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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delta X : Utveckling av värmeväxlare

Heibert, Jimmy, Johansson, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stockholms vattenskärning AB in Kungsängen has through the acquisition of a company begun to design and produce aircraft heaters whose origin is early 1970s which follows a high inefficiency in terms of energy consumption and size.</p><p>The aircraft heater, which is sold worldwide, serves its purpose for customer satisfaction and has done so ever since it was developed in the 70s.</p><p>Stockholms vattenskärning AB is now investigating the possibility in making the aircraft heaters more efficient, both in terms of energy consumption but also on a more efficient design with the belief that it would lead them to an edge in the market.</p><p> </p><p>The aircraft heater consists of several main components whose function altogether is to keep passenger aircrafts warm while they are on the ground.</p><p>This project has been limited to the further development of the heat exchanger package which accounts for the conversion of the hot medium to the fresh air being carried in to the aircraft cabin.</p><p> </p><p>Work has been divided into different phases in order to create a better understanding of the project range and to make it easier to divide the various elements in the time available, 10 weeks. These phases are literature review, situation analysis, concept generation, CAD, concept comparison and writing reports.</p><p>After the initial literature review was made, a fundamental theory was written which is essential in understanding the remaining parts of the project.</p><p>With the theoretical part as support, measurements and calculations were made on the current heat exchange package in a situation analysis to ensure its operation and efficiency.</p><p>In the concept generation phase, the collected facts from the literature review was used as the basis for creating a matrix. The purpose of the matrix was to indicate the two most suitable types of heat exchangers to develop four new concepts out of.</p><p>In the CAD phase the four concepts was drawn up and then described with text and images.</p><p>The last phase is the concept comparison where a concept selection matrix is used to function as a decision basis for further production at Stockholms vattenskärning AB.</p><p> </p><p>The four concepts have been developed based on the current heat exchanger and is gradually changed into a design of a cross-flow heat exchanger constructed out of stainless sections. The purpose of this is to have gradual upgrading of the heat exchanger as an option, in order not to saturate the market.</p>

Delta X : Utveckling av värmeväxlare

Heibert, Jimmy, Johansson, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
Stockholms vattenskärning AB in Kungsängen has through the acquisition of a company begun to design and produce aircraft heaters whose origin is early 1970s which follows a high inefficiency in terms of energy consumption and size. The aircraft heater, which is sold worldwide, serves its purpose for customer satisfaction and has done so ever since it was developed in the 70s. Stockholms vattenskärning AB is now investigating the possibility in making the aircraft heaters more efficient, both in terms of energy consumption but also on a more efficient design with the belief that it would lead them to an edge in the market.   The aircraft heater consists of several main components whose function altogether is to keep passenger aircrafts warm while they are on the ground. This project has been limited to the further development of the heat exchanger package which accounts for the conversion of the hot medium to the fresh air being carried in to the aircraft cabin.   Work has been divided into different phases in order to create a better understanding of the project range and to make it easier to divide the various elements in the time available, 10 weeks. These phases are literature review, situation analysis, concept generation, CAD, concept comparison and writing reports. After the initial literature review was made, a fundamental theory was written which is essential in understanding the remaining parts of the project. With the theoretical part as support, measurements and calculations were made on the current heat exchange package in a situation analysis to ensure its operation and efficiency. In the concept generation phase, the collected facts from the literature review was used as the basis for creating a matrix. The purpose of the matrix was to indicate the two most suitable types of heat exchangers to develop four new concepts out of. In the CAD phase the four concepts was drawn up and then described with text and images. The last phase is the concept comparison where a concept selection matrix is used to function as a decision basis for further production at Stockholms vattenskärning AB.   The four concepts have been developed based on the current heat exchanger and is gradually changed into a design of a cross-flow heat exchanger constructed out of stainless sections. The purpose of this is to have gradual upgrading of the heat exchanger as an option, in order not to saturate the market.

Ny inmatningsfunktion för Arcomas detektorhållare / New input function for Arcoma's detector holder

Runesson, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Arcoma is a company that develops and manufactures X-ray equipment for hospitals. One of the most crucial components is the digital detector. Due to the high cost it is made removable so it could be transferred and used in other X-ray apparatus. The detector is placed in a so called detector holder. The current detector has a rectangular shape which sometimes requires a 90 degree rotation to match the shape of the patient. Recently a new quadratic detector has been introduced on the market which is larger than the current one. Because of the quadratic shape and size the new detector will not need the rotation. This means that the input function as well as the holder has to be redesigned to adapt. In this thesis the development of the detector holder is described. In the planning phase a product specification was developed. The main requirement was that the solution had to be purely mechanical. A guideline was that the new construction also had to be cheaper to manufacture than the current one. The methodology can be broadly divided into initial studies, concept generation, concept development and a final assemble in a CAD computer software. Three different main concepts where produced. They were evaluated using a Pugh matrix. One was then developed which resulted in a cheaper and much narrower construction than the original solution. This report was made for Arcoma to be used as a basis for their future development of the detector holder.

Utveckling av en produkt som förenklar koppling av släp / Development of a product that simplifies coupling of trailers

Mahmood, Furqan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis was conducted at SverigeGrepen in Vänge-Körlinge, Uppsala, Sweden.SverigeGrepen is a family business that develops and manufactures a few different parts of different kinds of products. My task is to come up with a good idea that facilitates the coupling of trailers, i.e. from an idea to a fully functioning prototype. The product is intended for use by all customers for all kinds of trailers. The actual goal of the work is to develop a full prototype that you can install and use in the easiest way possible, a prototype that follows the specifications. To understand the structural design of a trailer, different parts of it were studied, plus that the different user requirements specifications were specified, even the coupling methods that are already in the market were studied and understood.After being done with the study, started the ideas and concept generating. Different ideas of good methods someone can use to back up a car to a trailer and connect it, or in reverse, to move the trailer to the car instead, and the total were seven different concepts. The method used to develop concepts were particularly brainstorming. Then to go ahead with one of the developed concepts and determine the one that went on for prototyping, a concept selection matrix were used. Where the requirements were the specifications determined in the study.The result became drawing documents of a product that meets the specification requirement and purpose of the product. The drawing documents were submitted to one of SverigeGrepens companies called ‘KP welding and forging’, but the prototype was not completed within the framework of the thesis. (Kp svets och smide 1989

Automatisk benplockare för lax : En vidareutveckling av befintlig prototyp / Automatic pin bone remover

Tanco Villaverde, André, Hajima, Izhar Jeffrey January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes a further development of an existing prototype named Automatic pin bone remover. The further development was requested from the Swedish consulting firm ATM AB. The request of automatic pin bone removers is high and has the potential to be a worldwide leading product. The goal with the thesis work is to further develop an existing prototype. In order to achieve the goal a pre-study of the prototype had to be made in order to define a customer demand specification. The thesis work is then continued by a function analysis which differs from a conservative one.  For each sub-function various sub solutions a made. The advantage of this method is that it results in various total solutions which after an evaluation one will be chosen for further development. To examine if the fully developed prototype achieved the given demands a test specification was made. The tests resulted in success, however later in the thesis it is recommended to perform tests on a real prototype to ensure that the given demands are fulfilled. These tests however are not a part of this thesis. The economic sub goal with the thesis was not properly fulfilled, however the remaining goals was fulfilled successfully.  The result of the thesis was an improved prototype, manufacturing documentation of the prototype and a suggestion of material change that could lead to reduced total costs.

Städredskap för entrémattor / Cleaning device for entrance mats

Radic, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete, med inriktning mot produktutveckling, vid Högskolan Väst i Trollhättan, behandlar konceptutveckling avseende ett städhjälpmedel för att underlätta städningen under entrémattor för lokalvårdare. Städhjälpmedelet skall vara billigt, användarvänligt samt tåla de belastningar och den miljö anordningen kan antas utsättas för. Det skall uppfylla de krav som ställs av användare, kunder samt andra intressenter. Produktutvecklingsprocessen har omfattat faktainsamling, konceptgenerering och utvärdering, feleffektanalys, kostnadsuppskattning samt detaljkonstruktion av produkten. Det slutgiltiga konceptet 4 hade sådan konstruktion att produkten kunde bäras med för hand eller hängas på städvagnen vid förflyttning. Dess funktion gjorde att den bedöms lätthanterlig och användarvänlig för lokalvårdare. Det valda konceptet har dokumenterats i form av bilder, ritningar och beräkningar. En CAD-ritning används som underlag för prototypframtagning då denna skickas till tillverkare för utvärdering. På grund av möjlig patent ansökan beskrivs inte exakta resultat, men utförliga beskrivningar av tillvägagångssätt och metoder framställs.

Utveckling av koncept för timmersortering / Development of concept for lumber sorting

Gustafsson, Tim, Sjöblom, Joakim January 2014 (has links)
Arbetet bygger på ett önskemål från sågverket VIDA Alvesta AB att hitta en konceptlösning för en sorteringsstation. Fyra olika koncept genererades och deras egenskaper jämfördes med varandra med hjälp av ett systemtänk för produktutveckling. Den konceptlösning som visade sig vara mest lämpad är en kombination av befintliga komponenter med en nyutvecklad komponent för att reducera en timmerstocks hastighet. Den nyutvecklade komponenten har dimensionerats och materialspecificerats.

Mekanisk Konstruktion : en funktionell och ergonomisk arbetsstation

Petersson, Jim, Asplund, Nils January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar utvecklingsarbetet med att designa en ergonomisk och funktionell arbetsstation för permabilitetssökning av gasgeneratorer. Arbetet är den avslutande delen på maskiningenjörsprogrammet som görs vid Högskolan i Borås och omfattar 15 högskolepoäng. Projektets genomförande bestod av ett antal delmoment där resultaten stod till grund för att bygga vidare på nästa moment. Det första delmomentet var planering av projektet, där ingick bland annat att analysera och observera den nuvarande arbetsstationen för få grundförutsättningarna för skapandet av en ny. Följande delmoment var en litteraturstudie vars syfte var att förhöja kunskap kring främst ämnena ergonomi och effektiva produktutvecklingsmetoder, men även teori kring vätgaspermeabilitet. I litteraturstudien ingick även genomgång av olika checklistor för att identifiera risker inom området ergonomi. Projektets sista fas var idé och konceptgenerering. Här genererades olika koncept genom kreativa metoder för att sedan presenteras i olika konceptgenomgångar i form av conjoint analys. Ledordet för framtagandet av den slutliga konstruktionen har under hela processen varit funktionalitet och ergonomi. Konceptet hade olika funktioner för att kunna göra optimerande inställningar för att säkerställa funktionalitet och ergonomi för den enskilde individen. Designen har reducerat risken för att resultatet av testerna blir felaktiga då detta tidigare varit ett problem Ett antal förbättringsförslag togs fram ifall det skulle finnas behov av en mer ergonomisk samt säkrare arbetsstation i framtiden, såsom justerbar utrustning.

Digital produktutveckling : Stage gate, S:t Eriks

Johansson, Emil, Taxén, Christian January 2015 (has links)
This thesis revolves around product development in a medium-sized Swedish company. The company in question is called S:t Erik and manufactures a wide range of products made out of concrete and operates in several locations in Sweden. The study has been carried out during 20 weeks with a starting point in January, year 2015. The goal of the study is to deliver a directly implementable development process that support the company's vision and aim towards a more reliable and resource-saving product development process. The study has been conducted through interviews with people directly involved in the product development process. In addition to the interviews, an observational study carried out in the company's production unit in Uppsala and a benchmarking at S:t Eriks plant in Staffanstorp. Which though co-examination with theory revolving the Stage gate process formed the basis for the developed proposals for improvement. To achieve a more accurate product development S:t Erik is recommended to work with its product development on a project basis with clear guidance in the form of a dedicated project manager in combination with a standardized development procedure. Through a proposed model including the work guidelines and though structured development phases S:t Eriks is presented with the opportunity to drastically decrease the risk involved with the company’s product development. The result also includes a proposal to carry out the proposed working model through the online feature in Word, in response to discovered problems revolving communication, access to information and transfer of knowledge. To ensure that S:t Erik is able to interpret and meet the expressed customer need, and at the same time simplify the internal communication they are recommended to incorporate a 3D printer in the early stages of the product development. For additional ways to meet customer needs a concept collection folder available for quick and easy collection of ideas and suggestions online or alternatively on the company intranet is suggested. Finally a procedure for how the working model could be used in practise is presented in an effort to archive a successful implementation at S:t Eriks.

Förvaring av andningsapparater i brandbilar : Undersökning av hur tryckluftsapparater bör förvaras i brandbilar

Eriksson, Arvid January 2018 (has links)
This thesis for 15 credits were executed at Sala Brand AB in Sala,Sweden. Sala Brand Ab develop, manufacture and install bodywork forfirefighter trucks in the nordic countries. This thesis assumes from a report called “Friska brandmän” or“Healthy Firefighters”, written by Magnusson and Hultman (2014). They visualize a problem regarding the uncertainties of what chemicals firefighters are exposed to. After the report was published some ofthe clients to Sala Brand AB started their work towards betterworking conditions, and how their breathing appliance could be storedoutside the firetruck cabin. The thesis mainly focuses on what needsand demands the customer has regarding storage of the breathingappliance. Sala Brand also has an issue with this new workingstandard, as many of their clients have different needs. Whichresults in high amounts of variation in their manufacturing andincreasing cost as a result. These can be saved if the client makesright choice. The work towards finding customer needs started with designing twoconcepts Sala Brand AB thinks the clients wants, which later wasshowed for the clients during the interviews. Two customers were paida visit, Nerikes Brandkår, Örebro and Räddningstjänsten Dala Mitt.The results from these interviews was then presented in tables withtheir needs and importance for the function of the concept. Later,conclusions were made on the results gathered from the interviews onwhat type of concept the costumers prefer. Then concepts andsolutions were generated to study which concept who satisfied theneeds and properties the costumers expressed. Bergman and Klefsjö(2007) means that quality of a product is based on what the costumersexpect of the product in the first place. The result became a concept developed from an already existingconcept, mainly because it satisfies Sala Brands needs to reduce thevariation in the production. The concept is a box with a liftingconstruction that lifts the breathing appliance up towards an angleof 30-40 degrees to make it easier for the firefighter to put it on.Then on the way home from an accident the breathing appliance can bestored in the same boxes without negatively affecting the firefighters working conditions. The breathing appliance can then,when the firefighters has returned to the fire department, be replaced with a clean one.

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