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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress / Surgical nurses experience of work-related stress

Norman, Maria, Thunvall, Rita January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukvården är en miljö med förekomst av arbetsrelaterad stress. På en operationsavdelning är arbetet mycket intensivt och det bedrivs högspecialiserad vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress. Metod: En empirisk kvalitativ studie genomfördes. Fyra strategiskt utvalda operationssjuksköterskor från två olika operationsavdelningar vid ett stort universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige deltog i studien. Ljudinspelade intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. En manifest innehållsanalys utfördes. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier påträffades; färdigheter, arbetsmiljö och operationsplanering. Operationssjuksköterskorna beskrev att avsaknad av erfarenhet och kontroll var bidragande faktorer för upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress. Dålig kommunikation mellan kollegor och en operationsplanering som inte överensstämde med de resurser som fanns tillgängliga var också bidragande faktorer till uppkomst av arbetsrelaterad stress. Slutsatser: Resultatet visar att arbetsrelaterad stress är ett existerande problem inom operationssjukvården och bör utforskas vidare för att förbättra operationssjuksköterskornas arbetsvillkor och miljö. / Background: Health care is an environment with the presence of work-related stress. An operation department is very intense and it is carried on highly specialized care. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe operating room nurses' experience of work-related stress. Method: An empirical qualitative study was conducted. Four strategically selected operation room nurses from two different operation department at a large teaching hospital in central Sweden participated in the study. Recorded interviews were conducted with the help of a semi-structured interview guide. A manifest content analysis was performed. Results: Three main categories were found; skills, work environment and operation planning. Operating room nurses described the lack of experience and control as contributing factors to perceived work-related stress. Poor communication between colleagues and an operations scheduling, which was inconsistent with the resources that were available were also contributing factors to the incidence of work-related stress. Conclusions: The results tend to show that occupational stress is an existing problem in surgical care and should be further explored to improve the surgical nurses' working conditions and environment.

Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av optimerad arbetsmodell i förhållande till vanlig elektiv arbetsmodell / Operation room nurses´experiences of optimized work model in relation to a conventional work model

Diaz Diaz, Natalia Carmen, Persson- Hjelm, Linda January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund Inom hälso- och sjukvården eftersträvar verksamheterna att öka effektivitet och produktion. Studier visar att en av de verksamheter med störst möjlighet att öka sjukhusets produktion är operationsavdelningen. Utmaningen för operationsavdelningarna är att utföra fler ingrepp med befintliga resurser utan att personalen upplever ökad arbetsbelastning och stress. Med detta ändamål har de på det valda sjukhuset utarbetat en arbetsmodell. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av optimerad arbetsmodell i förhållande till vanlig elektiv arbetsmodell. Metod En kvalitativ studie genomfördes, ett bekvämlighetsurval användes och 18 operationssjuksköterskor från ett medelstort sjukhus i Mellansverige deltog i studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide, en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys utfördes. Resultatet Tre kategorier och sju subkategorier kom fram. Operationssjuksköterskorna ansåg att den optimerade arbetsmodellen gav många fördelar och få nackdelar för personalen, patienterna och verksamheten. Den ökade bemanningen samt standardiseringen av ingrepp, patienter, arbetsuppgifter, operationssalar och material var de faktorer som ledde till fördelarna i den optimerade arbetsmodellen. Hälften av operationssjuksköterskorna föredrog inte den ena arbetsmodellen framför den andra, antalet operationssjuksköterskor som hade en preferens var jämt fördelat mellan arbetsmodellerna. Slutsats En majoritet av operationssjuksköterskorna ansåg att den optimerade arbetsmodellen ledde till mindre stress och ökad patientsäkerhet samtidigt som ett fåtal upplevde ökad stress och sämre patientsäkerhet. / Background Healthcare organizations strive to increase their efficiency. Studies show that the operating room is one of the departments with the greatest possibility to increase a hospital's efficiency. Their challenge is to perform more surgeries using the existing resources without increasing personnel workload or causing stress. In order to achieve this a new work model has been established by the selected hospital. The aim of this study was to investigate the operation room nurses' experiences of this new work model in relation to a conventional work model. Method A qualitative study was performed, a convenience sample was used and 18 operation room nurses from a hospital in central Sweden took part in a survey. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with an interview guide, a manifest qualitative content analysis was performed. Results Three categories and seven subcategories emerged. The operating room nurses believed that the new work model lead to many advantages and few disadvantages for the staff, patients and the department as a whole. The operating room nurses believed that the increase in staffing combined with a standardization of operation procedures, patients, tasks, operation rooms and material were the main reasons to the advantages with the new work model. Half of the operating room nurses did not prefer one work model over the other, the amount of operating room nurses that did was equal between the two work models. Conclusion A majority of the operation room nurses believed that the new work model lead to a decline in stress and to higher patient safety, but a minority experienced more stress and lower patient safety.

Étude de l'influence d'éléments d'addition sur les propriétés de stockage de l'hydrogène dans le système Ti-V-Fe / Study of the influence of alloying elements on hydrogen storage properties in the Ti-V-Fe system

Denis, Jean-Benoît 22 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la thématique du stockage de l'hydrogène sous forme d'hydrure métallique. Pour pallier aux coûts importants des éléments utilisés pour l'élaboration des matériaux hydrurables, il est possible d'utiliser des alliages de pureté moindre comme précurseurs. Cela implique la présence d'éléments supplémentaires dans matériaux. Le matériau étudié appartient à la famille des composés intermétalliques Ti-V-Fe de structure cubique centrée. Cette structure est connue pour donner de fortes capacités réversibles d'absorption d'hydrogène durant une utilisation dans des conditions proches de l’ambiant. Grâce à une modélisation des principaux paramètres des hydrures formés à partir de ces alliages, il est apparu que le composé Ti15V71Fe14 présente des pressions d’équilibre intéressantes à température ambiante. Toutes les propriétés de ce matériau de référence ont été mesurées par diffraction des rayons X, microsonde de Castaing, microscopie à balayage électronique et banc d’hydruration. Une petite quantité des éléments d’addition est ajoutée individuellement puis ensemble dans la composition du matériau référent. Les échantillons sont analysés et les résultats sont comparés à ceux obtenus avec le référent. Il apparait que l’aluminium forme une solution solide de structure cubique centrée simple et améliore la capacité d’absorption du matériau référent. Il en est de même pour le silicium malgré un comportement plus complexe avec l’apparition de plusieurs phases supplémentaires. En contrepartie la vitesse d’absorption de l’hydrogène dans le matériau est diminuée / This Ph.D takes place on the hydrogen storage theme in metal hydride. In order to reduce the cost of the elements used for the preparation of hydridable materials, it is possible to use lower purity alloys as precursors. The compound selected belongs to the body centered cubic family consisting of Ti, V and Fe. This structure is known to store reversibly good quantities of hydrogen in conditions close to ambient. Thanks to modeling of the main parameters, it appears that the compound Ti15V71Fe14 presents interesting equilibrium pressure at room temperature. All properties of this reference material are measured by X-ray diffraction, EPMA, scanning electron microscopy and hydriding apparatus. A small amount of alloying elements has then been added individually then together in the composition of the reference material. Samples are analyzed and the results are compared to the referent. It appears that aluminum forms a solid solution of body centered cubic structure and improves the absorption capacity of the reference material. It is the same for silicon despite more complex behavior with the formation of several additional phases. In return the absorption kinetic of the material is reduced

Generation X people's development of cyberspace culture: a psychological perspective

Richards, Amelia Celeste 09 November 2006 (has links)
The 21st century can be defined as the fast paced information age wherein people establish another dimension to living; existing and interacting as multiple pseudopersonalities in cyberspace. The main aim of the study is to provide a description of a group of people known as 'Generation Xers', who develop cyberspace culture whilst interacting in chat-rooms. It is a two-fold process; firstly they create on-line 'pseudopersonalities' different from their off-line ‘normal’ personalities, and secondly they share unique values that characterise cyberspace culture globally. The research process starts at the microlevel where individuals interact with each other in chat-rooms. On the mesolevel unique interaction patterns develop in chat-rooms that differ from traditional face-to-face interaction patters. On the macrolevel, cyberspace culture and specific values develop that Generation Xers share on a global basis. During the research process quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in order to compliment the limitations imbedded in each methodology. Summarising relevant theories, on a microlevel the developmental process of pseudopersonalities is described by starting with its manifestation in the off-line world. The Johari-window and Roger's person-centred approach are used to describe the same process in the on-line world. On a mesolevel, differences between computer-mediated communication and face-to-face communication are discussed within the Cyber Psychology paradigm. On the macrolevel, the Internet experience is described by means of the Symbolic Action Theory. The All Media and Product Survey (AMPS) database forms the basis of the longitudinal, statistical profile of the South African Internet-user population. Currently Internet access figures remain low at around 7-8% of the total population. South African Generation Xers, aged 16-49, are the richer and more affluent part of South African society, living in major metropolitan areas, earning R12 000+. A qualitative content analysis of chat room behaviour in 384 chat-rooms sheds light on the dynamics behind their usage patterns. The .co.za-dictionary reflects the creative way in which .co.za-emotion and memory are expressed and negotiated. Pseudopersonalities that are at play in the borderless world of cyberspace continuously reflect issues, problems and struggles of everyday life in South Africa such as racial tension, political struggles and sexual interaction governed by the following cultural values: -- Respect -- An openness to the unknown -- Looking towards to the self (not governing bodies) for direction, resulting in; -- Liberty with responsibility towards the common good, the core of every society across the globe. Finally the applicability of the Internet chat-room as a psychological research tool is explored within the South African context. It seems that although an effective tool for international surveys on sensitive topics, the South African research market is not ready for this tool to be implemented. South African Generation Xers perceive themselves as part of a global cyberspace culture and any distinction between the virtual and the real, does not imply a privilege to either, but rather a connection between the two. In this digital era, cyberspace is an electronic reflection of the way people communicate, interact, share and live life. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Psychology / unrestricted

Women Creators: Artistry and Sacrifice in the Novels of Virginia Woolf

Guigou, Issel M 16 October 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines different facets of feminine artistry in Virginia Woolf's novels with the purpose of defining her conception of women artists and the role sacrifice plays in it. The project follows characters in "Mrs. Dalloway," "To the Lighthouse," and "Between the Acts" as they attempt to create art despite society's restrictions; it studies the suffering these women experience under regimented institutions and arbitrary gender roles. From Woolf’s earlier texts to her last, she embraces the uncertainty of identity, even as she portrays the artist’s sacrifice in the early-to-mid twentieth century, specifically as the creative female identity fights to adapt to male-dominated spaces. Through a close-reading approach coupled with biographical and historical research, this thesis concludes that although the narratives of Woolf's novels demand the woman artist sacrifice for the sake of pursuing creation, Woolf praises the attempt and considers it a crueler fate to live with unfulfilled potential.

Nursing care practice related to patient safety in the operating room

Theron, Margot Cecile January 2013 (has links)
Patient safety is a primary concern of members of the surgical team. Professional nurses working in the operating room play a vital role in the safety of the patients from the moment the patient enters the operating room to the discharge of the patient to the unit. Quality nursing care is of the utmost importance and therefore it is the responsibility of a professional nurse to ensure patient safety during the peri-operative period. Team work and good communication in the operating room are essential in order to ensure patient safety. Nursing care practices related to patient safety should be a key aspect to consider in rendering care to the surgical patient and professional nurses should perform their duties to the best of their ability despite lack of resources and shortage of staff. The main purpose of the study was to explore and describe nursing care practice related to patient safety in the operating room at hospitals in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area. Once this was established recommendations on how to enhance nursing care practice related to patient safety in the operating room were made. This study is based on a quantitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Convenient sampling was used in this study. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Ethical considerations were adhered to and the findings of the research will be disseminated appropriately. Recommendations based on the findings that emerge from the data, as well as the literature review, will be offered to enhance nursing care practice related to patient safety in the operating room.

"Unlock the Future": An Environmental Escape Game and its Development, Evaluation and Impact

Pater, Emmy January 2020 (has links)
To bring about the rapid transformative change needed to address the global sustainability crises, a paradigm shift is needed, characterized by more sustainable beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, this thesis explores the potentials of an escape game intervention as a new strategy to promote sustainable attitudes and beliefs in players, focusing on environmental sustainability. Firstly, a framework was created with Five Pillars for a successful environmental escape game: Fun, Experiential, Urgent, Problem-Rewarding and Social. Afterwards, this Five Pillars Framework guided the design and evaluation of an Environmental escape game called “Unlock the Future”. Based on the framework, an escape game with the Five Pillars was expected to increase players’ environmental attitudes and efficacy beliefs. To test this assumption, pre- and post-survey data was gathered from nine teams who played the escape game, using validated scales for environmental attitude, self-efficacy and collective efficacy, as well as an adapted version of the Game User Experience Satisfaction Scale. The survey results confirmed that all Five Pillars were present in the escape game design, and as a result players’ environmental self-efficacy and collective efficacy increased after playing the game. However, this effect was not present for players’ environmental attitude, nor for participants that were game hosts, or failed at the escape game.

Des cas de dissonance cognitive chez les infirmiers de bloc opératoire : de l’éveil à la tolérance d’un inconfort psychologique / Cases of cognitive dissonance of operating room nurses : from the beginning to the tolerance of psychological discomfort

Boulliere, Elisabeth 04 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d’aider à la compréhension de ce que ressentent les IBODE (Infirmier(ère) de Bloc Opératoire Diplômé(e) d’Etat) dans l’exercice d’une activité professionnelle en pleine évolution : législation réorganisant le système de santé français et impactant fortement les blocs opératoires, nouveaux référentiels d’activités et de compétences IBODE, validation des acquis de l’expérience, actes exclusifs IBODE … Il interroge l’éventuel inconfort psychologique vécu par ces personnels lorsqu’ils ne respectent pas de façon consciente les bonnes pratiques en commettant des violations routinières (Bourrier, 1999), par nécessité ou par commodité (Reason, 2013). Ces soignants prônent en général des valeurs professionnelles telles que le « prendre soin » (Hesbeen, 1997), la rigueur, la sécurité et la qualité des soins, et ressentent un inconfort au regard des violations de quelques natures soient-elles dans la mesure où celles-ci majorent les risques opératoires encourus par les patients. La théorie de la dissonance cognitive (Festinger, 1957) peut aider à la compréhension de tels phénomènes en ce que ces professionnels mobilisent des cognitions incompatibles : sécurité, prévention des risques d’un côté, violations de l’autre. Deux méthodologies complémentaires sont utilisées. L’enquête quantitative avec la méthode du questionnaire permet la mise en correspondance des cognitions, des valeurs, des pratiques perfectibles et des émotions ressenties par les IBODE. Une échelle d’affects auto-rapportés de 20 items est utilisée à cette fin (Lecrique, 2007). L’enquête qualitative par entretiens et leur analyse thématique mettent en évidence différentes stratégies de réduction de dissonance. La discussion finale porte sur le contexte professionnel dans lequel évolue ces professionnels, contexte susceptible de normaliser les violations en générant de ce fait l’accroissement d’une zone accidentogène (Amalberti et al., 2006) aux dépens de la garantie des soins sécuritaires au service du patient. / The aim of this thesis is to raise awareness of how State Qualified Operating Room Nurses deal with the constant evolutions of their professional activity, such as legislation to reorganize the French health system which impacts strongly on operating rooms, new standards of activities and skills for operating room nurses, validation of work knowledge and experience, exclusive operating room acts, etc. It investigates the potential psychological discomfort felt by the personnel when they consciously avoid respecting good practices by committing routine violations (Bourrier, 1999) either through necessity or convenience (Reason, 2013). These nurses generally extoll the virtues of professional health care, notably “taking care” (Hesbeen, 1997), rigour, safety, quality treatment, and feel uncomfortable when committing any sort of violation which could increase the surgical risks for the patient. The theory of cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1957) can help to understand such phenomenon insofar as these professionals combine incompatible cognitions such as safety and avoiding risks on the one hand, and violations on the other. Two complimentary methodologies are used here. The questionnaire of the quantitative survey allows the cognitions, values, and perfectible practices to be matched with the emotions felt by the nurses. A scale of 20 selfrelated affects is used to achieve this (Lecrique, 2007). The interviews and their thematic analysis of the qualitative survey bring to light different strategies for reducing dissonance. The final discussion deals with the professional context in which the nurses evolve, a context which is likely to normalize violations by generating an increase in accident-prone zones (Amalberti and al., 2006), at the expense of guaranteeing safe treatment in the service of the patient.

Elevers inställning till dusch i samband med idrott och hälsa : En jämförande studie mellan årskurs fem, sju och nio / Students attitudes regarding showering following lessons in physical education : A comparative study between fifth, seventh and ninth grade

Johansson, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevernas inställning till att duscha i samband med idrott och hälsa i skolan. Syftet var också att undersöka huruvida eleverna upplever att valet att inte duscha kan påverka det aktiva deltagandet på idrottslektionen. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Finns någon skillnad i inställningen till att duscha i samband med idrottslektionen hos elever i årskurs fem, sju och nio? Upplever eleverna i årskurs fem, sju och nio att valet att inte duscha i samband med idrotten blir ett hinder för att delta aktivt på idrottslektionen? Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med frågeformulär som datainsamlingsmetod. Urvalsgruppen bestod av 128 elever ur årskurs fem, sju och nio på en grundskola i Sverige. Resultatet visade att ju äldre eleverna var desto oftare valde de att inte duscha i samband med idrottslektionen. De äldre eleverna ansåg det också vara mindre viktigt att duscha efter idrottslektionen än de yngre. Resultatet visade även att valet att inte duscha efter idrottslektionen kan bli ett hinder för aktivt deltagande men att det inte alltid var så. / The purpose of this study was to examine students’ attitude regarding showering following lessons in physical education. The purpose was also to examine whether the students consider the choice of not showering following lessons in physical education can influence their active participation. The study seeks to answer the questions: Is there a difference in attitude between students in fifth, seventh and ninth grade regarding showering following lessons in physical education? Do the students in fifth, seventh and ninth grade consider that the choice of not showering following lessons in physical education becomes an obstacle for active participation? The study has a quantitative approach and the method used for the gathering of data was questionnaires. The selection group consisted of 128 students from fifth, seventh and ninth grade at an elementary school in Sweden.   The results showed that the older the students were, the more often they chose not to shower following lessons in physical education. The older students also considered it to be less important to shower after lessons in physical education than the younger students did. The results also showed that the choice of not showering following lessons in physical education could represent an obstacle for active participation but not always.

Sjuksköterskans professionella roll i omvårdnad av traumapatienter - ur sjuksköterskans perspektiv : en litteraturöversikt / The nurse's professional role in the care of trauma patients - from the nurse's perspective : a literature review

Sadeh, Klara, Söderström, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund  Idag är fysiska traumaskador en av de absolut vanligaste dödsorsakerna i utvecklade länder för personer under 40 år. Sjuksköterskan tillhör den profession som möter och omhändertar traumapatienter dagligen vid ankomst på akutmottagningen, där omvårdnaden är centralt i sjuksköterskans roll. Studier visar på varierad erfarenhet och upplevelser bland sjuksköterskor som arbetar på akutmottagning, och deras professionella roll och ansvar i vårdandet av traumapatienter.  Syfte Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsansvar vid omhändertagandet av traumapatienter på akutmottagning. Metod Den valda metoden i denna studie var en litteraturöversikt. Datainsamlingen genomfördes i januari 2020, där författarna använde sig av databaserna CINAHL samt Psycinfo för att identifiera artiklar som besvarade studiens syfte. Samtliga artiklar genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning och integrerad analys för att sammanställa de 16 artiklar som slutligen ingick i resultatet. Resultat Resultatet resulterade i tre kategorier utifrån sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda traumapatienter: Teamwork, utbildning och emotionella utmaningar. Tydlig kommunikation, teamarbete och utbildning är essentiella aspekter för att främja sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnadsarbetet av traumapatienter. Resultatet illustrerar behovet av adekvat utbildning för att stärka sjuksköterskans roll i vårdmötet med traumapatienter. Traumaskador är något man möter överallt och bör därför vara en tydlig del i utbildningen av nya sjuksköterskor, för att öka sjuksköterskans självtillit i att kunna hantera osäkra situationer. Slutsats Tydlig kommunikation, ett välfungerande teamarbete, kunskap, erfarenhet och utbildning är essentiella aspekter för att främja sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnad av traumapatienter. Resultatet illustrerar behovet av adekvat utbildning, erfarenhet och träning inför vårdmötet av traumapatienter för att stärka sjuksköterskan i sin roll. / Background Today, physical trauma injuries are one of the most common causes of death in developed countries for people under 40 years of age. The nurse belongs to the profession that meets and cares for trauma patients daily on arrival at the emergency department, where nursing is central to the nurse's role. Studies show varied experience and experiences among nurses working in the emergency department, and their professional role and responsibility in the care of trauma patients. Aim The purpose was to describe the nurse's nursing responsibility in the care of trauma patients in the emergency department. Method The chosen method in this study was a literature review. The data collection was carried out in January 2020, where the authors used the databases CINAHL and Psycinfo to identify articles that responded to the aim of the study. All articles underwent a quality review and integrated analysis to compile the 16 articles that were finally included in the results. Results The results resulted in three categories based on the nurse's experience of caring for trauma patients: teamwork, education, and emotional challenges. Clear communication, teamwork and education are essential aspects to promote the nurse's role in the nursing work of trauma patients. The results illustrate the need for adequate training to strengthen the nurse's role in the care encounter of trauma patients. Trauma injuries are something you encounter everywhere and should therefore be a clear part of the training of new nurses, in order to increase the nurse's self-confidence in being able to handle uncertain situations. Conclusions Clear communication, well-functioning teamwork, knowledge, experience and training are essential aspects to promote the nurse's role in the care of trauma patients. The results illustrate the need for adequate education, experience and training prior to the care meeting of trauma patients to strengthen the nurse in her role

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