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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Školící centrum / Training Center

Šibal, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Thesis "Training Center" is processed in the form of project documentation containing all requirements according to applicable regulations. The designed facility is located in Babice Svitavou. The building is divided into several zones, which provide visitors with all comfort. The center includes also accommodation facilities with a restaurant area and a relaxation area. It is a brick masonry building roofed with flat roof, which is divided into four usable floors. Horizontal ceiling constructions are designed from pre-tensioned ceiling panels. The project also includes specialization in the field.

Centrum ekologických a vzdělávacích aktivit, Prostějov / Environmental Education Centre, Prostejov

Ficková, Helena January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Centre of Ecological and Educational Activities, Prostějov. The whole complex consists of two buildings, a car park and an area for free-time activities. Building A is wheelchair accessible, detached, and has a flat green roof. This building is thermally insulated with mineral wool and has three floors without the basement. The lift is also designed for this building. This building is designed for educational purposes. On the first floor there is a shop and an assembly hall. The second floor is fully dedicated to education; there is a room for trainers and a kitchenette. A gallery and the director‘s office are situated on the third floor. Building B is detached and wheelchair accessible, and has a flat green roof as well. It is also thermally insulated with mineral wool. It has two floors without the basement. On the first floor there is a restaurant, a kitchenette with facilities, and a room for the disabled. Second floor is fully dedicated to accommodation, and there are bathrooms in the corridor on this floor as well.

Digitální modelovaní zvuku orchestru / Digital modeling of the orchestra sound

Puczok, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
This report is guide along simulation of sound sources and orchestra. Basic physical characteristics necessary to the simulation of sound sources are described here. Description of the creation of directivity files in ODEON and theirs conversion from CATT-Acoustic to ODEON are described here too. Acquired directivity files were used for simulation of orchestra and for testing the directivity characteristics to room acoustics parameters.

Návrh větrání čistého prostoru mikrobiologické laboratoře / Ventilation of a microbiological lab

Vrubl, David January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis conversant problem of ventilation clean rooms of microbiological laboratory. Clean rooms pose enhanced requirements on quality distributed air, air filtrating, noisiness, humidity, stream velocity, temperature and quarantee requirement overpressures. Practical part is attention paid to solvent project solution airconditioning clean rooms of microbiological laboratory, completion need of calculations and dispose scheme of air conditioning

Návrh kotle na dřevní štěpku zapojeného v plynové kotelně / Biomass boiler in gas heating plant

Červeňak, Dušan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of boilers for wood chips in a gas boiler house. Consisting of boiler house design from concept design suitable heat source to design components necessary for the proper functionality of the boiler house. Part of thesis is compilation of a functional diagram and design of possible solutions.

Klimatizace lékárny / Air-conditioning of pharmacy

Martincová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on air-conditioning and hot air ventilation of the pharmacy. The pharmacy is a part of a supermarket building. The pharmacy has its own engine room and air-conditioning. Solution is focused with the calculation of the flow rate, thermal losses and profit of pharmacy. Power of heater, cooler and humidifier are calculated according to psychrometric evaluation. Distribution elements and distribution of a duct are designed according to the flow rate of air. Total pressure losses in the duct are calculated according to the distribution in the conclusion. Units are designed for hot air ventilation and air conditioning and the engine room. In appendix there are calculations of thermal losses and gain, output from programme of CLIMACAL, drawing documentation and material specifications.

Soukromá základní škola v Berouně / Private basic school in Beroun

Šašková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis includes postprocessing the design documentation of construction part new private elementary school in Beroun. It is a building project with the purpose of teaching in English. The building is two-storey, brick with a flat roof. Wall structural system. There is 1st elementary schools, kitchen with dining room and 2nd elementary School in the building. The documentation contains project of boiler room.

Patientomhändertagande under påverkan av hotfulla och våldsamma anhöriga : -En intervjustudie av sjuksköterskor i akutsjukvården i södra Sverige / Patient care under the influence of threatening and violent relatives. : An interview study of nurses in emergency care in southern Sweden

Eklund, Björn, Gustav, Hallenborg January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld på akutmottagningar är ett växande problem både nationellt och internationellt. Mest utsatta är sjuksköterskor vilket tidigare beskrivits i aktuell forskning. Studier har även beskrivit de faktorer som ökar risken för att patienter skall uppträda våldsamt. Anhöriga återkommer i studier som kartlägger etiologin kring hot och våld på akutmottagning men har aldrig studerats i detalj. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva vilken betydelse hot och våld från anhöriga får för ett patientomhändertagande på en akutmottagning. Undersökningen försökte besvara tre specifika frågeställningar relaterat till syftet. Frågeställningarnas inriktning rörde anhörigas hot och våld som påverkan på ett patientomhändertagande, den mellanmänskliga relationen mellan patient och sjuksköterska samt vilka strategier sjuksköterskan använde sig av i hotfulla situationer med anhöriga. Metod. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats. Tio sjuksköterskor på fem akutmottagningar i de två sydligaste landstingen i Sverige intervjuades med en semistrukturerad metod under en fyra veckors period under vårterminen 2020. Akutmottagningarna valdes ut för att representera både små och stora mottagningar samt både landsbygd och stadsmiljö. Data analyserades genom innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman, både manifest och latent innehåll söktes. Resultat: Resultatet visar på att hotfulla anhöriga ger en direkt påverkan på patientomhändertagandet. Anhörigas hot och våld leder till en empatiförlust för patienten som vårdas och omvårdnadsprinciper åsidosätts. Resultatet pekar även på en stor tidsförlust i samband med att sjuksköterskorna tvingas hantera anhörigas hot och våld, tid som annars hade gått till att vårda patienten. Omprioriteringar och snabbspår av patienten som vårdas upprättas till följd av anhörigas hot och våld vilket leder till att medicinska prioriteringar får stå tillbaka. Sjuksköterskorna tvingas även utarbeta en mängd olika strategier för att hantera anhörigas hot och våld i ett led att försöka nå patienten. Ett latent tema hittades Slutsats: Hotfulla och våldsamma anhöriga leder till en avsevärd försämring av alla aspekter av omvårdnaden för patienten. Ytterligare forskning krävs för att kartlägga problemets omfattning. / Background. Threats and violence in emergency rooms are a growing problem both nationally and internationally. The most vulnerable are nurses, as previously described in current research. Studies have also described the factors that increase the risk that patients will behave violently. Relatives return in studies that map the etiology of threats and violence in emergency care but have never been studied in detail. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to describe the significance of threats and violence from family members for the patient care at an emergency room. The study also attempted to answer three specific questions related to this purpose, which focused on the impact of the family's threats and violence on caregiving, the interpersonal relationship and what strategies the nurse utilize in these situations. Method. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Ten nurses in five different emergency departments in the two southernmost regions in Sweden were interviewed with a semi-structured method during a four week period during the spring term of 2020. The emergency clinics were selected to represent both small and large departments as well as both rural and urban environments. Data was analyzed through content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman´s method, both manifest and latent content were searched. Results. The result indicates that threatening and violent relatives have a direct impact on patient care. Relatives' threats and violence lead to a loss of empathy for the patient being cared for and the principles of nursing being violated. The result also points to a large loss of time in connection with the nurses being forced to deal with the relatives' threats and violence, time that would otherwise have been spent on caring for the patient. Re-prioritization and fast track of the patient being cared for are established as a result of the threats and violence of the relatives, which leads to medical priorities being left behind. The nurses are also forced to work out a variety of strategies to deal with the threats and violence of relatives in an attempt to reach the patient. One latent theme emerged Conclusion. Threatening and violent relatives in the emergency department lead to a significant deterioration of all aspects of the patient's care. Further research is needed to identify the extent of the problem.

Zelená světnice na zámku Blatná a východiska její výmalby / European context of phenomenon of green rooms on example of Castle Blatná decoration

Vrbová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Green room at castle Blatná and resources of its decoration Dissertation "Green room at castle Blatná and resources of its decoration" deals with the decoration of the room in the tower of castle Blatná called by plant decoration covering the walls of the green room. It is striving to find mainly models or inspiration of its painting. After evaluation of the basic literature there is a chapter which introduces castle Blatná as whole. Therefore, it includes the introduction of the history of castle Blatná, its construction development and decoration of the Room of a knight in the Old castle. The next part is already dealing with the green room itself. Gradually, it is searching for connections with graphics, book painting and tapestries. The last chapter contents the stylistic and iconographical-iconological evaluation of the whole decoration. It is striving to identify particular themes of figural paintings and to find a clue to the revealing the background of thought of the whole decoration.

Ist-Stand der Versorgung mit Operations-Textilien in deutschen Krankenhäusern

Günther, Edeltraud, Hoppe, Holger, Stechemesser, Kristin 14 May 2012 (has links)
Die Befragung „Ist-Stand der OP-Textilienversorgung in deutschen Krankenhäusern“, die eingebettet ist in das Forschungsvorhaben „Evaluierung von OP-Textilien nach hygienischen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Kriterien“, hat zum Ziel, den gegenwärtigen Stand der OP-Textilienversorgung zu erfassen. Für die Befragung, die sowohl web-basiert als auch postalisch im Zeitraum 11/2008 bis 02/2009 durchgeführt worden ist, wurden vorab alle Krankenhäuser und Kliniken in Deutschland kontaktiert, um den jeweiligen Ansprechpartner für die Beschaffung von OP-Textilien zu erhalten. Der Fragebogen gliedert sich in drei Teile: Abschnitt A: OP-Textilien mit den Unterabschnitten Allgemeines, Ausschreibung von OP-Textilien, OP-Mäntel, OP-Abdeckungen, OP-Kit-Packs, Ökonomische Analyse der OP-Textilienversorgung und Ökologische Bewertung der OP-Textilienversorgung; Abschnitt B: Umweltschutz im Krankenhaus und Abschnitt C: Angaben zum Krankenhaus. Zu den zentralen Ergebnissen der Befragung zählen, dass das Kriterium Versorgungssicherheit das wichtigste Kriterium bei der Ausschreibung ist, gefolgt von Zuverlässigkeit und Reinigungsqualität; dass sowohl Einweg-OP-Mäntel als auch -OP-Abdeckungen häufiger angewendet werden als Mehrweg-Textilien; dass der Tragekomfort der Mehrweg-Mäntel als deutlich besser eingestuft wird als der der Einweg-Mäntel. Ein ähnliches Ergebnis zeigt sich bei der Umweltfreundlichkeit von OP-Mänteln und OP-Abdeckungen. Weiterhin zeigte die Untersuchung, dass eine ökonomische Bewertung bisher häufiger vorgenommen wurde als eine ökologische Bewertung. Bei ökonomischen Analysen, die in den meisten Fällen durch ein krankenhausinternes Team durchgeführt wurden, wurden weitestgehend die Anschaffungskosten/ Miet- bzw. Leasingrate als Kriterium herangezogen. Im Rahmen der ökologischen Bewertung sind vor allem Kriterien wie schadstoffarmer Abfall, geringe Umweltbelastung und wenig schädliche Stoffe von Bedeutung. Insgesamt wird der Umweltschutz tendenziell als wichtig eingeschätzt, wobei die am häufigsten vertretenen Umweltschutzmaßnahmen die Beachtung von Umweltkriterien bei der Beschaffung, die/der Umweltbeauftragte/r und die Zertifizierung nach ISO 14001 sind.

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