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Erfarenheter av att handleda operationssjuksköterskor in i yrket : En kritisk incident teknikstudie / Experiences from preceptors mentoring operating room nurses in to their new profession : A critical incident technique studyAndersson, Henrik, Kempe, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationssjuksköterskan har ansvar för patientsäkerheten och aseptiken på operationssalen. Långa operationsköer och brist på operationssjuksköterskor gör att behovet av operationssjuksköterskor och handledare är stort. Det ställs stora krav på operationssjuksköterskan som handledare att tillgodose studenternas, operationsavdelningens och framförallt patienternas behov i den perioperativa vården. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att handleda operationssjuksköterskestudenter och nyutexaminerade operationssjuksköterskor in i det nya yrket. Metod: Kvalitativ studie där datainsamling och analys skedde via frågeformulär med grund i Critical incident technique. Deltagarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i form av huvudområdet; Tillit, tre kategorier; Skapa förutsättningar för handledning, Relationen samt Personlig utveckling med tillhörande subkategorier. Varje kategori presenteras i löpande text med ett antal belysande citat. Operationssjuksköterskan beskriver både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av handledning som innefattar tid, kommunikation, motivation och utveckling. Handledarutbildning och stöd från ledningen var några faktorer som påverkade handledningen. Slutsats: Att vara handledare är komplext, utmanande och givande. Med rätt förutsättningar blir handledning positivt för både handledare och student och bidrar till en kvalitativ och säker operationssjukvård. / Background: The operating room nurse is responsible for patient safety and aseptics in the operating room. The long wait for an operation and lack of operating room nurses creates a great need for operating room nurses and their preceptors. It’s demanding for mentors to fulfill the needs of student nurses, the operating department and foremost patient needs in perioperative care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe operating room nurses’ experiences from mentoring operating room student nurses and newly qualified operating room nurses on their path into a new profession. Method: A qualitative study in which collection of data and analysis was carried out through a questionnaire taken shape from Critical incident technique. The result is shown in the form of a main theme and three categories with attached subcategories. Each category contains analyzing text with a series of quotes. Result: Operating room nurses describing both positive and negative experiences from mentoring including time, communication, motivation and development. Conclusion: Acting as a mentor is complex, challenging and rewarding. Under the right circumstances mentoring has a positive impact on both mentor and student and contributes to safe and high quality surgical care.
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Primary Driving Force in Wood Vacuum DryingChen, Zhangjing 22 January 1998 (has links)
The objective of this research based on both the theory and experimentation was to prove that the total pressure difference is the primary driving force during the vacuum drying. The theoretical drying rates of diffusion, free water bulk flow and water vapor bulk flow were calculated and compared. The concept of equilibrium moisture content under the vacuum was developed. The theoretical maximum moisture content drop in one cycle was calculated using energy balance. The model was developed for the vacuum drying to understand the mechanism of the vacuum drying including the boiling front and its movement.
To evaluate the effect of the sample size on the drying rate, four different thicknesses (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 inches) and three different lengths (5, 10, 15 inches) were used. In the cyclic drying, the specimens were heated to the 60 C. The vacuum was pulled to about 18 mm Hg. The vacuum pump was kept running for 140 minutes. It was found that in cyclic vacuum drying, drying rate was not affected by the thickness. However, it was affected by the length. The cyclic drying curve consisted of two distinct parts. The fast drying period lasted about 10 to 20 minutes. The slow drying period occurred next when the pressure inside wood got close to the ambient pressure.
In end grain vacuum drying, the specimens were coated with wax, wrapped in the plastic film and inserted into a rubber tube to prevent the moisture loss from the side surfaces during drying. The specimen size was 1×1×10 inches. Red oak and white oak were sealed and dried in both cyclic and continuous vacuum drying. The results showed that sealed specimens dried almost as fast as unsealed specimen. There was little moisture loss from the side surfaces. There was a moisture gradient along the length in both cyclic drying and continuous vacuum drying.
Red oak specimens of 2.5×1.5×10 inches were used to study the boiling front in the vacuum drying. In order to detect the boiling phenomenon, the saturation pressures were calculated and were compared with the pressures at the same time and the same location. Boiling occurred during drying and the boiling front retreated to the center of wood as drying proceeded. The retreating speed depended on the heat supply and the permeability.
Vacuum drying at room temperature was investigated. The specimens were dried at 20 C and pressure near 18 mm Hg. The results showed that wood can be vacuum dried at room temperature with little or no degrade at a reasonable drying rate.
All experimental results support the objective of this study that the primary driving force is the total pressure difference. / Ph. D.
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Modèles hybrides pour la réverbération sonore / Hybrid models for acoustic reverberationBai, Hequn 08 February 2016 (has links)
Grâce au diverse applications prévues dans le divertissement, l’éducation et les domaines professionnels, la création d’un monde virtuel interactif a intéressé beaucoup de chercheurs dans l’académie et l’industrie. L’espace acoustique trois-dimensionnelle peut être synthétisé à partir de deux perspectives : les approches physiques et les approches perceptives. Méthode de transfert de rayonnement acoustique est une méthode efficace pour modéliser les réflexions diffuses et la réverbération tardive. Une extension de la méthode de transfert de rayonnement est proposée dans cette thèse, qui permet de modéliser les réflexions précoces et spéculaires, en conservant son avantage pour la simulation de réverbération tardive. Les approches perceptives utilisent des paramètres acoustiques pour modéliser la perception acoustique principale de l’environnement modélisé. Des réseaux récursifs de lignes à retard sont beaucoup utilisés pour générer de la réverbération tardive. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode est présentée, qui hérite l’efficacité de la structure des réseaux récursifs de lignes à retard, mais en le même temps, relie les paramètres des réseaux directement à la géométrie de l’environnement modélisé. Puis, l’approche physique et l’approche perceptive ont été combinées. La méthode de transfert de rayonnement acoustique simplifiée, avec extension à modéliser les réflexions spéculaires et diffuses, est incorporée à la structure des réseaux récursifs de lignes à retard. Le nouveau filtre réverbérant, en dépit de la modélisation des réfections diffuses et la réverbération tardive, est également capable de simuler les réflexions précoces et spéculaires avec précision. / There is an increasing interest in creating interactive virtual worlds due to the wide variety of potential applications in entertainment and education. The 3D acoustic scene can be synthesized from two perspectives : the physical approaches and the perceptual approaches. Acoustic radiance transfer method is an efficient ray-based method to model the diffuse reflections and the late reverberation. An extension of the Radiance Transfer Method (RTM) is proposed in this thesis, which allows modeling the early part of specular reflections while keeping the advantage of the original model for the late reverberation simulation. Feedback delay networks are widely used structures to generate the late reverberation. A new method is presented in this thesis, which inherits the efficiency of the Feedback Delay Network (FDN) structure, but aims at linking the parameters of the FDN directly to the geometries of the modeled environment. The relation is achieved by assigning a physical meaning to each delay line and studying the sound energy exchange between them. Then the physical approachand the perceptual approach are combined. The simplified acoustic Radiance Transfer Method, with extension for both specular and diffuse reflections, is incorporated with the Feedback Delay Networks. The new reverberator, despite of modeling the diffuse and late reverberation, is also capable of simulating the early and specular reflections with accuracy.
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Tillitsbaserad styrning i offentlig verksamhet utifrån ett medarbetarperspektivLöthman, Camilla, Olofsson, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
Ett allt mer kontrollerat arbetsliv innebär sämre förhållanden för arbetande individer. Detta skapar ett behov om att undersöka nya styrsätt vilka istället bör fokusera på tillit. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning har inneburit för medarbetare i deras arbetssituation. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med 10 respondenter. De intervjuades i cirka 30 minuter var. Studiens analys utfördes genom tematisering vilket resulterade i fyra huvudteman vilka är: Förändrad styrning och ledning, kvalitet framför kvantitet, samverkan mellan professioner samt arbetsvillkor och motivation. Studiens resultat visar att en styrning och ledning baserad på tillit har förändrat både kulturen och arbetsvillkoren på arbetsplatsen. Några huvudsakliga förändringar innebär för respondenterna goda resurser, mindre arbetsgrupper med delade professioner, ökat handlingsutrymme, delaktighet, öppenhet och kontinuitet i arbetet. Studiens resultat kan användas i framtida forskning för att visa hur en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning kan bidra till en förbättrad arbetsmiljö och ökad motivation hos medarbetare.
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PATIENTERS UPPLEVELSE AV BEMÖTANDE PÅ AKUTMOTTAGNINGEN : En litteraturöversiktLenner, Adam, Mattsson Ståhl, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
The climate at the emergency room is stressful and the staff is under high pressure. Communication between staff and patients is suffering from this and the number of complaints about communication has increased in Sweden. Patients want to be seen as human beings, taken seriously and given attention. There are several factors that can affect the encounter. The purpose of this literature review is to describe the patient's experience of the encounter with the care staff at a visit to the emergency room. Literature review based on 14 qualitative articles with descriptive design that’s been published between 1999-2019. The databases PubMed and CINAHL were used in the data collection. Joyce Travelbee's nursing theory formed the theoretical framework of the literature review. Three categories were identified: The first encounter, information and communication, and vulnerable patient groups. The majority of patients feel that a good response includes active listening, good eye contact, respect for privacy and integrity as well as a common respect between patient and staff. A distinct difference between patients´ experience before and after the triage as identified and several felt lonely and forgotten while waiting for help. Several factors that would improve patients' experience of the encounter at the emergency room were identified. However, there are difficulties in implementing these because the staffs´ situation is stressed and many show signs of burnout, leading to impaired treatment of patients. More research on the subject is needed to be able to draw stronger conclusions.
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Creation of an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline for a Seclusion AlternativeGreen, Patricia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Seclusion is a behavioral management intervention used at the practicum site to manage maladaptive behaviors seen in mentally ill patients. Seclusion is not a voluntary occurrence for patients. The practice-focused question asked: Can development of an evidence-based practice (EBP) guideline help guide health care providers in the development of a multisensory room as an alternative to seclusion for people living with mental health disorders (PLWMHD)? The purpose of this DNP project was to develop the EBP guideline for a multisensory room as an alternative to seclusion for the practicum site. To aid in the development of the EBP guideline, the AGREE II model provided the framework for quality improvement related to better patient outcomes. The sources of evidence for this DNP project were drawn from the systematic review of the literature related to primary, original, and peer-reviewed journals. The electronic databases used for conducting these searches were CINAHL with Plus Full, Medline with full text, PsycINFO, SocINDEX and the Walden University library. The analytical strategy for this DNP project was to conduct a content analysis of research studies for recurrent themes, related to maladaptive behaviors, seclusion, and sensory rooms, in order to develop the draft guideline. Subsequently, 14 experts were selected for review of the resultant draft guideline using the AGREE II tool. Expert input and feedback was incorporated to achieve consensus on the final version. The potential implication for nursing practice is patient safety for a targeted population. The positive social change expected to occur for health care providers at the practicum site is the use of a best-practice tool based on evidence during their provision of care for PLWMHDs.
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Vzduchotechnika občanských staveb / HVAC for civil buildingsMynář, Marek January 2012 (has links)
Thesis solves problems of creating a microclimate in civil buildings, with a focus on library. The objective is to rate condition of microclimate and design of an appropriate HVAC system. The output of this work is theoretical, project and experimental part.
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Jaroslavice – sídlo v krajině / Jaroslavice – place in the landscapeMrlíková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The goal of our projectis to „restart“ the Jaroslavice village. It was a well established settlement before the war, but has been on a downfall ever since. The problem began by eviction of german population after the war, followed by close distance to highly guarded border. This project is aiming on the possibility of living in the „ near border area and resumption of forgotten countryside. It proposes to connect old with new. The core of the project is renovation of majer near the castle. It is located on the edge of Jaroslavice and is connected to newly established part of the village. The site of the majer is becomming a connection point of history and present. Therefore, the object provides areas needed by students of newly designed high school. It includes accomodation, cafeteria and residental yard. It blends with additional areas of art centre nearby and is connected to the centre of village. Among the functions ths project provides, there is also a variable hall desired by village management.
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Faktorer som påverkar patienters upplevelser av vistelsen på akutmottagningen / Factors that influence patients' experiences of their stay in the emergency departmentRobayo, Rubilin January 2016 (has links)
Omhändertagandet av personer som är i behov av vård skall vara lika för alla med ett respektfullt bemötande. Patienter bör få individanpassad vård tillsammans med ett omhändertagande som innebär personligt bemötande på individens villkor. Behandling och kommunikation är nyckelfaktorer för att möta vården med att förebygga ohälsa och lidande hos patienter. Inom akutmottagningar omhändertas människor som är i akut behov av vård vilket kan innebära att de patienter som söker akuthjälp och får låg prioritet i triage-systemet kan vänta länge på vård. Ett bemötande inom sjukvården bör vara anpassat med hänsyn till lika villkor för alla människor. Hög arbetsbelastning ses på akutmottagningar i hela världen. Orsaker till detta kan bero på att det faktiska antalet personer som besöker vården ökar eller att patienter söker akutvård istället för primärvård. En annan orsak som kan bidra till höga belastningen på akutmottagning kan vara att patienter ofta inte känner till, eller litar på, andra vårdgivare. Patienter som uppsöker akutvård bör få information om hur de kan vända sig till andra vårdgivare där de kan få hjälp. Syftet var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen av vistelsen för patienter på en akutmottagning. Metoden var en litteraturbaserad studie i form av en litteraturöversikt baserad på 16 vetenskapligt granskade artiklar med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet var att kommunikation, information, väntetiden, bemötande och tillfredsställdes var faktorer som påverkar patienters upplevelse av vistelse på akutmottagning. Klar och tydlig kommunikation, ett gott bemötande och att ge information angående t.ex. eventuell väntetid kan bidra till en ökad tillfredsställelse hos patienten under vistelsen på akutmottagningen.
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Predicting Emergency Room Readmission Rates Using Data Mining TechniquesSmith, Tristan 15 May 2020 (has links)
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