over the organisation were interviewed on their experiences with reorganisations.  These results were put together with the results of the sick leave statistics and the numbers from the accounts.  Result  The employees were very concerned not to exaggerate the use of time.  They would rather not estimate any time used.  All the same, the time used was of incredible dimensions.  This municipality’s statistics on sick leave did not give any evidence that the reorganisations caused more sickness in the organisation.  But the employees told about being sick from the processes. The expenses for the reorganisation process were accounted for in the ordinary accounting system.  It was not possible to identify and extract the actual expenses 3 – 4 years later. The exception was the expenses connected to the consultants. Conclusions  The expenses in terms of time used are huge.  The employees get sick from stress and lack of control, increased workload, pressure and uncertainty. Expenses as the costs of consultants, expenditures of new outfits and moving expenditures must also be considered.   In an evaluation of the savings made through a reorganisation, the all expenses must be considered in full in order to have a true evaluation.  Until today such evaluation do not seem to have been done.   It is a recommended to do further research on this subject / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-31-3</p>

Does mixed-use development benefit everyone? Housing affordability in a changing labour market

Seasons, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Mixed-use development is one of the canonical elements of modern urban planning theory and practice. The principles of this approach to development are applied throughout the world and have seen a resurgence in the last several decades as part of the rise of populist movements such as smart growth and new urbanism. At the same time, cities across the industrialized world have been reshaped within the broader context of fundamental restructuring in the labour market over the past several decades. The urban core of the post-industrial city has increasingly become the site of residential development amongst various complementary land uses, marketed to an upwardly mobile professional class. Who benefits from this kind of mixed-use development in the housing market? Despite its popularity, mixed-use development is not often examined with regard to the affordability of housing. This study explores the affordability of housing in areas zoned as mixed-use in the old City of Toronto in relation to shifts in the occupational structure of the city’s workforce between 1991 and 2006. Using census data and spatial analysis methods, the cartographic and analytical outputs of this study demonstrate two major findings: first, that housing in mixed-use areas was more expensive than the rest of the city over the study period; and second, that socioeconomic polarization between classes of occupations is not only evident in mixed-use areas, but in some ways more pronounced than in the rest of the city. Based on these findings, the study concludes with a realistic assessment of why and how academics, practitioners and policymakers active in urban planning should step up efforts to couple the revitalization of Toronto’s urban core with gains to the affordability of housing.

Kreditorių teisių įgyvendinimas įmonių restruktūrizavimo procese / Implementation of creditor rights in enterprise restructuring process

Girnius, Virginijus 03 June 2014 (has links)
Įmonės restruktūrizavimas kaip verslo gelbėjimo forma leidžia atkurti laikinai prarastą įmonės mokumą ir toliau tęsti ūkinę-komercinę veiklą. Restruktūrizavimo procesas negalimas be įmonės kreditorių pagalbos ir bendradarbiavimo. Kreditorių dalyvavimas restruktūrizavimo procese, jų aktyvumas ir įmonei teikiamos pagalbos apimtis priklauso nuo kreditoriams suteikiamų teisų ir jų įgyvendinimo sąlygų. Darbe atskleidžiama restruktūrizuojamos įmonės kreditorių kategorija, atskiriant skirtingas kreditorių grupes ir jų interesų restruktūrizavimo procese skirtumus. Dėmesys atkreipiamas į su restruktūrizuojama įmone susijusių kreditorių padėtį ir jų įtaką restruktūrizavimo proceso eigai bei rezultatui. Tyrimo metu sistemiškai analizuojamos pagrindinės kreditorių ir kreditorių susirinkimo teisės įmonės restruktūrizavimo proceso inicijavimo, restruktūrizavimo plano rengimo, tvirtinimo ir įgyvendinimo etapuose. Kiekviename etape išskiriamos esminės kreditorių teisės, atskleidžiamas jų turinys ir reikšmė. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas esminių kreditorių ir kreditorių susirinkimo teisių įgyvendinimo sąlygoms ir praktikoje esančiai problematikai. Darbe taip pat analizuojamos atitinkamos restruktūrizuojamos įmonės valdymo organo pareigos kreditorių atžvilgiu, nustatomas jų atsiradimo momentas ir reikšmė kreditorių teisių apsaugai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Lietuvoje restruktūrizavimo procesas ir kreditorių padėtis jame nėra plačiai išnagrinėtas, atliekant tyrimą daugiausia remiamasi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Restructuring of an enterprise as business rescue form is intended to resolve a temporary enterprise‘s insolvency and continue further business activity. The implementation of restructuring process is impossible without support and cooperation of enterprise‘s creditors. The creditors’ participation in restructuring process highly depends on the scope of their rights in the process and conditions of implementation of given rights. This master thesis identifies the creditor‘s category in the context of enterprise‘s restructuring process, distinguishes different categories of creditors and marks out the discrepancies in their interests in restructuring process. Attention is drawn to the creditors related to the enterprise under restructuring, especially to their position in relation to other enterprise‘s creditors and their ability to make significant impact on the outcome of restructuring process. This paperwork presents a systematic analysis of the main rights of creditors and meeting of creditors in separate stages of restructuring process: the stage of initiating, the stage of preparation and approval of the restructuring plan and implementation stage. The author distinguishes essential rights of creditors and meeting of creditors in each stage of the restructuring process and analyses the content of these rights as well as their impact on the outcome of the whole process. This thesis focuses on the essential rights of creditors in the restructuring process, legal... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų vadovų bei pacientų požiūris į sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų ir paslaugų restruktūrizavimo politiką / Attitudes of patients and managers of healthcare settings towards restructuring policy of healthcare settings and services

Jasiukaitienė, Vilma 05 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos gydytojų vadovų sąjungos narių bei pacientų, besigydančių stacionare, požiūrį į sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų ir paslaugų restruktūrizavimo politiką. Tyrimo metodika. Kokybinis tyrimas. Anonimiškai buvo apklausti Lietuvos gydytojų vadovų sąjungos nariai. Išdalintos 85 anketos, grąžinta 77 (atsako dažnis 90,6 proc.). Kokybiniai tyrimo duomenys apdoroti pagal duomenų apdorojimo schemą, kuri padeda atskleisti žinias apie tai, ką žmonės mąsto, jaučia, išgyvena. Kiekybinis tyrimas. Atlikta anoniminė X Respublikinės ligoninės stacionaro pacientų apklausa. Išdalinta 200 anketų, iš kurių grįžo 141 (atsako dažnis 70,5 proc.). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant programinį paketą „IBM SPSS Statistics 20“. Hipotezės tikrinamos naudojant Chi-kvadrato (χ2) kriterijų, tikslųjį Fišerio (F) kriterijų ir z kriterijų. Skirtumai tarp požymių laikyti statistiškai reikšmingais, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai. Gydytojų vadovų nuomone sveikatos priežiūros valdymo sistemoje įvyko daug teigiamų pokyčių. Teikiamos saugios, kokybiškos sveikatos priežiūros paslaugos, įgyvendinta šeimos gydytojo institucijos plėtra, sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos aprūpintos naujomis technologijomis. Lietuvos gydytojų vadovų sąjungos nariai neigiamą prieinamumo pokytį paminėjo daugiausiai kartų. Tyrimas atskleidė gydytojų, slaugytojų stokos problemą, ypač kaimiškuose rajonuose, jų emigraciją. Teisinė sveikatos sistemos bazė bei kompensuojamų vaistų politiką netobula. Daugiau nei du... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to assess the attitudes of members of Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania and of inpatients towards the restructuring policy of healthcare settings and services. Material and methods. Qualitative study. Anonymous questionnaires were distributed to members of Association of Hospital Managers Physicians of Lithuania. Of 85 questionnaires 77 were completed (response rate 90.6%). Qualitative data were analyzed based on framework revealing subjects' ideas, feelings, and experiences. Quantitative study. Survey included the inpatients of one national level hospital. Of 200 distributed questionnaires 141 were completed (response rate 70.5%). Statistical data analysis was performed using „IBM SPSS Statistics 20“ package. For hypothesis testing the Chi-squared, Fisher's exact test, and Z test were used. Significance level was set at 95% level (p<0.05). Results. Hospital managers indicated that system of healthcare management underwent many positive changes. The healthcare services are safe and of adequate quality, institution of family physician is growing, and healthcare settings are equipped with new technologies. Managers of hospitals most frequently mentioned the negative trends in access to healthcare. The study revealed the issue of shortage in physicians and nursing staff (especially in rural areas) and their emigration. Legal base of healthcare system and drugs reimbursement policy are still incomplete. More than two thirds of patients... [to full text]

Do Regional Models Matter? Resource Allocation to Home Care in the Canadian Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia & New Brunswick

Conrad, Patricia 30 July 2008 (has links)
Proponents of Canadian health reform in the 1990s argued for regional structures, which enables budget silos to be broken down and integrated budgets to be formed. Although regionalization has been justified on the basis of its potential to increase home care resources, political science draws upon the scope of conflict theory, which instead suggests marginalized actors, such as home care, may be at risk of being cannibalized in order to safeguard the interests of more powerful actors, such as hospitals. Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, constitute a natural policy experiment. Each has made different decisions about the regionalization model implemented to restructure health care delivery. The policy question underpinning this research is: What are the implications of the different regional models chosen on the allocation of resources to home care? Provincial governments are at liberty to fund home care within the limits of their fiscal capacity and there are no federal terms and conditions which must be complied with. This policy analysis used a case comparison research design with mixed methods to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Two financial outcomes were measured: 1) per capita provincial government home care expenditures and 2) the home care share of provincial government health expenditures. Hospital data was used as a comparator. Qualitative data collected from face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with regional elite key informants supplemented the expenditure data. The findings align with the scope of conflict theory. The trade-off between central control and local autonomy has implications for these findings: 1) home care in Prince Edward Island increased it share from 1.6% to 2.2% of provincial government health spending; 2) maintaining central control over home care in Nova Scotia resulted in an increase in its share from 1.4% to 5.4%, and 3) in New Brunswick, home care share grew from 4.1% to 7.6%. Inertia and entrenchment of spending patterns was strong. Health regions did not appear to undertake resource reallocation to any great extent in either Prince Edward Island or New Brunswick. Resource reallocation did occur in Nova Scotia where the hospital share of government spending went down and was reallocated to home care and nursing homes. But, Nova Scotia is the only province of the three in which home care was not regionalized. Regional interests in maintaining existing levels of in-patient hospital beds was clearly a source of tension between the overarching policy goals formulated for health reform by the provincial governments and the local health regions.

Sociospatial Impacts Of Deindustrialization: The Case Of Karabuk

Cevik, Murat 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the socio-spatial impacts of the restructuring of a locality, Karab&uuml / k, which was shaped under a different development strategy, namely, import substitution industrialization strategy. Karab&uuml / k case shows that establishment of Karab&uuml / k Iron and Steal Factories was decided on the basis of political and social priorities of a period when there was limited competitive environment and such priorities have lost their primacy under the export oriented growth strategy in a highly competitive international environment. The recent experience shows that Karab&uuml / k fails to cope with this reality and the industrial base of the locality ever increasingly fails to support the economy of the city. The thesis is also an attempt to show the socio-spatial repercussions of this failure on the locality. It will be shown that, closing down the Factories would have important negative impacts upon the whole city, rather moderate policies have been followed by various governments during the recent decades by partly placing the burden on the workers themselves. In the long term, however, survival of the factory seems to be difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, the future for the city itself looks quite bleak.

European Defence Industrial Restructuring And Consolidation In The Post-cold War Era / Defence Industrial Base, International Institutions And Complementary Actors/ Variables

Tugce, Ozer 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the process of European Defence Industry&#039 / s restructuring and consolidation process in accordance with the emerging Post-Cold War period transformation requirements. To achieve this aim it investigates the process in terms of the European Defence Industrial Base on the one hand and international level of convergence efforts on the other. It demonstrates drivers of change for the defence industry, namely / the narrowing budgets, changing relationship between state and defence industry, importance of technological achievements, rise of civil sector and internationalization of national defence firms. Regarding the restructuring and consolidation process the thesis examines behavior of firms in terms of merger and/or acquisition... etc activities in order to adopt the Post-Cold War transformations. Moreover, due to its significance of being regarded as the first true attempt of creating a transnational defence sector identity the EADS is also investigated. Also it deals with the institutional level of convergence efforts mainly in terms of NATO, EU, WEU/WEAO and OCCAR. To provide a comparative framework, the US defence industry and its impact on the European counterpart is examined

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