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Development and Applications of a Corridor-Level Approach to Traffic SafetyMcCombs, John M 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The standard method for assessing traffic safety is to use the predictive method outlined in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM). This method is site-level, data-intensive, and does not account for interactions between sites, making it difficult to assess larger areas. This dissertation develops a corridor-level approach to traffic safety which uses less data than the HSM predictive method and views roadways holistically rather than combinations of individual, independent sites. First, a corridor definition is developed and applied to 10 urban Florida counties with a history of many crashes, resulting in the identification of 1,048 corridors. These corridors were primarily defined using context classification and lane count, with additional considerations for data availability and minimum length. From 2017–2021, these corridors experienced 459,603 unique crashes. After preliminary modeling and scope refinement, 559 corridors received supplemental data collection. Between the two datasets, a total of 11 models were developed using either negative binomial (NB) or random forest (RF) regression. NB models can be used for network screening purposes or identifying the impacts of potential safety improvements, while RF models can be used to identify variables important to the accuracy of the prediction. Potential safety improvements identified from the NB models include increasing proactive law enforcement patrols for dangerous driving behaviors and installing corridor lighting in corridors without lighting. While both NB and RF models were accurate, NB models were recommended due to resulting in a definite equation and overdispersion parameter that could be used with the empirical Bayes (EB) method to improve prediction accuracy. Overall, the corridor-level NB models outperformed the HSM models in terms of accuracy and statistical reliability. Using a corridor-level approach can help agencies quickly network screen their systems to identify high-risk corridors in need of safety improvements or supplement site-level analyses.
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Safety Evaluation of Active Traffic Management Strategies on Freeways by Short-Term Crash Prediction ModelsHasan, Md Tarek 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Traditional crash frequency prediction models cannot capture the temporal effects of traffic characteristics due to the high level of data aggregation. Also, this approach is less suitable to address the crash risk for active traffic management strategies that typically operate for short-time intervals. Hence, this research proposes short-term crash prediction models for traffic management strategies such as Variable Speed Limit (VSL)/Variable Advisory Speed (VAS), and Part-time Shoulder Use (PTSU). By using high-resolution traffic detectors and VSL/VAS operational data, short-term Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) are estimated at weekday hourly and peak period aggregation levels. The results indicate that the short-term SPFs could capture various crash contributing factors and safety aspects of VSL/VAS more effectively than the traditional highly aggregated Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)-based approach. The study also investigates the safety effectiveness of VSL/VAS for different types and severity levels of traffic crashes. The results specify that the VSL/VAS system is effective in reducing rear-end crashes in the Multivariate Poisson Lognormal (MVPLN) crash type model as well as Property Damage Only (PDO) and C (non-incapacitating) crashes in the MVPLN crash severity model. Recommendations include deploying the VSL/VAS system combined with other traffic management strategies, strong enforcement policies, and drivers' compliance to increase the effectiveness of this strategy. Further, this research estimates the Random Parameters Negative Binomial-Lindley (RPNB-L) model for PTSU sections and provides valuable insights on potential crash contributing factors related to PTSU operation, design elements, and high-risk areas. Last, the study proposes a novel integrated crash prediction approach for freeway sections with combined traffic management strategies. By incorporating historical safety conditions from SPFs, real-time crash prediction performance could be improved as a part of proactive traffic management systems. The findings could assist transportation agencies, policymakers, and practitioners in taking appropriate countermeasures for preventing and reducing crash occurrence by incorporating safety aspects while implementing traffic management strategies on freeways.
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Συστημική προσέγγιση της αξιολόγησης επίδοσης ενός οργανισμού σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείαςΣγουρού, Εύα 06 December 2013 (has links)
Η τακτική ανασκόπηση και αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης ενός οργανισμού σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας αποτελεί απαραίτητη διεργασία για την αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των θεμάτων αυτών. Η αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης είναι στενά συνδεδεμένη με την παρακολούθηση, που στην περίπτωση της εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας γίνεται μέσω δεικτών, αποτελεσμάτων και προληπτικών. Και οι δύο διεργασίες έχουν ως στόχο την παροχή πληροφοριών για την τρέχουσα επίδοση και την υποστήριξη αποφάσεων για τη βελτίωσή της. Ωστόσο, η βασική διαφορά τους έγκειται στο ότι η παρακολούθηση αποτελεί μία «περιγραφική» διεργασία, που κυρίως επικεντρώνεται σε διαδικασίες και αποτελέσματα, ενώ η αξιολόγηση αποτελεί μία «ερμηνευτική» διεργασία, που εξετάζει σε βάθος τις αλληλεπιδράσεις παραγόντων και προσπαθεί να ανακαλύψει τα αίτια που οδηγούν σε συγκεκριμένες ενέργειες ή αποτελέσματα.
Η παρούσα διατριβή αφορά τη συστημική προσέγγιση που απαιτείται για την ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή μιας διεργασίας αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση, η διατριβή εξετάζει αρχικά τις θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις πάνω στο αντικείμενο της αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα ασφάλειας, και τις επαναπροσδιορίζει μέσα από το πρίσμα της ολιστικής προσέγγισης στα θέματα διαχείρισης της ασφάλειας.
Η διατριβή στοχεύει κυρίως στη διαμόρφωση ενός θεωρητικού πλαισίου με βασικές θέσεις για τη συστημική προσέγγιση επιμέρους θεμάτων που σχετίζονται με την αξιολόγηση, όπως είναι το επίπεδο της ανάλυσης, οι αλληλεπιδράσεις παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν ή σχετίζονται με τη διαχείριση της ασφάλειας, η καθιέρωση κριτηρίων αξιολόγησης που να προκύπτουν μέσα από μια συμμετοχική διεργασία και να αντανακλούν τον συμβιβασμό μεταξύ διαφορετικών απόψεων και αντιλήψεων. Για την επικύρωση του θεωρητικού πλαισίου, προτείνεται η εφαρμογή της Μεθόδου Μαλακών Συστημάτων (Soft Systems Methodology), η οποία χρησιμοποιείται για την ανάπτυξη και την εφαρμογή μίας διεργασίας αξιολόγησης της επίδοσης σε θέματα εργασιακής ασφάλειας και υγείας σε έναν συγκεκριμένο δημόσιο οργανισμό. / Regular review and evaluation of an organisation’s occupational health and safety performance are essential processes for the effective safety management. Performance evaluation is closely related to monitoring, which, in the case of occupational health and safety is done through reactive and proactive indicators. Both processes, monitoring and evaluation, aim at providing information on the current performance, and at supporting decisions on safety improvement actions. However, their basic difference is based on the fact that monitoring is a “descriptive” process, which is mainly focused on procedures and results, while evaluation is an “interpretivistic” process, which explores the inter-relations of safety related factors and seeks to identify the causes of particular actions or results.
The present thesis discusses the systemic approach required for the development and implementation of an occupational health and safety evaluation process. Towards this purpose, the various theoretical positions on the subject of safety performance evaluation are initially examined and redefined through the lens of a holistic safety management approach.
This thesis aims mainly at formulating a theoretical framework consisted of basic positions on the systemic approach of specific issues related with safety performance evaluation, such as: level of analysis, inter-relations of safety related factors, evaluation criteria selected through a participatory process, thus reflecting the compromise between different views and beliefs. For the validation of this theoretical framework, Soft Systems Methodology is proposed and implemented for the development and implementation of an occupational health and safety performance evaluation process in a particular organization of the public sector.
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Health and safety management in a global steel company and in shared workplaces:case description and development needsKoivupalo, M. (Maarit) 30 April 2019 (has links)
Several companies work in shared workplaces and each company has different requirements for health (H), safety (S), environment (E) and quality (Q). Many globally operating companies have defined their own corporate requirements. Requirements in local national legislation and insurance policies are creating more challenges. The various requirements affect how HSEQ management is implemented in changing, complex, and heterogeneous working environments.
The aim of the thesis was to describe HSEQ management development in Northern Finnish process industry companies (N = 6) and their company network in the shared workplaces context during the past 20 years. The study also describes the current state of HS and partly EQ [HS(EQ)] management practices and tools in a global steel company. An important objective was to make recommendations on how to continuously improve and develop HS(EQ) issues. A mixed methods approach (interview, document study, questionnaire, benchmarking and -learning, SWOT analysis) were used in the case study.
HSEQ Assessment Procedure―a type of integrated management system tool―was developed to evaluate supplying companies’ HSEQ performance in shared workplaces. It was selected as the main method on one site of the global steel company. The global steel company’s HS management system was based on OHSAS 18001 with HS vision and principles, development plan, internal standards and performance indicators. Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) and HSEQ AP performance showed positive trends.
Both corporate HS requirements and local HS(EQ) practices provided adequate tools for a safety culture and HS(EQ) performance development. Recommendations were made regarding HS(EQ) management tools, practices and indicators in shared workplaces operating globally. The focus should be on preventive actions, such as leading performance indicators and creating a uniform safety culture for shared workplaces with a sustainable foundation. The development should be supported by the commitment and participative development of every organisational level. Learning from internal good practices and external benchmarking are valuable methods for this purpose. HSEQ management, change management, internal and external standardisation and information technology systems should be exploited to support this goal. / Tiivistelmä
Yhteisellä työpaikalla työskentelee useita yrityksiä, jotka ovat määrittäneet omat vaatimuksensa työterveydelle (H), työturvallisuudelle (S), ympäristölle (E) ja laadulle (Q). Lisäksi kansainvälisillä yrityksillä, kansallisessa lainsäädännössä ja vakuutusyhtiöillä on omat vaatimuksensa, jotka luovat entistä haasteellisemman työympäristön. Monenlaiset vaatimukset vaikuttavat siihen, kuinka HSEQ-johtaminen on toteutettu muuttuvassa, monimutkaisessa ja epäyhtenäisessä työympäristössä.
Tutkimuksessa kuvattiin HSEQ-johtamisen kehittymistä pohjoissuomalaisissa prosessiteollisuuden yrityksissä (N=6) ja niiden yritysverkostossa, yhteisellä työpaikalla, viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana. Lisäksi kuvattiin HS ja osittain myös EQ [HS(EQ)] -johtamisen menetelmien ja työkalujen nykytilaa kansainvälisessä terästeollisuuden yrityksessä, sekä kehitystarpeita tavoiteltaessa HS(EQ)-johtamisen huippuosaamista. Tutkimus toteutettiin monimenetelmällisenä tapaustutkimuksena: haastattelu, dokumenttien tutkimus, kysely, esikuva-analyysi, SWOT-analyysi.
HSEQ-arviointi on kehitetty yhteisille työpaikoille toimittajayritysten HSEQ-suorituskyvyn arviointiin hyödyntäen integroidun johtamisjärjestelmän periaatetta, ja se valittiin yhdeksi päämenetelmäksi tutkimuksen kohteena olevalle yhteiselle työpaikalle. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevan terästeollisuuden alan yrityksen HS-johtaminen perustui OHSAS 18001-järjestelmään. Visio, periaatteet, toimintasuunnitelma, sisäiset standardit ja suorituskyvyn mittarit muodostivat konsernin HS-järjestelmän. Tapaturmataajuuden ja HSEQ-arvioinnin tulosten perustella kehitys on ollut positiivista.
Konsernin HS-vaatimukset ja paikalliset HS(EQ)-käytännöt antoivat kohtuulliset työkalut turvallisuuskulttuurin ja HS(EQ)-suorituskyvyn kehittämiselle. Suositukset koskivat yhteisillä työpaikoilla ja kansainvälisessä työympäristössä toimivien organisaatioiden HS(EQ)-johtamisen työkaluja, käytäntöjä ja mittareita. Pitäisi keskittyä ennakointiin, kuten ennakoiviin turvallisuusmittareihin ja luomaan yhtenäinen kestävä turvallisuuskulttuuri yhteiselle työpaikalle. Jokaisen organisaatiotason tulisi sitoutua kehittämiseen hyödyntäen osallistuvaa kehittämistä. Sisäisillä hyvillä käytännöillä ja ulkoisella esikuva-analyysilla voidaan tukea kehittämistä. HSEQ-johtamista, muutoksenhallintaa, sisäistä ja ulkoista standardointia sekä tietoteknisiä järjestelmiä pitäisi hyödyntää.
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A safety analysis of industrial accidents : accident records of major coal producing countries are analysed to obtain fatal and non-fatal accident rates : significant factors influencing these rates are identified with efficacy of preventive measuresHabibi, Ehsanollah January 1991 (has links)
A comprehensive study of accident records which have occured in Coal Mining Industries of Europe and U. S. A are analysed. The intention of the research was to establish relationships between the various accidents and prevention methods adopted by each country are evaluated and to assess the impact of industrial legislation in these various countries on accident rate are examined. The study analyses in paricular the fatal accident rate, and major and minor rate. The Major health hazards associated with coal mining are described in detail and discusses together with the Measurement of safety performance and its application in the Safety field. The study also examines the role of human factors in accidents also includes a summaries of fatal and major injury rates for 46 countries. Arising from the research a number of recommendations for improving safety are requires further research are indentified.
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Transferability and Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Performance Functions and Development of New Models for Urban four-lane Divided RoadsAl, Kaaf, Khalid 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many developing countries have witnessed fast and rapid growth in the last two decades due to the high development rate of economic activity in these countries. Many transportation projects have been constructed. In the same time both population growth and vehicle ownership rate increased; resulting in increasing levels of road crashes. Road traffic crashes in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is considered a serious problem that has deep effects on GCC's population as well as on the national productivity through the loss of lives, injuries, property damage and the loss of valuable resources. From a recent statistical study of traffic crashes in Oman, it was found that in 2013 there were 7,829 crashes occurred for a total of 1,082,996 registered vehicles. These crashes have resulted in 913, 5591, and 1481 fatal, injury and property damage only crashes, respectively (Directorate General of Traffic, 2014), which is considered high rates of fatalities and injuries compared to other more developed countries. This illustrates the seriousness and dangerousness of the safety situation in GCC countries and Oman particularly. Thus, there is an urgent need to alleviate the Severity of the traffic safety problem in GCC which in turn will set a prime example for other developing countries that face similar problems. Two main data sources from Riyadh, the capital city of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Muscat, the capital city of Sultanate of Oman have been obtained, processed, and utilized in this study. The Riyadh collision and traffic data for this study were obtained in the form of crash database and GIS maps from two main sources: the Higher Commission for the Development of Riyadh (HCDR) and Riyadh Traffic Department (RTD). The Muscat collision and traffic data were obtained from two main sources: the Muscat Municipality (MM) and Royal Oman Police, Directorate General of Traffic (DGC). Since the ARC GIS is still not used for traffic crash geocoding in Oman, the crash data used in the analysis were extracted manually from the filing system in the DGC. Due to the fact that not all developing countries highway agencies possess sufficient crash data that enable the development of robust models, this problem gives rise to the interest of transferability of many of the models and tools developed in the US and other developed nations. The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is a prime and comprehensive resource recently developed in the US that would have substantial impact if researchers are able to transfer its models to other similar environment in GCC. It would save time, effort, and money. The first edition of the HSM provides a number of safety performance functions (SPFs), which can be used to predict collisions on a roadway network. This dissertation examined the Transferability of HSM SPFs and developing new local models for Riyadh and Muscat. In this study, first, calibration of the HSM SPFs for Urban Four-lane divided roadway segments (U4D) with angle parking in Riyadh and the development of new SPFs were examined. The study calibrates the HSM SPFs using HSM default Crash Modification Factors (CMFs), then new local CMFs is proposed using cross-sectional method, which treats the estimation of calibration factors using fatal and injury data. In addition, new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated to identify the best model using the Poisson-Gamma regression technique. To investigate how well the safety performance model fits the data set, several performance measures were examined. The performance measures summarize the differences between the observed and predicted values from related SPFs. Results indicate that the jurisdiction-specific SPFs provided the best fit of the data used in this study, and would be the best SPFs for predicting severe collisions in the City of Riyadh. The study finds that the HSM calibration using Riyadh local CMFs outperforms the calibration method using the HSM default values. The HSM calibration application for Riyadh crash conditions highlights the importance to address variability in reporting thresholds. One of the findings of this research is that, while the medians in this study have oversize widths ranging from 16ft-70ft, median width has insignificant effect on fatal and injury crashes. At the same time the frequent angle parking in Riyadh urban road networks seems to increase the fatal and injury collisions by 52 percent. On the other hand, this dissertation examined the calibration of the HSM SPFs for Urban intersections in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the development of new set of models using three year of collision data (2004-2006) from the city of Riyadh. Three intersection categories were investigated: 3-leg signalized, 4-leg signalized, and 3-leg unsignalized. In addition, new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated to identify the best model using the Poisson-Gamma regression technique. Results indicate that the new local developed SPFs provided the best fit of the data used in this study, and would be the best SPFs for predicting severe crashes at urban intersections in the City of Riyadh Moreover, this study examined the calibration of the HSM SPFs for Fatal and Injury (FI), Property Damage Only (PDO) and total crashes for Urban Four-lane divided roadway segments (U4D) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman and the development of new SPFs. This study first calibrates the HSM SPFs using the HSM methodology, and then new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated for Muscat's urban roads to identify the best model. Finally, Riyadh fatal and injury model were validated using Muscat FI dataset. Comparisons across the models indicate that HSM calibrated models are superior with a better model fit and would be the best SPFs for predicting collisions in the City of Muscat. The best developed collision model describes the mean crash frequency as a function of natural logarithm of the annual average daily traffic, segment length, and speed limit. The study finds that the differences in road geometric design features and FI collision characteristics between Riyadh and Muscat resulted in an un-transferable Riyadh crash prediction model. Overall, this study lays an important foundation towards the implementation of HSM methods in multiple cities (Riyadh and Muscat), and could help their transportation officials to make informed decisions regarding road safety programs. The implications of the results are extendible to other cities and countries and the region, and perhaps other developing countries as well.
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A safety analysis of industrial accidents. Accident records of major coal producing countries are analysed to obtain fatal and non-fatal accident rates. Significant factors influencing these rates are identified with efficacy of preventive measures.Habibi, Ehsanollah January 1991 (has links)
A comprehensive study of accident records which have occured in
Coal Mining Industries of Europe and U. S. A are analysed.
The intention of the research was to establish relationships
between the various accidents and prevention methods adopted by
each country are evaluated and to assess the impact of industrial
legislation in these various countries on accident rate are
The study analyses in paricular the fatal accident rate, and
major and minor rate. The Major health hazards associated with
coal mining are described in detail and discusses together with
the Measurement of safety performance and its application in the
Safety field.
The study also examines the role of human factors in accidents
also includes a summaries of fatal and major injury rates for 46
Arising from the research a number of recommendations for
improving safety are requires further research are indentified. / Ministry of Culture and Higher
Education Of Islamic Republic of Iran
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No description available.
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An organisation development approach to the improvement of road traffic safety in ZimbabweChikono, Nathan Nomore 04 1900 (has links)
In the study, I explored how to achieve sustained road-traffic accidents reduction in Zimbabwe. Road traffic accidents are indiscriminant and each year hundreds of people lose their lives in road traffic accidents in Zimbabwe. A mixed methods research approach was used to conduct the study. The study was therefore done in two phases. Phase 1 was a quantitative survey using questionnaires, and phase 2 was a qualitative case study using semi-structured interviews. A sample of 500 road-users drawn at random from internet databases formed the respondents for the quantitative phase of the inquiry. A further 20 snowball selected participants, formed the qualitative inquiry group. The key findings from the study were that effective intervention planning, timely measurement, adequate resourcing, and inclusive organization development interventions were the key drivers of successful road safety programmes. Additionally, critical interventions for sustainable road traffic safety in Zimbabwe included; community consultation and involvement in road traffic safety strategy formulation and implementation, mainstreaming road traffic safety education in the schools’ curricula, behavioral changes, financial, and engineering interventions. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Road safety strategic analysis in Brazil: indicator and index research / Análise estratégica da segurança viária no Brasil: pesquisa de índices e indicadoresBastos, Jorge Tiago 09 December 2014 (has links)
The intense economic growth that Brazil has experienced in recent decades and its consequent explosive motorization process have resulted in an undesirable impact: the continuously increasing trend in traffic fatality numbers. This study presents a research on indicators and indexes with the objective of delivering both overall and disaggregated evidence about the road safety performance and targets in fatality reduction in Brazil at the state level taking the exposure into account. The intention is to support road safety strategic analysis in the country and to contribute to improve this critical scene. The methodological structure of this thesis consists of the following three main parts: (I) diagnosing the road safety situation at the state level using final outcome related information, in particular traffic fatality risk data; (II) setting a target number of traffic fatalities based on the relationship between the exposure level and the number of traffic fatalities in each state; and (III) suggesting domains for improvements based on the research of safety performance indicators representing three domains (road user, environment and vehicle) throughout the states. From a benchmarking point of view, we divided the Brazilian states into three separate clusters in order to provide more realistic state performance comparisons. After a data collection and indicators selection step, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was the method used for executing the different steps, with the application of four different types of models specially developed for the identified research purposes. In addition, by means of bootstrapping the DEA scores we measured the sensitivity of the results to possible variations in the input data, for example concerning data quality and availability. As a result, we provided a road safety diagnosis per state as well as traffic fatality targets according to different perspectives: the entire group of road users (motorized and nonmotorized ones), motor vehicle occupants, and finally a disaggregated performance evaluation by running four separate DEA models (for motorcycle, car, truck and bus). Moreover, the SPI research including a hierarchy of 27 safety performance indicators expressed the states relative performance on the main road safety domains. Lastly, state profiles compiling all this information summarized the \"per state\" findings. / O intenso crescimento econômico que o Brasil tem experimentado nas últimas décadas e seu consequente explosivo processo de motorização resultaram em um impacto indesejado: a tendência contínua do aumento do número de mortes no trânsito. Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa acerca de índices e indicadores com o objetivo de fornecer evidências gerais e desagregadas sobre o desempenho da segurança viária e metas de redução no número de mortes no Brasil no âmbito estadual, levando a exposição em consideração. A intenção é embasar uma análise estratégica da segurança viária no país e contribuir para melhorar este cenário crítico. A estrutura metodológica desta tese consiste das seguintes três partes principais: (I) diagnóstico da situação da segurança viária no nível estadual utilizando informações relacionadas ao resultado final, em particular dados de risco de morte no trânsito; (II) estabelecer uma meta para o número de mortes no trânsito para cada estado; e (III) sugerir domínios para melhorias baseado em pesquisa de indicadores de desempenho da segurança viária voltada a três domínios (usuário da via, ambiente e veículo). Sob a ótica do benchmarking, dividiram-se os estados brasileiros em três clusters para proporcionar comparações mais realistas dos desempenhos estaduais. Após uma etapa de coleta e seleção de indicadores, utilizou-se o método de Data Envelopment Analyis (DEA) para executar as diferentes etapas, com a aplicação de quatro tipos distintos de modelos especialmente desenvolvidos para os propósitos da pesquisa. Além disso, por meio de bootstrapping dos escores obtidos com a DEA, mediu-se a sensibilidade dos resultados a possíveis variações nos dados de entrada, no que diz respeito a, por exemplo, qualidade e disponibilidade dos dados. Como resultado, propicia-se, a partir de diferentes perspectivas, um diagnóstico da segurança viária por estado, assim como metas no número de mortes: para todo o grupo de usuários (motorizados e não-motorizados), ocupantes de veículos motorizados, e finalmente uma avaliação desagregada por meio de quatro modelos separados (para motocicletas, automóveis, caminhões e ônibus). Adicionalmente, a pesquisa de indicadores de desempenho da segurança considerando a hierarquia de 27 indicadores expressou os desempenhos relativos dos estados nos principais domínios da segurança viária. Por fim, perfis estaduais compilando todas estas informações resumem os resultados para os estados.
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