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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre terre et ville : migrations internes, réseaux sociaux et fécondité idéationnelle en région rurale sénégalaise

Boujija, Yacine 04 1900 (has links)
La migration interne est la principale forme de migration humaine et est sensible aux changements environnementaux, économiques et politiques. En Afrique de l'Ouest, les pressions environnementales et démographiques entraînent une précarité croissante pour les populations rurales dépendantes de l'agriculture pluviale, qui optent pour la migration temporaire vers les zones urbaines pour diversifier leurs moyens de subsistance. Ceci soulève deux questions : d’une part, il est important d’identifier les facteurs facilitant la migration et donc, la capacité d’adaptation des ménages vulnérables. Par ailleurs, dans les pays en pleine transition démographique, les écarts dans les niveaux de fécondité entre régions rurales et urbaines sont généralement élevés et les migrations entre ces milieux peuvent contribuer à la diffusion et l’homogénéisation de la fécondité. Ceci soulève la seconde question de comprendre si et comment la migration interne, surtout temporaire, s’associe à des changements dans les croyances et préférences de fécondité et de contraception chez les migrants. Malgré la pertinence de ces questions, nous constatons que la migration interne demeure le ‘parent pauvre’ en démographie et dans l’étude plus large des migrations; une position qui ne reflète pas son importance. Ainsi, pour contribuer à nos connaissances sur la migration interne dans le contexte de pays à faible et moyen revenu, cette thèse propose trois articles abordant les deux problématiques précédemment étalées. Pour y répondre, nous accordons une attention particulière au concept de réseaux sociaux; un concept central dans l’étude de la prise de décision de migrer et de la diffusion de la fécondité, mais qui fut mal intégré à l’étude de la migration interne et virtuellement absent du champ d’étude s’intéressant à la fécondité des populations migrantes. Nous utilisons un jumelage inédit de données, croisant les données longitudinales de l’observatoire de population de Niakhar, au Sénégal, à celles du projet Réseaux Sociaux et Santé à Niakhar. Conjointement, ces données permettent une analyse approfondie des trajectoires des migrants, leurs réseaux sociaux, ainsi que leur croyances et préférences de fécondité. Nos études se focalisent sur un seul village situé dans la zone d’étude de l’observatoire de population de Niakhar et s’intéressent aux migrants se dirigeant vers la capitale, Dakar. Dans le premier article, nous profitons des outils descriptifs et multivariés de l’analyse de survie afin d’explorer l’association entre l'exposition à du capital social migratoire dans les réseaux et la probabilité d’une première migration vers Dakar. Nous avons décomposé les réseaux de migrants selon les liens à des migrants de retour, des migrants actuels et des résidents non-migrants de la destination afin de capturer l'hétérogénéité du capital social lié à la migration. Nous testons également l'influence de la force des liens, évaluée subjectivement, et des liens structurellement faibles mesurés par les connexions de second ordre ("ami d'un ami"). Nous arrivons ainsi à revisiter certains des principaux postulats des théories de la causalité cumulative, du capital social (en migration) et de la force des liens. Par exemple, alors que les réseaux sont considérés être moins importants pour la migration interne, surtout dans des contextes où elle est généralisée, cette étude permet de revoir de tels constats en adoptant une définition élargie et plus complète du capital social migratoire, incluant des catégories de liens généralement sous-représentées ou absente dans la littérature empirique : les liens avec des non-migrants au lieu de destination et les liens faibles. Dans le second article, nous avons examiné comment la migration rurale-urbaine s’associe à des différences durables dans les croyances et les préférences en matière de fécondité et de contraception. À l’aide de quelques innovations méthodologiques et conceptuelles, nous avons distingué les effets d’adaptation et de sélection sur la fécondité des migrants temporaires à Dakar à l’aide de modèles de régression, malgré une approche transversale. Ceci fut notamment accompli grâce à l’inclusion d’un groupe de contrôle composé de futurs migrants et l’utilisation comme variables dépendantes de mesures idéationnelles de la fécondité, celle-ci étant moindrement affectées par les facteurs perturbants le calendrier génésique. Nous nous sommes également attardé aux migrants de retour, afin d’évaluer si l’adaptation persiste, une fois que les migrants réintègrent leur communauté d’origine. Enfin, nous avons ajouté une mesure des réseaux sociaux en ville, afin de tester son effet sur l’adaptation. Dans le dernier article, nous adoptons une approche ‘translocale’, mesurant les réseaux sociaux aux lieux de destination et d’origine, pour explorer à l’aide de modèles de régression, leur association avec la fécondité idéationnelle des migrants actuels à Dakar. L’analyse accorde une attention particulière aux liens maintenus avec la communauté du lieu d’origine, leur composition et leur structure, afin d’explorer la socialisation, ou l’influence des valeurs et normes acquises avant la migration, une hypothèse souvent peu approfondie dans l’étude de la fécondité des migrants. Plutôt que de concevoir la socialisation comme l’hypothèse nulle, nous l’identifions comme un phénomène continuant après la migration et s’opérant simultanément à l’adaptation. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats confirment l’importance du rôle des réseaux sociaux comme déterminants de la migration interne, même dans des contextes où elle est généralisée. La migration semble aussi se placer comme un important vecteur de diffusion de la fécondité, par son influence sur les croyances et préférences des migrants actuels et de retour. Cette association est toutefois modérée par les relations maintenues au lieu d’origine. Plus largement nos résultats soulèvent quelques (re)questionnements théoriques et insistent sur l’importance d’adopter une approche centrée sur les réseaux sociaux multilocalisés dans l’étude de la migration interne. Enfin, nos résultats ont des implications substantielles sur le rôle potentiel des migrations rurales-urbaines dans les transformations sociodémographiques des pays du Sud et mettent en évidence les contradictions qui existent entre certaines politiques visant à limiter les migrations rurales-urbaines et celles voulant réduire la fécondité. / Internal migration is the main form of human migration and is sensitive to environmental, economic, and political changes. In West Africa, environmental stresses and rapid population growth are pressuring rural populations dependent on rain-fed agriculture into diversifying their livelihood strategies; this diversification largely depends on migration to urban areas. This raises two questions: firstly, it is important to identify the factors that facilitate migration and therefore the adaptation of vulnerable households. Secondly, in countries undergoing demographic transition, the gaps in fertility rates between rural and urban areas are generally high, and migrations between these regions can contribute to the diffusion and homogenization of fertility. This raises the second question of whether and how internal migration, especially temporary migration, is associated with changes in fertility and contraceptive beliefs and preferences among migrants. Despite the relevance of these questions, we find that internal migration remains the “stepchild” in demography and in the broader study of migration; a position that does not reflect its importance. Thus, to contribute to our understanding of internal migration in the context of low- and middle-income countries, this thesis proposes three papers addressing the two issues previously discussed. To answer them, we focus on the concept of social networks; a central concept in the study of the determinants of migration and the diffusion of fertility, but which was poorly integrated into the study of internal migration and virtually absent from the study of migrant fertility. We combine longitudinal data from the Niakhar Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NHDSS), in Senegal, with data from the Niakhar Social Networks and Health Project (NSNHP). Together, these data allow for an in-depth analysis of migrant trajectories, their social networks, as well as their fertility and contraceptive beliefs and preferences. Our studies focus on a single village located in the NHDSS study area and exclusively examine migrants to the capital, Dakar. In the first paper, we use descriptive and multivariate tools from survival analysis to explore the association between exposure to migratory social capital in networks and the probability of a first migration to Dakar. Taking advantage of our rich data, we disaggregated migrant networks into ties to returning migrants, current migrants, and non-migrant residents of the destination to capture the heterogeneity of social capital related to migration. We also tested the influence of the strength of ties, subjectively measured, and structurally weak ties measured by second-order connections ("friend of a friend"). We thus revisit some of the main hypotheses of the theories of cumulative causation, social capital (in migration), and strength of ties. For example, while networks are considered to be of lesser importance for internal migration, especially in contexts where it is widespread, this study allows us to reconsider such findings by adopting a broader and more comprehensive definition of migrant social capital, including categories of ties that are generally underrepresented or absent in empirical literature, such as ties to non-migrants at the destination and weak ties. In the second paper, we examined how rural-urban migration is associated with lasting differences in fertility and contraceptive beliefs and preferences. Using methodological and conceptual innovations, we distinguished the effects of adaptation and selection on the fertility of temporary migrants in Dakar through linear regression models, despite using a cross-sectional approach. This was achieved by including a control group consisting of future migrants and using ideational measures of fertility as dependent variables, which are less influenced by factors affecting the fertility calendar. We also focused on returning migrants to evaluate whether adaptation persists after migrants reintegrate into their community of origin. Additionally, we included a measure of urban social networks to test its effect on adaptation. In the last paper, we adopt a 'translocal' approach by measuring networks at both destination and origin to explore the association between social networks and the fertility ideation of current migrants in Dakar. The analysis pays particular attention to ties maintained with the community of origin and their composition and structure to explore socialization, or the influence of values and norms acquired before migration, an often-underexplored hypothesis in the study of migrant fertility. Rather than conceiving of socialization as the null hypothesis, we identify it as a phenomenon that continues after migration and operates simultaneously and interactively with adaptation. Our results confirm the importance of the role of social networks as a determinant of internal migration, even in contexts where it is widespread. Internal migration also appears to be an important vector for the diffusion of fertility, through its influence on the beliefs and preferences of current and returned migrants. However, this association is moderated by the relationships maintained at the place of origin. More broadly, our results raise some theoretical questions and emphasize the importance of adopting a multilocal social networks approach in the study of internal migration. Finally, our results have substantial implications for the potential role of rural-urban migration in sociodemographic transformations in the LMICs, highlighting the contradictions between public policies aiming to limit rural-urban migration and those aiming to reduce fertility.

County level suicide rates and social integration: urbanicity and its role in the relationship

Walker, Jacob Travis 05 May 2007 (has links)
This study adds to the existing research concerning ecological relationships between suicide rates, social integration, and urbanicity in the U.S. Age-sex-race adjusted five-year averaged suicide rates for 1993-1997 and various measures of urbanicity are used. Some proposed relationships held true, while others indicate that social integration and urbanicity are so intertwined in their effects on suicide that no clear, unidirectional pattern emerges. The religious affiliation measure captured unique variations in the role religion plays in this relationship; depending on how urbanicity was measured. Findings suggest closer attention needs to be paid to how both urbanicity and religious affiliation are measured. Overall, vast regional variation exists in suicide rates and the role of urbanization can be misunderstood if not properly specified.

Labor Mobility and Industrialization in Post-Socialist Cambodia

Loem, Senghuo 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Hybrid Fringes. Discussing contemporary (r-)urban fractal territories: Techno-natural tactics for post-urban systems

Betta, Alessandro 08 October 2020 (has links)
Contemporary debate on the future of urban areas is open and far from finding a convergence point among disciplines. As environmental concerns rise globally and connections between urbanity and ecology are being developed, urban-rural fringes are still an overlooked territory. The thesis proposes a shift in the focus as traditional frameworks have proven to be inadequate to track land-use changes in these hybrid spaces. Starting from selected key concepts, a compelling narrative on hybrid urban-rural fringes is proposed. The thesis benefited from the work done within the Interreg Alpine Space project “Los_Dama!”. This allowed to bridge the gap between research and practice and to directly investigate local planning tools in their adoption process to understand the approach to urban-rural fringes and investigate the role of agriculture. The comparison of the tools and direct fieldwork with local stakeholders supported the understanding of barriers in the implementation of hybrid performative landscapes.

Rural African perceptions of the contemporary metropolis

Kayanja, Raymond Louis 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on utopian versus dystopian perceptions of rural indigenous African societies with regard to the modern metropolis. Since the evolution of the modern metropolis, rural African societies have undergone significant and complex cultural changes that have dislodged rural cultures from being perceived in terms of the traditional notion of fixity. This has lead to the modern city being seen as either utopian or dystopian by rural African societies. The dissertation questions the “utopianess” of the modern metropolis with a special focus on its central idea of “progress”. Special attention is given to artists who explore this cultural phenomenon in the utopian–dystopian paradigm. The dissertation goes further to address the cultural impact of recent technological developments on rural and urban societies, the researcher’s perceptions of this impact and how this has contributed to the dynamics that characterise the cultures of contemporary rural and urban migrants / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Conceitos e t?cnicas para assentamentos humanos na perspectiva da sustentabilidade

D?avila, Fl?via Blaia 26 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Blaia dAvila.pdf: 19547858 bytes, checksum: b492df89170b5f41c329295c5bc184c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-26 / The research is based on an analysis of the changes that are occurring in trying to adapt the limitations of the planet facing the constant demands of humanity. After an initial analysis of the problems of growth of cities and the exploitation of natural resources, there is a major historical events and documents produced in the environmental area and presentation of a number of changes in the field of architecture and urbanism. There is then an analysis on techniques to improve the environment urban or peri-urban and feel the need to incorporate principles of ecology in planning and city management. The first technical deal with water resources and urban drainage, pointing the principles proposed for sustainable management of rainwater. In addition to these proposals, there is a land of bioengineering and fitorremedia??o, which are techniques for stabilization and recovery of degraded areas, especially in water courses. Shall be analysed then the permaculture, a philosophy that is creating scenarios in human space already offering a number of practices they consider the energy cycle of human actions, aimed at reduction of waste and ecological awareness in food production and actions of everyday life. The permaculture serves as the basis for ecological communities, called "ecovilas", which house thousands of people seeking to live with another form of relationship with nature around the world. The research is finished with considerations of these approaches, relating them and suggesting lines of future study. / A pesquisa baseia-se em uma an?lise sobre as mudan?as que v?m ocorrendo na tentativa de adapta??o das limita??es do planeta frente ?s constantes exig?ncias da humanidade. Ap?s uma an?lise inicial da problem?tica do crescimento das cidades e da explora??o dos Recursos Naturais, ? feita uma retrospectiva hist?rica dos principais eventos ocorridos e documentos elaborados na ?rea ambiental e apresenta??o de algumas mudan?as na ?rea de arquitetura e urbanismo. Apresenta-se, em seguida, uma an?lise sobre t?cnicas que visam melhoria do meio ambiente urbano ou peri-urbano e consideram a necessidade de incorporar princ?pios da ecologia no planejamento e gest?o das cidades. As primeiras t?cnicas tratam dos recursos h?dricos e da drenagem urbana, apontando os princ?pios propostos para um manejo sustent?vel de ?guas pluviais. Como complemento para estas propostas, destaca-se a bioengenharia de solos e a fitorremedia??o, que s?o t?cnicas para recupera??o e estabiliza??o de ?reas degradadas, sobretudo em cursos d??gua. Analisa-se em seguida a permacultura, uma filosofia que vem criando espa?o nos cen?rios humanos j? que prop?em uma s?rie de pr?ticas que consideram o ciclo energ?tico das a??es humanas, visando a redu??o de res?duos e a consci?ncia ecol?gica na produ??o de alimentos e a??es do cotidiano. A permacultura serve de base para comunidades ecol?gicas, chamadas ecovilas , que abrigam milhares de pessoas que procuram viver com outra forma de rela??o com a natureza pelo mundo todo. A pesquisa ? finalizada com considera??es sobre estas abordagens, relacionando-as e sugerindo linhas de estudo futuro.

Rural African perceptions of the contemporary metropolis

Kayanja, Raymond Louis 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on utopian versus dystopian perceptions of rural indigenous African societies with regard to the modern metropolis. Since the evolution of the modern metropolis, rural African societies have undergone significant and complex cultural changes that have dislodged rural cultures from being perceived in terms of the traditional notion of fixity. This has lead to the modern city being seen as either utopian or dystopian by rural African societies. The dissertation questions the “utopianess” of the modern metropolis with a special focus on its central idea of “progress”. Special attention is given to artists who explore this cultural phenomenon in the utopian–dystopian paradigm. The dissertation goes further to address the cultural impact of recent technological developments on rural and urban societies, the researcher’s perceptions of this impact and how this has contributed to the dynamics that characterise the cultures of contemporary rural and urban migrants / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

Acclimater le conte sous nos latitudes : Une sociologie pragmatique du renouveau du conte / Acclimating Tale in Our Latitudes : A pragmatic sociology of the storytelling revival

Haeringer, Anne Sophie 17 November 2011 (has links)
Dans la perspective d’une sociologie pragmatique, cette thèse interroge ce qu’il en est du renouveau du conte. Ainsi, il ne s’agit pas de définir les causes de ce phénomène datant des années 1970, ni d’établir des filiations – entre un conte considéré comme « traditionnel » et un « néoconte » – mais de prendre pour thème de l’enquête celles qui lui sont prêtées par les conteurs ou les chercheurs s’étant intéressés à la question. L’approche n’étant pas interprétative, la thèse ne s’intéresse pas au texte, ni même au couplage texte/contexte, mais au conte-en-acte. Elle propose de penser le renouveau du conte en termes d’acclimatation plutôt que de changement de contexte et introduit ce faisant la notion de milieu. Cette hypothèse du conte associé à son milieu est mise à l’épreuve des redéfinitions contemporaines de la pratique du conte. Une première épreuve est considérée comme centrale en ce qu’elle transforme le mode d’existence du conte : grâce aux collectes entreprises par les folkloristes puis les ethnologues, le conte existe désormais sous un état non seulement graphique mais surtout bibliographique. Cette épreuve chapeaute toutes les autres. Les deux épreuves examinées ensuite sont celles de la persistance, à la campagne ou à la ville, d’une version ethnologisante du conte qui considère que le conte est attaché à la communauté. Les deux dernières épreuves concernent la définition d’une version esthétisante du conte. La thèse montre alors que le processus d’autonomisation du conte – au plan esthétique comme au plan politique ou institutionnel – n’aboutit jamais ; surtout qu’il n’y a là ni un défaut du conte ni une défaillance de ceux qui le défendent. Au contraire, c’est là leur qualité : le conte est une parole bègue, un art en mode mineur.Prenant au sérieux la réflexivité dont font preuve les acteurs du conte, la thèse met également en évidence, chemin faisant, différents régimes de réflexivité croisée entre les chercheurs et les acteurs du conte. / From a pragmatic sociology point of view, this dissertation calls into questions what the revival of storytelling is about. It does not deal with defining the causes of this phenomenon which dates back to the 1970s, nor with drawing filiations – from a storytelling understood as “traditional” and to a “new-storytelling” – but it is about focusing on those storytellers or researchers attribute to it. As the approach is not interpretative, the dissertation does not focus on the text, nor on the articulation text/context, but on the tale-in-action. It tries to figure the revival of storytelling in terms of acclimatation rather than of context evolutions. Thus, it weaves the notion of milieu.Contemporary redefinitions of the practice of storytelling challenge this hypothesis of a storytelling connected to its milieu. A first probing test can be considered as crucial as it transforms tale’s mode of existence: through collections initiated by folklorists and later on ethnologists, tale now exists not only in a graphic, but also bibliographic form. This probing test embraces the others.The two probing tests that are then explored are those of the persistence, in rural spaces as much as in cities, of an ethnologizing version of storytelling, which considers storytelling as tied to the community.The last two probing tests deal with the definition of an aestheticizing version of storytelling. The dissertation evinces then that the process of autonomization of storytelling – on the aesthetic level as much as on the political or institutional one – is never accomplished; especially since there is neither a flaw of storytelling or a failure of those who promote it. On the contrary, it is their quality: storytelling is stuttered speech, an art in a minor mode.Considering with attention the reflexivity actors of storytelling are showing, the dissertation also underlines, along its way, different regimes of crossed reflexivity between researchers and actors of storytelling.

Population growth, the settlement process and economic progress : Adam Smith's theory of demo-economic development / Progrès et peuplement : la théorie démo-économique d’Adam Smith

Lange, Jérôme 13 December 2017 (has links)
La population - en son sens originel de processus de peuplement - est un sujet étonnamment absent de l'énorme volume d’études sur Adam Smith. Ce thème était au centre de la philosophie morale et de l'économie politique du 18e siècle, les deux domaines auxquels les contributions de Smith sont les plus connues. Son importance dans l’œuvre de Smith a été obscurcie au 20e siècle par une focalisation étroite sur les questions économiques dans la littérature secondaire. Pour une analyse intégrale de son œuvre, il est essentiel que la place centrale du peuplement soit révélée. Trois thèmes aujourd'hui considérés comme essentiels au projet de Smith sont ainsi intimement liés à la population : le lien entre division du travail et étendue du marché ; la théorie des quatre stades du progrès de la société ; et le lien entre développement rural et urbain, lui-même au centre du plaidoyer de Smith pour la liberté du commerce. Le marché est un concept aujourd'hui assimilé au fonctionnement du système économique capitaliste ; pour Smith, il décrivait la faculté de commercer, aux vecteurs essentiellement démographiques et géographiques. Le progrès de la société est à la fois cause et effet de la croissance de la population. En son sein se trouve l'interrelation symbiotique entre le développement rural et urbain que Smith appelait le «progrès naturel de l'opulence». Adopter l’optique smithienne plutôt que néo-malthusienne dans l'examen des dynamiques de population et de développement - y compris l'analyse de la transition démographique - conduit alors à une reconsidération fondamentale des interactions causales entre mortalité, fécondité, richesse et variables institutionnelles. / Population - in its original sense of the process of peopling - is a topic surprisingly absent from the huge volume of scholarship on Adam Smith. This topic was central to 18th century moral philosophy and political economy, the two fields Smith most famously contributed to. Its importance in Smith’s work was obscured in the 20th century by a narrow focus on economic matters in the secondary literature. For an undivided analysis of Smith’s oeuvre it is crucial that the central position of the peopling process be brought to light. Three topics that are today recognised as essential to Smith’s project are thus intimately connected to population: the relation between the division of labour and the extent of the market; the stadial theory of progress; and the link between the development of town and country, itself central to Smith’s advocacy of the freedom of trade. The market is a concept read today through an institutional lens linking it to the functioning of the capitalist economic system; Smith conceived of it as facility for trade, with essentially demographic and geographic vectors. The progress of society is both cause and effect of the growth of population. At its core is the symbiotic interrelationship between rural and urban development that Smith called the “natural progress of opulence”. In turn, looking at dynamics of population and development - including the analysis of the demographic transition - through a Smithian rather than a neo-Malthusian lens leads to a fundamental reconsideration of causal interactions between mortality, fertility, wealth and institutional variables.

Migrant women labourers and “leaving children behind” : community women’s perceptions

Ndala, Ephie Lebohang 16 July 2020 (has links)
Migration has always been part of South African history, both in the collective and as individuals. Under apartheid, children were separated from their fathers and sometimes mothers for long periods of time, and as a coping strategy, foster care was introduced. This trend is still noticeable as we continue to find both men and women moving from rural households in pursuit of employment. In countries where gender roles are still very inflexible and the mother’s main role is perceived as that of raising children and the father’s as providing for the family, migration of mothers is perceived as a much larger disruption in a child’s life than is the father’s absence. Drawing from critical feminist theory, which pays particular attention to issues of discrimination and oppression against women, my study aimed at exploring the perceptions Madelakufa community women have about migrant women labourers who leave their children. A qualitative approach was employed, and data were collected through conducting three focus groups. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology: Research Consultation)

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