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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drawing Functional Micropatterns on Flexible Polymer Substrates via VUV-lithography / VUVリソグラフィによる可撓性高分子基板上への機能性微細パターンの構築

Wu, Cheng-Tse 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22776号 / 工博第4775号 / 新制||工||1747(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉村 博之, 教授 邑瀬 邦明, 教授 宇田 哲也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Modelování prostorové akustiky / Room acoustic modeling

Bernát, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with geometric modeling methods and theirs implementation in Octave (Matlab), which is ideal for the practical realization. The first part of the thesis is focused on a very simplified image source method, which is able to calculate and render the 2D impulse response of rectangular rooms. The next part is aimed on~the same method, but extended by three-dimensional simulation of polyhedral prism-shaped rooms. There is both an explanation of theoretical and mathematical aspects and a~documentation of the implemented source code. Extended image source method is able to generate sound representation of impulse response characteristics, and use it for auralization, which is achieved by using convolution of both the input sound source and the calculated impulse response. At the end there are two practical examples for both methods with explanatory illustrations.

Akustika hudebního klubu / Akustic of the musical club

Dostál, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the problems of interior acoustics. Within the scope of the thesis measurements were taken, followed by 3D modeling and subsequent design modifications of Olomouc acoustic music club Metro. The calculations used a specialized software (Odeon Room Acoustics Program). The result of the work is a proposal of suitable reconstruction and acoustic treatment, which will be achieved by optimalization of reverberation time, in an effort to improve the physical properties of the object.

Vzduchotechnika pro technologické čisté prostory / Air conditioning in Cleanrooms for Technology

Adamec, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to propose and evaluate two variants of HVAC systems for clean rooms. The proposed system is pressurized. As part of the experimental section in which the data obtained are evaluated - humidity and air temperature.

Sportovní centrum / Sports center

Špalek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The theme of diploma thesis is the newly built sports center in Uherský Brod. The building is partially cellar with two above ground floors. The building is designed from Porotherm system and from prestressed concrete floor slab Spiroll. The roof is warm flat roof. There are 4 squash court, lasergame hall, fitness room, gym, bar and restaurant with bowling.

Kotelna spalující zemní plyn / Gas fired boiler house

Hosnedl, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with problems of determining operational and safety risks at gas boiler room in office building with total output of 4×49 kW. The gas boiler room is equipped with four boilers Geminox THRi 10-50. The aim of this master thesis is to determine the potential operational and safety risks of gas boiler room. The master thesis is divided into several parts, when the first part is describing the current situation with some theoretical knowledge and risk analysis. This part also outlines possible solutions for identification and quantification of risks to the gas boiler room. The specific risk factors are determined at other part of master thesis and there is also their analysis, which is solved by cause and effect diagram and by Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. The specific precautions are suggested for chosen risks in final part of master thesis.

Optimalizace vnitřního prostředí historické místnosti / Optimization of indoor climate in a historical room

Vaňková, Klára January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis solves an indoor climate specializing to historical buildings. The thesis is devided to three parts. First part contains The experiment in historical rooms took place at Austerlitz chaetau. Humidity and temperature was mesuared and the impact of these two parametres was evaluated according to chosen methodic. Diploma thesis sol-ves optimalization of internal microclimate of these two rooms. Two types of heating are designed in accordance with technical standards. These types are evaluated according to different criterions and the best type of heating is chosen – infraheating.

Penzion pro seniory / Pension for the elderly

Nykodým, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is the design documentation for the pension which is designed for the elderly and will be supplemented with a specialty from the air-conditioning branch. The building is situated in the western part of the town Bystřice nad Pernštejnem and it's located at 3058/3 about the total area of 8315,2m. The total footprint of the suggested building is 1161,2 m. The subject has got an irregularly-shaped floor plan. It is made of three subsequent triangels, it has got three above-ground floors with partial basement. The roof of the building is suggested as a warm flat roof with coating insulation. The structural system of a building is designed as longitudinal with shear walls. The exterior building masonry is suggested from sharpened clay blocks Heluz STI 40 with thickness 400 mm. The contact thermal insulation system ETICS with an insulant from EPS with thickness 100 mm is designed for all building. The building for the elderly is from its bigger part meant for citizens who are older than 65 years in the flats for one or two persons in 2FLR and 3FLR. The space for essential services to the residents is located on the 1st FLR. There are also a cafe and a surgery located in a smaller part of the 1st FLR, which are to be used both by the residents and the public.

Effects of Teach-Back on Children’s Treatment in Parents with Low Health Literacy

Kopulos, Marion Ines 01 January 2019 (has links)
Health literacy (HL) skills are necessary to understand the context of medical information provided to patients in all settings including the emergency room. People with low health literacy (LHL) have difficulty comprehending and implementing basic tasks such as understanding medication administration. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study guided by Orem’s self-care theory was to determine the effect of using the teach-back method for discharge instructions compared to standard written instructions based on parents’ learning style and HL skills assessed during their visit to the emergency room. The Newest Vital Sign (NVS) tool was reworded to assess the parents’ HL. A panel of experts reviewed the tool independently, judged appropriateness and accuracy of the questions, and suggested minor changes. Interrater reliability was assessed in a pilot study with 14 participants, and the strength of the agreement was classified as good (κ = 0.61–0.80) to very good (κ = 0.81–1.00). The NVS was used to determine the literacy levels of 16 participants. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test to compare the median scores in comprehension, adherence, and recall. Results revealed no statistically significant increase in comprehension adherence and recall when using the teach-back method (n = 9) compared to the standard written instructions (n = 7). The small sample size was a limitation. Modifying teaching methods for those with LHL to assure complete understanding of important health information will affect positive social change. Further research addressing low health literacy in parents who speak languages other than English is necessary to assure the results are applicable to the general population.

Intégration d'oxydes fonctionnels pour applications en photonique / Integration of functional oxides for photonic applications

Marcaud, Guillaume 05 December 2018 (has links)
Le 21ème siècle est marqué par une nouvelle ère du numérique, notamment due au développement d’objets connectés toujours plus nombreux et variés. L’incroyable croissance, du flux de données produites, échangées et stockées au niveau mondial, a permis l’émergence de nouvelles technologies comme la photonique silicium. Cette dernière est cependant limitée par les propriétés intrinsèques du silicium, comme son gap indirect et sa structure cristalline centro-symétrique.En parallèle, la famille des oxydes fonctionnels présente une incroyable diversité de propriétés, comme la ferroélectricité ou la piézoélectricité. Leur intégration en photonique est principalement limitée par l’épitaxie sur silicium. En effet, la différence de paramètre de maille entre la plupart des oxydes et le silicium engendre une grande quantité de défauts et donc une forte dégradation de leurs propriétés. L’oxyde de zirconium stabilisé à l’yttrium (YSZ), qui présente un paramètre de maille intermédiaire, assure la transition entre les réseaux cristallins. Ce travail de thèse s’articule ainsi autour de la croissance d’YSZ et la caractérisation de ses propriétés en optique intégrée.Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la croissance d’YSZ par ablation laser pulsé (PLD), ainsi que la fabrication et caractérisation de structures photoniques sur substrat de saphir. Nous avons mis en évidence le rôle du recuit du substrat avant dépôt, sur l’orientation et la qualité du film. L’optimisation du dépôt et le développement d’un procédé de fabrication, a permis la démonstration de guides d’onde à faibles pertes, d’environs 2 dB/cm, et de composants passifs plus complexes comme des structures résonantes en anneau, micro-disques et filtres de Bragg. Nous avons également caractérisé les propriétés optiques non-linéaires du troisième ordre de l’YSZ dont les résultats expérimentaux ont été confirmés par des calculs théoriques. La valeur de l’indice de réfraction non-linéaire n2, de l’YSZ, est comparable à celle du nitrure de silicium (SiN), déjà utilisé comme matériau non-linéaire.En raison de la différence de paramètre de maille et du coefficient d’expansion thermique, l’intégration d’YSZ est susceptible d’induire de larges contraintes dans le silicium, et de briser sa centro-symétrie. De récentes études, expérimentales et théoriques, ont démontré que les contraintes permettent d’exploiter des propriétés optiques non-linéaires d’ordre deux dans le silicium, normalement inexistantes dans ce matériau. Pour caractériser la distribution des contraintes, vues par un mode optique se propageant dans un guide d’onde silicium, nous avons mis en place une nouvelle technique expérimentale basée sur l’effet Raman en optique intégrée. Des signatures d’évolutions de phonons très intéressantes ont été mesurées. Cependant, les modèles théoriques n’ont pas permis de calculer des valeurs de contraintes comparables à celles prévues par les simulations et des études complémentaires sont nécessaires.Finalement l’intégration d’YSZ en photonique silicium a été étudiée selon trois approches. La première et la deuxième consistent au dépôt d’YSZ sur des guides d’onde silicium, encapsulés ou non par une couche de silice. La troisième comprend la fabrication de guides d’onde dans une couche d’YSZ, déposée sur un substrat de silicium non structuré. Nous avons mis en évidence l’absence de contrainte dans chacune des configurations, justifiée par la présence de silice à l’interface entre l’YSZ et le silicium. Les pertes de propagation dans de tels guides hybrides YSZ/Si, initialement supérieures à 250 dB/cm ont été réduites à 7,5 dB/cm par l’optimisation de la croissance et de la géométrie des guides. / 21st century stands out as a new numeric area, particularly due to the development of Internet of Things. The exceptional growth of produced, transmitted and stored data all around the world led to new emerging technologies such as silicon photonics. However, silicon has intrinsic limitations for photonic applications including indirect bandgap and centrosymmetry of its lattice.In parallel, functional oxides family exhibits an impressive panel of properties such as ferroelectricity or piezoelectricity. The epitaxial growth is the main limitation for their integration in silicon photonics. Indeed, the lattice mismatch between most of the oxides and silicon induces high defects density which strongly degrades their properties. Nevertheless, one of these oxides, Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ), can be used for the lattice transition. The objectives of the PhD work was then to study the YSZ growth mechanisms and to determine its properties in integrated optics.First, the epitaxial growth of YSZ, using Pulsed-Laser Deposition (PLD), as well as the fabrication and characterization of photonics structures have been developed on sapphire substrate. We reported the role of substrate annealing before deposition, on the orientation and quality of YSZ thin film. The optimization of the epitaxial growth, and the development of a fabrication process, allowed the demonstration of YSZ-based waveguides with propagation losses as low as 2 dB/cm. We also characterized more complex passives structures, in particular ring resonators, micro-disks and Bragg filters. Furthermore, third-order optical nonlinear properties in YSZ waveguides were experimentally determined for the first time. The n2 value, obtained experimentally, is in agreement with theoretical calculation and is in the same order of magnitude than the value reported for silicon nitride SiN, a well-known nonlinear material.Due to lattice mismatch and thermal expansion coefficient difference, the growth of YSZ is expected to induce large strain in silicon, breaking its crystal centrosymmetry. Recent experimental and theoretical studies have demonstrated the possibility to exploit second-order optical nonlinear effects in strained silicon, usually vanishing in this material. To probe the strain distribution, seen by an optical mode propagating in a silicon waveguide, we developed an innovative Raman-based experimental technique for integrated optics. Even if typical phonons behaviors have been revealed, theoretical modeling of experimental data did not lead to strain values comparable to the simulation predictions and complementary studies are required.Finally, three approaches have been tested for the integration of YSZ in silicon photonics. The first and second one include the growth of YSZ on silicon waveguides, buried or not in a silica layer. The third one involves the fabrication of waveguides in a YSZ thin film, deposited on a flat silicon substrate. No strains in the silicon have been observed, justified by the silica interfacial layer between YSZ and silicon. Propagation losses of hybrid YSZ/Si waveguides, initially more than 250 dB/cm, have been reduced to 7.5 dB/cm thanks to YSZ growth optimization and an adapted waveguides geometry.

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