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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employer branding inom vård och omsorgssektorn : En kvalitativ studie om privata och offentliga vårdcentraler / Employer branding in the health and care sector : A qualitative study of the private and public health centers

Björklund, Charlie, Odebäck, Karl January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hela vård och omsorgssektorn har idag stor personalbrist och svårigheter att rekrytera personal. Enligt statistik kommer det krävas ökad personal inom vården ända fram till år 2035. Vilket blir en stor utmaning för en bransch som redan idag lider av stora svårigheter att attrahera personal till verksamheterna. För att lyckas med denna utmaning kan en lösning vara att arbeta med sin employer branding strategi för att bli en mer attraktiv arbetsgivare. Ett begrepp som hjälper organisationerna att lättare attrahera rätt personal och behålla befintlig. Något som blir oerhört viktigt för vården att applicera och arbeta med för att möjliggöra förbättringar gentemot personalbristen. Syfte: Studien vill undersöka hur vård och omsorgssektorn ska skapa en mer attraktiv arbetsplats som gör att man kommer till rätta med personalproblemet. Studien vill också jämföra privat och offentlig sektor för att se vad som skiljer dem åt och hur respektive sektor arbetar med employer branding för att attrahera och bibehålla personal. Metod: Studien har använt en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där fyra anställda på den privata sektorn respektive offentliga har intervjuats. En metod som användes för att få fram likheter och skillnader sektorerna emellan men också få en helhetssyn på vad hela vården behöver göra för att bli mer attraktiv som arbetsgivare. Slutsats: Resultaten i studien påvisade att det är viktigt för båda sektorerna att arbeta med framtagna faktorer för att skapa ett starkt varumärke. Studien visade att ju mer det arbetas med dessa faktorer inom verksamheterna så skapas ett rykte och personal attraheras automatiskt till arbetsplatserna. Studien fann också att chef och ledarskapet har en viktig betydelse för att skapa ett varumärke som får personal att trivas och stanna i verksamheterna. Mellan den privata och offentliga vårdcentralen arbetade ingen specifikt med employer branding som strategi. Men indirekt var de huvudsakliga skillnaderna att privata sektorn erbjöd ett mer öppet arbetsklimat men hade samtidigt större fokus på ekonomin. Den offentliga hade istället mer fokus på patienten men marknadsförde en bättre bild av verksamheten än vad de kunde erbjuda. / Background: The entire care and social care sector today has a large staff shortage and difficulties in recruiting staff. According to statistics, there will be a need for increased personnel in healthcare right up to the year 2035. Which will be a major challenge for an industry that already today suffers from great difficulties in attracting personnel to the operations. To succeed in this challenge, one solution may be to work with your employer branding strategy to become a more attractive employer. A concept that helps organizations more easily attract the right personnel and retain existing ones. Something that will be extremely important for care to apply and work with to enable improvements against the staff shortage. Purpose: The study wants to investigate how the care and social care sector can create a more attractive workplace that allows you to deal with the personnel problem. The study also wants to compare the private and public sector to see what separates them and how each sector works with employer branding to attract and retain staff. Method: The study has used a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews where four employees in the private sector and the public respectively have been interviewed. A method that was used to bring out similarities and differences between the sectors, but also to get a holistic view of what the entire care needs to do to become more attractive as an employer. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that it is important for both sectors to work with developed factors to create a strong brand. The study showed that the more work is done with these factors within the operations, a reputation is created, and personnel are automatically attracted to the workplaces. The study also found that managers and leadership have an important role in creating a brand that makes staff feel comfortable and stay in the business. Between the private and public health center, no one worked specifically with employer branding as a strategy. But indirectly, the main differences were that the private sector offered a more open working climate but at the same time had a greater focus on the economy. The public one instead had more focus on the patient but marketed a better image of the business than what they could offer.

Injectable and shape-retaining collagen hydrogel, crosslinked using bio-orthogonal cycloaddition chemistry / Injicerbara och formbevarande kollagenhydrogeler, tvärbundna med bio-ortagonal cykloadditionskemi

Sharq, Murtaza January 2022 (has links)
Under senaste decennierna, har intresset kring implantat från naturliga och syntetiska polymerer ökat markant i samband med en ökad marknadsefterfrågan på vävnadsdonationer. Detta har lett till efterforskningen av nya in-situ formerande geler med formbevarande egenskaper in-vivo. Extracellulära matrisen (ECM) innehåller flertal makromolekylära komponenter med stödjande och nätverksformerande egenskaper, då de ofta är essentiella strukturella konstituenter i biologiska system. Den huvudsakliga beståndsdelen i ECM-nätverket, kollagen typ-1, har undersökts som en kandidat för utvecklingen av nya modifierade biomaterial med cellförökande-, biokompatibla-, icke-svällande samt injicerbara egenskaper. I detta projekt var grisderiverat kollagen modifierat med furfuryl glycidyl eter, och tvärbundet med 10 kDa 8-armad PEG-malimid, vilket genomgick kovalenta Diels-alder klick-reaktioner. Fyra formuleringar användes i experimenten, baserat på de stökiometriska förhållandet mellan furan och malimid i det kemiskt modifierade kollagenet. Dessa kollagen-baserade hydrogeler undersöktes baserat på 4 wt% löst kollagen, med avseende på reologiska-, mekaniska-, bionedbrytbara och svällningsegenskaper.  Resultaten indikerar att en ökning i fastfas-mängd ledde till en förhöjning i hydrogelens styvhet. Detta kunde observeras genom en ökad lagringsmodul (G’) under reologiska mätningar. Samtidigt indikerade mätningarna att sprödheten av hydrogelen ökade i korrelation med ökningen av styvheten.  Vidare drogs slutsatsen att kovalenta interaktionerna är enbart delvis ansvarig för ökningen av G’. Jämförelser med tan delta och kritiska töjningen visade att det fanns fysiska interaktioner mellan polymererna vilket också bidrog till ökningen av G’ för gelformuleringar som innehöll furan-till-malimid förhållanden på 1:1 och 1:4. Dessa fysiska interaktioner tros härstamma från en ökning av hydrofobiska effekter mellan kollagen kedjorna, då agglomerering och löslighetssvårigheter i vattenlösningar observerades i flertal experiment. Kollagen-PEG-Malimid hydrogelen var också injicerbar genom 15G kanyler, nedbrytbar in-vitro i närvaro av kollagenas, och uppvisade låg svällning i vatten. Inga cellexperiment genomfördes, och därav kunde inga slutsatser dras i hydrogelens cellförökande egenskaper. Däremot har tidigare arbete av Dr Jamadi visat att kollagen-PEG-malimid hydrogel med 2 vikt% haft kapacitet att inkapsla celler. Detta kan vara en indikation att högre viktprocent av gelen också kan uppvisa samma effekt vid framtida försök.Sammanfattningsvis, kunde slutsatsen dras att hydrogelen uppvisar flertal av de spekulerade, samt några av de eftertraktade egenskaperna hos en injicerbar hydrogel som potentiellt kan användas kliniskt. / In recent decades, the interest in implants manufactured from natural and synthetic polymers has grown as the demand for tissue donations has increased. This process has led to the pursuit of new, in-situ forming gels with shape-retaining properties in-vivo. The extracellular matrix (ECM) contains several macromolecular constituents with scaffold forming capabilities and is an inherent part of the body. The main component in the ECM-scaffold, collagen type-I, has been investigated as a candidate for novel modified biomaterials with cell proliferating, biocompatible, non-swelling, and injectable properties. Collagen was modified with furfuryl glycidyl ether and crosslinked with 10 kDa 8-arm PEG-maleimide, which undergoes Diels-alder covalent click-type reactions. Four formulations were used, based on a stoichiometric ratio of furan to maleimide (1:1-1:4). These materials' properties were evaluated at 4 wt% collagen for rheological-, mechanical-, biodegradability and swelling characteristics. The results indicated that an increase in solid content improved stiffness in the hydrogel.  This was observed by an increase of storage modulus (G’) during rheological measurements. The same measurements also indicated that the hydrogel showed an increase in brittle characteristics correlated with higher solid content.  Furthermore, it was concluded that the covalent interactions are partly responsible for the increase of G’. Comparisons in tan delta and critical strain showed that there are physical interactions that cause the increase in moduli for gel formulations containing furan to maleimide ratios of 1:1 and 1:4. These physical interactions are thought to stem from the increase in hydrophobic effects of the modified collagen, as agglomeration and solubility issues in aqueous solutions are observed in multiple experiments.  Collagen-PEG-maleimide hydrogel was also injectable through a 15-gauge needle, degradable in-vitro, and showed low swelling. No cell experiments were performed, and hence no conclusions could be made of this aspect of the hydrogel. However, work has been performed by Dr Jamadi, which indicates that the Collagen-PEG-Maleimide hydrogel with lower weight percentages allows for cell encapsulation. Hence, it could be concluded that several characteristics of tissue mimetic material were met with this hydrogel.

Análise de estabilidade de contenções, via MEF, considerando a interação solo-estrutura. / Analysis of stability of retaining walls, via MEF, regarding the soil-structure interaction.

Nascimento, Alessandro Lugli 25 November 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem a finalidade de estudar a influência da parede de concreto na análise de estabilidade de contenções atirantadas bem como discutir sobre segurança nestas análises. Para isto foram elaborados modelos em estado plano de deformação por meio do método dos elementos finitos, MEF, para análise. A parede de concreto foi modelada com variações de rigidez e modelos reológico, com o fim de se entender sua influência no fator de segurança. Por fim foi realizado um breve estudo sobre a utilização dos métodos estatísticos na análise de estabilidade de contenções. / This work has the purpose of study the influence of the concrete wall in the stability analysis of tieback retaining walls and to discuss these safety analysis. Models were developed using plane strain state via the finite element method, FEM, for analysis. The concrete wall was modeled with variations of stiffness and rheological models, in order to bore its influence on the safety factor. Finally a brief study was conducted on the use of statistical methods in stability analysis of retaining walls.

Análise de estabilidade de contenções, via MEF, considerando a interação solo-estrutura. / Analysis of stability of retaining walls, via MEF, regarding the soil-structure interaction.

Alessandro Lugli Nascimento 25 November 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem a finalidade de estudar a influência da parede de concreto na análise de estabilidade de contenções atirantadas bem como discutir sobre segurança nestas análises. Para isto foram elaborados modelos em estado plano de deformação por meio do método dos elementos finitos, MEF, para análise. A parede de concreto foi modelada com variações de rigidez e modelos reológico, com o fim de se entender sua influência no fator de segurança. Por fim foi realizado um breve estudo sobre a utilização dos métodos estatísticos na análise de estabilidade de contenções. / This work has the purpose of study the influence of the concrete wall in the stability analysis of tieback retaining walls and to discuss these safety analysis. Models were developed using plane strain state via the finite element method, FEM, for analysis. The concrete wall was modeled with variations of stiffness and rheological models, in order to bore its influence on the safety factor. Finally a brief study was conducted on the use of statistical methods in stability analysis of retaining walls.

The behavior of drilled shaft retaining walls in expansive clay soils

Brown, Andrew C. 06 September 2013 (has links)
Drilled shaft retaining walls are common earth retaining structures, well suited to urban environments where noise, space, and damage to adjacent structures are major considerations. The design of drilled shaft retaining walls in non-expansive soils is well established. In expansive soils, however, there is no consensus on the correct way to account for the influence of soil expansion on wall behavior. Based on the range of design assumptions currently in practice, existing walls could be substantially over- or under-designed. The goal of this research is to advance the understanding of the effects of expansive clay on drilled shaft retaining walls. The main objectives of this study are to identify the processes responsible for wall loading and deformation in expansive clay, to evaluate how these processes change with time, and to provide guidance for design practice to account for these processes and ensure adequate wall performance. The primary source of information for this research is performance data from a four-year monitoring program at the Lymon C. Reese research wall, a full-scale instrumented drilled shaft retaining wall constructed through expansive clay in Manor, Texas. The test wall was instrumented with inclinometers and fiber optic strain gauges, and performance data was recorded during construction, excavation, during natural moisture fluctuations, and during controlled inundation tests that provided the retained soil with unlimited access to water. In addition to the test wall study, a field assessment of existing TxDOT drilled shaft retaining walls was conducted. The main process influencing short-term wall deformation was found to be global response to stress relief during excavation, which causes the wall and soil to move together without the development of large earth pressures or bending stresses. Long-term wall deformations were governed by the development of drained conditions in both the retained soil and the foundation soil after approximately eight months of controlled inundation testing. To ensure adequate wall performance, the deformations and structural loads associated with short- and long-term conditions should be combined and checked against allowable values. / text

Monitoramento de uma estrutura de contenção em estacas espaçadas considerando perfil de sucção / Monitoring of sheet pile wall considering a suction profile

Gomes, Adriana Cristina 14 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-03-31T20:10:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Cristina Gomes - 2015.pdf: 14045273 bytes, checksum: 9bf9ee1429dd1afc11c6d19ff58a65c7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-04T11:48:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Cristina Gomes - 2015.pdf: 14045273 bytes, checksum: 9bf9ee1429dd1afc11c6d19ff58a65c7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T11:48:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Adriana Cristina Gomes - 2015.pdf: 14045273 bytes, checksum: 9bf9ee1429dd1afc11c6d19ff58a65c7 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study presents the results of an extensive field monitoring program in which the lateral displacements of a nail reinforced sheet pile wall in Goiânia, Brazil were measured during the excavation process. The instrumentation methods adopted were multiple point borehole extensometers (MPBX) and optical surveying. The MPBX showed good results that could be appropriately interpreted as the excavation progressed. However, the measurements of optical surveying were not reliable due the low precision of total station and for being highly affected by user’s errors. In order to determine the geotechnical profile, laboratory test were undertaken to obtain strength and deformation parameters for unsaturated and saturated soil conditions. The large variability of the soil, observed in terms of void ratio, presented an important obstacle, making the determination of representative shear strength parameters a challenge. As a way to bridge the analysis of field monitoring results, soil properties and the numerical back analyses of the retaining walls, the water content profile and the soil-water characteristic curve were measured. Such data was used to obtain the suction profile and evaluated its influence in the monitored field data. Finally, the numerical code Sheeting Check (Geo5), which uses the beam on elastic foundation method, was employed to obtain the soil subgrade reaction modulus (ks) and determine the retaining wall deformation profile and earth pressures in saturated and unsaturated soil condition. The maximum lateral displacements values found in the numerical back analyses were compatible with the monitoring results. Besides, the influence of unsaturated soil conditions and soil suction in the reduction of the retaining wall deformations and the active earth pressures were observed. / Este estudo apresenta resultados de um extenso monitoramento de deslocamentos horizontais de uma estrutura de contenção em estacas espaçadas com tirantes passivos na cidade de Goiânia, Brasil que foram medidas durante o processo de escavação. Os métodos de instrumentação adotados foram de extensômetros de hastes horizontais múltiplas (EHHM) e medições topográficas. O EHHM apresentou bons resultados que permitiu interpretar corretamente o progresso da escavação. Todavia, as medições topográficas não foram confiáveis devido à baixa precisão da Estação Total e sendo bastante afetados por erros do usuário. Para determinar o perfil geotécnico do solo, ensaios em laboratório foram realizados para obter parâmetros de resistência e deformabilidade para o solo na condição natural e saturada. A grande variabilidade do solo, observada em termos de índice de vazios, se apresenta como importante obstáculo, tornando a determinação representativa dos parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento um desafio. Buscando acoplar as análises dos resultados de monitoramento em campo, propriedades do solo e retro análises da estrutura de contenção, o perfil de umidade e a curva característica solo-água foram medidos. Esses dados foram utilizados para obter o perfil de sucção do solo e avaliar sua influência nos dados monitorados em campo. Por fim, a ferramenta numérica Shetting Check (Geo5), que aplica o método de viga apoiada sobre base elástica, foi utilizada para obter o módulo de reação do solo (ks) e avaliar o comportamento do perfil de deformação da parede de contenção e do empuxo de terra para o solo na condição saturada e não saturado. Os valores de deslocamentos horizontais máximos obtidos a partir da retro análise apresentam-se compatíveis com valores da literatura. Além disso, a influência da sucção na redução da deformação da parede de contenção e dos empuxos ativos foi observada.

Stanovení hodnot vstupních parametrů pokročilých materiálových modelů s využitím optimalizačních metod / Determination of input parameters of advanced soil constitutive models using optimization methods

Koudela, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Choice of the constitutive model and determination of input parameters are necessary for a successful application of numerical methods in geotechnical engineering. Higher complexity of modern constitutive models results in an increase of the number of input parameters and time requirements for their calibration. Optimization methods are a possible solution for this problem. An application in which metaheuristic optimization method Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is involved is presented in this thesis. Critical review and testing of various PSO alternatives was performed in the first part of this thesis. The most efective PSO alternatives were chosen. In the second part connection between PSO algorithm and finite element solver was prepared. Automatization of determination of constitutive models input parameters was performed on three boundary value problems: laboratory test (oedometer), in-situ test (pressuremeter) and geotechical construction (retaining wall). Three types of constitutive models are used. Linear elastic-perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb model, elastoplastic non-linear Hardening soil model and Hardening soil - small strain model.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň / second stage

Šebela, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the design of the Roman Catholic Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in Brno Líšeň. The building will complement the needs of the Salesian community, which has been operating in the nearby Salesko youth house for almost 30 years and focuses on educating young people using methods from Don Bosco. The design of the church also envisages the construction of facilities for parishioners and accommodation for Salesians. It should also serve not only the current community, but also the general public. The design offers a solution how to modernize a building of these dimensions into an urban complex such as a housing estate in modern times. All this with an emphasis on minimizing the negative impacts on existing residents who use the surrounding areas for recreation. The building will consist of two functional units. The first will consist of a church building with a capacity of 300 seated and 100 standing parishioners. The second part will be a parish center with a community hall for 100 people. There will also be apartments for priests, a hobby workshop and parish offices.

Úprava křižovatky v Trnavě u obchodního centra / The adjustment of the intersection in Trnava near shopping centre

Sekaninová, Viola January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my master's thesis is the design of traffic connection between newly emerging commercial and industrial area in Trnava and Nitranská street. The design of TURBO roundabout was demanded. Parking places for SAD drivers are also designed as well as the roads for pedestrians and the interchange with railway line.

Návrh zajištění hlubokého zářezu / The Design of Deep Cut Securing

Štainerová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The aim is to design economical and above all safe securing a deep notch, both in the construction phase and throughout the use of the building. In the first part of the thesis Background research will be given an idea of the construction of the geotechnical point of view. The second part will contain the geotechnical design calculation. The third part will be proposed safety recommendations in terms of geotechnical monitoring.

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