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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Repleta est Terra: Connected Worldscapes and Entangled Chronotectures of Early Modern Andean Historical Cosmography (1550s – 1650s)

Garzon Mantilla, Juan Carlos January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation explores Early Modern cosmographical imagining and historical writing in the Andean region of the Americas. Following the European invasion of the Americas in the sixteenth century, prominent Western cosmographical and historical treatises like Sacro Bosco's de Sphera Mundi and the Nuremberg Liber Chronicarum became outdated regional works that lacked any information about American landmasses and indigenous people. The voids shown by these previously authoritative sources create a need for new ideas.In this dissertation, analyzing written and visual sources, I investigate how Indigenous, mestizo, and European scholars in the Early Modern Andes from the 1550s to the 1650s reinvented cosmographical and antiquarian practices to envision the world as an integrated entity in time and space. They combined non-written pre-Columbian structures, ruins, fossils, monoliths, megaliths, mythical landscapes, and indigenous narratives with ancient Biblical and Classical knowledge. By doing so, they established a new archive that became the foundation for further antiquarian and cosmographical knowledge, and revealing the that the so-called New World was full of history. I examine how innovative imaginings of historical time and cosmographical spaces were created in the Early Modern Andes. Authors demonstrated how the world was one since the very beginning of time by tracing connected world landscapes (worldscapes) to explain the geographical unity of the different continents and entangled chronological architectures (chronotectures) that linked the ancient ages of various societies, including places and people previously unthought of as part of the same world history.

Il Sacro bosco d'amore : communication through desire

Althoff, Julie January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

POEMI SACRI NEL DUCATO DI MILANO / Sacred Poems in the Duchy of Milan

SAMARINI, FRANCESCO 04 April 2016 (has links)
Il genere del cosiddetto “poema sacro” fu uno dei più frequentati nella letteratura italiana tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, ma le opere afferenti a questa categoria letteraria sono state a lungo ignorate dai critici. La mia ricerca si propone di studiare una sezione limitata di tale enorme produzione, ossia le opere in volgare pubblicate nel Ducato di Milano, coprendo un arco temporale che va dal 1566 al 1706. Sulla base di una rigorosa analisi dei componimenti, spesso poco studiati o del tutto sconosciuti, questo lavoro intende delineare le peculiari declinazioni dell'epica sacra nella realtà milanese, fortemente influenzata dall'indirizzo culturale proposto da Carlo e Federico Borromeo. Gli autori dei poemi considerati sono Sisto Poncello, Giovanni Maria Paroli, Cesare Della Porta, Ettore Colombo, Annibale Guasco, Giacomo Turamini, Antonio da Brugnato, Bernardino Baldi, Antonio Biaguazzone, Giulio Fe', Lelio Guidiccioni, Ambrogio Ferro, Francesco Antonio Tomasi, Francesco Pallavicini, Stefano Rossi, Giacinto Faggi, Giuseppe De Maltraversi, Pietro Paolo Giletti, Alessandro Ghirardelli, Basilio Bertucci. / The so-called “sacred poem” was one of the most successful genres of the Italian literature between the 16th and the 18th century, but the works belonging to this category have usually been ignored by critics. My research aims at studying a limited part of this enormous literary production, considering the vernacular poems published in the Duchy of Milan between 1566 and 1706. On the basis of a meticulous analysis of the texts, often scarcely studied or completely unknown, I intend to determine the features of the sacred epic in the Milanese environment, which was strongly influenced by the cultural policy promoted by Carlo and Federico Borromeo. The authors of the poems are Sisto Poncello, Giovanni Maria Paroli, Cesare Della Porta, Ettore Colombo, Annibale Guasco, Giacomo Turamini, Antonio da Brugnato, Bernardino Baldi, Antonio Biaguazzone, Giulio Fe', Lelio Guidiccioni, Ambrogio Ferro, Francesco Antonio Tomasi, Francesco Pallavicini, Stefano Rossi, Giacinto Faggi, Giuseppe De Maltraversi, Pietro Paolo Giletti, Alessandro Ghirardelli, Basilio Bertucci.

F. X. Brixi's Oratorium pro die sacro parasceves

Labudová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the musical and stylistic analysis of the F. X. Brixi's oratorio Judas Iscariothes, that was preserved in the Osek Monastery under the name Oratorio pro die sacro parasceves. The first part of the thesis describes the musical history, preserved music sources and inventories of Osek. The next section deals with the oratorio in Osek. The main point of this chapter is to inventory oratorio productions performed in Osek during the 18th and early 19th century. The key part of the thesis is the musical and style analysis of the oratorio Judas Iscariothes. Appendix contains the edition of this oratorio.

La dimensione del Sacro nei miti contemporanei. Il mito di Renato Zero / Sacred's Dimension in the Contemporary Myths. Renato Zero's Myth

TRAVAGLIATI, MARIANGELA 02 March 2007 (has links)
Renato Zero rappresenta un mito contemporaneo in quanto nell'artista, molte persone vivono un'esperienza di senso, di comunità e di sacro. Il mito è una dimensione sacrale, con una forte valenza sia religiosa, sia sociale. L'arte musicale di Renato Zero offre l'accesso ad un mondo di speranza e di valori (amore, amicizia, solidarietà, coraggio, fede), un mondo che reincanta e unisce chi si stringe intorno a lui: i suoi fan, detti sorcini o zerofolli. Il fandom zerofolle costituisce una comunità reale e on line, in quanto il web appare centrale nella costruzione di un'identità sorcina; una comunità nella quale si condivide una cultura zeroista. Il legame tra Zero e i sorcini è interpretato alla luce della teoria del carisma di Weber. Infine, il punto d'appoggio per una concezione laica di sacro, in cui sacro consiste in un'esperienza di senso, è fornito dalla sociologia della religione di Durkheim. / In the actual society there are different shapes of sacred, and the myth is one of this forms. Myth has more means, and celebrity is a part of this means. Especially, the religion of celebrity is an important social phenomenon, and d our analysis?object is a star: the singer Renato Zero. Around the star there is a fandom, interesting social movement, in which people of fan build sense of belonging and identity. The fan club represents a form of fandom and is a passion community, with her order, space, communication, rite or ceremony, and mythology. The name of Zero?s fandom is sorcini o zerofolli; they are a sort of charismatic aristocracy around own prophet; in fact, the weberian theory of charisma represents a principal interpretation of this fandom (perhaps of fandom generally). Sorcini has worths and a collective conscience: in this case we found our interpretation on Émile Durkheim sociology and, in particular, on theory of rite as celebration on community. Sorcini has a liturgy and sacred in the myth of Renato Zero, in fact, sorcini are different to simple fan, because sorcini mean an identity and sense of group or membership.

Giancarlo Brasca e l'Università Cattolica: la biografia del primo direttore amministrativo nelle carte conservate dall'Ateneo

DELORENZI, CHIARA 04 April 2011 (has links)
La ricerca prende avvio dagli anni giovanili, vissuti da Giancarlo Brasca nel contesto dei rami giovanili dell’Azione Cattolica ambrosiana. Il primo capitolo si propone di ricostruire quale clima e quali personalità abbiano influito sulle scelte effettuate dal giovane Brasca. Da questo punto di vista particolare attenzione è stata dedicata al rapporto con padre Agostino Gemelli e con monsignor Francesco Olgiati. L’intensità del legame con i due protagonisti del mondo cattolico milanese del Novecento costituisce un elemento significativo anche nella scelta vocazionale che legò Brasca ai Missionari della regalità di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, Istituto secolare fondato da Gemelli. Il secondo capitolo della tesi si prefigge dunque di ricostruire il significato dell’adesione di Brasca alla proposta di vita dei Missionari e l’apporto da lui fornito alle vicende dell’Istituto e all’evoluzione dei rapporti di quest’ultimo con l’Università Cattolica. La scelta vocazionale di Brasca rappresenta infatti la chiave di lettura imprescindibile per comprendere e ricostruire le vicende di Brasca all’interno dell’Università Cattolica dai primi anni Quaranta fino alla sua scomparsa nel 1979. Il terzo e il quarto capitolo ricostruiscono dunque le vicende di Brasca sullo sfondo degli snodi fondamentali che segnarono lo sviluppo dell’ateneo: dalla laurea in Filosofia, passando per l’esperienza di direttore della Biblioteca, per giungere agli incarichi amministrativi di primissimo piano come segretario di amministrazione e, dal 1971, direttore amministrativo. / The research begins from the years of one’s youth, lived by Giancarlo Brasca in the contest of Azione Cattolica’s young lines in Milan. First chapter proposes to reconstruct which atmosphere and which personalities influenced young Brasca’s choices. On this point of view particular attenction was dedicated to relation with Father Agostino Gemelli and Monsignor Francesco Olgiati. The intensity of relationship with two protagonists of catholic world in Milan represents a significant fact also in vocational choice that binded Giancarlo Brasca with Missionari della regalità di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, secular institution founded by Gemelli. So second chapter of dissertation proposes to reconstruct the meaning of Brasca’s adhesion to Missionari’s life proposal, his contribution to story of institution and to development of relation between this and Catholic University. Brasca’s vocational choice represents indeed a necessary keynote to understand and reconstruct Brasca’s story in Catholic University from ’40 to his death in 1979. So third and fourth chapters reconstruct Brasca’s events on the contest of Catholic University: from Philosophy degree moving to experience which director of Library, to arrive to very important administrative assignments like secretary of administration and, from 1971, administrative director.


DEBE', ANNA 07 April 2014 (has links)
La “Scuola per la preparazione del personale insegnante ed assistente degli anormali”, avviata da padre Agostino Gemelli nel 1926 presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano, fu uno dei primi tentativi italiani di formazione degli insegnanti dei fanciulli deficienti. La Scuola, oltre a rappresentare il percorso italiano verso l’inclusione scolastica dei fanciulli disabili, testimonia il lavoro di Gemelli nel campo dell’educazione speciale. L’attenzione al tema della disabilità da parte del frate francescano riflette l’interesse del mondo cattolico a lui contemporaneo per la formulazione di interventi guidati non solo da sentimenti caritatevoli, ma basati su solide fondamenta scientifiche. Inoltre, il lavoro evidenzia come la formazione dei docenti degli anormali sia cambiata dagli anni Venti agli anni Settanta del Secolo scorso, parallelamente al processo di progressivo abbandono delle scuole speciali in favore dell’inclusione scolastica dei disabili. La ricerca, che contribuisce a incrementare gli ancora scarsi studi italiani di storia della pedagogia speciale, è stata condotta attraverso un’approfondita indagine archivistica, con lo scopo di far luce su docenti, studenti, materiali e libri di testo della Scuola, dalle sue origini fino agli anni Settanta. / The “School for the special aids and assistants for disabled children”, opened in 1926 at the Catholic University of Milan by father Agostino Gemelli, was one of the very first in Italy to set up about disabled children teacher training. This School gives evidence of Gemelli’s work in the special education area and also represents the Italian path toward scholastic inclusion for disabled persons. The interest of Gemelli, one of the most famous psychologists in the XX Century Italian framework, towards disability reflects how the contemporary Catholic world cared about interventions for the weakest not only driven by a charity feeling but based on scientific studies. Moreover, the study highlights how teacher training has changed from the Twenties to the Seventies of the last Century, following the different way of looking at disabled children, from isolation in special schools to inclusion in common classes. The thesis contributes to improve Italian studies in the field of the history of special education, a subject that has, for the most part, to be written. The research is carried out through archival investigations with the purpose of shedding light on teachers, users, materials and textbooks of the School, since its origin until the Seventies.

Water-temples of Sardinia : Identification, inventory and interpretation

Webster, Maud January 2014 (has links)
Criteria for identifying prehistoric water-temples among other archaeological remains in Sardinia have not been explicitly discussed so far, making it difficult to investigate this remarkable body of evidence as a whole. This study therefore aims at elaborating a method for identifying water-temples among other fonts and wells in Sardinia, and applying it to produce a preliminary inventory. A theoretical discussion of definable criteria for assessing possible cult status in this context precedes an evaluation of the investigable wells and fonts reported in the island. Buildings found to lack cult correlates are noted in an Appendix, while buildings presenting them are inventoried in a Catalogue. A discussion of the results considering spatial, temporal and cultural aspects follows, leading to a new perspective regarding the genesis of the Sardinian water-temples. / Criteri per l'identificazione di templi ad acqua preistorici fra altri residui archeologici in Sardegna non sono stati esplicitamente discussi fin'ora, rendendo difficile l'indagine di questo straordinario insieme di evidenze come tale. Questo studio vuole perciò elaborare un metodo per identificare templi ad acqua fra altri pozzi e fonti in Sardegna, e applicarlo per produrre un inventario preliminare. Un discorso teorico di criteri definibili per valutare l'eventuale status cultuale nel contesto precede una valutazione degli indagabili pozzi e fonti segnalati nell'isola. Edifici trovati mancanti di correlati di culto sono notati in un Appendice, mentre edifici che li presentano sono inventoriati in un Catalogo. Segue una discussione dei risultati, considerando aspetti spaziali, temporali e culturali, portando ad una nuova proposa in riguardo alla genesi dei templi ad acqua sardi. / Kriterier för att identifiera förhistoriska vattentempel bland andra arkeologiska lämningar på Sardinien har hittills inte diskuterats uttryckligen, vilket gjort det svårt att undersöka denna anmärkningsvärda fyndkategori som helhet. Denna studie syftar därför till att utarbeta en metod för att identifiera vattentempel bland andra funter och brunnar på Sardinien, och tillämpa den för att göra en preliminär inventering. En teoretisk diskussion av definierbara kriterier för att bedöma eventuell kultstatus i sammanhanget föregår en utvärdering av de studerbara brunnar och källor som har rapporterats på ön. Byggnader som befunnits sakna kultkorrelat noteras i ett Appendix, medan byggnader som uppvisar dem inventeras i en Katalog. En diskussion av resultaten med rumsliga, tidsliga och kulturella aspekter i åtanke följer, och leder till ett nytt perspektiv gällande te sardiska vattentemplens tillkomst.

Un linaje aristocrático en la España de los Habsburgo: los Marqueses de los Vélez (1477-1597)

Rodríguez Pérez, Raimundo Antonio 24 September 2010 (has links)
La reproducción y ascenso social de la aristocracia durante la Edad Moderna se explican por el servicio al rey y el enlace con destacadas casas de la alta nobleza, vinculadas con la corte. Lo familiar y lo político han permitido estudiar la evolución del linaje Fajardo, situado en la cúspide de la sociedad ya que era una de las familias más relevantes de la nobleza hispánica. El linaje se ha analizado teniendo en cuenta tanto el tronco principal (marqueses de los Vélez) como diversas ramas colaterales, segundonas e ilegítimas. El período elegido abarca la época de los Reyes Católicos y los Austrias Mayores (Carlos V y Felipe II). En esa etapa la aristocracia vive una profunda transformación que le lleva de una función eminentemente guerrera a otra de índole cortesana. Para entender los cambios y permanencias se han estudiado las relaciones de parentesco, amistad y patronazgo-clientelismo. / Social reproduction and social rise of the aristocracy during the Early Modern Age are explained by the king's service and marriage with important houses of the nobility, associated with the court. The familiar and politics have allowed to study the evolution of lineage Fajardo, located at the top of the society because it was one of the most important families of the Spanish nobility. The lineage has been analyzed taking into account both the main trunk (Marquis of los Vélez) and several side branches, second son and illegitimate. The period chosen covers the period of the Catholic Monarchs and 'Austrias Mayores' (Charles V and Philip II). During this period the aristocracy is experiencing a profound transformation that leads to the function eminently warrior to another courtisan. To understand the changes and continuities have been studied the relationships of kinship, friendship and patronage-clientelism.

Renewing Athens : the ideology of the past in Roman Greece

McHugh, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we explore the period of renewal that Athens experienced during the second century AD. This century saw Athens at the peak of her cultural prominence in the Roman Empire: the city was the centre of the League of the Panhellenion and hosted a vibrant sophistic scene that attracted orators from across the Greek world, developments which were ideologically fuelled by contemporary conceptions of Classical Athens. While this Athenian 'golden age' is a standard feature of scholarship on Greek culture under Rome, my thesis delves further to explore the renewal of the urban and rural landscapes at this time and the relationship between that process and constructions of Athenian identity. We approach the renewal of second-century Athens through four lenses: past and present in the Ilissos area; the rhetoric of the Panhellenion; elite conflict and competition; and the character of the Attic countryside. My central conclusions are as follows: 1. The renewal of Athens was effected chiefly by Hadrian and the Athenian elite and was modelled on an ideal Athenian past, strategically manipulated to suit present purpose; the attractions of the fifth-century golden age for this programme of renewal meant that politically contentious history of radical democracy and aggressive imperialism had to be safely rewritten. 2. Athens and Attica retained their uniquely integrated character in the second century. Rural Attica was the subject of a powerful sacro-idyllic ideology and played a vital role in concepts of Athenian identity, while simultaneously serving as a functional landscape of production and inhabitation. 3. The true socio-economic importance of the Attic countryside as a settled and productive landscape should be investigated without unduly privileging the limited evidence from survey, and by combining all available sources, both literary and documentary, with attention to their content, cultural context and ideological relevance.

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