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Ein neuer Aspekt im Umweltwandel - Dynamisierung von Arsen in einem Speichersystem in der Folge rückläufiger DepositionslastWeiske, Arndt 13 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Arsen im Trinkwasser und in der Nahrung stellen regional bedeutsame Probleme dar. Die Abschätzung der Dimension und eine wissenschaftliche Klärung der Ursachen sind Voraussetzung für den Schutz von Mensch und Natur. Mit dem Speicher Altenberg wurde ein Trinkwasserspeichersystem untersucht, in dem erhöhte Arsenkonzentrationen zu beobachten sind. Ziel der Untersuchungen waren Erkenntnisse über eine mögliche Fortsetzung des bisher beobachteten Trends zu steigenden Arsenkonzentrationen. Hierzu wurde das System in Kompartimente unterteilt und diese auf ablaufende Prozesse und Dynamiken untersucht. Das System besitzt eine geringe Produktivität auf Grund von Nährstoffarmut, insbesondere einer Phosphat-Oligotrophie. Es ist, wie viele Gewässer in der nördlichen Hemisphäre, im Kontext sinkender Immissionsbelastungen wie auch des Klimawandels von hohen und zunehmenden Huminstoffeinträgen aus dem Einzugsgebiet geprägt. Hinzu kommt das Wirken von internen und externen Arsenquellen. Am Grund der Gewässer wurden arsenreiche und humose Substrate nachgewiesen. Sie sind einerseits die Folge einer lang anhaltenden Akkumulation von Sedimenten, die auf Einträge aus dem von arsenreichen Grundgesteinen und anmoorigen Böden geprägten Einzugsgebiet zurückgehen. Andererseits kommt eine Überstauung anmooriger Böden und Moore mit gespeichertem lithogenen bzw. chalkogenen Arsen am Baugrund der Speichergewässer in Frage. Die Bedeutung deponierter Flugaschen wird für das System als untergeordnet eingeschätzt. Für den im System als Vorsperre genutzten Galgenteich zeigt sich seit Beginn der Arsenmessungen im Jahre 1997 ein bis zum Jahre 2000 andauernder stetiger Anstieg der Arsenkonzentration, der statistisch signifikant mit einem Rückgang der Nitratkonzentration einhergeht. Diese ist ihrerseits Teil eines allgemeinen Trends einer ökologischen Regeneration mitteleuropäischer bewaldeter Wassereinzugsgebiete seit Ende der Achtzigerjahre in der Folge abnehmender Depositionslasten.
Die wahrscheinlichste kausale Verknüpfung zwischen beiden Parametern ist eine Änderung des redoxchemischen Milieus der Gewässersedimente. Zu Zeiten der hohen Depositionen unterdrückten hohe Konzentrationen von Nitrat als sekundärem Elektronenakzeptor eine Freisetzung von Arsen aus Eisenoxid-Sorbaten. Im Zuge andauernder reduktiver Prozesse und mit dem Rückgang der Nitratkonzentration gewinnen Rücklösungsprozesse an Bedeutung. Seit der Jahrtausendwende zeigen sich reguläre zyklische Jahresverläufe der Arsenkonzentration mit Maxima im Spätsommer und Minima im Frühjahr. Eine Bilanzierung der Massenströme legt eine Quellfunktion der Gewässersedimente im Sommerhalbjahr offen, während der Rückgang der Arsenkonzentration im Winterhalbjahr hauptsächlich auf eine Auswaschung und, zu geringerem Anteil, auf eine interne Senkenfunktion zurückgeführt werden kann. Der Speicher Altenberg ist im Sommer thermisch geschichtet. Aber eine Schichtung von Arsen ist weit schwächer ausgeprägt. Ein Anstieg der Arsenkonzentration wurde sowohl im Hypo- als auch im Epilimnion nachgewiesen. Dies legt eine Arsenfreisetzung auch aus epilimnischen Sedimenten nahe, trotz oxischer Bedingungen im überstehenden Wasserkörper. Der dystrophen Natur des Gewässers entsprechend, wird die Triebkraft der zur Arsenfreisetzung führenden respirativen Prozesse dem Abbau humosen Kohlenstoffes zugeordnet. Für Sicker- und Interstitialwässer im System wurde die Mobilisation des Arsens in Zusammenhang mit der Respiration huminstoff-bürtigen Kohlenstoffes nachgewiesen. Neben der internen Arsenmobilisation ist auch die Arsennachlieferung aus dem Einzugsgebiet von Bedeutung. Die Arsenfracht befindet sich in diesen Wasserströmen vorzugsweise in Abhängigkeit von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff und der Abflussintensität. Daraus ergibt sich für den Arsenhaushalt des Speichersystems eine besondere Bedeutung von Starkregenereignissen mit verstärktem hypodermischen Abfluss und der Verfrachtung von Arsen in Assoziation mit wasserlöslichen Huminstoffen.
Es wird eine Fallunterscheidung vorgestellt, wonach a) in trockenen Jahren mit geringen Durchflüssen sich Arsen aus der internen Rücklösung aus Sedimenten im Wasserkörper des Speichers anreichert; b) bei durchschnittlichen Durchflüssen im Speicher Verdünnungseffekte über die Anreicherung dominieren und tendenziell niedrige Arsenkonzentrationen resultieren; sowie c) in Jahren mit hohen dynamischen Durchflüssen bzw. ausgeprägten Starkregenereignissen ein verstärkter Eintrag aus dem Einzugsgebiet die Arsenkonzentrationen im Speicher ebenfalls ansteigen lässt. Eine exemplarische Analyse der chemischen Spezies des Elements hat ergeben, dass anorganisches fünfwertiges Arsen die dominante Form im Wasser des Speichers Altenberg ist. Der Anteil von höher toxischem dreiwertigen Arsen ist niedrig, ebenso auch der von methylierten Spezies. Daher wird auch eine Bildung volatiler Methylspezies, d.h. eine Öffnung des Arsenhaushaltes zur Atmosphäre, als unbedeutend eingeschätzt. Im Speichersystem offenbart sich eine spezifische Verknüpfung eines an Eisen-Huminstoff-Kolloide gebundenen Antransportes von Arsen aus dem Einzugsgebiet mit einer auf Huminstoffabbau basierenden, redoxchemisch gesteuerten saisonalen Arsenfreisetzung aus den Sedimenten. Dies hat Modellcharakter für Gewässersysteme, in denen hohe Huminstoffmobilität mit geogen oder auch anthropogen bedingten Arsenvorräten zusammentrifft. / Arsenic in drinking water and food represent regionally significant problems. The estimation of the dimension and a scientific explanation of the causes is a prerequisite for the protection of humans and nature. The Altenberg reservoir system was investigated as a drinking water facility, where elevated arsenic concentrations are observed. The aim of the investigations was to get findings about a possible continuation of recently observed trends of increasing arsenic concentrations in the water reservoir. For this purpose, the system was divided into compartments and these were investigated for running processes and dynamics. The system has a low productivity due to a low nutrient state, in particular a phosphate oligotrophy. Like a lot of surface waters in the northern hemisphere, it is shaped by high and increasing inputs of humic matter from the catchment area in context of declining immissions as well as of climate change. Additionally, there are internal and external sources of arsenic. At the bottom of the reservoirs, sediments rich in arsenic and humic matter were found. On the one hand side, they are the result of a long-lasting accumulation of sediments which originate in inputs from the catchment area, which is shaped by arsenic-rich basic rocks and histic soils. Likewise, an inundation of gleyic and histic soils with stored lithogenic respectively chalcogenic arsenic inside the construction ground of the reservoirs is an option. The importance of deposited fly ash for the system is assessed to be subordinate. For the Galgenteich, which is operated as a predam, since the beginning of arsenic measurements in 1997 an until the 2000 lasting steady increase in the concentration of arsenic concentration was found, which is significantly associated with a decrease in nitrate concentration. The nitrate concentration decrease in turn is part of an ecological regeneration of Central European forested catchments since the late eighties as a result of decreasing deposition loads.
The most likely causal linkage between both parameters is a change in the redox-chemical environment of reservoir sediments. At past times of high depositions, high concentrations of nitrat as a secondary electron acceptor suppressed a release of arsenic from iron oxide sorbates. In the course of reductive processes, and with the decrease in nitrate concentration, release processes gain importance. Since the turn of the millennium regular cyclic annual courses of the arsenic concentration emerge with maxima in the late summer and minima in spring. An accounting of the mass flows reveals a source function of reservoir sediments in the summer season, whilst the decrease of the arsenic concentration during the winter months can be mainly attributed to washout and to a lesser proportion to an internal sink function. The Altenberg reservoir is thermally stratified in summer. But a stratification of arsenic is far less pronounced. An increase in the arsenic concentration was detected in hypolimnion and in epilimnion too. This suggests an arsenic release also from epilimnetic sediments despite oxic conditions in the overlaying water body. According to the dystrophic nature of the water body, the driving force leading to arsenic release during the respiratory processes is assigned to the use of humic carbon. For seepage and interstitial waters in the system, the mobilization of arsenic has been demonstrated in connection with the respiration of humic carbon. In addition to the internal arsenic mobilization, also a recent arsenic delivery from the catchment area is of importance. The arsenic load in these water flows preferably depends on contents of dissolved organic carbon and on runoff intensity. That implies a special meaning of heavy rainfall events with intensified hypodermic runoff and the transportation of arsenic in association with water-soluble humic matter for the arsenic budget of the reservoir system.
A case distinction is presented, according to which a) in dry years with low flow rates sediment released arsenic accumulates in the reservoir water to higher concentrations; b) at average flow rates in dilution effects dominate over the enrichment with the result of low arsenic concentrations; and c) in years with high dynamic flows and strong heavy rains an increased input from the catchment area can also increase the arsenic concentration in the reservoir. An exemplary analysis of chemical species has shown that inorganic pentavalent arsenic is dominant in the water of the Altenberg reservoir. Higher toxic trivalent arsenic was found to a lesser extent as well as methylated species. Therefore, a formation volatile methyl species, i.e. an opening of the arsenic budget to atmosphere, is assessed to be insignificant. The dynamics in the reservoir system reveal a specific linkage between a catchment arsenic feed based on arsenic in iron-humic colloids and a redox-chemically controlled arsenic release from the sediments of the reservoir. This serves as a model for water systems, where high humic matter mobility coincides with geogenic or anthropogenic arsenic inventories.
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Natural disaster, catastrophe and environmental protection in Vietnam / Thiên tai, thảm họa và bảo vệ môi trường tại Việt NamChu, Thi Thu Ha 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
During development process, especially under the impact of climate change, natural disaster is one of the major challenges. In fact, the degree of devastation of natural disasters such as storms, floods and landslides are enormous, causing severe damage to people, property and environmental degradation. These natural disasters increasingly occurring more frequently in the last 20 years claimed the lives of many people. Unlike natural disasters, catastrophes are often related to human factors. Thus, the policy on response, treatment should also take into account the legal process in order to ensure that the principle of the polluter must bear responsibility after incidents and catastrophes. The catastrophe is a serious disruption of a community activity, causing loss of life, environment and material on a large scale. Normally catastrophe is beyond the capacity of affected communities to cope with, if only sources power of that community is used. The impact of economic - social development, climate change and natural disasters, environmental pollution situation, the capacity to respond to environmental incidents ... has been the pressure and challenge to Vietnam. / Trong quá trình phát triển, đặc biệt dưới tác động của biến đổi khí hậu, thiên tai là một trong những thách thức lớn. Trong thực tế, mức độ tàn phá của thiên tai như bão, lũ và sạt lở đất là rất lớn, gây thiệt hại nặng nề về người, tài sản và gây suy thoái môi trường. Những thảm họa do thiên tai gây ra đang ngày càng xảy ra thường xuyên hơn trong 20 năm qua, cướp đi sinh mạng của nhiều người. Khác với thiên tai, thảm họa môi trường thường liên quan đến yếu tố con người. Do đó, chính sách ứng phó, xử lý cũng cần tính đến các quá trình pháp lý nhằm đảm bảo nguyên tắc người gây ô nhiễm phải chịu trách nhiệm sau sự cố, thảm họa. Thảm họa là sự phá vỡ nghiêm trọng hoạt động của một cộng đồng, gây ra những tổn thất về người, môi trường, vật chất trên diện rộng. Thảm họa thường vượt quá khả năng đối phó của cộng đồng bị ảnh hưởng nếu chỉ sử dụng các nguồn lực của cộng đồng đó. Tác động của sự phát triển kinh tế - xã hội, biến đổi khí hậu và thiên tai, thực trạng ô nhiễm môi trường, năng lực ứng phó với sự cố môi trường… đã và đang là những áp lực và thách thức không nhỏ với Việt Nam.
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Purification and evaluation for effects of temperature on extracellular xylanase activity from Aspergillus oryzae DSM 1863 / Tinh sạch và đánh giá ảnh hưởng của nhiệt độ lên hoạt tính enzyme xylanase ngoại bào của chủng Aspergillus oryzae DSM 1863Do, Thi Tuyen, Nguyen, Sy Le Thanh, Nguyen, Thi Thao 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Xylanase was purified from the crude culture of Aspergillus oryzae DSM1863 by sephadex G200 and DEAE – cellulose ion exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of the purified xylanase determined by SDS–PAGE was 21 kDa with a specific activity of 6768 U/mg towards 1% (w/v) of birch wood xylan. The optimum temperature was observed at 60°C. The enzyme was thermostable in the temperature range of 37-50°C with a high residual activity of 62-74% (650.6- 775.9 U/mg protein). / Enzyme xylanase được tinh sạch từ dịch lên men của chủng Aspergillus oryzae DSM1863 sau khi qua cột sắc ký lọc gel sephadex G200 và sắc ký trao đổi ion DEAE – cellulose. Khối lượng phân tử của enzyme xylanase tinh sạch được xác định bằng điên di đồ SDS- PAGE. Xylanase tinh sạch có kích thước là 21 kDa với hoạt tính đặc hiệu đạt 6768 U/mg sau khi được xác định với nồng độ cơ chất là 1% birch wood xylan. Nhiệt độ tối ưu để enzyme hoạt động mạnh nhất là 60°C. Enzyme xylanase khá bền nhiệt. Hoạt tính của enzyme vẫn còn duy trì 62-74% (hoạt tính đặc hiệu đạt 650.6-775.9 U/mg protein) sau khi 8 giờ ủ ở 37-50°C.
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Cloning and expression of recombinant thrombin in Escherichia coli JM109 (DE3) / Nhân dòng và biểu hiện thrombin tái tổ hợp trong E. coli JM109 (DE3)Vu, Thi Bich Ngoc, Nguyen, Thi Thao, Chu, Thi Hoa, Do, Thi Tuyen 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Prothrombin, a protein involved in blood coagulation, is a plasma glycoprotein composed of the Gla domain, two adjacent kringle domains, and a serine protease domain. Prothrombin is a thrombin precursor playing the important role in the coagulation physiological as well as pathological condition. Thrombin is the key to convert the fibrinogen into fibrin by switching activation of XIII factor, pushed plasminogen into plasmin, the develope of the fibroblast and helps the stabilization of thrombolysis. In this study, the prothrombin gene was 936 bp in lengths and encoded 312 amino acids from bovine lung was optimized codon, was cloned in pET21a+ vector and expression in E. coli, in order to replace traditional bandages having slow affect, reduce the cost of products, cater the comunity health. The results showed that initially the successful cloning and expression of recombinant prothrombin in E. coli JM109(DE3). / Prothrombin, 1 glycoprotein huyết tương liên quan tới quá trình đông máu gồm 2 vùng Gla, 2 vùng Kringle và 1 vùng serine protease. Prothrombin là tiền chất của thrombin có vai trò quan trọng trong sinh lý đông máu cũng như tình trạng bệnh lý. Thrombin được xem như chìa khóa để chuyển hóa fibrinogen thành fibrin bằng cách hoạt hóa các yếu tố đông máu như XIII, thúc đẩy chuyển plasminogen thành plasmin và kích thích tăng sinh các tế bào tơ (fibroblast), giúp ổn định quá trình làm tan huyết khối. Trong nghiên cứu, các gen prothrombin được tách dòng từ phổi bỏ có kích thước 936 bp, mã hóa cho 312 axit amin được tối ưu hóa codon, nhân dòng vào vector pET21a+ và biểu hiện trong E. coli. Mục đích của nghiên cứu nhằm tạo ra băng gạc cầm máu nhanh, giá thành rẻ, phục vụ sức khỏe cộng đồng và thay thể băng gạc truyền thống. Kết quả nghiên cứu bước đầu cho thấy đã nhân dòng và biểu hiện thành công prothrombin tái tổ hợp ở chủng E. coli JM109(DE3).
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Influences of some ecological factors on bacterial cellulose (BC) membrane forming process in Spirulina medium / Ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố sinh thái tới quá trình tạo màng bacterial cellulose (BC) trên môi trường tảo xoắn SpirulinaDinh, Thi Kim Nhung, Nguyen, Thi Kim Ngoan 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Formed by a kind of bacteria called Gluconacetobacter, bacterial cellulose (biocellulose, BC) membrane, compared to cellulose from plants, has superior properties for the strength, toughness, durability and elasticity. The subjects of this study are bacteria being able to produce Bacterial cellulose in Spirulina medium. The study aims to investigate the influences of some ecological factors on the Bacterial cellulose membrane forming process in Spirulina medium, and then find out appropriate nutritional media and conditions for the fermentation in Bacterial cellulose forming process. The study has some major findings: (1) Select two strains of bacteria: Gluconacetobacter xylinus T6 and Gluconacetobacter xylinus T9, which prove to be capable of producing cellulose membrane to be used in making nourishing face masks for its thinness, smoothness, toughness and uniformity; (2) Find out the appropriate medium for the formation of Bacterial cellulose membrane, including (NH4)2SO4: 0,5 (g), KH2PO4: 1 (g), glucose: 10 (g), algae powder: 20 (g), and distilled water: 1000 (ml). Successful fermentation for membrane production could be done in appropriate pH of 5 and appropriate temperature of 320C. The ratio of surface area per volume of fermentation (S/V) is 0.8, and the membrane can be collected after 5 days. / Màng cellulose vi khuẩn (Bacterial cellulose; Biocellulose; BC) do vi khuẩn Gluconacetobacter tạo ra có những đặc tính vượt trội so với cellulose của thực vật về độ dẻo dai, độ bền, chắc khỏe và độ đàn hồi. Đối tượng: vi khuẩn có khả năng tạo màng Bacterial cellulose từ môi trường tảo xoắn Spirulina. Mục tiêu: Khảo sát ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố đến quá trình tạo màng Bacterial cellulose trên môi trường tảo xoắn Spirulina, từ đó tìm ra được môi trường dinh dưỡng và điều kiện thích hợp cho quá trình lên men tạo màng Bacterial cellulose. Kết quả: tuyển chọn được 2 chủng vi khuẩn Gluconacetobacter xylinus T6 và Gluconacetobacter xylinus T9 có khả năng tạo màng cellulose có đặc tính mỏng, nhẵn, đồng đều, dai phù hợp với các tiêu chí làm mặt nạ dưỡng da. Xác định được môi trường thích hợp cho sự hình thành màng Bacterial cellulose gồm (NH4)2SO4: 0,5 (g), KH2PO4: 1(g), glucose: 10 (g), bột tảo: 20 (g), nước cất 1000 (ml) với thời gian thu màng là 5 ngày, pH thích hợp là 5 và nhiệt độ thuận lợi cho quá trình lên men tạo màng là 320C, tỉ lệ diện tích bề mặt trên thể tích lên men là S/V = 0,8.
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Isolation and selection of nitrifying bacteria with high biofilm formation for treatment of ammonium polluted aquaculture water / Phân lập và tuyển chọn vi khuẩn nitrate hóa hình thành màng sinh học để xử lý nước nuôi trồng thủy sản bị ô nhiễm ammoniumHoang, Phuong Ha, Nguyen,, Hong Thu, Trung, Trung Thanh, Tran, Thanh Tung, Do, Lan Phuong, Le, Thi Nhi Cong 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A biofilm is any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and adhere to a surface by excreting a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria hardly form biofilms due to their extremely low growth rate; however, biofilm formation of nitrifying bacteria trends to attach in carrier by extracellular polysaccharides that facilitate mutual adhesion, the forming biofilm is also beneficial in nitrogen removal in biological filter systems, especially in aquaculture water treatment systems. The microbial activity within bio-carrier is a key factor in the performance of biofilm reactor. Selection the nitrifier bacteria that biofilm formation and immobilization on the carrier for application in ammonium polluted water treatment technologies, especially in aquaculture is our research objective. Therefore, in this study, ten and six strains of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) respectively were isolated from six different aquaculture water samples collected from Quang Ninh and Soc Trang. Basing on their high nitrification activity and biofilm forming capacity, six bacterial strains have been selected to take photo by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and carry out in 2 – liter tanks with and without carriers. As the results, the system with carriers (30% of total volume) increased nitrogen compounds elimination efficiency from 1.2 times to 2 times in comparison with the system without carrier. Two representatives of ammonia oxidizing bacterial group (B1.1; G2-1.2) were classification based on characteristics and they were classified as Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrosococcus sp. / Màng sinh học được hình thành từ vi sinh vật nhờ các tế bào tiết ra các chất cao phân tử ngoại bào (EPS) và dính vào nhau đồng thời được gắn lên một bề mặt vật thể lỏng hoặc rắn. Vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tự dưỡng có thể tạo ra màng sinh học nhưng khá khó khăn do tỷ lệ sinh trưởng rất chậm của chúng. Tuy nhiên vi khuẩn nitrate hóa tạo màng sinh học thường có xu thế bám lên giá thể nhờ sự gắn kết của các polisaccarit ngoại bào. Sự hình thành màng sinh học cũng là lợi thế để loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ trong các hệ thống lọc sinh học, đặc biệt là trong các hệ thống xử lý nước nuôi trồng thủy sản. Hoạt tính vi sinh vật cùng với giá thể sinh học là một yếu tố quan trọng để thực hiện trong các bể phản ứng màng sinh học. Trong nghiên cứu này, mục tiêu của chúng tôi là lựa chọn được các vi khuẩn nitrate hóa có khả năng tạo màng sinh học và cố định chúng lên giá thể để ứng dụng trong các công nghệ xử lý nước bị ô nhiễm ammonia đặc biệt là trong nuôi trồng thủy sản. Kết quả cho thấy, từ sáu mẫu nước nuôi trồng thủy sản khác nhau từ Quảng Ninh và Sóc Trăng, 10 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (AOB) và 6 chủng vi khuẩn oxy hóa nitrite (NOB) đã được phân lập. Dựa vào hoạt tính nitrate hóa và khả năng tạo màng sinh học của các chủng vi khuẩn phân lập được 6 chủng điển hình đã được lựa chọn để chụp ảnh kính hiển vi điện tử quét và được ứng dụng trong hai bể sinh học với dung tích 2 lít có chứa và không chứa chất mang (giá thể). Sau 7 ngày, hệ thống sinh học chứa giá thể (chiếm 30% thể tích) có hiệu suất loại bỏ các hợp chất nitơ tăng hơn từ 1,2 đến 2 lần so với bể sinh học không chứa chất mang. Hai đại diện của nhóm vi khuẩn oxy hóa ammonia (B-1.1 và G2-1.2) đã được phân loại sơ bộ dựa vào một số đặc điểm sinh học và chúng đã được xác định thuộc chi Nitrosomonas và chi Nitrosococcus.
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Diversity and abundance of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Phu Luong, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam / Sự đa dạng và độ phong phú của các loài kiến (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ở Phú Lương, tỉnh Thái Nguyên, Việt NamNguyen, Dai Dac, Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Three different habitats: secondary forest, acacia plantation, and mixed forests on limestone, were chosen to determine and compare the ant species diversity in these habitats. A total of 24 identified species and 11 morphology species belonging to 20 genera in seven subfamilies were collected using pitfall traps from June 2014 to May 2015. The Shannon-Wiener’s species diversity index indicated that the diversity was the highest in the acacia plantation (2.08), followed by the secondary forest (1.99) and lowest in the mixed forests on limestone (1.83). There are three dominant species in the habitat (I), Pheidole noda, Odontomachus cf. monticola, and Odontoponera denticulate; four dominant species in the habitat (II), Odontoponera denticulata, Carebara diversa, Technomyrmex brunneus and Anoplolepis gracilipes; and only one dominant species in the habitat (III), Anoplolepis gracilipes. The species similarity (S) relatively low may be because of the difference vegetation and condition in the three habitats. / Đa dạng loài kiến trong ba môi trường sống khác nhau: rừng rậm thường xanh nhiệt đới, rừng keo và rừng hỗn giao trên núi đá vôi, được nghiên cứu để xác định và so sánh sự đa dạng các loài kiến trong những môi trường sống. Phương pháp nghiên cứu: sử dụng bẫy hố từ tháng 6 năm 2014 đến tháng 5 năm 2015. Đã ghi nhận được 35 loài, thuộc 20 giống, 7 phân họ. Chỉ số đa dạng loài Shannon-Wiener cho thấy rừng keo có chỉ số đa dạng cao nhất (2,08), tiếp theo là rừng rậm thường xanh nhiệt đới (1,99) và cuối cùng là rừng hỗn giao trên núi đá vôi (1,83). Có 3 loài ưu thế ở sinh cảnh (I) là Pheidole noda, Odontomachus cf. monticola và Odontoponera denticulata, bốn loài ưu thế ở sinh cảnh (II) là Carebara diversa, Technomyrmex brunneus, Odontoponera denticulate và Anoplolepis gracilipes. Ở sinh cảnh (III) chỉ có duy nhất một loài chiếm ưu thế là loài Anoplolepis gracilipes. Chỉ số tương đồng (S) tương đối thấp có thể là do sự khác nhau ở các thảm thực vật và điều kiện sống trong ba sinh cảnh.
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Desintegration und anaerobe Verwertung bioabbaubarer BiokunststoffeGrundmann, Veit 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es biobasierte, bioabbaubare Biokunststoffe mit einfacher Prozesstechnik zu desintegrieren und für anaerobe Mikroorganismen verfügbar zu machen. Mittels der Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen soll nachgewiesen werden, dass eine anaerobe Verwertung der desintegrierten Biokunststoffe bzw. der generierten Flüssigkeiten möglich ist. Außerdem soll ermittelt werden, welches energetische Potenzial dabei freigesetzt wird. Im Rahmen einer Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung wird die Implementierung einer Desintegrationsstufe in einer Vergärungsanlage bewertet.
Zu Beginn der Untersuchungen wird festgestellt, dass eine anaerobe Verwertung im mesophilen und im thermophilen Bereich nur unzureichend realisierbar ist. In den anschließenden Untersuchungen werden Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung der Desintegration von zertifizierten bioabbaubaren Biokunststoffen untersucht.
Nachdem ein Nachweis der Desintegration verschiedener Biokunststoffe erbracht und aus-reichend hohe Gehalte gelöster Organik nachgewiesen werden, erfolgt im Anschluss die anaerobe Verwertung der erzeugten Flüssigkeiten in einer mesophilen, kontinuierlichen Vergärung.
Die Gärtests geben Aufschluss über die Vergärbarkeit, das Biogaspotenzial, die Biogasqualität und die Abbaugrade der desintegrierten Biokunststoffe. Der höchste Abbaugrad (71,3 %) wird bei der Untersuchung der Flüssigkeiten der Ecovio®-Biobeutel erreicht. Der Abbau der Activia®-Becher (39,6 %) verlief weniger effizient und wird durch hohe Gehalte organischer Säuren und Verdünnungseffekte beeinflusst. Die real erzeugten Biogaspotenziale schwanken zwischen 0,1 lN CH4/g CSB und 0,23 lN CH4/g CSB. Die Biogasqualität während der Versuche ist sehr gut. Die Verhältnisse von CH4 zu CO2 liegen überwiegend zwischen 50:50 und 60:40.
Der Nachweis der energetischen Nutzbarmachung der desintegrierten Biokunststoffe für den mikrobiellen Umsatz bzw. zur Biogasbildung wird erbracht.
Die Implementierung einer Desintegrationsstufe in eine bestehende Vergärungsanlage wird im Hinblick auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit bewertet. Die Implementierung ist technisch realisierbar. Die Kosten der Implementierung übersteigen die Erlöse um ein Vielfaches. Auch bei längeren Betrachtungszeiträumen kann kein Gewinn erwirtschaftet werden.
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Fe plaque assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration by Phragmites australis Trin ex Steud. –Wang, Weiqing 15 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The macrophytes have the ability accumulating multiple metals/metalloids species from the terrestrial and aquatic environments. The environmental-friendly phytoremediation technologies via these plant species have been applied for non-degradable pollutants removal. The macrophytes derived rhizofiltration is a major and efficient technology for metals/metalloids removal, especially in aquatic environments (e.g. wetland).
Comparing with the common metals/metalloids often studied, aquatic U rhizofiltration via macrophytes has been just considered recently. In this study, the field investigation in a U tailing basin wetland showed that the rhizofiltration was crucial for aquatic U retention via Phragmites australis Trin ex Steud. (water to root bioconcentration factor (BCF): 670 to 1556). The aquatic U retention efficiency in aboveground biomass of P. australis was insufficient (BCF: 0.4 to 5.3), comparing with the rhizofiltration. However, the high productivity (1.2 to 1.9 kg•m-2 per growing season) of P. australis still resulted in a notable yearly U accumulation in the areal total aboveground biomass (0.04 to 0.35 mg•m-2 per growing season). It was potentially promoted by the enhanced aquatic U rhizofiltration. The U within aboveground biomass could be released to submerse soil with the degradable or recalcitrant fallen litters. It enhanced the organic carbon supply in rhizosphere together with the root litter, and potential water to root U translocation within mobilized organic compounds. Hence the rhizofiltration stood in the crucial position of the plant-litter-water-soil U recycling in aquatic environment.
The results from field investigation and mesocosm experiment further suggested that the Fe plaque (IP) on root surface was crucial for aquatic U rhizofiltration. The IP contained most of root retained U in both environments (proportion of U within IP: 55.8 to 82.6% in field and 66.7 to 86.0% in mesocosm). However, the efficiency of IP assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration was affected by the redox state gradient (-179 to 220 mV) related redox processes. Field investigation suggested that high content of dissolved oxygen (up to 8.2 mg•l-1) was capable to rapidly oxidize soluble Fe(II) as sparingly soluble Fe(III) oxides precipitated in subhydric soil. It consequently limited the aquatic Fe availability for root uptake and precipitation as IP. However, the strong oxidation ability also relatively increased aquatic U(VI) availability incorporated with inorganics and degradable organic matters. It was adverse for controlling the aquatic U concentration (66.7 to 92.0 μg•l-1 in field). On the other hand, it also benefited the U uptake by inner root tissue and upward translocation to aboveground biomass of P. australis.
The different inorganic N species also significantly influenced IP assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration. The aquatic NH4+ sustained the reduction and acidification (via nitirification) potential for Fe(III) and U(VI) bioreduction in rhizosphere (-87 to 21 mV in NH4+ cultured mesocosm pots). It improved the root uptake (mainly within IP) of Fe and U (2992.9 to 5010.7 mg•kg-1 Fe and 45.7 to 62.8 mg•kg-1 U in NH4+ cultured root). On the contrary, the NO3- depended strong oxidation ability (23 to 224 mV in NO3- cultured mesocosm pots) inhibited the IP formation and the related aquatic U rhizofiltration efficiency (1568.5 to 2569.5 mg•kg-1 Fe and 26.2 to 49.6 mg•kg-1 U in NO3- cultured root). The aquatic U availability in rhizosphere was also increased via NO3- depended oxidation processes (aquatic U concentration in mesocosm: 1.6 to 589.3 μg•L-1 (NO3-) vs. 1.4 to 58.2 μg•L-1 (NH4+)). The sufficient nitrogen supply is also a significant driving force for high biomass productivity of P. australis. The higher biomass of P. australis increased the U accumulation capacity for root and aboveground tissues. The nitrogen related high biomass accumulation of P. australis also potentially enhanced the share of organic bound U in subhydric soil via plant litters supply.
The IP assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration was also affected by the co-existing metals/metalloids in rhizosphere. The field investigation indicated that high As availability (aquatic As/U ratio: 0.7 to 1.6) inhibited the U retention within IP through the competitive absorption, due to its high affinity to IP. The Ca improved the aquatic U(VI) availability by forming the soluble Ca-uranyl-carbonate compounds. The Ca also potentially competed with hydrated Fe(III) oxides within IP by incorporating with U and encourage the U retention within inner root tissue. The P was beneficial for U retention within IP possibly in form of U-Fe-phosphate complexes. However, it was still need to be proofed in further studies.
Despite of the biogeochemical conditions in rhizosphere, the aboveground transpiration of P. australis also affected the IP formation and related aquatic U rhizofiltration. The higher transpiration rate (TR) of P. australis (3.3±1.2 mm•d-1 in field, 4.5±2.0 mm•d-1 (NH4+)/5.0±2.2 mm•d-1(NO3-) in mesocosm) increased the aquatic nutrient/non-essential elements availability for root uptake. For this reason, the aquatic U rhizofiltration of P. australis (21.8±3.1 mg•kg-1 in field, 62.1±1.0 mg•kg-1 (NH4+)/47.6±1.8 mg•kg-1 (NO3-) in mesocosm) was enhanced under higher TR. The higher TR also promoted the formation of IP and its U retention capacity. Furthermore, the U translocation from root to above ground biomass (mainly in leaves) of P. australis was also enhanced under higher TR. It was potentially benefited by the increased transpirational pull and root uptake of other active mediator (e.g. Ca). The effect of transpiration was also coupled with the different N species on IP assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration. The higher TR depended strong root uptake and assimilation of N increased the biomass accumulation of P. australis. Furthermore, the higher TR also potentially increased the share of root in biomass partition of P. australis. Consequently, the stronger transpiration resulted in the higher aquatic U accumulation in area related root biomass (up to 84.0±3.6 mg•m-2 (NH4+) and 86.4±5.8 mg•m-2 (NO3-) U per season in mesocosm).
In conclusion, it was possible for eutrophic P. australis stands to retain the aquatic U via rhizofiltration. The IP on root surface was a crucial mediator contributing the aquatic U rhizofiltration, especially in iron rich milieu. The efficiency of IP assisted aquatic U rhizofiltration could be further improved under suitable environmental conditions. In this study, these conditions might include: i) reductive rhizosphere environment with active reducers (e.g. NH4+) encouraging Fe(II) generation for IP formation and U retention within it; ii) limited competitive elements (e.g. As and Ca) co-existed with Fe and U in rhizosphere; iii) sufficient nutrients (e.g. N) supply and related high biomass productivity of plant; iv) strong transpiration effect improved the nutrient assimilation of root and also the aquatic U/Fe availability for root uptake. By adjusting these conditions (also include other potential factors not discussed in this study), an effective rhizofiltration technology was supposed to be applied for aquatic U removal.
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Umwelterklärung / Technische Universität Dresden24 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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