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Resveratrol e quercetina : avaliação da atividade antitumoral e dos mecanismos de ação em linhagens de gliomas in vitro e em um modelo de implante de gliomas in vivoZamin, Lauren Lúcia January 2010 (has links)
Dentre os tumores cerebrais primários, o glioblastoma (GBM) é o mais comum, apresentando alta taxa de mortalidade e morbidade. O tratamento convencional desses tumores tem surtido pouco efeito, com alta taxa de recorrência e progressão da doença. Neste trabalho, buscou-se aprimorar o conhecimento sobre a biologia destes tumores e, utilizando polifenóis amplamente distribuídos na natureza, procurar novas formas de terapia. Nesta tese demonstrou-se que o tratamento com resveratrol e quercetina diminuíram o número de células de maneira tempo e dose dependente em linhagens de GBM humano (U87 e U138), de camundongo (GL261) e de rato (C6), sendo a última a mais sensível e a utilizada neste trabalho. Esse efeito foi observado apenas em linhagens tumorais, não ocorrendo em cultura primária de astrócitos. Resveratrol em altas doses (50 M) induziu apoptose, necrose e parada no ciclo celular. Agudamente, o tratamento com doses baixas de resvetraol (10 M) mais quercetina (25 M) – 24 a 72 h - induziu apoptose, enquanto cronicamente – 12 dias – induziu senescência celular. Esses efeitos não ocorreram quando esses compostos foram utilizados isoladamente. Até então, a indução de senescência pela combinação destes compostos não tinha sido demonstrada. Como provável mecanismo de ação demonstrou-se que o tratamento combinado destes polifenóis induziu senescência através da indução de quebra dupla de DNA e ativação da via da p53. O tratamento com as drogas isoladas não induziu dano ao DNA. A partir de então, investigou-se o efeito destes compostos em um modelo in vivo de implante de gliomas em ratos. Inesperadamente, a quercetina (50 mg/kg/dia intraperitoneal (i.p.)) induziu aumento do volume tumoral, o que não foi observado com o resveratrol (30 mg/kg/dia i.p.) e com a combinação de resveratrol mais quercetina. Para explicar este efeito prevalente do resveratrol nós elaboramos as seguintes hipóteses: 1. necrose/angiogênese: por diminuir a necrose o resveratrol pode ter diminuido a angiogênese, que pode ter sido aumentada pela quercetina; 2. Modulação do sistema imunológico: a quercetina foi capaz de imunussuprimir os animais (por diminuir a proliferação das células T-periféricas após estimulação por fitohemaglutinina e concanavalina A) e a combinação de resveratrol mais quercetina aumentou a estimulação das células T periféricas. Hipoteticamente, atribuiu-se a divergência entre o efeito antitumoral in vitro e in vivo à ausência de senescência neste último, o que pode ser indicado pela ausência da diminuição do índice mitótico. Além disso, o estresse da cultura, um fator indutor de senescência celular, é perdido no modelo in vivo. Com base nos resultados aqui apresentados concluí-se que o resveratrol e a quercetina possuem um potencial antitumoral em gliomas in vitro que precisa de estudos mais aprofundados in vivo para melhorar o conhecimento dos efeitos exercidos por estes afim de se estabelecer uma dose segura para o tratamento dessa e de outras doenças para as quais essas moléculas possam vir a ser utilizadas. / Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor, with high mortality and morbidity. The conventional treatment of these tumors has little effect, with high recurrence and progression of the disease. In this work, we set out to better understand the biology of these tumors, looking for new treatment approaches, and, by using polyphenols widely spread on nature, seek for new forms of therapy. In this thesis we demonstrated that the resveratrol and quercetin treatment decreased the cell number in a time and dose dependent manner in GBM cell lines from human (U87 and U138), mouse (GL261) and rat (C6) being the last the most sensitive and therefore the cell line used in this work. This effect was not observed in primary astrocyte cell culture. Higher doses of resveratrol (50 M) induced apoptosis, necrosis and cell cycle arrest. Acutely, the treatment of lower doses of resveratrol (10 M) plus quercetin (25 M) – 24 to 72 h - induced apoptosis while chronically – 12 days – this treatment induced cell senescence. These effects did not occur when the compounds were utilized alone. Until now, the induction of senescence by the combination of these compounds had not been demonstrated. As a probable mechanism of action it was showed that the cotreatment of these polyphenols induced senescence through inducing DNA damage by generating DNA double strand breaks and activating the p53 pathway. The treatment with the drugs alone did not induce DNA damage. These findings lead us to investigate the effect of these compounds in an in vivo rat glioma experimental model. Unexpectedly, quercetin (50 mg/kg/day) induced an increase in the tumor volume, which was not observed for resveratrol (30 mg/kg/dia) and the combination of the resveratrol plus quercetin. To explain this prevalent effect of resveratrol it was elaborated the following hypotheses: 1. necrosis/angiogenesis: by decreasing the necrosis, resveratrol can diminish the angiogenesis, that can be increased by quercetin; 2. modulation of immunological system: quercetin was able to imunossupress the animals (by diminishing the peripherical T-cells proliferation upon phytohemmaglutinin and concanavalin A stimulation) and the combination of resveratrol plus quercetin increased the peripherical T-cell proliferation. Hypothetically, the divergence between the in vitro and in vivo antitumoral effect was attributed to the absence of senescence induction in the latter that can be indicated by the lack of mitotic index decrease. Besides, the culture stress, a senescence inductor factor, is lost in the in vivo model. Based in the results presented here, we concluded that resveratrol and quercetin have a potential antitumoral effect in GBM in vitro and this potential needs more in vivo studies to better harvest this potential and to establish a safe concentration to treat this and other diseases in which these compounds could be used.
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Efeito do resveratrol em astrócitos : uma abordagem sobre parâmetros gliais específicos em cultura e em fatias hipocampaisAlmeida, Lúcia Maria Vieira de January 2007 (has links)
O resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) é um polifenol encontrado nas uvas e no vinho tinto, que possui propriedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatórias, bem como cardioprotetoras. Recentemente, cada vez mais estudos sugerem que o resveratrol possa exercer um papel significativo; regulando funções importantes no SNC, especialmente sob condições patológicas. Assim, neste estudo nós investigamos o papel neuroprotetor do resveratrol através de um efeito modulatório sobre parâmetros gliais em cultura primária de astrócitos corticais e em um modelo de fatias hipocampais. Os astrócitos são as células mais abundantes constituintes do SNC e uma de suas funções consiste em exercer um papel protetor contra o estresse oxidativo. Nós observamos que o tratamento com resveratrol por 24 h foi capaz de aumentar a captação de glutamato, o conteúdo de glutationa e secreção de S100B em cultura de astrócitos corticais. Além disso, a pré-incubação com resveratrol confirmou seu potencial não só como antioxidante, mas também modulando as funções gliais mesmo após um insulto oxidativo com 0,1 mM de H2O2. Observamos que o resveratrol impediu o aumento das espécies reativas de oxigênio após uma injúria com H2O2 e evitou a diminuição da captação de glutamato e do conteúdo de glutationa. Enquanto que a secreção de S100B, 1 h após o dano com H2O2, apresentou um aumento transitório que foi revertido pela presença de resveratrol. O oposto ocorreu 24 h após o insulto, quando o H2O2 levou a uma diminuição na secreção de S100B, enquanto que na presença do resveratrol foi observado um aumento da proteína no meio extracelular. Um perfil semelhante foi encontrado em fatias hipocampais tratadas com resveratrol após um insulto com 0,1 e 1 mM de H2O2. Apesar do resveratrol não ter revertido a diminuição dos níveis extracelulares de lactato e a redução da viabilidade celular induzidos por 1 mM de H2O2, o polifenol preveniu o aumento da permeabilidade da membrana observada. O resveratrol também impediu a diminuição do conteúdo de glutationa após a exposição ao H2O2. Ainda, a ativação da ERK1/2 provocada por 1 mM de H2O2 foi completamente prevenida pelo resveratrol. Entretanto, o resveratrol evitou a diminuição na captação de glutamato apenas após o insulto com 0,1 mM de H2O2. Embora os mecanismos através dos quais o resveratrol exerce seus efeitos ainda não estejam completamente esclarecidos, podemos propor que o polifenol apresenta um papel protetor contra injúrias no SNC por modular funções gliais. / Resveratrol (3,5,4’-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a polyphenol present in grapes and red wine, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties. Recently, a great number of reports suggest that resveratrol might be involved in important functions of SNC, especially under pathological conditions. Therefore, in this study, we investigate the neuroprotective role of resveratrol through modulatory effect on glial parameters in primary cortical astrocytes and hippocampal slice preparations. Astrocytes are the most abundant cell type CNS and are involved in a protective role against oxidative stress. We observed that 24 h treatment with resveratrol lead to an increase in glutamate uptake, glutathione content and S100B secretion in astrocyte cultures. Moreover, pre-incubation with resveratrol has confirmed its potential not just as an antioxidant, but also by modulating glial functions even after an oxidative insult with 0,1 mM H2O2. Resveratrol avoided the increase of reactive species of oxygen after an insult with H2O2 and prevented the decrease in glutamate uptake and glutathione content. Moreover, 1 h after H2O2 injury, S100B secretion demonstrated a transitory increase that was reverted by resveratrol. In contrast, 24 h after the oxidative damage exposure it was observed a decrease in S100B caused by H2O2 while in the presence of resveratrol there was an increase of S100B in the extracellular. A similar profile was found in hippocampal slices treated with resveratrol after oxidative damage with 0,1 and 1 mM H2O2. Even though resveratrol did not changed the decrease in lactate levels and the reduction in cell viability induced by 1 mM H2O2, it was able to prevent the increase in cell permeability. Resveratrol also prevented the decrease of glutathione content after H2O2. There was also an activation of ERK1/2 by 1 mM H2O2 that resveratrol fully prevented. However, resveratrol only reverted the decrease in glutamate uptake induced by 0,1 mM H2O2. Although the mechanisms underlying resveratrol effects are not completely clear, we may propose that resveratrol could represent a protective strategy to avoid brain injury by modulating glial functions.
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Resveratrol e quercetina : avaliação da atividade antitumoral e dos mecanismos de ação em linhagens de gliomas in vitro e em um modelo de implante de gliomas in vivoZamin, Lauren Lúcia January 2010 (has links)
Dentre os tumores cerebrais primários, o glioblastoma (GBM) é o mais comum, apresentando alta taxa de mortalidade e morbidade. O tratamento convencional desses tumores tem surtido pouco efeito, com alta taxa de recorrência e progressão da doença. Neste trabalho, buscou-se aprimorar o conhecimento sobre a biologia destes tumores e, utilizando polifenóis amplamente distribuídos na natureza, procurar novas formas de terapia. Nesta tese demonstrou-se que o tratamento com resveratrol e quercetina diminuíram o número de células de maneira tempo e dose dependente em linhagens de GBM humano (U87 e U138), de camundongo (GL261) e de rato (C6), sendo a última a mais sensível e a utilizada neste trabalho. Esse efeito foi observado apenas em linhagens tumorais, não ocorrendo em cultura primária de astrócitos. Resveratrol em altas doses (50 M) induziu apoptose, necrose e parada no ciclo celular. Agudamente, o tratamento com doses baixas de resvetraol (10 M) mais quercetina (25 M) – 24 a 72 h - induziu apoptose, enquanto cronicamente – 12 dias – induziu senescência celular. Esses efeitos não ocorreram quando esses compostos foram utilizados isoladamente. Até então, a indução de senescência pela combinação destes compostos não tinha sido demonstrada. Como provável mecanismo de ação demonstrou-se que o tratamento combinado destes polifenóis induziu senescência através da indução de quebra dupla de DNA e ativação da via da p53. O tratamento com as drogas isoladas não induziu dano ao DNA. A partir de então, investigou-se o efeito destes compostos em um modelo in vivo de implante de gliomas em ratos. Inesperadamente, a quercetina (50 mg/kg/dia intraperitoneal (i.p.)) induziu aumento do volume tumoral, o que não foi observado com o resveratrol (30 mg/kg/dia i.p.) e com a combinação de resveratrol mais quercetina. Para explicar este efeito prevalente do resveratrol nós elaboramos as seguintes hipóteses: 1. necrose/angiogênese: por diminuir a necrose o resveratrol pode ter diminuido a angiogênese, que pode ter sido aumentada pela quercetina; 2. Modulação do sistema imunológico: a quercetina foi capaz de imunussuprimir os animais (por diminuir a proliferação das células T-periféricas após estimulação por fitohemaglutinina e concanavalina A) e a combinação de resveratrol mais quercetina aumentou a estimulação das células T periféricas. Hipoteticamente, atribuiu-se a divergência entre o efeito antitumoral in vitro e in vivo à ausência de senescência neste último, o que pode ser indicado pela ausência da diminuição do índice mitótico. Além disso, o estresse da cultura, um fator indutor de senescência celular, é perdido no modelo in vivo. Com base nos resultados aqui apresentados concluí-se que o resveratrol e a quercetina possuem um potencial antitumoral em gliomas in vitro que precisa de estudos mais aprofundados in vivo para melhorar o conhecimento dos efeitos exercidos por estes afim de se estabelecer uma dose segura para o tratamento dessa e de outras doenças para as quais essas moléculas possam vir a ser utilizadas. / Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor, with high mortality and morbidity. The conventional treatment of these tumors has little effect, with high recurrence and progression of the disease. In this work, we set out to better understand the biology of these tumors, looking for new treatment approaches, and, by using polyphenols widely spread on nature, seek for new forms of therapy. In this thesis we demonstrated that the resveratrol and quercetin treatment decreased the cell number in a time and dose dependent manner in GBM cell lines from human (U87 and U138), mouse (GL261) and rat (C6) being the last the most sensitive and therefore the cell line used in this work. This effect was not observed in primary astrocyte cell culture. Higher doses of resveratrol (50 M) induced apoptosis, necrosis and cell cycle arrest. Acutely, the treatment of lower doses of resveratrol (10 M) plus quercetin (25 M) – 24 to 72 h - induced apoptosis while chronically – 12 days – this treatment induced cell senescence. These effects did not occur when the compounds were utilized alone. Until now, the induction of senescence by the combination of these compounds had not been demonstrated. As a probable mechanism of action it was showed that the cotreatment of these polyphenols induced senescence through inducing DNA damage by generating DNA double strand breaks and activating the p53 pathway. The treatment with the drugs alone did not induce DNA damage. These findings lead us to investigate the effect of these compounds in an in vivo rat glioma experimental model. Unexpectedly, quercetin (50 mg/kg/day) induced an increase in the tumor volume, which was not observed for resveratrol (30 mg/kg/dia) and the combination of the resveratrol plus quercetin. To explain this prevalent effect of resveratrol it was elaborated the following hypotheses: 1. necrosis/angiogenesis: by decreasing the necrosis, resveratrol can diminish the angiogenesis, that can be increased by quercetin; 2. modulation of immunological system: quercetin was able to imunossupress the animals (by diminishing the peripherical T-cells proliferation upon phytohemmaglutinin and concanavalin A stimulation) and the combination of resveratrol plus quercetin increased the peripherical T-cell proliferation. Hypothetically, the divergence between the in vitro and in vivo antitumoral effect was attributed to the absence of senescence induction in the latter that can be indicated by the lack of mitotic index decrease. Besides, the culture stress, a senescence inductor factor, is lost in the in vivo model. Based in the results presented here, we concluded that resveratrol and quercetin have a potential antitumoral effect in GBM in vitro and this potential needs more in vivo studies to better harvest this potential and to establish a safe concentration to treat this and other diseases in which these compounds could be used.
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Cellular effects of Coenzyme Q10 and resveratrol in the SJL/J dysferlinopathy mouse modelPotgieter, Marnie 27 April 2010 (has links)
The muscular dystrophies (MDs) are genetic disorders of muscle degeneration due to mutations in genes that encode a wide variety of proteins. Dysferlinopathy encompasses a large variety of neuromuscular diseases characterized by the absence of dysferlin in skeletal muscle and an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Dysferlinopathy can manifest as limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B (LGMD 2B), Miyoshi myopathy (MM) or distal myopathy with anterior tibial onset (DMAT). The first symptoms usually appear during the second or third decade of life as clumsiness when running, fatigue when walking long distances and difficulty in climbing stairs. Progression of the disease eventually leads to a loss of ambulation. A deficit in membrane-repair machinery in dysferlinopathy suggested a direct role for dysferlin in the Ca2+-dependent membrane-repair process. Recently, dysferlin has also been implicated in the process of chemotaxis. Evidence exists that free radical mediated injury contributes to the pathogenesis of muscle necrosis in the muscular dystrophies. The imbalance of free radical synthesis and antioxidant capacity has been suggested to contribute to the necrotic process. It is therefore imperative to explore the effect of antioxidant supplementation in the MDs. The present study followed a novel approach in investigating the cellular effects afforded by the supplementation of the SJL/J mouse model for dysferlinopathy with the antioxidants, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and resveratrol. The study aimed to determine, at cellular level, the histopathology and ultrastructural changes in the SJL/J mouse model following a 90 day trial with antioxidant supplementation. In addition to studying the morphology, the study paid attention to nonspecific parameters. The study mainly focused on the histopathology and ultrastructural alterations in the SJLL/J mouse. In addition the oxidative stress index of the affected quadriceps muscle was determined. The outcome provides evidence that increased oxidative stress levels are present in the SJL/J mouse. Antioxidant supplementation with CoQ10 at 120mg/kg/day or a resveratrol/CoQ10 combination supplementation at 40 and 60mg/kg/day, decreased the levels of oxidative stress and dystrophic markers at a cellular level. In addition, increased physical strength was observed. This thesis provides evidence to create a new platform for combination therapeutic strategies. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Anatomy / unrestricted
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Synthetic Resveratrol Aliphatic Acid Inhibits tlr2-Mediated Apoptosis and an Involvement of Akt/GSK3β PathwayChen, Lin, Zhang, Yi, Sun, Xiuli, Li, Hui, LeSage, Gene, Javer, Avani, Zhang, Xiumei, Wei, Xinbing, Jiang, Yulin, Yin, Deling 01 July 2009 (has links)
As resveratrol derivatives, resveratrol aliphatic acids were synthesized in our laboratory. Previously, we reported the improved pharmaceutical properties of the compounds compared to resveratrol, including better solubility in water and much tighter binding with human serum albumin. Here, we investigate the role of resveratrol aliphatic acids in Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2)-mediated apoptosis. We showed that resveratrol aliphatic acid (R6A) significantly inhibits the expression of TLR2. In addition, overexpression of TLR2 in HEK293 cells caused a significant decrease in apoptosis after R6A treatment. Moreover, inhibition of TLR2 by R6A decreases serum deprivation-reduced the levels of phosphorylated Akt and phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β). Our study thus demonstrates that the resveratrol aliphatic acid inhibits cell apoptosis through TLR2 by the involvement of Akt/GSK3β pathway.
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Synthesis of Resveratrol Ester DerivativesRessler, Daniel 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this research project was to synthesize derivatives of transresveratrol. In order for resveratrol to be activated and used by the body it needs to bind to Human Serum Albumin (HSA), a protein in blood plasma. The derivatives were synthesized to improve the ability of resveratrol to enter cells as well as improve their ability to bind to HSA. The three derivatives that were synthesized have converted one of the hydroxyl groups on resveratrol to an ether with a methylene chain terminated by a carboxylic acid. By varying the lengths of the methylene chain we varied the water solubility of the resveratrol derivative. This brought the research closer to the goal of determining how this would affect the binding ability to HSA. Currently three derivatives have been synthesized and purified once by column chromatography.
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Resveratrol (RES) has been associated with numerous pharmacological effects. Yet its pharmacokinetics is not clearly understood. It is known to get extensively metabolized into its sulfated and glucuronidated metabolites and has very low circulating RES concentrations in plasma. Although the concentrations of conjugated metabolites of RES have been reported to be much greater than that of RES, they have not been evaluated. This also becomes important in light of positive biological activities reported for sulfated metabolites of RES. Conjugation is a complex process which can sometimes be a reversible process and needs comprehensive evaluation to better understand RES and its metabolites' disposition. There has been a debate among the researchers regarding the differences in kinetics of preformed versus in vivo formed metabolites in the light of guidelines issued by regulatory bodies regarding metabolites in safety testing (MIST). We have addressed the above questions in this work, in addition to evaluating brain permeability of a potent RES analog, trimethoxy-trans-stilbene (TMS). Chapter 1 presents a detailed introduction, hypothesis and significance of my work. Chapter 2 includes the development and validation of a bioanalytical method for quantitation of RES and its metabolites on LC/MS/MS. We were able to develop and validate a robust bioanalytical method to quantitate RES and its four major metabolites resveratrol-4'-glucuronide (R4'G), resveratrol-3-glucuronide (R3G), resveratrol-4'-sulfate (R4'S) and resveratrol-3-sulfate (R3S). In Chapter 3, lung as a possible metabolizing organ for RES was evaluated. This study was performed in vivo in mouse model using multiple site of administration and single site of sampling approach. In vitro studies were also performed to confirm the in vivo results. Inter species differences in RES pulmonary metabolism were also studied. We observed lungs to be the major metabolizing organs for RES with inter species differences in its metabolism. Chapter 4 provides detailed pharmacokinetics of sulfated metabolites of RES, i.e. resveratrol-3-sulfate (R3S) and resveratrol-4'-sulfate (R4'S) in mouse model by both systemic and oral routes. In vitro studies were also conducted to test the desulfation in liver. Although we did not observe any significant RES in plasma, we observed from our in vitro studies that sulfated metabolites were desulfated in liver. Chapter 5 explains the detailed pharmacokinetics of glucuronidated metabolites of RES i.e. resveratrol-3-glucuornide (R3G) after both systemic and oral route. R3G was observed to undergo enterohepatic circulation. Explanation of R3G disposition in hepatocytes and enterocytes were proposed based on our own and reported results. In Chapter 6 we compared the differences in the kinetics of preformed versus in vivo formed metabolites using modeling and simulation approach. Individual models for disposition of RES, R3S and R3G were developed. These models were combined to give a global model for RES metabolism into R3S and R3G. Simulations were performed under two assumptions; preformed versus in vivo formed metabolite kinetics a) are same and b) they are not same. Our results reported that preformed and in vivo formed metabolite kinetics are not same at least for hydrophilic phase II metabolites. Chapter 7 includes method development and validation for quantitation of TMS in plasma and brain of mouse. Chapter 8 includes a steady state study to characterize the pharmacokinetic parameters of TMS, which was used to evaluate brain permeability of TMS. In summary we developed a robust bioanalytical method for direct quantitation of RES and its metabolites, found the lung to be a major metabolizing organ for RES, delineated complex kinetics of conjugated metabolites of RES, and showed differences in preformed versus in vivo formed metabolite kinetics and better brain permeability of TMS. / Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Resveratrol derivatives as colorectal cancer chemopreventive agentsLi, Haitao, 李海濤 January 2010 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Biological Sciences / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in endometrial cancer cells by food compoundsDann, James MacBeth January 2008 (has links)
Endometrial cancer is one of the most significant gynaecological malignancies that affect women from New Zealand and the rest of the world. One of the critical stages in the development of a tumour is the onset of hypoxia. The malignancy responds by having raised levels of Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) that in turn induces increased production of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). VEGF is a potent angiogenic factor that will mediate vascular supply of nutrients and oxygen to the developing tumour. The aim of this study was to investigate whether two compounds found in extracts of plant materials, Resveratrol (Resveratrol) and Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), altered the levels of VEGF in the supernatant of cultured endometrial cancer cells. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin that is found in many foods, such as grapes, nuts and berries, as well as in high concentrations in some red wines. 100 µM of resveratrol was added to cell cultures for 24 hours. VEGF levels in the supernatant were then analysed using ELISA. Resveratrol was found to have significant inhibitory effects in both primary endometrial cancer cell cultures and immortalised endometrial cancer cell cultures. Resveratrol was also shown to reverse the increase in VEGF caused by the hypoxia mimic cobalt chloride (CoCl₂). Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is an antioxidant catechin extracted from green tea. The effect of EGCG was analysed using the same method as for resveratrol. 100 µM of EGCG was also shown to have a significant inhibitory effect on the level of VEGF in the supernatant of cultured endometrial cancer cells, as well as reducing the effect of CoCl₂. These results suggest that selected food compounds, resveratrol and EGCG, can reduce VEGF levels by inhibiting HIF. Further investigation This may have anti-tumour effects in women with endometrial cancer.
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Vliv resveratrolu na tok žluče. / Influence of resveratrol on bile flow.Paclíková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Kristýna Paclíková Influence of resveratrol on bile flow Diploma thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Pharmacy Background: Protective effect of resveratrol is shown in many experimental models of cholestasis, but its effect on bile production in healthy individuals has not been studied yet. As the use of resveratrol is frequent in population, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the effect of resveratrol on the bile flow in healthy animals and the clarification of the mechanism of this effect. Methods: Wistar rats (n = 6, in each group, weighing 280 to 320 g) were divided into two groups: control group (Control) and the group of rats administered with resveratrol (10mg/kg/day, p.o.) for 28 days (RES). In vivo clearance study was performed to analyze bile production. Analysis of mRNA and protein expression of the transport proteins was performed by qRT-PCR and Western blot. Results: Resveratrol led to a significant increase in the cumulative bile flow. Analysis of mRNA and protein expression of the transport proteins revealed that bile flow is changed due to posttranscriptional induction of canalicular transporters Bsep and Mrp2. Simultaneously, resveratrol led to induction of Mrp4 efflux protein, expressed at the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes....
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