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”Folk tror ju på en om man kan prata” : Deliberativt arrangerad undervisning på gymnasieskolans yrkesprogramForsberg, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
Young male vocational students are in academia described as being less interested by politics and social issues and having less knowledge regarding democracy than other students. A culture of resistance is the appellation of the specific culture that emphasise the relations between young male vocational students. Deliberately arranged teaching with deliberate qualities has shown a positive impact on students’ learning as well as being a way of working with moral issues in school. The purpose of this study is to make researches into whether deliberately arranged teaching has an impact on the political and social interest amongst young male vocational students. A questionnaire was conducted before and after the Civics A (social studies) course. Individual interviews, where the students’ ways of expressing themselves in regards to politics and social issues were in focus, were carried out. The deliberately arranged teaching was conducted once a week during one academic year. The students were then responsible for the content as well as ensuring that they abided by the set rules for the conversation. Limited alterations regarding the students’ interest for politics and social issues were identified in the questionnaire. However, the interviews revealed that some of the students have changed their way of looking at politics and their interest has increased. The culture of resistance that usually distinguishes the behaviour of vocational students in regards to core subjects was not found as a dominating factor. The students taking part in focus groups expressed a positive response to the deliberately arranged teaching stating it was the part of the course they enjoyed the most. To be able to express their views and listen to others was highly appreciated by the students who described themselves as serious and ambitious during classes. The teachers felt that this teaching style meant that there was a focus on relations and that the didactic question about content in the course were more complicated to execute.
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Motstånd och konformitet : Om manliga yrkeselevers liv och identitetsskapande i relation till kärnämnena / Resistance and conformity : The life and identity work in relation to the academic subjects among male vocational pupilsHögberg, Ronny January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie bygger på en fältstudie i två klasser på gymnasieskolans Byggprogram. Intresset är riktat mot hur ett antal ungdomar, vilka samtliga är pojkar och i varierande grad är ointresserade av så kallade teoretiska studier, förhåller sig till kärnämnena. Mer precist är syftet att analysera deras förhållningssätt till kärnämnena som en del av deras identitetsskapande i relation till dessa ämnen. I studien ses skolan och klassrummet som en social arena där mycket annat än formell undervisning pågår och är relevant för ungdomar när de befinner sig i skolan. Den teoretiska förankringen för studien består i ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv på identitet, bland annat influerat av Richard Jenkins. Därutöver utgörs den av ett genus- och klassperspektiv, samt motståndsteoretiska utgångspunkter. Metodologiskt ansluter sig studien till den etnografiska traditionen. Data som analyseras är observationsdata, intervjudata och inspelade samtal mellan eleverna. Analysen visar bland annat att ungdomarna använder sitt kommande yrke och sitt ointresse för skolarbete i teoretisk tappning som utgångspunkter när de pratar om sin utbildning, olika ämnen eller sitt agerande i relation till skolarbetet. Analysen visar också att ungdomarna både är konforma och oppositionella gentemot kärnämnena. De anpassar sig efter skolans makt att bedöma deras studieinsatser, men gör bl.a. motstånd mot den ordning lärare söker åstadkomma och den tristess och påfrestning som de menar att kärnämnena medför. Till sina konsekvenser innebär denna form av motkultur ett identitetsskapande som avviker från ideal som låg bakom införandet av kärnämnena, vilket innebär ett motstånd mot en statlig påverkan på deras liv, så som denna påverkan kommer till uttryck genom utbildningssystemet. Mot bakgrund av deras kombination av motstånd och konformitet tolkas deras förhållningssätt till kärnämnena emellertid som motsträvighet än som ett renodlat motstånd. / This study is based on a field study that was conducted in two classes in a vocational programme (the Construction Programme) at a Swedish upper secondary school. The main concern of the study is how the pupils, all of whom are boys who are indifferent to varying degrees to so-called theoretical studies, relate to the academic subjects (or core subjects) of their education. More precisely, the aim is to analyze their attitudes towards the core subjects as part of their identity work. In this respect, the school setting is viewed as a social arena in which much more than formal education is going on and has relevance for the pupils when they are in school. The theoretical framing of the study is based on an interactional perspective on identity, primarily influenced by Richard Jenkins. Additionally, a gender and class perspective as well as theories of resistance are used to understand the views and actions of the boys. Methodologically, the study draws on an ethnographic tradition. The data consist of observations, interviews and recorded conversations between the pupils. The analysis points out that the pupils use their future work as construction workers and their indifference to theoretical schoolwork as important starting points when they talk about their education, different subjects or their own actions in relation to their schoolwork. The analysis also stresses that the boys employ modes of both conformity and opposition in relation to the academic subjects. They adjust to the power the school has when it comes to assessing their schoolwork, but they also resist the classroom order their teacher is trying to achieve and the stress and strain of everyday life in the academic subjects. This forms a counter culture, the consequences of which imply identity work that to a large extent differs from the ideas that conditioned the implementation of the core subjects. In this respect the pupils are also resisting governmental steering of their lives as it is expressed in the educational system. However, since the boys have modes of both conformity and opposition in their attitudes towards academic subjects, their overall attitude towards this part of their education is interpreted as a form of reluctance rather than full-scale resistance.
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