Spelling suggestions: "subject:"maskiningenjör"" "subject:"maskiningenjörer""
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Konceptuell modell för ljusförsörjning i skyddsrum vid strömbortfall / Conceptual design for light suppply in shelter rooms during power failureHernvall Jonsson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
In a parallel with the potential reestablishment of new production of swedish shelters, an awareness of a great potential of modernisation on swedish shelters has occurred. Sweden is in the process of a new potential production of modern swedish shelters, but there is a long process before all the technical details has been updated. This is a bachelor thesis for a degree in mechanical engineering at Karlstad university. The object of this report is to show how a shelter can be best supplied with light during a period when normal power fail. The recommendation of the report is to use wall mounted LED units that are supplied from an electric generator, operated manually by hand. This model has been developed based on swedish regulations for shelters and includes recommendations from these regulations. The concept could also be considered as a necessity for protectetive cautions during realistic crise circumstances. This project was initially a construction developing-oriented project for a specific product that aimed for higher security and functionality in shelters, but resulted in a koncept for light. The method has therefore followed processes for product developing.
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Lyftverktyg : Konstruktion av 3D-modell/modeller för lyftverktyg avsett för cylinderhuvud och emballage / Lifting tool : Construction of 3D-model/models for a lifting tool intended for cylinderheads and packagingFriberg, Carl-Johan, Gustavsson, John January 2013 (has links)
Reservdelspaketering av cylinderhuvuden till personbilsmotorer för eftermarknaden sker idag för hand på ett företag i Skövde som tillverkar bilmotorer. Samtliga cylinderhuvuden lyfts för hand och placeras i wellpapplådor som levereras till återförsäljare. För att förbättra ergonomin för de anställda vid paketeringen samt att minska risken för skador på både anställda och cylinderhuvud har företaget efterfrågat ett lyftverktyg för att lyfta cylinderhuvudena med av konsultföretaget ÅF. Målet med detta arbete är således att utveckla en eller flera modeller av lyftverktyg som kan lyfta så många olika varianter av cylinderhuvud som möjligt samt wellpapplådan som dessa paketeras i. Som utgångspunkt för konstruktionen av lyftverktyget utförs en litteraturstudie inom området lyftverktyg. Denna litteraturstudie innefattar både generella lyftverktyg som finns på marknaden samt en undersökning av företagets befintliga lyftverktyg. Litteraturstudien visar att generella lyftverktyg varierar avsevärt gällande både externa kraftkällor och vilken princip som används för att gripa föremål som ska lyftas. Studien av företagets befintliga lyftverktyg visar att företaget applicerar en rad olika sätt att gripa både cylinderhuvuden och motorblock. För lyft av cylinderhuvuden används verktyg som använder friktion mellan lyftverktyg och ventilstyrningshålen och verktyg som använder mekanisk gripning som bygger på att cylinderhuvudets geometri utnyttjas. Grundkoncept för hur cylinderhuvud och emballage kan lyftas tas fram genom att ett flertal konstruktions- och designmetoder används. Tre grundkoncept på lyftverktyg för lyft av cylinderhuvudet i kombination med två lösningar på hur emballaget kan lyftas presenteras för företaget. Ett av grundkoncepten anses vara den bästa lösningen på hur cylinderhuvudet ska lyftas utifrån resultatet av en viktad konceptvalsmatris. Den bästa lösning på hur lådan ska lyftas anses vara att denna inte lyfts alls, utan transporteras via ett rullbord. Företaget väljer dock att ett de andragrundkoncept av lyftverktyg ska vidareutvecklas. Även den andra lösningen på hur lådan ska lyftas anses av företaget vara en bättre lösning. Till följd av cylinderhuvudenas variation i geometri konstrueras två olika lyftverktyg. Båda konstruktionerna bygger på att två ramkonstruktioner, uppbyggda av aluminiumprofiler och monterade till varandra med linjärstyrningar, sänks ner över cylinderhuvudet. Ramkonstruktionerna dras sedan ihop med en pneumatisk cylinder. Följden av detta blir att det ena lyftverktyget griper cylinderhuvudena genom kontakttryck överfört av puckar med polyuretanskivor fastvulkade i ena änden, mellan ram och cylinderhuvud. Det andra lyftverktyget griper cylinderhuvudet utifrån dess geometri. Båda lyftverktygen är utrustade med polyesterband med monterade lyftprofiler som passar emballagets fördefinierade lyftområden. Detta gör att lådan med det paketerade cylinderhuvudet inuti kan lyftas. Resultatet blir alltså två olika lyftverktyg, ett som lyfter med tryck och friktion och ett som lyfter genom mekanisk låsning utifrån cylinderhuvudets geometri. På konstruktionen av lyftverktyget som lyfter cylinderhuvudet med friktion görs Finita Element-analyser för att utvärdera verkande moment, effektivspänningar och deformation vid belastning. Utifrån analyserna i kombination med noggrant avvägda antaganden dras slutsatsen att de ingående skruvförbanden, linjärstyrningar och aluminiumprofilerna håller en tvåfaldig säkerhet mot begynnande plasticering. Utifrån det slutgiltiga resultatet ges förslag på framtida arbete i form av vidareutveckling av lyftverktyget till ÅF. / The packaging of cylinder heads as spare parts for car engines is today done by hand in a company in Skövde that manufactures car engines. All cylinder heads are lifted by hand and placed inside cardboard boxes. The cardboard boxes are then sent to the retailer of spare parts. In order to improve the work situation from an ergonomic point of view and to minimize the risk of injury on both the cylinder heads and the employees, the company has ordered a lifting tool from the technical consulting company ÅF. The goal with this master thesis is to develop one or several models of lifting tool/tools that can lift as many different cylinder head models as possible. The lifting tool/tools are also going to be able to lift the cardboard box with the cylinder head inside. As starting point for the development of the lifting tool/tools, a literature study is made in the field of lifting tools. The literature study is divided into two parts; the first one includes general lifting tools on the market today. The second part analyses the different kind of lifting tools that the company already is using today. The literature study shows that there is a big variety in general lifting tools not only considering the external forces that is used to power the tools but also in which way the tools grips the objects. The study of the company’s existing lifting tools shows that it contains a big variety in different ways to grab both cylinder heads and engine blocks. To lift cylinder heads the company uses several kinds of principles, for example; lifting tools that grips with friction between lifting tool and the holes for the valve shafts. They also use lifting tools that grabs the cylinder heads by taking advantage of the cylinder head geometry. Basic concepts on how the cylinder head and the cardboard box can be lifted are developed by using a number of different design methods. Three basic concepts of lifting tools for lifting the cylinder head combined with two basic concepts on how the cardboard box can be lifted is presented to the company. One of the three basic concepts on how to lift the cylinder head is considered the best, based on its score in a concept score table. The best solution for how the cardboard box is to be lifted is not to lift it at all. Instead should the cardboard box be pushed away on a ball transfer table. Still, the company chooses another one of the basic concept for further development. Also the second solution on how to lift the cardboard box is chosen by the company. Due to that the cylinder heads geometries varies so much between the different models, two different lifting tools are developed. The construction of both of the tools is based on two aluminium frames, constructed by aluminium profiles. The two frames are joined together by linear motion bearings. The frames are lowered down over the cylinder head and then being pressed together by a pneumatic cylinder. This results in that the one of the two lifting tool is gripping the cylinder head with contact pressure and friction between the cylinder head and the aluminium cylinders on the lifting tool that have polyurethane vulcanised on its ends. The other lifting tool grips the cylinder head by using the cylinder heads geometry. The two lifting tools are both equipped with polyester bands with hooks mounted on its ends that fits in the premade handles on the cardboard box. This makes it possible to lift the cardboard box with a cylinder head inside of it. The result of this is two lifting tools, one that grips with pressure and friction and one that grips by mechanical locking based on the cylinder heads geometry. For the lifting tool that grips the cylinder head with pressure and friction a series of analyses is made using the Finite Elements method. The purpose with these analyses is to evaluate torque, stress and displacement of the lifting tool. From the results of these analyses in combination with some carefully considered assumptions, conclusions of the strength of mechanics for the lifting tool are made. This shows that all the included parts of the lifting tool; such as screw joints, linear motion bearings and aluminium profiles, have a factor of safety higher then 2 against plastic deformation. Based on obtained results from this thesis, advises on further development for the lifting tools are presented to ÅF.
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FEM- analys av standardräls BJV50 : Undersökning av belastningsfall vid vägning av malmvagn UID IISvensson, Erik, Viitala, Tero January 2007 (has links)
Då godsvagnar skall vägas med trådtöjningsgivare monterade i järnvägsräls finns ett antal faktorer som inverkar på mätresultatet. Denna rapport utreder genom datorbaserade simuleringar hur underlag och hastighet inverkar på töjningen i rälsen och även i viss mån hur deformationen i rälsen påverkas. Vidare utreds hur störningar i form av temperaturförändring samt förändring av kontaktkraften mellan vagnshjul och räls inverkar på töjningen. Förändringen av kontaktkraften kan exempelvis bero på hjulplatta, vibrationer från godsvagn eller ojämnheter i rälsen. / When goods wagons are weighed out with a strain gage assembled to a rail there are certain factors that affect the results of the measurement. This report investigates by computer based simulations how the foundation and the speed of a wagon affect the strain and the deformation of a rail. Furthermore, in the report investigations are made how disturbances in the form of changes in temperature and changes of the contact force between the wheel of a wagon and the rail affect strain. The changes can occur due to non-round wheels, vibrations of a wagon or irregular rail.
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FEM- analys av standardräls BJV50 : Undersökning av belastningsfall vid vägning av malmvagn UID IISvensson, Erik, Viitala, Tero January 2007 (has links)
<p>Då godsvagnar skall vägas med trådtöjningsgivare monterade i järnvägsräls finns ett antal faktorer som inverkar på mätresultatet. Denna rapport utreder genom datorbaserade simuleringar hur underlag och hastighet inverkar på töjningen i rälsen och även i viss mån hur deformationen i rälsen påverkas. Vidare utreds hur störningar i form av temperaturförändring samt förändring av kontaktkraften mellan vagnshjul och räls inverkar på töjningen. Förändringen av kontaktkraften kan exempelvis bero på hjulplatta, vibrationer från godsvagn eller ojämnheter i rälsen.</p> / <p>When goods wagons are weighed out with a strain gage assembled to a rail there are certain factors that affect the results of the measurement. This report investigates by computer based simulations how the foundation and the speed of a wagon affect the strain and the deformation of a rail. Furthermore, in the report investigations are made how disturbances in the form of changes in temperature and changes of the contact force between the wheel of a wagon and the rail affect strain. The changes can occur due to non-round wheels, vibrations of a wagon or irregular rail.</p>
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Innovativt Drivpaket för RullstolMalmberg, Roger, Hagberg, Simon January 2008 (has links)
<p>This is a thesis for a Bachelor Degree Project, performed in the subject Mechanical</p><p>Engineering. The students Roger Malmberg and Simon Hagberg have carried out a</p><p>design project on behalf of the recently established company J&D Assisting systems,</p><p>located in Halmstad.</p><p>The project consisted in developing J&D's first prototype of a power assisting solution</p><p>for wheelchairs. A power assisted wheelchair combines human power, which is delivered</p><p>by the arms through the pushrims, with electrical motors, which are powered by a battery.</p><p>The power assisted wheelchair is aimed at customers, who have used a regular</p><p>wheelchair for a long time, but who have become weaker or just need additional power</p><p>when driving uphill. This kind of wheelchair will provide additional power for users,</p><p>which will spare their wrists, elbow and shoulders. The product is torque sensor free and</p><p>instead it relies on the velocity. Engines and gearboxes from the company All motion was</p><p>a requirement. The construction could not impair the wheelchair's trafficability and the</p><p>performance would at least match up with the performance of the first prototype. To build</p><p>a working prototype was a part of the task. The work was early focused on the specific</p><p>wheelchair Etac Next. At the same time, the result should be, as much as possible,</p><p>suitable for the most common wheelchairs.</p><p>The result is a design where the engine packet is assembled in a 90° angle towards the</p><p>wheelaxle. In the angle, the power is transferred by bevel gears, assembled on shafts</p><p>supported by ball bearings. Then, the force is transmitted via a modified wheel axle to a</p><p>structure mounted outside the hub. Eight stokes transfers the force to the hand rims.</p><p>An operational prototype has been built and then been assembled on the wheelchair Etac</p><p>Next. The part mounted outside of the wheel has got a plastic hood to cover up and to</p><p>protect the inner parts. The plastic hood has been produced with SLS technology.</p>
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Innovativt Drivpaket för RullstolMalmberg, Roger, Hagberg, Simon January 2008 (has links)
This is a thesis for a Bachelor Degree Project, performed in the subject Mechanical Engineering. The students Roger Malmberg and Simon Hagberg have carried out a design project on behalf of the recently established company J&D Assisting systems, located in Halmstad. The project consisted in developing J&D's first prototype of a power assisting solution for wheelchairs. A power assisted wheelchair combines human power, which is delivered by the arms through the pushrims, with electrical motors, which are powered by a battery. The power assisted wheelchair is aimed at customers, who have used a regular wheelchair for a long time, but who have become weaker or just need additional power when driving uphill. This kind of wheelchair will provide additional power for users, which will spare their wrists, elbow and shoulders. The product is torque sensor free and instead it relies on the velocity. Engines and gearboxes from the company All motion was a requirement. The construction could not impair the wheelchair's trafficability and the performance would at least match up with the performance of the first prototype. To build a working prototype was a part of the task. The work was early focused on the specific wheelchair Etac Next. At the same time, the result should be, as much as possible, suitable for the most common wheelchairs. The result is a design where the engine packet is assembled in a 90° angle towards the wheelaxle. In the angle, the power is transferred by bevel gears, assembled on shafts supported by ball bearings. Then, the force is transmitted via a modified wheel axle to a structure mounted outside the hub. Eight stokes transfers the force to the hand rims. An operational prototype has been built and then been assembled on the wheelchair Etac Next. The part mounted outside of the wheel has got a plastic hood to cover up and to protect the inner parts. The plastic hood has been produced with SLS technology.
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Kilhus i plast : Omläggning av stålprodukt till produkt i plastAndersson, Viktor, Olsén, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Our bachelor degree thesis was carried out in collaboration with Ivar Petterssons Järnmanufaktur AB in Smålandsstenar. We were asked to replace their wedge housing, used to fasten the wires to the power lines, with a similar structure in a plastic material. The idea for this project started with Ivar Petterssons Järnmanufaktur AB having problems with the casting quality that forced them to perform expensive tests on each of the wedge houses to ensure the quality. They are currently produced in China which is also a major drawback because it requires expensive long delivery times. The method we used is Fredy Olsson's Princip- and Primärkonstuktion (1995). We have consistently been in the project on so-called "broad front", which means that you create several sketches, ideas and changes in parallel, and then evaluates all. With this method we were able to largely concentrate on the current part of the project, rather than using the more time-consuming "trail and error" method, which is basically doing one idea at a time, and evaluate them one by one. At first we were very optimistic and thought we would be able to order form for the injection moulding process, but as the project progressed we found we were not certain that the product would hold and we were forced to present the solution as a concept that will require testing before it’s finished, and not a finished solution.The results we presented for Ivar Pettersssons Järnmanufaktur is a complete drawing on our primary solution, including the release angles. This is because when they decide to go forth with the project, it will be possible to produce a tool without having to make changes to the drawings. Temporary financial calculation shows that the savings may be realized around 1 300 000 SEK by switching to a plastic construction. However we have not been able to verify hours and therefore no cost estimates for the testing done in Sweden, so the actual amount of money saved is larger.
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Framtagning av en mobilhållare för bilar / Development of a mobile phone holder for carsGöransson, Daniel, Haaga, Jerry January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att utveckla och utforma en mobilhållare för bilar. En mobilhållare kan ha många funktioner, och med dagens lag om att kommunikationsutrustning inte får störa vid framförande av fordon får den en extra viktig roll. Hållaren har utvecklats för att möjliggöra enkel användning genom en kombination av flera användarvänliga funktioner. Några exempel på funktioner är enkel montering och demontering av mobiltelefon, automatisk sammankoppling med bil samt trådlös laddning. Genom en strukturerad produktutvecklingsprocess, där beprövade metoder har använts för att identifiera krav, generera koncept och välja koncept, har ett antal koncept skapats som slutligen sållats ut till en slutlig vinnare. Exempel på använda metoder och verktyg är intervjuer och House of Quality för kravidentifiering, TRIZ Effects Database och Merlin för konceptgenerering samt Concept screening och Concept scoring för konceptval. Det valda konceptet har därefter genomgått nödvändigt konstruktionsarbete för att skapaCAD-modeller, utföra FE-analyser samt 3D-printa en prototyp. Det slutliga konceptet uppfyller kravet om enkel användning genom bland annat enkel enhands montering och demontering av mobiltelefon. Lösningen fungerar även med en stor variation av mobiltelefoner utan behov av att göra inställningar. Konceptet är utformat och förberett för att i framtida arbete integrera olika trådlösa tekniker såsom NFC och Qiladdning. Vidare arbete krävs bland annat gällande konstruktionens hållfasthet, materialval och uppfyllande av lagkrav. / The objective of this thesis has been to develop and design a mobile phone holder for cars. A mobile phone holder can fulfil many purposes, and with the legislation today stating that communication equipment should not interfere when driving a vehicle, this type of product becomes extra important. The holder has been developed to enable simple use through acombination of user friendly functions. A few examples of functions are; easy mounting and demounting of mobile phone, automatic connection to car and wireless charging. Through a structured product development process, where tested methods have been used to identify requirements, generate concepts and choosing concept, an amount of concepts have been created and finally narrowed down to one final winner. Examples of methods and tools that has been used is interviews and House of Quality for identifying requirements, TRIZ Effects Database and Merlin for generating concepts and finally Concept screening and Concept scoring for the selection. The chosen concept has thereafter gone through necessary construction work for creating CAD-models, performing FE-analysis and 3D-printing a prototype. The final concept meets the requirement of easy use through simple one-hand mounting and demounting of mobile phone. The solution also works with a wide variety of mobilephones without the need to make adjustments. The concept is designed and prepared for integrating techniques such as NFC and Qi-charging in future work. More work needs to be done regarding the constructions strength, choice of material and fulfilling of laws before proceeding any further.
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Development of Brake Cooling / Utveckling av bromskylningLindgren, Arne January 2016 (has links)
Sports cars need efficient brake cooling as they shall perform well during hard driving conditions, like for example race track driving. Most sports cars use ducts that capture ambient airflow and directs this flow over the brakes to improve the cooling. This project was conducted in cooperation with Koenigsegg Automotive AB and aims to develop more efficient brake cooling ducts for their cars. Computational Fluid Dynamics was used to analyse the convective cooling of the brake disc and the pads. First was the cooling with the previously used ducts analysed in order to establish a reference. Then new concepts were created, analysed and developed in an iterative process. A design is proposed, which have the inlet in the centre of the wheel axle and that directs the air through radial channels to the brake disc. The simulations indicate that the proposed design results in 14% higher heat transfer rate compared to the previously used cooling solution. In addition to the cooling ducts, some passive cooling devices were also simulated. Simulations with these in combination with the proposed design, indicate up to 25% increase in heat transfer rate, but this cannot be fully confirmed due to limitations in the simulation model. / Sportbilar behöver effektiv bromskylning eftersom de ska prestera väl under hårda körförhållanden, som till exempel bankörning. De flesta sportbilar använder kanaler som fångar omgivande luftflöde och riktar detta flöde över bromsarna för att förbättra kylningen. Detta projekt genomfördes i samarbete med Koenigsegg Automotive AB och syftar till att utveckla effektivare bromskylkanaler till deras bilar. Computational Fluid Dynamics användes för att analysera den konvektiva kylningen av bromsskivan och bromsbeläggen. Först analyserades kylningen med den tidigare använda bromskylkanalen i syfte att skapa en referens. Sedan skapades nya koncept som analyserades och utvecklades i en iterativ process. En konstruktion föreslås, som har inloppet i centrum av hjulaxeln och som sedan styr luften genom radiella kanaler till bromsskivan. Simuleringarna indikerar att den föreslagna konstruktionen resulterar i 14% högre värmeöverföringshastighet än den tidigare använda bromskylningslösningen. Förutom kylkanalerna har några passiva kylanordningar också simulerats. Simuleringar med dessa i kombination med den föreslagna konstruktionen, indikerar upp till 25% ökning av värmeöverföringshastigheten, men detta kan inte helt bekräftas på grund av begränsningar i den använda simuleringsmodellen.
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Ytbehandling för att motverka uppbyggning : Undersökning av olika ytbehandlingsmetoder och material för applikation i en mjukpappersmaskin / Surface treatment to prevent build-ups : Research of different methods for surface treatment and materials for application in a Tissue machineKlevsäter, Anton January 2017 (has links)
This exam report includes a survey of surface treatment materials and their associated surface treatment methods for application in a tissue machine commissioned by Valmet AB. The tissue machine produces 24 hours a day in a demanding environment consisting of water, heat, oils, glue, dust and various chemicals. The demanding environment makes it difficult to maintain the machine clean due to the limited access at various machine parts when the machine is operating, which can lead to both personal risks and risks for production stoppages. These factors form the basis for the build-ups that takes place at various machine parts. Mostly, it’s about paper fibres that either are loose and dry or clustered into lumps. They also appear as lumps of fibres held together by oil, glues or other chemicals. Over time, they can loosen and, in the worst case, are due to breakages and production failures. The build-ups can also destroy the function of moving machine parts or lead to corrosion. The commission was assigned by Bengt O Andersson and Mickey Lindevall at Valmet AB. The project was conducted as the examining part in the course Degree Project for the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, MSGC17, at the faculty of health, science and technology at Karlstad university. The project was carried out individually by a student at the Bachelor of Science program in Mechanical Engineering at Karlstad university. This degree project has taken precedence where the previous degree project at Valmet AB completed its work. The previous degree project has served as a reference document in this report to work out a requirement specification and identifying machine parts that are desired to undergo some form of surface treatment. The acting environments that exist at the various machine parts that are desired to be surface treated have also been examined from the previous degree project. This report has taken a different approach compared to the previous thesis work and is instead directed towards finding suitable surface treatment materials and associated application methods using the material database, CES EduPack. The purpose of the degree project has been to present suitable surface treatment materials and associated surface treatment methods. These are to solve the existing problems, thus facilitating cleaning and maintenance of the tissue machine. To achieve this, a list of suitable materials and associated surface treatment methods has been presented. From this list, conclusions are drawn to find as good surface treatment materials and its associated application methods as possible. With these, the problem should be eliminated or reduced drastically for the number of build-ups regarding the treated machine parts. The objective for this project thesis has been to analyse and proposing suitable methods and materials for surface treatments. With the chosen method and material for the surface treatment, the surfaces upon application are to achieve such properties that build-ups do not adhere to them. The project also contains a requirement specification that has been translated into restriction terms that all investigated material candidates have had to fulfil to be classified as suitable material candidates. The report has also taken a stand to the literature and theory available in the subject area to further investigate what materials are currently used in similar industrial applications. The information that has been processed has, in a final phase, been used as a basis for the list of suitable surface treatment materials and their associated surface treatment methods presented in the report. / Denna examensrapport innefattar en undersökning av ytbehandlingsmaterial samt tillhörande ytbehandlingsmetoder för applicering i en mjukpappersmaskin på uppdrag av Valmet AB. Mjukpappersmaskinen producerar 24 timmar om dygnet i en krävande miljö bl.a. bestående av vatten, värme, oljor, lim, damm samt diverse kemikalier. Den krävande miljön gör att det är svårt att hålla maskinen ren eftersom att det är svårt att komma åt överallt under drift, vilket kan medföra både personrisker och risker för produktionsstopp. Dessa faktorer ligger till grund för att uppbyggningar uppstår vid diverse maskindelar. Mestadels handlar det om pappersfibrer som endera är lösa torra eller fasttorkade i klumpar men de förekommer även som klumpar av fibrer som hålls ihop av olja, lim eller andra kemikalier. Med tiden så kan dessa lossna och ligger i värsta fall till grund för banbrott och produktionsbortfall. Uppbyggningarna kan även förstöra funktionen på rörliga maskindelar eller leda till korrosion. Uppdraget är utgivet av Bengt O Andersson och Mickey Lindevall på Valmet AB. Projektet utförs som den examinerande delen i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i Maskinteknik, MSGC17 vid fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap vid Karlstads universitet. Projektet har utförts enskilt av studerande vid Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i Maskinteknik vid Karlstads universitet. Detta examensarbete har tagit vid där föregående examensarbetare vid Valmet AB avslutade sitt arbete. Dennes examensrapport har fungerat som ett referensdokument i denna rapport för att kunna arbeta fram en kravspecifikation samt identifiera maskindelar som önskas genomgå någon form av ytbehandling. De verkande miljöerna som existerar vid de maskindelar som önskas ytbehandlas har även undersökts från det tidigare examensarbetet. Denna rapport har tagit ett nytt tillvägagångssätt gentemot föregående examensarbetare och riktas istället mot att identifiera lämpliga ytbehandlingsmaterial samt tillhörande applikationsmetoder med hjälp av materialdatabasen, CES EduPack. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att presentera lämpliga ytbehandlingsmaterial samt tillhörande ytbehandlingsmetoder som löser de befintliga problemen och därmed underlättar rengöring och underhåll av mjukpappersmaskinen. För att kunna göra detta har en lista av lämpliga material samt tillhörande ytbehandlingsmetoder tagits fram. Ur denna lista med material och ytbehandlingsmetoder dras slutsatser för att hitta ett så bra ytbehandlingsmaterial och tillhörande ytbehandlingsmetod som möjligt. Med dessa skall problemet elimineras eller minskas drastiskt gällande antal uppbyggningar vid behandlade maskindelar. Examensarbetet har som mål att analysera och ge förslag på lämpliga metoder och material för ytbehandlingar. Med vald metod och material för ytbehandling skall ytorna vid applicering få en sådan egenskap att uppbyggningar inte vidhäftar vid dessa. Projektet innehåller även en kravspecifikation som översatts till restriktionsvillkor som samtliga undersökta materialkandidater varit tvungna att passera för att klassas som lämpliga materialkandidater. Rapporten har även tagit ställning till den litteratur och teori som funnits tillgänglig inom ämnesområdet för att vidare undersöka vilka material som används i dagsläget inom liknande industriella tillämpningar. Informationen som tagits fram har i ett slutskede legat som grund för den lista av lämpliga ytbehandlingsmaterial samt dess tillhörande ytbehandlingsmetoder som presenteras i rapporten.
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