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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bestimmung effektiver Materialkennwerte mit Hilfe modaler Ansätze bei unsicheren Eingangsgrößen

Kreuter, Daniel Christopher 12 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird für Strukturen, die im makroskopischen aufgrund unterschiedlicher Materialeigenschaften oder komplexer Geometrien eine hohe Netzfeinheit für Finite-Elemente-Berechnungen benötigen, eine neue Möglichkeit zur Berechnung effektiver Materialkennwerte vorgestellt. Durch einen modalen Ansatz, bei dem, je nach Struktur analytisch oder numerisch, mit Hilfe der modalen Kennwerte die Formänderungsenergie eines repräsentativen Volumens der Originalstruktur mit der Formänderungsenergie eines äquivalenten homogen Vergleichsvolumens verglichen wird, können effektive Materialkennwerte ermittelt und daran anschließend eine Finite-Elemente-Berechnung mit einem im Vergleich zum Originalmodell sehr viel gröberen Netz durchgeführt werden, was eine enorme Zeiteinsparung mit sich bringt. Weiterhin enthält die vorgestellte Methode die Möglichkeit, unsichere Eingabeparameter wie Geometrieabmessungen oder Materialkennwerte mit Hilfe der polynomialen Chaos Expansion zu approximieren, um Möglichkeiten zur Aussage bzgl. der daraus resultierenden Verteilungen modaler Kenngrößen auf eine schnelle und effektive Weise zu gewinnen.

Adaptive Finite Elements for Systems of PDEs: Software Concepts, Multi-level Techniques and Parallelization

Vey, Simon 23 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In the recent past, the field of scientific computing has become of more and more importance for scientific as well as for industrial research, playing a comparable role as experiment and theory do. This success of computational methods in scientific and engineering research is next to the enormous improvement of computer hardware to a large extend due to contributions from applied mathematicians, who have developed algorithms which make real life applications feasible. Examples are adaptive methods, high order discretization, fast linear and non-linear solvers and multi-level methods. The application of these methods in a large class of problems demands for suitable and robust tools for a flexible and efficient implementation. In order to play a crucial role in scientific and engineering research, besides efficiency in the numerical solution, also efficiency in problem setup and interpretation of simulation results is of utmost importance. As modeling and computing comes closer together, efficient computational methods need to be applied to new sets of equations. The problems to be addressed by simulation methods become more and more complicated, ranging over different scales, interacting on different dimensions and combining different physics. Such problems need to be implemented in a short period of time, solved on complicated domains and visualized with respect to the demand of the user. %Only a modular abstract simulation environment will fulfill these requirements and allow to setup, solve and visualize real-world problems appropriately. In this work, the concepts and the design of the C++ finite element toolbox AMDiS (adaptive multidimensional simulations) are described. It is shown, how abstract data structures and modern software concepts can help to design user-friendly finite element software, which provides large flexibility in problem definition while on the other hand efficiently solves these problems. Also systems of coupled problems can be solved in an intuitive way. In order to demonstrate its possibilities, AMDiS has been applied to several non-standard problems. The most time-consuming part in most simulations is the solution of linear systems of equations. Multi-level methods use discretization hierarchies to solve these systems in a very efficient way. In AMDiS, such multi-level techniques are implemented in the context of adaptive finite elements. Several numerical results are given which compare this multigrid solver with classical iterative methods. Besides the development of more efficient algorithms also the growing hardware capabilities lead to an improvement of simulation possibilities. Modern computing clusters contain more and more processors and also personal computers today are often equipped with multi-core processors. In this work, a new parallelization approach has been developed which allows the parallelization of sequential code in a very easy way and reduces the communication overhead compared to classical parallelization concepts.

Parallele Raumzerlegungsverfahren für Optimierungsprobleme mit Anwendungen auf Parameteridentifikationsaufgaben

Keesmann, Sven Michael 16 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind Verfahren für große freie und restringierte Minimierungsprobleme. Dabei wird der Ansatz verfolgt, mit Hilfe des Raumzerlegungkonzepts Verfahren mit einer immanenten parallelen Struktur zu entwerfen, die damit zu grobkörnig parallelisierbaren Algorithmen führen.

Software concepts and algorithms for an efficient and scalable parallel finite element method

Witkowski, Thomas 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Software packages for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) using the finite element method are important in different fields of research. The basic data structures and algorithms change in time, as the user\'s requirements are growing and the software must efficiently use the newest highly parallel computing systems. This is the central point of this work. To make efficiently use of parallel computing systems with growing number of independent basic computing units, i.e.~CPUs, we have to combine data structures and algorithms from different areas of mathematics and computer science. Two crucial parts are a distributed mesh and parallel solver for linear systems of equations. For both there exists multiple independent approaches. In this work we argue that it is necessary to combine both of them to allow for an efficient and scalable implementation of the finite element method. First, we present concepts, data structures and algorithms for distributed meshes, which allow for local refinement. The central point of our presentation is to provide arbitrary geometrical information of the mesh and its distribution to the linear solver. A large part of the overall computing time of the finite element method is spend by the linear solver. Thus, its parallelization is of major importance. Based on the presented concept for distributed meshes, we preset several different linear solver methods. Hereby we concentrate on general purpose linear solver, which makes only little assumptions about the systems to be solver. For this, a new FETI-DP (Finite Element Tearing and Interconnect - Dual Primal) method is proposed. Those the standard FETI-DP method is quasi optimal from a mathematical point of view, its not possible to implement it efficiently for a large number of processors (> 10,000). The main reason is a relatively small but globally distributed coarse mesh problem. To circumvent this problem, we propose a new multilevel FETI-DP method which hierarchically decompose the coarse grid problem. This leads to a more local communication pattern for solver the coarse grid problem and makes it possible to scale for a large number of processors. Besides the parallelization of the finite element method, we discuss an approach to speed up serial computations of existing finite element packages. In many computations the PDE to be solved consists of more than one variable. This is especially the case in multi-physics modeling. Observation show that in many of these computation the solution structure of the variables is different. But in the standard finite element method, only one mesh is used for the discretization of all variables. We present a multi-mesh finite element method, which allows to discretize a system of PDEs with two independently refined meshes. / Softwarepakete zur numerischen Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen mit Hilfe der Finiten-Element-Methode sind in vielen Forschungsbereichen ein wichtiges Werkzeug. Die dahinter stehenden Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen unterliegen einer ständigen Neuentwicklung um den immer weiter steigenden Anforderungen der Nutzergemeinde gerecht zu werden und um neue, hochgradig parallel Rechnerarchitekturen effizient nutzen zu können. Dies ist auch der Kernpunkt dieser Arbeit. Um parallel Rechnerarchitekturen mit einer immer höher werdenden Anzahl an von einander unabhängigen Recheneinheiten, z.B.~Prozessoren, effizient Nutzen zu können, müssen Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen aus verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Mathematik und Informatik entwickelt und miteinander kombiniert werden. Im Kern sind dies zwei Bereiche: verteilte Gitter und parallele Löser für lineare Gleichungssysteme. Für jedes der beiden Teilgebiete existieren unabhängig voneinander zahlreiche Ansätze. In dieser Arbeit wird argumentiert, dass für hochskalierbare Anwendungen der Finiten-Elemente-Methode nur eine Kombination beider Teilgebiete und die Verknüpfung der darunter liegenden Datenstrukturen eine effiziente und skalierbare Implementierung ermöglicht. Zuerst stellen wir Konzepte vor, die parallele verteile Gitter mit entsprechenden Adaptionstrategien ermöglichen. Zentraler Punkt ist hier die Informationsaufbereitung für beliebige Löser linearer Gleichungssysteme. Beim Lösen partieller Differentialgleichung mit der Finiten Elemente Methode wird ein großer Teil der Rechenzeit für das Lösen der dabei anfallenden linearen Gleichungssysteme aufgebracht. Daher ist deren Parallelisierung von zentraler Bedeutung. Basierend auf dem vorgestelltem Konzept für verteilten Gitter, welches beliebige geometrische Informationen für die linearen Löser aufbereiten kann, präsentieren wir mehrere unterschiedliche Lösermethoden. Besonders Gewicht wird dabei auf allgemeine Löser gelegt, die möglichst wenig Annahmen über das zu lösende System machen. Hierfür wird die FETI-DP (Finite Element Tearing and Interconnect - Dual Primal) Methode weiterentwickelt. Obwohl die FETI-DP Methode vom mathematischen Standpunkt her als quasi-optimal bezüglich der parallelen Skalierbarkeit gilt, kann sie für große Anzahl an Prozessoren (> 10.000) nicht mehr effizient implementiert werden. Dies liegt hauptsächlich an einem verhältnismäßig kleinem aber global verteilten Grobgitterproblem. Wir stellen eine Multilevel FETI-DP Methode vor, die dieses Problem durch eine hierarchische Komposition des Grobgitterproblems löst. Dadurch wird die Kommunikation entlang des Grobgitterproblems lokalisiert und die Skalierbarkeit der FETI-DP Methode auch für große Anzahl an Prozessoren sichergestellt. Neben der Parallelisierung der Finiten-Elemente-Methode beschäftigen wir uns in dieser Arbeit mit der Ausnutzung von bestimmten Voraussetzung um auch die sequentielle Effizienz bestehender Implementierung der Finiten-Elemente-Methode zu steigern. In vielen Fällen müssen partielle Differentialgleichungen mit mehreren Variablen gelöst werden. Sehr häufig ist dabei zu beobachten, insbesondere bei der Modellierung mehrere miteinander gekoppelter physikalischer Phänomene, dass die Lösungsstruktur der unterschiedlichen Variablen entweder schwach oder vollständig voneinander entkoppelt ist. In den meisten Implementierungen wird dabei nur ein Gitter zur Diskretisierung aller Variablen des Systems genutzt. Wir stellen eine Finite-Elemente-Methode vor, bei der zwei unabhängig voneinander verfeinerte Gitter genutzt werden können um ein System partieller Differentialgleichungen zu lösen.

Discrete Adjoints: Theoretical Analysis, Efficient Computation, and Applications

Walther, Andrea 23 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The technique of automatic differentiation provides directional derivatives and discrete adjoints with working accuracy. A complete complexity analysis of the basic modes of automatic differentiation is available. Therefore, the research activities are focused now on different aspects of the derivative calculation, as for example the efficient implementation by exploitation of structural information, studies of the theoretical properties of the provided derivatives in the context of optimization problems, and the development and analysis of new mathematical algorithms based on discrete adjoint information. According to this motivation, this habilitation presents an analysis of different checkpointing strategies to reduce the memory requirement of the discrete adjoint computation. Additionally, a new algorithm for computing sparse Hessian matrices is presented including a complexity analysis and a report on practical experiments. Hence, the first two contributions of this thesis are dedicated to an efficient computation of discrete adjoints. The analysis of discrete adjoints with respect to their theoretical properties is another important research topic. The third and fourth contribution of this thesis focus on the relation of discrete adjoint information and continuous adjoint information for optimal control problems. Here, differences resulting from different discretization strategies as well as convergence properties of the discrete adjoints are analyzed comprehensively. In the fifth contribution, checkpointing approaches that are successfully applied for the computation of discrete adjoints, are adapted such that they can be used also for the computation of continuous adjoints. Additionally, the fifth contributions presents a new proof of optimality for the binomial checkpointing that is based on new theoretical results. Discrete adjoint information can be applied for example for the approximation of dense Jacobian matrices. The development and analysis of new mathematical algorithms based on these approximate Jacobians is the topic of the sixth contribution. Is was possible to show global convergence to first-order critical points for a whole class of trust-region methods. Here, the usage of inexact Jacobian matrices allows a considerable reduction of the computational complexity.

Program Reversal Schedules for Single- and Multi-processor Machines / Schemata zur Programmumkehr für Ein- und Mehrprozessormaschinen

Walther, Andrea 19 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Berechnung von Adjungierten, zum Debuggen und für ähnliche Anwendungen kann man die Umkehr der entsprechenden Programmauswertung verwenden. Der einfachste Ansatz, nämlich das Mitschreiben einer kompletten Mitschrift der Vorwärtsrechnung, welche anschließend rückwärts gelesen wird, verursacht einen enormen Speicherplatzbedarf. Als Alternative dazu kann man die Mitschrift auch stückweise erzeugen, indem die Programmauswertung von passend gewählten Checkpoints wiederholt gestartet wird. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Minimierung des von der Programmumkehr verursachten Zeit- und Speicherplatzbedarfs. Dieser wird gemessen in Auswertungswiederholungen bzw. verwendeten Checkpoints. Optimale Umkehrschemata werden für Ein- und Mehr-Schritt-Verfahren entwickelt, welche zum Beispiel bei der Diskretisierung einer gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichung Verwendung finden. Desweiteren erfolgte die Entwicklung von parallelen Umkehrschemata, d. h. mehrere Prozessoren werden für die Umkehrung der Programmauswertung eingesetzt. Diese zusätzlichen Prozessoren dienen dazu, die wiederholten Berechnungen des Programms zu parallelisieren, so daß ein Prozessor die Rückwartsrechnung ohne Unterbrechung durchführen kann. Sowohl für die seriellen als auch für die parallelen Umkehrschemata wurde gezeigt, daß die Länge der umzukehrenden Programmauswertung exponentiell in Abhängigkeit von der Zahl der verwendeten Checkpoints und der Zahl der wiederholten Auswertungen bzw. verwendeten Prozessoren wächst. / For adjoint calculations, parameter estimation, and similar purposes one may need to reverse the execution of a computer program. The simplest option is to record a complete execution log and then to read it backwards. This requires massive amounts of storage. Instead one may generate the execution log piecewise by restarting the ``forward'' calculation repeatedly from suitably placed checkpoints. The basic structure of the resulting reversal schedules is illustrated. Various strategies are analysed with respect to the resulting temporal and spatial complexity on serial and parallel machines. For serial machines known optimal compromises between operations count and memory requirement are explained, and they are extended to more general situations. For program execution reversal on multi-processors the new challenges and demands on an optimal reversal schedule are described. We present parallel reversal schedules that are provably optimal with regards to the number of concurrent processes and the total amount of memory required.

Analytical investigations and numerical experiments for singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problems with layers and singularities using a newly developed FE-software

Ludwig, Lars 14 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the field of singularly perturbed reaction- or convection-diffusion boundary value problems the research area of a priori error analysis for the finite element method, has already been thoroughly investigated. In particular, for mesh adapted methods and/or various stabilization techniques, works have been done that prove optimal rates of convergence or supercloseness uniformly in the perturbation parameter epsilon. Commonly, however, it is assumed that the exact solution behaves nicely in that it obeys certain regularity assumptions although in general, e.g. due to corner singularities, these regularity requirements are not satisfied. So far, insufficient regularity has been met by assuming compatibility conditions on the data. The present thesis originated from the question: What can be shown if these rather unrealistic additional assumptions are dropped? We are interested in epsilon-uniform a priori estimates for convergence and superconvergence that include some regularity parameter that is adjustable to the smoothness of the exact solution. A major difficulty that occurs when seeking the numerical error decay is that the exact solution is not known. Since we strive for reliable rates of convergence we want to avoid the standard approach of the "double-mesh principle". Our choice is to use reference solutions as a substitute for the exact solution. Numerical experiments are intended to confirm the theoretical results and to bring further insights into the interplay between layers and singularities. To computationally realize the thereby arising demanding practical aspects of the finite element method, a new software is developed that turns out to be particularly suited for the needs of the numerical analyst. Its design, features and implementation is described in detail in the second part of the thesis.

Mikromechanische Modellierung morphotroper PZT-Keramiken / Micromechanical modelling of PZT ceramics

Neumeister, Peter 20 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Morphotrope PZT-Keramiken sind Festkörperlösungen aus Bleizirkonat und Bleititanat mit chemischen Zusammensetzungen um die 47% Ti-Anteil. Sie weisen im gepolten Zustand die größten piezoelektrischen Koppelkonstanten auf und sind daher von speziellem Interesse. Zur Vorhersage des Polungszustandes und der Bauteilfestigkeit in komplexen Bauteilen werden elektromechanisch gekoppelte Materialmodelle benötigt. In dieser Arbeit wird ein mikromechanischer Modellansatz aus der Literatur aufgegriffen. Ausgangspunkt ist ein dreidimensionales tetragonales Modell, welches ein repräsentatives Volumenelement des Kornverbundes und ein mikroskopisches Kornmodell vereint. Damit gelingt die Beschreibung der Korninteraktionen infolge unterschiedlicher Polungszustände der Körner. Die Domänenstruktur der Körner wird mittels der Volumenanteile der kristallographischen Varianten dargestellt. Ein vereinfachter Satz an mikroskopischen Materialkonstanten wird anhand experimenteller Daten und theoretischer Betrachtungen aus der Literatur abgeleitet. Die für zwei Lastfälle berechneten makroskopischen Materialantworten zeigen explizit, dass das tetragonale Modell nicht in der Lage ist, das Verhalten morphotroper PZT-Keramiken nachzubilden. Aus diesem Grund wird das Modell im Hinblick auf die besondere kristallographische Struktur morphotroper PZT-Keramiken um eine rhomboedrische Phase in veränderlichen Anteilen erweitert. Die somit berechneten makroskopischen Antworten stimmen sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ gut mit experimentellen Ergebnissen überein. Der Einfluss der im Modell berücksichtigten Kristallstruktur auf die makroskopische Materialantwort wird in der Arbeit ausführlich analysiert. / Morphotropic PZT ceramics are solid solutions made of lead zirconate and lead titanate with chemical composition around 47% Ti-content. When poled they possess the greatest piezoelectric coupling constants for which they are of special interest. Predicting the poling condition and the strength in complex devices requires electromechanically coupled material models. Within this work, a micromechanical modelling approach is utilised. Starting point is a three-dimensional tetragonal model, which combines a representative volume element of the grain compound together with a microscopic grain model. This allows the consideration of grain interaction due to different poling conditions of the grains. The domain structure of the grains is captured by volume fractions of the crystallographic variants. A simplified set of microscopic material constants is derived from experimental and theoretical data given in the literature. The macroscopic material response, which is computed for two load cases, shows explicitly that the tetragonal model is not capable of reproducing the behaviour of morphotropic PZT ceramics. Therefore, the model is extended by the rhombohedral phase in varying quantity with view of the specific crystallographic structure of morphotropic PZT ceramics. The so computed macroscopic response shows a quantitatively as well as qualitatively good agreement with experimental results. The effect of the crystallographic structure which is considered within the model on the macroscopic material response is extensively analysed.

Efficient Solvers for the Phase-Field Crystal Equation

Praetorius, Simon 27 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A preconditioner to improve the convergence properties of Krylov subspace solvers is derived and analyzed in this work. This method is adapted to linear systems arising from a finite-element discretization of a phase-field crystal equation.

Layer-adapted meshes for convection-diffusion problems

Linß, Torsten 21 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This is a book on numerical methods for singular perturbation problems - in particular stationary convection-dominated convection-diffusion problems. More precisely it is devoted to the construction and analysis of layer-adapted meshes underlying these numerical methods. An early important contribution towards the optimization of numerical methods by means of special meshes was made by N.S. Bakhvalov in 1969. His paper spawned a lively discussion in the literature with a number of further meshes being proposed and applied to various singular perturbation problems. However, in the mid 1980s this development stalled, but was enlivend again by G.I. Shishkin's proposal of piecewise- equidistant meshes in the early 1990s. Because of their very simple structure they are often much easier to analyse than other meshes, although they give numerical approximations that are inferior to solutions on competing meshes. Shishkin meshes for numerous problems and numerical methods have been studied since and they are still very much in vogue. With this contribution we try to counter this development and lay the emphasis on more general meshes that - apart from performing better than piecewise-uniform meshes - provide a much deeper insight in the course of their analysis. In this monograph a classification and a survey are given of layer-adapted meshes for convection-diffusion problems. It tries to give a comprehensive review of state-of-the art techniques used in the convergence analysis for various numerical methods: finite differences, finite elements and finite volumes. While for finite difference schemes applied to one-dimensional problems a rather complete convergence theory for arbitrary meshes is developed, the theory is more fragmentary for other methods and problems and still requires the restriction to certain classes of meshes.

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