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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darnaus miesto vystymo(-si) daugiatikslė selektonovacija / Multi-Attribute Evaluation and Modelling of Sustainable Urban Development

Šaparauskas, Jonas 05 October 2004 (has links)
Analysis, planning and management of urban development is a complicated, complex, multi-aspect objective, which could be solved using modern scientific knowledge, technology and experience only. Meeting today challenges, adequate decisions must be taken, appropriate politics undertaken, various programs implemented. For this reason, comprehensive, objective information is required, prognoses must be structured, various decision variants must be analysed and discussed. All interested groups, seeking compromise among business, population and nature interests, must participate in decision-making process, important for the city. The aim of the dissertation is evaluation of urban sustainability and urban development in the future with the help of multi-attribute decision making methods.

Scenarijų panaudojimas mokymosi sistemose / Usage of scripts in e-learning systems

Binkis, Mikas 11 January 2007 (has links)
Today popular learning management systems (LMS) lack interactivity. Interactivity is very important in the learning process, because it‘s a great mean of interest and motivation. The level of interactivity could be increased by using scripts, but some of the modern scripting languages are not universal, and the majority are too hard to comprehend for non-IT specialists. That’s why a brand new scripting language has been created. It can be integrated to an open-source PHP based LMS and because of it‘s simplicity and usage of native language in syntax is rather easy to learn for non-IT staff. Experiments showed that it‘s rather convenient, compared to other similar languages and it’s speed does not slow down the process of webpage generation to an extent a user would notice. It’s also capable of performing basic mathematical and other scientific task modeling, making the language sufficient for common use. The script language has some of the complex template language properties, so it can be also used as a tool of managing content rendering. Practical integration of the script language with “Google Maps” service and VRML showed that it can be expanded to the required extent. Further works with this language may include expansion of syntax and implementation of AJAX technology.

Virtualus mobilumas aukštajame moksle / Virtual Mobility in Higher Education

Daukšienė, Estela 20 December 2013 (has links)
Aukštojo mokslo institucijos dar nėra pilnai pasirengę virtualaus mobilumo (toliau VM) įgyvendinimui - nėra priimti visuotinai suderinti sprendimai kaip institucija, studentai ir dėstytojai turėtų pasiruošti VM, neaišku, kokių kompetencijų reikia dėstytojams, siekiant efektyviai organizuoti VM bei kokias galima įgyti studijuojant VM būdu. Siekiant konceptualizuoti VM fenomeną aukštajame moksle, išanalizuojant pagrindinius jo komponentus ir atskleidžiant jų tarpusavio sąsajas, darbe keliami šie pagrindiniai tyrimo klausimai - kaip virtualus mobilumas apibrėžiamas aukštajame moksle? Ar reikalingas VM aukštojo mokslo institucijoms ir kodėl? Kaip dėstytojai ir institucijos gali pasirengti ir įgyvendinti VM aukštojo mokslo institucijose? Pirmojoje disertacinio darbo dalyje nagrinėjama VM sąvoka, aptariami VM ir panašių terminų skirtumai, atskleidžiami pagrindiniai VM fenomeno aukštajame moksle komponentai. Antrojoje dalyje detalizuojama empirinio tyrimo metodologiją. Trečiojoje - aptariami empirinių tyrimų rezultatai, patvirtinantys fenomeno kompleksiškumą, VM komponentų tarpusavio priklausomybę bei VM dimensijas, pagrindžiančias VM įgyvendinimą aukštajame moksle. / Higher education institutions are not fully prepared for virtual mobility (further VM) implementation – there is no common framework, methodology of preparation, and the set of competences to possess in order to implement VM efficiently, and to be acquired during VM. With the aim to conceptualize the virtual mobility phenomenon in higher education, analyzing its main components and revealing their relationships, the following research questions were raised: how is virtual mobility in higher education defined? Why is it necessary to implement VM in HE? How can teachers and institutions prepare for and implement VM? The first part of the dissertation focuses on the VM concept analysis, differences between VM and similar concepts, and the key VM components. The second part reveals the empirical research methodology by connecting the research questions with the chosen research methods. The third part discusses empirical research findings, which verify the complexity of the phenomenon, the interrelationships of the components, and the VM dimensions permeating VM implementation in HE.

Duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo įrankis / Database performance audit tool

Greibus, Justinas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Duomenų bazių našumo analizė yra viena iš pagrindinių siekių programinės įrangos testavimo srityje šiuo metu. Atliekant tyrimus sukurta nemažai metodikų, kurios leidžia nustatyti duomenų bazių našumo lygį. Tačiau priemonės sukurtos remiantis šiomis metodikomis yra prieinamos dažniausiai tik uždaroms bendruomenėms. Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjama duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo metodika, pagrįsta programinės įrangos apkrovos ir stresinio testavimo principais. Sukurtas įrankis suteikia vartotojui galimybę atlikti duomenų bazių našumo tyrimo scenarijus, bei pakartotinai atlikti istorinius scenarijus ir palyginti gautus rezultatus. Formuojamos ataskaitos pateikia daug svarbios informacijos skirtos analizei. / The analysis of the database performance is the common challenge in the nowadays software testing. There are several methodologies of the analysis of the database performance in the market. However, tools, which are based on these methodologies, are available for the narrow circle of the privileged persons. According to the results of the analysis, this master thesis investigates a new methodology, which is based on several other methodologies. The methodology of the database performance audit, which is discussed in this project, is based on the principles of the software load and stress testing. In order to identify the issues of database performance, values of the performance parameters are registered. These values are counted during the execution of the scenario of the automatic scenarios. The user has the possibility to re-execute historical scenarios and to compare the results of the separate executions. Generated reports with the deep data level facilitate the analysis of the database performance.

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