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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I fattiga omständigheter : Fattigvårdens former och understödstagare i Skellefteå socken under 1800-talet

Engberg, Elisabeth January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to shed light upon the Swedish nineteenth century poor relief system, how it operated in a local rural context, how it changed over time, and not least, who was supported and why. It raises questions about how the poor laws were interpreted on the parish level, how the welfare systems interacted with local society and about who was considered to be poor and entitled to support. The geographical setting of the thesis is Skellefteå, a rural parish in northern Sweden, and it concentrates upon the period 1830–1875.</p><p>Swedish poor relief was governed by the fundamental principle that each parish had a duty to support their own poor and each parish was allowed a large amount of freedom to adjust their welfare arrangements according to local conditions. In Skellefteå, the main incentive for modification of the poor relief system was not new regulations from the national level, but social and economic transformations on the local level. This implies that local requirements were put before national legislation and suggests the existence of several regional, and perhaps also local, poor relief systems in nineteenth-century Sweden.</p><p>On the local level, the results indicate the existence of a parochial social citizenship based upon a common understanding of social rights and duties in the community, and grounded in a strong sense of affiliation with the local society. Generally there was a larger distance between the poor and their providers in the wealthier and more socially stratified villages, hence a more egalitarian context seem to have facilitated identification and empathy with the poor. The local provision for the poor created and maintained bonds within a community, as well as it helped to build and reinforce boundaries towards those who did not belong. A sometimes suspicious and negative attitude towards outsiders was to some extent caused by a fear of increased poor relief expenses, but it also bears witness to a rural culture with a strong sense of belonging to one’s own village or hamlet.</p><p>The majority of men and women supported by poor relief in Skellefteå belonged to the lower strata of society long before they became welfare recipients. They were landless rural people with weak kinship networks, that in most cases were unable to mobilize any significant support in times of need. Childhood, early middle age, and old age were identified as phases in the life cycle that seem to have entailed an increased risk of poverty and dependence. A substantial proportion of the poor were breadwinners, middle aged men with large households to support, while the widowed and unmarried paupers usually were women. For many of these households the life cycles’ vulnerable periods were further reinforced by other factors: a breadwinner’s illness or disability, the death of a spouse, a major subsistence crisis, or a larger marginalization caused by a deviation from society’s moral standards. In most cases there seems to have been a delicate interplay between several social risks that determined if and when a person or a household was to end up being supported by poor relief.</p>

I fattiga omständigheter : Fattigvårdens former och understödstagare i Skellefteå socken under 1800-talet

Engberg, Elisabeth January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to shed light upon the Swedish nineteenth century poor relief system, how it operated in a local rural context, how it changed over time, and not least, who was supported and why. It raises questions about how the poor laws were interpreted on the parish level, how the welfare systems interacted with local society and about who was considered to be poor and entitled to support. The geographical setting of the thesis is Skellefteå, a rural parish in northern Sweden, and it concentrates upon the period 1830–1875. Swedish poor relief was governed by the fundamental principle that each parish had a duty to support their own poor and each parish was allowed a large amount of freedom to adjust their welfare arrangements according to local conditions. In Skellefteå, the main incentive for modification of the poor relief system was not new regulations from the national level, but social and economic transformations on the local level. This implies that local requirements were put before national legislation and suggests the existence of several regional, and perhaps also local, poor relief systems in nineteenth-century Sweden. On the local level, the results indicate the existence of a parochial social citizenship based upon a common understanding of social rights and duties in the community, and grounded in a strong sense of affiliation with the local society. Generally there was a larger distance between the poor and their providers in the wealthier and more socially stratified villages, hence a more egalitarian context seem to have facilitated identification and empathy with the poor. The local provision for the poor created and maintained bonds within a community, as well as it helped to build and reinforce boundaries towards those who did not belong. A sometimes suspicious and negative attitude towards outsiders was to some extent caused by a fear of increased poor relief expenses, but it also bears witness to a rural culture with a strong sense of belonging to one’s own village or hamlet. The majority of men and women supported by poor relief in Skellefteå belonged to the lower strata of society long before they became welfare recipients. They were landless rural people with weak kinship networks, that in most cases were unable to mobilize any significant support in times of need. Childhood, early middle age, and old age were identified as phases in the life cycle that seem to have entailed an increased risk of poverty and dependence. A substantial proportion of the poor were breadwinners, middle aged men with large households to support, while the widowed and unmarried paupers usually were women. For many of these households the life cycles’ vulnerable periods were further reinforced by other factors: a breadwinner’s illness or disability, the death of a spouse, a major subsistence crisis, or a larger marginalization caused by a deviation from society’s moral standards. In most cases there seems to have been a delicate interplay between several social risks that determined if and when a person or a household was to end up being supported by poor relief.

La communauté villageoise de Litang, et ses transmissions généalogiques et rituelles dans la construction de la modernité chinoise (du XIXe siècle à nos jours) / The village community of Litang, and its genealogical and ritual transmissions in the building of Modern China (from the 19th century to nowadays)

Favraud, Georges 24 January 2013 (has links)
Comment une communauté locale chinoise, structurée à la fois par ses transmissions patrilinéaires et taoïstes, participe-t-elle à la construction de la « modernité » ? Cette thèse montre la manière dont s’articulent et se transforment ces deux structures sociales communautaires fondamentales, afin de s’élaborer, de s’adapter et de participer au changement social de leur temps. Ce travail monographique porte en outre un regard ethnologique de plus grande échelle sur la société et l’histoire du bassin de la Xiang et de la province du Hunan : des cultes confucéens et patrilignagers rendus aux ancêtres agnatiques, du Pic du Sud (Nanyue) et des anciennes traditions rituelles, martiales et médicales taoïstes (Chunyang etQuanzhen), à leur recomposition actuelle dans le « socialisme de marché à la chinoise », après avoir traverséles premiers mouvements paysans communistes asiatiques (1927) orchestrés par Mao Zedong dans sa région natale, et la Révolution culturelle (1966-76).L’étude des mutations contemporaines du patrilignage des Chen du village de Litang, autour duquel se nouent les enjeux de pouvoir et la hiérarchisation des rôles des hommes et des femmes, ainsi que le système économique et écologique local, nous conduisentà repenser les bases mêmes sur lesquelles se construisent aujourd’hui les groupes de parenté chinois. L’analyse des mutations et des métissages entre parenté et rituel, qui se sont opérés dans le cadre du sanctuaire local des Transformations croissantes (ZenghuaGuan), institution en charge de l’organisation de la vie rituelle villageoise, montre quant à elle que la communauté de culte reste l’une des structures les plus fluides et durables de la société chinoise. / How does a local Chinese community, structured on the basis of both patrilineal and Daoist transmissions, participate in the building of “modernity”? This dissertation describes the way in which these two fundamental communal social structures are articulatedwith respect to each other, and the way in which they transform themselves in order to adapt to, and participate in, the social changes of their time. This monographic work also proposes, on a larger scale, an anthropological analysis of the society and history of the Xiang basin and Hunan province: from Confucian and patrilineal cults to agnatic kinship, as well as from ancient ritual, martial and medical Daoist traditions (Chunyang and Quanzhen), to their actual rearrangements in the “Chinese market socialism”, after having undergonethe first Communist peasant movements (1927) lead by Mao Zedong in his native region, and the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). The study of the contemporary mutations of the Chen lineage of Litang - an institution at the center of local power struggles, the hierarchization of sexual roles, and the village economy and ecology – leads us to reassert the very basison which Chinese parenthood groups elaborate themselves today. The analysisof the changes and the intermixturebetween parenthood and rituals, whichtake place in the local sanctuary of Increasing Transformations (Zenghua Guan) – an institution in charge of the local ritual life – shows that cult communitiesare one of the more fluid and sustainable structures of Chinese society.

Intoxication by mining revenues. San Marcos district politics after twelve years of Antamina’s presence / La embriaguez del canon minero. La política distrital en San Marcos a doce años de la presencia de Antamina*

Salas Carreño, Guillermo 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo describe y analiza los procesos de cambio en la políticadel distrito de San Marcos (Huari, Ancash) asociados con lallegada del canon minero —fracción del impuesto a renta pagadopor Antamina— que incrementó súbita y espectacularmente las arcasmunicipales de modo que San Marcos es hoy uno de los distritos másricos del Perú. El texto analiza estos cambios prestando atención alas elecciones municipales de 2006 y a la implementación del PlanPiloto de Mantenimiento de la Infraestructura Pública, que consisteen un programa de empleo temporal. Este último es clave para unanovedosa alianza entre el municipio y los sectores rurales, en particularel llamado Cono Sur, tradicionalmente ausente como actorpolítico importante en el distrito. La política distrital ha dejado deestar dominada por la pugna entre las dos facciones de familias exhacendadas para articularse en una oposición entre los caseríosrurales y el pueblo de San Marcos. La política local ha pasado degirar en torno a Antamina hacia acusaciones, debates y pugnasalrededor de la administración municipal del canon minero. No obstante,las comunidades campesinas que tienen una relación directa con Antamina continúan siendo actores políticos independientes delmunicipio y tienen un peso importante en el distrito. / This paper describes and analyses the changes in local politicstaken place in the district of San Marcos (Huari, Ancash) associatedwith the arrival of the Canon Minero – a fraction of taxes paid byAntamina mining company to the Peruvian State. Canon Minero hasincreased sudden and spectacularly the municipality’s funds so muchthat currently San Marcos in «ones of the Peruvian richest districts».The paper pays attention to the municipal elections of 2006 and theimplementation of the Plan Piloto de Mantenimiento de la InfraestructuraPública, a program of temporary work for all San Marcos’citizens. The latter was key for launching a novel alliance betweenthe municipality and the rural population, particularly with the ConoSur composed by hamlets which were traditionally unimportantactors in district politics. Hence, district politics had stopped to bedominated by the struggle between two factions of former landlordfamilies and had become articulated by the opposition between therural hamlets and the town of San Marcos with the emergence ofethnic political claims. Also, local politics ceased to revolve aroundAntamina and has become entangled with struggles over the administrationof Canon Minero. Rural communities which have directnegotiations with Antamina remain important political actors whichare independent from the municipality and are even oppose to it.

Représentation de l’adultère à l’époque classique dans les contes licencieux de La Fontaine

Blanchin, Julie January 2021 (has links)
Cette étude littéraire examine la transgression sexuelle par l’adultère, dans l’ouvrage Des contes et nouvelles en vers écrit par La Fontaine entre 1665 et 1671, publié par Claude Barbin jusqu’en 1671. Ces contes érotiques décrivent à travers le caractère satirique de l’auteur, les relations extra-conjugales des deux sexes dans un ton grivois et moralisateur. La Fontaine s’est minutieusement inspiré des parties de la littérature du Décameron de Boccace et de l’Arioste en réécrivant ces contes. Après la dernière publication Des contes et nouvelles en vers l’oeuvre est saisie puis interdite en 1675 par La Reynie considérée comme trop provocatrice. L’oeuvre de La Fontaine s’oppose par son contenu aux convenances de l’époque. En cela le texte de l’auteur pourrait être considéré comme libertin. Les personnages représentent différents corps sociaux et font l’objet de railleries et de caricatures. Ici l’étude décrit par exemple comment les textes présentent des sujets scandaleux de manière cachée. L’opposition entre le rôle, le statut, la condition sociale et le souhait du désir de chaque personnage des contes se présentent dans les personnages aussi bien masculins que féminins. Notre analyse explore la représentation des personnages féminins et leurs relations à l’adultère à travers les regards des personnages masculins et celui de l’auteur. L’étude prend appuie sur des recherches historiques et prend en compte le système hiérarchique des personnages et la condition sociale de la femme dans le rôle d’épouse. Le style satirique de La Fontaine se caractérise par la volonté de critiquer les moeurs sociales d’une période spécifique de l’histoire, celle du XVIIe siècle. L’analyse étudie deux aspects celle de la transgression sexuelle de la femme et celui du regard d’objectification porté sur elle. L’étude examine si cette transgression peut être mise en corrélation avec un débat sociétal sur la définition du mariage de l’époque. / This literary study examines sexual transgression through adultery, in the work Des contes et nouvelles en vers written by La Fontaine between 1665 and 1671, published by Claude Barbin until 1671. These erotic tales describe through the satirical character of the author, the extra-marital relations of both sexes in a grizzly and moralizing tone. La Fontaine was meticulously inspired by the parts of the literature of Boccaccio's Decameron and Ariosta in rewriting these tales. After the last publication Of Tales and News in Verse the work is seized and then banned in 1675 by La Reynie considered too provocative. The work of La Fontaine is opposed by its content to the conveniences of the time. In this the author's text could be considered libertine. The characters represent different social bodies and are the subject of taunts and caricatures. Here the study describes, for example, how the texts present scandalous subjects in a hidden way. The opposition between the role, the status, the social condition and the desire of the desire of each character of the tales are presented in the characters both male and female. Our analysis explores the representation of female characters and their relationship to adultery through the eyes of male characters and that of the author. The study is based on historical research and takes into account the hierarchical system of the characters and the social status of the woman in the role of wife. The satirical style of La Fontaine is characterized by the desire to criticize the social mores of a specific period of history, that of the seventeenth century. The analysis studies two aspects: that of the sexual transgression of the woman and that of the objectification look on her. The study examines whether this transgression can be correlated with a societal debate over the definition of marriage at the time.

Crisis, endeudamiento y desposesión en el mundo rural catalán de finales del siglo XIX

Garcia, Ricard, 1968- 16 April 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral examina las repercusiones de la llamada "Gran Depresión" de finales del siglo XIX sobre la sociedad rural catalana a partir del análisis del que puede ser visto como uno de los síntomas más característicos de cualquier crisis agraria: la pérdida de derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra o sobre otros inmuebles de carácter rural como consecuencia de reclamaciones de deudas, promovidas por particulares o por el Estado, que culminaron en subasta pública.El trabajo ha sido dividido en dos secciones. En la primera se analiza la desposesión causada por procedimientos ejecutivos impulsados por la Administración de Hacienda por impuestos impagados. En la segunda se ha estudiado la actividad judicial que concluyó en subasta pública de bienes inmuebles, y se han mostrado sus relaciones con la situación agraria, especialmente en los sectores del trigo y de la vid. / This Doctoral Thesis examines the repercussions of the Great Depression of end of the 19th century on the Catalan rural society from the analysis of the one that can be seen as one of the most characteristic symptoms of any agrarian crisis: the loss of property rights on the land or on other real estate of rural nature as a consequence of claims of debts carried out by individuals or by the State that culminated in public auctions.The work has been divided in two sections. In the first, the dispossession because of administrative executive procedures by unpaid taxes that took place in Catalonia in this period is analysed. In the second, we have studied the judicial activity that finished in public auction of real estate goods and we tried to relate it to the agrarian situation, especially in the wheat and the wine sectors.

As negociações do acordo de associação inter-regional Mercosul e União Europeia: o posicionamento dos grupos agrícolas e industriais de Argentina e Brasil / The negotiations of the Mercosur and European Union interregional association agreement: the positioning of the agricultural and industrial groups of Argentina and Brazil / Las negociaciones del acuerdo de asociación interregional Mercosur y Unión Europea: el posicionamiento de los grupos agrícolas e industriales de Argentina y Brasil

Santos, Lucas Bispo dos [UNESP] 13 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by LUCAS BISPO DOS SANTOS null (lucasbispoo18@gmail.com) on 2018-04-04T01:17:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lucas Bispo dos Santos-Dissertação-Versão Finaldef.pdf: 2066371 bytes, checksum: b26a7db652943bf2e7f7d62255c801fc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2018-04-05T14:08:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_lb_me_mar.pdf: 2066371 bytes, checksum: b26a7db652943bf2e7f7d62255c801fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T14:08:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_lb_me_mar.pdf: 2066371 bytes, checksum: b26a7db652943bf2e7f7d62255c801fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objeto deste trabalho são as negociações do Acordo de Associação Inter-regional Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul) - União Europeia (UE), tendo como escopo de análise o período entre 1995 e 2016. O foco da análise está no posicionamento dos governos de Argentina e Brasil, assumindo que os dois países são o eixo fundamental para o avanço da integração do Mercosul. Ao longo dos anos de negociações é perceptível a mudança de ímpetos para a negociação dos dois países, com momentos de maior e menor convergência entre seus posicionamentos em relação à proposta europeia. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os interesses defendidos pelos governos argentinos e brasileiros, a partir da compreensão do papel dos grupos de interesses domésticos agrícolas e industriais e sua influência nas negociações, sob ponto de vista político. Demonstra-se que os interesses de negociação de Argentina e Brasil se modificaram ao longo das tratativas tal como dos grupos domésticos estudados. Advoga-se que os posicionamentos dos países refletiriam as preferências nacionais, formadas a partir de pressões de grupos agrícolas e industriais de cada país. / The object of this dissertation is the negotiations of the Interregional Association Agreement between the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the European Union (EU), analyzing the period between 1995 and 2016. The focus of the analysis is the position of the governments of Argentina and Brazil, assuming that both countries are fundamentals axis for the progress of Mercosur integration. Throughout the years of negotiations the change of impetus for the negotiation of the two countries is perceptible, with moments of greater and lesser convergence between their positions in relation to the European proposal. The objective of this paper is to analyze the interests defended by the Argentine and Brazilian governments, from the understanding of the role of the agricultural and industrial groups and their influence in the negotiations, from a political point of view. It is shown that the negotiating interests of Argentina and Brazil have changed during the negotiations as well as the domestic groups studied. It is argued that the positions of the countries would reflect the national preferences, formed from the pressures of agricultural and industrial groups in each country. / El objetivo del trabajo son las negociaciones del Acuerdo de Asociación Interregional Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) - Unión Europea (UE), teniendo como objetivo de análisis el período entre 1995 y 2016. El foco del análisis está en el posicionamiento de los gobiernos de Argentina y Brasil, asumiendo que los dos países son el eje fundamental para el avance de la integración del Mercosur. A lo largo de los años de negociaciones es perceptible el cambio de ímpetu para la negociación de los dos países, con momentos de mayor y menor convergencia entre sus posicionamientos en relación a la propuesta europea. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los intereses defendidos por los gobiernos argentinos y brasileños a partir de la comprensión del papel de los grupos de intereses domésticos agrícolas e industriales y su influencia en las negociaciones desde el punto de vista político. Se demuestra que los intereses de negociación de Argentina y Brasil se modificaron a lo largo de las tratativas tal como de los grupos domésticos estudiados. Se defiende que los posicionamientos de los países reflejen las preferencias nacionales, formadas a partir de presiones de grupos agrícolas e industriales de cada país.

Terra familiaque Remacli: études sur le milieu social & matériel de l'abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy, VIIe-XIVe siècle / Terra familiaque Remacli: studies on the social and material environment of the abbey of Stavelot-Malmedy, 7th-14th century

Schroeder, Nicolas 06 March 2012 (has links)
L'étude porte sur l'abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy, de sa fondation au XIVe siècle. Elle analyse les interactions entre les communautés et leur environnement social et matériel. Une première partie reprend de manière critique l'histoire de l'abbaye, du milieu du VIIe au XIVe siècle. La seconde partie aborde les seigneuries de Stavelot-Malmedy comme des cadres de pouvoir et d'organisation économique. Les rapports avec l'aristocratie laïque sont également analysés. Enfin, une troisième partie envisage l'inscription des seigneuries des monastères dans l'espace, les conditions de géographie physique et l'impact des seigneuries sur les paysages et l'environnement. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

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