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n Vergelyking van resultate tussen die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children en die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children-revised op 'n groep tweedetaalleerdersWyngaard, June Wendy Christoline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of a restructured educational system in South Africa, to which the
Government of National Unity has committed itself, is to provide every learner with the
opportunity to develop to his/her full potential. This implies insight into and understanding of
the personality functioning of learners, which would enable educators to determine their
learners' educational needs and address these in a relevant way. A need that resulted from
this was to supply educators with information that would enable them to readdress their
priorities, methods of instruction and structuring of educational material in order to
accommodate all learners in their classes.
This need gave rise to a research project undertaken by the Department of Educational
Psychology at the University of Stellenbosch. An American personality questionnaire, the
Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) forms part of this research project.
This instrument identifies personality types in children and sheds light on various aspects
related to personality type which include: where children are likely to focus their energy, how
they perceive information, how they make decisions and how they orient themselves to their
external world. This information is especially valuable as it accesses a learner's learning- and
communication styles.
The MMTIC has been in use in the United States for more than a decade. In an effort to
render this instrument universally and across cultural boundaries useful, the compilers are in
a process of developing a revised version, of which the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for
Children-Revised (MMTIC-R) is the provisional form. As part of the developing process of the
revised version, it is necessary to determine whether the MMTIC-R measures the same
.aspects of personality as the MMTIC.
Consequently the results yielded by the MMTIC and MMTIC-R on a group of learners are
compared in terms personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types,
function- and attitude pair preferences. Correlation between the four scales for the research
group on the two instruments, as well as the levels of reliability for both instruments are also
campared. As the usefulness of the MMTIC-R across cultural boundaries is a priority, a group of Xhosa
speaking learners from an English-medium primary school were selected as candidates for
the research group. The research group (N=162) was representative of boys and girls
between the ages of 10 and 13 years.
The SAS system was used for the statistic computation of the data, and two sets of results,
descriptive of the research group and of the two instruments were obtained. The results
indicated that both the MMTIC and MMTIC-R measure the same aspects in terms of
personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types, function- and attitude
pair preferences. The results however indicated statistical correlation on only one of the four
scales of both instruments, which requires further investigation. Although the results for the
descriptive statistics showed a higher level of reliability for the MMTIC-R than the MMTIC,
both instruments fulfil the requirements for a good psychometric instrument.
The educational and teaching implications are valuable, and are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende doelwit van 'n geherstruktureerde onderwysstelsel waartoe die Regering
van Nasionale Eenheid verbind is, is om elke leerder die geleentheid te bied om as individu
tot sy/haar volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Hierdie doelwit behels 'n noukeurige insig in en
begrip vir die persoonlikheidsfunksionering van elke leerder, wat die opvoeder in staat sal
stelom elke leerder se onderwysbehoeftes te identifiseer en op relevante wyse aan te
spreek. 'n Behoefte wat dus hieruit voortvloei is aan inligting wat dit vir opvoeders moontlik
sal maak om hul prioriteite, onderrigmetodes en strukturering van onderrigmateriaal aan te
pas om elke leerder in hul klasse te akkommodeer.
Hierdie behoefte het aanleiding gegee tot 'n omvattende navorsingsprojek wat deur die
Departement Opvoedkundige Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch onderneem is.
'n Amerikaanse persoonlikheidsmeetinstrument, die Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for
Children (MMTIC), maak deel uit van die navorsingsprojek. Hierdie meetinstrument
identifiseer persoonlikheidstipes in kinders en werp lig op verskeie aspekte wat daarmee
gepaard gaan soos: waar kinders neig om hul energie te fokus, hoe kinders inligting verkry,
op watter wyse hulle besluite neem en oordele fel, asook hoe kinders hul tot die eksterne
wêreld oriënteer. Hierdie inligting is veral waardevol aangesien dit inligting oor leer- en
kommunikasiestyle verskaf.
Die MMTIC is reeds vir meer as 'n dekade in die Verenigde State in gebruik, en in 'n poging
om hierdie meetinstrument universeel en oor kultuurgrense heen meer bruikbaar te maak, is
die samestelIers in 'n proses om 'n hersiene weergawe te ontwikkel, waarvan die Murphy-
Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children - Revised (MMTIC-R) 'n voorlopige vorm is. As deel
van die ontwikkelingsproses van die hersiene weergawe moet daar onder andere bepaal
word hoe dit vergelyk met die MMTIC in terme van die aspekte van persoonlikheid wat dit
In hierdie ondersoek word die resultate van 'n bepaalde groep leerders op beide die
meetinstrumente met mekaar vergelyk ten opsigte van persoonlikheidstipes,
persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure, temperamentstipes, funks ie- en houdingspaarvoorkeure.
Korrelasie tussen die vier afsonderlike skale vir die ondersoekgroep op die twee meetinstrumente, asook die vlakke van betroubaarheid vir albei meetinstrumente word ook
Aangesien die bruikbaarheid van die hersiene weergawe oor kultuurgrense heen 'n prioriteit
is, is 'n groep Xhosa sprekers in 'n Engelsmedium laerskool as kandidate vir die
ondersoekgroep geselekteer. Die ondersoekgroep (N=162) is verteenwoordigend van seuns
en meisies tussen die ouderdomme 10 en 13 jaar.
Die SAS-sisteem is vir die statistiese verwerking van die data in die ondersoek gebruik en
twee stelle resultate, beskrywend van die ondersoekgroep self en van die meetinstrumente
afsonderlik, is gelewer. Die resultate dui daarop dat beide meetinstrumente dieselfde
aspekte van persoonlikheid meet. Die resultate dui egter daarop dat daar 'n statistiese
verband op slegs twee van die vier skale afsonderlik is, en behoort dus verder ondersoek te
word. Alhoewel die resultate vir die beskrywende statistiek dui op 'n hoër vlak van
betroubaarheid op die MMTIC-R as op die MMTIC, voldoen albei meetinstrumente tegnies
aan die statistiese vereistes van 'n goeie meetinstrument.
Die implikasies van die bevindings is waardevol vir die opvoedings- en onderrigpraktyk, en
word bespreek.
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The present study was conducted to address the need to compare the validity of intelligence tests in predicting learning and achievement for Mexican Americans and Anglo children. In addition, the study examined the effects of variations in the language of test administration on Mexican American children with different linguistic competences (predominantly Spanish, bilingual, predominantly English). A widely used individual intelligence test, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised (WISC-R), the Spanish English Screening Instrument, a subtraction skills pretest, five subtraction learning trials and five subtraction posttests were administered to a random sample of 150 Mexican American children and 50 Anglo children. The WISC-R and subtraction pretests and posttests were used as the predictor and criterion, respectively. The Cleary definition of bias in test use provided the basis for all analyses. Regression analysis were also performed in order to examine the effects of achievement and immediate prior learning on learning scores. In addition the Tukey Honestly Significant Difference test (HSD) was used following a one way analysis of variance to determine differences in IQ among the Anglo and Mexican American children tested under varying language conditions (English, Spanish, Bilingual). The results indicated that IQ test scores are not suitable predictors of learning for the Mexican American group and suggested that IQ scores can be used as predictors of learning for Anglo children. It was also found that IQ scores have utility in predicting achievement for both, Mexican American and Anglo children. In addition, analysis of variance data obtained from this study revealed significant differences in IQ associated with language of test administration. It was found that Mexican Americans tested in both Spanish and English obtained significantly higher scores than Mexican American children tested in English or Spanish alone. Findings from this study suggested that regardless of linguistic competence Mexican American children appear to benefit from bilingual approach to test administration. In short findings from this study revealed that the predictive validity of the WISC-R for Mexican American children is seriously impaired when a learning criterion is used. Implications of these findings were discussed and suggestions were made for the development of an assessment model based on learning as the criterion.
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Cognitive performance pattern underlying WJ-R test performance of Hispanic children.Hinton, Carla Ellen. January 1994 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Woodcock-Johnson-Revised Cognitive test is biased when used with a Hispanic population of school-age children. Norming data, provided by R. Woodcock, Ph.D., for grades three, five, eight, and eleven were used for the study. Three hypotheses were explored. The first hypothesis called for a comparison by gender. The second hypothesis called for a comparison of non-Hispanics and Hispanics. The third hypothesis called for comparisons between all combinations of grade levels using only the non-Hispanic subgroup. Using the results of confirmatory factor analysis from LISREL VIII (1993), the chi-square difference test, and three goodness-of-fit indexes provided evidence of similarity in factor patterns between target groups. Hypothesis 1 stated that there were no differences between male and female factor patterns. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported the acceptance of hypothesis 1. Hypothesis 2 stated that there were no differences between non-Hispanic and Hispanic students. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported a qualified acceptance of hypothesis 2. The relationships between the latent variables are significantly different. Age, therefore, may have been a confounding variable in this study. Hypothesis 3 stated that there were no differences in patterns between grades. Only one of the six grade comparisons, 3-5, found model 1 to be the preferred model. All other comparisons found model 3 to be the preferred model. The residual or error terms were variable in matrix patterns, indicating that a factor other than age may be influencing the relationships. A fourth analysis was utilized and determined model 1 to be the preferred model. The results of the analysis indicate that differential patterns of processing, rather than age, may be the variable influencing the relationship of latent variables.
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Naturvetenskap i förskolans läroplan : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar om naturvetenskap i den reviderade läroplanen för förskolan. / Science in the curriculum for preschool : A study about preschool teachers perception on science in the revised curriculum for preschoolAndersson, Maja January 2014 (has links)
Förskolans läroplan reviderades 2010. I uppdateringen och utvecklingen av läroplanen är det bland annat naturvetenskapen som fått nya och kompletterade strävansmål. Det har kommit fram att intresse och kunskaper saknas hos majoriteten av eleverna senare i skolgången och allt färre söker till naturvetenskapliga program efter grundskolan. Förskolans personal har ett ansvar för att få in detta i arbetet och ledningen ett ansvar för att personalen har den kunskap och det stöd de behöver för att det ska vara möjligt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur revideringen av läroplanen påverkat arbetet med naturvetenskap i förskolan. Vidare undersöks vilket stöd de haft i arbetet med Läroplanen samt om de själva upplever sig besitta en tillräcklig ämneskunskap för att följa dessa strävansmål till fullo. För att besvara studiens syfte och dess frågeställningar är en kvalitativ metod i form intervjuer använd. Nio intervjuer har utförts varav sex med förskollärare och tre med förskolechefer. Resultatet visar att personalen inte fullt ut har vetskap om läroplanens mål eller vad naturvetenskap är och kan vara i förskolan. Vidare framkommer att personalen fått varierande stöd i implementeringen av den reviderade Läroplanen vilket kan ha påverkat deras intresse för och kunskap om samt deras arbete med naturvetenskap och dess tillkomna strävansmål. För att utveckla arbetet med naturvetenskap i förskolan och ge det samma utrymme som övriga delar i läroplanen behövs vidareutbildning och mer stöd från ledningen. / The Swedish curriculum for preschool were revised in 2010. In the updated and developed version of the curriculum science has been given greater emphasis with new and improved course objectives. One reason for the revision was the decline in interest for science later in life and the drop in number of students who pursue a higher education in science. The preschool teachers now have the responsibility to include the subject in the daily routine. Thus, the management must see to that the teaching staff possesses the skillset necessary to complete the task at hand. The purpose of this study is to investigate which impact the revised curriculum has had regarding science in preschool. Further, the aim is to investigate what kind of support the teachers have had with the curriculum and if they, themselves, consider their skillset to be adequate to fulfill the course objectives. To answer the questions posed, a qualitative interview method was used. Nine interviews were conducted out of which six with preschool teachers and three with preschool managers. The results indicate that the teaching staff does not fully comprehend the curriculum or how to use it in regard to science and the use of science in the preschools. The study has also shown that the lack of support during the implementation of the revised curriculum may potentially have had a negative effect on the will and skillset of the teaching staff thus hampering the work with the course objectives. To be able to give science an equal part in the curriculum as other subjects and to expand the work with science in the preschools further education of the teaching staff is needed, as well as more support from the management.
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Physical and Psychological Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster on Japanese Residents in the United States and Japan: A Comparative StudyHarada, Nahoko January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Ann W. Burgess / Background: On March 11, 2011, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake hit the islands of Japan. Subsequent tsunami waves occurred as high as 40 meters above sea level and severely destroyed the nuclear plant in Fukushima. While it is known that both natural and manmade disasters impose physical and psychological distress on affected people, the impact on people's health of indirect exposure to a traumatic event has remained to be determined. This study investigates somatic and psychological stress reactions among residents in the United States and Japan to the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster from comparative perspectives. Study design: A secondary analysis of data obtained from the mother study which examined media use and health impact among those living in the United States and Japan at the time of the disaster. Results: Two groups of participants, Japanese Americans (n=297) and Japanese (n=1142), were analyzed. Japanese Americans reported higher psychological and somatic symptoms than their counterpart in Japan. Among Japanese Americans, income, the severity of somatic symptoms, and help seeking behavior predicted 38.2% of the variance in psychological symptoms. Among Japanese, age, income, help seeking behavior, and severity of somatic symptoms predicted 31.9% of the variance in psychological symptoms related to the 311 disaster. Conclusions: It is evident that indirect exposure to a traumatic event occurring in a distant place has significant adverse effects on people's physical and mental health. Therefore, clinical nurses and health care providers, especially in primary care settings, need to acknowledge the importance of screening for psychological distress among ethnic groups when a natural or man-made disaster occurs in their country of origin. Nurses can promote mental health by responding to stress related responses associated with disasters for those both directly and indirectly impacted. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.
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Det som inte prövas är lika viktigt : En kartläggning av samstämmighet mellan Lgr 11 och de nationella proven i historia och religion för årskurs 6 / That which isn’t tested is equally important : A survey of alignment between Lgr 11 and the national tests in history and religion for grade sixBorgelind, Andreas, Mekhelif, Bassel January 2016 (has links)
In the spring term of 2013, national tests were conducted in social sciences for the first time in the Swedish sixth grade. The tests fell under criticism from various outlets associated with education which eventually resulted in the removal of these new national tests. However, as of 2016 it has been decided that the same institutions responsible for the national tests are to develop voluntary assessment support material in these subjects, which will be available nationwide in 2017, essentially replacing the tests. The idea for this essay was born out of a need to investigate to what extent the different types of knowledge and abilities of Lgr 11, the Swedish curriculum, correspond to the new national tests, since such research has yet to be done for the sixth grade version of the tests. Out of constraints related to time and size, we chose to limit ourselves to two of the four subjects in social sciences, namely history and religion. Using text analysis as method and Bloom’s revised taxonomy as an analysis model to study the alignment between the national tests and the curriculum, we’ve endeavoured to answer the following questions: To what extent are the different types of knowledge and abilities tested in the national tests in history and religion for grade six? How well do the national tests in history and religion for grade six and the knowledge requirements of Lgr 11 correspond in regard to which types of knowledge and abilities are tested and the extent of these? The results showed that the national tests and the knowledge requirements of the Swedish curriculum by and large share a high level of alignment. However, the amount of test questions corresponding to each knowledge requirement varies greatly, creating a possible gap for teachers to fill should they use the forthcoming assessment support material in their work.
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An Analysis of Item Bias in the WISC-R with Kainaiwa Native Canadian ChildrenPace, Deborah Faith 01 May 1995 (has links)
The present study examined the responses of 332 Kainai students ranging in age from 6 to 16 years to the Information, Arithmetic, and Picture Completion subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) in order to determine the validity of these subtests as a measure of their intelligence. Two indices of validity were assessed: (a) subtest unidimensionality, and (b) order of item difficulty. With regard to the assumption of unidimensionality, examination of the data indicated low item-factor loadings on the Information, Arithmetic, and Picture Completion subtests. Examination of difficulty parameters revealed a nonlinear item difficulty order on all three subtests.
These results support the conclusion of previous research that the WISC-R does not adequately assess the intelligence of Native children. Possible bases for the invalidity of the WISC-R for this population are discussed and recommendations for future research are presented.
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Validating Bloom's Revised Taxonomy as a Rubric for Assessing Middle School Students' Levels of ThinkingDeForest Reynolds, Siri Torrence 01 January 2019 (has links)
Educators in a rural charter middle school in the United States were challenged with the reliable assessment of student thinking skills even though the development of higher order thinking was an espoused goal for the school. The purpose of this study was to validate a new rubric based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (BRT) to reliably assess student levels of thinking as reflected in the students’ written work. A quantitative, nonexperimental design was used. The focus of the research questions was on the BRT rubric’s reliability and validity. Interrater reliability was assessed using Krippendorff’s alpha. Validity was explored by assessing the relationship between the BRT scores collected in this study to the original teacher scores of students’ archived writing samples. Reliable, unrelated scores would have suggested that the two processes were scoring different constructs. The convenience sample of 8 volunteer teachers scored papers using the new BRT rubric. Each teacher scored 52 writing samples, 2 each from 26 students in the 7th grade. The Spearman correlation coefficient between the BRT and original teachers’ scores was not statistically significant. The teachers’ original scores could not validate the BRT as a measuring tool. Also BRT measure failed to demonstrate evidence of reliability (Krippendorf’s α = .05). A position paper was created to present the results of this study and to explore possibilities for improving the assessment of thinking. Positive social change may be encouraged by the use of a reliable and valid scoring process to quantify levels of thinking. A reliable scoring process for levels of thinking could lead to more balanced curricula, instruction, and assessment ultimately providing a base for customized student learning experiences.
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The Relationship Between the Outcome Questionnaire and The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale in Marital AssessmentPoll, Adam Malan 01 May 2006 (has links)
This correlational study attempted to determine if the Outcome Questionnaire can be used to collect the same information as the Revised Dyadic Adjustment scale in marital assessment. Both measures are common pretreatment assessments and have relational components. The study used secondary data from the Utah State University Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic. Reliability and correlational tests were performed and the results indicate that the assessments measure different constructs. There also were no statistically significant correlations when comparing the measures by gender, marital distress, and marital satisfaction. Implications are discussed including the formulation of new clinical cut-off scores and the importance of using both measures to perform better assessments.
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Band structure computations for dispersive photonic crystalsAlmén, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Photonic crystals are periodic structures that offers the possibility to control the propagation of light.</p><p>The revised plane wave method has been implemented in order to compute band structures for photonic crystals. The main advantage of the revised plane wave method is that it can handle lossless dispersive materials. This can not be done with a conventional plane wave method. The computational challenge is comparable to the conventional plane wave method.</p><p>Band structures have been calculated for a square lattice of cylinders with different parameters. Both dispersive and non-dispersive materials have been studied as well as the influence of a surface roughness.</p><p>A small surface roughness does not affect the band structure, whereas larger inhomogeneities affect the higher bands by lowering their frequencies.</p>
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