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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Akustik och elevers uppfattningav ljudmiljön i klassrum : En undersökning av akustiken på gymnasieskolan NTI / Acoustics and students perception of sound environment in classrooms

Benson, Alexis January 2018 (has links)
Klassrumsakustik behandlar rumsliga förutsättningar för ljudutbredning där god talhörbarhet är av vikt för elevers och lärares välbefinnande och möjligheter till goda lärmiljöer. Även kognitiva förmågor som minnesfunktioner påverkas av ljudmiljöer, där lägre bakgrundsljudnivåer och kortare efterklangstider förordas av forskning och byggnadstekniska standarder. Bakgrundsljudnivåer, efterklangstider T20 och reflexnivåer C50 kan tillsammans ge en bild av en god ljudmiljö för lärande i klassrum. I denna undersökning har fem klassrums ljudmiljöer utvärderats och enkätundersökningar har använts för att undersöka elevers och lärares subjektiva upplevelser av dessa ljudmiljöer under aktuella lektionstillfällen. Det har inte kunnat dras några tydliga korrelationssamband mellan akustiska data och subjektiva upplevelser av ljudmiljön från denna undersökning. Dock har undersökningen erhållit akustiska mätvärden från de aktuella klassrummen och speciellt två av klassrummen har funnits undermåliga i jämförelse med riktvärden från standarder med avseende på efterklangstider. / Classroom acoustics deal with spatial prerequisites for sound propagation, where good speech audibility is important for the well-being of students and teachers and provide opportunities for good learning environments. Cognitive abilities as memory functions are also influenced by sound environments, where lower background noise levels and shorter reverberation times are advocated by research and acoustical performance criteria for classrooms. Background noise levels, reverberation time T20 and room response C50 can together provide a picture of a good sound environment for classroom learning. In this survey, five classroom sound environments have been evaluated and questionnaires have been used to investigate the subjective experiences of pupils and teachers in these sound environments during current investigated lessons. There has been no clear correlation between acoustic data and subjective experiences of the audio environment from this survey. However, the survey has obtained acoustic measurements from the current classrooms and especially two of the classrooms have been found to be substandard in comparison with the guideline values of reverberation time from standards.


THIAGO BRITO BRANDAO 06 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] De Gaugin a Picasso, o primitivismo foi um conceito-chave para o desenvolvimento das vanguardas européias. Termo polêmico, historicamente associado ao processo colonialista e ao eurocentrismo, foi curioso reencontrá-lo como título do projeto de um dos artistas mais radicais e inventivos do século XXI: o tailandês Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Desenvolvido em 2009, o Primitive Project é um reencontro de Weerasethakul com o nordeste da Tailândia, a região de Isaan, e consistiu de uma exposição, compreendida de sete video-instalações e dois curtas-metragens, um livro de artista da plataforma Cujo, além do longametragem Tio Boonmee que pode recordar de suas vidas passadas, premiado com a Palma de Ouro em Cannes, em 2010. Partindo de uma discussão teórica, crítica e histórica do conceito do primitivo no século XX, a dissertação elabora uma leitura das propostas e imagens que constituem o Primitive Project, indicando a maneira como Weerasethakul apropria-se do termo primitivo, transformando-o em um espaço de experiência de outras possibilidades de encontro com o audiovisual. / [en] From Gaugin to Picasso, the primitive is an important concept in the development of the European avant-garde. A difficult term to deal with, historically tied to the process of colonialism and eurocentrism, it came as a surprise to find it as the title of a project from one of the most inventive and radical artists of the 21st Century: the thailandese Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Created in 2009, the Primitive Project is a reencounter of Weerasethakul with the northeast of Thailand, the region of Isaan, and consists of a art installation, made up of seven video-installations and two short-films, an artists book of the CUJO platform, and of the feature film Uncle Boonmee who can recall his past lives, awarded the Palme D or in Cannes, in 2010. Starting with a theoretical, critical and historical discussion on the concept of the primitive in the 20th century, the dissertation elaborates a reading of the images and concepts that constitutes the Primitive Project, indication how Weerasethakul appropriates the concept of the primitive, transforming it in a space for experiencing new possibilities of engagement with the audiovisual form.

Whole-body SAR measurements of 5G mmW base stations in a reverberation chamber / Helkroppsbaserade SAR-mätningar i en modväxlande kammare av 5G-basstationer i millimetervågsområdet

Eilers Bischoff, Jens January 2022 (has links)
This study presents a method for measurement of whole-body average specific absorption rate (WBSAR) of a millimeter wave (mmWave) antenna in a reverberation chamber. The method takes advantage of multiple radiated power measurements to estimate the power absorbed in a phantom placed in front of the antenna. The first set of measurements is a total radiated power estimation of the antenna. The second set measures the radiated power from the combined antenna and phantom system. By taking the difference between the two measurements, the power absorbed in the phantom and hence WBSAR, which is defined as the total power absorbed in a body divided by the whole-body mass, can be estimated. This method builds on previous reverberation chamber techniques and improves them by isolating only the power absorbed from direct illumination corresponding to a realistic exposure environment of mmWave antennas with high directivity. Verification has been performed by comparing measurements of a horn antenna with a simulation. The difference between measurements and simulation has been found to be less than 1 dB, while the maximum measurement uncertainty was estimated to be 1.1 dB. With the developed method, WBSAR measurements of an Ericsson 5G mmWave base station has been conducted. In 2020 the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published new guidelines for radio frequency electromagnetic fields containing limitations for WBSAR up to 300 GHz. Since these guidelines are new there is currently no standardized measurement method to assess WBSAR in the mmWave frequency ranges. Therefore, the proposed method could be of interest for standardization institutions. / I denna studie presenteras en metod för att i en modväxlande kammare mäta helkroppsbaserad specifik absorptionshastighet (whole-body average specific absorption rate, WBSAR) för en antenn i millimetervågsområdet. Metoden använder mätningar av utstrålad effekt i två situationer, utan och med en helkroppsmodell (fantom). Först mäts den utstrålade effekten från antennen utan fantom, sedan mäts den när fantomen är placerad framför antennen. Differensen mellan de två mätningarna ger den absorberade effekten i fantomen, vilken kan användas för att bestämma WBSAR genom att dela med massan. Metoden bygger på tidigare tekniker för modväxlande kammare och utvecklar dem genom att isolera effekten absorberad från direkt exponering. På så sätt ger metoden realistiska resultat för starkt riktade millimetervågsantenner. Verifikation har utförts genom att jämföra mätningar av en hornantenn med simuleringar vid 28 GHz. Skillnaden mellan de mätta och simulerade värdena var mindre än 1 dB och med en uppskattad maximal mätosäkerhet på 1.1 dB. Med den utvecklade metoden mättes WBSAR för en Ericsson 5G basstation vid frekvensen 28 GHz. År 2020 publicerade ICNIRP nya riktlinjer för exponering för radiofrekventa elektromagnetiska fält som inkluderar begränsningar av WBSAR vid frekvenser upp till 300 GHz. Eftersom dessa riktlinjer är nya finns nuvarande ingen standardiserad metod för att mäta WBSAR i millimetervågsområdet. Metoden kan därför vara av intresse för standardiseringsorganisationer

Оптимизация параметров реверберационной камеры для акустических испытаний : магистерская диссертация / Optimization of reverberation chamber parameters for acoustic tests

Балдина, А. А., Baldina, A. A. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена исследованию акустических характеристик реверберационной камеры. Проведены измерения звукового давления с целью исследования звукового поля в помещениях низкого и высокого уровня реверберационной камеры. Для определения диффузности поля были проведены измерения звукового давления в точках, равномерно рассредоточенных по площади камер на четырех уровнях по высоте. Исследование времени реверберации проводилось с использованием метода прерываемого шума и фиксации измерительным прибором кривой спада. Для установления характерной корреляционной связи между уровнем звукового давления в измерительных точках и расстоянием до источника звука был проведен расчет коэффициента корреляции Пирсона. Исследована степень влияния отделки помещения на величину времени реверберации. / The thesis is devoted to the study of the acoustic characteristics of reverberation chamber. Sound pressure measurements have been carried out to study the sound field in low and high level rooms of reverberation chamber. To determine the diffuse field of sound, the sound pressure was measured at points uniformly distributed over the area of the chambers at four levels in height. The reverberation time was studied using the method of interrupted noise and fixing the decay curve by the measuring instrument. To establish the characteristic correlation between the sound pressure level at the measuring points and the distance to the sound source, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated. The degree of influence of the finishing room on the amount of reverberation time was investigated.

Auditory-based algorithms for sound segregation in multisource and reverberant environments

Roman, Nicoleta 24 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Transmission loss of vehicle seals

Li, Qi January 2008 (has links)
Sound transmission loss of vehicle seals was studied in this thesis. Reverberation room test and semi-anechoic chamber test were respectively studied. By comparing the sound pressure level, sound intensity level and average sound power level at the receiving side, it proved that a simple sound pressure level test may obtain same measurement accuracy when there is little reflected sound. A semi-anechoic chamber was designed for testing sound transmission losses of the seals on a trial vehicle. By comparing the sound pressure levels between the location of the passenger ear and door area, it proved that most of outside sound energy passed through the door seals into the interior. The sound transmission losses of different sealing conditions were measured which included well sealed and imperfectly sealed conditions; Sound pressure levels at passenger’s ear in three different types of vehicles were also compared, these comparison results indicated this laboratory was capable of distinguishing different sealing conditions. The installation procedure was compared with the one in reverberation room test. Numerical analysis showed that the latter method produced a different compression shape which would definitely influence the sound insulation abilities of the seals.   The transmission mechanism of the acoustic waves through a vehicle seal was also discussed. Contact analysis showed high compression ratio leaded to tremendous inner stress intensity. But any further increase of the contact depth would not improve the effect of wind noise prevention. A vehicle seal with a complex shape was replaced by a simple model. The sound transmission theory of multiple partitions on the basis of mass law was applied. Whereas, compared with the experimental result, a different trend in the high frequency range was found. When taking the transmission though the side material and integration of incident angle into account, the result was quite similar to the experimental one. FEM analysis was also performed. The majority of sound power was believed to transmit along the seal wall into the interior instead of passing through the multiple partitions. A distorted circular duct model is believed to be close to the real geometry. / QC 20101117

Variable acoustics in multi-functional stadiums / Variabel akustik i multi-funktionsarenor

Vernersson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
This paper handles the background theory, methods and results of the master thesis project titled "Variable acoustics in multi-functional stadiums". \\ The purpose of the project was to investigate whether variable room acoustics could be applicable to large multi-functional stadiums to improve their ability to adapt the soundscape in the stadium for different types of events. The two events which were analyzed during the project was electrically amplified concerts and ice hockey matches. \\ The paper starts by going over relevant acoustical and psycho-acoustical parameters and concepts as well as giving a few examples on already existing multi-functional stadiums including their acoustical strengths and weaknesses towards the two types of events. The report concludes that reflections are of the utmost importance for both types of events, especially early-arriving reflection with great magnitudes. At concerts, these are wished to be repressed while at hockey-matches, the early reflections should be amplified and increased in quantity to give the crowd a better feedback from the stadium increasing the supporters ability to create a loud and intense atmosphere. \\ Gallon fabric, aluminum and plexi-glass was tested in the MWL-laboratory in order to assess the materials reflective capabilities as the idea was to use these materials as reflectors during the hockey-matches. The results showed close to full reflection across the entire spectrum for aluminum and plexi-glass while the gallon fabric showed great reflective capabilities for the higher frequencies while letting the lower frequencies pass through the material. \\ The effects off the reflectors on the soundscape was simulated in a fictional stadium which was built in the modelling software SketchUp using the simulation software ODEON. The results showed great promise as the reflectors gave a great increase in the early reflections. As for the concerts, rolling-curtains which can easily be mounted and removed was added around the walls of the stadium while the reflectors was removed. This solution also showed great results during the simulations as the early reflections was now suppressed instead of magnified. / Denna uppsats behandlar bekgrundsteori, metodik och resultat från examensarbetet titulerat "Variabel rumsakustik i multi-funktions arenor".\\ Syftet med projektet var att undersöka huruvida variabel rumsakustik skulle kunna tillämpas på stora multi-funktions arenor för att förbättra dess förmåga att anpass sin ljudbild för olika typer av evenemang. Projektet riktar sig mot elförstärkta konserter och ishockey-matcher. \\ Uppsatsen börjar med att gå igenom relevanta akustiska och psyko-akustiska parametrar och begrepp för att sedan ge några exempel på redan existerande multi-funktions arenors akustiska styrkor och svagheter vid de bägge typerna av evenemang. Rapporten drar slutsatsen att reflektioner är av yttersta vikt vid bägge fallen, särkiljt de som är tidigt anländande och av hög magnitud. Under konserter önskas dessa att dämpas medans man vid ishockey-matcher önskar att förstärka dessa och öka dess antal för att ge publiken en starkare akustisk återkoppling från arenan och underlätta för supportrarna att skapa en högljudd och intensiv atmosfär. \\ Galonstyg, aluminium och plexiglas testades i MWL-laboratoriet för att bedöma dess reflekterande förmågor då idén var att använda dessa material som reflektorer under ishockey-matcherna. Resultaten visade nära full reflektion över hela spektrat för de aluminiumet och plexi-glaset medan galonstyget visade stora reflketerande egenskaper vid högre frekvenser samtidigt som det tillät de lägre frekvenserna passera genom materialet. \\ Reflektorernas effekt på ljudbilden simulerades i en påhittat arena som byggdes i moddeleringsprogrammet SketchUp med hjälp av simuleringsprogrammet ODEON. Resultaten var mycket lovande då en stor ökning sågs hos de tidiga reflexerna, både i kvantitet och kvalitet. För konserterna användes istället ljudabsorberande rullgardiner längs arenans väggar medans reflektorerna togs bort. Simuleringsresultaten visade nu istället en markant minsking i tidiga reflexer.

Harmonizing Audio and Human Interaction: Enhancement, Analysis, and Application of Audio Signals via Machine Learning Approaches

Xu, Ruilin January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we tackle key challenges in processing audio signals, specifically focusing on speech and music. These signals are crucial for human interaction with both the environment and machines. Our research addresses three core topics: speech denoising, speech dereverberation, and music-dance generation, each of which plays a vital role in enhancing the harmony between audio and human interaction. Leveraging machine learning and human-centric approaches inspired by classical algorithms, we develop methods to mitigate common audio degradations, such as additive noise and multiplicative reverberation, delivering high-quality audio suitable for human use and applications. Furthermore, we introduce a real-time, music-responsive system for generating 3D dance animations, advancing the integration of audio signals with human engagement. The first focus of our thesis is the elimination of additive noise from audio signals by focusing on short pauses, or silent intervals, in human speech. These brief pauses provide key insights into the noise profile, enabling our model to dynamically reduce ambient noise from speech. Tested across diverse datasets, our method outperforms traditional and audiovisual denoising techniques, showcasing its effectiveness and adaptability across different languages and even musical contexts. In the second work of our research, we address reverberation removal from audio signals, a task traditionally reliant on knowing the environment's exact impulse response—a requirement often impractical in real-world settings. Our novel solution combines the strengths of classical and learning-based approaches, tailored for online communication contexts. This human-centric method includes a one-time personalization step, adapting to specific environments and human speakers. The two-stage model, integrating feature-based Wiener deconvolution and network refinement, has shown through extensive experiments to outperform current methods, both in effectiveness and user preference. Transitioning from foundational audio signal enhancement and analysis to a more dynamic realm, our research culminates in a novel, interactive system for real-time 3D human dance generation. Contrasting with the passive human-centric assumptions of our previous works, this final work actively engages users, enabling direct interaction with a system that synchronizes expressive dance movements to live music, spanning various musical elements like type, tempo, and energy. This innovative approach, diverging from traditional choreography methods, leverages spontaneous improvisation to generate unique dance sequences. These sequences, a mix of pre-recorded choreographies and algorithm-generated transitions, adapt to real-time audio inputs, offering customization through personal 3D avatars. This system's user-centric design and interactivity are validated by user studies, confirming its effectiveness in creating an immersive and engaging user experience.

Μοντελοποίηση και επεξεργασία ηχητικών δεδομένων για αναπαραγωγή σε χώρους με αντήχηση / Modeling and processing audio signals for sound reproduction in reverberant rooms

Ζαρούχας, Θωμάς 27 December 2010 (has links)
H διδακτορική διατριβή μελετά ζητήματα που αφορούν την ενσωμάτωση υπολογιστικών μοντέλων ακοής για την μοντελοποίηση και επεξεργασία ηχητικών σηματών για την βέλτιστη αναπαραγωγή τους σε χώρους με αντήχηση καθώς και την κωδικοποίηση ηχητικών δεδομένων. Το κύριο μέρος της διατριβής επικεντρώθηκε στην μοντελοποίηση των αντιληπτικά σημαντικών αλλοιώσεων λόγω αντήχησης, με την βοήθεια κατάλληλα οριζόμενων μόνο-ωτικών και διαφορικών ενδο-καναλικών παραμέτρων και την απεικόνιση τους με τη βοήθεια χρονο-συχνοτικών 2Δ αναπαραστάσεων. Ο λεπτομερής εντοπισμός των αλλοιώσεων στα ηχητικά σήματα μέσω του προτεινόμενου Δείκτη Επικάλυψης λόγω Αντήχησης (ΔΕΑ) διαμόρφωσε κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία ανάλυσης-σύνθεσης, για την καταστολή της αντήχησης σε συγκεκριμένες χρονο-συχνοτικές περιοχές. Το κύριο πλεονέκτημα της προτεινόμενης, εξαρτώμενης του σήματος, μεθοδολογίας είναι ότι επιτυγχάνεται η καταστολή των, με σχετική καθυστέρηση, παραμορφώσεων λόγω αντήχησης σε μια μεγαλύτερη κλίμακα, δεδομένου ότι μόνο οι αντιληπτικά σημαντικές περιοχές του σήματος επηρεάζονται από την επεξεργασία. Επιπλέον, αναζητήθηκε η δυνατότητα ανάλυσης των ηχητικών δεδομένων με βάση τις εσωτερικές τους αναπαραστάσεις (όπως δηλαδή τις παρέχει το υπολογιστικό μοντέλο ακοής) με εφαρμογή στην περιοχή της κωδικοποίησης σημάτων. Ο προτεινόμενος μη-ομοιόμορφος κβαντιστής πραγματοποιεί τη διαδικασία της κβάντισης χρονο-συχνοτικά με κατάλληλη οδήγηση από το υπολογιστικό μοντέλο ακοής, εξασφαλίζοντας καλύτερη υποκειμενική ηχητική ποιότητα, σε σχέση με ένα ομοιόμορφο PCM κβαντιστή. Χρησιμοποιώντας τη βασική λειτουργία του μη-ομοιόμορφου κβαντιστή, υλοποιήθηκε ενά κριτήριο αξιολόγησης ηχητικών δεδομένων, όπου σε αντίθεση με καθιερώμενα κριτήρια (όπως το Noise to Mask Ration, NMR) επιτελεί τις λειτουργίες του στο πεδίο χρόνου-συχνότητας και παρέχει τη δυνατότητα εντοπισμού της υποκειμενικά σημαντικής παραμόρφωσης με βάση την χρονική εξέλιξη του σήματος. / The dissertation studies issues concerning the integration of computational auditory models for modeling and processing of audio signals for optimal reproduction in reverberant spaces as well as topics related to audio coding. Based on the theoretical framework analysis that was established, the necessity of a signal-dependent approach was underlined for modeling the perceptually-relevant effects of reverberation. The main part of the dissertation thesis was focused on describing the perceptually-relevant alterations due to reverberation, based on appropriate defined monaural and differential inter-channel parameters and also their representation with well-defined time-frequency 2D maps. The detailed localization of alterations due to reverberation in the acoustic signals via the proposed Reverberation Masking Index (RMI) introduced an analysis-synthesis methodology for the compensation of reverberation in perceptually-significant time-frequency regions incorporating also, well-established digital signal processing techniques. The main advantage of the proposed signal-dependent methodology is that the suppression of reverberant tails can be achieved on a larger scale under practical conditions, since only perceptually significant regions of the signal are affected after processing. Additionally, the proposed framework complements the more traditional system-dependent inverse filtering methods, enabling novel and efficient signal processing schemes to evolve for room dereverberation applications. The thesis examines also the feasibility of the acoustic signal analysis based on the internal representations provided by the computational auditory model, applicable in the area of audio coding. The proposed non-uniform quantizer operates in the time-frequency domain, where a novel quantization process is driven by the computational auditory model, thus enabling an overall better perceptual quality with respect to uniform PCM quantizer. Considering the fundamental operation of the novel non-uniform quantizer, a criterion for audio quality evaluation was proposed, where contrary to well-established criteria (i.e., Noise to Mask Ratio, NMR) its potential structure performs in the time-frequency domain and provides the detailed localization of perceptually-important distortions based on the input signal’s evolution.

Development of a Novel Method for Automotive On-board Transmitter EMC Immunity Testing / Utveckling av en Immunitetsmetod för Elektromagnetisk Kompatibilitetstestning vid Simulering av Strålningskälla i Fordon

Holm, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
As the automotive industry advances through technology integration, components are designed to operate at increasingly higher frequencies. Consequently, there will be an increasing demand for automotive electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing. Testing and certification institutes, such as RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, thus face an urgent need to develop innovative solutions that can effectively address this growing demand. This master thesis work concerns one EMC test method in particular - the On-board Transmitter (OBT). This is a test which mainly serves to test the immunity of vehicles to electromagnetic disturbances originating from hand-held devices. The conventional test is performed in an anechoic chamber and the methodology requires a substantial amount of time. The intent with this work is thus to evaluate the potential of a novel OBT method where the concept of a reverberating chamber is applied inside the vehicle compartment. Initially, the conventional method was examined from two mock-ups of idealized cases, and it was observed that the electromagnetic field in the near-field region of the transmitter is highly erratic. It was also concluded that the test setup is particularly sensitive to the polarization of the transmitter. With these findings in mind, the accuracy of the conventional method was deemed questionable. Evaluation of the proposed Reverberating On-board Transmitter (ROBT) method proved that the electromagnetic environment inside the vehicle did not resemble a perfect reverberation chamber. Which was expected as the absorbing material such as seating and upholstery likely prevents a field distribution similar to that in a reverberation chamber. Still, the intent of the project was to find a test method superior to the conventional method and it can be stated that the ROBT method is an adequate option due to its capacity to expose the electronics to isotropic radiation. This was found from two measures which this thesis introduces: expected isotropicity eiso, a relative measure of the electric field components and DDoF, a quantification of the spatial distribution inside a reverberation chamber. / EMC VERifiering av Autonoma fordon i modväxlad kammare (EMCVERA)

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