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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Anxiety, Hostility, and Depression on Responses to the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank

Boutte, Margaret Ann 08 1900 (has links)
The present study is an attempt to determine the effect of anxiety, hostility, and depression on responses to the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank when it is scored according to the manual instructions. Whether the score fluctuates or not will have implications on how psychologists should use this test as a diagnostic tool.

Pendlingens påverkan på KASAM

Sigvardsson, Dan January 2010 (has links)
Många hushåll och individer har i dagens samhälle tvingats börja pendla till sina arbeten bl.a. på grund av en förändrad arbetsmarknad. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att se om individer som pendlar regelbundet har ett lägre KASAM. Utgångspunkten var att individer med en mer extern kontrollokus ofta har lägre KASAM och att pendling hypotetiskt sett bör påverka individen lokus i en extern riktning. Sammanlagt 27 försökspersoner i åldrarna 22 – 50 år undersöktes med hjälp av KASAM test och I-E test. Deltagarna togs med bekvämlighetsurval från ett nordiskt flygbolag i Sverige, där 13 personer pendlande till arbetet och 14 var bosatta på arbetsorten, vilket visade att KASAM var signifikant lägre på 5 % nivå för de pendlande individerna, samt att kontrollokus var signifikant mer externt, också på 5 % nivå. Vidare forskning bör fokusera på individer från andra branscher för att se om resultaten är allmänna.

Relationship of Internal-External Locus of Control and Performance in a Weight-Control Program

Thomas, Bruce M. 08 1900 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between internal-external locus of control and some characteristics of overweight subjects in a weight-control program in the summer and fall of 1973. Only white, female, over-weight, and obese subjects were used. From this study, it appears that Rotter's I-E concept applies to weight loss. This one significant finding lends support to research that internals control their impulses better than externals and that internals seem to learn and retain relevant information better than externals.

Psychological optimality as a concept in industrial psychology

Pheiffer, Jeanette 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this exploratory study was to conceptualise the constructs of psychological optimality in order to derive a definition of the concept and to compile a personality profile of the psychologically optimal individual. A sample of 200 employees in a large electricity utility were randomly selected. A psychometric battery comprising seven questionnaires was compiled and administered. The empirical investigation revealed four factors as indicative of psychological optimality. The factors comprise lntrapersonal dimensions, namely successful coping in stressful situations, an internal locus of control, and Interpersonal dimensions, namely interpersonal sensitivity and a commitment to society. It seems that work behaviour would be largely determined by the intra- and interpersonal behaviours. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial Psychology)

Psychological optimality as a concept in industrial psychology

Pheiffer, Jeanette 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this exploratory study was to conceptualise the constructs of psychological optimality in order to derive a definition of the concept and to compile a personality profile of the psychologically optimal individual. A sample of 200 employees in a large electricity utility were randomly selected. A psychometric battery comprising seven questionnaires was compiled and administered. The empirical investigation revealed four factors as indicative of psychological optimality. The factors comprise lntrapersonal dimensions, namely successful coping in stressful situations, an internal locus of control, and Interpersonal dimensions, namely interpersonal sensitivity and a commitment to society. It seems that work behaviour would be largely determined by the intra- and interpersonal behaviours. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial Psychology)

Bucklingsanalys av spannmålssilo / Buckling analysis of grain silo

Calestam, Magnus, Wedin, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Spannmål med varierande fuktighetsgrad kan lagras i kvadratiska silor med väggelement bestående av korrugerad plåt. Då det lagrade spannmålet ska tömmas har det fuktiga spannmålet en tendens att fastna på väggarna, vilket medför att spannmålet i efterhand måste avlägsnas manuellt. För att slippa denna tidskrävande process monteras en slät plåt på den korrugerade plåten, för att på så vis hindra det fuktiga spannmålet från att fastna. Om samma plåtdimensioner för den korrugerade plåten används då den släta plåten är och inte är monterad kan väggelementen utsättas för buckling. Det här examensarbetet handlar således om hur väggelementen ska dimensioneras för att strukturen inte ska utsättas för buckling. De silor som undersöks har tvärsnitten 3,0 x 3,0 m och 2,5 x 2,5 m med väggelement som består av endast korrugerad plåt samt med slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt. Vidare har silorna vertikala väggar med höjden 8,4 m som består av tio sektioner. Beräkningar har utförts då fyllnadsmaterialet är vete.   För att väggelementen ska kunna dimensioneras beräknas vilka trycksituationer som uppstår i de olika silorna med hjälp av den svenska och europeiska standarden Eurokod (2006), EN 1991-4 för tryckberäkningar i silor och behållare. För att beräkna trycksituationerna delas de aktuella silorna in i åtgärdsklass 1 då deras kapacitet understiger 100 ton, vilket innebär att osymmetriska tryck kan ignoreras. Silorna klassas även som slanka. Då silornas utlopp består av en pyramidformad tratt med centriskt utlopp och då trattens halva inre vinkel är 45° uppstår ett inre rörflöde vid tömning. Detta medför enligt Eurokod att silorna ska dimensioneras enligt trycken som uppstår vid fyllning. Det horisontella och vertikala trycket samt trycket som uppstår från friktionen beräknas för de olika tvärsnitten.   CAD-programmet Pro Engineer och finita elementtillägget Mechanica används för att modellera de aktuella silorna och utföra analyser med avseende på spänning och buckling. Modellerna har fyra symmetriplan, därför modelleras endast en åttondel av de aktuella strukturerna. Detta motsvarar ett halvt väggelement och en halv stolpe. Modellerna skapas som skalmodeller och randvillkor ansätts i alla snittytor samt på stolpens över och underkant. I modellerna förenklas strukturen genom att inga skruvar eller radier modelleras. Trycken framräknade enligt Eurokod räknas om till krafter och appliceras på modellerna. Hela strukturen modelleras i stål med sträckgränsen 180 MPa.   En av företagets äldre dimensioneringsstandarder undersöks genom att väggelementen tilldelas plåttjocklekar enligt denna. För att undersöka var de mest kritiska områdena för buckling uppstår utförs en bucklingsanalys grundad på en statisk analys för modellerna. Resultatet från bucklingsanalysen för silon med väggelement bestående av korrugerad plåt med väggbredden 3,0 m visar att buckling uppstår på den näst nedersta sektionen vid 72 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silon med samma väggelement fast med bredden 2,5 m uppstår buckling på den översta sektionen där bucklingskraften uppgår till 62 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silorna med väggelement bestående av slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt uppstår buckling redan vid 3-4 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten, för båda väggbredderna. Då det genom analyser framkommit att det är lokala bucklingar enbart på den släta plåten som ger dessa låga värden friläggs den korrugerade plåten för att trycksituationen som verkar från den släta plåten på så vis ska kunna erhållas. Med kraften från den släta väggen kan den korrugerade plåten därmed dimensioneras mot buckling. Vid bucklingsanalys av den korrugerade plåten som är tryckbelastad av den släta plåten framgår att buckling då väggbredden är 3,0 m uppstår på silons näst understa sektion. Bucklingskraften uppgår till 59 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. För silon med väggbredden 2,5 m uppstår buckling vid 51 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten på silons översta sektion.   Då målet är att de korrugerade plåtarna inte får utsättas för buckling provas plåttjocklekar fram i finita elementmodellerna tills att bucklingskraften uppgår till minst 110 % av den applicerade kraftresultanten. Detta genererar att plåttjocklekarna för de nedre fyra sektionerna av väggelementen bestående av korrugerad plåt med bredden 3,0 m behöver ökas. För silon med samma väggelement fast med väggbredden 2,5 m behöver dimensionen på de två översta sektionerna ökas. För silorna med väggelement bestående av slät plåt monterad på korrugerad plåt behöver den korrugerade plåten för väggbredden 3,0 m ökas för de fem understa sektionerna medan samma dimensioner för väggbredden 2,5 m kan användas som för silon med väggelement bestående av enbart korrugerad plåt. Om den släta plåten inte får utsättas för buckling behöver plåttjocklekarna ökas från mellan 5,5 mm och 1,5 mm. Vid beräkningar av plåtdimensioner har ett konservativ förfarande använts vilket innebär att företagets dimensionering kan vara korrekt. Erhållna dimensioneringsförslag är emellertid rimliga för de korrugerade plåtarna. / Grains with varying humidity can be stored in square silos with wall elements consisting of corrugated sheet. When the stored grain is to be emptied from the silos it has tendency to stick to the walls, especially if humid, which means that the grain must be removed manually. To avoid this time-consuming process a flat sheet is mounted on the corrugated sheet to prevent the moist grain from sticking to the wall. If the same dimension on the corrugated sheet is used when the flat sheet is or is not mounted the walls may be subjected to buckling. This thesis is thus about how the wall elements shall be designed in order to prevent buckling. The silos that have been examined have a cross section of 3.0 x 3.0 m and 2.5 x 2.5 m respectively with wall elements consisting of only corrugated sheet or smooth sheet mounted on corrugated sheet. Furthermore, the silos got vertical walls with a height of 8.4 m consisting of ten sections. Calculations are made with wheat as the stored grain.   To be able to dimension the wall elements the pressure is calculated for the different silos, using the Swedish and European standard Eurocode (2006), EN 1991-4 for pressure calculations in silos and tanks. To calculate the pressure the silos are assigned into action assessment class 1, since their capacity are less than a 100 tons, which further means that the unsymmetrical pressure can be ignored. The silos are also classified as slender. As the silos outlet consists of a square pyramidal hopper with centric outlet and a half internal angel of 45° an inner pipe flow occurs during emptying. This means according to Eurocode that the dimension shall be based on the pressure which occurs during filling. The horizontal and vertical pressure and the pressure made from the friction are calculated for the different cross sections.   The CAD software Pro Engineer and the finite element extension Mechanica is used to model the current silos and perform analysis for stress and buckling. The models have four symmetry planes therefore only one eighth of the current structure is modeled, corresponding to half a wall element and half a pole. The models are created as shell models and boundary conditions are applied in all symmetrical planes and on the top and bottom of the pole. The structure of the silos is simplified since no screws or radius is modeled. The pressure calculated according to Eurocode is converted into forces and applied to the models. The whole structure is modeled in steel with yield strength of 180 MPa.   The company’s older dimension standards are applied on the wall elements and analyzed. To investigate where to most critical areas for buckling occurs a buckling analysis based on a static analysis of the models is performed. The results from the buckling analysis for the silo wall element consisting of corrugated sheet with the width of 3.0 m shows that buckling occurs on the second bottom section at 72 % of the applied force. For the silo consisting of the same wall element but with the width of 2.5 m buckling occurs at the top section where the buckling force amounts to 62 % of the applied force. For the silos with wall elements consisting of plain sheet mounted on corrugated sheet buckling occurs at 3-4 % of the applied force for the two wall widths. Analysis show that the low values of buckling load on the plane sheet is a result from local buckling. In order to dimension the corrugated sheet to prevent it from buckling when the plane sheet is mounted a free body diagram is made for the corrugated sheet to obtain the acting forces. The buckling analysis of the corrugated sheet, with wall width 3.0 m, which is pressurized by the plane sheet shows that buckling occurs on the silos second bottom section. Buckling occurs at 59 % of the applied force for the silo with wall width of 2.5 m buckling occurs at 51 % of the applied force on the silo top section.   Since the goal is that the corrugated sheets are not to be subject to buckling, the thickness of the sheets is iterated until the buckling force is equal to at least 110 % of the applied force. This generates an increased thickness for the lower four sections for the silo with wall element consisting of corrugated sheet with wall width of 3.0 m. For the silo with the same wall elements but with a wall width of 2.5 m, the dimensions of the top two sections need to increase. Regarding the silos with wall elements consisting of plane sheet mounted on corrugated sheet an increase in dimension is needed for the corrugated sheet for the five lowest sections for the wall width of 3.0 m.   With a wall width of 2.5 m the same dimension can be used as when the silo wall elements consist of only corrugated sheet. If the plane sheet is not to be exposed for buckling the thickness of the sheets needs to be increased from between 5.5 mm and 1.5 mm. All calculations of the sheet dimensions are obtained by a conservative thinking which means that the company’s older dimensions may be correct. However, the resulting dimensions are reasonable for the corrugated sheets.

Selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiële instelling

Esterhuizen, Petrus Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif handel oor 'n selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiele instelling. Die stand punt word gehuldig dat bestuurders wat reeds hoer vlakke van selfaktualisering bereik het oor die persoonlikheidskenmerke (intrapersoonlike, interpersoonlike en werkskenmerke) beskik wat tot bestuursukses lei. Hierdie standpunt, wat gegrond is op die uitgangspunte van die humanistiese benadering, is nog nie in finansiele instellings nagevors nie. Die volgende literatuurdoelstellings is in hierdie navorsing bereik: 'n Ge"integreerde beskouing van die vernaamste humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee, wat dien as metateoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, is daargestel. - Die konsep selfaktualisering is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die selfaktualiserende persoon is ge"identifiseer. - Die konsep bestuursukses is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die suksesvolle bestuurder is ge"identifiseer. - Meetbare bestuursukseskriteria asook meetinstrumente vir die meet daarvan is ge"identifiseer. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit die Algemene Gesondheidsvraelys, Verstandelike-helderheidstoets, Sestien-persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys, Persoonlikeorienteringsvraelys, Rottervraelys, RGN Gevallestudietegniek-enbesluitnemingsvraelys en die Biografiese vraelys. Hierdie meetinstrumente is as klassifikasieveranderlikes gebruik om die meetbare komponente van die konstruk selfaktualisering by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling te meet. Besuursukses, as kriteriumveranderlike, is met die prestasiebestuurevaluering- en werknemer -effektiwiteitsvraelys gemeet. Uit die statistiese analise (meervoudigeregressie-analise) blyk dit dat 15 klassifikasieveranderlikes met bestuursukses verband hou. Die meervoudige korrelasie R (aangepas vir getal gevalle en getal klassifikasieveranderlikes) is gelyk aan 0,54. Daar is dus in hierdie navorsing 'n verband gevind tussen die konsepte selfaktualisering en bestuursukses soos gemeet by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling. Verskeie klassifikasieveranderlikes toon 'n paraboliese verband met bestuursukses. Dit dui daarop dat 'n relatiewe aanwesigheid of sterkte van spesifieke persoonlikheidskenmerke noodsaaklik is vir bestuursukses. lndien 'n sekere optimale punt egter oorskry word, het dit 'n nadelige effek op bestuursukses. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die evalueringstegnieke en psigometriese instrumente wat in hierdie navorsing gebruik is en wat 'n verband (reglynig of parabolies) met bestuursukses getoon het, binne die finansiele instelling gebruik kan word om bestuurders met bestuurspotensiaal te identifiseer. Aanbevelings is ten opsigte van die gebruikswaarde van die konsep selfaktualisering vir die praktyk en vir verdere navorsing geformuleer. / This thesis examines the self-actualisation approach to management success within a financial institution. The premise is that managers who have already reached high levels of self-actualisation possess the personality traits (intrapersonal, interpersonal and work traits) that lead to management success. This premise, which is based on the points of view of the humanistic approach, has not yet been researched in a financial institution. The following literature objectives were achieved in this research: - An integrated view of the major humanistic personality theories, which serve as metatheoretic framework for this research, has been compiled. - The concept of self-actualisation has been defined and the personality traits of the self-actualising person identified. - The concept of management success has been defined and the personality traits of the successful manager identified. - Measurable management success criteria as well as measuring instruments for measuring these criteria have been identified. A psychometric test battery has been compiled from the General Health Questionnaire, Mental Alertness Test, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Personal Orientation Questionnaire, Rotter Questionnaire, HSRC Case Study Technique and Decision-making Questionnaire and the Biographical Questionnaire. These measuring instruments were used as classification variables to measure the measurable components of the selj-actualisation construct among managers of a financial institution. Management success, as a criterion variable, was measured using the performance management evaluation and employee effectiveness questionnaires. From the statistical analysis (multiple-regression analysis) it is evident that 15 classification variables relate to management success. The multiple correlation R (adjusted for number of cases and number of classification variables) equals 0,54. A relation has therefore been found in this research between the concepts of selfactualisation and management success as measured in managers of a financial institution. Several classification variables show a parabolic relation to management success. This indicates that a relative presence or strength of specific personality traits is essential for management success. However, when a certain optimal point is exceeded, this has a detrimental effect on management success. The conclusion is reached that the evaluation techniques and psychometric instruments used in this research, which showed a relation (whether rectilineal or parabolic) with management success, may be employed at a financial institution to identify managers with management potential. Recommendations in respect of the usefulness of the self-actualisation concept for the practical environment and for future research were formulated. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / DCom (Bedryfsielkunde)

Selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiële instelling

Esterhuizen, Petrus Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif handel oor 'n selfaktualiseringsbenadering tot bestuursukses binne 'n finansiele instelling. Die stand punt word gehuldig dat bestuurders wat reeds hoer vlakke van selfaktualisering bereik het oor die persoonlikheidskenmerke (intrapersoonlike, interpersoonlike en werkskenmerke) beskik wat tot bestuursukses lei. Hierdie standpunt, wat gegrond is op die uitgangspunte van die humanistiese benadering, is nog nie in finansiele instellings nagevors nie. Die volgende literatuurdoelstellings is in hierdie navorsing bereik: 'n Ge"integreerde beskouing van die vernaamste humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee, wat dien as metateoretiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, is daargestel. - Die konsep selfaktualisering is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die selfaktualiserende persoon is ge"identifiseer. - Die konsep bestuursukses is omskryf en die persoonlikheidskenmerke van die suksesvolle bestuurder is ge"identifiseer. - Meetbare bestuursukseskriteria asook meetinstrumente vir die meet daarvan is ge"identifiseer. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit die Algemene Gesondheidsvraelys, Verstandelike-helderheidstoets, Sestien-persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys, Persoonlikeorienteringsvraelys, Rottervraelys, RGN Gevallestudietegniek-enbesluitnemingsvraelys en die Biografiese vraelys. Hierdie meetinstrumente is as klassifikasieveranderlikes gebruik om die meetbare komponente van die konstruk selfaktualisering by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling te meet. Besuursukses, as kriteriumveranderlike, is met die prestasiebestuurevaluering- en werknemer -effektiwiteitsvraelys gemeet. Uit die statistiese analise (meervoudigeregressie-analise) blyk dit dat 15 klassifikasieveranderlikes met bestuursukses verband hou. Die meervoudige korrelasie R (aangepas vir getal gevalle en getal klassifikasieveranderlikes) is gelyk aan 0,54. Daar is dus in hierdie navorsing 'n verband gevind tussen die konsepte selfaktualisering en bestuursukses soos gemeet by bestuurders van 'n finansiele instelling. Verskeie klassifikasieveranderlikes toon 'n paraboliese verband met bestuursukses. Dit dui daarop dat 'n relatiewe aanwesigheid of sterkte van spesifieke persoonlikheidskenmerke noodsaaklik is vir bestuursukses. lndien 'n sekere optimale punt egter oorskry word, het dit 'n nadelige effek op bestuursukses. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die evalueringstegnieke en psigometriese instrumente wat in hierdie navorsing gebruik is en wat 'n verband (reglynig of parabolies) met bestuursukses getoon het, binne die finansiele instelling gebruik kan word om bestuurders met bestuurspotensiaal te identifiseer. Aanbevelings is ten opsigte van die gebruikswaarde van die konsep selfaktualisering vir die praktyk en vir verdere navorsing geformuleer. / This thesis examines the self-actualisation approach to management success within a financial institution. The premise is that managers who have already reached high levels of self-actualisation possess the personality traits (intrapersonal, interpersonal and work traits) that lead to management success. This premise, which is based on the points of view of the humanistic approach, has not yet been researched in a financial institution. The following literature objectives were achieved in this research: - An integrated view of the major humanistic personality theories, which serve as metatheoretic framework for this research, has been compiled. - The concept of self-actualisation has been defined and the personality traits of the self-actualising person identified. - The concept of management success has been defined and the personality traits of the successful manager identified. - Measurable management success criteria as well as measuring instruments for measuring these criteria have been identified. A psychometric test battery has been compiled from the General Health Questionnaire, Mental Alertness Test, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Personal Orientation Questionnaire, Rotter Questionnaire, HSRC Case Study Technique and Decision-making Questionnaire and the Biographical Questionnaire. These measuring instruments were used as classification variables to measure the measurable components of the selj-actualisation construct among managers of a financial institution. Management success, as a criterion variable, was measured using the performance management evaluation and employee effectiveness questionnaires. From the statistical analysis (multiple-regression analysis) it is evident that 15 classification variables relate to management success. The multiple correlation R (adjusted for number of cases and number of classification variables) equals 0,54. A relation has therefore been found in this research between the concepts of selfactualisation and management success as measured in managers of a financial institution. Several classification variables show a parabolic relation to management success. This indicates that a relative presence or strength of specific personality traits is essential for management success. However, when a certain optimal point is exceeded, this has a detrimental effect on management success. The conclusion is reached that the evaluation techniques and psychometric instruments used in this research, which showed a relation (whether rectilineal or parabolic) with management success, may be employed at a financial institution to identify managers with management potential. Recommendations in respect of the usefulness of the self-actualisation concept for the practical environment and for future research were formulated. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / DCom (Bedryfsielkunde)

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