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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA CAROLINA CANEGAL DE ALMEIDA 21 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese estuda o papel que vem sendo desempenhado pela escola pública nos processos de socialização das novas gerações de brasileiros. Sua hipótese principal é a de que a atual centralidade da escola na vida brasileira estaria produzindo efeitos importantes na redefinição de seu papel institucional. Nesse sentido, a tese toma como pano de fundo teórico a discussão sobre a socialização e a institucionalização, e sobre como essas dimensões, tão caras ao debate clássico da sociologia, têm sido tratadas pela literatura contemporânea. A investigação acerca do novo lugar da escola pública na vida brasileira levou, como um dos desdobramentos da hipótese principal da tese, ao estudo da relação entre esta instituição, as famílias dos estudantes e a vizinhança, sabendo que esta relação está necessariamente permeada pela linguagem dos direitos da infância e da adolescência, em decorrência da promulgação da Carta Constitucional de 1988 e do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), em 1990. Desse modo, tal percurso direcionou, ainda, à investigação do Conselho Tutelar, agência criada pelo ECA e encarregada da defesa e garantia dos direitos da infância e da adolescência no âmbito dos bairros e regiões das cidades. Buscando explorar estas relações, a pesquisa empírica da tese reuniu diferentes abordagens, quantitativas e qualitativas. Foi elaborada com dados extraídos do projeto de pesquisa coletivo Gestão escolar e territórios populares, centrado no estudo de escolas municipais do bairro Gávea e da favela da Rocinha, além de Conselhos Tutelares atuantes naquela região. O vazio institucional entre a escola, o estudante, a família e o Conselho Tutelar foi um dos principais achados da pesquisa. Este problema tem contribuído para a construção de trajetórias escolares e de vida dramaticamente desconectadas do programa de socialização estabelecido pela Constituição e pelo ECA. / [en] This thesis analyses the role that has been played by the public school in the processes of socialization of the new generations of Brazilians. The main hypothesis is that the current centrality of the school in Brazilian social life is producing important effects on the redefinition of its institutional role. In this sense, the thesis uses the discussion about socialization and institutionalization as theoretical background, and analyses how these dimensions, so cherished by the classic sociological debate, have been treated by contemporary literature. The investigation into the new role of the public school in Brazilian life led to the study, as a development of the main hypothesis, of the relationship between this institution, the families of the students and the neighborhood, acknowledging that this relationship is necessarily permeated by rights of infancy and adolescence established by the Constitution of 1988 and by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA) in 1990. This path of inquiry has also led to the investigation of the Tutelary Council, agency created by the Statute and that is responsible for defending and guaranteeing the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the neighborhoods and regions of cities. Seeking to explore these relationships, the empirical research of this thesis included different methodological approaches, both quantitative and qualitative. It was developed with data extracted from the collective research project School management and vulnerable territories, centered on the study of municipal schools in the Gavea neighborhood and the Rocinha slum, alongside the Tutelary Councils that are active in this region of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The institutional vacuum between the school, the student, the family and the Tutelary Council was one of the main findings of the investigation. This issue has contributed to the development of school and personal trajectories that are dramatically disconnected from the socialization program established by the Constitution and by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA).

Kinders as slagoffers van seksuele misdade

Bukau, Susan Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the legal position with regard to children as victims of sexual crimes is examined in South Africa, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Sexual crimes with children are a serious and widespread international problem. The purpose of this study is to identify deficiencies / gaps in the South African law. Children are not only the victims of the sexual crimes, but they are exposed to further trauma whilst giving evidence. Their best interests are also often not taken into proper consideration during the sentencing phase. In is in the interest of justice that children=s interests must be taken into account the whole time. In terms of international conventions and charters State parties are required to protect children against all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse and exploitation. Children may not be exposed to any sexual crimes, because these activities violate their right to bodily (and psychological) integrity, human dignity and privacy. In order to acknowledge the importance of children=s best interest, priority must be given to all cases in which children are the victims and their unique characteristics, age and development must be taken into consideration. This will ensure that they are not further victimized during the trial. Deficiencies in the Criminal Law are addressed by proposing new definitions, for instance for rape and incest. Shortcomings in the Procedural Law are identified and recommendations are made especially with regard to the alternative measures by which children can testify. Guidelines are also suggested for admissible cross-examination. New sentencing options are recommended and possible aggravating circumstances which ought to play a role during the consideration of a suitable and just sentence for sexual crimes with children are suggested. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D.

A forensic criminological perspective on the adjudication of children in South Africa

Badenhorst, Charmain 30 June 2003 (has links)
In this project the various International Instruments, namely the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, 1989, the Beijing Rules and the African Charter, relating to the protection of the rights of children were discussed focusing on the rights of children in conflict with the law. The important guidelines regarding the establishment of a minimum age for criminal capacity, detention, legal representation, diversion, sentencing, pre-sentence reports, child justice Courts and the confidentiality of children’s Court hearings were highlighted. The current positions in South African law with regard to these issues were discussed and the proposed provisions in the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002 were furnished. The research included all the magistrates in Gauteng that were in service during February 2003 and March 2003. Throughout the project the important role that forensic criminologists can and should play in a juvenile justice system was highlighted. / Criminology / M.A.


RAFAELLE MONTEIRO DE CASTRO 21 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese estuda a construção do lugar da criança e do adolescente enquanto sujeitos de direitos a partir do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). Como objetivo inicial, estabelece uma leitura dos direitos da criança enquanto um processo complexo de mudanças e práticas na construção de uma nova cultura. O ECA estabeleceu dispositivos institucionais como leis, programas e órgãos que configuraram um circuito institucional gerando novas práticas no cotidiano. Mas, ao mesmo tempo em que funciona como uma transformação jurídico-institucional avançada, o ECA dispara uma ação intempestiva e abrupta no cotidiano da sociedade brasileira. Atores foram colocados em diálogo para a validação desse direito, nesse sentido, uma nova perspectiva de direitos trouxe consigo a valorização do ator e sua capacidade de ação em rede dentro de uma nova lógica de gestão pública. Os efeitos reais das inovações do ECA podem ser observados à luz da presença da criança no espaço público, geralmente, lugares em que são invisíveis, e onde o seu direito à cidade tende a desaparecer. Através de pesquisa empírica o estudo evidenciará trajetórias de crianças e adolescentes da Favela da Rocinha, no Rio de Janeiro, com passagem pelo Conselho tutelar, por meio de tramas e relatos dos casos. Este estudo inclui também, de forma complementar, uma análise da relação deste Conselho com algumas agências que compõem a Rede de proteção de crianças e adolescentes - Ministério Público, Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) e Escola - de forma a entender como cada uma dessas agências, em seu modo de funcionamento, revela a fragilidade a que estão expostas crianças e adolescentes de origem popular. / [en] This thesis studies the construction of the place of the child and the adolescent as subjects of rights from the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent. As an initial goal, it establishes a reading of children s rights as a complex process of changes and practices in the construction of a new culture. The ECA established institutional arrangements such as laws, programs and bodies that set up an institutional circuit generating new practices in everyday life. But, at the same time that it functions as an advanced juridical-institutional transformation, the ECA triggers an abrupt and untimely action in the daily life of Brazilian society. Actors were put in dialogue for the validation of this right, in this sense, a new perspective of rights brought with it the actor s valorization and his ability to act in a network within a new logic of public management. The real effects of ECA innovations can be seen in the light of the child s presence in the public space, usually where they are invisible, and where their right to the city tends to disappear. Through empirical research, the study will show trajectories of children and adolescents from the Favela de Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro, with passage through the Guardianship Council, through plots and case reports. This study also includes, in a complementary way, an analysis of the relationship of this Council with some agencies that make up the Network for the Protection of Children and Adolescents - Public Prosecutor s Office, Social Assistance Reference Center and School - in order to understand how each one of these agencies, in its way of functioning, reveals the fragility to which children and adolescents of popular origin are exposed.

A forensic criminological perspective on the adjudication of children in South Africa

Badenhorst, Charmain 30 June 2003 (has links)
In this project the various International Instruments, namely the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, 1989, the Beijing Rules and the African Charter, relating to the protection of the rights of children were discussed focusing on the rights of children in conflict with the law. The important guidelines regarding the establishment of a minimum age for criminal capacity, detention, legal representation, diversion, sentencing, pre-sentence reports, child justice Courts and the confidentiality of children’s Court hearings were highlighted. The current positions in South African law with regard to these issues were discussed and the proposed provisions in the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002 were furnished. The research included all the magistrates in Gauteng that were in service during February 2003 and March 2003. Throughout the project the important role that forensic criminologists can and should play in a juvenile justice system was highlighted. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A.

Kinders as slagoffers van seksuele misdade

Bukau, Susan Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the legal position with regard to children as victims of sexual crimes is examined in South Africa, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Sexual crimes with children are a serious and widespread international problem. The purpose of this study is to identify deficiencies / gaps in the South African law. Children are not only the victims of the sexual crimes, but they are exposed to further trauma whilst giving evidence. Their best interests are also often not taken into proper consideration during the sentencing phase. In is in the interest of justice that children=s interests must be taken into account the whole time. In terms of international conventions and charters State parties are required to protect children against all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse and exploitation. Children may not be exposed to any sexual crimes, because these activities violate their right to bodily (and psychological) integrity, human dignity and privacy. In order to acknowledge the importance of children=s best interest, priority must be given to all cases in which children are the victims and their unique characteristics, age and development must be taken into consideration. This will ensure that they are not further victimized during the trial. Deficiencies in the Criminal Law are addressed by proposing new definitions, for instance for rape and incest. Shortcomings in the Procedural Law are identified and recommendations are made especially with regard to the alternative measures by which children can testify. Guidelines are also suggested for admissible cross-examination. New sentencing options are recommended and possible aggravating circumstances which ought to play a role during the consideration of a suitable and just sentence for sexual crimes with children are suggested. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.D.

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