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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender-based Motivations for Usage and Avoidance of Shared Micro-mobility during Night-time in Stockholm, Sweden

YITZHAK ACOSTA-CARRASCAL, HENRY January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the intersection of shared micro-mobility services and genderwith a focus on the nighttime in Stockholm, Sweden. Research has found agender gap in user characteristics, with safety, affordability, and vehicle qualityaffection adoption. This study explores the differences in motivations and barriersto usage, contributing to sustainable and inclusive transportation. This wasachieved through a quantitative-qualitative approach that combined responsesfrom 164 people, 60 open comments, and 15 interviews. The research found PublicTransport and socializing as the primary mode and purpose of night trips amongmen and women, with women having a slightly higher preference. Time-saving,convenience and reliability, ease of access and use, and the complementarity ofother modes of transport are relevant for users regardless of gender. Womenseem to be more regular users than men. Women also seem to be more sensitiveto pricing and safety issues, both positive and negative aspects of the services.Among users who avoid the service at night, parking restrictions, unusefulnessand impracticality, expensiveness, owning a bike, consuming alcohol, andsocio-political aspects are the main motivations for doing so. The last three alsoapply to non-users. Men seem to be more sensitive to parking restrictions andwomen to unusefulness and impracticality and carrying bags and travelling withchildren. Finally, this document suggests strategies to increase overall, nighttime,and female usage of this service, focused on the shared micro-mobility operatorsand municipalities.

Reflections on Aloneness

Pasquale, Taylor Dennis 04 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Att försvara sin existens på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur Voi Technology kommunicerar externt för att uppfattas som en legitim aktör

Blennå, Anna, Jansson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
In the past few years, the number of e-scooter rental services has rapidly increased in Sweden and across Europe. The increased usage of e-scooters has created problems, for example with accessibility on sidewalks and traffic safety. Consequently, the e-scooter industry has become a highly debated topic. This case study examined how Voi Technology communicate to profile themselves as legitimate, based on Max Weber’s principles of legitimation and Mark C. Suchman’s legitimation strategies. Three research questions were formulated to be able to fulfill the aim of the study: 1) Which of Suchman’s strategies to maintain legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 2) Which of Suchman’s strategies to repair legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 3) Which of Weber’s principles of legitimation can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 30 posts from Voi’s social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and a semiotic analysis. The results showed that Voi are using the strategies “protect accomplishments” and “perceive change” to maintain legitimacy and the strategies “normalize” and “restructure” to repair legitimacy. The study did also find the legal-rational and charismatic principles of legitimation in Voi’s communication. The traditional principle of legitimation could not be found. Instead, Voi often presented themselves as non-traditional and innovative. This study contributes with more knowledge about how organizations can communicate to get legitimacy, when an organization or market is being questioned.

An in-depth understanding of powered micro-mobility safety issues

Kazemzadeh, Khashayar, Sprei, Frances 03 January 2023 (has links)
The fast-growing market of powered micro-mobility, including electric bikes (e-bikes) and electric scooters (e-scooters), has introduced a paradigm shift in mobility across the world. These emerging transport modes have frequently been referred to as convenient mobility, having playfulness and transport functions. However, one of the main obstacles to the safe adoption of these transport modes is the safety issues related to their use. Based on the cycling literature, the interaction of vulnerable road users with each other could be classified based on the encounter directions. More specifically, passing is referred to as same-direction encounters, and meeting demonstrates opposite-direction encounters. Experiments and observations have been applied in this research domain for data collection, while interview setups are less conducted to explore users' opinions about their interactions. In this study, we conducted a series of semi-structured interviews and scrutinised e-bike and e-scooter users' safety issues in motorised and non-motorised facilities (e.g. shoulder lanes and sidewalks). [from Introduction]

Measuring exposure for cyclists and micro-mobility users

Fyhri, Aslak, Pokorny, Petr, Ellis, Ingunn Opheim, Weber, Christian 03 January 2023 (has links)
Data about bicycle usage is an important input parameter for several purposes. They are used to describe changes towards more sustainable transport, and partly to say something about changes towards more active transport as opposed to passive modes oftransport. Importantly such data are used as the denominator when calculating crash risk: for cyclists. In Norway, as in most countries, these data are captured in several ways today. This is partly done by using data from the national travel behavior survey, partly using figures from stationazy or mobile bicycle counters, and partly using other methods such as manual counts, etc. The technological development has provided several new opportunities to register such travel, in the form of more advanced stationary counters, advanced algorithms that interprets signal data, video recording solutions and app-based measurement systems. At the sam.e time, we see that development in the transport sector also creates new challenges. In just a few years, electric scooters have radically changed the traffic picture in cities and towns in Norway. There is therefore a need for more knowledge about different forms of ways to measure bicycle and micro-mobility use, their strengths and weaknesses, and what kind of strategies the authorities should have to be equipped to meet future changes in the transport field, as exemplified by the recent intlux of e-scooters. The current paper aims to respond to these challenges by answering the following research questions: • What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of different data sources for measuring cycling and micromobility use? • How weil do the different sources function to capture micromobility and to differentiate between traditional cycling and micromobility? • How can the different data sources be used as input for calculating crash risk for various forms of soft mobility (i.e. cycling and micromobility)?

Dockless electric scooters and the sustainable mobility transition in Stockholm : User study, stakeholder insights and policy perspectives / Elsparkcyklar och omställning till hållbar mobilitet i Stockholm : användaranalys samt insikter från intressenter och policyaktörer

Miller, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
In the context of increasing car ownership in Stockholm, this thesis explores the emergenceof e-scooters in the city and what role they could play in achieving a transition away from carusage.This is explored using theories of sustainable transitions: the multi-level perspective,transition management and strategic niche management. These theories are used to guide theempirical enquiry of this research project and to suggest areas of further research and possiblepolicy recommendations. Empirical Findings This study used a mixed-method strategy consisting of interviews with key stakeholders andan e-scooter user survey (n=408). The interviewees from Stockholm Region and two e-scooter operators were broadly inagreement that e-scooters could have a positive impact going forward, whilst acknowledgingchallenges. The interviews highlighted a good level of both private-private and public-privatecooperation in the industry and signalled that this cooperation is key if e-scooters are to be asustainable aspect of Stockholm’s transportation system. The survey indicated that e-scooters are a poor substitute for private (self-owned) car use i.e.only 4% of recorded journeys shifted away from self-owned car use. However, e-scooterswere found to be a much stronger substitute for taxi/ride-hail journeys with 10% of e-scooterjourneys shifting away from them. Survey findings were used to compare the GlobalWarming Potential (GWP) of e-scooters with the modes people used otherwise. It found thatthe modes people would have used had a GWP of 64g per km travelled, which compared to131g (Moreau et al, 2020) and 125g (Hollingsworth et al, 2019) for e-scooters reported in theliterature and 35g reported in a study conducted on behalf of Voi - an e-scooter company(EY, 2020). For a discussion on these figures please refer to sections 2.2.1 and 6.2.3. The timing of the survey gave a unique opportunity to explore the impact of Covid-19 on escooter journeys. A statistically significant difference between the modal shift of journeystaken before and after the Covid-19 outbreak (P-value= 0.027) was found, with journeystaken during the Covid-19 pandemic more than twice as likely to have shifted away from anytype of car use than journeys taken before the outbreak. The discussion was framed using theories of sustainable transitions. It argued that e-scooterswill not achieve a transition away from mobility on their own. However, if there is a moregeneral switch from ownership to usership in the Stockholm transport sector, e-scooters (andother micro-mobility) could substitute an increased number of taxi/ride-hail journeys whichwould see them contribute to a more environmentally sustainable transportation system. Thefinal part of this thesis discusses policy options that would help e-scooters find a space withinStockholm’s transportation systems where they can best achieve environmental sustainabilitygoals including the importance of using a multi-actor approach, a flexible cap on the numberof e-scooters, environmental merit-based tender processes, e-scooter parking charges andminimum prices. / Denna mastersuppsats handlar om framväxten av elsparkcyklar i i Stockholm, och utforskarvilken roll detta nya färdmedel kan spela för att minska bilanvändning i en situation med ökatbilägande. Detta utforskas med hjälp av teorier om hållbarhetsomställning: "multi-level" perspektiv,transition management och strategisk nisch-management. Dessa teorier används för attvägleda den empiriska undersökningen och föreslå områden för ytterligare forskning ochpolicyrekommendationer. Empiriska resultat Studien har utförts med hjälp av en ”mixed method”-ansats, och grundas bl a i intervjuermed viktiga intressenter och en undersökning med elsparkcykelanvändare (n=408). De intervjuade intressenterna från Stockholmsregionen och två elsparkcykelföretag var i stortsett överens om att elsparkcyklar kan ha en positiv inverkan på hållbart resande, samtidigtsom det finns utmaningar. Intervjuerna belyste en god nivå av både privat-privat ochoffentlig-privat samarbete i branschen och signalerade att detta samarbete är avgörande omelsparkcyklar ska kunna bidra till en hållbar utveckling av Stockholms transportsystem.Undersökningen visade att elsparkcyklar inte ersätter privat (egenägd) bilanvändning i någotstörre avseende: endast 4% av de idenitfierade resorna ersatte privat bilanvändning.Elsparkcyklar visade sig dock vara ett mycket starkare substitut för taxi / "ride-hail" resor:10% av elsparkcykel-resorna ersatte en sådan transport. Undersökningsresultaten användesför att jämföra den globala uppvärmningspotentialen (GWP) för elsparkcyklar med de medelsom användes annars. Det visade sig att de färdmedel som folk skulle ha använt om de intehade åkt elsparkcykel hade en GWP på 64g per km per resa, vilket jämförs med 131g(Moreau et al, 2020) och 125g (Hollingsworth et al, 2019) för elsparkcyklar rapporterade ilitteraturen och 35g rapporterade i en studie utförd på uppdrag av Voi - ettelsparkcykelföretag (EY, 2020). För en djupare inblick i dessa siffror hänvisas till avsnitten2.2.1 och 6.2.3 i uppsatsen. Tidpunkten för undersökningen gav en unik möjlighet att utforska effekterna av Covid-19 påresor med elsparkcyklar. Här visar studien på en statistiskt signifikant skillnad iöverflyttningspotential gällande resor som gjordes före och efter covid-19-utbrottet (P-värde=0,027). De resor som gjordes under covid-19-pandemin hade mer än dubbelt så storsannolikhet att ersätta bilanvändning än resor som gjordes före utbrottet. Diskussionen av studiens resultat tar sin utgångspunkt i teorier om hållbarhetsomställning. Idiskussionen framhålls att endast elsparkcyklar inte kommer bidra till en omställning. Men ihändelse av en mer allmän övergång från ägande till användning inom Stockholmstransportsektor, skulle elsparkcyklar (och annan mikromobilitet) kunna ersätta ett ökat antaltaxi-/"ride-hail" resor, vilket i så fall skulle innebära ett bidrag till ett mer miljömässigthållbart transportsystem. I den sista delen av uppsatsen diskuteras policyalternativ somskulle hjälpa elsparkcyklar att hitta en tydlig nisch inom Stockholms transportsystem, där debäst kan bidra till att realisera övergripande miljö- och hållbarhetsmål. Vidare diskuteras behov av att inkludera flera typer av aktörer, att använda ett flexibelt "tak" på antaletelsparkcyklar, anbudsprocesser som styrs av miljökrav, samt tillämpning avparkeringsavgifter och minimipriser för elsparkcyklar.

Training a computer vision model using semi-supervised learning and applying post-training quantizations

Vedin, Albernn January 2022 (has links)
Electrical scooters have gained a lot of attention and popularity among commuters all around the world since they entered the market. After all, electrical scooters have shown to be efficient and cost-effective mode of transportation for commuters and travelers. As of today electrical scooters have firmly established themselves in the micromobility industry, with an increasing global demand.  Although, as the industry is booming so are the accidents as well as getting into dangerous situations of riding electrical scooters. There is a growing concern regarding the safety of the scooters where more and more people are getting injured.   This research focuses on training a computer vision model using semi-supervised learning to help detect traffic rule violations and also prevent collisions for people using electrical scooters. However, applying a computer vision model on an embedded system can be challenging due to the limited capabilities of the hardware. This is where the model can enable post-training quantizations. This thesis examines which post-training quantization has the best performance and if it can perform better compared to the non-quantized model. There are three post-training quantizations that are being applied to the model, dynamic range, full integer and float16 post-training quantizations. The results showed that the non-quantized model achieved a mean average precision (mAP) of 0.03894 with a mean average training and validation loss of 22.10 and 28.11. The non-quantized model was compared with the three post-training quantizations in terms of mAP where the dynamic range post-training quantization achieve the best performance with a mAP of 0.03933.

Impact of fuels and exhaust aftertreatment systems on the unregulated emissions from mopeds, light and heavy-duty vehicles non réglementées des scooters, voitures et camions / Influence du carburant et des systèmes de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement sur les émissions non réglementées des scooters, voitures et camions

Clairotte, Michaël 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le secteur du transport joue un rôle majeur dans le changement climatique et la pollution atmosphérique. Parmi les secteurs d'origine anthropique, le transport routier est considéré comme le premier contributeur au réchauffement climatique, due notamment aux émissions de CO2, de précurseurs d'ozone, et d'aérosols carbonés (carbone noir). De plus, les émissions liées au transport routier telles que les oxydes d'azote (NOx), l'ammoniac (NH3), les carbonyles volatiles, les hydrocarbures gazeux, et les aérosols, contribuent à la dégradation de la qualité de l'air.Le but de cette étude était d'approfondir l'état des connaissances en termes de facteurs d'émissions associés au transport, pour les polluants en phases gazeuse et solide. Un intérêt particulier a été apporté sur l'influence des systèmes de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement, et de la qualité du carburant, sur les émissions d'espèces réglementées et non-réglementées. Des campagnes de mesure ont été menées sur différentes catégories de véhicules dans le laboratoire d'étude des émissions (VELA) du centre commun de recherche de la commission Européenne (JRC-EC) à Ispra, en Italie. La flotte de véhicules choisie comprenait des camions (moyens et poids lourds), des voitures et des deux-roues formant un ensemble représentatif des véhicules circulant en Europe. En plus des carburants classiques, essence et diesel, les véhicules ont été alimentés avec des carburants alternatifs tels que le bioéthanol, et le gaz de pétrole liquéfié. Les émissions en phase gazeuse ont été mesurées par spectroscopie infra-rouge à transformé de Fourier (FT-IR; pour les composés azotés, les carbonyles volatiles et les petits hydrocarbures), par spectrométrie de masse à temps de vol après ionisation multi-photonique résonnante (REMPI-ToF-MS; pour les hydrocarbures aromatiques mono et polycycliques), par spectromètrie de masse haute résolution à temps de vol dédié à l'analyse des aérosols atmosphériques (HR-TOF-AMS; pour les aérosols organiques), et par photométrie d'absorption multi-angle (MAAP; pour le carbone élémentaire).Parmi les véhicules étudiés, les scooters ont été les plus gros émetteurs d'aérosols organiques primaires et d'hydrocarbures mono et polycycliques. De plus, le système de post-traitement des gaz d'échappement étudié pour le scooter le plus récent (conforme à la réglementation Euro 2) pourrait être responsable d'émissions importantes d'aérosols organiques. Concernant les voitures, et en particulier celles équipées de moteurs à allumage par étincelle, la plupart de leurs émissions intervenaient en début de cycle, avant que la température d'amorçage du pot catalytique soit atteinte. Ces émissions liées au démarrage à froid du véhicule pouvaient masquer les effets bénéfiques des carburants alternatifs en terme d'émissions de précurseurs d'ozone. Finalement, les camions étaient les plus gros émetteurs de suie (carbone élémentaire) et de NOx. Malgré le fait que plusieurs systèmes de retrofit se sont montrés particulièrement efficaces pour réduire les émissions des polluants réglementés (particules et NOx) de ces véhicules, certains d'entre eux produisaient des quantités significatives de NH3. Ce projet a permis de collecter des informations précieuses pour l'élaboration de la législation relative au développement d'un transport durable en Europe. / Transport sector plays a key role in global warming and air pollution. Among the anthropogenic sectors, on-road transport is recognized as the first contributor to global warming, mainly due to its emission of carbon dioxide, ozone precursors and carbonaceous aerosols. In addition, on-road transport contributes to the deterioration of air quality by releasing nitrogen oxides, ammonia, carbonyls, hydrocarbons and aerosols. However, the current European legislation of vehicles emissions focusses on a limited number of pollutants, namely hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.The aim of this work was to improve the knowledge about the emission factors of gas phase and particle-associated emissions from vehicle exhaust. The impacts of aftertreatment devices and fuel quality on regulated and unregulated species were studied. Several sampling campaigns with different types of vehicles were conducted in the vehicle emission laboratory (VELA) at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) Ispra, Italy. The vehicles chosen were representative of some categories circulating in Europe (heavy duty vehicles, light duty vehicles, two-stroke mopeds), and either standard fuel or some alternative fuels (ethanol and liquefied petroleum gas) were used. The gas phase was monitored by a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (carbonyls, nitrogen-containing species, small hydrocarbons), and a resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (mono and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). The particulate phase was analyzed by a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (organic aerosol, chloride, nitrate), and a multiangle absorption photometer (black carbon). The mopeds were found to have the higher emission factors of primary organic aerosol and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. While efficient to reduce the regulated emissions, the after-treatment used to comply with the moped Euro 2 emission standard might be responsible of large emission of unregulated organic aerosols. Most of the emission linked to the gasoline light duty vehicles were released before the light-off of the catalyst. Whereas alternative fuels studied helped to reduce ozone precursor emissions, the emissions associated to the cold start of the vehicle reduced this beneficial effect. Finally, the heavy duty diesel vehicle featured the highest NOx and black carbon emissions. Despite efficient retrofit and after-treatment systems (for particles and NOx), these vehicles could release significant amount of NH3. These results provided valuable insights for the drafting of legislation related to the achievement of sustainable transport in Europe.

Elsparkcyklar : För ett integrerat transportnät / E-scooters : For an integrated transport network

Stålhammar, Emilia, Engberg, Markus January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att belysa elsparkcykelns roll i transportplaneringen och arbetet med hållbara transportsystem. Mobilitet och tillgänglighet är faktorer som ligger till grund för människors val av resor och värderas därför högt inom städers transportplanering. Mikromobila fordon är innovativa transportmedel med syfte att främja hög mobilitet och tillgänglighet samtidigt som de bidrar med ett hållbart resande. Studien berör ämnet resebeteende för att undersöka användningen av mikromobilitet för alternativa transportmedel. Det har även gjorts undersökningar baserat på metoden mobility management för att undersöka metoder för beteendepåverkan samt vilka syfte dessa har. Meningen med dessa åtgärder ligger till grund i att minska bilanvändningen samt att människor ska övergå till mer hållbara transportmedel. Studien undersöker fenomenet elsparkcyklar och resebeteenden i Malmö stad, Helsingborg stad och Trelleborg kommun, några av Skånes största kommuner. Malmö och Helsingborg har implementerat elsparkcyklar i deras transportnät och ställer sig i grunden positiva till fordonen men att situationen på flera sätt behöver lösas. Politiken har uttalat sig om att elsparkcyklar är här för att stanna eftersom de ser en potential i att skapa en högre mobilitet och framtidstänk i dessa fordon. Regleringar för elsparkcyklar har tillkommit under senare år efter att fordonen implementerats. Detta på grund av att städerna var oförberedda när elsparkcykelföretagen valde att etablera sina verksamheter. Detta har medfört att städerna halkade efter i utvecklingen och processen att tillämpa regelverk har tillkommit i efterhand. Eftersom det är ett relativt nytt fordon har ingen större studie genomförts kring användningen av dessa fordon vilket har lett till att städer har haft svårt att analysera vilka verktyg som behövs för en bra utveckling av elsparkcyklar i staden. Studiens dokument- och intervjustudie har belyst kommunernas arbete med hållbara transporter och förändrat resebeteende samt deras syn på det nya mikromobila fordonet elsparkcykeln, vilket har bidragit till en bred grund att utveckla studiens analytiska del såväl som resultat. Uppsatsens slutsats kommer fram till att arbetet att uppnå ett hållbart resande kräver ett tillitsfullt samarbete mellan involverade transport- och statliga aktörer, samt tydligt utvecklade strategier för integrering av transportsystemen som underlättar för individer i påverkansarbetet. Men om elsparkcyklar är en del i detta är fortfarande oklart. / This study aims to shed light on the role of electric scooters in transport planning and sustainable transport systems. Mobility and accessibility are factors that underpin people's travel choices and are therefore highly valued in urban transport planning. Micromobile vehicles are innovative means of transportation with the aim of promoting high mobility and accessibility while contributing to sustainable travel. The study addresses the topic of travel behavior to investigate the use of micromobility for alternative means of transport. There have also been studies based on the mobility management methodology to investigate methods for influencing behavior and their purpose. The purpose of these measures is based on reducing car use and encouraging people to switch to more sustainable modes of transport. The study investigates the phenomenon of electric scooters and travel behavior in Malmö city, Helsingborg city and Trelleborg municipality, some of Skåne's largest municipalities. Malmö and Helsingborg have implemented electric scooters in their transport network and are basically positive about the vehicles, but the situation needs to be resolved in several ways. Politicians have stated that electric scooters are here to stay because they see a potential in creating higher mobility and future thinking in these vehicles. Regulations for electric scooters have been added in recent years after the implementation of the vehicles. This is because cities were unprepared when electric scooter companies chose to establish their operations. This has meant that cities have lagged behind in the development and the process of applying regulations has been added afterwards. Since it is a relatively new vehicle, no major study has been conducted on the use of these vehicles, which has led to cities having difficulty analyzing what tools are needed for a good development of electric scooters in the city. The study's document and interview study has highlighted the municipalities' work with sustainable transport and changed travel behavior as well as their view of the new micromobile vehicle the electric scooter, which has contributed to a broad basis for developing the study's analytical part as well as results. The thesis concludes that the work to achieve sustainable travel requires a trusting cooperation between the involved transport and governmental actors, as well as clearly developed strategies for integrating the transport systems that facilitate individuals in the advocacy work. But whether electric scooters are part of this is still unclear.

No-go-zoner & Gråzoner : En undersökning om elsparkcyklar och konsekvenserna av publika-privata förhandlingsprocesser för Malmös ‘utsatta områden’ / No-Go Zones & Gray Zones : A research about e-scooters and the consequences of public-private negotiation processes for Malmö’s ‘vulnerable areas’

Wihlborg, Sara, Birde, Nora January 2022 (has links)
När delningstjänster för elsparkcyklar spred sig över hela världen hade städer varken kunskap eller verktyg att hantera detta nya fenomen. Situationen var liknande hösten 2019 när de över en natt kom och belamrade Malmös gator. Sedan delningstjänster för elsparkcyklar kom till Malmö har förhandlingar och utvecklingen av dess drift skett kontinuerligt och gör så även idag. Samtidigt har det pågått en debatt om hur bra elsparkcyklarna verkligen är, då främst gällande miljö-, regel- och säkerhetsperspektiv. Vad som saknats är en bredare debatt kring dess sociala påverkan av samhället. I en artikel i Sydsvenskan framgick det dock att elsparkcykeloperatörerna inte erbjuder delningstjänsten i Malmös utsatta områden till följd av bland annat vandalisering av fordonen. Elsparkcykeloperatörernas makt att exkludera områden och dess invånare från delningstjänster för elsparkcyklarna är problematiskt då det skapar ojämlika förutsättningar för Malmöbor att transportera sig i staden. Genom en triangulering av dokumentstudier och intervjuer undersöker uppsatsen hur det kommer sig att elsparkcykeloperatörer kan bestämma var elsparkcyklar får och inte får köra och/eller parkera samt hur samarbetet mellan publika och privata aktörer ser ut. Detta har undersökts för att bilda förståelse för hur exkluderingen av de utsatta områdena kommit till. Därefter har konsekvenserna av denna förhandlingsprocess undersökts utifrån begreppen transportexkludering och territoriell stigmatisering. Bristande regelverk och en skev maktbalans mellan publika och privata aktörer ger negativa konsekvenser för hur socialt utsatta områden i Malmö exkluderas och stigmatiseras av elsparkcykeloperatörerna på grund av marknadsintressen. En nationell lagändring och upphandling kan vara en väg framåt för att Malmö Stad själva ska kunna besluta om vart delningstjänster för elsparkcyklar ska finnas och förhindra att områdena exkluderas. På så vis kan de också uppnå sina egna mål och visioner i arbetet för inkluderande och rättvisa transportmöjligheter för alla i invånare i Malmö. / When e-scooter sharing spread all over the world, cities had neither knowledge nor tools to handle the new phenomenon. This was also the case when they in the fall of 2019 came to the city of Malmö and trafficked the streets overnight. Since they came to the city, negotiations and development of the operations have continuously evolved and still do today. Meanwhile there has been a debate about how good the e-scooters actually are, mainly regarding environmental impact, regulation and safety. What’s been lacking is a broader debate about its social impact on society. However, an article in the newspaper Sydsvenskan shed light on the fact that no e-scooter company operates in Malmös ‘vulnerable areas’ using the risk of vandalism of the vehicles as a reason for this choice. The power that the e-scooter companies exclude certain areas from using the e-scooter is problematic since it creates unequal transport possibilities for the citizens of Malmö to travel around the city. Through a triangulation of document studies and interviews, this research examines how the e-scooter companies can decide where e-scooters are allowed or not allowed to drive and/or park. Furthermore, the research also looks into the collaboration between public and private actors. These topics have been researched to form an understanding of how the exclusions of the ‘vulnerable areas’ have been created. Based on this, the research then examines the consequences of the negotiation processes based on the theoretical concepts of transport exclusion and territorial stigmatization. Deficient laws and a skewed power balance results in negative consequences for how ‘vulnerable areas’ in Malmö are excluded and further stigmatized due to economic factors. We suggest that a national change of laws and a public procurement could be a way forward for the municipality of Malmö, which would allow them to decide for themselves that the ‘vulnerable areas’ can’t be excluded and hence be able to achieve their own visions to have inclusive and just transport opportunities for all citizens of Malmö.

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