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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The inorganic pollution of the Franschhoek River : sources and solutions

Adams, Kim Marie January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / The aim of the study was to quantify the extent of inorganic chemical pollution of the Franschhoek River and draw relationships between contaminants in water, sediment and plants. The invasive Acacia mearnsii and Salix babylonica and indigenous Brabejum stellatifolium species were chosen as biomonitors due to their wide spread distribution along the river and their apparent ability to accumulate heavy metals. The sites chosen allowed for comparison of the river quality upstream with that of the river further down stream as it meandered through residential, agricultural and recreational areas, until it joined with the Berg River further downstream. The general aim of the study was to assess the degree of inorganic pollution in the Franschhoek River to evaluate its contribution to pollution of the Berg River, of which it is an important tributary. Also understanding the sources of the pollution would contribute to the ability to reduce pollution. / South Africa

Mise en place d’un procédé d’extraction et de pré-purification de molécules bioactives à partir d’une culture énergétique «Salix miyabeana SX67»

Nait Sidi Ahmed, Amina January 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de mettre en oeuvre une nouvelle méthode de prétraitement de la biomasse afin d’isoler les métabolites secondaires qui peuvent inhiber la fermentation des glucides pour la production d’éthanol cellulosique. Avec la tendance grandissante vers la production de cultures énergétiques, potentiels intrants pour d’éventuelles bioraffineries, il importe de vérifier la composition et le potentiel des extractibles provenant de ces plantes. Les processus d’extraction actuels s’opèrent en discontinu, par alternance de grandes quantités de solvants organiques puis aqueux, et nécessitent des temps d’opération longs et beaucoup d’énergie. À cet effet, une nouvelle procédure d’extraction utilisant comme matières premières une culture végétale à croissance rapide appartenant à l’espèce Salix, a été mise en oeuvre. La technique choisie emploie un solvant sous forme d’émulsion composé d’eau et de carbonate de diméthyle avec des proportions volumiques (82,5 – 17,5%), diminuant ainsi la consommation de solvant et permettant de produire un procédé d’extraction en continu. Le mélange hétérogène, biomasse et émulsion, exposé aux ultrasons a permis la réduction du temps d’extraction mais aussi l’énergie consommée de 6 fois, tout en augmentant le rendement d’extraction de 25 % et en préservant les composés thermolabiles

Fytoremediering med Salix sp och bladvass (P. australis) : - Reduktion av tungmetaller och användning som biobränsle

Wahl Edman, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Förorenad mark är ett stort och ofta påkostat problem i Sverige och världen. Ofta används konventionella metoder som schaktningsarbete för att åtgärda områdena, men orsakar även höga kostnader och en signifikant inverkan på miljön. I och med dessa problem har fytoremediering, dvs. växters förmåga att åtgärda förorenad mark, som åtgärdsmetod blivit allt mer populär de senaste åren. I denna studie undersöktes bladvass (Phragmites australis) och Salix sp för potentiell upptagningsförmåga av tungmetaller genom att analysera tungmetallminskningen i jorden. Växterna undersöktes i syfte att användas inom fytoremediering, samt som potentiell biobränslekälla. I projektet utfördes en fältstudie vid Ekeby avloppsreningsverk i Eskilstuna. Tre provpunkter på området valdes ut baserat på tidigare miljötekniska undersökningar av Norconsult AB. Jordmaterial förorenat med tungmetaller och lokala populationer av Salix sp och bladvass samlades in för analys i ett krukexperiment i vilket skillnader i metallhalter i jorden före och efter odling undersöktes. Totalt odlades 3 Salix sp-och 3 bladvass-skott i jordmaterial från varje provpunkt i växthus vid Stockholms Universitet. Jordmaterial från varje provpunkt användes som kontrollprov och fick stå i samma växthus under krukexperimentet. De insamlade växterna odlades i den förorenade jorden under 80 dagar och vattnades regelbundet med destillerat vatten. Efter tillväxtperioden visade resultatet inte på några signifikanta skillnader mot kontrolljorden. Orsaken antas bero på den relativt korta odlingsperioden, det låga antalet växtindivider som användes och antalet analyser som genomfördes. Åtgärdspotentialen för de lokala Salix sp- och bladvassväxterna skulle sannolikt kunna bestämmas på ett bättre sätt genom analyser avseende metallhalt i skördad växtbiomassa. Salix och bladvass används som biobränsle i Sverige, men kvalité, hantering och värmeverkens praktiska begränsningar påverkar avkastningen och det avfall som måste tas om hand. För att utvärdera ekonomiska och miljömässiga vinster genom implementering av fytoremediering på förorenad mark bör vidare studier genomföras för att utvärdera när under säsongen växterna bör skördas för största upptag av föroreningar med hänsyn till växterna som konkurrenskraftigt biomaterial. Fytoremediering har påvisats fungera genom flera studier, men en tydlig organisation och kunskap om vilka miljötekniska egenskaper som gäller för det lokala området är väsentlig för att implementera denna åtgärdsmetod med gott resultat. / Contaminated land is a big issue in Sweden and worldwide. Conventional methods like excavation are commonly used to remediate polluted areas, but also cause elevated costs and a significant environmental impact. The interest in phytormemediation, which is the ability of plants to remediate contaminated land, as it has become more popular during recent years. Common reed (Phragmites australis) and Salix sp. were tested in this study to assess the potential for heavy metal uptake by analysis of heavy metal reduction in the soil. The plants were assessed with the purpose to be used within phytoremediation as well as potential source for biofuel. A field study was included in this project at Ekeby wastewater treatment plant in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Three sample points were chosen based on previous environmental studies conducted by Norconsult AB. Soil material contaminated with metals and local populations of Salix sp and common reed were collected for analysis in a pot experiment were differences in metal content in the soil before and after cultivation were investigated. In total 3 shoots of Salix sp and 3 shoots of common reed were cultivated in soil material from each sample point in a greenhouse at Stockholm University. Soil material from each sample point were used as control and were placed in the same greenhouse during the pot experiment. The sampled plants were grown in contaminated soil material for 80 days and regularly irrigated with distilled water. The soil material was analyzed with respect to metals before and after cultivation of the local plants. After the growth period the results did not show any significant differences in the metal content of the soil compared to the control pot. It is assumed that the cause is due to the relatively short cultivation period, the low number of individual plants used and the number of analyzes performed. The  remediation potential for the local plants of Salix sp and common reed could probably be determined in a more suitable way though analysis of metals from the harvested plant material. Salix and common reed are used as biofuel in Sweden, but quality, management and practical limitations affect the yield and the waste that has to be taken care of. Further studies should be carried out to evaluate economic and environmental benefits through implementation of phytoremediation on contaminated land to assess when during the season the plants should be harvested to accumulate the greatest level of contaminants with consideration to the plants as a competitive bio-material. Phytoremediation works and has been demonstrated through several studies. However, a clear organization and knowledge of the local environmental characteristics of the contaminated site are vital features to implement this measure with a good result.

Plant-Insect Interactions : Factors influencing herbivory rates in Sorbus aucuparia, Salix herbacea, and Lactuca sibirica

Lundgren, Fanny January 2024 (has links)
Plants and insects have been interacting with each other for millions of years which have resulted in a coevolution, forcing both to maximize their fitness and not to be left behind in the race of survival. Insects select which individuals to graze on based on plant qualities that enhance their fitness, yet the factors influencing their choice remain understudied. This study aimed to elucidate why certain plant individuals suffer higher rates of herbivory within populations. Three plant species from different habitats in Scandinavia were surveyed: Sorbus aucuparia (rowan), Salix herbacea (dwarf willow), and Lactuca sibirica (Siberian lettuce). Using standardized protocols from the Herbivory Variability Network, 30 plant individuals were randomly selected in each site and surveyed for herbivore damage. Additionally, data were collected on the nearest neighbor of each plant (representing the same species), resulting in a total of 60 surveyed plants. Results revealed varied herbivory patterns among the species, indicating differential influences of plant size, growth stage, and neighboring plants on herbivory rates. An association between leaf and berry herbivory was found, suggesting that berries are less likely to sustain damage when leaves are already damaged. It suggests that trees retaining undamaged leaves are more proficient in photosynthetic processes and, thus capable of synthesizing berries enriched with higher concentrations of sugars and essential nutrients making them more attractive to insects. There is reason to believe that chemical defenses within the plants play an important role in the result seen in this study. This result provides insight into the behavior of insects, highlighting the complexity of plant-insect interactions and the need for further research to understand the factors driving herbivory patterns.

Evertebraters kolonisation på fin ved i semi-naturliga bäckar / Colonization of invertebrates on fine wood in semi-natural streams

Johansson, Patricia January 2015 (has links)
Wood can be added to streams to create microhabitats that provide macroinvertebrates with an opportunity for re-colonization by making the stream more heterogeneous. I examined colonization on wood substrate by macroinvertebrates in semi-natural streams in northern Finland during a three month period. Each of the streams was divided in three sections A, B and C, half of which were provided with wood. The focus has been on whether the density of macroinvertebrates changes with time, along an upstream-downstream direction in the streams, or in streams with two wood sections if macroinvertebrates will colonize the first section with wood that they come in contact with (upstream section) or if they continue downstream to the second section with wood. Wood from Salix sp. was placed in nine of the 18 enclosures during mid-June. Samples of wood were removed from the streams on three different occasions from August to October 2014. A total of 32 taxa were identified from the wood and assigned to functional feeding groups: shredders, scrapers, active filter feeders, passive filter feeders, collectors, miners, piercers and predators. The results showed that collectors, miners and piercers increased in density during the month of October and the abundance of scrapers was higher in the upstream location than in the downstream location. Total number of macroinvertebrates, collectors, passive filter feeders and predators had a higher colonization on the first substrate they came into contact with. / Ved i homogena vattendrag skapar mikrohabitat och ger evertebrater en möjlighet att återkolonisera vattendraget genom att göra vattendraget mer heterogent. Jag har undersökt makroevertebraters kolonisation på ved i semi-naturliga bäckar under en tre månaders-period i norra Finland. Bäckarna var uppdelade i tre sektioner upp-, mellan- och nedströms respektive A, B och C. Av 18 sektioner var nio ved försedda. Jag har fokuserat på om tätheten av evertebrater och diversiteten förändras med tiden, längs bäckarna dvs. uppströms – nedströms, och om makroevertebrater kommer kolonisera den första vedförsedda sektionen de kommer i kontakt med eller fortsätta till den efterföljande vedförsedda sektionen. Ved från Salix sp. placerades i nio inhägnader i mitten på juni. Prov på ved togs vid tre olika tidpunkter under studieperioden från Augusti till Oktober 2014. En totala av 32 taxa identifierades från veden och grupperades i funktionella födogrupper: Sönderdelare, skrapare, aktiva filtrerare, passiva filtrerare, samlare, växtgrävare, växtsugare och predatorer. Resultatet visade att samlare, växtgrävare och växtsugare ökade i täthet under oktober månad samt att skapare föredrog ett uppströmsläge framför de andra två möjligheterna. Totala antalet evertebrater, samlare, passiva filtrerare och predatorer koloniserade det första substratet de kom i kontakt med i större utsträckning än de andra födogrupperna.

Évaluation du potentiel de séquestration de carbone dans le sol de cultures intensives sur courtes rotations de saules dans le sud du Québec

Lockwell, Jérémie 08 1900 (has links)
Dans la dernière décennie, plusieurs hectares de terre agricole ont été convertis à la culture intensive sur courtes rotations (CICR) de saules dans le sud du Québec (Canada). Peu d’études ont été réalisées afin de déterminer comment se comporte la dynamique du carbone organique (Corg) dans le sol suivant cette conversion. Nous avons donc comparé la quantité du Corg et de deux pools labiles de carbone (carbone extractible à l’eau chaude et les sucres aminés) entre des CICR en phase initiale d’établissement (1-2 ans) et des parcelles appariées représentant le système de culture qui prévalait avant la transformation en culture de saules (culture fourragère) et d’autres cultures d’intérêt. La même chose a été faite pour une CICR en exploitation (depuis 9 ans) à un autre site. La quantité de Corg du sol n’était pas différente entre les CICR et les parcelles sous culture fourragère. Une plus haute concentration de sucres aminés dans le Corg total des CICR en établissement, par rapport aux autres parcelles sur le même site, permet de soupçonner que les perturbations liées à l’établissement ne mènent pas à une minéralisation accrue du Corg à court terme. La proportion de sucres aminés fongiques, qui diminue théoriquement lors de perturbations, était aussi plus élevée sous la plus jeune culture. Sous la CICR de neuf ans, le Corg était redistribué dans le profil vertical et les pools labiles étaient de plus petite taille (à une profondeur de 20-40 cm) comparativement à une parcelle témoin. La conversion d’une culture fourragère en plantation de saules en CICR n’a pas mené à la formation d’un puits de carbone. L’étude laisse entrevoir qu’un tel puits pourrait être créé si la conversion se faisait à partir d’un aménagement impliquant la culture en rotation de plantes annuelles et des labours. / Over the last ten years, many hectares of short-rotation willow coppice (SRWC) have been established on abandoned agricultural lands in southern Quebec (Canada). However, few studies were conducted to determine if these changes from a conventional crop to SRWC of willows would affect the soil carbon dynamic. A preliminary paired-site study was conducted to assess the impact of this land-use conversion on soil carbon stocks and dynamics shortly after they were established (1-year and 2-year) at one site and after multiple rotations (9-year) at another site. Apart from the total soil organic carbon pool, two labile carbon pools were investigated: the hot-water extractable carbon (HWC) pool and the amino sugars (AS) pool. Willow establishment and exploitation for nine years did not bring any changes in total organic carbon compared to an abandoned hay culture. The mature SRWC displayed a redistribution of TSOC in the vertical soil profile. We also measured a higher proportion of AS, compared to other plots on the same site, in total organic carbon under the 1-year-old SRWC; especially the proportion in AS of fungi origin that theorically decrease with perturbation intensity. Proportion of AS was also elevated under 2-year-old SRWC. A possible interpretation is that establishment-linked perturbations did not shift carbon dynamic toward an increased mineralization. The mature willow plantation exhibited depletion of HWC and the more labile amino sugar (muramic acid) in the deeper soil layer (20-40cm). This case study shows that conversion from an abandoned hay culture to a SRWC did not create a carbon sink. It was also found that the 9- year old willow plantation contained higher TSOC and had better soil quality than an adjacent short-term no-till crop rotation culture.

Uchycování spontánní dřevité vegetace na Sokolovských výsypkách / Spontaneous establishment of woody vegetation in post mining heaps near Sokolov

Reitschmiedová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Surface coal mining heavily disrupts vast areas of landscape. Previous studies conducted in these areas reveal that succession processes on unreclaimed sites support close to nature community. It's crucial to understand and be able to predict these processes in order to include spontaneous succession into restoration plans. The aim of my thesis is to clarify establishment and dispersion mechanisms of dominant pioneer woody species willow (Salix caprea), birch (Betula pendula) and aspen (Populus tremula). Study carried out on unreclaimed sites on a large colliery spoil heap near the town of Sokolov. I have studied establishment and growth of pioneer woody species on both graded and ungraded sites, representation of individual woody pioneer species was on sites in different distance from the edge of the spoil heap, birch's population age structure and reproduction potential of willow in accordance to age. All pioneer woody species establish and grow better on ungraded sites. The amount of willow decreases while the number of aspen individuals remains the same and the amount of birch increases with growing distance from the edge of the spoil heap. Birch's population age reveals establishment of new individuals in favourable climatic conditions. Willow is reproductively capable at the age of 10 years...

Biološki potencijal i hemijska analiza vrsta roda Salix L. (Salicaceae) sa teritorije Republike Srbije / Biological potential and chemical analysis of species from the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae) from the territory of Republic of Serbia

Gligorić Emilia 18 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Rod Salix pripada porodici Salicaceae i obuhvata oko 450 vrsta &scaron;irom sveta, od kojih u Republici Srbiji raste oko 18. Kora vrbe ispoljava antiinflamatorno, antireumatsko, analgetičko i antipiretičko delovanje sinergističkim efektom njenih glavnih aktivnih supstanci &ndash; glikozida salicina, fenolnih i flavonoidnih jedinjenja. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su ispitivanje uticaja klasične i savremenih metoda ekstrakcije na hemijski sastav i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti ekstrakata različitih vrsta vrba, utvrđivanje razlika u sadržaju aktivnih komponenti i biolo&scaron;kom potencijalu između ekstrakata kore i ekstrakata lista iste vrste vrbe, kao i utvrđivanje razlika u sadržaju sekundarnih metabolita i antioksidantnoj aktivnosti kod ekstrakata različitih vrsta vrba. Ispitivanja su uključivala analizu 92 ekstrakta kore i lista osam predstavnika roda Salix, dobijenih različitim metodama (maceracija, ultrazvučna i mikrotalasna ekstrakcija) i pri različitim uslovima ekstrakcije (rastvarač, vreme, veličina čestica). Sadržaj ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, kao i antioksidativna aktivnost određeni su spektrofotometrijski. Hemijska karakterizacija ekstrakata vr&scaron;ena je primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). Metodom in silico molekularnog dokinga ispitan je inhibitorni potencijal sastojaka ekstrakata prema enzimima ciklooksigenaze (COX-1 i COX-2) i acetilholinesterazi (AChE). Savremenim metodama ekstrakcije izolovan je veći broj pojedinačnih komponenata u najvećoj koncentraciji i dobijeni su ekstrakti sa jačim potencijalom neutralizacije hidroksilnih radikala. Klasična metoda maceracije 70% etanolom (v/v) bila je pogodnija za dobijanje ekstrakata sa jačim antioksidativnim potencijalom prema DPPH radikalu kod gotovo svih ispitivanih Salix vrsta. Kod većine Salix vrsta jači antioksidantni potencijal prema DPPH radikalu ispoljili su ekstrakti kore. Kod polovine ispitivanih vrsta ekstrakti lista su inhibisali hidroksilne radikale u većoj meri. Veći sadržaj pojedinačnih jedinjenja u ekstraktima kore ili lista zavisio je od same vrste vrbe. Najjaču antioksidantu aktivnost ispoljila je vrsta S. alba, dok je u pogledu hemijskog sastava najraznovrsnija vrsta bila S. fragilis. In silico analizom metodom molekularnog dokinga utvrđen je jak inhibitorni potencijal flavonoidnih jedinjenja kvercetina, naringenina i epikatehina, kao i hlorogenske kiseline među fenolnim kiselinama prema enzimima COX-1 i COX-2. Epikatehin, salicin i hlorogenska kiselina ispoljili su značajno inhibitorno delovanje na enzim AChE u doking studijama. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pored kore i list vrbe ima veliki potencijal primene kao izvor značajnih fitokomponenata, kao i na mogućnost eksploatacije vrsta vrba koje nisu u komercijalnoj upotrebi kao lekovitih sirovina za izolovanje antioksidanasa i farmakolo&scaron;ki aktivnih supstanci.</p> / <p>The genus Salix belongs to the family Salicaceae and comprises about 450 species worldwide, out of which 18 grow in the Republic of Serbia. Willow bark exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, analgesic and antipyretic effects through synergistic action of its main ingredients -glycosidesalicin, phenolic and flavonoid compounds. Aims of this paper were to analyse the impact of classical and modern extraction methods on chemical composition and biological activities of extracts of different willow species, determine the differences in the amount of active compounds and biological potential between bark and leaf extracts within the same willow species, as well as between extracts of various species. The analysis included 92 bark and leaf extracts of eight species from the genus Salix, obtained by different extraction methods (maceration, ulrasound and microwave assisted extraction) and conditions (solvent, time, particle size). Total phenolics and flavonoids content, as well as antioxidant activity were determined spectrophotometrically. Chemical characterization was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) and acetylcholine esterase (AChE) inhibitory potential of compounds isolated from the extracts was examined by in silico method of molecular docking. Greater number of individual components in highest concentration, as well as exracts with stronger hydroxyl radical scavenging potential were obtained by modern extraction methods. Classical method of maceration with 70% ethanol (v/v) was more suitable for obtaining extracts with higher DPPH radical scavenging activity in the vast majority of tested species. In half of the analysed species leaf extracts inhibited hydroxyl radicals more than bark. Higher amount of individual compounds in bark or leaf extracts depended on the species itself. S. alba exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity, whereas S. fragilis had the most diverse chemical composition. Strong COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitory potential of flavonoids quercetin, naringenin and epicatechin, as well as chlorogenic acid among phenolic acids was determined by in silico molecular docking analysis. Molecular docking studies also demonstrated the inhibitory activity of epicatechin, salicin and chlorogenic acid toward AChE. The obtained results indicate that not only bark, but willow leaf as well could be used as source of significant phytochemicals and also the possibility of exploitation of willow species that are not commercially used as medicinal raw material for isolation of antioxidants and pharmacologycally active substances.</p>

Accumulation of elements in Salix and other species used in vegetation filters with focus on wood fuel quality /

Adler, Anneli. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2007. / Thesis documentation sheet inserted. Appendix reproduces four papers and manuscripts co-authored with others. Includes bibliographical references. Also issued electronically via World Wide Web in PDF format; online version lacks appendix.

Évaluation du potentiel de séquestration de carbone dans le sol de cultures intensives sur courtes rotations de saules dans le sud du Québec

Lockwell, Jérémie 08 1900 (has links)
Dans la dernière décennie, plusieurs hectares de terre agricole ont été convertis à la culture intensive sur courtes rotations (CICR) de saules dans le sud du Québec (Canada). Peu d’études ont été réalisées afin de déterminer comment se comporte la dynamique du carbone organique (Corg) dans le sol suivant cette conversion. Nous avons donc comparé la quantité du Corg et de deux pools labiles de carbone (carbone extractible à l’eau chaude et les sucres aminés) entre des CICR en phase initiale d’établissement (1-2 ans) et des parcelles appariées représentant le système de culture qui prévalait avant la transformation en culture de saules (culture fourragère) et d’autres cultures d’intérêt. La même chose a été faite pour une CICR en exploitation (depuis 9 ans) à un autre site. La quantité de Corg du sol n’était pas différente entre les CICR et les parcelles sous culture fourragère. Une plus haute concentration de sucres aminés dans le Corg total des CICR en établissement, par rapport aux autres parcelles sur le même site, permet de soupçonner que les perturbations liées à l’établissement ne mènent pas à une minéralisation accrue du Corg à court terme. La proportion de sucres aminés fongiques, qui diminue théoriquement lors de perturbations, était aussi plus élevée sous la plus jeune culture. Sous la CICR de neuf ans, le Corg était redistribué dans le profil vertical et les pools labiles étaient de plus petite taille (à une profondeur de 20-40 cm) comparativement à une parcelle témoin. La conversion d’une culture fourragère en plantation de saules en CICR n’a pas mené à la formation d’un puits de carbone. L’étude laisse entrevoir qu’un tel puits pourrait être créé si la conversion se faisait à partir d’un aménagement impliquant la culture en rotation de plantes annuelles et des labours. / Over the last ten years, many hectares of short-rotation willow coppice (SRWC) have been established on abandoned agricultural lands in southern Quebec (Canada). However, few studies were conducted to determine if these changes from a conventional crop to SRWC of willows would affect the soil carbon dynamic. A preliminary paired-site study was conducted to assess the impact of this land-use conversion on soil carbon stocks and dynamics shortly after they were established (1-year and 2-year) at one site and after multiple rotations (9-year) at another site. Apart from the total soil organic carbon pool, two labile carbon pools were investigated: the hot-water extractable carbon (HWC) pool and the amino sugars (AS) pool. Willow establishment and exploitation for nine years did not bring any changes in total organic carbon compared to an abandoned hay culture. The mature SRWC displayed a redistribution of TSOC in the vertical soil profile. We also measured a higher proportion of AS, compared to other plots on the same site, in total organic carbon under the 1-year-old SRWC; especially the proportion in AS of fungi origin that theorically decrease with perturbation intensity. Proportion of AS was also elevated under 2-year-old SRWC. A possible interpretation is that establishment-linked perturbations did not shift carbon dynamic toward an increased mineralization. The mature willow plantation exhibited depletion of HWC and the more labile amino sugar (muramic acid) in the deeper soil layer (20-40cm). This case study shows that conversion from an abandoned hay culture to a SRWC did not create a carbon sink. It was also found that the 9- year old willow plantation contained higher TSOC and had better soil quality than an adjacent short-term no-till crop rotation culture.

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