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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An outcomes evaluation study of the South African clothing and textile workers union bursary programme

Gaidien, Gabeba 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / In 1997, SACTWU established the SACTWU Educational Trust, which includes the SACTWU bursary programme in aid of tertiary education. In honour of the launch of the trust, the union released a statement, which clarifies the intentions of the organisational decision to focus its resources on education. The General Secretary of SACTWU at the time, Jabo Ngcobo, emphasised the union’s acknowledgement of education as the only tool that can arm people with the required knowledge to make independent decisions. In so doing, education empowers ordinary citizens from the lowest economic ranks, to become confident citizens who are prepared to access the opportunities present in the democratic South Africa. SACTWU remains committed to the priority of the organisation, which is to uplift the working class members of the clothing and textile industry. Hence, in their pursuit of this goal, they decided to extend their network of support to the families of their members. An interview with the National Bursary Officer, Ms. Lizzy Chetty, reveals that the focus of the union is primarily on tertiary education as this is the logical route to ensure that the union makes a direct contribution to the national economy in the short term. This is achieved through empowering previously disadvantaged citizens to become active participants in the economy. In addition, individual members of the union can be acknowledged and supported directly in this viable and easy manner. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of the SACTWU bursary programme. The detailed analysis of the information outlined in Chapter 4 follows in Chapter 5 in order to reach a conclusion about the overall progress of the union’s programme (based on this study’s limited focus on the relevant years i.e. 2004, 2005 & 2006 and regions which include the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape).

Transnational Ambitions: Student Migrants and the Making of a National Future in Twentieth-Century Mexico

Newman, Rachel Grace January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation explores how the Mexican state came to embrace study abroad as a key piece of national education policy. The study begins with the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) and traces the changing politics and institutional pathways of student migration through 1982. During this period, hundreds and then thousands of Mexican students hailing from the country’s middle- and upper classes chose to finish their education in the United States. The dissertation’s central argument is that this student migration shaped the process of Mexican state formation in the wake of the Revolution. Even as scholarship programs responded to the impetus to modernize, achieve development, or foment science by importing foreign knowledge, youth demand for the chance to study abroad was a key yet unrecognized factor that explains why the state supports students’ transnational ambitions. By harnessing narratives of nationalism and modernization, Mexican youth pushed the state to develop institutions that granted international scholarships. Students aspiring to go abroad pioneered the political rationales that undergirded international education policy, which was then designed and implemented by foreign-trained Mexicans. As privileged youth, students shaped the state not by organizing but by leveraging their social and cultural capital as individuals. This dissertation points out that migration was a strategy that appealed not only to Mexico’s working-classes, but also to its “best and brightest” who sought to improve their prospects with a sojourn abroad. The dissertation’s first chapter examines how study abroad, a long-standing practice of the Mexican elite, became politicized after the Revolution. It traces debates in the press to show how a lack of state discourse about student migration gave other voices the opportunity to define the stakes of study abroad. Chapter two analyzes revolutionary-era scholarship granting practices, showing that paternalism persisted from the Porfiriato to the post-Revolution. However, the chapter reveals that Mexican students introduced revolutionary ideas into their petitions for scholarships, reframing their studies as an act of patriotism. The third chapter examines three major scholarship programs in the mid-twentieth century. It looks at both selection practices and the demographic profile of those who were chosen. These programs favored an already-privileged sector of young Mexicans, its university graduates. Chapter four, also set in the mid-twentieth century, explores the lived experiences and understandings of identity of Mexican students in the United States. This chapter argues that they pursued an ideal of middle-class mexicanidad during their sojourn abroad but found that this status was one of fragile prestige. The last chapter, covering 1960 to 1982, considers the genesis and early years of Mexico’s most important, and still extant, international scholarship granting institution, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. This scholarship program served as a kind of social policy for young, upwardly-mobile Mexicans even as it obeyed the logic of development and science policy. The dissertation includes tables with statistical information on the Mexican students in the United States, with more detailed data for students in scholarship programs run by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Banco de México.

Aplicação de indicadores sociais para concessão de bolsas socioeconômicas na UFABC

Umbelino, Caroline de Souza 14 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-27T11:19:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline de Souza Umbelino.pdf: 2400954 bytes, checksum: 0ceab6ec37567185e27dd74a987576a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-27T11:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caroline de Souza Umbelino.pdf: 2400954 bytes, checksum: 0ceab6ec37567185e27dd74a987576a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-14 / The student assistantship has provided lodging and boarding programs to students since 1930. The selection criteria are based upon socioeconomic analysis and profile classifications, which are based upon social indicators punctuation. Nevertheless, the profile analysis does not take the racial question into consideration as a problem of structural poverty, which reinforces the racial democracy discourse. In this regard, this thesis seeks to take into consideration edictal and resolution analysis, scholarship grant methods, and federal university grants through comparison among the most utilized criteria / Desde 1930 a assistência estudantil atende estudantes com programas de moradia e alimentação. A seleção dos estudantes é realizada mediante análise socioeconômica e a classificação por perfis de acordo com a pontuação gerada por indicadores sociais. Contudo, a análise de perfil não considera a questão racial como problema estruturante da pobreza, dessa forma o discurso da democracia racial é reforçado. Neste âmbito, o presente trabalho procura discutir mediante análise de editais e resoluções, o processo de concessão de bolsas e auxílios nas universidades federais através da comparação dos critérios mais utilizados

O ensino privado e o princípio da solidariedade: bolsas de estudos

Stefano, Isa Gabriela de Almeida 03 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isa Gabriela de Almeida Stefano.pdf: 1549578 bytes, checksum: 00aecebfd366f89522c09d32efe13a08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-03 / This study aims to establish the principle of solidarity within the educational sphere in order to ensure that poor people do not find themselves excluded from access to education. Justified their study because education is the foundation of society, because only through it people are able to evolve, live in community and develop their physical, moral and intellectual. Because of its social relevance the Constitution establishes education is a fundamental right to be provided by the State with the participation of family and society. By allowing private institutions act in the educational sphere is born respect for free enterprise in that particular will exercise its lucrative activity but at the same time, it should be noted the limitations resulting from the constitutional provisions, the observance of which lies the principle of solidarity. Solidarity requires that that all those who are better off will contribute unselfishly for those who are excluded from certain rights have access to them, so there arises the duty of private institutions teaching grant scholarships in limits to be imposed by law, to one who is unable to afford the education costs / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade estabelecer a aplicação do princípio da solidariedade no âmbito da esfera educacional com vistas a garantir que as pessoas carentes não se vejam excluídas do acesso à educação. Justifica-se o seu estudo em razão da educação ser a base da sociedade, pois somente através dela as pessoas são capazes de evoluir, conviver em comunidade e desenvolver sua capacidade física, moral e intelectual. Em razão de sua relevância social a Constituição estabelece ser a educação um direito fundamental a ser prestado pelo Estado com a participação da família e da sociedade. Ao permitir que as instituições privadas atuem na esfera educacional nasce o respeito à livre iniciativa em que o particular irá exercer sua atividade lucrativa mas, ao mesmo tempo, deve-se observar as limitações decorrentes dos preceitos constitucionais, dentre os quais se encontra a observância do princípio da solidariedade. A solidariedade impõe que aquele todos aqueles que se encontram em melhor situação venham a contribuir, desinteressadamente, para aqueles que se encontrem excluídos de certos direitos tenham acesso aos mesmos, assim, nasce o dever de as instituições particulares de ensino conceder bolsas de estudos, nos limites a serem impostos pela lei, para que aquele que não tenha condições de arcar com os custos da educação

The relationship between factors that influence college choice and persistence in Longhorn Opportunity Scholarship recipients at the University of Texas at Austin

Bhagat, Geeta Srinivasan 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

A description of four state competitive scholarship programs of states which have membership in the Mid-West Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

Meade, Roger C. January 1971 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the state competitive scholarship programs of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and West Virginia. The coordination and the impact of the respective programs at selected public and non-public colleges and universities within the four states were also studied. The description of the state competitive scholarship programs consisted of the: (1) origin and purpose, (2) superior body and professional staff, (3) selection of the recipients, (4) growth, (5) administration, (6) state grant and/or state loan program(s), (7) problems, (8) recommendations, and (9) future directions. The descriptive information was gathered by private interviews with each of the four state competitive scholarship directors and the eight college student financial aid directors.The review of related literature consisted of three parts: (1) the significance of the state scholarship programs, (2) the National Association of State Scholarship Programs, (3) federal student financial aid programs.The conclusions of the study were:1. The state competitive scholarship programs have a common objective to assist qualified students obtain a college education.2. The monetary scholarships are awarded according to academic ability and demonstrated financial need relative to the approved college choice.3. Applicants who are academically qualified but unable to demonstrate financial need are awarded honorary scholarships.4. Sufficient monies should be available to assist applicants at in-state institutions before consideration be given to using scholarships at out-of-state institutions.5. Concentrated efforts are made to simplify application procedures for state scholarships.6. The state scholarship programs are free from political pressure in the selection of recipients.7. The state grant awards should be used at approved public and non-public institutions.8. The state grant program should make awards on the demonstration of financial need relative to the approved college choice.9. The state loan program should make student loans only on the basis of financial need.10. The state scholarship program directors agreed that the:A. high school counselors are instrumental in the success of the state scholarship program;B. high school counselors should meet at least annually with the state scholarship personnel;C. college student financial aids officers usually coordinate the state scholarship programs satisfactorily;D. college student financial aids officers should meet at least annually with the state scholarship personnel;E. college student financial aids officer who is a generalist is more competent than a specialist11. The college student financial aids officers were in disagreement regarding the success of the state scholarship program in providing a free choice of colleges within the state.12. The college student financial aids directors agreed that an institutional scholarship should beto a state scholar if the additional need was demonstrated.13. Coordination should exist between the United States Office of Education and the state scholarship offices since the mutual concern is to financially assist qualified applicants.A recommended basic design for a state competitive scholarship program was a part of the study. The design was primarily based upon the characteristics of the Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and West Virginia programs.The recommendations for further study are:1. A descriptive study of selected competitive scholarship programs of states which have membership another geographical association of student financial aid administrators.2. An in-depth study of the grant programs which are administered by the state scholarship commissions.3. A study to analyze a state scholarship or grant program for graduate students.4. An attitudinal study of former college students who are now repaying the guaranteed bank loans.5. A study to determine why there has been no apparent coordination between the federal government and the state scholarship commissions.

For reasons of governmentality: A genealogy of dividing practices in Queensland schooling

Meadmore, Daphne Anne Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

For reasons of governmentality: A genealogy of dividing practices in Queensland schooling

Meadmore, Daphne Anne Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

For reasons of governmentality: A genealogy of dividing practices in Queensland schooling

Meadmore, Daphne Anne Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

For reasons of governmentality: A genealogy of dividing practices in Queensland schooling

Meadmore, Daphne Anne Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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