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Entre uma língua e outra, entre o materno e o estranho : lugar de interferência, historicidades, reverberaçõesAiub, Giovani Forgiarini January 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa a produção escrita de aprendizes de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira em fase inicial de aprendizagem com o objetivo de averiguar como se dá este fenômeno. Além disso, esta pesquisa analisa um processo pelo qual todo sujeito passa ao vivenciar uma língua outra: o processo de reconfiguração subjetiva. Para tanto, este estudo inicia com uma reflexão sobre as diferentes metodologias de ensino de línguas estrangeiras e chega à Linguística Aplicada (LA) como uma teoria hegemônica neste campo. Contudo, este estudo se afasta desta área do saber por entender que as concepções de língua homogênea e de sujeito controlador do dizer nela inscritas não podem abarcar a complexidade característica do processo de escrita em língua estrangeira. Assim sendo, este trabalho se alicerça na teoria da Análise do Discurso de linha pecheuxtiana (AD) para investigar como que as historicidades das línguas em jogo entram em conflito fazendo com que o sujeito-aprendiz produza uma escrita que se pode chamar estranha. As análises apontam a presença da materna língua portuguesa na escrita da estrangeira língua inglesa, de tal modo que há um imbricamento entre essas línguas. Para a LA, a interferência da língua materna na escrita em língua estrangeira é vista sob uma ótica estritamente linguística e é examinada a partir de uma língua sistêmica, levando em conta apenas estruturas morfológicas e sintáticas. Portanto, quando este tipo de interferência ocorre, é considerado como um erro do aprendiz. Já as interferências de cunho semântico, não estudadas pela LA, foram designadas, nesta dissertação, como reverberação. Desse modo, enquanto que a interferência é da ordem do erro para a LA, a reverberação é da ordem do equívoco para a AD. Além do mais, esta pesquisa aponta que o contato com uma língua estrangeira pode causar diversos estranhamentos no sujeito em processo de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, fazendo com que seja desestabilizado seu mundo logicamente organizado pela língua materna, dando ao aprendiz a possibilidade de novas formas de dizer. / This thesis analyses writing process of learners of English as a foreign language in the early stage of learning in order to investigate how this phenomenon occurs. Moreover, this research analyses a process by which every subject passes through when is kept in touch with another language: the subjective reconfiguration process. Therefore, this study starts with a reflection about different methodologies of foreign language teaching and consequently it comes near Applied Linguistics (AL) as a hegemonic theory in this field. However, this study withdraws this theory because the concepts of a homogeneous language and of a subject who controls what he says can not involve the complexities that are characteristic in a process of writing in a foreign language. Thus, based on Pechêux’s Discourse Analysis (DA), this work investigates how historicities of the languages involved get in conflict, which makes the learner produces a strange writing. The analyses point out to the presence of Portuguese (mother tongue) in the writing of English (foreign language), in way that there is an overlaying between these two languages. The interference of mother language in the writing of a foreign language is viewed as strictly linguistics under AL viewpoint. And this kind of writing is examined from a systematic language, noticing only syntactic and morphological structures. So, when this kind of interference occurs, it is considered as an error of the learner. On the other hand, the semantic interferences, which are not studied by AL, were named in this thesis as reverberation. Thus, while the interference is considered as an error to AL, the reverberation is seen as a misunderstanding to DA. Besides, this research suggests that contact with a foreign language can cause some strangeness to the subject in process of learning a foreign language, which destabilizes his world logically organized by the mother tongue, offering him possibilities of new ways of say.
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Entre uma língua e outra, entre o materno e o estranho : lugar de interferência, historicidades, reverberaçõesAiub, Giovani Forgiarini January 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa a produção escrita de aprendizes de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira em fase inicial de aprendizagem com o objetivo de averiguar como se dá este fenômeno. Além disso, esta pesquisa analisa um processo pelo qual todo sujeito passa ao vivenciar uma língua outra: o processo de reconfiguração subjetiva. Para tanto, este estudo inicia com uma reflexão sobre as diferentes metodologias de ensino de línguas estrangeiras e chega à Linguística Aplicada (LA) como uma teoria hegemônica neste campo. Contudo, este estudo se afasta desta área do saber por entender que as concepções de língua homogênea e de sujeito controlador do dizer nela inscritas não podem abarcar a complexidade característica do processo de escrita em língua estrangeira. Assim sendo, este trabalho se alicerça na teoria da Análise do Discurso de linha pecheuxtiana (AD) para investigar como que as historicidades das línguas em jogo entram em conflito fazendo com que o sujeito-aprendiz produza uma escrita que se pode chamar estranha. As análises apontam a presença da materna língua portuguesa na escrita da estrangeira língua inglesa, de tal modo que há um imbricamento entre essas línguas. Para a LA, a interferência da língua materna na escrita em língua estrangeira é vista sob uma ótica estritamente linguística e é examinada a partir de uma língua sistêmica, levando em conta apenas estruturas morfológicas e sintáticas. Portanto, quando este tipo de interferência ocorre, é considerado como um erro do aprendiz. Já as interferências de cunho semântico, não estudadas pela LA, foram designadas, nesta dissertação, como reverberação. Desse modo, enquanto que a interferência é da ordem do erro para a LA, a reverberação é da ordem do equívoco para a AD. Além do mais, esta pesquisa aponta que o contato com uma língua estrangeira pode causar diversos estranhamentos no sujeito em processo de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, fazendo com que seja desestabilizado seu mundo logicamente organizado pela língua materna, dando ao aprendiz a possibilidade de novas formas de dizer. / This thesis analyses writing process of learners of English as a foreign language in the early stage of learning in order to investigate how this phenomenon occurs. Moreover, this research analyses a process by which every subject passes through when is kept in touch with another language: the subjective reconfiguration process. Therefore, this study starts with a reflection about different methodologies of foreign language teaching and consequently it comes near Applied Linguistics (AL) as a hegemonic theory in this field. However, this study withdraws this theory because the concepts of a homogeneous language and of a subject who controls what he says can not involve the complexities that are characteristic in a process of writing in a foreign language. Thus, based on Pechêux’s Discourse Analysis (DA), this work investigates how historicities of the languages involved get in conflict, which makes the learner produces a strange writing. The analyses point out to the presence of Portuguese (mother tongue) in the writing of English (foreign language), in way that there is an overlaying between these two languages. The interference of mother language in the writing of a foreign language is viewed as strictly linguistics under AL viewpoint. And this kind of writing is examined from a systematic language, noticing only syntactic and morphological structures. So, when this kind of interference occurs, it is considered as an error of the learner. On the other hand, the semantic interferences, which are not studied by AL, were named in this thesis as reverberation. Thus, while the interference is considered as an error to AL, the reverberation is seen as a misunderstanding to DA. Besides, this research suggests that contact with a foreign language can cause some strangeness to the subject in process of learning a foreign language, which destabilizes his world logically organized by the mother tongue, offering him possibilities of new ways of say.
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Entre uma língua e outra, entre o materno e o estranho : lugar de interferência, historicidades, reverberaçõesAiub, Giovani Forgiarini January 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa a produção escrita de aprendizes de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira em fase inicial de aprendizagem com o objetivo de averiguar como se dá este fenômeno. Além disso, esta pesquisa analisa um processo pelo qual todo sujeito passa ao vivenciar uma língua outra: o processo de reconfiguração subjetiva. Para tanto, este estudo inicia com uma reflexão sobre as diferentes metodologias de ensino de línguas estrangeiras e chega à Linguística Aplicada (LA) como uma teoria hegemônica neste campo. Contudo, este estudo se afasta desta área do saber por entender que as concepções de língua homogênea e de sujeito controlador do dizer nela inscritas não podem abarcar a complexidade característica do processo de escrita em língua estrangeira. Assim sendo, este trabalho se alicerça na teoria da Análise do Discurso de linha pecheuxtiana (AD) para investigar como que as historicidades das línguas em jogo entram em conflito fazendo com que o sujeito-aprendiz produza uma escrita que se pode chamar estranha. As análises apontam a presença da materna língua portuguesa na escrita da estrangeira língua inglesa, de tal modo que há um imbricamento entre essas línguas. Para a LA, a interferência da língua materna na escrita em língua estrangeira é vista sob uma ótica estritamente linguística e é examinada a partir de uma língua sistêmica, levando em conta apenas estruturas morfológicas e sintáticas. Portanto, quando este tipo de interferência ocorre, é considerado como um erro do aprendiz. Já as interferências de cunho semântico, não estudadas pela LA, foram designadas, nesta dissertação, como reverberação. Desse modo, enquanto que a interferência é da ordem do erro para a LA, a reverberação é da ordem do equívoco para a AD. Além do mais, esta pesquisa aponta que o contato com uma língua estrangeira pode causar diversos estranhamentos no sujeito em processo de aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, fazendo com que seja desestabilizado seu mundo logicamente organizado pela língua materna, dando ao aprendiz a possibilidade de novas formas de dizer. / This thesis analyses writing process of learners of English as a foreign language in the early stage of learning in order to investigate how this phenomenon occurs. Moreover, this research analyses a process by which every subject passes through when is kept in touch with another language: the subjective reconfiguration process. Therefore, this study starts with a reflection about different methodologies of foreign language teaching and consequently it comes near Applied Linguistics (AL) as a hegemonic theory in this field. However, this study withdraws this theory because the concepts of a homogeneous language and of a subject who controls what he says can not involve the complexities that are characteristic in a process of writing in a foreign language. Thus, based on Pechêux’s Discourse Analysis (DA), this work investigates how historicities of the languages involved get in conflict, which makes the learner produces a strange writing. The analyses point out to the presence of Portuguese (mother tongue) in the writing of English (foreign language), in way that there is an overlaying between these two languages. The interference of mother language in the writing of a foreign language is viewed as strictly linguistics under AL viewpoint. And this kind of writing is examined from a systematic language, noticing only syntactic and morphological structures. So, when this kind of interference occurs, it is considered as an error of the learner. On the other hand, the semantic interferences, which are not studied by AL, were named in this thesis as reverberation. Thus, while the interference is considered as an error to AL, the reverberation is seen as a misunderstanding to DA. Besides, this research suggests that contact with a foreign language can cause some strangeness to the subject in process of learning a foreign language, which destabilizes his world logically organized by the mother tongue, offering him possibilities of new ways of say.
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Modélisations des systèmes d'assistance à la réverbération régénératifs / Modelling of regenerative reverberation enhancement systemsRouch, Jérémy 03 July 2013 (has links)
Les systèmes d’assistance à la réverbération sont des dispositifs électroacoustiques installés dans les salles de spectacle pour moduler leur acoustique en fonction du type de représentation qui s’y déroule. Afin de pouvoir dimensionner ces systèmes en amont de leur installation, ce travail s’intéresse au développement, à la mise en œuvre et à la mise à l’épreuve de modèles prévisionnels de l’effet de ses systèmes sur les caractéristiques acoustiques d’une salle, en se concentrant sur les systèmes dits régénératifs diagonaux. Le premier modèle présenté est basé sur une approche systémique exacte et sur l’utilisation de simulations numériques. Il s’agit d’un modèle dont le principe est déjà décrit dans la littérature spécialisée, mais auquel est intégré ici un algorithme de détermination automatique des paramètres de réglage d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération reproduisant la méthode manuelle. Parce que l’utilisation de simulations numériques impose une modélisation détaillée de la salle et un important temps de calcul, ce modèle n’est pas compatible avec la réactivité demandée lors d’une phase d’avant-projet. Dans cette optique, deux autres modèles bases sur les hypothèses de champ diffus et, par là même, plus rapides d’exécution, sont développés. L’un repose aussi sur une approche systémique exacte, mais utilise la théorie stochastique de l’acoustique géométrique des salles plutôt que des simulations numériques. L’autre repose sur une approche énergétique simple. Les confrontations de ces deux modèles avec celui reposant sur des simulations numériques sont exposées pour cinq salles, en considérant la prévision d’évolution de six indices acoustiques courants due à l’introduction d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération. Il en ressort que ces deux modèles aboutissent à des erreurs prévisionnelles comparables et que celles-ci sont équivalentes à celles des formules de Sabine ou d’Eyring ou de la théorie révisée des champs diffus de Barron et Lee appliquées dans une salle sans système. Parallèlement, l’étude et la prévision de l’effet d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération régénératif en augmentation du couplage de deux espaces mal couples au sein d’une même salle sont présentées. Il est montré que ce type d’utilisation permet effectivement une augmentation du couplage et que celle-ci peut être correctement abordée à partir d’un modèle énergétique développé ici. Il est aussi montré à partir de simulations numériques, que cette utilisation permet d’homogénéiser les caractéristiques acoustiques entre les deux espaces couplés. / Reverberation enhancement systems (RES) are electro-acoustic devices installed in auditoria to adapt the listening conditions according to the performances. In order to design these systems before their installation, this work deals with the development, the implementation and the testing of prediction tools of the effect of these systems on the acoustic characteristics of a room, by focusing on diagonal regenerative RES. The first proposed tool is based on a systemic approach and numerical simulations. This tool, whose principle is already described in the literature, is here enhanced by the use of an algorithm that automatically fine-tunes the system parameters. As numerical simulations require detailed 3D models of rooms and high computation times, this tool is not compatible with the responsiveness needed for a preliminary design stage. With this in mind, two other models based on the diffuse field assumptions are also developed to predict the action of a RES. One of them is also based on a systemic approach but it uses the stochastic geometric theory of room acoustics instead of numerical simulations. The other model is based on a simple energetic approach. The confrontation of the results given by these two models with the results given by the model based on numerical simulations has been carried out in five rooms considering the effect of a RES on six common room acoustic criteria. It appeared that these two models lead to prediction errors similar to those obtained with the Sabine or Eyring’s formula, or the Barron and Lee’s revised theory applied in a room without RES. In the same time, the study of the effect of a RES used to enhance the coupling between two poor coupled room is presented. It is shown that this particular use of a RES actually increases the coupling effect, and that this effect can be correctly described and predicted by an energetic model developed here. It is also shown by numerical simulations that this system can balance the listening conditions between two coupled rooms.
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Perception et confort acoustiques des systèmes de traitement d'air / Acoustic perception and comfort of air-treatment systemsMinard, Antoine 26 March 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’étudier le confort acoustique ressenti par les usagers de systèmes de traitement d’air (STA), tels que les systèmes de climatisation installés en bureaux de différentes tailles, en prenant en compte les facteurs environnementaux liés au contexte particulier d’usage de ces produits. À l’origine s’est présenté le besoin industriel d’une norme fiable d’évaluation des sons émis par les STA, pour offrir une représentation plus fidèle de la perception que le seul standard existant aujourd’hui : le niveau acoustique émis exprimé en dBA. Ce contexte impose en premier lieu une étude approfondie de la perception des sons de STA tels qu’émis par les appareils. Ainsi, une démarche rigoureuse a été suivie allant du recueil d’un nombre conséquent d’enregistrements de sons de STA jusqu’à l’établissement d’une métrique robuste de prédiction de la qualité sonore perçue. Pour ce faire, ont tout d’abord été établies les différentes familles perceptives qui constituent l’ensemble des enregistrements de sons de STA effectués. De cet ensemble de familles a été extrait un corpus de travail permettant une complète représentativité des différents types de sons émis par les STA. Les attributs auditifs pertinents pour la description perceptive de ce corpus sonore ont ensuite été identifiés en appliquant les principes de l’étude du timbre musical, déjà adoptés avec succès pour la description d’autres types de sons de l’environnement. Ces attributs auditifs ont enfin servi de base descriptive pour expliquer les préférences des auditeurs vis-à-vis des sons de STA afin d’établir un prédicteur efficace de la qualité sonore à l’aide de descripteurs audio. Dans un second temps, afin de prendre en considération le contexte écologique des STA, l’influence de deux facteurs environnementaux sur l’évaluation de la qualité sonore des STA a été étudiée dans le but d’en évaluer l’importance sur le ressenti des usagers. D’une part, comme les STA étudiés sont des appareils exclusivement installés en intérieur (bureaux), l’effet de la réverbération sur l’évaluation de la qualité sonore a été étudié à l’aide d’un système d’auralisation permettant de reproduire virtuellement la réponse acoustique d’une salle. D’autre part, l’influence du contexte attentionnel des auditeurs sur la qualité sonore perçue a été évaluée à l’aide d’une étude comparative de différentes situations d’écoute. En effet, on observe que la perception du son émis par les STA se traduit typiquement par une forme de perturbation de leur occupation quotidienne.. Il est donc apparu pertinent d’évaluer à quel point le degré d’attention portée sur le son influe sur l’évaluation de la qualité sonore par les auditeurs. Ainsi nous avons pu établir dans quelles mesures et selon quelles limites le prédicteur de qualité sonore établi peut représenter fidèlement le confort ressenti par les usagers dans un contexte offrant un meilleur degré de validité écologique que les conditions habituelles de laboratoire. / This thesis addresses the perceived acoustic comfort of Air-Treatment Systems (ATS), such as air-conditioners installed in offices, by taking into account the environmental factors related to the specific context of ATS usage. The only existing standard to evaluate the sounds emitted by ATS, which is the emitted sound level in dBA, is only loosely related to perception. Therefore, the need of manufacturers for a more reliable standard arises. This implies a thorough study of the perception of the sound of ATS as it is emitted. A precise methodology was then followed: it includes first collecting a high number of ATS sound recordings, up to finally developing a robust metrics to predict the perceived sound quality. For that purpose, different perceptual categories were first identified to constitute the recording database of ATS sounds. A corpus considered as fully representative of the different types of emitted sounds was then extracted from the recording database. Current principles of musical timbre description have already proved to be adequate to other types of environmental sounds; by applying these principles, the relevant auditive attributes for the corpus perceptual description were identified. In order to develop an efficient sound quality predictor through audio features calculation, prominent features based on these auditive attributes were identified that explain the listeners’ preferences among ATS sounds. The ecological context of ATS was examined in a second step. Two environmental factors were addressed in the context of ATS sound quality evaluation to ponder their importance in the listeners’ perception. As the ATS under study are exclusively indoor systems designed for offices, the effect of reverberation on sound quality evaluation was first studied; for that purpose, an auralization tool was used to simulate room acoustic response. The influence of listeners’ attention context on perceived sound quality was then evaluated through a comparative study of various listening conditions. As a matter of fact, the sound emitted by ATS in real conditions is perceived as a perturbation of current activities. It is therefore relevant to evaluate how deeply the degree of attention related to the sound affects listeners as regards their perception of acoustic quality. Eventually, the relevance of the proposed sound quality predictor to comfort perception was assessed in conditions more ecologically representative than usual laboratory environment.
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Analyse et optimisation des chambres réverbérantes à l'aide du concept de cavité chaotique ouverte / Analysis and optimization of reverberation chambers using the concept of losses chaotic cavitySelemani, Kamardine 06 February 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'optimisation de la géométrie de chambre réverbérante en s'inspirant du concept de cavité chaotique. Les chambres réverbérantes (RC) sont de plus en plus utilisées comme moyen de test de compatibilité électromagnétique. Elles sont utilisées au-delà d'une fréquence minimale à parti de laquelle les champs sont, dans le volume central de la cavité, statistiquement homogènes et isotropes ; l'obtention de ces propriétés statistiques nécessite l'utilisation d'un mécanisme de brassage, pouvant être mécanique ou électronique. Or, dans les cavités chaotiques, la plupart des modes sont associés à des champs statistiquement homogènes et isotropes, et ceci sans avoir recours à aucun brassage. C'est pourquoi un rapprochement entre chambres réverbérantes et cavités chaotiques a été fait dans ce travail.En premier lieu, nous nous intéressons à des cavités chaotiques 2D obtenues par des modifications successives d'une cavité rectangulaire. Les mesures effectuées dans ces cavités à l'aide d'une théorie perturbative, validées par des résultats de simulation, montrent qu'un champ électrique homogène est obtenu. Les principes retenus pour modifier la géométrie de la cavité rectangulaire seront repris dans les cavités 3D.Les propriétés de trois cavités 3D obtenues en modifiant une cavité parallélépipédique sont étudiées et comparées à celles d'une chambre réverbérante classique munie d'un brasseur de modes. Les modes propres et fréquences de résonance sont déterminés pour ces quatre cavités à l'aide du logiciel HFSS d'Ansoft, tout d'abord en considérant des cavités de géométrie figée, puis en y incluant un brassage mécanique.L'étude de l'homogénéité et de l'isotropie des modes propres montre clairement que les meilleures performances sont obtenues pour une des cavités chaotiques proposées, et ceci quels que soient les critères utilisés.Par ailleurs, il est montré que, dans la chambre réverbérante classique, un grand nombre de modes présente une forte localisation spatiale de l'énergie électrique, alors que ce phénomène ne se produit pas dans la cavité chaotique retenue. Ce phénomène, non détectable par les mesures classiquement effectuées en chambre réverbérante, est dommageable à l'obtention des propriétés d'homogénéité et d'isotropie requises dans le volume de travail.Enfin, l'étude de la distribution des écarts entre fréquences de résonance montre, comme prédit par la Théorie des Matrices Aléatoire, une concordance entre le suivi de la loi asymptotique prévue dans une cavité chaotique et les propriétés d'homogénéité et d'isotropie des champs. Ceci ouvre la voie vers l'utilisation de critères de caractérisation basés sur les fréquences de résonance et non plus uniquement sur les distributions des champs / This work deals with the optimization of the geometry of a reverberation chamber, drawing inspiration from the concept of chaotic cavity. Reverberation chambers, widely used for electromagnetic compatibility tests, are used above a minimal frequency from which the fields are statistically isotropic and uniform; however to respect these properties, a mode stirring process is necessary, that can be mechanical or electronic. As, in chaotic cavities, most modes are isotropic and uniform without the help of any stirring process, we take advantage of the knowledge gained from the studies of chaotic cavities to optimize reverberation chamber behavior.We firstly consider 2D chaotic cavities obtained by modifying a rectangular cavity. Measurements besed on a perturbative approch, and validated by simulations, show uniformly distributed electric fields. Similar geometrical modifications are then proposed in 3D.Three 3D different geometries of cavities obtained from a 3D rectangular cavity are then studied, and their properties are compared with those of a classical reverberation chamber equipped witdh a mode stirrer. Eigenmodes and resonant frequencies are determined numerically using Ansoft HFSS software, first by considering fixed cavity geometries, then by moving the stirrer.Electric field uniformity and isotropy are studied using several criteria; all of them clearly show that the best performances are attained within one of the proposed chaotic cavities.Moreover, a strong energy localization effect appears for numerous modes in the classical reverberation chamber, whereas it is not observed in the proposed 3D chaotic cavity. This effect, never reported in reverberation chamber studies, affects the field uniformity and isotropy within the working volume.The cavities properties are also compared width respect to their eigenfrequency spacing distributions. As predicted by the Random matrix Theory, the best agrement width the asymptotic law associated to chaotic cavities corresponds to the best field properties in terms of uniformity and isotropy. It leads to the proposal of reverberation chamber characterization criteria based on resonant frequencies instead of field distributions
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Rekonstrukce multifunkčního sálu hudební školy s důrazem na akustiku / Reconstruction of the multifunctional room music school with an emphasis on acousticsSehnal, František January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to design the reconstruction of the music hall in the existing building of the private music school D-Music. The building is located in Kromeriz, cadastral area Kromeriz. I emphasize the design from the perspective of acoustics. The thesis also evaluated the noise load from the adjacent road II. class, for design hole fillings. It is a five-storey building with one underground and four above-ground floors. The music hall is located on the first floor and is designed multifunctionaly - for music with mobile acoustic absorbers for speech.
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Robuste Spracherkennung unter raumakustischen UmgebungsbedingungenPetrick, Rico 25 September 2009 (has links)
Bei der Überführung eines wissenschaftlichen Laborsystems zur automatischen Spracherkennung in eine reale Anwendung ergeben sich verschiedene praktische Problemstellungen, von denen eine der Verlust an Erkennungsleistung durch umgebende akustische Störungen ist. Im Gegensatz zu additiven Störungen wie Lüfterrauschen o. ä. hat die Wissenschaft bislang die Störung des Raumhalls bei der Spracherkennung nahezu ignoriert. Dabei besitzen, wie in der vorliegenden Dissertation deutlich gezeigt wird, bereits geringfügig hallende Räume einen stark störenden Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Spracherkennern.
Mit dem Ziel, die Erkennungsleistung wieder in einen praktisch benutzbaren Bereich zu bringen, nimmt sich die Arbeit dieser Problemstellung an und schlägt Lösungen vor. Der Hintergrund der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten ist die Erstellung von funktionsfähigen Sprachbenutzerinterfaces für Gerätesteuerungen im Wohn- und Büroumfeld, wie z.~B. bei der Hausautomation. Aus diesem Grund werden praktische Randbedingungen wie die Restriktionen von embedded Computerplattformen in die Lösungsfindung einbezogen.
Die Argumentation beginnt bei der Beschreibung der raumakustischen Umgebung und der Ausbreitung von Schallfeldern in Räumen. Es wird theoretisch gezeigt, dass die Störung eines Sprachsignals durch Hall von zwei Parametern abhängig ist: der Sprecher-Mikrofon-Distanz (SMD) und der Nachhallzeit T60. Um die Abhängigkeit der Erkennungsleistung vom Grad der Hallstörung zu ermitteln, wird eine Anzahl von Erkennungsexperimenten durchgeführt, die den Einfluss von T60 und SMD nachweisen. Weitere Experimente zeigen, dass die Spracherkennung kaum durch hochfrequente Hallanteile beeinträchtigt wird, wohl aber durch tieffrequente.
In einer Literaturrecherche wird ein Überblick über den Stand der Technik zu Maßnahmen gegeben, die den störenden Einfluss des Halls unterdrücken bzw. kompensieren können. Jedoch wird auch gezeigt, dass, obwohl bei einigen Maßnahmen von Verbesserungen berichtet wird, keiner der gefundenen Ansätze den o. a. praktischen Einsatzbedingungen genügt.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode Harmonicity-based Feature Analysis (HFA) vorgeschlagen. Sie basiert auf drei Ideen, die aus den Betrachtungen der vorangehenden Kapitel abgeleitet werden. Experimentelle Ergebnisse weisen die Verbesserung der Erkennungsleistung in halligen Umgebungen nach. Es werden sogar praktisch relevante Erkennungsraten erzielt, wenn die Methode mit verhalltem Training kombiniert wird. Die HFA wird gegen Ansätze aus der Literatur evaluiert, die ebenfalls praktischen Implementierungskriterien genügen. Auch Kombinationen der HFA und einigen dieser Ansätze werden getestet.
Im letzten Kapitel werden die beiden Basistechnologien Stimm\-haft-Stimmlos-Entscheidung und Grundfrequenzdetektion umfangreich unter Hallbedingungen getestet, da sie Voraussetzung für die Funktionsfähigkeit der HFA sind. Als Ergebnis wird dargestellt, dass derzeit für beide Technologien kein Verfahren existiert, das unter Hallbedingungen robust arbeitet. Es kann allerdings gezeigt werden, dass die HFA trotz der Unsicherheiten der Verfahren arbeitet und signifikante Steigerungen der Erkennungsleistung erreicht. / Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used in real-world indoor scenarios suffer from performance degradation if noise and reverberation conditions differ from the training conditions of the recognizer. This thesis deals with the problem of room reverberation as a cause of distortion in ASR systems. The background of this research is the design of practical command and control applications, such as a voice controlled light switch in rooms or similar applications. Therefore, the design aims to incorporate several restricting working conditions for the recognizer and still achieve a high level of robustness. One of those design restrictions is the minimisation of computational complexity to allow the practical implementation on an embedded processor.
One chapter comprehensively describes the room acoustic environment,
including the behavior of the sound field in rooms. It addresses the speaker room microphone (SRM) system which is expressed in the time domain as the room impulse response (RIR). The convolution of the RIR with the clean speech signal yields the reverberant signal at the microphone.
A thorough analysis proposes that the degree of the distortion caused by reverberation is dependent on two parameters, the reverberation time T60 and the speaker-to-microphone distance (SMD). To evaluate the dependency of the recognition rate on the degree of distortion, a number of experiments has been successfully conducted, confirming the above mentioned dependency of the two parameters, T60 and SMD. Further experiments have shown that ASR is barely affected by high-frequency reverberation, whereas low frequency reverberation has a detrimental effect on the recognition rate.
A literature survey concludes that, although several approaches exist which claim significant improvements, none of them fulfils the above mentioned practical implementation criteria. Within this thesis, a new approach entitled 'harmonicity-based feature analysis' (HFA) is proposed. It is based on three ideas that are derived in former chapters. Experimental results prove that HFA is able to enhance the recognition rate in reverberant environments. Even practical applicable results are achieved when HFA is combined with reverberant training. The method is further evaluated against three other approaches from the literature. Also combinations of methods are tested.
In a last chapter the two base technologies fundamental frequency (F0) estimation and voiced unvoiced decision (VUD) are evaluated in reverberant environments, since they are necessary to run HFA. This evaluation aims to find one optimal method for each of these technologies. The results show that all F0 estimation methods and also the VUD methods have a strong decreasing performance in reverberant environments. Nevertheless it is shown that HFA is able to deal with uncertainties of these base technologies as such that the recognition performance still improves.
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Budova občanské vybavenosti / Civic amenities buildingNetopilíková, Markéta January 2022 (has links)
The aim of master‘s project is to design a new building of the office building in the cadastre area of Rohatec. The project is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the design of environment friendly and sustainable building. The second part is focused on the design of building services and the processing of building energy services. The third part is focused on the modeling of the noise study, the assessment of the soundproofing of the external cladding and the assessment of the reverberation time.
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Postapokalypsens LjudRodriguez, Elias, Tieu, Kent, Bjarnestam, Felix January 2022 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete handlar om att undersöka hur designprocessen för en postapokalyptiskmiljö kan gå till utan att förlita sig på det visuella, och istället skapa en helt auditiv upplevelse.För att utföra detta har vi i denna artikel samlat olika källor som berättar om vad en immersivmiljö består av och vilka avgörande faktorer en design måste ta hänsyn till. Dessa källor ärartiklar från till exempel Salselas och Penha (2019), och Smolicki (2019), men också existerandepostapokalyptiska medier som har analyserats efter vad som står i artiklarna. Denna textbeskriver också vår process för skapandet av en sådan gestaltning samt hur den implementerarden information som hittades i våra källor. Resultatet från undersökningen blev 2 olikapostapokalyptiska ljudscenarion designade av oss. Dessa tog stor hänsyn till Salselas och Penhasexempel på 3 olika ljud-egenskaper som har stor inverkan på lyssnarens immersion, och hurdessa 3 egenskaper implementeras inom andra postapokalyptiska medier. Immersion är en stordel av att skapa en ljudmiljö, de 3 ljud-egenskaperna som behövs är efterklang, bakgrundsljud,och spatialiserat ljud, och de medierna vi analyserade dessa i var filmen Book of Eli och serienThe Walking Dead / This bachelor thesis is about examining how the design process for a post-apocalypticenvironment can look without relying on the visual aspect, and instead create a completelyauditory experience. To achieve this, we have in this thesis gathered different sources thatexplain which aspects make an immersive environment, and which deciding factors we have totake into account as designers. These sources are articles, for example those written by Salselasand Penha (2019) and Smolicki (2019), but also existing post-apocalyptic pieces of media thathave been analyzed with the articles content in mind. This text will also explain our process forour designs, as well as how it implements the information we found in our sources. The result ofthis study turned out as 2 different post-apocalyptic sound scenarios designed by us. These tookSalsela’s and Penha’s 3 examples of characteristics that have a big impact on the listenersimmersion, into great consideration, and also how these 3 characteristics are implemented intodifferent post-apocalyptic pieces of media. Immersion plays a big part in creating a soundenvironment, the three characteristics needed are reverb, background sounds and soundspatialization, and the pieces of media we analyzed these characteristics in were the movie Bookof Eli and the tv-show The Walking Dead.
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