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Human-Inspired Robot Task Teaching and LearningWu, Xianghai 28 October 2009 (has links)
Current methods of robot task teaching and learning have several limitations: highly-trained personnel are usually required to teach robots specific tasks; service-robot systems are limited in learning different types of tasks utilizing the same system; and the teacher’s expertise in the task is not well exploited. A human-inspired robot-task teaching and learning method is developed in this research with the aim of allowing general users to teach different object-manipulation tasks to a service robot, which will be able to adapt its learned tasks to new task setups.
The proposed method was developed to be interactive and intuitive to the user. In a closed loop with the robot, the user can intuitively teach the tasks, track the learning states of the robot, direct the robot attention to perceive task-related key state changes, and give timely feedback when the robot is practicing the task, while the robot can reveal its learning progress and refine its knowledge based on the user’s feedback.
The human-inspired method consists of six teaching and learning stages: 1) checking and teaching the needed background knowledge of the robot; 2) introduction of the overall task to be taught to the robot: the hierarchical task structure, and the involved objects and robot hand actions; 3) teaching the task step by step, and directing the robot to perceive important state changes; 4) demonstration of the task in whole, and offering vocal subtask-segmentation cues in subtask transitions; 5) robot learning of the taught task using a flexible vote-based algorithm to segment the demonstrated task trajectories, a probabilistic optimization process to assign obtained task trajectory episodes (segments) to the introduced subtasks, and generalization of the taught task trajectories in different reference frames; and 6) robot practicing of the learned task and refinement of its task knowledge according to the teacher’s timely feedback, where the adaptation of the learned task to new task setups is achieved by blending the task trajectories generated from pertinent frames.
An agent-based architecture was designed and developed to implement this robot-task teaching and learning method. This system has an interactive human-robot teaching interface subsystem, which is composed of: a) a three-camera stereo vision system to track user hand motion; b) a stereo-camera vision system mounted on the robot end-effector to allow the robot to explore its workspace and identify objects of interest; and c) a speech recognition and text-to-speech system, utilized for the main human-robot interaction.
A user study involving ten human subjects was performed using two tasks to evaluate the system based on time spent by the subjects on each teaching stage, efficiency measures of the robot’s understanding of users’ vocal requests, responses, and feedback, and their subjective evaluations. Another set of experiments was done to analyze the ability of the robot to adapt its previously learned tasks to new task setups using measures such as object, target and robot starting-point poses; alignments of objects on targets; and actual robot grasp and release poses relative to the related objects and targets. The results indicate that the system enabled the subjects to naturally and effectively teach the tasks to the robot and give timely feedback on the robot’s practice performance. The robot was able to learn the tasks as expected and adapt its learned tasks to new task setups. The robot properly refined its task knowledge based on the teacher’s feedback and successfully applied the refined task knowledge in subsequent task practices. The robot was able to adapt its learned tasks to new task setups that were considerably different from those in the demonstration. The alignments of objects on the target were quite close to those taught, and the executed grasping and releasing poses of the robot relative to objects and targets were almost identical to the taught poses. The robot-task learning ability was affected by limitations of the vision-based human-robot teleoperation interface used in hand-to-hand teaching and the robot’s capacity to sense its workspace. Future work will investigate robot learning of a variety of different tasks and the use of more robot in-built primitive skills. Read more
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Design, Fabrication and Control of a Magnetic Capsule Robot for the Human EsophagusHosseini, Saman 18 February 2010 (has links)
Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to improve healthcare diagnosis and treatment. As the result of improvements in robotics and micro technology science in the 20th century, micro electromechanical system technology has joined with medical applications which results in micro robotic medical applications.
Drug delivery is one of the most important and controversial topics which scientists and engineers have tried to improve in medical applications. For diseases like cancer, localized drug delivery is a highlight target involving bombarding a small area of a human’s body and this technology has not been completely achieved yet.
The ultimate objective of this thesis is the development of wireless capsule robot controlled by a magnetic drive unit. A magnetic drive unit is a system that consists of electromagnets, which produce the magnetic field from outside of the patient’s body. The capsule robot, which is the slave robot in the system, moves inside a human’s gastrointestinal tract. This project is focused mainly on a human esophagus and all the experiments are done in a prototype of the human’s esophagus.
Drug delivery for diseases like cancer is the objective of the capsule robot. The proposed design consists of a slave permanent magnet for the motion of capsule robot in a tube, a reservoir of drug, and a micro mechanical mechanism for drug release. The capsule robot is fabricated and developed in a 12mm length and 5mm diameter with the weight of 1.78 grams without the built-in permanent magnet.
The drug delivery system is a semi-magnetized system, which can be controlled by an external magnetic field. It consists of a mechanical plunger and spring, which can be open and close through an external magnetic field manipulation. The amount of drug for a desired location can be controlled by manipulating the external magnetic field.
To achieve this target, analytical modeling is conducted. A numerical simulation and an experimental setup demonstrate that a capsule robot in a human esophagus in a simple and multi channel system. Horizontal control is set for the capsule robot, using a custom-designed controller and a colored liquid is released with the external magnetic field.
The present study with its fabricated prototype is a research is this area to prove the concept of wireless control of a robot inside a human body and the potential for a drug delivery system. It is expected that the results achieved in this project will help realize and promote capsule robot for medical treatments. Read more
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ACTIVE SENSING FOR INTELLIGENT ROBOT VISION WITH RANGE IMAGING SENSORFukuda, Toshio, Kubota, Naoyuki, Sun, Baiqing, Chen, Fei, Fukukawa, Tomoya, Sasaki, Hironobu January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Offline Programming of Robots in Car Seat ProductionAl Hayani, Musab January 2013 (has links)
Company Purtech in Dals-Ed manufactures molded polyurethane (PUR). Examples of products that include polyurethane are car seats. Robots are used to fill the molds with PUR and to apply the release agent (wax) in the empty molds. Turning from online programming into a graphical offline programming of release agent spraying robots is going to simplify the process by: Applying less of release agent to avoid polluting environment, to produce an easier removal of moulds, for the sake of homogeneous moulds and for economical saving in the cost of release agent Adaption of spraying paths to variation in production speed. Programming of complex spraying trajectories to deal with sharp geometrical subsurface Decreasing onsite programming time (when program a new workpiece or modify an old one); so that robots would be free for production. While turning into offline programming brought the challenges of: Impact of variation in the production speed Lack of 3D models of workcell’s equipments Robot joint configuration when paths and robtargets are in move. Physical Joint limits, Singularities & Reach limits Collisions within the cell space. At the end, the following objectives are successfully met: Adaption of spraying programs to variation in production speed by developing and embedding a method in those programs. Graphical offline generation of spraying trajectories and optimization of those trajectories to the Purtech condition of spraying allowed time for each carrier. Simulation of release agent spraying process; and producing of a well structured RAPID program that reflect the simulated process. Read more
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Jämförelse av Dimensioneringsprogram : En jämförelse mellan Robot Millennium och StruSoft FEM- DesignPettersson, Henrik, Lindström, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt är att göra en marknadsundersökning av dimensioneringsprogram för byggnadskonstruktörer och att ge en rekommendation till Byggteknik AB för val av programvara. Metoden är att först genomföra en marknadsundersökning, sedan utvärdera lämpliga program och sist ge en rekommendation. Utvärderingen och rekommendationen ska grundas på användarvändlighet, pris, support, uppdateringar, långsiktig ägare, landsstandarder och utbildningsbehov. Resultatet från användandet gav stora differenser, med över 50% större maximalt moment i StruSoft FEM- Design och över dubbelt så stor nedböjning i Robot Millennium. Jämförelsen mellan programmen visar att Robot Millennium har en bättre användarvänlighet och lägre pris. Dock har StruSoft FEM- Design svensk support, automatiska uppdateringar och hanterar svensk landsstandard. Båda programmen är likvärdiga gällande långsiktig ägare och utbildningsbehov. Programmen är således relativt likvärdiga men rekommendationen till Byggteknik AB blir StruSoft FEM- Design, främst för att Robot Millennium inte hanterar svensk landsstandard och inte tillhandahåller en ordentlig svensk support. Det är dock viktigt att framhålla att de två personer som genomfört detta projekt har mycket liten erfarenhet från dimensioneringsprogram varför risken för felaktigt handhavande finns. / The purpose of this project is to do a market research of analysis software for building design and to recommend a specific software for Byggteknik AB. The methodology of this project is to first implement a market research, then evaluate suitable software and finally give a recommendation. The evaluation and the recommendation will be based on application handiness, price, customer support, software updates, sustainable ownership, country code and education requirements. The results showed a great difference with over 50% larger maximum moments in StruSoft FEM-Design and more then twice the deflection in Robot Millennium. The comparison between the two software applications shows that Robot Millennium has a more developed application handiness and a lower price then FEM-Design. FEM-Design on the other hand has a Swedish costumer support, automatic updates and handles the Swedish country code BKR. Both software applications are equal concerning sustainable ownership and education requirements. Even though the two software applications are quit similar to each other this recommendation for Byggteknik AB will be StruSoft FEM-Design. Mostly because Robot Millennium doesn’t handle Swedish country code and has no proper Swedish customer support. It is important however, to accentuate the lack of experience in analysis software among the two people who carried out this project, hence the accuracy of the results may be questionable. Read more
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Formgivning och konstruktion av ett äthjälpmedelTörmänen, Kim January 2009 (has links)
Att kunna äta själv, utan hjälp från omgivningen är en egenskap många ser som självklar. Tyvärr är det inte så för alla, och de som har problem med att kunna äta själva har hittills behövt förlita sig på att en vänlig människa i närheten har möjlighet kunna mata honom eller henne. Det finns få alternativ till att bli matad av en människa och detta examensarbete bestod i att formge och konstruera samt att bygga en "demonstrator" som kan användas för att äta med på egen hand. Den blivande produkten kallas för Bestic och skall då alltså vara en ett äthjälpmedel som med en sked eller en tång kan plocka upp mat från en tallrik och lyfta upp det till munnen på användaren. Krav som ställdes var att den färdiga produkten skulle vara enkel att tillverka, montera och gärna billig inom vissa ramar, och dessutom vara attraktiv för målgruppen. I denna rapport kommer du att kunna läsa om hur idéprocessen, konceptutvärderingarna, skissarbetet, materialvalen, konstruktionerna, cad-arbetet och modellbyggandet gick till. Resultatet av detta arbete blev en CAD-modell över samtliga delar som måste tillverkas, och samtidigt en lista över komponenter som behövs för att montera ihop en färdig produkt. Utöver CAD-filerna tillverkades det också en "demonstrator", en till så stor utsträckning som möjligt fungerande prototyp och samtidigt utställningsmodell. Demonstratorn visade att det fanns brister i konstruktionen ifrån CAD-filerna och en analys gav en lista på problem som måste lösas innan en serietillverkning kunde påbörjas. Read more
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Förstudie för automatisering av manuell lödningSchentz, Kristian January 2010 (has links)
This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product. The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution. This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable.
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Robotized assembly simulation of a couplingKlevendal, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this master´s thesis is to simulate a robotized assembly of a small model of VBG Group couplings. By the software; Process simulate has the simulation model built up and the simulation been done. The simulation model is built up of the coupling parts and resources; conveyor, fixtures, compress machine, grippers, nut and screw sorter. All parts and resources, except the compress machine, the fixture and cage for the shaft, have been designed under the whole project. A study on how assembly simulation works in the software has also been done.
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The automatic manufacturing processes : the technique of controlling a mobile robotOlsson, Christian January 2010 (has links)
In today's industry it is of mayor concern to keep the manufacturing processes as effective and flexible as possible. The usage of robots and automatic technology is a much known way to achieve the goals of rationalization. The disadvantage lays in the fact that implementation of robots is usually a very resource consuming task. However, in some circumstances a solution to this matter may be to simply implement mobile robots instead of fixed robots. The task of this project is to successfully control and understand the system of a mobile robot in a automatic manufacturing process.
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En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning / A study of the behaviour of an Industrial Robot during drillingSvernestam, Jonas January 2005 (has links)
In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated. A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping. The purpose of this project was to investigate the ability of an industrial robot to drill holes in aeroplane structures using orbital drilling. How the project tests were carried out and the results of these tests are presented in the first part of this thesis. The tests showed that slip-stick appeared when a force was applied on the working object by the robot. Because of the movement of the pressure foot the drilled hole will be in the wrong position and if the movement appears during drilling the quality of the hole is being poor. Several different tests were performed using different amounts of forces and different pressure feet trying to prevent slip-stick from appearing. Finally tests were performed with good results concerning the quality of the holes. In the second part of this thesis the proceeding tests that were carried out are presented. The purpose of these tests was to find out how the robot acts when a static pressure is applied on a work object by the robot and try to find out what the cause of the slip-stick was. Several tests were done where the robot applied a force on several different points on the fixture and the slip-stick was measured. The tests that were carried out during this thesis showed that an industrial robot can be used to drill holes in aeroplane structures. To make sure that the quality of the drilled holes is sufficient for the high demands of the aeroplane industry the working area of the robot is limited to a small area in front of the robot. The slip-stick that appears when the robot is extended into a position on the far side of the robot is too large for the robot to drill the hole in an accurate position. / Vid flygplansmontering borras det många olika hål och på vissa delar borras större delen av dessa hål manuellt med pneumatiska handborrmaskiner. Vid konventionell borrning i metall bildas oönskade grader. Strukturen plockas därför isär så att graderna kan tas bort innan strukturens delar kan passas samman igen för att sammanfogas. Detta är en tidskrävande åtgärd och därmed dyr och i ett steg att förenkla denna process och få en billigare produktion vill man automatisera vissa steg i denna process. En del av detta examensarbete var ett projekt i samarbete med Saab, Novator, Specma Automation och Linköpings Universitet vars syfte var att klargöra en robots förmåga att borra hål i flygplansmaterial med orbitalborrningsteknik. I första delen av detta examensarbete redovisas genomförande och resultat av projektets tester. Testerna visade att tryckfoten gled på testmaterialets yta när roboten lade en tryckkraft på testplåten, så kallad slip-stick uppkom. Denna glidning gör att det borrade hålet inte hamnar på rätt position och sker glidningen under borroperationen så försämras hålets kvalité. Flera olika tester gjordes med varierad tryckkraft och med olika tryckfötter för att försöka förhindra att slip-stick uppkom. Tester genomfördes där hål borrades med bra kvalité. I den andra delen av denna rapport redovisas fortsättningen på examensarbetet som var en vidareundersökning av de tidigare genomförda testerna. Syftet med denna del var att undersöka hur en industrirobot beter sig när den används för att lägga på en tryckkraft mot ett material samt att försöka ta reda på vad som är orsaken till slip-sticken. Fler tester gjordes där roboten tryckte på olika punkter på en fixtur och de uppkomna slip-sticken mättes upp. Testerna under detta examensarbete har visat att det går att använda en industrirobot till att borra hål i flyglansmaterial. För att kvaliteten på de borrade hålen ska klara de höga krav som ställs inom flygplansindustrin är robotens arbetsområde begränsat till ett litet fönster mitt framför roboten. De glidningar som uppkommer när robotarmen är utsträckt långt åt sidan om roboten är alldeles för stora för de positioneringskrav som är på hålens placering på flygplansstrukturen. Read more
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